Simple April 1st pranks for parents. April Fool's Day: ideas for jokes and pranks

The tradition of celebrating April 1st originates in Ancient Rome - on this day it was customary to organize funny pranks and jokes dedicated to the God of laughter, Rizus. It was believed that people with their cheerful, infectious laughter please and appease this powerful deity. In addition, the ancient Roman April 1 was called “Day of Fools,” which fully corresponded to the essence of the holiday - of course, in the most harmless context. After all, only on this day did the citizens of Rome get a wonderful opportunity to have fun, making fun of their friends or complete strangers. As for the ancient Slavs, there was a popular belief that on April 1 the brownie wakes up after hibernation. Therefore, it was customary to leave food and drink for the Master of the house, as well as to have fun and laugh - so that the spirit would not get angry and create disorder in the household. Modern jokes on April 1 provide a wide field for imagination, since various devices and gadgets come to the “aid” of the jokers. Our selection contains ideas for funny jokes for April Fool's Day - for friends and classmates at school, colleagues at work, and for parents at home. How to make a joke for April 1st with your own hands? Watch our videos - and you can surprise and delight your loved ones and friends with funny pranks! A bright picture of congratulations on April 1, sent by email, or a cool SMS with a joke will lift your spirits and give you a boost of humor for the whole day.

The funniest April 1st jokes for friends and classmates at school – ideas, videos

From the first calendar days of spring, schoolchildren have been enjoying the warmth and the imminent end of the school year. However, there is still April 1 ahead - with its funny jokes and pranks! For the funniest holiday of the year, you can organize funny, harmless jokes for your classmates that will cause a lot of positive emotions and “healthy” collective laughter. We suggest using interesting video ideas to create the funniest April Fool's jokes within the walls of your own school. Such pranks will create a festive, carefree atmosphere - all participants will remember April Fool's Day for a long time!

A selection of ideas for funny jokes for April 1st for school friends and classmates:

You can create a funny prank on April 1 by purchasing a school diary in advance with the same cover as your classmate’s. Then we wait for the moment when the “victim” of the prank is absent from class, and we replace the diaries - the “old” one must be hidden in a safe place. This joke will be revealed during the next lesson. Perhaps the teacher will call the student to the board and ask for a diary for evaluation - and it will turn out to be completely empty! Of course, the classmate will get his document back and laugh with his friends, appreciating the “merciless” school humor on April 1st.

We send an SMS to a classmate’s cell phone with approximately the following content: “Your phone is infected with a virus! To delete it, you need to guess the name of the person who sent this SMS, and then send a reply joke on April 1.”

If a friend comes to visit you on April Fool's Day, you can take advantage of the moment and make a funny prank. When a guest visits the toilet, we place pieces of paper in his shoes, discreetly hiding them in his socks. Before leaving, a friend puts on his shoes and discovers some “inconvenience” - now you can “reveal your cards” and congratulate him on April 1st. Alternatively, the friend remains “in the dark”, and on the way home he himself will guess - today is April Fool’s Day!

Funny jokes for work colleagues on April 1, video - bright pictures of Happy April Fool's Day

It is known that we spend a significant part of our lives at work, so we develop friendships or friendships with many colleagues. April Fool's Day is an excellent occasion to take a little break from the “harsh” everyday work life and arrange funny jokes and pranks for your work colleagues. Despite the fact that in 2017 April 1 falls on Saturday, fun “surprises” for colleagues can be postponed to Monday. In our "piggy bank" there are many April Fool's office jokes that will cheer up all participants and cause carefree and cheerful laughter. After watching our video with jokes, you will learn a lot of interesting things for yourself and arrange an unforgettable April 1st holiday for your colleagues. Bright pictures and congratulations on April Fool's Day can be sent by email - we are sure that in response from a colleague you will receive the same funny postcard on April 1.

A kaleidoscope of funny jokes for April 1st for office colleagues and superiors:

For office fun-loving people and “handy people”, you can organize a prank with a colleague’s computer. Of course, you don’t have to infect the unit with a virus - we’ll make do with a completely harmless, but “win-win” joke. As part of the preliminary preparation, we take a sheet of paper and pour PVA glue onto it - an impressive puddle is formed. When the glue dries, carefully separate the “stain” from the sheet and place it on the keyboard. From the outside, such a glue puddle will look absolutely believable - the colleague’s reaction will be confirmation. A colleague will appreciate such a harmless joke on April 1 and laugh cheerfully along with everyone else.

A boss with a sense of humor is truly a gift for his subordinates. If your boss is not against office pranks and jokes, on April 1 we suggest organizing a little dress-up prank. To do this, you will need several beautiful dresses that colleagues can bring from home. One of the employees runs into her boss’s office throughout the day on various matters – and each time she appears in a new outfit. Perhaps the boss will not immediately understand the essence of such a joke, but later he will definitely appreciate the resourcefulness and creativity of his native team.

You can tell a funny joke to a colleague using a voice recorder, on which a funny sound is pre-recorded and repeated periodically. Then we turn on the device and place it in a secluded place on the table - for example, in the far corner of a drawer. At every interesting sound from the table, we pretend to be calm, and answer all our colleague’s questions like this: “No, it seemed to you, I didn’t hear anything.” After some time, you admit that it was such a joke on April 1st.

Choose a bright, funny picture for a colleague on April 1:

Harmless jokes on April 1st at home on parents - ideas for pranks with videos

Children are happy to play pranks on their parents on April 1, and moms and dads prank their beloved children. Of course, it’s better to make jokes on your parents at home that are light and harmless, which will definitely be received with fun and humor. Here you will find some funny joke ideas and videos for April 1st - parents and children will be delighted!

Examples of harmless jokes and pranks on April 1 - for parents and children:

Preparations for this prank should begin on the eve of April 1st. When the parents fall asleep, we quietly sew together their blanket and sheet in several places. In the morning we quickly burst into the room shouting “We’ve been flooded!” or "Fire!" - and we observe the humorous outcome of the April Fool's joke. Despite the obvious harmlessness, it is better to carry out such a prank with two conditions - the “joker’s” mom and dad have strong nerves and an impeccable sense of humor.

This April Fool's joke won't scare anyone, but it will certainly amuse you. As in the previous joke, the prank requires preliminary preparation - late in the evening we go to the bathroom and squeeze out the contents of the dental tube. Instead of paste, fill the container with sour cream or mayonnaise, and for completeness, fasten the toothbrush and cup with double-sided tape. Parents will discover the consequences of such a joke while brushing their teeth in the morning and will laugh merrily along with their “resourceful” children.

How to make a joke for April 1st with your own hands at home, video ideas

There are many ways to make a funny prank on April 1 - for a friend, classmate or work colleague. What kind of jokes can you make on April Fool's Day? The video presents ideas for modern April Fools' pranks.

So, in our selection you will find many ideas for jokes on April 1 - for friends and classmates at school, work colleagues, parents. How to make funny jokes for April 1st with your own hands at home? With the help of our detailed video, you can amuse your family and friends by organizing funny pranks on April Fool's Day. A cool SMS or a bright picture postcard from April 1 will lift the recipient’s spirits and set him in the mood for a carefree holiday.

There are a lot of different jokes for such an April Fool's Day. Long before today, people joked with each other on various occasions. For example, the phrase “Oh, your milk has run out” or “Your back is white” was often heard, and the person immediately reacted to these phrases, trying to correct the situation. But it should be noted that on such a day no one was offended by anyone, and even, on the contrary, tried to make fun of their opponent in response.

A centuries-old tradition allows jokes to be made on absolutely everyone, be it a child or an adult. And on this day no one is offended at each other. Of course, it is necessary to take into account the preferences of the other and in no case offend the person with ridiculous jokes. After all, as you know, everyone has such unfavorite topics.

Many children amuse their parents on this wonderful day, lifting their spirits and charging them with positivity in the morning. For example, if early in the morning you sneak into the bedroom unnoticed and use clothespins to fasten the sheet and duvet cover together, and then suddenly wake them up, shouting that everyone overslept and were late for work, mom and dad will frantically get out of such a “hut” without understanding what’s going on. . Unless someone remembers what day it is first.

You need to think about how to play a prank on your mother on April 1, because such a person requires special attention. Therefore, the joke should not offend or upset. After all, the main goal is to make a funny joke so that you can laugh heartily afterwards.

An interesting prank for mom will be a morning breakfast prepared with “special” care. First, you need to prepare a completely complete everyday breakfast, but after that you should do the final part, adding a little zest to the meal, which should be in the dessert, but you should add pepper or salt to it. After all, the main breakfast will be eaten, so the mother is full and will calmly proceed, for example, to a sweet dessert prepared by her child. But the dessert should be either salty, bitter, or sour. Who has any imagination? After such a prank, the whole family will probably laugh merrily. After all, sometimes mothers, in order not to upset their child, try to eat such a breakfast, which adds even more interest to the joke.

To prepare such a “special” dessert, you can use processed cheese. To do this, rub the product on a fine grater, adding more garlic and hot pepper. After this, you should make small balls from the mass, which are dipped in liquid jam. And only then place the balls on a plate and sprinkle with, for example, coconut flakes. Such a dessert will look appetizing and even a well-fed person will probably agree to try at least a little.

As you know, in most cases it is the mother who goes to school parent-teacher meetings. In order to have a fun prank on your mom and use the school option, you can ask your friend’s mom to report on the upcoming parent-teacher meeting and what is noted there, for example, her daughter’s bad behavior. In the end, of course, the mother will scold her child. But here you will have to be patient and wait for the moment to go to this meeting, after which you will not allow your mother to go to school, confess everything, otherwise you will end up pranking the teacher too.

You can also prank your mother early in the morning with toothpaste. To do this, cut off the bottom of the tube, squeeze out the contents, and fill it with mayonnaise instead. It is not uncommon for tubes to contain round screw-on caps; this toothpaste is easily squeezed out and refilled. The wide neck allows you to fill the tube with any non-harmful product. After which mom, of course, will be very surprised and immediately remember that April 1st has arrived. Sometimes children, playing pranks on their mothers, glue the brush and paste to the entire length of the glass. It turns out to be an interesting joke that will bring a lot of laughter.

It is also undeniable that mother tries every day to restore order in the house and monitors the cleanliness. In this case, you can play a prank on the parent precisely on this occasion. Why in one of the rooms should you fasten with ropes all objects, things and anything that cannot break or break. After this, connect the rope in one place and attach it to the entrance handle. When mom enters such a room, she will pull the attached rope, which will throw all things and objects from their places. Of course, it will turn out to be a complete mess, but mom’s face at this moment will be extremely surprised. You can capture this moment with a photograph or make a video for laughter, so that you can all laugh together many more times.

You can also play a prank on your mother in the morning using her clothes. To do this, you need to take everyday clothes for the house and sew on the sleeves, for example, of a robe, with large stitches. After mom gets up, she starts putting on her home clothes, but no such luck. As a result, most likely she will quickly realize that this is a prank, but for the first time, her face will probably be surprised.

You can do the same with your mother’s other favorite clothes, but a little differently. If mom has a favorite robe, you need to buy something similar or the same in advance. After that, feel free to start the draw. To do this, prepare your mother’s robe next to you and spill coffee or tea on her clothes in front of her eyes. After which she will most likely be indignant, and at this time give her a new robe purchased in advance. Moreover, such a joke will end not only with laughter, but also with a pleasant gift.

You can joke a little differently, choosing a different direction of humor, but you should do this only when your mother has a well-developed sense of humor and she will react normally to this joke. To do this, you can come home holding a bottle of beer in your hands or an unlit cigarette in your teeth. It is clear that for some parents such a joke can end sadly, so knowing your mother, it is worth considering whether such a joke will harm her. After all, when the child was completely positive, and here is something that can lead to fainting. But often such a joke only leads to laughter.

You can also joke with your mother’s robe, or other clothes, by pouring all sorts of small things into your pockets. For example, semolina or rice, as well as something that can get dirty, but can be washed off well. For example, an open jar of gouache. After all, when mom puts on a robe, and the jar gets in the way and sticks out, then you will definitely want to reach in with your hand and check what is there. In this case, your fingers will definitely get into the paint. After which the surprised mother will run to wash her hands and remember April Fool’s Day.

It is not uncommon for children to play pranks on their beloved parents, bringing a lot of laughter, joy and fun, and the first of April is the day for just such a celebration. Therefore, the more joy there is, the more fun the solemn day, which is celebrated in many countries, will be, and various practical jokes will help to carry it out, charging with positivity and remaining in the memory for a long time.

This day holds the record for the number of draws of the year. By the way, being offended by April Fools' pranks is considered bad manners.

Sputnik Georgia has prepared a selection of “jokes” for those who want to prank their household, friends, colleagues, classmates on April Fool’s Day and cheer up those around them - relatives, friends or just passers-by.

How to prank your household

When you wake up early, put children's clothes on the adults, and parents' clothes on the children, replace the slippers with a larger or smaller size. You can put slippers of different sizes, hide one sock from a different pair, or stitch a sock, and so on.

If you are not too lazy to spend a little time preparing the prank, you can sew up the sleeves or trouser legs of your household members’ clothes with a thin, easily torn thread late the night before. You can also sew the sleeve to the trouser leg or sew up the neckline. Such innocent jokes will turn the process of dressing into a game and put all family members in a positive mood.

You can remember the jokes that we did more than once in childhood - to paint the face of a sleeping person with toothpaste, ketchup or another quickly washed off mixture, and to cover the soap with colorless varnish so that it does not foam.

You can also squeeze out the toothpaste, and instead use a syringe to fill the tube with milk, sour cream or mayonnaise. By the way, milk will be funnier.

Also, the faucet divider can be tinted with liquid dye - blue or red, as a result, blue or red water will flow from the faucet. By the way, the latter are scarier.

You can pour a detergent into the toilet that foams well, or put dry pasta under the toilet seat, and when someone sits on it, it will crack as if it is broken.

© photo: Sputnik / Ruslan Krivobok

You can carry out various manipulations with cosmetics. For example, replace face cream or deodorant with butter.

In the kitchen, according to tradition, you can replace sugar with salt, add pepper to coffee - this drink is very invigorating in the morning, especially on April 1st. But it would be funnier to make a fried egg from sour cream and half a canned peach and serve jelly instead of juice.

The list of various jokes is endless, and it doesn’t matter how you prank your family on April Fool’s Day. Most importantly, remember that this is a great opportunity to have fun with the whole family.

How to prank your friends

There are many jokes related to the phone. For example, call a friend from an unknown phone number and say the following text: “Hello, is this Durov’s corner? Do you need a talking horse? Just don’t hang up, you know how hard it is to dial with your hoof!”

Or, call a friend and ask him not to answer the phone for a few minutes because the operator is on the line and he could get an electric shock. After a while, call back, and if your friend picks up, let out a heart-rending scream. This prank is not for the faint of heart, so joke in such a way as not to harm your loved one.

For the next draw, you need to enable forwarding on your mobile phone to any number - for example, a government agency, hairdresser, bathhouse or rest home. The surprise of people calling you will know no bounds when, instead of your greeting, they hear an unfamiliar voice pronouncing the name of the organization.

You can prank your friend by placing a fart pillow on him. To make the pad more difficult to notice, it is better to place it under the seat cushion. Just make sure there is somewhere for the air to escape.

You can successfully make fun by offering cola with ice. Only the ice should be filled with Mentos chewing candy. After the ice melts and the cola reacts with the mentos, a real fountain is guaranteed.

You can also prank your girlfriend in the following way, which is called a “secret admirer.” You should order a gorgeous bouquet and include an anonymous note indicating the place and time of the meeting, and a request to bring this very bouquet with you.

You need to send a man unknown to her to meet your girlfriend, but he must come with his companion. Approaching your friend, he must take the bouquet from her and solemnly present it to his companion. But, in order not to drive your loved one to the brink, you need to immediately appear and hand over flowers intended specifically for her.

If you work with a friend in the same office or get to his workplace without interference, you can cover it with stickers on which you first write declarations of love, good wishes, and so on. Or simply throw toys at his workplace, for example, frogs, various rattlers, and so on.

By the way, you can throw a party with friends and ask each of them to prepare several comic competitions for the evening, and before the end of the holiday, sum up the results and award a prize for the most successful draw.

How to prank your colleagues

The easiest prank to perform is to cover the mouse with tape and watch your perplexed colleague or colleagues. You can draw or write something cool on the tape: “I’ll be there after lunch, your little mouse.”

© photo: Sputnik / Vladimir Vyatkin

Gala show "Congress of Fools" takes place in Moscow

Or hide the mouse altogether by placing a note with drawn footprints and the words: “Don’t look for me, I found a more caring daddy.” You can also tape everything on it to your colleague’s desk with double-sided tape - pens, pencils, keyboard, notepad, mouse, phone, and so on.

An explosion of laughter in the office is guaranteed by a fan honking under a colleague's chair.

Wait until your colleague leaves the office for a while, and change the birthday on his Facebook page to April 1, and watch his/her reaction when they are bombarded with congratulations.

Want to prank all your employees at the same time? Bring to work a box of delicious cakes or sweets with the inscription April 1st. At the same time, just in passing, say that you don’t want something. I guarantee that no one will touch these goodies, as everyone will wonder what you did with them.

You can also bring a box of sweet pillows to the office, for example, “Taste the Crunch,” after replacing the contents with Whiskas pillows, and observe the reaction of your colleagues to the “sweet” pillows.

You can print out your boss’s order to change the vacation schedule and post it on the notice board. Or say that half of each employee’s salary will be transferred to the organization’s fund.

If your boss has a sufficient sense of humor, you can prank him or her, or maybe them. For example, the whole team should write resignation letters of their own free will and bring them for signature at the same time. True, there is a danger that the boss will actually sign these statements.

You can also write applications asking for financial assistance in the amount of 10 salaries in connection with the birth of quintuplets, a flight to Venus, the arrival of aliens, and so on, it all depends on the flight of your imagination.

How to prank teachers and classmates

For teachers, April 1 has always been a difficult day, as young pranksters await pranks at every step, for whom this day brings indescribable joy.

Schoolchildren are more inventive than adults. The range of their jokes and pranks is quite extensive, and one can only envy their imaginations.

Among the most common school pranks is sticking stickers to the backs of classmates with inscriptions of various contents, such as “I’ll ride with the breeze” or “whoever doesn’t have a horse, sit on me.”

The old joke, “where did you get so dirty” always works. You can also offer someone a soda, shaking the bottle well beforehand.

A simple prank that always works. On a piece of paper write “there is a broom on the ceiling” and pass it around the class. One of the classmates who reads it will definitely raise his head up, then the next one, and so on. And along with them, the teacher begins to look at the ceiling, trying to understand what is happening.

If you're not afraid of the teacher's righteous anger, you can use the old trick and rub the chalkboard with dry soap. In this case, you won’t be able to write on the blackboard with chalk. But keep in mind that you will have to wash the board yourself later.

Nowadays, almost every schoolchild has a mobile phone, so you can come up with different jokes related to the phone. Or just put some lipstick on the phone and call him. His ear will be covered in lipstick after he picks up the phone.

For the next trick, take a large cardboard box and cut out the bottom. Place the cardboard on the cabinet so that the bottom fits tightly, fill it with confetti and cover it on top.

By the way, in order for the box to attract the teacher’s attention, you need to write something eye-catching on the side with a bright sticker, like sex for a guy. When the teacher enters the classroom and sees the box, he will try to remove it or ask one of the students to remove it. In any case, the victim will be showered with confetti.

You can prank the teacher by saying that the director is calling him to his office. But we need to have time to hang a poster on the door of the director’s office with the inscription: “Don’t trust anyone on the first of April!”

April Fool's pranks will give you a lot of bright impressions, positive emotions and will be remembered for a long time. So use your imagination, have fun and amuse the people around you.

Just remember that pranks must be adequate to the sense of humor of the person for whom you have prepared jokes for April 1, and observe a sense of proportion in everything, so as not to inadvertently offend someone.

The material was prepared based on open sources

Each person probably played a prank on their friends, relatives, teachers and just acquaintances on the day of deception. And many of them will do this next year, be it a teacher, a colleague, a classmate, a mother or a father. A few tips on how to prank your neighbor will help you. Just don’t forget - laughter can be good or evil, and jokes can be witty or stupid, choose for yourself what you like best. You can practice these draws both on regular days and on April 1st.

1. This giveaway must take place in a home, not outdoor setting, although if you can use it in another way, well done! With its help, you can prank your boyfriend, girlfriend, parents, even your teacher. For the drawing you will need a small box, bright wrapping paper, a felt-tip pen, and confetti. Cover the box with wrapping paper so that it is bright and eye-catching; for the same purposes, you can write on it something like “Candy”, “Don’t touch it, it will kill you!” or "Take me." The box should not have a bottom. Place it in a high place (so that it is higher than human height), on a cabinet, for example. Fill the box with confetti, and if the “object” you are pranking has a good sense of humor or, on the contrary, really annoys you, fill the box with some garbage (gnawed bones, potato peels, garlic, onions, so that it smells nicer). The “object” enters the room and sees the box. She attracts his attention to her and he films her. But the box has no bottom! Fireworks are guaranteed if there is confetti in the box, and something less pleasant than fireworks if there is trash.

2. Call your neighbors and say in a calm, non-threatening voice that they called you from the telephone exchange and warned that an electric current will be released through the telephone wire in connection with the repair of the telephone line. Draw their attention to the fact that they should not answer calls for 10 minutes to avoid loss of life. After 15 minutes, call your neighbors and, if they answer the phone, let out an inhuman scream. They'll probably think you've been electrocuted.

3. Tell your friends that in 15 minutes hot steam will be released through the telephone wire, so you need to wrap the telephone handsets in a towel and plastic and place them on the floor. And then it’s up to you, you must have time to run around everyone to check who believed your joke.

4. Explain to a friend or acquaintance who does not understand computers the rules for using e-mail. And by chance you remember that just now they should have sent you 500 rubles by email. Having previously placed the specified amounts in the drive, you pull them out of there in front of the amazed student. Miracle of technology!

5. Recruit a few of your friends for this giveaway. You enter a subway car, go to the button to communicate with the driver, and pretend that you are communicating with him. Loudly: “Pizza and a large cola in carriage No...” (you call the carriage number). At the next stop, your accomplice comes in with your order (preferably in appropriate clothing). You pick up your order, pay, and your assistant comes out immediately. You get in touch with the driver again: “Until the final stop without stopping.” The reaction of passengers is indescribable.

6. You and a company (it’s better if there are more of you) are traveling by river transport (you can use land transport, but, for example, on a bridge under which a river flows). You suddenly shout loudly something like “Sharks!” or “Look! Whale!". All passengers look overboard.

7. This prank is best done for a teacher. If there is snow outside, make a snowball (a lump of snow). During recess, while the teacher is not in class, you attach it to the ceiling directly above the teacher's desk. If you're lucky, the snowball, having melted, will fall right on the teacher's head (like snow on his head, as they say), if not, that's okay: the snowball will plop down on the teacher's desk. The main thing is that your class is friendly and no one gives away the secret of who was the author of the prank.

8. Take a box of powder or something else chemical, empty the contents, insert a plastic bag with some treat of the same color into it. You can eat this on a bus or tram in front of dozens of people. Perhaps someone will want to save you, and someone will ask for a treat.

9. A prank for a fun company. One person runs past a crowded area (bus stop, etc.) and asks people to cover him. In this case, it is necessary to depict some wild animal: a tiger (the hero wears a striped sweater and makes scary faces), a deer (his arms fan above his head). After 15-20 seconds, a whole company of “hunters” runs past the same stop, toy guns in their hands, asking the people at the stop: “Have you seen a tiger (deer)?” It is guaranteed that they will not soon forget this hunt.

11. Dress with a friend in the same clothes, it is best if the jacket has a hood. You are standing at one bus stop (it’s more fun to play a prank in the subway), and your friend is at the next one. When the bus approaches, you supposedly don’t have time to get on it and run after it. When the bus comes to the next stop, your friend gets on, pretending to be very out of breath from running, and says: “I’ve completely lost my dexterity.” Next time you change places, and you observe the reaction of the people.

12. Find a long rope and ask a passerby on the street (near the house) to hold it, then after 5 minutes walk around the house. At this time, you walk around the house yourself so that the first passer-by does not see you. You find another “victim”, hand her the second end of the rope, and ask her to do the same. Passers-by stand stupidly on different sides of the house, holding the rope, and you stand in a safe place and watch both of them. In 5 minutes they will meet, maybe they will get acquainted and laugh at their naivety, or maybe they will go looking for you to take revenge.

13. Play this prank if you have a couple of extra hours to spare. Put a spool of thread in your pocket, the color of which is different from the color of your clothes. Leave the end of the thread sticking out of your pocket; of course, someone will want to serve you, don’t interfere with him in this.

14. You came to visit a friend, wait until he is busy. You go into the kitchen, pour water into a pan, cover it with a sheet of paper, turn it over without the water spilling out, and place it in a place that is inconvenient for the owner of the apartment (on the floor, on the table). A friend comes into the kitchen, sees an “unattended” pan, removes it and causes a flood. Another option for this prank: instead of a saucepan, you can pour water into a transparent 1, 2, 3, 5 liter jar. The “victim” will know what awaits him, but how to deal with smaller victims is a different question.

15. When you come to a party and go to the bathroom before dinner, don’t forget to leave the shower on so that your friends can also “swim.”

16. The required item for the raffle is a bunk bed. The time it takes place is at night or when the person being played is asleep. You pour water into a large jar, put a towel in it (there is a knot at the end of it). You and the can are on the second floor of the bed, your friend is sleeping downstairs. You turn the jar over and hang the end of the towel down so that the water dripping from it hits the “victim”’s face. After a few minutes, the “subject” will wake up and most likely pull the towel. Well, in vain...

17. If your friend has a computer, then you can prank him like this: you need a long, strong wire for the mouse. It is better for the system unit to be under the table. If possible, use a fake mouse - the same as the “victim’s” one, only not working. Wait until the “object” leaves the room, use a rope to tie the mouse’s tail to the leg of the chair, and push it under the table. When your friend enters the room, the first thing he will do is move his chair away to sit at the computer, while the mouse will “run away” from him, and when he tries to “catch” it, pulling it towards him, the chair will slide under the table, hitting him in the legs.

18. You are traveling in a cramped bus (subway car, tram, trolleybus), there is a lot of pressure in the morning, and you want to sit down. When addressing your friend or even a stranger, say a few phrases (speak louder so that others can hear you):

1) “I stole last time, now it’s your turn”;

2) “Heh, heh, heh, tuberculosis is completely tormenting me”;

3) “Don’t you know that AIDS is not transmitted by airborne droplets? I feel sorry for the people”;

4) “You don’t know where you can get a fake passport, otherwise they’ll be after me.”

19. You can make a snowfall in the teacher's room, classroom, or just the room of a friend, sister or brother.

Fill a suitable sized tube with confetti or baby powder and insert the tube into the gap between the wall and the door or into the keyhole. On the other hand, place a switched-on hairdryer on the handset. A dazzling sight!

20. This prank is best carried out in a building with a large crowd of people and rooms (at a school, college, supermarket, train station). Stock up on a lot of signs with the inscriptions “Toilet”, “Buffet”, “Cashier”, “Dining Room”, “Cheburechnaya”, “Dean’s Office”, etc. Hang these signs on any doors: at the dean’s office - “Dining Room”, at the cash desk - “Buffet” " One can only sympathize with the employees who will have to fend off persistent visitors. To avoid lines in the toilet or before entering the elevator, hang signs on the doors of these establishments that read “Out of Service.” You will save significant time.

Pranks at the festive table

If you decide to play a prank on your friends or acquaintances at an evening dedicated to April 1, then the festive table itself can become one of the main assistants in your endeavors. A harmless swap of the fork and knife of a sleeping neighbor will cause those around you, and especially you, to burst into laughter. By the way, the end of the joke can be a small knot that will tie your unlucky friend to the leg of his own chair (if you have the patience, you can tie the chairs of all the members of the festive dinner to each other). And a couple of funny patterns made from birthday cake cream on the subject’s face wouldn’t be out of place either. Having woken up, your friend will undoubtedly want to drink sparkling water, and you, as a faithful comrade, will, of course, provide him with such an opportunity, having first thoroughly shaken the highly carbonated drink. Just keep in mind that everyone present at the table, including you, will become the “victim” of such a joke.

At the table you can also show your psychic abilities. To do this, do not be lazy to write numbers from one to ten on separate pieces of paper and put them in different places (be sure to remember where and with what number you hid the piece of paper). Now you are fully armed. Ask your friend to name a number from one to ten, then point him to some place in your apartment (under the table or on the windowsill), there he will find a piece of paper with the number in mind. Don’t forget to write a note on it with a phrase that determines the level of mental development of your friend.

There are pranks especially for housewife girls. Ask one of them to go to the kitchen and check the readiness of some dish or drink (for example, milk or cocoa) that is being prepared in a pan on the stove. But don't forget that today is April 1st! A few minutes before she appears in the kitchen, you should pour dry ice into a pan of hot soapy (use shampoo) water. The girl learns a lot about the escaping “milk”.

For the next draw you will need two helpers. You remain in the same room with the “victim” of the prank, you need to prepare her for the subsequent “terrible” event, for this reason with your friend on the topic of the untimely deaths of many great people. After the “object” reaches the required state and is plunged into sad thoughts, hide quietly or silently leave the room. At this moment, one of your accomplices, having laid out on the asphalt (it is advisable that the apartment in which this action will take place is at least on the second floor) a pre-prepared doll, dressed in the same clothes as you, will loudly scream that something like “Fell, crashed, guard!” The second assistant takes the person being played into the yard where you supposedly met your end (don’t give yourself away by laughing loudly). Not finding you sprawled in a puddle of “blood” on the asphalt, your friends return back in bewilderment, and you calmly wait for them in your original place...