History of slot machines. Slot machines of our days and their features

IN Soviet times We only saw soda machines. Today, the vending business is spreading across the planet at an unprecedented pace. In the vending machines you can find anything, from food to personal hygiene items. But there are also goods that, when found in a vending machine, will at least cause surprise and a smile. But at the same time they have a place and are even in demand!

1. Rakomat

Who doesn't love freshly boiled crayfish with a bottle of cold beer? In Japan, they came up with vending machines where you can not only buy, but also catch crayfish yourself.

Such machines operate on the “toy” principle, which are abundant in our country. The main thing is to deftly catch the agile arthropod.

Catching crayfish on the city streets

2. iPod

Apple has come up with vending machines where you can buy your favorite iPod brand gadgets. Fans of this brand will find various models headphones, players, cables, chargers.

iPod fans will be delighted

3. Zolomat

Financial experts never tire of repeating: best investment Money- into gold. It’s not for nothing that there is a vending machine at Frankfurt Airport where you can buy this precious metal weighing from 1 to 250 grams. Considering that Frankfurt is the financial capital of Europe, you can rest assured that they know a lot about gold!

Would you like a gold bar?

4. Marijuana machine

In California, it is legal to sell and use marijuana for medicinal purposes. How does this happen? The doctor writes a prescription and you can legally use the drug. For example, if you are suffering from depression, you can go to a marijuana vending machine and buy the “dose” you need. Of course, everyone cannot purchase weed from such a machine. To do this, you need to pay for your purchase at the cash register, where you will be given a magnetic card with your imprint thumb. Next, you swipe your card through the machine, place your finger on the scanner, and only then do you receive marijuana.

A bold solution for street trading

5. Vegetarian machine

It's not easy for vegetarians! You have to constantly search for suitable food products. For this category of people, a vending machine was invented where you can buy only vegetarian products.

And no meat!

6. Ice machine

When the heat in Japan is unbearably hot, anyone can go to the machine and buy packaged ice, which will come in handy in the intense heat.

Would you buy a piece of ice on a hot afternoon?

7. Bicycle mat

IN Western Europe Almost all residents switched to bicycles. You could say it's two-wheeled vehicle replaced cars as the main means of transportation. And those who have not yet acquired a bicycle can rent one from a bicycle rack. To do this, you need to pay for the rental with a credit card, and the machine itself will count out a certain amount of money for each rental hour.

Riding with the breeze has become even easier

8. Umbrella

It suddenly began to rain outside, and you are without an umbrella. What to do? The easiest way is to use a vending machine that sells umbrellas. True, as always, according to the law of meanness, in heavy rain you are unlikely to see such a machine, but in sunny weather you will definitely see an umbrella machine on your way. But what if you ever get lucky?

If the rain takes you by surprise...

9. Pizzamat

Pizza fans will be delighted with the pizza machine. If you love pizza but can't wait for a long time at the pizzeria, use the vending machine. Its essence is simple. You pay for your order, and after just 2 minutes you receive a fragrant hot pizza. The only drawback of the pizza machine is the limited number of types of pizza - only 3 options. And the quality of the product remains in doubt.

Your order will be ready in just 2 minutes!

If you think that one of the above ideas has a chance of becoming popular in Russia, leave your comments below. Let's discuss together unusual options for vending machines.

Less than a century ago, in 1920, the Czechs Karel and Josef Capek, having had a good drink of beer, came up with the word “robot” and dreamed of those times when, in order to add foam to their belly, they would not have to turn to an unpleasant-faced waiter. Throw a coin into the machine - it silently gives you a bottle of Budvar.
The Czechs knew what they were thinking. After all, the first vending machine in history, that is, a vending machine, was invented and implemented back in the first century AD by the great engineer of antiquity, Heron of Alexandria. After swallowing a coin, the device poured a portion of “holy” water for the buyer. In 1888, the first chewing gum machines appeared on New York City train platforms. And in 1932, the first Soviet carbonated water machine appeared in the canteen of Smolny in Leningrad.

Years have passed and we have become accustomed to the fact that by turning to a soulless machine we can buy cigarettes, Coca-Cola, beer, a glass of coffee or a condom. Robots supply people with paper money and plastic tokens, pay the homeless in change for glass containers, and give the middle class books bought over the Internet. We quickly get used to good things. Modern youth dream not of a magic carpet, but of an ATM pocket...

Vending machines are capable of selling everything, even drugs (there is such a “maz” in some countries). We bring to the reader's attention the most extraordinary vending machines that work to the delight of the consumer masses in various parts of the robotic planet called Earth.

1. Vending machine for live crabs

If a real Chinese does not eat at least one crab a day, he is not entirely real. A live crab taken out of water spoils very quickly. Vending machines installed the year before last in China, at metro stations in several large cities, sell crustaceans in a “dormant” state at the temperature of a household refrigerator.
Animals cost from $1.50 to $7 apiece; each “crabomat” sells up to 200 units of goods every day. If the consumer comes across a dead crab, he receives three live ones for free as compensation.

2. Japanese machine selling umbrellas

From the Chinese metro we change to the Japanese one. If, getting off at a distant station, a passenger discovers that it is raining outside, and protection from rain and snow has been forgotten at home or at work, an umbrella vending machine will help him.
They write that similar examples of umbrella machines appeared in the UK. Because it won’t rain there either according to schedule.

3. Electronic librarian

In another cultural country, Canada, central Library acquired a machine that, without the participation of animated staff, issues books, CDs, videos and video games to visitors at home. To use the machine, you need to insert a library card in the form of a magnetic card into the receiving slot. The device comes with a storage bin for returning storage media, similar to Mailbox for parcels.

4. Porn magazine vending machine

And again the Japanese are shocking. At the Meitetsu-Nagoya railway station, to the delight of adults and children burdened with fantasies, there is a unit that poetically sells, hmm, alternative literature with pictures.

5. Yaikomat

The most delicate food product is chicken or quail eggs. But soulless pieces of iron also manage to sell them to people. Residents in rural Japan recently had the opportunity to buy the freshest eggs from robots. Which, in turn, take goods at dawn from farmers. A package of unfertilized chicken eggs costs 200 yen. This is approximately 69 Russian rubles for 12 eggs. By our standards it’s a little expensive, but we’re not Japanese.

6. Toy car selling machine

This machine, installed at one of the metro stations in Milan, is designed to protect parents from bored, boring children. In addition to cars of various colors and brands, this machine sells... Rubik's cubes.

7. Hamburger stand on the streets of Holland

The gentlemen from the Netherlands took good care of satisfying the appetite of those who are accustomed to eating on the go. Some people don’t even have time to go to a cafe or canteen, and they eat fatty chips and sweet donuts without leaving the sidewalk. Dutch revelers and runners can now save time and buy themselves a sandwich from a vending machine. Sandwiches come in a range of fillings and sizes.

8. iPod

Every time, surveying technical wonders, we have to curtsey towards the Yabloko company. A vending machine selling mini and shuffle iPods, as well as batteries and digital cameras, operates at the Atlanta airport (USA). Very convenient for those who only last minute I thought that on a flight across the ocean I needed something to occupy my ears.

9. Soccer ball vending machine

In New York there is the Chelsea Piers sports complex, where, among other sports, traditional football is played, the fans of which are few in the United States, but they do exist. During field battles, balls are often lost. So that players would not be interrupted in their search, Nike installed a vending machine on the territory of the complex that sold poison-colored balls called “Joga Three.”

10. Black box with cannabis

America is slowly legalizing marijuana - for those who really need it. California was one of the first to allow the sale of state-owned cannabis for medical purposes. Patients for whom the doctor prescribes marijuana receive a special card, on which the drug is sold to them in specialized pharmacies from hand to hand. If there is a line at the pharmacy for weed or it is night and the store is closed, a Los Angeles resident registered as an “official drug user” has the opportunity to buy cannabis from a machine. Identification occurs by fingerprint.

11. Bicycle domat

This impressively sized trading machine actually sells bicycles to the population for rent. Gives a Snickers or caramel as change.
Several dozen of these amazing devices were installed in park areas in 2007 cultural countries. Rental bikes are equipped with RFID chips and are signed, so they are unlikely to be stolen - it costs themselves more. Having passed through the park to the next bike machine, the client hands over the “laiba” to him and then walks where he needs to go.

How long do you think the vending business has been around? 20, 30 or maybe 100 years? In fact, the first vending machines - devices that sell various goods using ingenious mechanisms - appeared almost two thousand years ago! Founder this direction Heron of Alexandria is considered to be a Greek engineer and mathematician, who has a lot to his credit brilliant inventions. These included a steam turbine, automatic doors, a self-loading crossbow and, of course, the first vending machine. This device was installed in churches and sold “holy” water to everyone. The operation of this device was extremely simple. The client threw a coin into a special hole, which fell onto a tray, which, under the weight of the coin, acted on a lever that opened the valve. After this, a certain amount of water was poured. The coin would slide off the tray and the valve would close. It's so simple and ingenious.

The further history of development continued only in the 17th century (tobacco vending machines were created in England) and began to actively develop only in the second half of the 19th century. It was then (in 1851) that automatic vending devices were shown at the London Industrial Exhibition (this is probably why the most famous are soda and juice vending machines). Thirty-five years later, the first patent for a gum vending machine is registered.

A lot of time has passed since then. The world has changed several times. And vending machines have changed along with it. They have become more stylish, faster, more convenient and more diverse. And today we want to tell you about the 7 most unusual vending machines in the history of the vending business.

Live crab vending machine

In the Chinese city of Nanjing, there are vending machines selling live crabs. Animals are stored in special sealed packages and remain in a drowsy state when exposed to low temperatures. According to some agencies, at first the Chinese were quite suspicious of the new product. After all, crabs show no signs of life. But when it turned out that they were chilled and, in fact, alive, the sales process took off. average cost One crab in such a machine costs about 5-7 dollars. About 200 units of products are sold per day. But that's not all.

Chinese entrepreneurs care about their customers. Therefore, if a consumer comes across a dead crab, he receives compensation in the form of three live crustaceans completely free of charge. But how this process is implemented in the operating conditions of a vending machine is not reported.

But the idea is really interesting. Similar vending machines could be adapted for our latitudes. But it’s best to sell not crabs, but more familiar to us – crayfish. widespread among us. But no one has thought of selling them through vending machines yet. But in Japan a similar device exists. True, it looks more like a slot machine than a trading machine. After all, everyone who regrets is offered, for a fee, only to try to get a crayfish floating in the water. With the help of a clever device, the crayfish must be caught. Moreover, the client has a limited number of attempts.

Vending machine for renting bicycles

Where else, if not in Holland, could they come up with such a vending machine? The Bikedispenser company from Amsterdam has released a unique development that will greatly simplify the life of cycling enthusiasts - a bike dispenser. The main task of these automated mechanisms is to issue and receive bicycles. You cannot buy a vehicle, but you can rent it. All bicycles are equipped with special sensors that ensure that the bicycle is returned to the machine safe and sound.

It is very interesting that such machines are located in different populated areas. So, by renting a bicycle in one city, you can get to another and hand it over to the same bike dispenser there. The cost of daily rental (up to 20 hours) is only 2.85 euros. In total, this unusual vending machine can accommodate up to 100 bicycles. And the issuing and receiving time does not exceed 15 seconds. The machine gives out chewing gum or chocolate bars for change.

Given the ever-growing interest in, it can be assumed that such machines will quickly spread throughout the world. Perhaps someday such installations will begin to be actively used in our country.

We have already talked about this unique invention in one of them. Gold has always attracted and will continue to attract people with its stability. This is probably the most the best option investing. After all, this noble metal is constantly growing in price. And no crises or other external factors hinder him.

For the first time, the “Gold To Go” device was installed in Frankfurt, the financial capital of Europe. He sold small bars weighing 1, 5 and 10 grams. Later, the same machines were installed in other European cities. For example, last summer “Gold To Go” was installed in one of shopping centers London. The British have access to portions of the precious metal weighing up to 250 grams (and costing more than $16,000). And recently such a machine appeared in China. The difference is that in addition to selling gold, the device can also accept metal and issue cash.

Vending machine for sleeping

If all of the above did not seem to you something out of the ordinary, then the development of the Russian company “Arch Group” under a telling name SleepBox will definitely surprise you. What do you think of the idea of ​​a sleeping vending machine? More recently, this development was just a concept, but today similar “sleeping boxes” are being installed throughout Europe. For now, the devices are being installed at airports as an experiment. After all, this is where it is located a large number of potential clients - people who don’t mind relaxing/sleeping for an hour or two while waiting for their flight.

The sleep machine works extremely simply. It is a chamber with an area of ​​3.75 square meters. meters. Inside there is a bed, the linen on which is automatically changed after each use. To get inside, you need to pay for the service through a special payment acceptance system. Usage time is 15 minutes or more. When the usage period has expired, a beep will sound. In addition to the bed, there is a convenient table for a laptop, a mirror, a TV and several chargers for mobile phones.

The cost to use the sleep machine is $15 per hour or $50 per night.

Vending machine against stress

Every person, sooner or later, under the influence of external factors, is exposed to stress and even aggression. In this state, he can harm not only his environment, but also himself. This means that you urgently need to get rid of stress and aggression. But how?

The unique Passive Aggressive Anger Release Machine vending machine is designed to help in this difficult task. It works very simply. Inside there are various porcelain objects - figurines, cups, plates, jugs or vases. And what could be more enjoyable (in a state of stress) than breaking dishes and related items? This is exactly what the developers of this vending miracle propose to do.

A person who is upset or even angry about something throws money into a coin acceptor and gets a simply fabulous opportunity to “smash to smithereens” some beautiful breakable vessel. This is such a simple, but no less brilliant idea. But it is unknown whether a second wave of stress will overtake a person when he notices how the Passive Aggressive Anger Release Machine is slowly but surely leaving him without money. After all, the price for each broken item is quite high - $25.

Relaxation shoe vending machine

This idea was primarily aimed at the fairer sex, who often visited all kinds of nightclubs. As you know, girls try to arrive in such places in all their glory - in a beautiful stylish dress, with jewelry and heels. And it’s the shoes high heels is a real horror for the “party girl” returning home.

In order to somehow soften the fate of the poor girls, the Rollasoles company has released a vending machine that sells relaxing shoes. Speaking in simple words are regular flats available for £5 a pair. We have already talked about this in more detail in one of our earlier publications.

Vending machine for live rhinoceros beetles

Our selection today ends with a real exclusive – a vending machine that sells rhinoceros beetles. And alive. It’s not hard to guess that this development belongs to Japanese developers, who do everything they can to keep their clients from getting bored. This type Zhukov was chosen for a reason. No, it is not a favorite Japanese delicacy. Everything is much simpler.

The rhinoceros beetle is considered traditional in Japan. Like this. We keep parrots, hamsters, cats and dogs at home. And the Japanese are not averse to playing with insects. Interestingly, females cost three times less than males. Probably due to the fact that they lack a large horn (just like an African mammal). To get a beetle, you will have to pay 100 (for a female) or 300 (for a male) yen.

As you can see, the world of vending is extremely diverse. Developers are constantly coming up with something new to surprise the spoiled client. Today, you can purchase almost any product using a vending machine. And even more than that, many machines provide a variety of services, from charging your phone to providing a place to sleep and relax. And most importantly, many of these developments have not yet come to our country. This only means one thing - you have real chance to become the first in one or another area of ​​the vending business.

Nowadays, in every virtual casino it is as easy as shelling pears to play slot machines. They came online straight from traditional clubs. They have a lot of common features:

  • Combinations are made from symbols of fruits, gold bars and other things;
  • The device is turned on using the Play key;
  • There are three to five reels on the machine field.

However, Internet slot machines have significantly more features. First of all, nowadays almost all slot machines are equipped with five reels. Secondly, the game field has animated elements, for example, the bats, adding interest to the game. Thirdly, implemented bonus games with its own rules, for example, guess which of the inverted cards is higher in value. Where can I find an online casino with these games? You just need to enter "Yandex" in the search bar Vulcan slot machines online" and the issue is resolved. If your plans are not to simply launch new slot machines, but to fully enjoy the game, then you need to find out more information about the main advantages of modern slot machines.

Unique modes

Finding a slot without a bonus game is not so easy now. What is this? When you win or meet other requirements, the slot will give you the opportunity to play a bonus game. If you confirm, you are moved to another playing field, where you are required to complete something within a minute. For example, open containers to find winning symbols. If successful, the gambler receives cash prizes. Best opportunity make your gaming session more fun.

Icons with additional features

In the past, in online slots, the casino had an advantage over the player. The gambler had few options; for example, he had the opportunity to specify the number of lines or the size of the bet. The slot machine itself functioned due to the program. But soon manufacturers began to modernize the machines to make them more intense and exciting. In addition, they began to come up with unique modes for gamblers. For example, symbols with unique functions. You can imagine Wild being able to transform some elements into others. Or Free Bonus, upon receipt of which the player receives 5 free spins. These symbols have a special design based on the theme of the machine and can greatly change the balance of power, increasing the player’s earnings. But they still need to be collected. More information about Wild and other elements can be found on the page with the description of the selected machine.


This feature applies more to virtual casinos rather than slot machines. Often on playgrounds They hold sweepstakes, for example, “3 days of Book of Ra slot”. The casino attracts users to play this slot more actively and receive unique bonuses. This is usually how customers are attracted to fresh games, developed quite recently. You can find out all the details of such changes on the online casino website itself in the “News” section. They also often forward messages by e-mail.

These are the differences we can boast of in our time gaming machines in gaming clubs.