Destruction of a nation. Long-term strategy for the destruction of the Russian people

Margarita is a name that exists in both Latin and Greek, and it means “pearl”, “mother of pearl”.

Origin of the name

In ancient times, the adjective “margaritos” was often assigned to the incomparable goddess Aphrodite, the patroness of wanderers and sailors. Indeed, on the altar of this Greek beauty, travelers seeking favor presented gifts in the form of pearls and unusual mother-of-pearl shells.

Among the Orthodox Slavs, the name did not become frequently used, especially in the periphery. Female conversion experienced the peak of its popularity after the publication of Bulgakov’s mystical novel “The Master and Margarita,” which gained worldwide fame.

general characteristics

Margosha is the very straightforward and principled person. She says what she thinks head-on, without embarrassment, but she doesn’t let her own mistakes slide either - the girl’s self-criticism is too high.

Little Ritulya is an independent and inquisitive child, not selfish at all, and is capricious only when she is very tired. The main thing is not to put pressure on the girl with your authority and overprotectiveness, otherwise Margot will withdraw into herself and accumulate resentment for the whole world. Give the baby freedom - she will find a use for her time and will not bother you.

Relatives should not worry that Ritochka has few friends - she inner world so multifaceted that peers feel like fools and gray masses next to them. However, a matured young lady will find her social circle and win the recognition of others with her sincerity, responsiveness and honesty.

A girl will succeed in an interesting job, perhaps even become good leader. But personal life will initially teach a bitter lesson, although disappointment will quickly be forgotten and will only add wisdom to the owner of the pearl name.

Positive character traits

Margarita is very disciplined and responsible. Every minute in her diary is occupied.

The girl is smart and incredibly charming; the opposite sex loses her head over her refined beauty - but she chooses her life partner carefully, especially once she has been burned.

Margosha's gaiety and cheerfulness make her the soul of any, especially male, company. Optimism and the desire to learn new things open up great horizons in building a career.

Negative character traits

Among large quantity Rita feels like a duck to water to the people, but when left alone with her husband, she often gets lost and cannot say a word.

Ritochka has a hard time with household chores related to arranging her home life. She doesn’t like to cook, clean, or do laundry—it’s ideal if a man takes on all the family chores.

If, as a mother, Margot is an ideal, then how loving wife, which creates a comfortable environment for her husband, is completely unsuitable. A marriage with her can only be sustained by sex, because such a passionate, frank and damn seductive partner is worth looking for.

Zodiac sign

The name is directly related to the sea, so fate will give special happiness to the girl named Margarita, who was born under the sign of Pisces.
The owner of the name is patronized by the ideal of beauty - Venus.
The colors of clothes with a mother-of-pearl effect - lilac, blue, silver, purple - are the most suitable clothing options.
The flower of the same name (daisy) will give peace of mind, and a pearl necklace will become the best talisman that brings good luck.


Margosha, Rita, Ritulya, Ritochka, Ritusya, Ritusik, Daisy, Margusya, Marochka, Tusya.

Name options

Margo, Margaret, Meg, Margareta, Margita, Mared, Małgorzata.

Historical figures

1492-1549 – Margaret of Navarre, French princess, writer
1553-1615 – Margaret of Valois, princess and queen of France
1780-1852 – Margarita Tuchkova, aka nun Melania, later Abbess Maria
1895-1980 – Margarita Vorontsova-Konenkova, the woman who turned Einshein’s head.
1925-2013 – Margaret Thatcher, politician, baroness and Prime Minister (71st) of Great Britain.

It is no secret that the meaning of names has a direct connection with history. And Margarita is no exception.

Having appeared in the Russian language simultaneously with the adoption of Orthodoxy in Rus', this name is still considered one of the most common. What exactly hides the meaning of the name Margarita - what character and fate its owner will have, we will tell further.

Like most modern names, the name Margaret came to us from Greece, as did the Orthodox faith. If you translate it into Russian, it means “pearl”. Thus, a connection with the maritime theme is revealed.

According to legends, Margarita is another definition for Aphrodite, the goddess of love and beauty. It is believed that Margarita is the patroness of sailors. In ancient times, in exchange for her favor and protection, sailors brought her sacrifices in the form of pearls and shells from the seabed. It was thanks to sailors that it became so popular.

On the other hand, this name cannot be called in demand in Orthodoxy. It was used to a greater extent in monastic circles. Nevertheless having Greek origin female name Margaret was canonized by the church in the guise of two new martyr nuns.

According to Orthodox church calendar, memorable days For saints with the name Margaret, the following are considered:

  • February 7 and 8.
  • July 30.
  • September 14.
  • December 15.

Before the names of new martyrs-nuns appeared in church references, the Greek name “Margarita” was used more often as a second name for secular ladies. As a rule, girls and women who were called Marinas at baptism called themselves this way in society.

Currently, parents do not hesitate to choose such a name for a girl, especially since it is allowed to be given at baptism.

Its popularity is increasing on different continents, despite the fact that other derivative forms are appearing in parallel. For example, there are many options for how “Margarita” can be pronounced and translated.

  • IN English language this name is equivalent to the full one - Margaret or Margery (Margarette or Margery).
  • In France it sounds and is written as Margerie or Margaine (Margerie or Margen).
  • IN Spanish Margari or Rita (Margari or Rita) became its synonyms.

The following abbreviated forms can be used:

  • Margo, who is more often heard in Russian-speaking countries.
  • Greta, less common in everyday life.
  • Ritusya (Tusya affectionate), Ritosha, Marusya.

Exploring the meaning beautiful name Margarita, it is worth mentioning the independent forms of this name. This name is Rita (according to the Catholic calendar, name day is celebrated on May 22), as well as Mara and Megan. Despite different sound and the spelling of these forms, they have the same context.

The meaning of the name Margarita also reveals other secrets associated with it. For example, for a girl with this name, Venus will become the patron saint among the planets. Her talisman will be natural pearls or lapis lazuli. Favorable plants, which can also be considered talismans, for Rita will be delicate daisies.

Main qualities

The main qualities that determine the meaning and which each Margarita possesses are straightforwardness and honesty. These traits that make up her character will be present throughout her life.

At the same time, additional features include her excessive self-criticism and analytical warehouse mind. At the first meeting, Margot manages to give the impression of an intelligent and logical person, albeit with a certain amount of uncertainty.

The meaning of the name Rita suggests that in early age such girls will be very active and inquisitive. Her simple and at the same time wayward character, as well as the desire to be among the leaders, will allow her to be the center of attention not only in the family circle, but also among kindergarten teachers.

At the same time, Margarita is not distinguished by obedience. Parents will fight her stubbornness from the very beginning. early years. This will strengthen the girl’s character, which will only benefit her in the future.

It is worth noting that the wayward character of such a child must be taken into account when searching for the optimal option for his upbringing. An individual personality, Margarita will require the same approach to herself.

In part, the girl named Margaritka has a “masculine mentality.” This is confirmed by her tendency to exact sciences and attempts to always be a leader in everything. The same goes for studying. At school, and then in higher education educational institutions Rita will be able to get a good education. Initially, she may be interested in one hobby or another. However, having finally decided on her preferences, she will be able to realize her talent.

For girls whose full name Rita, Margarita or Mara, the meaning, like the origin, is the same. Therefore, the fate of the owners of these names will be similar. As they grow up, each of them will be faced with a choice - to get a job for money or to satisfy their own needs.

It is typical for these girls to give preference to the second option. They need interesting job, to which they would like to devote their time. Therefore, among Margaritas there are practically no managers or careerists. Such girls most often give preference to those areas of activity that require logical thinking. Although in areas where it is possible to manifest out-of-the-box thinking, they are also very successful.

Girls who receive the name Margarita or Rita at baptism grow up and become very respected in society. Success comes to them thanks to their determination, hard work and perseverance. Those who are interested in what the name Margarita means should also know about the excellent organizational skills of such ladies.

Personal life, family, children

The flexible nature of girls named Margarita allows them to become good and faithful wives. The meaning of a name with Greek roots, Margarita, defines for them the role of wonderful housewives and loving mothers who pamper their children.

Although compatibility in love promises them good chances build relationships with almost all representatives of the strong half of humanity, Margaritas suffer from their promiscuity.

As a rule, girls with such names get married twice - the first time out of naive love, and the second time out of more conscious love. Although the first attempt to build a family will be unsuccessful, Margot will learn the lesson of her haste for a long time.

But this will not stop her from getting married a second time and living happily. Margarita not only loves her husband, she respects him. Such girls make wives - reliable supports who will provide support at the right time and find words that will become the best motivation.

Margarita will also become a wonderful mother who dotes on her children. For the sake of the child she will give birth to, Rita will be ready to sacrifice a lot. A woman’s soft and at the same time straightforward character will allow her to raise worthy heirs.

However, Margarita's directness will not always benefit her relationship with her husband. In order for her words to be perceived by her partner quite normally, it is better for her to take calm guys who are not prone to temper as their legal husbands. Balanced optimist with leadership qualities- an ideal candidate for her. Fate will allow the girl Margarita, whose name is of Greek origin, to build strong family, despite the trials of her first marriage.

In general, the meaning of the name Rita, Margarita, Mara, Greta and its other forms allows us to form positive impression about its owner. Strong character, sincerity and self-criticism will pave the way for her successful path in life. Author: Elena Suvorova

Margarita is a very beautiful, but not very popular name in Russia. Moreover, it is not in church lists names, and because of this, difficulties arise during baptism. Among other things, the question arises of what name to baptize Margarita with and what day to celebrate her name day. Margaritas currently have several options for solving these problems, which we will discuss in this article. But first we will find out what name days are in essence.

About name days

Name day is the name of the holiday, which is officially called the day of the angel. Although by angel we do not mean an angel at all, as we imagine him, but a saint, in whose honor a person bears his name. This association is established during the sacrament of baptism, and therefore unbaptized people, in principle, cannot celebrate name days. That saint of God, whose name is given to a person in the sacrament, becomes his patron, so to speak, a patron in spiritual life and an intercessor before the Almighty. And the day of his church memory also becomes a person’s personal holiday.

How to find out the name day?

When believers are baptized or when they baptize their children, the choice of name is taken more than seriously and consciously. Therefore, such people do not have questions about when to celebrate and in whose honor they should celebrate. But most people treat this more negligently, so it is necessary to make a few clarifications. Firstly, if a person was baptized in childhood, and he does not know in whose honor (there is no evidence preserved, parents do not remember, etc.), then he has the right to choose as his patron any canonized saint of the same name, based on his personal likes and dislikes . If he himself cannot make a choice, then the patron is calculated according to the calendar. To do this, you need to find a namesake saint in the calendar, whose day of honor will be closest to the person’s birthday. This saint will be considered the patron saint. It is worth saying that once a choice is made, it cannot be revised in the future.

Below we will talk about how to choose the patroness of the Margaritas, and briefly touch on the biography of their main saint.

Name day of Margaret according to the church calendar

It is traditionally believed that Margarita is something that is not in the Orthodox calendar. Therefore, according to the church calendar, Margarita’s name day is celebrated on the day of remembrance of one of the saints Marina - it is on this occasion that Margarita is baptized. However, the situation changed somewhat in 2010, when, after the glorification of a number of holy new martyrs and Russian confessors, two Saint Margarets were introduced into the calendar. And now Margarita’s name day, baptized after 2010, can be celebrated in their honor.

The first of them is Margarita Gunaronulo, who during her lifetime was the abbess of one of the monasteries. The problem is that she does not have her own resident day of remembrance and therefore women given under her protection must celebrate the day of the angel on January 25 - the day of remembrance of all new martyrs and confessors.

The second is nun Margarita Zakachurina. Her memorial day is celebrated, in addition to common day commemoration of confessors and new martyrs, December 2. Of course, they are little known, and many continue to be baptized in memory of the more famous Marina of Antioch. This is due to the fact that in catholic church this ancient saint is named Margaret. Therefore, Orthodox name days are also most often dedicated to her memory. Thus, the choice remains with the person.

About the Holy Martyr Margaret (Marina)

As it were, most of Margaret has the honor of being the ward of this particular holy martyr. Martyr Marina (Margarita), and simply whose church memory is widely and solemnly celebrated throughout Orthodox Church(especially in Greek jurisdictions), born in Antioch of Pisidia. Her father was a pagan priest, and when he found out that his daughter had converted to Christianity, he renounced her and kicked her out of the house. Together with her guardian, she began to live in the field, grazing herds of animals. One day, the prefect of the region named Olimvrius saw her and, falling in love, offered her his hand and heart, setting the condition that she return to the bosom of the religion of her ancestors. However, Margarita, wanting to preserve her virginity and fidelity to Christ, refused. The angry ruler tortured her, as a result of which she died, having previously performed a number of fantastic miracles. Among other things, she was allegedly swallowed by a dragon, but then spat out because she was carrying a cross.

This happened, according to life, in 304. However, many historians doubt both the historical accuracy of the story of St. Margaret and her existence. Some experts argue that the legends about her are a development of the Christianized legend about the goddess Aphrodite. Moreover, already at the end of the 4th century, Pope Gelasius cult of St. Margaritas were banned as false. Therefore, Margarita’s name day was not celebrated there in her honor. However, the veneration of this saint remained in the Eastern Church, from where it then again penetrated into the Western during Crusades. One way or another, Margarita’s name day is celebrated today on July 17 according to the old style or July 30 according to the new style.