How to eliminate the smell of new shoes. Peroxide or potassium permanganate. Soap, vinegar, ammonia

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If you have ever encountered in your life an obsessive and very specific smell from shoes, car tires or even children's toys, the question probably immediately arose of how to remove the smell of rubber. This smell is dangerous to the human body because it is toxic, which means it can cause a headache or even an allergic reaction. And also the specific aroma from this material warns of a low-quality product. But, if a child can be protected from Chinese chemicals by removing these same toys from his sight, then what to do with the shoes that he likes so much and wears very well? Different ways You will learn how to get rid of rubber smell from this article.

How to get rid of the smell of Chinese rubber?

Many people consider it impossible to get rid of the smell of Chinese rubber due to the inherently poor quality of the material. This is not true at all. For example, you can place an item on Fresh air so that the smell disappears.

There is also an effective remedy:

  1. Take a small amount of mint or lemon balm and steam with boiling water.
  2. Afterwards, dip the toys into the solution and leave overnight.

In the morning there will be no more unpleasant aroma!

But with car mats, any fragrance will help, and of course, frequent airing of the car.

How to remove rubber smell from shoes?

If you are faced with the problem of how to remove the smell of rubber from shoes, because the money has already been paid, and the thing does not oppress anywhere and you even really like it, you must first find the source of this fetid aroma. It may come from insoles that the manufacturer made from low-quality material. If this is the main problem, then simply replace them with natural ones. But, if the problem is not with the insoles, then you can try the products folk use to eliminate fetid amber.

Peroxide or potassium permanganate:

  1. Take a cotton pad.
  2. Soak the swab in peroxide or diluted potassium permanganate.
  3. Wipe the surface of the material. If the aroma remains, repeat the steps in order, several times, you can alternate the products.


To remove the smell of rubber from shoes, wipe them for several weeks. inner part things with alcohol.

Special deodorants

Stores sell a special spray or you can replace it with long-lasting perfume. Apply to the item and take it out into the fresh air so that the item is well ventilated.

Activated carbon

Put it inside your shoes and the scent will disappear in a couple of days.

Soda and flour

You can use flour or soda to remove the unpleasant aroma coming from shoes. In this case, fill the inside of the product with powder, leave it for a while, and then vacuum it well.

Fabric softener or soap solution:

  1. Take a bowl of water.
  2. Pour in a small amount of conditioner.
  3. Place your shoes if they can be washed.
  4. Leave it for a while.
  5. Afterwards, wash under running warm water.
  6. Dry in fresh air.


Vinegar - universal remedy to remove any unpleasant odors. IN in this case it can be applied in several ways:

  1. Treat the product with vinegar solution. Afterwards, leave it for airing.
  2. Take a few cotton pads, soak them in vinegar, place the swabs in your boots and leave for a while.

Be careful! Remember, no matter what methods you use above, the smell of rubber is toxic and cannot be ignored. If it already turns out that you bought a not very good thing High Quality, use all means to get rid of it.

Surely many times, when taking off your shoes, especially when visiting, you have experienced great discomfort due to the smell that your feet or your shoes emit. Sometimes, figuring out what exactly can be very difficult. However, to eliminate the problem, this question is very important.

Of course, the smell of shoes is an unpleasant problem, but, of course, it can be solved. Let's think more deeply about this problem. Many doctors argue that if it is the feet that are emitting the odor, then the problem is much more serious than if the cause were shoes. This can be caused by diseases of a variety of organs and systems. However, let's deal with everything in order.

So, if you have determined that the problem is in your shoes, you should know how to neutralize it. Let's say you bought new pair shoes or boots, but when you bring it home and open the box, you begin to smell a persistent smell of glue, synthetic insoles, leather substitutes, etc. There is no need to be surprised here - even new shoes very often emit a variety of odors. Of course, you shouldn't throw it away. You just need to try a few things simple actions, which will act as emergency aid to your shoes or boots, which will return them a fresh and pleasant smell of newness, and give you peace of mind and self-confidence!

Of course, you should learn to distinguish high-quality shoes from low-quality ones. First, be extremely careful in the store. When choosing a new thing, smell it. If the smell emanating from the shoes does not resemble the smell of leather and in itself causes you an unpleasant olfactory sensation, immediately refuse to purchase them.

But if you only smelled it after purchase, don’t despair. Just try to air your shoes as often as possible. Of course, it is better if you have more than one pair of shoes for each season. This way, you can care for each of them as needed: thoroughly ventilate, dry, and thus restore it. It is best if you use a special ultraviolet dryer, which, thanks to its rays, not only perfectly dries the surface, but also kills fungus and other pathogenic bacteria.

If shoes that emit unpleasant odors has a light or even more white tint, use the most common one baking soda. At night, add baking soda so that it covers inner surface shoes, and then shake them out in the morning and vacuum the shoes properly. Remember that you should not use the same method to eliminate the unpleasant odor from dark-colored shoes, because the stains that it leaves this product, it is very difficult to remove, and on a dark surface they are most noticeable. Many also recommend using baby powder, flour, activated charcoal, and even sea salt as an alternative to salt.

A few words also need to be said about textile shoes, as well as sneakers. The most in a simple way To eliminate the unpleasant odor, ordinary washing in washing machine. To avoid damaging the drum, use a special washing bag. Then be sure to dry your shoes thoroughly, and you will see that the unpleasant odor will disappear.

How to get rid of shoe smell: the reason is in the feet

Sometimes it happens that the cause of the smell is the feet themselves, and not the shoes. This is especially true if you are on your feet all day and do not have the opportunity to change your shoes. Feet inevitably sweat, and the sweat that the skin produces does not evaporate and becomes a breeding ground for bacteria.

To help your legs, try to do more often special baths. Brew tea, cool it, pour it into the bath and soak your feet in this solution for 5-10 minutes. After this procedure, wash your feet with soap, and be sure that there will be no trace of the smell left!

Another way to combat it is to use shoe deodorant, which eliminates unpleasant odors. In general, try to wear insoles only from natural materials, change them as often as possible and follow the rules of personal hygiene. Remember that it is easier to prevent any problem than to deal with it later!

The window of the new store attracts with bright advertising new collection shoes There are such beautiful boots on the counter! Yes, and the shoes are just right Evening Dress! Tomorrow I'm going to the gym - I need sneakers. Let's buy! And at home, when we open the box, we smell a persistent, specific smell. How to get rid of it? Why is this “aroma” still for a long time follows us everywhere? Let's figure it out.

Sources of specific odor

In the production of shoes they are used various materials: glue, rubber, suede, artificial and Genuine Leather. Each of the listed materials has its own smell. When you mix the smells, you get an “aromatic superfresh”.

Sometimes the smell disappears easily the next day. But more often intervention is necessary. How to quickly and permanently get rid of the “factory” smell new shoes?

To begin with, you can try to arrange night ventilation at outdoors. This method is very relevant in the cold season. The boots must be unbuttoned and turned slightly inside out. If it’s summer outside, you can try to “freeze” the smell - leave the new thing in the refrigerator overnight.

If a simple method does not solve the problem, then you need to try the following “tricks” of modern progress.

Odor control products


Special deodorant can be bought in specialized stores. It is enough to treat the insole and the entire inside of the new thing. Sometimes one time is enough to get rid of the “odors.”

Odor absorber

All you have to do is open the special packaging, take out the “breathable” capsules and put them in each shoe. In the morning there will be no trace of the problem.

This ideal option is suitable for every family. An electric dryer will not only help remove persistent odors with the help of ozone, but in the future it will become an indispensable friend for drying wet shoes.

Let's take what's at hand

You can look in your home medicine cabinet. There is always hydrogen peroxide here. It is necessary to treat the inside of the new thing with a cotton pad.

Potassium permanganate and hydrogen peroxide

You can use hydrogen peroxide and potassium permanganate. Dilute potassium manganese (5-6 crystals) in a liter of water. Treat the inside of the shoes. Hydrogen peroxide will help remove colored stains.

Potassium permanganate and alcohol

For leather boots or shoes, a mixture of potassium permanganate and alcohol will help. This will not only destroy the unpleasant odor, but will also be a good antibacterial prophylaxis. You will need to repeat several times until the smell completely disappears.

Good helper for solutions actual problem. However, be careful! He can play cruel joke, spoil appearance new shoes for sure. The adsorbent has the ability to leave indelible stains.

Place a napkin in your shoes and a couple of charcoal tablets on it and leave it overnight.

Baking soda

The smell of new rubber slippers or boots is especially persistent. In this case, you should try baking soda. Sea salt will also work. 1-2 teaspoons is enough. Pour baking soda or salt inside and leave for several hours. Then pour out and vacuum well. This method can damage dark shoes and suede products, leaving whitish streaks on the outside.


Soap, vinegar, ammonia

First, wash the shoes with soap and water, then wipe them thoroughly with vinegar. We complete the procedure with ammonia. Don't forget to ventilate!

Flour or baby powder

This is a fairly well-known and simple method. Flour or powder should be evenly distributed over the inside of the shoe. Leave for several hours, then shake out thoroughly and vacuum.

Lemon juice

You can get rid of the persistent smell of cheap shoes with lemon. Squeeze the juice onto a cotton pad and thoroughly wipe all the shoes. The finishing touch will be spraying your shoes with your favorite perfume.

Machine washable

Sneakers and new sneakers can be arranged " water treatments» in the washing machine with regular detergent. Shoes should be washed in a special mesh bag to avoid damaging the drum. The powder is needed without bleaching. One wash on delicate cycle and an additional rinse will be enough to remove the smell.

Sometimes a persistent unpleasant “perfume” comes precisely from low-quality insoles. When choosing, you need to pay attention to this factor. Natural materials have virtually no odor. If it is not possible to replace the shoes, you can simply remove the old insole and insert a new one. It is better if there are several of them for replacement. In stores you can often find insoles with a carbon layer. They absorb moisture well and block the appearance of unpleasant odors. Scented insoles will slightly muffle the specific “aroma”. There is no need to glue the insole, because this will worsen the problem and add the scent of glue.


If there are no options and you need to run to work in new shoes in the morning, then a pinch of starch will help. It absorbs moisture perfectly and helps get rid of the “fragrant” problem.

The best thing can be one thing: you need to buy shoes good quality. Along with the low price, you can also get a lot of problems in the future.

Hello, dear readers. Today we’ll talk about how to get rid of odor in shoes. This topic worries almost all of us.

Winter has passed, it's time to hide your boots on the mezzanine, and you suddenly felt that winter shoes emits a very unpleasant aroma. Is it possible to defeat it at home? Can!

It doesn’t matter whether your boots are expensive or not, amber can be present, regardless of the price. Especially low quality Chinese products are at fault with the material. To reduce the price of goods, they use harmful glue, low-grade fur, and low-quality leatherette. That's why shoes from China endure a terrible odor.

How to quickly get rid of the bad aroma that just pours out of your favorite boots? Try this method: soak a large piece of cotton wool in vodka, ammonia or hydrogen peroxide, then wipe the inside of the boot and let it dry. Hydrogen peroxide will also kill germs that are swarming in your shoes.

If the smell is not very strong, then place green tea bags between the sole and the insole so that they absorb the unpleasant smell.

To remove odor from fur, try this option:

  • Sew the bags
  • Grind the activated carbon
  • Put the coal in bags and then put them in your shoes,
  • Leave it for a day, the amber will disappear.

We revive sports shoes

Athletes know how bad it smells sport shoes. It is usually made from higher quality material, which allows it to withstand heavy loads. However, fragrant troubles cannot be avoided. Many athletes put their sneakers in a special mesh and send them to wash.

To avoid trouble, purchase a special shoe dryer. It will help keep it dry and destroy germs.

If you don't like the scent of new shoes

Shoe manufacturers use different materials, each with its own scent. When mixed, a fragrant “cocktail” can be obtained. If the new shoes have not stopped emitting scent until the morning, then your action is required.

How to quickly get rid of the chemical cocktail of new shoes? Can be placed in the refrigerator overnight. A particularly persistent smell of rubber is not due to this, which means more serious measures need to be taken.

Soda will help us. It is enough to pour 1-2 teaspoons inside, leave for a day, then vacuum. This method is not suitable for dark and suede boots, as it leaves white streaks on their outer surface. But for leather shoes, baking soda is a real salvation.

In this case, vinegar will do. Soak cotton wool in vinegar and place it inside your shoes overnight. In the morning, take your new clothes out into the air.

If manufacturers used leatherette, lemon juice will help. Squeeze citrus juice onto cotton wool and wipe all shoes well.

If there is a cat in the house

Animal lovers often keep cats and cats at home. Suddenly, they may feel their shoes stink. The culprit may be their tailed pet, who fulfilled his natural duty.

The cat marked the shoes, thereby marking his territory. Such marks can appear on furniture, on carpets, but the smell of cat urine is very difficult to get rid of.

But any cat odor can be removed using improvised means. The most effective are lemon, vinegar, peroxide and laundry soap.

  1. Add water, wipe the mark, vinegar does not spoil the surfaces.
  2. Rub the mark with lemon juice. It copes well with strong odors.
  3. Vodka doesn't control the smell of urine, but it will keep cats away from your shoes.
  4. Hydrogen peroxide should not be used on varnished surfaces, but others can be wiped with a cotton swab dipped in peroxide.
  5. Laundry soap gently removes cat marks without harming the surface being treated.

Reviews show that home remedies may not help, then you will have to buy Monclavit-1, DezoSan or Zoosan.

Change your insoles more often

To remove the terrible “perfume” from your boots, change the insoles. Stores sell carbon-filled insoles that absorb sweat well. There are also scented insoles. They do not need to be glued, so as not to aggravate the problem with the aroma of the glue.

Fur insoles in winter boots require special care. Use store-bought deodorants; even cat litter will do.

How to remove mold odor

A nasty, musty amber appears in boots from dampness. How to get rid of it:

  1. To do this, dry the pair thoroughly and throw away the old insoles.
  2. Then put a cotton swab lightly moistened in vinegar essence into each boot or shoe.
  3. The pair should then be placed in a cellophane bag.
  4. Tie the bag tightly and leave for a day.
  5. The next day, remove the tampons and treat the entire surface with ammonia.
  6. Then pour salt into each boot and leave for another day.
  7. In the morning, shake out the salt and treat the shoes with ammonia again.
  8. After treatment, clean with cream, put in new insoles, spray with shoe deodorant, the musty smell will be defeated.

Conquering your biggest shoe problem

The smell of sweat, which is emitted by almost any shoe, is indeed considered a big problem. Most often, the aroma of sweat comes from sweating feet. So, first you need to take care of your legs. How to wash your feet? Vinegar water! Pour half a cup of vinegar into a bowl of water, wash your feet, then wipe them well.

Now let's move on to shoes. Methods for getting rid of sweat odor:

  1. Prepare deodorant. To 1 part vodka, pour 2 parts boiling water, 3 drops of lavender or mint essential oil. Mix thoroughly and spray inside the boot.
  2. For a shoe sachet, take baking soda and essential oil, put it in two pieces of fabric, secure the ends with an elastic band, and place it inside the shoe overnight.
  3. Place the orange peels inside the shoes and leave them overnight.
  4. Sprinkle newspapers and put them in your shoes.
  5. Coffee beans will also relieve this problem. Just put them inside your boots.

Dear friends, to make your favorite shoes bring joy, use all the tips and choose a method that is more convenient for you.