How to draw a mink step by step with a pencil. Drawing fur Pencil drawing winter women's with fur

What You'll Be Creating

Drawing fur from your imagination can be very frustrating. You've seen it, you know what it is, but when you try to draw it, you end up with a pile of straw.

If you have such a problem, then in this tutorial I will show you how to solve it. First clue? You need to draw what you see, not what you know!

What you will need

  • Paper
  • Pencil HB
  • Pencil 2B
  • Pencil 4B
  • Mechanical pencil HB
  • Smudge (or cotton swab)
  • Rubber eraser (or regular eraser)

1. What is Fur?

Let's start with a little theory. You'll be able to draw fur in pencil much better just by learning these few simple facts!

Firstly, the fur consists of hairs that are located tightly together, creating a smooth surface. However, at the bends, the fur begins to thicken - individual hairs are grouped.

The softer the hairs, the easier they are to collect.

This "clumping" can occur in all directions, creating "waves" of fur or small individual tufts.

We can see everything because of the contrast between light and shadow. The larger the clusters, the greater the shadow between them.

When you draw fur by drawing individual hairs, what you are really drawing is the skin, light at the base of the fur, which blocks the light. That's why it looks so weird!

So, the big secret is this: to draw believable fur in pencil, you don't need to draw the fur/clumps, but the shadows between them.

In fact, this is how you should always approach drawing. We draw chiaroscuro and nothing else. A single hair may look like a simple pencil stroke, but you can't draw fur by drawing a lot of simple strokes!

2. Draw Long Fur

Step 1

Let's draw a fluffy tail as an example. Imagine that the top of the tail is slightly curved in the opposite direction from you. Using a pencil HB, draw the basic shape of the tail. Don't press too hard on the pencil, we don't want these lines to be visible later.

Step 2

Angle the pencil to fill in the shape with a gray tint. Do not press too hard to achieve an even effect. You can imitate the flow of wool with strokes, but this is not necessary.

Step 3

Take a pencil 2B, and using the same technique, shade one side of the tail. We need to give the tail a 3D shape.

Step 4

Press harder with the pencil near the edge so that the shadow gradually becomes darker.

Step 5

Take your pencil again HB to draw "side hairs". These curves will determine the direction of the fur throughout the tail. Don't forget the curve at the top!

Step 6

Angle your pencil to turn each hair into sparse tufts of fur. Be careful!

Step 7

Now the tricky part - we need to add shadows between the bunches. There are certain "signs" that you can use as a basis, but you have to try it yourself to understand how it works. Practice a little on a separate piece of paper if you don't know how to do this.

Use the side hairs as a guide for direction. The larger the angle, the shorter and wider the shadows should be. Use a pencil for this 2B, hold it at an angle to get more natural locks. If you drew any sharp thin lines, your eye would mistake them for stray hairs, which would change the effect.

Step 8

Let's move on to the right side. The closer to the edge, the narrower and denser the shadows should be.

Step 9

Continue using the same pencil, except for the other side, press harder to get darker shading.

Step 10

Tufts of wool are easy to create and look very attractive, although it is not natural for a smooth surface to have the wool matted into tufts. Draw larger, wider shadows at the bottom to create "waves" (smooth clusters of tufts).

Step 11

Using a pencil 4B, draw dense dark shadows on the shadowed side. Don't make them too big!

Step 12

Use the same pencil to also add darker shadows in the middle section, just do it very carefully. There should not be many shadows in this part and the clearer they are, the more wet the tail will look.

Step 13

Take shading or a cotton swab if you don't have a smudge. Carefully align the tufts of fur, "painting" over the fur according to the direction of the fur's flow.

Step 14

Take eraser to add light highlights to the illuminated side. If you have a rubber eraser you can actually draw some fur with it, if that doesn't work then use a regular eraser.

Step 15

It's time for mechanical pencil. Use it to add tiny shadows in tufts of wool (after all, large tufts of wool are made up of small tufts). Be extremely careful - too many shadows can spoil the effect. Feel free to copy the shadow shapes you see in my drawing.

Step 16

Use the same pencil if you want to add detail to the bottom, but avoid large shadow areas. This part should be smooth and soft!

Step 17

Let's go back to the top. Add separation at the ends of the bundles. Remember, draw them only with shadows!

Step 18

Draw individual hairs on the sides to enhance the effect. Don't press too hard on the pencil!

Step 19

Rest, and then look at your drawing again from a distance. Flip the drawing over, look at it in a mirror, and maybe take a photo to get a different perspective.

If you notice something that you would like to change, now is the time to do it! However, don't try to add more contrast - the darker the shadows, the harsher the tufts of fur will look. Soft fur doesn't have many distinct shadows because light passes through it easily.

3. Draw Short Fur

Step 1

Short fur is based on the same rules as long fur. After all, it doesn’t matter how long the fur is, but what matters is how long it stays on the surface on which it lies. The smaller the surface, the more bends and more tufts. The larger the surface, the more uniform the fur.

Let's draw the base of a lion's tail as an example. Once again, imagine how it bends at the top. Use a pencil HB.

Step 2

Angle the pencil slightly to draw short fur in the middle. Don't draw in rows, but instead draw down and then back down for a less artificial effect.

Step 3

Go to the other side, this time draw them tighter and at a wider angle.

Step 4

Do the same at the top, do not forget about the fold area - in this area the fur looks shorter.

Step 5

Do the same on the other side using a pencil. 2B.

Step 6

It's time for shadows! This time they should be very tiny. First in the middle...

Then on the sides. Here they may look more like simple lines.

Step 7

Press harder on the other side of the pencil to enhance the contrast.

Step 8

Take a pencil 4B to add some dark hairs right on the side.

Step 9

Take mechanical pencil to complete the shadows.

Step 10

Use the same pencil to accent individual small hairs on the sides.

Great Job!

As you can see, fur is not that difficult to draw if you know the rules. Now you can use this knowledge to allow you to draw any type of fur!

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In this step-by-step lesson we will learn to draw a fox. If you perfectly know how to draw cats, dogs, tigers or wolves, then you can easily draw a fox, because the drawing techniques are practically the same.

Especially, the fox is similar to dogs, only with a different muzzle and a more magnificent tail. Well, it's time to start drawing the fox.

An example of drawing a fox with a pencil

We will try to analyze the drawing of this fox in as much detail as possible, and we will show you further examples without description.

Stage 1
You can draw a fox in two ways: sketch out its entire body, and then detail it, or immediately draw every part of it in maximum detail. In this example we will use the second method.

Let's start with the muzzle.
Important note, when drawing the circle and face, be sure to leave some space on the sheet for drawing the body.

Draw a circle divided into four equal parts. Then we draw the nose and mouth (almost like cats). Also, while drawing the eyes, try to draw them as similar to each other as possible. For beginning artists, different eyes are one of the main problems.

Stage 2
We make eye cuts. Around our circle we sketch out the head using arbitrary strokes. Also, at this stage we draw the ears and the fur inside them.

Stage 3
At the third stage, we add antennae and a little fur under the muzzle to add volume. If you don’t really understand why you add wool here, you can scroll to the beginning or end of this example and look at the finished fox. This will allow you to understand what we are actually drawing.

Stage 4
Now we have come not to the most difficult, but to the most important stage. At the fourth stage we sketch the body of our fox. To do this we need to draw two rounded lines. The upper one will create the back and pelvis, and the lower one will create the stomach and chest.

As mentioned earlier, if it is not clear to you where the paws and tail will grow from these lines, you can look at the next stage before drawing them and everything will immediately become clear to you.

Why is this stage so important? It is important because if you draw these lines incorrectly, then your paws and tail may grow from the wrong place and will not look very beautiful. You may even have to redraw this step several times.

Stage 5
At the fifth stage, we add paws and a tail to our fox. The front legs should be straighter than the hind legs. The tail of foxes should be very fluffy, do not draw a thin tail like that of dogs or cats.

Please note that we did not draw the paws completely. Our fox will stand in the snow, so a small part of its paws will not be visible.

Stage 6
We cover our fox with fur and make a fox-like tip of the tail.

Stage 7
Draw snow and some grass.

Our fox is ready! Now you can color it. Below we will give a few more step-by-step examples of drawing a fox.

Additional examples of drawing a fox

Example No. 1

Example No. 2

Shulova Nina Ivanovna, teacher,

Egoraeva Olga Gennadievna, teacher,

MBDOU "Kindergarten supervision and

health improvement No. 190" Saratov

Abstract of the educational activity "Mink for a mouse"

Age group:first junior group

GCD topic: "A hole for a mouse"

Leading educational area:“Artistic and aesthetic development”

Direction - Art; development of productive activity and children's creativity. Drawing.

Target: Create the prerequisites for the formation of graphic methods of representation.


Create conditions for drawing a hole for a mouse, against the background of an unfinished composition.

To promote the development of drawing skills with colored wax crayons or pencils, your choice; (outline and paint over the image of the mink according to its shape: in arcs, in a continuous circular motion; without going beyond the outline, in a limited space, without gaps).

Develop form-building movements;

Distinguish and name the colors and shapes of minks (brown, black).

Strengthen the ability to correctly hold a colored pencil (wax crayon) with three fingers just above the sharpened part, without squeezing tightly, to work with unfinished images;

Cultivate a caring attitude towards living objects.

Equipment: wax crayons; colour pencils; cups; sheets of paper with images of mice; magnetic board for exhibition of children's works; soft modules; stickers with pictures of little mice; audio recording of Zheleznova “Songs - Games”; table theater “Mouse and Pencil” (mouse toy, board, pencil, screen for theatrical performance, illustrations for a fairy tale; magnetic board for display).

Activities:playful, productive, communicative.

Forms of organization:subgroup, individual

Forms implementation of children's activities:

fine art- drawing and painting with colored pencils and wax crayons the mink of a round object

communicative- joint productive activities, organization of cooperation

musical, movement - playing to the music “We stomp - stomp - stomp with our feet; finger play - massage;

speech - screening - theatricalization of V. Suteev’s fairy tale “The Mouse and the Pencil”.

Progress of the lesson

1. Introductory word from the teacher. Game motivation.

Screening of V. Suteev’s fairy tale “The Mouse and the Pencil” (using a tabletop theater)

Conversation on theatricalization. Statement of the problematic question:

The mouse was scared. There is nowhere for him to hide. Do you feel sorry for the mouse? How to help a mouse? Where can he hide from the cat? (in the mink)

Where do little mice live? (in the ground, in a hole). The mouse's house is underground, there is a mink in the ground, the entrance to its house. The little mice dig this hole for themselves, they live in it, hide there and store their supplies - grains. How can we help the little mouse? (draw a mink).

Before we start drawing, we will train our fingers and play with pencils.

Finger gymnastics:“Pencil” using objects - pencils (Self-massage of palms and fingers).

I’ll roll the pencil in my hands a little, Become dexterous quickly, fingers and palms! I roll the pencil in my hands, twirl it between my fingers, I will certainly teach each finger to be obedient.

2. Practical part.

Looking at images of little mice and circles.

(children go to the tables).

(On the tables are sheets of paper with an unfinished composition depicting little mice and circles). Offer to consider them. There is a mouse on your piece of paper, it is gray. What else do you see on the piece of paper? (circle). This is a mink. In order for the mouse to hide (you need to circle it in the hole and then color it). How can you draw a mink? (pencils, wax crayons). What color pencil can you use to draw a mink? (brown, black).

Teacher demonstration – (drawing a mink, painting) I draw a circle, paint it with arcs, continuously, without going beyond the outline, hatch without gaps.

(Children take pencils or wax crayons to choose from).

Reminder on how to hold the instrument correctly.

Show in the air “let’s draw a hole for a mouse.”

Doing work independently.

In the unfinished composition, children (circle) and color the mink using pencils or wax crayons of brown or black. As I work, I use hints and reminders.

(exhibition of works on a magnetic board)

3. Summary (reflection).Review and analysis of finished work. What a great fellow you are, you helped the little mouse; hid it from the cat; drew a mink for him. The minks turned out round. How did you and I draw them? Finger drawing in the air.

And now we will turn into little mice and dance. (I paste stickers with pictures of little mice)

Playing to music: “We stomp, stomp, stomp with our feet.”

Screening of V. Suteev’s fairy tale “The Mouse and the Pencil”

(using tabletop theater)

Once upon a time there lived a pencil on Vova’s table. One day, when Vova was sleeping, a Mouse climbed onto the table. He saw the Pencil, grabbed it and dragged it. Please let me go! - Pencil begged - why do you need me? I'm made of wood and can't be eaten.

“I’ll bite you!” said the Mouse. My teeth itch and I have to chew on something all the time. Like this!

And the Mouse bit the Pencil painfully.

Oh... - said Pencil. - Then let me draw something for the last time, and then do what you want.

So be it, draw! But then I will still gnaw you into small pieces.

Pencil sighed heavily and drew a circle.

Is this cheese? - asked the Mouse.

“Maybe cheese,” said Pencil and drew three more small circles.

Well, of course, it’s cheese, and these are holes in it,” the Mouse guessed.

There may be holes,” Pencil agreed and drew another large circle.

This is an apple! - shouted the Mouse.

Maybe it’s an apple,” said Pencil and drew several long circles like this.

I know it's sausages! - the Mouse shouted, licking his lips.

Well, stop quickly, my teeth are itching terribly.

Wait a minute, said Pencil. And when he began to draw these corners, the Mouse shouted:

It looks like a co...! Don't draw anymore!

And Pencil was already drawing a big mustache...

Yes, this is a real cat! - the frightened Mouse squeaked. Save! And he started to run...


1. Artistic creativity. Mastering the content of the educational field according to the “Childhood” program: planning, notes. First junior group / author-comp. N.N. Leonova. – Volgograd: Teacher, 2014.


Apply the main color using a wide brush. Mix brick brown, ocher and sepia in your palette. Apply it in broad strokes over the entire body of the animal.

Add a little light yellow to the resulting color and dilute the new shade with water. They need to fill the rabbit's head.

While the paint on the face is still wet, mix umber and black in your palette. Apply it with a smaller brush to the area above the rabbit's nose. Since the surface of the paper is sufficiently wet, the new shade will mix with the previous one and spread across the sheet, eliminating clear contours. This will create a fluffy fur effect.

On the curves of the body, the color of the fur looks slightly different due to the refraction of light on its surface. So, for example, above the hind leg of a rabbit it seems more orange, and on the back near the head and in the tail area it is worth adding a cold dark brown on top of the main color (to give a cool shade, drop just a little blue).

Draw grayish fluff near the rabbit's ear. To do this, first go over this area of ​​the drawing with a clean, damp brush, and then apply black, heavily diluted with water, mixed with light brown. Apply the same shade, but on a dry base, to the side of the animal.

Take the thinnest brush. Dip it in umber and add a little black. Use this color to indicate the shadows in the fur near the rabbit's nose. Apply paint in short strokes.

Watercolor pencils will help you complete your drawing and achieve a realistic image of fur. Take a light gray pencil. It must be very sharp. Use strokes in the direction of the fur to indicate the light hairs near the rabbit's ears. Use light yellow (closer to brown) over the head - especially around the eyes and the sides. Using a brick-colored pencil, draw the fur on the rabbit's back.

Video on the topic

Wool is the clothing of animals that serves them for warmth, and gives people joy from contemplating it. And it is also so soft to the touch, so smooth, so unique, with such subtle shade transitions. Nature can create perfectly. How to draw fur on paper with a pencil?

You will need

  • - album sheet;
  • - pencil;
  • - eraser.


Coat the wool with sharp jerky movements so that the strokes are thicker at the base and thinner at the very tips. Please note that the lines should not be located strictly vertically and with the same distance between them. Draw them with a slight slant to one side and with varying distances between each. A slight curvature will also create a soft wool effect.

Draw long hair. Choose the direction of the hair and draw long strokes very quickly. Draw them until you achieve a certain thickness of fur. Draw several hairs lying almost horizontally to enhance the natural effect. Now blend the lightly drawn fur. It is very important to follow the direction of the hair even when shading.

Lighten the fur. To do this, take a very thin section of the eraser and apply vertical strokes between the drawn fur. This way create a fluffy and voluminous effect.

Learning to draw. Educational cartoon.

. All young children show a very great interest in drawing, right from childhood. The first pencils, felt-tip pens, crayons, and paints appear in children very early. Already in the second year of life, children try to draw their first blots. The funny thing is that they do this wherever their tool draws: on the floor, on wallpaper, on furniture, and least of all on a piece of paper.

It is very important to teach your child the basic basics of drawing from early childhood. After all, the earlier you start developing your abilities, the greater the chance of learning to draw. Previously, lessons have already been published ", it shows in great detail the rules and details of drawing many animals, plants, and other objects.

But it is also very important to explain to the child how to draw correctly with paints, pencils, crayons, and felt-tip pens. How to mix colors correctly, how to choose colors correctly. What is the difference between painting with oil and watercolor. How to start drawing correctly. This will help you a lot . Everything is explained there in great detail and clearly. And the main thing is that the child perceives everything very easily. After all, children love cartoons very much, so they watch them carefully.

The cartoon is intended for children over 4 years old.

Educational cartoon "Learning to draw" . Let's watch and learn.