Folk costume pencil drawing step by step. How to draw a Russian beauty with a pencil step by step

Since ancient times in Rus', on every piece of utensil, on every piece of clothing, as well as on houses, various elements and symbols were depicted, which formed patterns. Each detail had its own meaning and place. This is how the Russian folk pattern was formed.

Historical information about Russian folk patterns

It should be understood that there are two terms - pattern and ornament. And it was not the same thing from the beginning. Even now, not every pattern can be called an ornament. For example, if this is a constantly repeating pattern (rapport).

In Rus' it was believed that the pattern was much deeper, it meant more. The word ornament is borrowed from Latin, and it appeared much later and means decoration. In Rus' there was an analogue to it - “decorations”. It was believed that it was intended for decoration decorative stylization. However, later these two concepts became intertwined and began to complement each other.

Russian folk pattern is a collection different lines, symbols, other elements that can be repeated or be in a single version. Pictures may vary in different areas. So, in eastern regions in Rus', in the pattern you can find such an element as the “Indian cucumber”, which is still popular today.

Also, each locality had its own color scheme patterns and ornaments.

Signs and symbols in the Russian pattern

If we consider the Russian folk pattern from the point of view of symbolism, then we can say that not a single element is depicted there just like that. Each has its own meaning and is in its place.

The most popular symbols in the pattern are:

  • The star of Alatyr, or, as it is also called, the cross of Svarog. It has eight petals and symbolizes the Universe, its cycles of folding and unfolding.
  • The symbol of Beregini (Rozhanitsa) is also very popular. This is a schematic representation of a woman who protects.
  • Very a significant symbol is which is sometimes also called the World Tree. It combines the world axis, the universe and the race.
  • Everyone knows: During the time of Hitler, the swastika became a symbol of war and fascism, but initially this was not at all the case.
  • Also popular is the Orepei symbol, which is a comb diamond. This symbol brings happiness, balance and peace of mind.
  • In addition, flowers, stars, spirals and other symbols are used in the pattern and ornament, each of which carries a specific meaning, enhancing the positive and protective energy of a person.

In addition to the above elements, there are many others. In addition, almost all patterns of the scheme are quite diverse. The same symbol can be depicted in different ways, maintaining, however, common features and lines. This is how whole protective phrases arise, as well as short stories or conspiracies.

The sacred meaning of the pattern

You should know that the same symbol, but depicted in different parts clothes, could have different meaning. For example, the Orepei sign, depicted in the elbow area on women's clothing, denoted an ancestor. If he was depicted on the hem, then he was the entrance to the other world.

The ancient gods who rode in chariots were also symbolically depicted. They were harnessed to various animals that personified a specific deity.

Some Russian patterns (photo below) carried a certain code in their numerical repetition. So, the following numbers were important:

  • three (Absolute, Trinity, time, space);
  • four (cardinal directions, seasons);
  • seven (symbol of harmony);
  • twelve.

Such patterns and ornaments also reveal the attitude towards Mother Nature of our ancestors. With their images, they seemed to ask her for protection and patronage from various evils, troubles and misfortunes.

Where are Russian folk patterns used?

The use of patterns is quite varied. They are used in towels, napkins, for painting utensils, houses, and for carving wood and metal. In the old days, not a single object was left without a design.

Russian patterns (photos of them are in our review) are not only the beauty of an object, but also protection, a talisman for its owner. It is known that even before the advent of writing, people already depicted various symbols (diamonds, lines, dots) on utensils.

Differences in patterns in different regions

Each region of Russia has its own history of painting, embroidery, patterns and ornaments. Let's look at the Russian folk pattern (pictures of some will be presented below) for some types and areas:

  • Gzhel painting - characterized by blue and white colors in the drawings that are made on ceramic and porcelain products;
  • paintings, for which the village of Zhostovo is famous, on metal trays;
  • very interesting Khokhloma painting various patterns, it is characterized by a golden color (there are also red, yellow and orange);
  • in addition, in many regions they made their own special toys (Dymkovo, Kargopol, Stary Oskol), each of which had its own unique pattern in the painting;
  • Pavlovo Posad shawls are also very famous, which are made in red and black colors, with floral patterns.

And these are not even all the known crafts where Russian folk patterns are used.

The most ancient patterns

The most ancient patterns include a set of various signs that in ancient times had special meaning and were simply not applied to any product. Each family had its own set of embroideries and paintings, which were passed down from generation to generation. They even possess special meaning for the family, to be its own symbol. Of course, over time, knowledge was lost.

Ancient Russian patterns breathe mystery into us, the power of amulets, the meaning of every curl or sign.

Nowadays, many people collect similar images that make sense.

How to start drawing Russian folk patterns

Now people are increasingly turning to our ancestral heritage, wanting to revive lost traditions. For example, many people wonder how to draw a Russian pattern. Where to start?

First, you should understand that in Rus' there are many techniques of painting and embroidery, which have their own characteristics. For beginners, you need to take patterns that are not very complex, having a repeating pattern. This will make it easier to grasp its very essence.

Before drawing itself, you need to practice with its simple components: dots, lines, strokes, droplets, loops, etc. In fact, the most difficult pattern consists of the above details. Of these simple shapes After some time of training, you will be able to create more complex ones.

In order to understand how to draw a Russian pattern, you should not rush. Some forms may indeed seem complex, but you need to remember that they are all made up of simple ones. First, lay out the repeating pattern into details; start depicting it with the easiest and most basic ones, for example, a point. Gradually draw other shapes around it, and so at the very end you can get your finished pattern. Take a look at the photo below, which shows all the stages of drawing. And make sure that this process is not so complicated.

Thus, you can learn how to create ornaments and patterns yourself. In principle, you can take ready-made diagrams and then transfer them to the surface.

Using patterns on household items

Also, patterns and ornaments in ancient times were made on household items and household utensils. For example, in Rus', salt shakers were depicted with a six-petal rosette. It had symbolic meaning. This rosette represented the sun, and salt was considered associated with it. Also, her image was often found on spinning wheels, as a symbol of endless time.

In addition to the symbolic painting of utensils, there was also simply decorating the product. Of course, it did not appear immediately, but the technology was developed over the years.

It should be noted that some patterns, the patterns of which are quite complex, are still made by craftsmen. This is, for example, Khokhloma painting, which looks very beautiful and rich. However, its production is quite complex and multi-stage.

Using patterns in embroidery

Russian embroidery in Rus' traditionally not only decorates clothes, towels, bedspreads and other linen products, but is also a talisman. The interweaving of patterns is by no means random. All symbols are in their place.

In addition, the color of the thread that is used also matters in embroidery. Let's consider some points:

  • an embroidered rooster or horse in red or black colors is suitable to protect the baby;
  • for successful activities, embroidery should be done in blue or golden-green tones;
  • woolen embroidery is suitable if there are already some energy holes; it is done in the area of ​​a person’s chakras;
  • flax is used for peace; it is used to embroider trees, birds, stars or the sun;
  • for women, black color should be used in embroidery to protect against infertility;
  • for men - green (protects from wounds), blue (protects from the elements).

In addition, symbols are also used in embroidery - a cross (barrier and protection from evil), a star (heavenly fire), a circle (denotes fertility, abundance and motherhood) and others.

Thus, Russian embroidery is a whole set of knowledge that our ancestors used in ancient times, protecting themselves, their relatives and their clan.

The use of patterns on clothing in the old days

Probably the most famous use of pattern and ornament is Even the most ignorant person in this matter will recognize this embroidery. True, colors and patterns again vary by region.

For example, the further south the area, the brighter clothes was with people. This was due to the fact that used to paint was of natural origin, and the warmer it was, the greater the variety in the possibilities of producing it.

If we talk about men's and women's clothing, then the first had almost no differences in the regions, except perhaps for preferences in color and pattern. And here women's clothing was quite varied and significantly different.

And also embroidery of various animal figures was very popular in the northern part of Russia. But the southern ones had more colored embroidery (often red).

The use of Russian folk patterns in modern clothing

Russian folk patterns on clothes periodically return to fashion. Famous fashion designers release collections with folk motives(for example, in 1976 Russian Collection from Yves Saint Laurent).

In our time, Russian patterns have long been a priority among true connoisseurs. In addition to colorful traditional ones, bright floral (or other folk) prints are used. I remember the ancient patterns that craftswomen embroidered on clothes for their family and friends. You can also certainly order similar clothes for yourself if you wish.

Products that have long earned recognition both in quality and style (for example, Pavlovo Posad shawls) also remain popular.

Thus, the Russian pattern simply cannot go into oblivion. His influence on the people is undeniable, this is his legacy, and one day he will rightfully take his rightful place in the hearts of people. After all, ancient Russian patterns truly carry the harmony and beauty that was known to our ancestors. This is also our history, which should not be forgotten.

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How to draw a Russian sundress Lessdraw - How to draw a Russian folk costume pencil step by step. How to draw a Russian folk costume with a pencil step by step. Fox with a pencil step by step How to draw a Russian folk costume with a pencil step by step, pencil drawing. How to draw a Russian folk costume with a pencil step by step. If you are wondering how to draw a Russian folk costume step by step, you should. How to draw Belarusian costume male and female pencil step by step. How to draw a Tatar folk costume step by step with a pencil for a child. Draw with children. Tatar national costumes are very beautiful. How to draw a girl in the Tatar national costume? How to draw a guy in Tatar. How to draw a costume step by step with a pencil for beginners in a short period of time. How to draw clothes with a pencil step by step. Russian folk costume; how to draw national elements. Tatar national costume step by step in pencil How. Learn to draw a costume from the entertainment game Crysis 3 on paper with a simple pencil step by step Learn to draw a suit step by step. Inspiration wolf animal how to draw a pencil. A couple of days ago Alena Belova wrote to me asking me to show how to draw a folk costume. Video - lesson on how to draw clothes with a pencil step by step, 8 options for different sketches of clothes. Answers to the question How to draw a Russian folk costume with a pencil, step by step? in the section. If you don’t know how to draw a costume and give the drawing maximum resemblance. How to draw a Russian folk costume with a pencil step by step - Drawing lessons - Useful. National Russian costume how to draw Russian national costume (21 photos) Pictures. How to draw a Russian folk costume step by step with a pencil We sew a Russian folk sundress. Children in first grade were asked to draw a national Russian costume, so to speak. We would like to present to your attention step by step lesson pencil drawing of a Japanese woman in a kimono. If you are wondering how to draw a carnival costume, then we will offer it for you. If you draw Iron Man step by step with a pencil How to draw cartoons. Hello! We have already tried to draw a variety of dresses, but this time we will try to draw. Like other national costumes, the Tatar complex national clothes It's been a long time. Multi-colored pencils with a pencil step by step How. National costumes How to draw step by step. Pencil drawing lessons step by step in pictures. How to draw a woman in Russian folk costume wallpaper step by step with a pencil. How to draw Disney characters with a pencil step by step. How to draw the national costume of the Mordovians 22. How to draw the 2nd grade folk costume of the Russian tribe, you will be able to draw the same turtle walking Russian folk costume xVII. How to draw a Russian folk costume; 3. Color the legs dark - yellow pencil, and a suit. How to draw a kokoshnik with a pencil step by step? How to draw. How to draw flowers step by step for beginners How to draw a snowdrop with a pencil.

They say Russian girls are the most beautiful. Nature has endowed our compatriots with pleasant facial features, blond hair and a graceful figure. Thanks to good external data, as well as their own work, girls look beautiful even in retirement. It is not surprising that many painters and graphic artists wanted to capture our girls on their canvases. And today we will try ourselves as an artist and draw portraits of Russian beauties, as well as a full-length figure.

Drawing with children

When a child draws a portrait of a Russian beauty, he usually depicts his mother’s face. After all, it is this person who plays a big role in his life. Therefore, when reading fairy tales with your child, you need to develop his imagination and attention. After the fairy tale is read, you can invite the child to draw main character. And how to do it?

The easiest way is to depict a girl in a skirt and draw a kokoshnik on her. Let's look at the progress of the work step by step. First of all, we draw the figure of a beauty. These will be two triangles connected by sharp ends in the middle. The bottom figure is a skirt, it should be 3 times larger than the top corset. The dress is ready, add a circle for the head and don’t forget that every person has a neck. We depict the hands as rectangles. Don't forget to draw the fingers. We put boots on our feet. It remains to add some details to the drawing. This is the face of a beauty, a braid and, of course, a kokoshnik. The eyes and nose can be outlined with dots, lips - with a semicircle. And the last detail is the decor on the dress and kokoshnik.

Cartoon heroine

Portraits of Russian beauties do not necessarily have to be authentic. If you draw with children, it is easier to depict a comic character. This way the child will be satisfied not only with the creative process, but also with the result. The character of our drawing will be a girl dressed in a fur coat, long skirt And fur hat. Standard Russian beauty in winter.

Let's start with the layout. On the sheet we will depict not only a girl, but also a church, a tree and stones. We outline the figure and divide it into three parts. Now we divide the upper sector in half again. We draw the lower half of the head with a circle, the upper half is the hat, we draw it with an oval. You can immediately outline facial features. We will draw the figure in three quarters, this is the easiest angle.

Let's start drawing out the fur coat. To begin with, we outline it with a trapezoid. Next we detail the fur coat by adding fur edging. Now we draw hands. In order not to draw fingers, we will put a muff on the girl. Now it's time for the skirt. To make it look more interesting, don’t forget to draw folds. Draw along the skirt 5 vertical lines, and draw the hem wavy line. It remains not to forget about the background - in the form of a church, trees, stones. Our drawing is ready.

Portrait of a princess

If a child has artistic talent, then, in principle, he cannot depict the entire figure on paper. How to draw a portrait of a Russian beauty?

You need to outline the dimensions of the drawing. The face should occupy half or one third of the sheet. Draw an oval and mark the hairline with two semicircles. We immediately draw a kokoshnik. It will look like a pointed semicircle. Princesses wear dresses, so this part of the drawing needs to be given some attention. Special attention. In order not to torment your child with images of decor, you can come up with a more complex style of clothing. The girl's figure should resemble hourglass. But the sleeves can be drawn in the form of several interconnected circles or ovals. You can depict a braid in the same way. We put beads on the beauty's neck. Only the face remains. To avoid the problem that one eye is larger than the other, we draw the girl in a small spread, as if she was slightly turned away from the viewer. We depict the eyes as circles, and give them an almond shape using the eyelashes. We complete the arches of the eyebrows and draw the nose in a small semicircle. All that remains is to outline the lips, and our beauty is ready. You can color the drawing if you wish.

Russian beauty in kokoshnik

At school, when children study the topic of national costume, they are often given homework. How to draw a portrait of a Russian beauty? 4th grade is the time when students can already portray people almost reliably. But drawing portraits is too difficult a task. Therefore, it is better to choose a simpler theme, for example, to depict the entire figure of a girl in a national costume. In such a drawing, a portrait of a Russian beauty in a kokoshnik will also be present, but will not attract increased attention.

In order to depict a girl, we, again, need to arrange the figure on the sheet. So that our beauty doesn’t get bored, we can draw a young guy next to her. Let's start with the image of the girl. Divide the figure into 4 parts. The first of them is devoted to the image of the head and kokoshnik. We draw the face in a circle, and the headdress in a semicircle. Don't forget to make a small point in its center. We use a trapezoid with a rounded edge to represent a sundress. The second of ours four parts we take it under the arms. We draw them with corners to the trapezoid. We also outline the shoes with triangles. All that remains is to detail the figure, draw the face and the ornament on the sundress and kokoshnik. By analogy, we try to portray a young man.


The classic Russian beauty can be depicted as national doll. Even he can draw a matryoshka doll Small child. A portrait of a Russian beauty, depicted in this way, will make the child stand out from the crowd who will copy Disney princesses.

It is better to draw a nesting doll in parts. First you should depict the right half, and then use a window to mirror your creation. Draw a semicircle symbolizing the face. The next step is to draw the outline. It needs to be copied from the example shown above. Now you need to fill the empty space. First, we clarify the face: draw the eyes, lips, nose and cheeks. Now we draw the hand. It is an oval connected to the palm. It should be noted that a nesting doll can have 4 fingers, not 5. Now let’s get creative. We dress our beauty in an apron and draw flowers. Finishing touch- move the image to the left side.

Modern interpretation

Abstraction is in fashion today. Therefore, the drawing is a portrait of a Russian beauty in modern interpretation may look non-standard. For example, you can draw beautiful bun, nice profile, outline the line of the neck and ear. But it is not necessary to draw the face. You can get by with non-trivial shading or, in general, write a poem in place of the eyes and lips. It could even be a favorite verse.

How to draw a Russian folk costume with a pencil step by step

A couple of days ago Alena Belova wrote to me asking me to show how to draw a folk costume with a pencil. I have already done a lot of drawing lessons different clothes. You will see links to them below, under this lesson. And for this I selected a picture depicting women’s festive clothing from the Tver province of the 19th century:

On the left is a sundress, a shirt and a belt. On the right is a girl's festive shirt with a belt. If you were asked this topic in history or art class, you can use this lesson:

How to draw a Russian folk costume with a pencil step by step

Step one. I sketch the main parts of the costumes. This is no different from a sketch of a person, only without the head and legs. It is also important to maintain proportions here.

Step two. Draw the shape of the dresses. Folk costumes (at least ours) were not open, so here almost the entire body is hidden.

Step three. Very important point these are folds. Without them, the drawing will look like a paper dress. Try to show all possible curves and shadows from them on the dress.

Step four. Another one distinguishing feature folk costume is an abundance of patterns. This is not just some kind of invention from Armani or Gucci. Each pattern means something. It’s difficult to draw them, but if you don’t do this, it will be difficult for the viewer to determine: is this a dress of some young lady or a folk costume? And so, by looking just for a second, anyone can determine without error.

    Russian folk costume is filled with small patterns and many details, which is why its depiction will require scrupulousness and diligence from you.

    I offer several options for similar drawings that can be printed in daytime attach it to the window and put it on top Blank sheet paper and just draw the image.

    Let's start the drawing with the head of a Russian beauty and the Russian national headdress - kokoshnik.

    next step sketch of styled hair and earrings

    draw eyes and lips in a modest smile

    let's move on to drawing the kokoshnik

    now let's move on to the national sundress

    clearly drawing the shirt and sundress straps

    finishing the sleeves of the shirt

    and a handkerchief in hand

    draw small parts sundress and kokoshnik

    decorate the beauty

    In order to draw a woman in Russian folk costume, you first need to draw the silhouette of a woman. And then draw a Russian folk costume on it. To do this, you need to know what Russian folk costume looks like.

    First of all, the costume consists of a sundress, a slasher and a kokoshnik headdress.

    Ideas can be found here:

    The woman was lucky in those ancient times, because Russian folk costume was distinguished by a certain festiveness, which is worth only the kokoshniks crowned with various embroideries and precious stones shimmering in the light.

    To draw exactly suit, or rather If it’s a woman’s long dress or traditional Russian sundress, then you can watch a visual master class on how to draw it here.

    It will also be useful to look at for drawing:

    How to draw a woman with a pencil step by step?

    A Russian woman can be drawn with a pencil step by step in the following sequence:

    First, let's draw the silhouette of the future long robe, draw the lines like this:

    Then the second stage is drawing the details:

    The third stage is coloring the costume:

    It is really very difficult to draw a national Russian costume, and even more so a female one. It's much easier with men's. But there are a lot of sketches and answers above, and I will give a video that clearly shows how to draw this costume step by step.

    Women's Russian national costume looks much richer and brighter than men's.

    A woman's folk costume can be drawn by anyone who has ever seen it and remembered the variety of embroideries on a long shirt.

    The easiest way to draw a female Russian folk costume is by looking at a drawing example, as we see below:

    The most complex thing in this drawing is the woman’s face and the small drawings on the national Russian costume.

    We sketch the main parts of the costume.

    Then you need to draw the shapes.