How many calories are in different types of eggs? Chicken egg.

Calorie content of fried eggs (1,2,3 pcs.)

100 grams of the product in its raw form contains 158 kcal. To grease a frying pan, you need at least 5 ml (teaspoon) of oil, which is 40 kcal.

Based on the specified parameters, it is easy to calculate the calorie content of the finished scrambled eggs:

Chicken egg size Raw (1 pc.) Fried egg (calories 1 pc.) Calorie content of scrambled eggs from 2 eggs Calorie content of scrambled eggs from 3 eggs
Small (III category) 75 105 190 265
Secondary (I-II category) 80-100 120-140 200-240 280-340
Large (select and highest category) 110 150 260 370

Calorie content depending on cooking method

Due to the evaporation of water during the frying process, the specific gravity of the product decreases, so the calorie content per 100 grams increases. In 100 grams of scrambled eggs, cooked without oil in a non-stick frying pan, there will be not 158 ​​kcal, as in raw form, but already 170 kcal. That is, a serving of two fried eggs without fat will contain on average 250-260 kcal.

Frying with added fat will increase the nutritional value of each serving by the corresponding amount of kcal.:

  • butter – per 100 kcal (15 g);
  • sunflower oil – 45 kcal (5 g);
  • low-calorie margarine – 85 kcal (15 g);
  • melted lard – 135 kcal (15 g).

BZHU, composition

A chicken egg, regardless of weight, consists of 73% water. Proteins account for 13% of the mass, fats make up 12%, the remaining 2% are carbohydrates and mineral salts. The yolk is the most nutritious part. It is where most of the vitamins (A, D, E, F, K, PP, group B), microelements (phosphorus, calcium, iron, magnesium, etc.), polyunsaturated and saturated fatty acids are concentrated.

The bulk of the fat is also included in the yolk, so its energy value is three times higher than that of the white.

Calorie content per serving according to different recipes

When adding any components to scrambled eggs, you should remember that the energy value of the finished dish will directly depend on this. Some products can almost double this figure.

Popular recipes:

Additional Ingredients Amount per serving of two eggs, g Cooking method Kcal in finished portion
Bacon 100 Cut the bacon into thin strips, fry on both sides without oil; break the eggs, add salt to taste 440
Milk sausages (2 pcs.) 110 Cut the sausages into slices, fry in vegetable oil; pour in eggs, fry for 3-4 minutes 510
Tomatoes and onions Tomatoes-95; onion - 50 Fry the onion with sunflower oil until golden brown; add the tomatoes cut into pieces, simmer for 2-3 minutes, pour in the eggs (stir if desired) 340
Champignon mushrooms) 75 Cut the champignons, fry with vegetable oil for 3-5 minutes; pour in the beaten egg mixture, fry covered until done 240
Croutons (wheat bread) 100 Cut the bread into small cubes, fry for 1-2 minutes in sunflower oil; pour in the eggs, fry covered over low heat for 3-4 minutes 575
Cheese and greens Russian cheese - 50; dill - 10 Pour the beaten egg mixture into a heated frying pan; after 2 minutes add chopped dill and grated cheese 420

How to reduce the calorie content of scrambled eggs

Those who want to lose weight should not give up their favorite fried eggs for breakfast due to their high calorie content.

You can “lighten” the portion in the following ways::

  • Cook without adding fat in a ceramic or Teflon frying pan (minus 40 to 90 kcal depending on the type of oil).
  • Replace fat with water. Before frying, pour a 2-3 mm layer of water into the frying pan. After boiling, break the eggs and cook covered (reduces calorie content, as in the previous method).
  • Use only the protein mass, separating the yolks (calorie content will be reduced by three times).
  • Replace half of the egg mass with vegetable fillers (cauliflower, broccoli, zucchini, asparagus, onions). As a result, a serving of the same size will have fewer calories. So scrambled eggs with zucchini have 70 kcal less than regular ones.
  • Serve with fresh tomatoes, cucumbers, Chinese cabbage and season with herbs (dill, parsley, cilantro, spinach). The serving size will increase, and the calorie content of the dish per 100 grams will decrease.

Just a couple of decades ago, many doctors and nutritionists did not recommend eating eggs. They classified this product as harmful to the body. The maximum allowed quantity was 1 piece. in Week. This was due to the fact that the cholesterol found in the yolk was considered harmful. Now the situation has changed significantly. Scientists have spent a lot of time trying to find out how this product affects the human body, what its beneficial properties are, and also, how many calories are in an egg.

After all, as it turned out, cholesterol, which was found in the yolk of eggs, is neutralized by lethicin. Therefore, this product began to be actively used in various diets. In addition, there are quite a lot of options for preparing them (hard-boiled, soft-boiled, poached, frying), thanks to which you can diversify your menu. Diversity is also ensured through the use of chicken, quail, and goose eggs.

On average, one raw egg weighs about 45 grams and its calorie content is 75 kcal.

In this case, the protein has the following composition:

  • water – 87%;
  • proteins – 11%;
  • carbohydrates – 1%;
  • minerals – 1%.

Yolk composition:

  • water – 50%;
  • fats – 31%;
  • proteins – 17%;
  • minerals – 2%.

It is also worth noting that they contain a high content of phosphorus, calcium, sodium, potassium, iron, zinc and selenium.

In addition, they are rich in vitamins:

  • biotin;
  • folic acid.

Calorie content

For those who try to watch their diet, counting calories is normal. The energy value of chicken eggs is 158 kcal. But it is worth understanding that the number of calories per 100 g largely depends on the form in which they are consumed. In particular, the calorie content of 1 raw egg will be less than that of a fried egg. The main data is summarized in the table below.

In addition, it is worth considering the category.


Chicken eggs in this form are characterized by an almost complete absence of carbohydrates, so the energy value is based on proteins and fats. The first component is contained mostly in the protein, the second in the yolk. In this case, the ratio of BJU per 100 g is 13:11.4:0.1.

Please note: The total calorie content is estimated by nutritionists at 157 kcal. Moreover, if it is large, then it is approximately equal to 80 kcal, medium - 70 kcal, very large - 90 kcal.


The product in this form is recommended for consumption by many nutritionists. Thanks to it, a person retains a feeling of fullness for a long time and there is no desire to snack. One boiled product contains a large amount of proteins, which will charge you with energy for 4-5 hours. Not many people know how many calories are in one boiled egg. It all depends on how long the cooking took place. In order to get a soft-boiled dish, it is recommended to cook it for 2 minutes from the moment the water boils, poached - 4 minutes, hard-boiled - 7 minutes.

It is worth noting that the most useful method of preparing it differs from the usual cooking. The product must be placed in boiling water. After 1.5 minutes, the fire is turned off and allowed to “cook” after a certain amount of time. With this method, the white will be solid, but the yolk will remain liquid.

Practical advice: Nutritionists do not recommend overcooking. In this case, the food will taste like rubber. For easy cleaning, it is recommended to remember the following tip: to ensure that the shells are easily removed, you need to place them in chilled water as soon as the cooking time is up.


In this form, the product has a high calorie content. If frying took place without adding oil, then the figure is 100 kcal. When adding vegetable oil, the calorie content increases to 125 kcal.

If we consider the most common and popular dishes, we can highlight the following data:

  • scrambled eggs from two eggs - 250 kilocalories;
  • fried eggs - 245 kcal per 100 g of dish;
  • two-egg omelette – 200 kilocalories;
  • omelette of two proteins – 128 kcal.

Egg powder

This product is also called dry melange. It is actively used in the food industry. 1 kg of such powder replaces about 9 dozen. At the same time, the energy value of 100 g is equal to 542 kilocalories. BJU is 46:37.3:4.5.

White and yolk separately

Yolks are significantly higher in calories than the whites of chicken eggs. If you need to consume fewer calories, then you should separate the product and use only proteins. If you take a medium-sized egg, the protein in it will have about 20 kilocalories. At the same time, it is worth paying attention to the fact that 97% of it is absorbed.

Please note: Protein contains a large number of elements beneficial to the human body, in particular methionine. Thanks to it, the synthesis of adrenaline, cysteine, which is responsible for eliminating toxins, and also creatine occurs. A deficiency of this element can lead to various disorders, including general damage to the central nervous system.

The yolk of one egg has a calorie content of 50 kcal. It contains a whole complex of fatty acids and dietary fiber, which have a beneficial effect on the body. The presence of lecithin helps improve brain activity, memory, increases human performance, prevents the development of diseases such as sclerosis, has a positive effect on the liver and helps to recover faster after physical activity.


Having figured out how many kcal are in 1 chicken egg, you can move on to other types of this product. Quail eggs are also in demand because they contain a large amount of vitamins, microelements and amino acids. At the same time, doctors do not indicate contraindications to their use. On the contrary, this product is recommended for gastrointestinal diseases. Its beneficial properties also include normalizing blood pressure. The product has an energy value of 168 kilocalories.


This product is less popular than chicken or quail. Their main difference is their size. It takes 1.5 hours to boil such an egg.

100 g of product contains:

  • proteins – 12.5 g;
  • fats – 11.8 g;
  • carbohydrates – 0.7 g.

Compared to chicken eggs, ostrich eggs have lower calorie content.


This product has a thicker shell and is also heavier than chicken eggs. In their raw form, the energy value of 100 g of goose eggs is 185 kilocalories. It is recommended to wash them thoroughly before use. Cooking takes at least a quarter of an hour.


Turkey eggs weigh slightly more than chicken eggs. It is about 70-75 g. The shell is more durable and creamy in color. At the same time, the size of the eggs depends on the age of the birds. The energy value of the product is 171 kcal per 100 g. These eggs are not recommended for dietary nutrition, since they contain a large amount of fat and very few carbohydrates.

Beneficial features

The health benefits of eggs are recognized all over the world. Their use has a beneficial effect on men's and women's health.

The main useful properties include:

  • Availability of easily digestible proteins. In this case, 1 egg has 15% of the daily requirement. In addition, the composition contains protein (6 g). Thus, almost 10% of weight is spent on providing energy to the body.
  • Due to the high protein content and regular consumption, people have a more developed muscular system.
  • Protein allows you to forget about the feeling of hunger for a long time, which is especially important during diets.
  • Lecithin is useful for pregnant women because it ensures normal development of the fetal brain.
  • Animal fats that are included in the composition have a positive effect on the male reproductive system.
  • Vitamin D helps the body better absorb calcium, which helps maintain good condition of bones, nails, and teeth.
  • Selenium improves the body's protective functions and also normalizes the functioning of the thyroid gland.

It is also worth noting that fresh eggs bring maximum benefits to the body. And there are several methods to check their condition. If you shake the fresh product, no sounds will be detected. You can also put it in water. If it sinks right away, it means it’s fresh.

Eggs in dietary nutrition

Nutritionists often recommend eggs in diet menus. They are rightfully classified as low-calorie and healthy products. In addition to diets, they are also prescribed in the therapeutic nutrition menu. Thanks to their consumption, metabolic processes are normalized. Moreover, those who prefer to eat 2 boiled eggs for breakfast ensure that they feel full for a long time. This also reduces the daily diet by about 300 kilocalories.

Practical advice: For those who want to lose excess weight, nutritionists recommend eating at least 2-3 eggs per week. In low-carbohydrate nutrition programs, their number increases to 4-5.

When cooked, they can improve the body’s protective functions and also provide a sufficiently nutritious diet. They can be seen on the menu of many popular and effective diets, in particular the Kremlin, protein, Atkins and Protasov.

Acceptable consumption standards

To provide your body with enough nutrients, it is recommended to eat 1 piece. per day. However, this is only possible if the level of cholesterol in the blood is normal. If the indicators are elevated, the amount of product is reduced to 2-3 per week. Eggs can be introduced into the diet of babies from 7 months. At first, it is recommended to give only yolks. For children 2-3 years old, the norm is 2-3 yolks for 7 days. When creating your menu, you must also take into account the fact that eggs are contained in many products, in particular baked goods, mayonnaise, etc.

Egg calorie table

There is hardly a person in the world who has not tried some egg dish. This is one of the most common food products. You can eat eggs of all types of birds and even some reptiles (turtles).

Usually people use chicken eggs, less often - quail, in very exceptional cases - goose, duck, ostrich and turkey.

Eggs are not only healthy, but also a unique product. Egg digestible human body by 97%. The third part of the egg is the yolk. It includes proteins, fats, cholesterol. The rest is occupied by protein, consisting of 90 percent from water and ten percent from protein.

Calorie content of eggs

Calorie content directly depends depending on egg size, one hundred grams of the product contains 158 kilocalories. One medium raw egg contains 70 calories. A large egg has 80 kilocalories, and a very large egg has 90 kilocalories.

The calorie content of cooked eggs varies. A fried egg contains 125 kilocalories, assuming that it is cooked in vegetable oil. The calorie content of a hard-boiled egg is 50 kilocalories, and a soft-boiled egg is 70 kcal. The yolk contains three times more calories than the white.

Calorie content of quail egg(this product is becoming quite popular and is often sold in supermarkets) - 16-17 kilocalories. Its weight is about 10 – 12 grams.

Useful material

  1. active vitamin content A,
  2. vitamin content D(for comparison, eggs are second only to fish oil in the amount of vitamin D),
  3. eggs contain vitamins B1, B2, E,
  4. The yolk contains large quantities of the vitamin choline,
  5. recorded in eggs 96% useful minerals (calcium, phosphorus, iodine, copper, iron),
  6. cholesterol contained in the yolk is harmless to health because it is balanced by lecithin,
  7. The fats contained in the yolk are polyunsaturated by nature, so they will not cause any harm to health.

Eating eggs on a diet

Many nutritionists advise eating eggs during a diet. Recommended consumption 2 – 3 boiled eggs per week. If you are on a diet, you can eat more eggs.

Eggs promote weight loss and support the functioning of the human immune system. Hard-boiled eggs are used in many popular diets: blood type diet, Protasov diet, Kremlin diet, Atkins diet.


Eggs are contraindicated if you have allergies, cholecystitis or increased intolerance to any component of the protein or yolk. Egg yolks are allowed to be consumed even by infants from the age of seven months.

How to choose the right eggs

In this matter, you need to decide what kind of eggs you need - table or diet eggs. According to the marking adopted in Russia with the letter “ D" means a dietary egg; it must be sold within seven days. Letter " WITH" refers to table eggs that must be sold within 25 days.

The second marking sign indicates the weight of the eggs: 1, 2, 3 – depending on weight, letter “ ABOUT" - selected eggs, weighing from 65 grams to 75 and " IN“—highest grade, eggs over 75 grams in weight.

When choosing eggs, look at the expiration date and release date of the eggs. Be sure to open the product container and ensure there are no cracked or broken eggs.

Eggs often vary in color (from white to light brown), but this is not does not affect their quality or taste.

Quantitative norm for egg consumption

According to generally accepted nutritional standards, the average person needs to eat 300 eggs per year. To people who suffer elevated cholesterol levels in the blood, it is recommended to use 2-3 eggs per week, the rest can be eaten 5-6 eggs.

Young children are introduced to the yolk from the age of seven months. To kid 2 – 3 years can be eaten from 2 to 3 yolks per week, It is recommended that a child aged 4–6 years eat 3 eggs per week.

When creating your menu, you should take into account that eggs are contained in many products: mayonnaise, baked goods and others.

Egg recipes

Eggs can be consumed in different forms. Hard-boiled eggs are used in the diet because they are the lowest-calorie product. There are several popular and delicious dishes made from this product.

  • Boiled hard boiled eggs– Boil the eggs for 7 – 8 minutes.
  • Boiled scrambled eggs– Boil the eggs for 2 – 3 minutes.
  • Fried eggs– fry the egg in a frying pan with a small amount of vegetable oil, add salt and ground black pepper to taste. You don’t have to turn the egg - you will get a wonderful fried egg, you can turn it over and fry it on both sides, or you can shake it in a frying pan, then you will have a scrambled egg.
  • Omelette- A popular, easy-to-prepare dish. To prepare it, beat eggs with milk, add salt and pepper and fry in a frying pan. You can add ham, tomatoes, fresh bell peppers, sausages and even cheese to the omelette. It all depends on your imagination.
  • Poached eggs- eggs boiled in water without shells. This is an original French dish that many people like.

Let's sum it up...

In terms of their composition, eggs are unique and irreplaceable product, which is recommended for use by both children and adults. They are tasty and healthy, in addition to being low in calories.

This is a storehouse of nutrients. Vitamin E strengthens our heart and blood vessels, vitamin D And phosphorus have a beneficial effect on bone tissue.

Eggs are good for pregnant women because they contain choline and lecithin, which properly develop the baby’s brain. Egg yolk contains lutein, a strong antioxidant. In addition to all that has been said, eggs are useful for people suffering from eye diseases, and they are useful for cataracts.

Eggs are even used in facial and hair care. They nourish the skin, fight dandruff and hair loss. There is not a single hair mask that does not contain eggs.

There is a lot of debate about the benefits and harms of eggs for weight loss. To resolve them, you need to understand how many calories an egg contains, and how this indicator changes depending on the cooking method.

Good day, friends of a healthy lifestyle! For a long time it was believed that, in addition to useful substances, homemade eggs contain a lot of cholesterol, and their consumption is harmful to health and accelerates the development of atherosclerosis and other pathologies of the cardiovascular system. Research in this area has refuted this fact. It turns out that the yolk contains not only harmful cholesterol, but also lecithin. This substance neutralizes the effect of harmful fatty alcohol.

Product benefits

When it was possible to prove that there are more beneficial substances than harmful ones, the product became an indispensable component of many weight loss programs. The average weight of one “gift from the chicken” is 45 grams. It contains water (about 50% in the yolk), proteins, fats, and minerals. There are practically no carbohydrates.

The vitamin composition is impressive. Fresh eggs contain vitamins A, E, D, K, PP and group B. 1 pc. high content of minerals and trace elements such as potassium, phosphorus, iron, zinc, calcium, sodium, etc. The main benefit is the presence of easily digestible protein. Protein is the main material for building muscles. One chicken “gift” contains 15% of the daily protein requirement.

Protein combined with yolk gives a long-lasting feeling of satiety. Regular consumption of it in boiled, fried or raw form provides a person with strong muscles and also guarantees:

  • improving brain function;
  • disinfecting and antimicrobial effect;
  • prevention of vascular diseases;
  • maintaining a high level of lipid metabolism and metabolism;
  • normalization of liver function;
  • strengthening the immune system and stabilizing the functioning of the endocrine system.

They are introduced into the human diet in boiled form after the child turns 7 months old. It is important to be careful, because the yolk of a boiled egg contains substances that cause an allergic reaction. Children should be introduced to new foods carefully and gradually. A healthy adult can consume 1 pc. in a day. If you have health problems or there is an increase in blood, you should reduce the amount to 2-3 pcs. in Week.


100 grams of raw chicken egg contains almost 160 kcal. The method of heat treatment and additional ingredients affect the calorie content of the product, namely:

  • a hard-boiled egg (relative to 100 grams) contains 50 calories;
  • in a soft-boiled product – 70 kcal;
  • fried in sunflower oil - 125 kcal, in butter - 270 kcal, when cooked without oil - 100 kcal;
  • the fried egg contains almost 250 calories, and the nutritional value of 3 scrambled eggs exceeds 250 kcal;
  • in a classic omelet, the calorie content does not exceed 300 kcal; on a diet, the dish is often prepared without the yolk, this way it is possible to reduce the calorie content by more than half;
  • in a poached egg, provided that the product is of medium size, the calorie content does not exceed 65 kcal.

The white of one egg contains no more than 30 calories, so people on a diet often consume only the white tender part. The product goes well with other foods, especially with vegetables - tomatoes, onions, lettuce, celery. You can harm your body and figure if you consume the product with mayonnaise, sauces, bacon and other fatty foods.

It is best to cook with fresh eggs. You can check this indicator in water (read the instructions). There are dietary recipes for cooking in the microwave, slow cooker, etc.

For comparison

Chicken products are often compared to “derivatives” from other birds. Therefore, we offer you a small scheme with the calorie content of several types of eggs:

  • A quail egg (100 g) contains 168 kcal. At the same time, the product does not cause allergic reactions and is characterized by a richer composition. They contain 2 times more vitamins, amino acids and minerals than chicken ones.

  • A raw ostrich egg has a calorie content of 118 units per 100 grams. However, the product is 20-30 times larger than the usual chicken product.

  • Goose has 370 calories. It is several times larger than chicken. Energy value 100 g. The product is 185 calories.

  • A turkey egg has 170 calories per 100 grams of product. This type is not used in the diet menu, because it contains a lot of fat.

For those who are losing weight or simply watching their figure, counting daily calories is very important. Now you know how many calories are in chicken and other types of eggs, and you can intelligently think through your diet. If you liked our article, share it on your social media page. networks. We thank everyone who cares. See you again!

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How many calories are in one egg? This question torments many people, because we are all used to having eggs for breakfast in the morning. But along with the fact that the opinions of experts differ in the ways of consuming eggs, they all affirm the great benefits for the human body unanimously and uncompromisingly. In essence, the egg is a very healthy food product and has excellent energy value.

As for the human diet, eggs are an indispensable product for many people. You can use them to prepare both everyday and holiday dishes, spending a minimum of time and effort. For those who are concerned egg calorie content, you should find out in more detail when and what eggs are healthy to eat, and in which cases it is better to refuse an egg dish.

Tell me exactly what it is calorie content 1 chicken eggs impossible, since such an indicator directly depends on the size of the product, as well as on the method of its preparation.

Egg raw

If we consider egg, That calorie content raw product per 100 g of weight is approximately 158-160 kcal. Considering that the average weight of an egg is from 40 to 70 grams, you can easily calculate its calorie content, which ranges from 63-110 kcal.

As for quail eggs, they are about 5 times smaller in size than chicken eggs. It has been established that their calorie content is 168 kcal per 100 g of weight. According to calculations, it turns out that one egg, which weighs about 10-13 grams, contains only 17-22 calories.

Boiled egg

If we talk about the benefits of eggs for the human body, then eating them raw provides the greatest value. To find out what calorie content of one boiled egg It should be taken into account that the yolk and white differ significantly in their energy value.

The calorie content of a whole boiled egg is approximately the same as a raw one. At the same time, the protein contains only 17 kcal, and the yolk contains 50-55 kcal. It should also be noted that protein is rich in B vitamins and amino acids, and the amount of fat in it is minimal. The yolk contains carbohydrates, proteins, fats, microelements (zinc, manganese, calcium, iron), vitamins B, E and A. In addition, the yolks also contain cholesterol, so its simultaneous use with other fats of animal origin is undesirable.

The number of calories also depends on the state to which the egg is boiled. For those who prefer to eat soft-boiled egg, you should know that calorie content 1 piece. is up to 70 kcal, but at the same time they do not lose their benefits for the body. In a properly cooked product, the yolk should be semi-liquid and should be consumed hot.

And if you boil it hard, it will be less caloric and contain only 50 kcal. In this form, the product is ideal for those who want to lose excess weight using a diet menu. Just boil the egg immediately before eating it.

Fried egg

For many people, the quickest and easiest breakfast to prepare is scrambled eggs. Undoubtedly, such a dish has excellent taste, but even with impeccable taste, the issue of calorie content remains quite relevant.

If you just fry it in a dry frying pan chicken egg, calories it reaches up to 110 calories, and when you add a little butter, the number of calories increases even more. Therefore, when calculating calorie content, it is necessary to take into account how many calories are contained in the oil used for frying. In some cases, such a dish can exceed 170 calorie units.

For people who prefer to eat low-calorie foods, but do not want to exclude scrambled eggs from the menu, its nutritional value can be greatly reduced by frying only the whites. There are no fats in them completely and the carbohydrate content is minimal.

A fairly common breakfast dish is omelet. It's very easy to prepare. To do this, thoroughly beat the eggs with milk until smooth. Preheat the frying pan, pour a little sunflower oil into the bottom and pour out the prepared mass. If you prepare an omelet from two eggs, its nutritional value will reach up to 118 kcal. When you use only proteins for cooking, the number of calories in the finished dish will be reduced to 85.

Often, for variety, other products are also added to the omelette, which also largely determine its nutritional value.

If, for example, an omelette is prepared with cheese and tomatoes, then the number of calories in the finished dish reaches up to 342.

Speaking about the omelet, it should be noted that such a breakfast is considered very healthy; it fills the body with the necessary energy for the whole day.

What benefits does an egg bring to the body?

The egg contains a huge amount of nutrients that have a beneficial effect on the human body. These include more than 12 different vitamins, in particular E, D, H, choline and almost all positions from group B. Among the most valuable macroelements, sodium, magnesium, sulfur, calcium, potassium and others should be noted. The complex of microelements consists of iron, chromium, manganese, fluorine, copper, zinc, selenium. With such an enriched and healthy composition egg calorie content For example 1 PC. It does not cause any harm to the body, provided that it is used correctly and in moderation.

Regular consumption of eggs is approved by nutritionists for the following reasons:

  • The egg contains an easily digestible channel rich in valuable amino acids. Not everyone knows that by eating one egg a day, the body immediately receives 15% of the daily protein requirement. This property of the product is highly valued by athletes who need amino acids to strengthen the body and restore muscles after heavy physical exertion;
  • the effect of the vitamin-mineral complex with which the egg is enriched is aimed at increasing immunity and saturating the body with substances necessary for normal functioning;
  • A large amount of leucithin helps remove excess cholesterol from the blood and prevents obesity.

You can eat an egg not only as a dish on its own, but it is also often combined with a variety of cereals, fresh vegetables and fruits, and herbs.

The presence of this product in the diet accelerates the cure of many diseases:

  • Doctors advise many patients to include eggs in their menu to prevent the development of cancer pathologies;
  • calorie content of 1 boiled egg low, but the rich vitamin composition, in particular vitamin C, significantly slows down the aging process of the body, and the hormone lutein contained in the product significantly enhances the effect of rejuvenation;
  • phosphorus and vitamin D, the amount of which eggs are second only to fish oil, strengthen bone tissue and have a positive effect on dental health;
  • amino acids, lutein and sulfur improve the quality of vision and promote rapid treatment of eye diseases;
  • Vitamin E normalizes the functioning of the cardiovascular system and prevents the formation of cholesterol plaques.

For humans, chicken eggs are considered a very healthy product, and different methods of preparing them allow you to diversify the menu and fill it with tasty and healthy dishes.

Product digestibility

Depending on the method of preparing eggs, their digestibility is different in each case. If you pay attention to the opinions of experts, some consider boiled eggs more useful, while others insist on eating them raw.

Each of the opinions is considered correct in its own way. The product is well absorbed by the body in both cases, with only some differences:

  • having a low calorie content well absorbed by the body boiled or fried egg. In the process of breaking down the product in this form, enzymes that break down fats are synthesized in the body. For this reason, many athletes consume a boiled egg after training;
  • raw eggs enrich the body with the beneficial substances it needs, but only in cases where there are no other products in the dish. If at the time of eating an egg there is no deficiency of minerals and vitamins in the body, then it is simply not digested in the stomach and is excreted from the body.

Interesting! Regular consumption of raw eggs by women increases the opportunity to become pregnant, carry and give birth to a healthy baby.

How many eggs can you eat?

Everyone can eat eggs, except for those who have an individual intolerance to the product. But how many eggs a person can eat depends on some features:

  • people with high cholesterol can eat no more than 3 pcs. in Week;
  • People whose cholesterol levels do not exceed the norm can eat one egg daily;
  • Children can include eggs in their diet from 8-12 months, but they need to start once a week;
  • The number of eggs for children from 4-6 years of age is up to 5 eggs per week.

This is an approximate dosage. The main thing you should pay attention to is not to create an excess of nutrients, since this is just as dangerous as vitamin deficiency.

Dishes with eggs: calorie content

A variety of dishes can be prepared based on eggs, depending on a person’s preferences and tastes.

Fried eggs

This is one of the easiest dishes to prepare. For frying only, it is best to use a special frying pan with a ceramic coating. This will eliminate the need to add oil. If boiled egg calories determined only by its weight, then 1 PC. when fried, the nutritional value depends on the components added.

The nutritional value of scrambled eggs cooked in vegetable oil per 100 grams is 240 kilocalories.

Toast with egg

In this case, the calorie content depends on the nutritional value of the bread and the butter used. Toasts with eggs from white bread contain approximately 190 kcal in 100 grams.

This pie is considered not only tasty, but also very healthy. If you cook according to the recipe: 1 yolk and 5 whole eggs, flour, low-fat sour cream, baking powder and butter, then its calorie content is quite high. Approximately 285 calories per 100 g of finished pie.

How to correctly calculate calorie content?

The egg itself consists of a shell (12%), white (56%) and yolk (32%). To determine how many calories a cooked product contains, you must first boil it, then plunge it into cold water for about 5 minutes. After removing the shell, weigh the product using a kitchen scale. Once you know the weight of a product, you can calculate its nutritional value using a calorie table or use an online calculator.