Katya Lel beginning of her career. Biography of Katya Lel

As in many Caucasian families, the Chuprinins played music constantly. Grandfather had a beautiful voice - he sang well, sister Ira sat at the piano from the age of six, and little Katyusha helped her every now and then, singing along to children's songs.

Biography of Katya Lel

At the age of seven, Katya begins to attend classes in two departments at once - piano and choral conducting. After music school, which Katya Chuprinina graduated with straight A's, the girl entered the Music School, and then the North Caucasus Institute of Arts, participated in competitions, festivals, and received her first applause. According to one of her fellow countrymen, she really had a voice and talent: “Katya took part in the Nalchik Dawns competition in 1992. She sang a blues composition and was head and shoulders above everyone else. But they condemned her and gave her third place.”

Who knows, maybe after that incident the girl began to think about something more for herself - interesting and bright. And she decides to go to Moscow. 19-year-old Katya easily enters Gnesinka for the correspondence course, but she can’t immediately declare herself as an original talent. She is denied auditions almost everywhere. Option one is to return to Nalchik.

Everything would have happened like this if it had not been for the meeting with Lev Leshchenko. A concert of the talent festival “Musical Start-94” was held in Gorky Park. The famous singer was a member of the jury. The girl did not hesitate to hand him the tape and asked him to listen. Two days later, fate gave her first compliment: Katya received a call with an offer to participate in the final round of the competition. There she took second place.

“I like to remember that time,” notes the singer. “Lev Valeryanovich became a second dad for me.” And indeed, Leshchenko took a young, fledgling talent under his wing, giving him a place as a backing vocalist in the band and the opportunity to perform his songs on the same stage with him. Three years of touring flew by in a flash.

Katya never left the dream of a solo career. After graduating from the music academy in 1998, the singer worked with Yuri Aizenshpis (at that time he produced Inga Drozdova, Vlad Stashevsky, Nikita). Aizenshpis first of all suggested thinking about a pseudonym, saying that Chuprinina was not for the big stage. And now Katya Lel’s first track “Lights” is heard from recording studios, on the radio and on television, and the debut album “Champs Elysees”, which includes 17 compositions, was awarded the national Ovation award. Katya began to be recognized on the street. By the way, Chuprinina officially became Lel in 2000, changing her last name in her passport.

In 2002, the hit “Peas” (album “Between Us”), co-written with DJ Tsvaetkov, was awarded the first Golden Gramophone. But Katya achieved mega-popularity in collaboration with Maxim Fadeev. The producer demanded a lot: to lose weight (and this with a height of 165 cm and a weight of 52 kg!), change his hairstyle, style - but he also gave a lot. Two years of sleepless nights, and the super hits “My Marmalade”, “Musi-Pusi” (the “Stopudovy Hit” and “Bomb of the Year” awards) are heard from all the windows. The album “Jaga-Jaga” (2004) went platinum.

The albums “Twist and Twirl” (2005), six of whose compositions were written by Katya herself, and “I am yours” (2008) did not cause great delight among fans. In show business there is talk about the decline in Lel's popularity. In 2011, Katya again began working with her favorite producer. The fruit of the union with Max Fadeev this time is the song and video “Yours”.

The singer celebrated her twentieth anniversary of creative activity on October 17, 2015 with a solo concert. Eleven years later, she presented the “Let Them Talk” program in Moscow, at Crocus City Hall.

Personal life of Katya Lel

The first meeting with the man who became more than her beloved man for Katya took place in the dressing room. A famous restaurateur and businessman, who opened a window to Europe for our stars, dropped in to see a friend. Alexander Volkov recalled that day this way: “In 1996, I came to perform with Leva Leshchenko, for whom I once organized concerts in Berlin. I saw a girl, her eyes were sparkling... Leva said that this was his backing vocalist, he asked her to promote her, saying she was talented. I don’t know why, but I got turned on... I was 46 years old, she was 22. That’s how it all started.” After a year of courtship, the beauty’s heart could not withstand the onslaught.

Becoming a star is not only about talent and self-discipline, which Katya spoke about in numerous interviews, but also a lot of money. You had to pay to work with famous producers. Sums of 50 thousand euros per song were mentioned. Katya was lucky: this didn’t give her a headache. The relationship with Volkov for eight years provided the singer with the opportunity to calmly do what she loved.

The couple lived together, appeared at social events, but... Volkov was not free and did not want to destroy his marriage. But Katya dreamed of a family and a child, and her age left no choice. In 2004, at the peak of Katya’s popularity, the relationship came to naught: the singer fluttered out of her golden cage, having also decided to run her own business. “Volkov told me then: “If you are not with me, I will destroy you,” recalls Lel.

The war between the former partners lasted four years. Katya lost the first trial. The singer had to fulfill the agreement signed with Volkov, namely: not to make decisions about creative and touring activities without his consent. Lel ignored the court's decision. In response, Volkov sent a letter to concert venues banning her from performing. Later he laid claim to Katino's name and profit. Fortunately, this meeting ended in favor of the singer. And yet Katya’s popularity began to fade. Screaming headlines in the yellow press, indifference of his colleagues, lack of television broadcasts - Volkov was an extremely influential figure. It is unknown how the confrontation, exhausting for both, would have ended. But in 2008, Alexander Volkov died: the businessman could not cope with a serious illness.

I met my future husband, businessman Igor Kuznetsov, in 2005. At that time, the singer, exhausted from the showdown, did not expect gifts from fate. The 28-year-old man stood firmly on his feet: sea cargo transportation, a karaoke club in Odessa... But Katya was attracted not by the handsome man’s wallet, but by his self-confidence, bordering on arrogance. At one of the concerts, he asked the singer point-blank: “Do you have your marmalade?” Can I become one? Katya did not hesitate: “Are you free?” Sympathy arose, but the singer immediately outlined the boundaries: “My profession is taboo. This is not discussed. It is my choice". She couldn't let anyone stop her from singing. Two weeks later, Igor proposed.

The wedding took place only three years later - in October 2008. And on April 8, 2009, the long-awaited daughter Emilia was born. The girl goes to first grade, studies English and dreams of becoming a singer. She has a lot of perseverance and strength of character - she’s all like her mother.

Ekaterina Chuprina, better known as Lel, is a Russian singer who has many hits to her name. During her career, the performer has recorded a large number of solo albums. Today Katya Lel continues her creative activity.

The childhood of a famous singer

Catherine's homeland is the Caucasus, the city of Nalchik. The girl’s creative talents began to manifest themselves early. She showed interest in music. This was facilitated by the piano at home. Katya often organized impromptu concerts with her older sister, where she performed as a soloist.

Simultaneously with general education, the girl began going to music school. Here she mastered the piano and the intricacies of choral conducting. Both music classes were graduated with honors. Chuprina continued her musical education, entered college, and then became a student at the Institute of Arts.

Having received her diploma, Katya decided not to stop there and left for Moscow. The metropolis coldly received the visiting girl, but the difficulties did not stop the future star. Katya began her conquest of the capital by entering a prestigious music university - the Gnessin Academy.

The path to a successful solo career

Ekaterina Chuprina’s first serious success was her victory in the “Musical Start-94” competition. Then the girl worked as a backing vocalist in the theater of the famous performer Lev Leshchenko. Sometimes she manages to perform solo.

In the late 90s, Ekaterina decides to start a solo career. The first step is to change your last name to Lel. According to the singer herself, it corresponded to her attitude and creative image. Soon Ekaterina recorded her debut album, called “Champs Elysees”. Videos were shot for 3 songs from it.

Katya Lel on the set of the video "Musi-Pusi"

Then, with a break of 2 years, the albums “Sama” and “Between Us” were released. They did not become popular, since the singer at that time did not have a producer and was in search of her own style. Only the composition “Peas” with the participation of DJ Tsvetkov received the Golden Gramophone award.

Katya Lel in the video "My Marmalade"

Everything changed dramatically after Lel began collaborating with producer Max Fadeev. The singer released several hits one after another. The radio hit charts exploded with the songs “Musi-Pusi” and “My Marmalade”. The composition “Fly” has become the singer’s calling card and today is considered her best work.

Katya Lel and hockey player Alexander Ovechkin on the set of the video “Let Them Talk”

This success was followed by the release of the album “Jaga-Jaga”, the singer’s popularity grew steadily, she herself received prestigious awards: “Silver Disc”, “Muz-TV”, “Song of the Year”. Lel is awarded the title of best singer of the year.

Katya Lel presented a new album called “Invented”

In the mid-2000s, the singer began a protracted conflict with her husband Alexander Volkov. He claimed the rights to many popular songs from the performer’s repertoire. This scandal led to a decline in Lel's popularity. But, despite the problems, she is recording a new album, “I’m Spinning,” and promoting it herself into the media space. After 2 years, the next collection of songs entitled “I am yours” is released. In 2011, the singer resumed her collaboration with Max Fadeev.

Singer Katya Lel now

In 2013, Lel created the song “I Live by You” together with Bosson, and also released the album “Sun of Love”. In subsequent years, Katya pleased her fans with several more striking works. Today she continues her creative activity and is actively interested in art.

Personal life

The experience of Katya's first serious relationship was unsuccessful. The singer's common-law husband Alexander Volkov was 24 years older. A few years later, the couple separated, followed by a protracted scandal.

Katya Lel with her first husband Alexander Volkov

In 2008, Katya married businessman Igor Kuznetsov, and soon the couple had a daughter, who was named Emilia. In 2016, the media was rocked by the news that the singer was being pursued by a mysterious maniac who was threatening to kill her daughter. Soon the police tracked down the attacker, but were unable to charge him with anything; he is under surveillance by law enforcement agencies.

Katya Lel with her second husband Igor Kuznetsov

Read all the most interesting things about the lives of famous musicians

Name: Katya Lel

Age: 43 years

Place of Birth: Nalchik

Height: 164 cm

Weight: 51 kg

Activity: singer

Family status: Married

Katya Lel - biography

The real name of the Russian pop singer is Ekaterina Chuprina. The stage name Katya Lel made her famous. Songs performed by the singer have repeatedly occupied the first lines of music charts.

Childhood, singer’s family

Originally from Kabardino-Balkaria, he has an older sister, Irina. The family raised the girls in love and understanding. Mom Lyudmila Chuprina was a good housewife and very hospitable. During her school years, Katya had several hobbies: a historical class, learning to play the piano, singing in a choir, and playing sports.

At the age of 3, the girl already had a real piano. And she mastered the instrument “excellently.” Athletics, fitness, shaping, dancing, music, lessons - everything had to be planned down to the minute. Starting from childhood, Katya clearly shaped every page of her biography.

But in a sea of ​​hobbies, music and dancing occupied the most important place. In her hometown of Nalchik, there was a musical group of the same name, in which Katya was a soloist for six years. After school, the next step was a music school, then the Institute of Arts. But the girl was attracted by the capital of Russia, and she cannot wait to graduate from the North Caucasus Higher Educational Institution, leaves for Moscow and takes part in the “Musical Start” competition, becoming its laureate. She was noticed and invited to work at the Lev Leshchenko Theater.

Katya Lel - Music, songs

For three years, the girl not only had a job as a backup singer for the famous singer, but she prepared her own solo program and successfully performed with it. The aspiring singer entered the correspondence department at the Gnessin School and successfully graduated. From this moment on, she begins a new biography.

Videos of the performer and an album of the singer's songs are released, the albums appear one after another. The girl successfully collaborates with DJ from St. Petersburg Tsvetkov. In Katya’s native republic she was awarded the title of Honored Artist. Simultaneously with this event, the singer meets Maxim Fadeev.

Spectators and listeners get acquainted with the songs that have become Katya Lel’s calling card. The compositions “My Marmalade”, “Musi-Pusi” and “Jaga-Jaga” never leave the lips of those who heard these songs for the first time. The singer Lel's first big solo program attracted a full house at the State Central Concert Hall "Russia". At first, Ekaterina Chuprina performed under a stage name, and since 2000, the singer has a new surname, officially. Now the popular performer is officially called on all posters by her former pseudonym Katya Lel.

Singer Awards

Well-deserved prizes and awards rained down on Katya like golden rain: “Golden Gramophone”, “Stopudovy Hit”, “Avtoradio”, “Silver Disc”. From this moment on, not a single “Song of the Year” is complete without the participation of the young performer. For some popular compositions, the singer writes the music herself. But suddenly in 2006 there was a decrease in Katya’s popularity. The singer’s personal life was largely to blame. She travels to hot spots and gives her solo concerts there: Nagorno-Karabakh, Azerbaijan.

Cinema and television, films

The first time Katya Lel starred in the film “Silver Lily of the Valley - 2”, then there was the series “Club”, “Happy Together”. Basically, she had to play herself. In the series about the Institute of Noble Maidens, she was again lucky enough to play a singer. Quite often Katya Lel can be seen on television. Projects, programs and show projects that are popular among viewers are broadcast on various TV channels. Along the way, the performer records new songs and albums.

In the Chechen Republic, they decided to award Katya the title of People's Artist, then the singers in her native republic came to the same opinion. Fadeev was closely involved in the promotion of new songs by Katya Lel, the singer from Sweden Bosson offered cooperation, as a result, a single was recorded, performed by the duet Lel - Bosson. Another “bomb” in the song world was a video clip starring hockey player Alexander Ovechkin.

Katya Lel - biography of personal life

The marriage of Katya Lel and producer Alexander Volkov lasted eight years, the marriage was civil. The couple was not at all embarrassed by the age difference; Katya was 24 years younger than her husband. The fact of Alexander’s legal marriage with another woman did not stop the common-law spouses. Although Katya and her husband were not officially married, the separation of this couple took place through the courts.

According to the singer, her musical career developed in waves - times of unprecedented popularity were followed by a period when she had practically no concerts, songs were cut from the airwaves. But she doesn’t like to remember this and prefers to talk about what she lives today. Firsthusband of Katya Lel- Alexander Volkov, who was also her producer, met her when Katya was a backing vocalist in Lev Leshchenko’s group. At that time, which was in the 90s of the last century, Volkov was a successful businessman and decided to help a pretty girl who he really liked set up a career.

In the photo Katya Lel with Alexander Volkov

Alexander looked after Katya very beautifully and persistently, gave expensive gifts, but the pressure with which Volkov besieged the girl sometimes frightened her. He kept his word and did everything to make the aspiring singer become a star. Katya Lel's common-law husband was much older than her and lived with two families - when Lel was on tour, he spent time with his legal family in Germany. Her most famous hits were released together with Alexander Volkov. Their relationship was not officially registered and therefore, when in 2000 they were completely ruined, Katya simply left Volkov. But the legal battle between the former spouses regarding their joint business lasted for more than one year, during which a lot of dirt was poured on the singer. Apparently, this was not very easy for Katya Lel’s husband either, since he was very upset about the breakup with her, and all the quarrels over hits seriously undermined his health, and eight years later he died.

In the photo Katya Lel with her husband - Igor Kuznetsov

Katya Lel’s second husband, Igor Kuznetsov, registered a relationship with her without waiting for forty years to pass since Volkov’s death. But this unpleasant event apparently did not bother the newlyweds much. Kuznetsov is three years younger than his wife, he is a successful businessman and throughout his acquaintance with Katya he tried to pamper her as often as possible so that she would quickly forget about all the troubles that happened in her life before him. Finally, the singer’s desire to create a real family, in which the man would belong only to her, came true.

They met by chance, and Kuznetsov immediately recognized Katya. Fifteen days after the first date, he proposed to her, to which she agreed three years later. Katya needed this time to check her feelings. Katya Lel has been living with her second husband for five years. During this time, they had a daughter, Emilia, who was born a year after their wedding.

Source of photo biography and personal life of Katya Lel: http://bez-makiyazha.ru/

Photo: Katya Lel songs, biography

Katya Lel was born in Nalchik on September 20, 1974. “That day I especially remember the gentle rays of the sun from the window and Katyusha’s ringing voice,” recalls the singer’s mother. The parents didn’t have to explain to Katya what music was. Music played constantly in their house. And one of Katya’s grandfathers sang beautifully.
Katya's first performance took place at the age of three. Then dad bought his daughters, Katya and her sister Ira, a piano. Irina recalls: “I was already six years old, and I was trying to play something. And three-year-old Katyusha sang along with me all the time.” When the little singer herself turned seven, she was sent to a music school. “I simultaneously studied in two departments: piano and choral conducting,” says Katya Lel. For me, studying music was so natural that I never thought about it.” Katya graduated with honors from both departments of the music school and her admission to the music school seemed just as natural to everyone. After college, Katya enters the North Caucasus Institute of Arts without any problems and... She understands that it’s time to make a choice. Either stay in Nalchik, live calmly and confidently, but without any special prospects. Or - go to seek happiness in Moscow. “I turned on Sade... and made a decision - we had to go,” recalls Katya.
Then everything was like in a bright fairy-tale dream. Having arrived to conquer Moscow, Katya went for a walk in Gorky Park. At that time, the competition of young performers “Musical Start - 94” was taking place there. Seeing Lev Leshchenko on the jury, Katya, plucking up courage, handed him a cassette with her recordings, which she always carried with her. A day later they called her and invited her directly to the final round of the competition. The next day, Katya became its laureate. And a few days later she was invited to the Lev Leshchenko Theater, Katya agreed and immediately left for her first tour in her life, where her first success in her life came to her. “It was in St. Petersburg,” says the singer, “I performed my solo number. And after the concert, people began to come up to me and say all sorts of good words. Lev Valeryanovich stood next to me, and I was so embarrassed. And he put his hand on my shoulder and said: “Well, girl, I’ll take care of you, and I know that everything will work out.” The next three years for Katya turned into one big tour with the Lev Leshchenko Theater, where she performed a solo program and helped with the maestro’s backing vocals At the same time, Katya studied at the correspondence department of Gnesinka, which she graduated with honors in 1998. “I like to remember that time,” Katya shares, “Lev Valeryanovich, in fact, became a second dad for me.”
However, the moment came, and Katya felt that she needed to start an independent career. It was 1998, Katya was recording the album "Champs Elysees". One after another, her clips of songs from the album appear on television screens: “Lights” by Vladimir Matetsky and “Champs Elysees” by Ilya Reznik. The next stage was the famous “I miss you.” The author of the song, Evgeny Kemerovo, for a long time could not find a performer for this song. But, having seen Katya Lel’s video “Champs Elysees,” he himself found the young singer and gave her his brainchild. The song "I Miss You" was also included in the 1998 album. However, the audience loved it so much that the song was re-included in the 1999 album “Talisman”. The period from 2000 to 2002 passed for Katya in active creative search. The singer tries herself in new styles and directions, and in 2000 she records the unconventional avant-garde album “Sama”. However, only two years later she finally finds what she was looking for. This is how the album “Between Us” appears. It includes, among others, the song “Peas” recorded with St. Petersburg DJ Tsvetkov. “At that time, rock dominated the radio stations, and my work, my style did not quite fit the radio format,” recalls the singer, “however, “Peas,” bypassing the prejudices of radio formats, was released to the “Golden Gramophone.” It was a breakthrough.”

Katya Lel is a popular Russian singer. The girl was born in 1974 in the city of Nalchik. And at the age of 20, she moved to Moscow in search of fame. Her first success was winning a competition among singers. There she was noticed by such a famous performer as Lev Leshchenko.

Katya Lel

He invited the girl to work in his Song Theater, for which Katya is very grateful to the singer. He became her second dad and a guide to the world of Russian show business. Soon Lel met Alexander Volkov, who became the singer’s producer, as well as her lover. But their relationship was not ideal. Soon the love passed, and the terms of the 10-year contract did not suit Katya.

Katya Lel with Alexander Volkov

Fortunately, fate brought the singer together with producer Maxim Fadeev. With him, Katya found true fame and success. Soon such hits as “Musi Pusi” and “My Marmalade” were released. After the change of producer, there was also a change in the image of the artist. Lel became more confident and less shy.

Maxim Fadeev

After a short breakup between the producer and singer in 2011, they began working together again. And Katya again had to change her stage image; she had to try hard to lose those extra pounds.

And in 2008, Lel first married businessman Igor Kuznetsov. Their relationship developed very quickly. Literally a couple of weeks after they met, Igor proposed to the singer. But Katya was in no hurry to answer. Only three years later did he receive a positive response from the girl.

Katya Lel with her husband

Katya Lel with her husband

The couple met at a concert. They were both spectators. Igor was crazy about Katya’s creativity and her charm. He did not miss the chance to meet the star. In 2009, a year after the wedding, a daughter, Emilia, was born into their family.

Katya Lel with her husband and daughter