Post Bank actor in advertising. Who has a bad life in Rus': Russian actors who criticize the country

National artist In Russia, Garmash will receive about 26 million rubles for participating in photo shoots and filming commercials for television and radio about Pochta Bank. Another 4 million will be a reward for granting the bank the right to use these materials for a year, a Life source close to the actor said. Garmash’s fee is almost twice as much as Semyon Slepakov’s for participating in the Summer Bank advertising campaign, on the basis of which Pochta Bank was created. Slepakov signed an agreement worth almost 16 million rubles in August 2015 for a year.

Let's try to present the range of feelings of the famous actor.

He probably feels like he chopped the cabbage well...

And now he can afford a lot

The morning of the new day will no longer be gloomy

Sergei Leonidovich now has a great reason to celebrate

But the main thing is that it doesn’t feel bad in the morning

That feeling when you got an advertising contract and not your colleagues

The feeling when your friend was not given a loan from the bank that you advertised

- Seryoga, it took me a month to get this “Russian Post” watch!

Earlier, Chairman of the Board of Post Bank Dmitry Rudenko, speaking about further work with Slepakov, noted: “Unlike the mischievous style of advertising “Summer Bank”, aimed at relieving people of the stress associated with the loan, we must talk about the bank savings, payments and transfers. Here a different image emerges – reliability, stability, confidence.” Garmash, invited to this role, stipulated in the agreement with the bank that “creative concepts”, “scenarios for advertising materials” and “results of photo sessions” are subject to agreement with him.

This point did not appear by chance: Garmash already had negative experience of participating in advertising of banking services. In 2009, he became the face of the advertising campaign for SKB Bank Dmitry Pumpyansky. The images in which the actor appeared on the bank’s posters became the reason for going to court - Garmash demanded compensation for moral damage in the amount of 1 million rubles. The actor claimed that the photographs were not agreed upon with him.

“I would suggest to the director of the bank,” Garmash said then, “that he himself put on an “alcoholic T-shirt” and appear with me. If he does this, I will drop the lawsuit.

As became known source, after an audit of Russian Post, the Accounts Chamber came to the conclusion that the postal department could buy Post Bank from VTB for 0.7 billion rubles. more than its cost. The parties to the deal do not agree with this. And who voluntarily admits the possible “cut” of the difference in price?

The purchase of Post Bank (formerly Leto Bank) in 2016 is the implementation of Russian Post’s strategy to develop non-cash financial services through post offices. The postal department thought about it and decided that since it has a large number of branches in big and small towns and villages, then why not use the premises as bank offices. And involve postal workers in customer service.

The management of Russian Post apparently did not think about the fact that for banking it is necessary to have at least some kind of information. If you know how to sew boots, then you will learn how to bake cakes. But a clear benefit was immediately visible. This is in addition to the possible division of the overpayment for the bank.

By 2023, Pochta Bank should open sales points in 21 thousand post offices (50% of all) and attract 10.5 million customers. Revenues of Russian Post from this project will amount to 70 billion rubles., of which 50 billion rubles. – for the use of infrastructure. Who would refuse that kind of money?

Pochta Bank is headed by Dmitry Rudenko, who previously worked at Russian Standard Bank, specializing in consumer lending, and VTB-24. At the end of December, Rudenko bought 2 shares of Post Bank from VTB and now his vote is decisive in the dispute between shareholders, who have shares of 50% minus one share.

Dmitry Rudenko plays on whose side?

Rudenko himself says that he will act in the interests of Russian Post. But as a former VTB employee, he can always go over to his side. A very convenient position for the head of a bank. You just have to keep your nose in the wind. It is quite possible that Russian Post could have given Rudenko the money to buy shares in Post Bank in order to escape the control of VTB.

Already in 2016, the bank opened 4,100 points in post offices. For 9 months of 2017 - 12.5 thousand points, its customer base exceeded 5 million people. It would seem that the “deception” strategy is working successfully.

However, the quality of service clearly suffers. This is not surprising. The entire top management of the bank, like Rudenko, is from Russian Standard. And in this bank, the collectors were “famous” for their ability to communicate with clients, threatening them and offering to sell a kidney to pay off the debt.

Is Garmash to blame for everything?

In the banking market there are a large number of examples of “vacuum cleaner banks” that have sharply increased client base. “Trust” and “Otkritie” were “vacuumed”, now both are undergoing reorganization. At one time, the Moscow Credit Bank (MCB) was doing the same thing, which is still afloat, but has serious problems.

The signs of a vacuum cleaner bank are aggressive advertising, which allows you to attract a large number of customers and a low rate. As the advertising face of the bank, Trust used the image of film actor Bruce Willis, Pochta Bank limited itself to Sergei Garmash, who is now receiving angry streams of indignation in reviews of the work of the bank, which, apparently, with the help of advertising, is simply “swindling” depositors.

“Garmash, what are you pushing into us!” – this is how one of Pochta Bank clients titled her review. To receive a loan of 15 thousand rubles. she went to the nearest post office. She was met by a girl who had difficulty answering additional questions. Therefore, the woman decided to watch from the side the man who was standing behind her. As it turned out, he himself was a postal employee and took out exactly the same loan.

He was given a credit card that supposedly already had money on it. However, the ATM in the branch was not working. To activate the card, you had to put another 600 rubles on it. Judging by the man's dissatisfied appearance, these expenses were not part of his plans. But his misadventures did not end there. It turns out you can only withdraw 5,000 rubles from the card. and each time pay a commission of 300 rubles. Total to withdraw the entire amount is 900 rubles. The man, indignant, decided to terminate the contract, but to do this, again, he had to deposit 600 rubles.

The bank employee suddenly turned from a nice girl into a bitch who didn’t care who was standing in front of her. Next - screams, knocking on the table and a torn agreement. Conclusion of a failed client- “So Sergey Garmash made money from advertising for his face, and we kind of trusted. It was the same with MMM. If you are satisfied with paying incomprehensible payments for incomprehensible transactions, and then giving away another half of the apartment, then please. But under no circumstances do I recommend that you go there.”

The main complaints against Pochta Bank are that the advertising does not correspond to the actual lending conditions. Is the bank deceiving its customers? What kind of trust can he then count on? In this case, we can only expect mass termination of contracts. It’s better to lose 600 rubles than the thousands that are written about in reviews.

Here are just a few of them:

« Money scam" - "Took out a loan of 350,000 rubles. they wanted to impose insurance for 91,000 rubles, but I refused such happiness. So they imposed life insurance of 6,000 rubles. and 6000 rub. commission. Everywhere they advertise 12.5 per annum, they give it at 19.9, it turns out the advertising is outdated. Never set foot on these hucksters again. We will also advise our friends to avoid this temptation.”

« Deception on deception and deception drives" - "In general, deception is deception, and deception drives! And it’s also very offensive that Pochta Bank chose such a person as its “face” good artist, like Sergei Garmash, although the artist is not to blame for anything here. Therefore, do not believe the advertising of this newly-minted bank, no matter what periodicals she didn’t show up, and God forbid you have anything to do with this dishonest office!”

« Fraud"! – “I took out a loan for 230,000 rubles. Less than 2 weeks ago. Today I want to close it. During these days I already have to return 238,500. I tried to find out where this amount came from. It turns out that my loan included a paid service for converting interest, which costs more than 6 thousand (3% of the loan), although I said that I would return the money in the near future and I don’t need it! I really want to go to court, but I’m running out of time.”

Disrespectful attitude towards your clients - too hallmark"vacuum cleaner cans". Why respect clients? The main thing is to make them bring money. And with such thinking and service no way long-term strategy you can't count. You can only declare it.

How do postmen “bank”?

Everyone knows who works at Russian post offices and for what money. Therefore, the involvement of postal workers in banking activities, who are allegedly tested and screened out, is not at all seen as one of the directions of the Post Bank strategy.
This year, a scandal has already erupted throughout the country when a Post Bank employee was fired for swearing in a conversation with a client.

This is how a Pochta Bank employee talked to a client.

Frequent “beeping” indicates the special “friendliness” of the bank employee. What can you expect from postal workers who are constantly irritated because they can barely make ends meet due to low salaries?

They have to find their own ways to pay additionally for services. And having access to banking operations can lead to clients’ money being diverted. And many clients of Pochta Bank are pensioners who already count every penny. And they may one day run out of money.

Pensioners are shocked!

IN Leningrad region Multi-thousand-dollar loans were issued to retired postal employees. The total damage amounted to millions of rubles. Every second pensioner received 5-10 thousand rubles. less. And it’s good that no one had a heart attack. And what will happen when post offices get less indirect access to banking services?

What if the postal worker doesn’t like clients who start arguing about the terms of the Pochta Bank loan agreement? He can probably do what the Russian Post employee did in Nizhny Novgorod.

She just sprayed out gas canister in the face of pensioners, who only shamed her that she did not want to serve them at the end of the working day. Panic began at the post office; pensioners ran out into the street, gasping for breath.

Wrong strategy?

And there is also one very important point. In any bank branch there is control over its employees. And the head of the department and security, who intervene when conflict situations arise. In their absence, it may come to the point that post offices will be robbed by bandits. And at the same time, completely innocent people who have nothing to do with the development strategy of Pochta Bank may suffer.

What if dissatisfied clients beat or, even worse, shoot their offenders with hunting rifles? Has anyone thought about this? Or do security issues have nothing to do with the bank?

Probably, Pochta Bank believes that they have ridden their luck. The number of clients and branches is growing. But how long will this last? And what to expect when growth slows? When will a large mass of recruited clients have to repay the loans they took, but they won’t have the money for it? In this case, Pochta Bank may suffer the fate of “vacuum cleaner banks.” After “inflating” they usually burst.

Recently, Pochta Bank, a new retail bank of federal scale, opened in Russia, created by the VTB Group and the Federal State Unitary Enterprise Russian Post on the basis of Leto Bank. In support of the new brand, the agency developed a concept advertising campaign, whose face was the popular Russian actor Sergei Garmash.

The launch of Pochta Bank was back in January 2016, but details of the functioning and communication strategy of the new financial organization have only become known to date.

Post Bank service points will be located in post offices, where you can do several things: receive a parcel, pay receipts, make a transfer, take out a loan or make a deposit, and bank card. Services can be used in person, through the ATM network and online, including through mobile app and website.

The bank is positioned as territorially close to its target audience, which includes 2 cores: clients of Russian Post branches from 25 to 50 years old ( middle class and above) and people from 55 years old, as well as clients of Leto Bank (representatives of the middle class and below) from 25 to 50 years old. Thus, the new bank is focused on comprehensive services for pensioners and the mass segment.

In 2016, Pochta Bank plans to open about 6 thousand windows in post offices, and in the future, to cover 41 thousand Russian Post branches. The rebranding of Leto Bank client centers has already started, which will turn into Pochta Bank in 350 cities.

According to the General Director of Russian Post Dmitry Strashnov, the creation of Post Bank is an opportunity to increase the availability of financial services for residents of the entire country and attract cash, which are in cash circulation among the population, as well as increase competition in the financial services market.

The bank's slogan will be: "A new bank with many years of experience." At the heart of Pochta Bank's brand strategy is the message that it is not like other banks, because it is larger than any well-known bank. Illustrations from the bank’s presentation will tell you more about this idea.

The logo for the new bank was developed by the BBDO Branding agency. The creators took the Russian Post logo as the basis for the graphic sign of the new bank, since work under the auspices of the postal department is the main difference between Post Bank and other banks on the market.

Olga Konovalova, CEO BBDO Branding

A study we conducted of international postal banks showed that the bank brand in many countries is very close to the brand of the post office itself. Post Bank in Russia adheres to the same paradigm.

The postal sign is preserved, but new form style and bright additional color provides the identity of the new sub-brand. The graphic code conveys the energy and friendly character of the new brand.

"The symbol of Russian mail has a long history and appeared in tsarist time. He is well recognized by clients. We have retained the corporate red color from Leto Bank,” Dmitry Rudenko, President and Chairman of the Board of Post Bank, said earlier.

Pochta Bank entrusted the development of the creative concept for its promotion to the Instinct agency, which was an advertising partner of Leto Bank. The main character of the advertising campaign in support of the launch of the bank was actor Sergei Garmash, known to viewers from the television series “Kamenskaya”, the films “Hipsters” and “12”.

In the commercials that appeared on today federal TV channels, Garmash talks about the advantages of the new bank, including its history, territorial proximity, long period of interest-free loan repayment, bonuses, etc.