Congratulations on Teacher's Day to your beloved woman. Congratulations to your beloved girl, woman on Teacher's Day

You give skills and knowledge,
For whom the path to success is open
And this is the real calling
And your true talent lies.
Please accept my wishes with all my heart,
May you have many fruitful years.
Good luck to you in everything and prosperity,
Health, happiness, long life.

Congratulations to the Teacher in prose

The teaching profession is one of the most noble and necessary professions in our society. It is the Teacher who plays a big role in the formation of personality, and therefore influences the future fate of society.
For us, parents, it is important that our children learn with pleasure and gain not only knowledge, but also know how to build relationships with each other, appreciate and love nature, and respect the world around us in which we live.
We have repeatedly been convinced that you are not only a wonderful teacher, but also a sensitive and responsive person, a talented organizer. Your imagination and inexhaustible energy not only improve everyone’s mood, but also give a great boost of energy and a lot of impressions, both to us and to our children.
Today we sincerely congratulate you on your professional holiday! We wish you more and more achievements in your field, interesting ideas, and, of course, good health, prosperity and great personal happiness!

Congratulations on Teacher's Day from students

On your holiday we wish
There are fewer gloomy days in life,
After all, with your arrival in class
Everything becomes brighter
Your clear smile
Subtle mind and kindness
They leave in our hearts
A trail for many years

Nice birthday greetings to the teacher from colleagues

You are a good fairy who brings knowledge,
Giving happiness, bringing light,
Good luck and great recognition,
And new achievements, and new victories.
We value your experience and your talents,
Light up the guys and lead them to the goal,
We wish you great personal happiness
And so that there are no obstacles along the way.

Congratulations for the teacher

Working with children has always been the most difficult and full of challenges! After all, children need to not only be taught, but also raised as a team and protected. Participate in the life of every child. Thank you for your work, patience and understanding! Health to you and your loved ones!

Congratulations to the teacher from students in verse

Your work is honorable, noble,
It requires a lot of knowledge!
You give us a way into life,
We will never forget about this!

Teacher, always be happy!
You are sincere, responsible, reliable
For this, honor and great praise to you!
Believe me, we respect you very much,
Even though we sometimes play pranks in class!
We strive with all our souls for new knowledge,
Although we don’t always learn the rules!
We wish you energy, health,
Let adversity pass you by!
Let the world be full of smiles for you,
With love, all students!

Congratulations to the teacher on graduation from primary school

Let the children in your bright life,
You are surrounded like flowers,
Let there be more happiness in her,
Love, success, beauty.
Let school be in your life
Always a safe haven.
And may our world be so wonderful,
Kindness always saves!

Original congratulations to the teacher

Teacher is an honor! A teacher is a big responsibility! A teacher is a friend, comrade, parent! A teacher is a Person with a big heart and strong patience! ...You are a real Teacher! Happy holiday!

Words of congratulations on Teacher's Day

Today is the best holiday
Today is Teachers' Day.
People who opened doors
On the road called “Life”!
We want to say “Thank you very much”!
For your persistent patience,
For your wise advice,
For your kind eyes!
Thank you for being there in difficult times
You gave a helping hand
What was never condemned
But you only believed in us!

Congratulations to the teacher from parents in prose

I think it will not be superfluous to repeat that the teaching profession has at all times been one of the most respected and noble professions. Even in ancient times, people turned to the teacher not only for knowledge, but for wisdom and valuable advice, listening carefully to his every word. A person who could read and write was deeply revered even in tsarist times.
And today, the teacher is an authoritative member of modern society, giving more and more knowledge to children and helping them become worthy citizens of our country!
Today we want to not only congratulate you with all our hearts, but also thank you for your enormous, invaluable contribution to the education of our children!
We wish you great achievements in your professional activities, respect and decent remuneration for your work!
Always be truly happy!

Congratulations on Teacher's Day in verse

Dear teachers! Congratulations on your professional holiday! We sincerely wish you happiness, health and professional success! So that your students always respect and remember you! Happy holiday!

Comic congratulations to the teacher

You are our wonderful teacher,
Every resident knows this!
With you we will not be lost,
Let's find a beacon of knowledge!
Only with you we become smarter.
And we all cherish hope,
That someday we will be able to
Raise a lot of money
Find happiness in the world!
That's why we teach science
Even though we only torment ourselves,
But we are ready for you,
Show we are top class!
And today I congratulate you,
We want without pompous phrases!
We wish you a lot of happiness,
We are our teacher for you!

Congratulations on English Teacher's Day

Teacher's Day is no joke!
Dear teacher, you are our Star!
We assure you that we are in our right mind,
Yes of course, we always affirm!
Congratulations on this holiday,
And we wish you good luck in life!
Vi love you, we are obedient children,
Vi love english and u very much!

Poems of congratulations on Mathematics Teacher's Day

You are the best teacher in the world,
How good it is that on the planet,
There is our school and our class,
A teacher like you is an ass.
And we ask you:
Always stay the same
Don't give in to despondency
We love and respect you
And this is what our class tells you!

Happy Birthday to Teacher

We wish you happiness on your birthday,
We wish for a whole year
Enough strength and patience
Lead us to knowledge forward!
Let them give joy and smiles
Students for you on this day.
Forget about their mistakes -
They're not that big!
We wish you fiery debates
Always decide by consensus.
We wish you new spaces
Conquer scientific knowledge!

Tip: how to congratulate a teacher on his professional holiday

Even if you graduated from school a long time ago, say “thank you!” It's never too late for your teacher. An excellent gift for your teacher would not even be a bouquet of flowers, but the fact that after so many years you remember it with gratitude. Be sure to tell your teacher a little about yourself and the classmates you keep in touch with.
For example, a Russian language teacher can be congratulated like this: “Dear (name and patronymic)! Thank you for teaching me how to write without mistakes and love books! I always remember your lessons with great warmth! Good health and grateful students!”
A mathematics teacher will be pleased to hear the following wish: “Dear (name and patronymic)! Low bow to you for your lessons! May all the good that you have done multiply, may all your sorrows and joys be shared with you by your loved ones and friends, and may your health be elevated to square!".
You can wish the history teacher the following: “Dear (name and patronymic)! Thank you for teaching how to enter History and not end up in history! You are a real Teacher with a capital T! Health and longevity to you!”
If you want to congratulate your child’s teachers, discuss this point with your own offspring in advance. In addition to a bouquet of flowers, you should sincerely thank the teachers (or the child’s favorite mentor) for their work.

Poem congratulations to the teacher

The school has become our home,
And the teacher is a close person!
And we strive to congratulate you from the bottom of our hearts,
A note from our teacher!
On a modest notebook sheet,
We will write our wishes!
And let them not be foldable everywhere,
Those are treasured confessions to the teacher!
But those words come from the heart,
Expressing my admiration for you!
We appreciate your noble work,
Try to gain more knowledge!
We wish you happiness for the year ahead,
Let your dreams turn into reality!
Always happiness and health to you,
Let your plans come true!

Congratulations to the physical education teacher

Our physical education teacher

Gives girls figures

Guys will lose their muscles.

Happy holiday to you,

Physical culture!

Congratulations to the teacher from students

Our dear teacher, may this day not add wrinkles to you, and may old grievances and troubles be forgotten. After all, the warmth of your soul that you give us will forever remain a beacon in life. We wish you only health, happiness, joy, thank you for your work.

Happy Birthday to Teacher

______________(Name)! We congratulate you on behalf of our entire class and wish you to always be in a good mood and not get sick! May you always remain so kind, despite your strict profession! We love and respect you very much! Happy birthday!

Congratulations to a math teacher from students in verse

You teach us great mathematics,
How to count and multiply in practice,
How to divide and subtract a number,
So that they can master the craft!
We comprehend science slowly,
Math can be hard!
Well, we wish you well.
Be happy forever!

Congratulations on Teacher's Day

Thank you, our teacher!
For all your efforts and patience,
For your wise advice,
Which we were taught!

Congratulations to the Russian language teacher on the last call

Our dear ().Thank you for instilling in us a love of literature, and teaching us how to write competently and beautifully express our thoughts. We all wish you never to lose heart, because a piece of your kind soul will forever remain a good memory in our heart.

Congratulations to your beloved teacher from graduates in verse

Our beloved teacher,
It seems to us quite recently!
Got up for school too early
We were in a hurry from classes for recess,
And we learned serious knowledge!
Sometimes you swore at us,
And they put two marks in the notebook!
You called your parents to school,
Oh, how sometimes we were offended by you!
Now we understand it was in vain
You have always had a dream -
Teach us knowledge and friendship,
So that it would be more interesting for us to live in the world!
Today we sincerely congratulate you,
We wish you success and creativity!
Inquisitive and obedient students,
Fewer dissatisfied and indifferent!
Love, flowers and beauty,
Let all your efforts be highly appreciated!

Happy Birthday to Teacher

You are our first teacher! A low bow to you and a big thank you! As your own mother, you tenderly and affectionately accompanied us all these years into the world of adult secrets and interesting discoveries. Everyone succeeded in walking the difficult path of knowledge differently. But for the mother, everyone is equal. And you, with sensitivity and understanding, led us to the heights. All as one. Thank you for your love and devotion! Happy birthday!

Birthday greetings for the teacher

You are a mother of many children! How many children have passed through your caring and sensitive hands. How many good and pleasant memories will be kept in our hearts. You will always be for us the person who helped small and timid first-graders get on their feet! I wish you strong health, steely patience and good luck in your difficult, but necessary, field!

Congratulations on March 8 for a teacher

Dear you are our (-\-)! On this spring and sunny day, allow me to congratulate you on March 8th! We wish you harmony in your family and at work, mutual understanding and great patience! Let all your efforts to put science into our “bright” heads will pay off handsomely and bring long-awaited fruits! And our loving hearts remain grateful and understanding! Happy holiday!

Corporate holidays congratulations on Teacher's Day

Our profession is prestigious,
It is needed like air and water!
After all, without a beloved teacher,
No one will ever move forward!
And even though our wages are low,
"Money doesn't buy happiness" they say
But now modernization is all around,
There are computers all around!
What kind of teachers work at school,
And many, and more than a dozen years!
but it’s mainly women who teach,
There are none more charming!

Poem congratulations to the math teacher

Sines and cosines,
Tangents, cotangents!
If you suddenly ask us,
We are happy to answer!
Learning mathematics
We are always diligent!
We go to lessons
Soon we will be wise!
From the bottom of our hearts we wish you,
Lots of happiness and love!
We respect you very much,
We really need it in life!
Be joyful, be loved
And with happiness - indivisible!

Congratulations to the physics teacher

Congratulations, physics teacher,
You are good at exact sciences,
But today allow the lyricists
Touch the tender strings of the soul.
Sometimes you seem very strict,
But we know your heart - a treasure.
We wish you many good years,
And the talent that you have cannot be buried.

Congratulations to the winner of the Teacher of the Year competition

Our dear public education workers. Any competition means anxiety, worries and sleepless nights, but you have once again confirmed the high status of a teacher. And I want to sincerely congratulate the best of the best on winning this prestigious competition.

Prosaic congratulations to the teacher

Our class would like to congratulate you on Teacher's Day, and wish you health and much strength. We will carry the start to life that we all receive within the walls of our school with honor throughout life and will not forget the wonderful lessons that we received from you. And we want to kneel before you for your patience.

Congratulations to the dance teacher

You, a cultural worker,
We congratulate you now
And we wish you figures,
To please the eye.

And we wish you good health,
Inspiration at work
And all that, by the way,
You wish for yourself!

Cool congratulations on Teacher's Day

We were all at school once,
We grew up with teachers together.
And everyone could choose for themselves
Beloved teacher after my heart and soul!
And we carried your image through the years,
Never leaving.
Over the years, getting older,
We felt a stronger connection...
We are in a hurry on Teacher's Day,
Like in childhood, early in the morning,
Bring you a bouquet of flowers,
Which will tell you more than any words.

Congratulations to the computer science teacher

Dear (). Thank you very much for your participation and help in my mastering information technology. Your support in my first steps is very important to me. She allowed me to believe in myself. Be happy and always respected and loved.

Happy New Year greetings to the teacher

We wish you to complete the curriculum on time,
And every lesson you teach will be interesting!
Let the students help in everything,
Your ideas are clearly implemented!
We wish this New Year,
Bringing you less worries!

Happy Anniversary Congratulations to Teacher

And where can I find such a word?
To wish you on your anniversary,
Teacher by calling from God,
Beloved wife, loving mother.
Let your life flow like a river,
Among the rocky shores,
May it always be your support,
Faith, Hope and Love.

Happy Birthday to Teacher

Teacher, you, my dear, how much kindness and love I received from you. And wherever the road in life leads me, those first steps that I learned, thanks to you, still help me. On this day I wish you good health and a lot of love from your students.

There are so many good holidays in the world,
But there is one thing that is always appreciated -
Teachers on a fine autumn day
Everyone can recognize it immediately without difficulty.

Their eyes burn with a beautiful fire,
Their smiles make the world warmer.
In poems and songs, and armfuls of flowers
We honor our teachers.

Today is Teacher's Day!
All of us, our friendly class,
We would like to say emphatically:
“We congratulate you!”

Let it be careless sometimes
We are doing something
But we know, of course,
Your job is difficult.

We are all so different
And we need to be taught
To be beautiful like you
We need to be experts.

We appreciate and love you,
And know: it will be good,
And we won't forget
Your not a single lesson!

Our personal wishes
Today the meaning is:
We wish you excellent
You are only students!

Big bow from the students,
A loud bell is heard throughout the school,
The bell is in a hurry to send us to class,
And we want to congratulate the teacher:

Do you give us your attention?
Your secret is mutual understanding,
You gave us knowledge, and this is power!
Many times this power has benefited us.

There are so many women teachers
And this, we know for sure, is not without reason.
After all, only they know how to explain everything,
Put everything in the right place.
And support, and scold, if necessary,
Help with advice or just a glance.
And all our successes are their reward
For always being with us.

Teacher! Your hard work
Sometimes unnoticed
But it bears fruit
When children grow up!

When do they become
Good people
And protecting the lives of others,
They are losing their days!

They'll arrive at five in the morning
When your loved one is sick,
And they will stand in the midst of the trial
The one who is innocent!

Thank you, teachers,
What in the world are you?
And raised in these children
Dignity and honor!

We sincerely want to congratulate
Happy Teacher's Day to you!
Thank you from the bottom of our hearts,
What are you teaching us all?

You give us knowledge
You always help.
We wish you good health,
Money, joy, kindness.

Let sadness, sadness, adversity
You are being passed over.
May the best come
Hurry up to your home.

Beautiful congratulations on Teacher's Day to a woman

“Teacher” - how much is in this word
Kindness, diligence, labor!
He prepares for children's questions
The answers are always wise.

Over the years, schoolchildren will appreciate
What their teacher put into them.
Today, on an autumn day,
Nobody forgot to congratulate!

Teachers, dear relatives
We hasten to congratulate you on Teacher's Day.
We love, respect and are proud of you,
We value advice for life.

Let your hands not get tired from notebooks,
Let our eyes not be sad from our failures.
More health to you, you are the reward
Students for their good deeds.

Congratulates you on this day
The whole planet and the whole world,
Every student knows
That the teacher is a friend, an idol.

We wish you patience,
Strength, health and goodness.
Let your nerves be of steel,
Let your hand be firm.

In your selfless heart
Lots of light and love.
And for you, we, children, are always
All relatives, all our own.

Thank you for your kindness.
You gave us not only knowledge -
You taught us to value friendship,
Thank you for your patience and understanding.

Today we want to wish you well,
Health, happiness, laughter, grace.
We all congratulate you on Teacher's Day.
We wish you peaceful days, great luck!

Congratulations from the bottom of our hearts,
Our dear teacher.
You are our joyful riots
Brave tamer.

We wish you to always be
Cheerful and healthy.
And enter with a smile
Back to class my beloved again.

Forgive us for our pranks,
And a missed lesson.
There is no better and kinder
Our favorite teacher.

Our most beloved
Congratulations to the teacher!
The bouquets today are all yours,
We don't know any other queens.
We wish you children's laughter,
Over your own time of power,
Success in your favorite job,
And, most importantly, women's happiness!

Congratulations on Teacher's Day to a woman in verse

October yellow leaves
Decorated the holy day.
Please accept congratulations from us,
Our deepest bow to you.

You were always with us,
They helped us move forward.
You taught us a lot
We went through difficulties with you.

And on this significant day
We would like to say again:
“Thank you for everything, teacher,
Thank you again and again."

We want to congratulate you,
Our teacher is nice.
At school you are undoubtedly for us,
The most important one.

Thank you for your concern,
Wise science.
In our lessons we are with you
Forgot boredom.

Be happy always
And always healthy.
Enter the classroom with a smile
Again you and again.

A model for all girls,
Always tactful, collected, beautiful.
Ignorance and laziness outweigh
Proverb that knowledge is power
For your service on any day,
And we go to class with a light heart,
We wish to always be like this
Open to children, a fairy with a kind heart.

Good moral support,
A decent salary to you all.
Effective and without delay,
Solutions to various problems.

The teacher is always on top
You are our foundation.
We'll raise our glasses to you,
We remember our masters.

Any teacher before my eyes,
Opening the path to knowledge for us.
We are always with you sincerely
We miss you a little bit.

Like the Great Lantern of Wishes
We are sending you a message -
On Teacher's Day today
Receive wishes:

Inspiration, good luck,
So that your eyes always shine,
And all the problems were solved,
Don't grow old with your heart!

Keep the bird of happiness
You are firmly in my hand,
And always let them say
We speak the same language!

There is a date in October
When your teachers
The guys also come to congratulate
And those who have become older for a long time.

And the sun is shining brightly,
And autumn suddenly retreats,
When gifts are given to the teacher
They bring a lot of good hands.

And on a beautiful October day,
Permeated through and through with warmth,
We understand - this is happiness,
What we got to learn.

Thank you for your patience and understanding,
You gave us wisdom and taught us goodness,
You supported us when we fell into despair,
You opened your soul to us.

Thank you for your knowledge and faith,
We know it’s difficult for you sometimes,
We wish you health, good mood,
And know that I will always stand behind you.

More happiness, joy, prosperity to you,
Happy World Teachers Day, three cheers,
Forgive us for our mistakes and blots,
You always save us from troubles!

I wish you strong nerves,
Golden students
So that everyone can be exemplary
Always ready to answer!

To your charm
Fascinated everyone
And in work for efforts
An unimaginable success awaited!

Respect so that the authorities
And peace reigned in my soul,
And so that a sea of ​​blessings and happiness
You're completely covered!

We wish you a sea of ​​sweet moments, bouquets of flowers, smiles and long-awaited gifts on this birthday! The most important thing is to be healthy, loved and happy! We wish you to always remain as beautiful, smart, kind and cheerful!

May the years not touch you,
Only wisdom comes
And success on a bright saucer
Waiting for you everywhere!

Remain unchanged
Radiant, kind, sensitive,
And so that joy, of course,
She always led you by the hand!

And let the schoolchildren be proud
The best teacher
I wish you a lot of happiness
Greet every day with delight!

Congratulations to a wonderful teacher, a teacher not just by the will of fate, but by the calling of her heart. We are very grateful to you for your difficult everyday work. For the fact that you give us not just a dry theory of book knowledge, but also a unique life practice, supported by your maternal care and love for us - your grateful students. We wish you great happiness, which can only be commensurate with our love for you, both as an excellent teacher and as a wonderful, kind, wise and good person. Happy birthday!

Happy birthday to a magnificent woman and a wonderful teacher! We wish you great luck and prosperous activities, cloudless skies in life and sunny mood, bright hopes and bright emotions, great happiness and high prosperity.

Happy Birthday,
Incomparable teacher,
We wish you peace, happiness,
Never know the worries.

May your health be good,
Let patience not fail you
Let every new day give
Wonderful moments for you.

I wish you on your birthday
A lot of knowledge and patience,
Women's wisdom and happiness,
Don't be upset by adversity.

Bringing kindness to children
Give "five" without a break,
So that they adore you
And they responded in kind!

So that there is order at home,
Every day is successful and sweet.
I wish you to be happy
Necessary, sensitive and loved!

Happy birthday, wonderful teacher, wonderful woman. I wish you all the best, joyful, interesting and happy things in life. May your students, and everyone around you, love and respect you, may your dreams come true and may any ideas turn into success.

Happy Birthday,
Let your dreams come true!
Be in a bright mood
To make you want to smile!

May success follow you
To you in all your affairs and plans!
You, teacher, are the best
You have no flaws at all!

We wish you on this birthday,
May you always live happily!
Let the mood be bright
We wish you only positive things,
And also so that students
You were respected and loved
So that all school days
It was a wonderful fairy tale for you!

You are a teacher, dear friend,
And today is your dear holiday.
Although teaching is not an easy science,
But great talent is always with you!

I sincerely congratulate you
Happy autumn, golden holiday.
I wish you much success,
Become a wise teacher!

In my personal life - joy and happiness,
To be healthy for up to a hundred years,
Do not be afraid of storms and bad weather,
It’s easy to live without knowing troubles at all!

Every morning you rush to work,
You teach children there and give them care.
So let them reciprocate too,
And your bosses will help you become richer!

You are a great teacher and a super friend,
So let it never be difficult in the future.
Let them write out a prize, praise and appreciate,
After all, no one can replace you anywhere!

Dear friend, I congratulate you on Teacher’s Day. I wish you strong nerves and patience, health and respect, good rest and successful work, prosperity and good luck, great happiness and love, a joyful mood and mutual understanding with your students.

On teacher's day to a friend
From the bottom of my heart I want to say,
What's the most talented in the area?
The teacher cannot be found.

Always be as stylish
Kind, bright, mischievous,
Cheerful and strong,
In general, be yourself!

I can't help but admire you:
You carry the basics of knowledge,
Do you know how to deal with kids?
You lead me through life by the hand.

To you, friend, on this holiday
I want to wish from my heart,
To make life more diverse,
To know love and joy in it.

Let the students not offend
And they appreciate your hard work.
I wish you good health,
So that there is peace and comfort in the soul.

Happy Teacher's Day, friend!
Happiness, peace, fortitude,
I wish you beauty and love,
So that good knows no end.

So that everything in life works out,
But the luck didn’t end there.
So that there is only success in work,
So that there are no obstacles!

You chose to be a teacher, friend,
And I’m proud of you for a reason.
After all, teaching is a science,
And it requires a lot of work.

On this day I wish you
Like a boa constrictor to always be calm.
After all, you are the best teacher, I know that.
Even though my nerves sometimes get a little naughty.

I wish obedient students
I didn’t have to repeat it to them.
I congratulate you on Teacher's Day,
You are the best, I will say it again!

Happy Teacher's Day, friend,
I congratulate you,
Let it be united and friendly
Your school family.

Let your colleagues respect you
Let the students love
Let your favorite song
There will be school bells.

I wish you strong nerves
Strength, energy, health,
I wish you happy days
Overflowing with love.

You are an excellent teacher:
Democratic and tactful.
Yes, and your friend is trash,
Everyone wants to communicate with you.

I wish you happiness every day,
Be healthy, forget about laziness.
Love and be always loved,
And also be unique.

An example for many, you, friend,
A wonderful friend and teacher.
And your success is your merit,
There is a fire in your soul.

I can only admire you
You know your subject very well.
I wish you to smile
There are many successes and victories.

May all colleagues respect you
Come into class with a smile
Don’t let the salary offend you,
Feel free to just go forward!

You are a teacher, just a class,
And a friend is even better!
Happy professional day to you,
My dear friend!

Let the class sit in silence,
Listens and writes.
Let them adore you
All the kids are at school!

May it be for your knowledge
There will be a queue.
Happiness, joy, love,
And more money!

You are a teacher, you are a mentor,
You are an excellent teacher.
On Teacher's Day I wish,
So that there are no worries.

Let your favorite job
Gives joy, inspiration,
Making students happy
May there be great achievements.

Be happy, healthy,
Give wisdom and knowledge,
By your noble cause
Be sure to treasure it.

On Teacher's Day I wish
Don't lose your courage,
Strength, will and nerves
Save during lessons.

Let the work make you happy,
Let the students love
Let them respect and appreciate
You are always mischievous.

Happy Teacher's Day to an excellent teacher and a real man! We wish you many interesting ideas, rich and fruitful activities, knowledge-hungry student eyes, a great mood and always a good atmosphere, no matter where you are. Health, new discoveries and interests, prosperity and development!

I congratulate you heartily
Happy Teacher's Day to you,
You give knowledge to children
Every moment, day after day.

I wish you to be healthy
Always been positive
May it be a great job
It only brought joy.

Congratulations on a wonderful day
Happy Teacher's Day to you.
You are just a super teacher
And the man is top class.

We wish you bright ups,
New big victories for you,
Good mood only
And happy, long years.

Chose profession
You are not in vain
You are a glorious teacher:
You are kind and cool.

On your holiday we wish
Kindness and enthusiasm,
Let it give only joy
Favorite school.

Happy Teacher's Day, please
I sincerely congratulate you,
Let it be with great respect
You are always greeted with class.

You are a teacher from God:
Strong, smart, strong-willed.
May the road be smooth
You are moving along the right path.

Charge with positivity,
Be optimistic yourself.
I wish to find a language
Common to you and your students.

Happy World Teachers Day! Let it be a holiday
It will turn into happiness, joy for you.
Let there be many bright, different moments,
And the stock of success will be replenished.

Let them call and write, congratulate you personally.
You are a man and a teacher anywhere.
Let the autumn days inspire you,
Have fun, never worry!

On Teacher's Day from us
Please accept congratulations,
The kindest, the wisest
And our beloved teacher.

Impeccable, elegant -
You are an example for us in everything,
And it’s not for nothing that he’s a teacher
We call you from God.

We know that under the stern gaze
Kindness is hidden
On holiday we promise you
Study well.

Happiness to you, kindness, patience,
Positive lessons
We wish you a school life
Long, joyful, happy.

We congratulate you on Teacher's Day,
Our whole class loves the lessons very much,
On this holiday we wish you respect, goodness,
Work to make you happy.

We wish you diligent students,
Days of clear, bright, serene,
We wish you success
At work and in all your affairs.

We wish you good luck on Teacher's Day,
As many sunny days as possible!
Let all problems be solved simply,
We wish you smart students!

Let what you have in mind happen
Let the salary soar high!
You and I always want to learn,
After all, you will teach us all easily!

There are so many good holidays in the world,
But there is one thing that is always appreciated -
Teachers on a fine autumn day
Everyone can recognize it immediately without difficulty.

Their eyes burn with a beautiful fire,
Their smiles make the world warmer.
In poems and songs, and armfuls of flowers
We honor our teachers.

Today is Teacher's Day!
All of us, our friendly class,
We would like to say emphatically:
“We congratulate you!”

Let it be careless sometimes
We are doing something
But we know, of course,
Your job is difficult.

We are all so different
And we need to be taught
To be beautiful like you
We need to be experts.

We appreciate and love you,
And know: it will be good,
And we won't forget
Your not a single lesson!

Our personal wishes
Today the meaning is:
We wish you excellent
You are only students!

Big bow from the students,
A loud bell is heard throughout the school,
The bell is in a hurry to send us to class,
And we want to congratulate the teacher:

Do you give us your attention?
Your secret is mutual understanding,
You gave us knowledge, and this is power!
Many times this power has benefited us.

There are so many women teachers
And this, we know for sure, is not without reason.
After all, only they know how to explain everything,
Put everything in the right place.
And support, and scold, if necessary,
Help with advice or just a glance.
And all our successes are their reward
For always being with us.

Teacher! Your hard work
Sometimes unnoticed
But it bears fruit
When children grow up!

When do they become
Good people
And protecting the lives of others,
They are losing their days!

They'll arrive at five in the morning
When your loved one is sick,
And they will stand in the midst of the trial
The one who is innocent!

Thank you, teachers,
What in the world are you?
And raised in these children
Dignity and honor!

We sincerely want to congratulate
Happy Teacher's Day to you!
Thank you from the bottom of our hearts,
What are you teaching us all?

You give us knowledge
You always help.
We wish you good health,
Money, joy, kindness.

Let sadness, sadness, adversity
You are being passed over.
May the best come
Hurry up to your home.

Beautiful congratulations on Teacher's Day to a woman

“Teacher” - how much is in this word
Kindness, diligence, labor!
He prepares for children's questions
The answers are always wise.

Over the years, schoolchildren will appreciate
What their teacher put into them.
Today, on an autumn day,
Nobody forgot to congratulate!

Teachers, dear relatives
We hasten to congratulate you on Teacher's Day.
We love, respect and are proud of you,
We value advice for life.

Let your hands not get tired from notebooks,
Let our eyes not be sad from our failures.
More health to you, you are the reward
Students for their good deeds.

Congratulates you on this day
The whole planet and the whole world,
Every student knows
That the teacher is a friend, an idol.

We wish you patience,
Strength, health and goodness.
Let your nerves be of steel,
Let your hand be firm.

In your selfless heart
Lots of light and love.
And for you, we, children, are always
All relatives, all our own.

Thank you for your kindness.
You gave us not only knowledge -
You taught us to value friendship,
Thank you for your patience and understanding.

Today we want to wish you well,
Health, happiness, laughter, grace.
We all congratulate you on Teacher's Day.
We wish you peaceful days, great luck!

Congratulations from the bottom of our hearts,
Our dear teacher.
You are our joyful riots
Brave tamer.

We wish you to always be
Cheerful and healthy.
And enter with a smile
Back to class my beloved again.

Forgive us for our pranks,
And a missed lesson.
There is no better and kinder
Our favorite teacher.

Our most beloved
Congratulations to the teacher!
The bouquets today are all yours,
We don't know any other queens.
We wish you children's laughter,
Over your own time of power,
Success in your favorite job,
And, most importantly, women's happiness!

Congratulations on Teacher's Day to a woman in verse

October yellow leaves
Decorated the holy day.
Please accept congratulations from us,
Our deepest bow to you.

You were always with us,
They helped us move forward.
You taught us a lot
We went through difficulties with you.

And on this significant day
We would like to say again:
“Thank you for everything, teacher,
Thank you again and again."

We want to congratulate you,
Our teacher is nice.
At school you are undoubtedly for us,
The most important one.

Thank you for your concern,
Wise science.
In our lessons we are with you
Forgot boredom.

Be happy always
And always healthy.
Enter the classroom with a smile
Again you and again.

A model for all girls,
Always tactful, collected, beautiful.
Ignorance and laziness outweigh
Proverb that knowledge is power
For your service on any day,
And we go to class with a light heart,
We wish to always be like this
Open to children, a fairy with a kind heart.

Good moral support,
A decent salary to you all.
Effective and without delay,
Solutions to various problems.

The teacher is always on top
You are our foundation.
We'll raise our glasses to you,
We remember our masters.

Any teacher before my eyes,
Opening the path to knowledge for us.
We are always with you sincerely
We miss you a little bit.

Like the Great Lantern of Wishes
We are sending you a message -
On Teacher's Day today
Receive wishes:

Inspiration, good luck,
So that your eyes always shine,
And all the problems were solved,
Don't grow old with your heart!

Keep the bird of happiness
You are firmly in my hand,
And always let them say
We speak the same language!

There is a date in October
When your teachers
The guys also come to congratulate
And those who have become older for a long time.

And the sun is shining brightly,
And autumn suddenly retreats,
When gifts are given to the teacher
They bring a lot of good hands.

And on a beautiful October day,
Permeated through and through with warmth,
We understand - this is happiness,
What we got to learn.

Thank you for your patience and understanding,
You gave us wisdom and taught us goodness,
You supported us when we fell into despair,
You opened your soul to us.

Thank you for your knowledge and faith,
We know it’s difficult for you sometimes,
We wish you health, good mood,
And know that I will always stand behind you.

More happiness, joy, prosperity to you,
Happy World Teachers Day, three cheers,
Forgive us for our mistakes and blots,
You always save us from troubles!

A teacher is the person who teaches the child everything necessary. It is he who will always come to the rescue if someone does not know something. That is why the Teacher's Day holiday cannot be ignored at all. And now, when this celebration is very close, you should definitely congratulate your beloved woman. After all, she will be pleased, and your soul will also be warm. And now, you must come up with a text of congratulations in your own words. Don't be afraid to say what you feel. After all, only in this way can you really make a person feel what you mean to him. Try your best, you will see the result. And therefore, try so that there is nothing to regret later. Good luck to you all with this! Always be loved, and love sincerely.

The maple leaf is spinning in the air,
Autumn reigns over the whole earth,
On the wonderful, bright holiday of the teacher,
I send my best wishes to you, my love.
You are a teacher from God, everyone knows that
May God give you good luck, joy, patience,
May everything be wonderful in your destiny,
And the good mood never left.

You give your whole soul to your children,
Going to work is like going to a holiday,
Smart, beautiful, gentle,
You always command respect.

I sincerely wish to help you in everything,
Be, dear, always on top,
May you be lucky in everything, everywhere.

Darling, congratulations on Teacher’s Day,
I respect, love, adore you,
You give all of yourself to work,
And often you take on an unbearable burden.
Let your work bring you pleasure,
Always be in great shape
Happiness, joy, good luck to you,

You are a wise sower, eternal,
You are the best teacher on earth
Children are always so drawn to you,
They trust and believe you.
Congratulations on Teacher's Day,
I wish you all the best, my love,
Always be optimistic
I wish you good health and warmth.

You give your all to your work,
Strong in talent and pure in heart,
All your ideas and dreams of beauty,
Will never be in vain.
Please accept congratulations on Teacher's Day,
Live in joy and happiness, my love,
With all my heart I wish you well,
May fate generously reward you in full.

Autumn drops golden leaves,
All teachers are celebrating today,
I hasten to sincerely congratulate you, my love,
I only want to wish you the best.
Always live in harmony with happiness,
Let the green light burn on your path,
Let your work bring you inspiration,

The whole country celebrates Teacher's Day
Best congratulations to you today,
Darling, I wish you much, much happiness,
May the path of life be bright.
Career growth to you, good luck,
So that life is like a fairy tale,
So that everything you dream about comes true,
And everything bad was forgotten forever.

You have a wonderful profession, my dear.
You live at work, you are happy in it,
You sow good, reasonable, eternal,
Smart, kind, generous, warm-hearted.
Be optimistic, don't be discouraged
Start every day with a smile
I wish everything I have planned to come true,
And the heart beats for a long time.

You are beautiful at heart and very kind,
It’s not for nothing that they call you a teacher from God,
Children trust and love you,
After all, you give your all to your work.
Happy professional holiday, my love,
Always be happy
May your health never let you down,
May fate generously reward you in full.

Being a teacher is your calling,
I wish you everything, my dear, everything,
Congratulations on your professional holiday from the bottom of my heart,
I wish that your cherished dreams come true.
Always use your children’s authority,
May your life be filled to the fullest with happiness,
Career growth to you, good luck,
And a wonderful mood to boot.

Autumn round dance leaves are circling,
A wonderful holiday is coming,
Each of us needs a teacher so much,
We sincerely congratulate all teachers.
Darling, happy professional holiday to you,
I wish you good health, happiness,
Let a bright star illuminate the path,
And life lasts a long time with your participation.

Teacher's Day is a wonderful holiday,
The autumn sun gives everyone warmth,
With all my heart, my love, I congratulate you,
I wish you well, happiness and everything, everything, everything.
Let the students be grateful
Let your sorrows be forgotten forever,
Good health to you, endurance, patience,
Get only pleasure from life.

Dear, I sincerely congratulate you on Teacher’s Day,
I wish you great success in your work,
May they always admire you
Be always protected by fate.
Let all troubles pass by,
Good luck and victory to you in everything,
Be optimistic, don't be sad
Let all your dreams come true.

You are a wonderful teacher, a great teacher,
Well-mannered students are the result of your work,
You give your whole soul to your work,
Please accept congratulations on your professional holiday.
Darling, I wish you happiness from the bottom of my heart,
Let there be no obstacles on the way,
Let all your dreams come true,
And let grievances always be forgotten.

I sincerely congratulate you on Teacher's Day,
I wish you all the best, my love,
Let work bring inspiration
And the mood will always be great.
Always be in great shape
Let life flow like a full river,
Let the students be obedient,
Let troubles and sorrows forget you forever.

The profession of a teacher is as necessary as air,
You give your all to your work, my dear,

I wish you the very best.
Smile more often, don't be sad,
May good luck await you ahead,
I wish you success, joy, patience,
And always in a great mood.

You are a teacher with a capital T,
You give yourself completely to work,
Congratulations on your professional holiday,
Good luck to you, dear, good luck.
Let every day turn into a holiday,
Let happiness strive for you,
Be optimistic, believe in your dreams,
May the Lord protect your destiny.

You master your profession one hundred percent,
The students are very lucky to have you,
You are doing well in the teaching field
You know the answers to all questions.
Happy Teacher's Day, my love, to you,
May fate be friendly to you,
Prosperity, peace to you, prosperity,
And all the best.

Like the good fairy, you lead children into knowledge,
You bring them the joy of knowledge and light,
You deserve respect for a reason
After all, you give yourself completely to work.
Happy Teacher's Day, dear, congratulations,
I sincerely wish you to always be on top,
Love you beautiful, happiness,
Let all bad weather pass by.

For you, my love, compliments and flowers,
You are the hero of the occasion today,
On Teacher's Day, may the sun smile on you,
And the cherished dream will certainly come true.
Let your career grow rapidly,
May luck certainly come to you,
Let everything be great at work,
And everything is fine in personal life.

Each of us continues to learn throughout our lives, even if we ourselves do not realize it. It is very important that a person has a mentor who will point out mistakes in time and share many years of experience. On the eve of the great holiday, Teacher's Day, do not forget to thank your teacher for the work and care. A congratulation that is short, emotional and memorable will help you with this. It’s not for nothing that they say “small is the spool, but expensive,” because even a small piece of attention from the student will be pleasant to the teacher. The date we celebrate Teacher's Day in Russia is October 5.

Yes, our school is lucky to have you:
She is proud of male attention!
“Where the hell have you gone, sir?”
Someone will be afraid to ask you...
You are not afraid of either the corridor or the classroom,
Not the monotony of our school days;
On this day we want to congratulate you!
Let your school path not be difficult!

Our teacher, you are our idol,
Resourceful and subtle.
There is a whole world of knowledge inside you,
All the girls fell in love
Today in you, for sure,
Everyone wants to congratulate you.
Male strong hand
It will force everyone to learn.

Teacher - this is a male profession!
Don't believe me? Do you think this is fun?
Yes, it’s more difficult than plowing and fighting
And build! How to blow up a bridge or rails!
How to deal with a mad lion in Africa!
How to deal with cracked ice in the Arctic!
We wish you, teacher, a lot of patience!
And we will test it, without a doubt.

All the girls are holding their breath,
They come to your class for lessons,
Waiting for someone to pay attention
The teacher is on them at least this time.
Therefore we wish to be a stronghold,
Let the girls' hearts wait
Happiness and something unusual,
Let your wishes not let you down.

They didn’t scare you with rumors,
That teaching is only women’s work,
Everyone undoubtedly realized
That a man is needed here.
Will guide you on the true path
And he can teach
A sea of ​​knowledge will be provided,
Can inspire you to fight.

For our boys you are an older friend,
And for girls - the ideal man.
We love you and take you as an example,
Let's storm the knowledge of the summit with you.
We are lucky, you teach us to be firm,
And generously share your wisdom.
Please accept our congratulations on the holiday,
Be healthy and look cheerful!

Being a teacher is a big responsibility.
And a man here will always find himself
A real man's business.
And he will become the support of destiny in the nursery.
And he will show everyone by his example
How to solve life's problems like a man.
On behalf of boys and girls
We want to wish him good luck!

We are your strength, experience and skill
We learn from you every day.
We are glad that you teach us
Throughout all these long years.
And on this holiday your magnificent
We congratulate you with all our hearts.
We sincerely wish you to be strong
To be able to teach more than one class!

Thank you from the bottom of my heart
We want you for not getting tired
Teach us life, give us knowledge,
For everything we have studied and learned.
We want to say that there is nothing better in life
Those days that we spent with you.
And remember after decades
We will only give you kind words.

How much is important, how much is significant
They told us, they told us.
Let's say boldly - there is no better teacher,
We will always be grateful to you.
How many books have you already read?
How many problems were solved?
We are sure - better teachers
Never find it anyway!

You have taught more than one generation
You already have more than one class behind you.
And today you, spending your strength,
Diligently lead us ahead!
Our class is very grateful to you, really.
After all, you taught us to be courageous.
You have given us a huge amount of knowledge.
We congratulate you with all our hearts!

There are usually more teachers
There are more teachers at school.
And the more precious is their masculine character,
and schoolchildren need their lessons more.
We want to say thank you to men,
Why did you choose such hard work?
For knowledge, skills and wisdom
They bring it to their students.

Congratulations on Teacher's Day:

The teacher is as gentle as a rose -
Wise beyond her years, loved by children,
Always beautiful, like the color of a mimosa,
So perfect, sincere, beautiful.
We wish you health and luck,
Great happiness, a lot of inspiration,
Enter class in a good mood,
And work at school for a long, long time!

Happy Teacher's Day, dearest person!
You explain everything clearly - a master of words.
Let the kids take care of you and appreciate you,
They respect you very much, they love you, they believe you!
Let your career be a success, and for glory,
There will be a place to work and have fun!
Let everything be fine, and even better,
And you will teach many children goodness!

Work as you should, my dear!
Happy Teacher's Day!
And scold your children less,
What it was like - remember that!
Let them be the smartest in your class,
Let any problems burn with fire,
Let the director generously give bonuses,
May you be lucky in school and in life!

You are a very young teacher at school,
But every parent will tell you honestly:
“We don’t need another teacher,
After all, you are more valuable than any treasure!”
We now have the right to praise you
And together we say to the whole class: “Bravo!”
So that you continue to teach us children
And they received the “Teacher of the Year” badge!

You give your heart and soul to your children,
You never get tired of teaching and loving them.
And even though she’s still very young,
You cope with problems in full.
On Teacher's Day I want to say:
Let everything be within your control.
You rush to school like it’s a holiday in the morning,
Let your life be interesting!

I wish you a wonderful Teacher's Day
Happy years to you, dear!
May you only blossom every hour
Always among your students!
May your work bring you joy,
Go up the career ladder!
So that everything in your life works out,
And only successes awaited ahead!

Teacher's Day, a wonderful holiday,
Autumn is in a hurry to give again.
I am with him now, my lovely angel,
I congratulate you from the bottom of my heart!
You give your knowledge to the guys,
You teach how to live correctly.
Let your classroom be a garden of Eden,
Where you will be waited and loved!

You are an exemplary teacher in everything,
Young and brilliant.
The children are looking forward to your lesson with joy.
They go to see it with interest.
Try, dear, to know everything,
To become a great teacher!
Let everything be easy for you,
And everything is going well in school life!

I wish you obedient and smart children!
Let them respect you!
And they will be mischievous, then don’t be timid -
Let your strength be understood!
You are so young, but already a teacher,
Worthy of praise and reward.
Happy Teacher's Day! Only bright roads!
May you be welcome everywhere!

I left school for a short time -
Soon you returned to teach!
You came mischievous and cheerful.
I wish to continue to be like this!
Happy Teacher's Day, Happy Teacher's Day!
New highs, huge victories,
So that you become a pro from God,
Leaving light in the hearts of kindness!

This is a beautiful day, dear,
Congratulations on your holiday!
A teacher is such a profession
Where you can work only by loving:
The school that greets you in the morning,
Class, lessons, noisy calls.
Let them treat you like that too
Both colleagues and students!

I believe that bold plans
And you will implement innovations!
You are the best cool lady
You will win the hearts of children!
Congratulations on Teacher's Day!
Huge success in everything,
I wish that children love
And they didn’t let us down in any way!