Short women's denim shorts. What to wear with women's and men's denim shorts of various models. Overalls are fashionable

Women's denim shorts owe their appearance to the legendary trendsetter of avant-garde fashion, Coco Chanel. It was she who freed women from suffocating corsets and dressed them in comfortable shorts, thereby shocking the public. It is worth noting that she did not impose anything on anyone, but simply began going out for walks in trousers, which became shorter and shorter each time, finally reaching the minimum length. Coco Chanel has always been an example for her contemporaries, and therefore shorts became popular among women of that time, who very quickly became convinced of their practicality and sexuality of this subject wardrobe

Who are denim shorts suitable for?

Jeans - the material is quite dense, but at the same time slightly elastic, it fits well on any figure, emphasizes smooth lines silhouette, and, if necessary, even hides some of its shortcomings. So, for example, excess fat on the lower thighs in denim shorts rises slightly, forming very appetizing buttocks. High-waisted denim shorts can help hide a small belly.

If you have a flat tummy, toned buttocks and beautiful thighs, and you are not familiar with cellulite, then denim shorts will be an excellent choice for you. However, do not forget that this is not an outfit for official events; appearing in denim shorts at a business meeting or even just in the office will be an indicator of bad taste.

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Short denim shorts

Short denim shorts fit perfectly female figure, emphasize femininity and sexuality. However, only girls with slender legs can afford to wear them, since it is this part the body remains uncovered. The length of short denim shorts can be different, more revealing models can even slightly reveal the lower part of the buttocks, but only the most extravagant ladies can wear them without embarrassment.

Short denim shorts with a low waist and suspenders look great on a slender female figure; they fit better young girls, because they give the image innocence and playfulness.

Short denim shorts go well with loose and tight-fitting T-shirts and T-shirts, both cropped, like a top, and mid-thigh length. In addition, a men's cut shirt tied at the waist with a knot will look good when paired with such shorts. Over this outfit, you can safely wear a light jacket or a short denim jacket. Long models of shorts, both tight and loose, look good with loose sweaters and blouses.

In cool weather, you can wear thick plain tights or leggings under denim shorts.

For footwear with denim shorts, you should choose ballet flats, sneakers, sports slippers or sandals. If your legs are not long enough, you can pay attention to shoes with heels or platforms, which visually make your legs longer and slimmer. Knitted boots, which are very popular today, as well as ankle boots and ankle boots in a cowboy style, look good with such shorts.

A great addition to denim shorts would be a wide belt with metal studs, a small leather bag on a long strap or sports backpack, cap, bandana or cowboy hat, as well as wooden accessories.

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