What does the letter a in a circle mean? Symbol a and rune alatyr What does the sign a mean?

You can find the copyright icon in forums, on websites, and in various photographs. It is quite widespread, although not many people know its true purpose. Many people still argue about what the symbol with in a circle means and use it in different ways. But this pictogram is not an invention of the authors; it has legislative support, and, accordingly, a single meaning.

Sign with in a circle

You can only find such an icon on the Internet. There are two interpretations of this symbol:

  1. The sign is used when necessary to highlight a quote, that is, to make it clear that the lines are not the author’s;
  2. The pictogram is needed to inform the reader that this text, on the contrary, is copyrighted and is protected by appropriate rights.

The letter C itself is the first letter of the word copyright. Translation means "right to copy". People who install such a pictogram wherever they retell someone’s already stated thoughts are not using it entirely correctly. To indicate a quotation in Russian, quotation marks are placed at the beginning and end of the exact statement and the name of the author is indicated after or through a footnote.

Circled C sign is a designation of the uniqueness of the text, written by you and the right to dispose of it. It was first designated in 1952 thanks to the Geneva Convention, and began to be used on the territory of our country relatively recently, only in 2003.

If you need the icon itself, you can find it like this:

  • Open a Word document;
  • Go to the “Insert” tab;
  • Click the "Symbol" button;
  • Find the required symbol;
  • Click on it.

If you don't use Word or need to specify an icon on a website or forum:

  1. Hold down the Alt key;
  2. Using the numeric keypad, enter 0169.

Why do they put the copyright sign on websites?

So, we already understand that the sign is “copyright” used to indicate copyright of text. But besides this, using such an icon, you have the right to dispose of your unique work.

In order for the Internet world to understand you clearly, there is icon writing rule :

  • First you place the icon itself;
  • Next, enter your last name and initials. All this is done through a space. If the author of the document is a company, its name must be indicated as it is registered with the relevant authorities;
  • After the comma, indicate the year of publication or the period while your creation is valid.

Nikiforov S. V., 2018

In this way, you warn readers that they have no right to copy and use parts of your work, although they can use the idea. A license for a specific product will help protect your copyright more reliably, but even without this, you can make claims against the person or company that used your work.

Thus, having composed a story or written a treatise outlining your point of view and conclusions about a particular situation, you have the right to mark them with an icon and this will help you prove your authorship in case of disputes.

Where else is the copyright sign used?

The icon is used almost everywhere where unique creations are created:

  1. In cinema, this sign does not indicate the authors of the work, but the person who has the exclusive right to the work. After concluding an agreement with the author of the film, such a person can become a producer. In this case, the author himself loses the right to use the film;
  2. Artists;
  3. Photographers;
  4. Composers.

This mark is not required for use, since your right to the created work arises the moment you transfer it to paper or any tangible form. And the copyright icon is informative, warning people about the consequences of copying and using all or part of the work.

As a result of the appearance and widespread use of the copyright sign, in 2000, fighters for the freedom to use and reproduce copyright works created an icon that is a mirror image of copyright with the “C” turned in the opposite direction.

Thus, the creators express their point of view that the authorship of works is not so important and does not carry value. In the struggle for the rights and freedoms of all people, they believe that prohibiting the population from using the works created by another person for their own purposes is meaningless and violates the fundamental law of equality between people.

The founders of the sign were IT specialists, and today the practice of copyleft is widespread among software creators

The main condition of copyleft is the requirement that the distribution and modification of the software must be carried out under the same license as the unique product.

How to secure copyright correctly?

According to the law, the right to a work occurs at the moment of its birth and transfer into tangible form. Publication of the masterpiece to the general public in this case is not mandatory.

However, in order to avoid lengthy legal disputes, authors seek to secure their rights in documents.

There are different ways to do this:

  • Deposition of work is carried out by submitting the work to a special organization (patent office), where the name of the author and the date of creation of the work are recorded, filed together with its copy and the author is given the appropriate paper;
  • Rospatent is responsible for registering rights to software and databases. In this case, the author or an authorized person can contact there. Programs containing state secrets are not registered;
  • If you have developed a completely new product, then Rospatent will also help you register a trademark. For this purpose, many international examinations will be done and as a result you will be issued a certificate.

Thus, the copyright icon is purely informative, but by using it you give the work a special status of ownership.

Thus, in order to use the copyright icon, you first need to know what the icon with in a circle means. If you understand it correctly, you will be able to protect your intellectual property from attacks by persons who want to use it without your consent.

Video: what is protected by copyright?

In this video, lawyer Anton Vernikov will tell you which works can be protected using a copyright mark:

When you mention the sign of anarchy, the image of the letter “A” inscribed in a circle immediately appears before your eyes. This is indeed a common (thanks to subcultures), but far from the only symbol of the idea of ​​anarchy. The history of its origin goes back hundreds of years. It was used long before the anarchists appeared. Each sign of anarchy has its own story. Let's talk about this in the article.

And in the circle

Many people wonder what meaning the letter “A” carries in the ring that some teenagers wear around their necks as decoration. What does the sign of anarchy mean in this design? This should be recognized as the monogram “A” and “O”, where the first letter, be it the Latin or Cyrillic alphabet, is inscribed in a circle, that is, the letter “O”. “A” means “anarchy”, “O” means “order”. The symbols linked together mean "Anarchy is the mother of order." This famous phrase of the French philosopher and politician Pierre Proudhon is quoted by marginal teenagers who identify themselves with a certain subculture. At the same time, they do not think about what meaning the scientist intended in this phrase. Often this sign of anarchy can be seen on their clothes. The photos presented in the article show what it looks like.

A similar symbol is found in sources from the 17th century, for example in the book of Michelspacher. This is an alchemical work based on Agrippa's views on the Kabbalah and magic. The letter "A" means the name of the god Agla, as well as the beginning and end of everything that exists on Earth. This thought is written down as “alpha and omega” - the first and last letters of the alphabet of the glorious Greeks.

Use by anarchists

The "A" in the circle was first used by the Spaniards, members of the Federal Council of State of the International Workers' Association.

Then such symbolism appeared during the civil war in the country. Its use has even been documented. There is a photograph in which an anarchist of the strike force wore the image of A in a circle on the back of his own helmet. The symbol was later adopted by the Anarchist Workers' Union, based in Brussels. Later, in 1964, the French organization Libertarian Youth armed itself with this symbol.

Punks, hey!

The sign of anarchy A in a circle became widely known in the seventies of the last century, thanks to the punk rock movement. Actually, at the instigation of punks, the symbol spread around the world, but with a slight change. The deliberately careless image of the letter “A” extends beyond the uneven circle. Anarchist ideologists avoid using the sign of anarchy in this interpretation. It abhors the seriousness of anarchist ideology, is often distributed for commercial purposes and is identified purely with the punk movement.

Black cross with fist

There were many different anti-monarchist organizations in the Russian Empire. Many of them were underground in nature. The Anarchist Black Cross organization was no exception. Their symbol was a black cross with the top shaped like a clenched fist. The sign meant a connection with anarchism, that is, a refusal to recognize power. The fist is an image of unity. “Each finger individually is weak, but when pressed together there is strength.”

The anarchist black cross originated as a modification of the symbolism of the Red Cross, which is used by the largest international humanitarian organization. The organization was initially called “Anarchist Red Cross”. She was involved in supporting political prisoners. After the revolution, the name was changed to avoid confusion. Some mistakenly considered the organization to be part of the International Committee of the Red Cross, which also worked to free prisoners.

wild cat

Also among the symbols of anarchism you can put the black cat emblem. This sign of anarchy is the symbol of the IWW. The workers' organization called for strikes and radical unification. The designer of the symbol of a black cat with an arched back and extended claws was Ralph Chaplin, one of the organizers of the IWW. She played an important role in racial and gender tolerance. The IWW was one of the first labor organizations in the United States to admit blacks and women into its ranks. Their merits also include the establishment of an eight-hour working day. They played an important role in increasing freedom of speech at the beginning of the last century in the States.

No reliable information has been established about the appearance of the symbol of anarchy in the form of a black cat. One story goes that the sign served as a talisman for a seemingly disastrous strike. Then many strikers, having received a fair amount of police batons, ended up in the hospital. At the same time, a beaten and thin cat wandered into the strikers’ camp. The proletarians began to fatten her up. The animal began to recover. At the same time, things began to improve for the strike committee. The workers were satisfied with all their demands, and the animal then became their mascot.

But there is another version that explains the meaning of the sign of anarchy, the photo of which is given above. Black cat comes from the word "strike", which in English sounds similar to the phrase "wild cat". This play on words formed the basis for the creation of the symbol.

Clog - sabotage

This wooden shoe has broken more than one machine. This is how workers in Holland in the 19th and 20th centuries sabotaged the work of factories. Even the word “sabotage,” according to one version, comes from the name of wooden work shoes. The workers took off their clogs and threw them into the machines to interrupt their work. The image of clogs became a symbol of the protest movement of factory workers.

All Black

Since 1880, anarchists began to use black as one of the symbols of the idea of ​​the movement. It is present in the names of anarchist groups and their periodicals.

Solid black signifies the denial of oppressive structures. Since any state uses bright colors for the flag, a black flag is a symbol of the negation of the state. It is the opposite of white, a symbol meaning surrender to the mercy of the winner (capitulation). Also, black is the color of grief for brothers-in-arms who fought and died for the ideas of anarchism.

Various branches of the anarchist movement used two-color variations of flags, depending on their ideological orientation. For example, the black and red flag was used by anarcho-communists and anarcho-syndicalists. They followed principles based equally on anarchism and socialism. Therefore, their banner consists of black and red colors. This sign first appeared during the León uprising in 1831.

Anarchists who care about both people and nature (forests, lakes, rivers, animals) marched under a black and green flag. And anarcho-feminist women fought against sexism and patriarchy under the black and purple banner. Among the branches of anarchism there were also anarcho-capitalists who used black and yellow tones. Their values ​​included personality and private property.

Other signs and symbolism of anarchism

What does the black rose sign of anarchy mean? Liz Hileman was one of the first to explain and popularize it. Its main use is to separate anarchist literature from the rest. It came from a translation from English of the Irish ballad “Black Rose”. This symbol can be seen at the Anarchist Book Fair, which was last held in 2012.

“Eat the rich” is a sign of anarchy, the meaning of which speaks for itself. It looks like the Jolly Roger, but instead of crossbones under the skull there is a table fork and knife. Used as a symbol of anarcho-punk. It gained great popularity in the eighties of the last century after the release of the single “Motourhead” in 1987 for the comedy film “Eat the Rich”.

The Red Anarcho Skinhead (Rush) symbol can be added to the list as another sign of anarchy. The meaning of its three red arrows inside the circle is deciphered by the motto “Freedom. Equality. Mutual assistance." They operated in Germany, from the early thirties of the 20th century, as an anti-fascist organization.

Incredible facts

Each symbol means something and is intended for something. We see them every day and without even thinking, in most cases we know what they mean. Of course, they make our lives easier.

However, few of us know their origin and original meaning. Below we will look at 10 well-known characters and tell their story.

What does the heart sign mean?

10. Heart symbol

The heart-shaped symbol is known all over the world and usually signifies love and romance. But why do we instinctively perceive it as a heart, because it does not at all resemble a real human heart?

There are several theories about where this symbol came from and how it became what we know it today. Some theories claim that the symbol is associated with a well-known part of the human body. To understand which part of the body we are talking about, simply turn the symbol over. However, there is little evidence for this theory.

Others believe, based on ancient drawings of this symbol, that the "heart" is nothing more than an image of ivy leaves, a plant associated with fidelity.

An even more plausible explanation comes from the now extinct silphium plant. It once grew in abundance along a small stretch of the North African coast. It was revered by both the Greeks and Romans for its healing properties and was also a means of birth control.

The Greek colony of Cyrene, located in the region that today belongs to Libya, became rich thanks to this plant and even stamped it on their coins. On them we see the well-known symbol.

However, due to the plant's small habitat and high demand for it, it became extinct by the first century BC.

Another theory of the origin of this symbol comes from the Middle Ages. Based on the writings of Aristotle, where he describes the heart as having three chambers and a cavity, the 14th century Italian physician Guido da Vigevano made a series of anatomical drawings in which he depicted the heart in exactly this form.

This image of the heart gained popularity during the Renaissance, and it increasingly began to appear in religious art. From there it came to us as a symbol of love and affection.

Yin-Yang symbol

9. Yin-Yang

The Yin-Yang symbol is deeply rooted in Chinese philosophy and is also a key element in the Taoist religion in China. Today it can be found everywhere. Its meaning is as simple as it is complex.

The concept of yin and yang was first discussed in the 3rd century BC, when interest in philosophy appeared. Both yin and yang are both good and bad, they are two sides of the same coin. Yin can turn into yang and vice versa. The point from which each sign begins represents potential, the opposite seed.

Yin is the feminine side, which manifests such things as darkness, water, cold, softness, passivity, north, transformation, introspection, it gives spirit to everything. On the other hand, yang is light, mountains, fire, heat, sun, action, movement, yang gives form to all things.

Taoism believes in the idea of ​​embracing both aspects to find balance in everything. To understand how strong this concept is in China, just look at the names of some settlements.

Villages on the sunny side of valleys and rivers have names like Liuyang and Shiyang, while those on the opposite side have names like Jianging.

Interestingly, China was not the birthplace of yin-yang. The earliest information relates to the use of the symbol in a prehistoric culture that occupied parts of modern Moldova, southern Ukraine and central Romania.

Known as the Trypillian culture, this society existed from 5400 to 2700 BC. Several pieces of pottery from this era have been discovered with yin-yang symbols. But since they did not have a written language, we cannot know whether they viewed the symbol the same way as the Chinese, or whether it was just a coincidence.

Meaning of the Bluetooth symbol

8. Bluetooth symbol

At first glance, there is no connection between this wireless technology and blue tooth (this is how the word bluetooth is literally translated from English). But believe it or not, there is actually a connection.

This technology was invented back in 1994 by the Swedish telecommunications company Ericsson. In keeping with Sweden's Viking past, the symbol is two runes joined together. Rune N and rune B, together they form a well-known symbol.

But what do they have in common with a blue tooth? This is the surname of the first Viking king of Denmark, Harald Blåtand. And the Swedish word “blatand” means “blue tooth”. Harald lived from 910 to 987. AD and during his life managed to unite all the Danish tribes, and later captured Norway, ruling it until his death.

He is also credited with the adoption of Christianity by the Danes. He did this more for political and economic reasons than anything else, to avoid the Holy Roman Empire moving south and also to preserve his trading partners.

The origin of his last name, Blue Tooth, is a mystery. Some believe he may have enjoyed blackberries, which gave his teeth a blue tint. However, a more plausible-sounding explanation is that Blue Tooth is actually a misinterpretation of the records of medieval historians, and in fact his name was more like "dark leader".

The meaning of the flag of planet Earth

7. International flag of planet Earth

Each space mission today uses different national flags depending on which country is funding it. All this is good, but astronauts, regardless of their country of origin, “stand up” for the planet as a whole, and not for the state that provided funds for the flight.

For this reason, the flag of planet Earth was designed. It consists of seven white intertwined rings on a blue background. The rings symbolize all life on our planet.

However, the symbol itself is much older than the flag and is better known as the "Seed of Life". It is considered part of "Sacred Geometry". This term is used to refer to universal geometric patterns often found in nature. The Seed of Life bears a striking resemblance to the cellular structure during embryonic development.

Moreover, the Seed of Life, as well as the Great Flower of Life, has been found in many places around the world. The oldest find was found in the Temple of Osiris at Abydos, Egypt, approximately 5000-6000 years old.

Similar "designs" were also used in Buddhist temples in China and Japan, in modern Turkey, in India, throughout Europe, in Iraq and many other places. The Seed of Life also plays an important role in various religions. For example, in the old Slavic religions the symbol of the Seed of Life meant the sun.

What does hammer and sickle mean?

6. Hammer and sickle

The Soviet "hammer and sickle" is perhaps one of the most recognizable political symbols, ranking on par in recognition with the Nazi swastika and American stars and stripes.

And although their meaning is most likely straightforward, it can carry hidden messages. The hammer can mean the proletariat (blue collar workers) and the sickle can mean the peasants. Together they represented the unity and strength of the Soviet state. However, coming up with an emblem was not as easy as it seems.

The situation with the hammer was simpler, since it was traditionally associated with workers throughout Europe. The second part of the symbol was more complicated; there were several options: the hammer had an anvil, a plow, a sword, a scythe and a wrench.

The designer himself, Evgeny Kamzolkin, is also intriguing. He was not a communist even at heart, but was a deeply religious person. He was a member of the Leonardo da Vinci Society, and as an artist, he understood symbolism very well.

Perhaps Kamzolkin used the hammer and sickle to convey a completely different message, even if no one understood it. For example, in Hindu and Chinese culture, the hammer was often associated with the triumph of evil over good. The sickle has been associated with death in various religions.

Before the scythe appeared, in medieval Europe Death was depicted with a sickle, Hindu religions also depicted the god of death with a sickle in his left hand. Nobody knows what exactly Kamzolkin had in mind when developing the design.

All this is speculation, and no one asked the designer, who died back in 1957, the correct answer. The key here is the interpretation of the symbol, because depending on the context, similar emblems can mean two completely different things.

What does the sign of the pentagram mean?

5. Pentagram

Today this symbol is associated with Wicca (modern witchcraft), Satanism and Freemasonry. But few people know that the pentagram is much older than any of these practices and has been used since ancient times.

The five-pointed star was found on a cave wall in Babylonia, and the ancient Greeks believed that it had magical properties. The pentagram is supposed to be the path that Venus takes in the night sky in relation to Earth in an 8-year cycle.

The pentagram was even the seal of Jerusalem for some time, and in the Middle Ages it symbolized the five wounds that Jesus received during his crucifixion. It also denoted the proportions of the human body and its five basic senses.

It was only in the 20th century that the pentagram began to be associated with Satanism, probably due to its use by Wiccans. Previously, the five points of the star represented the four elements (earth, water, air, fire) and the human spirit.

However, among Wiccans the pentagram symbolizes the victory of the spirit over the four elements, while in Satanism the five-pointed star is oriented downwards. This means that every person is first and foremost material.

The meaning of anarchy

4. Symbol of anarchy

To properly understand the symbol of anarchy, you must first know what anarchy is and what it really means. Anarchy is the same political ideology as democracy, monarchy, oligarchy, communism or liberalism.

It developed in Ancient Greece along with democracy, and from ancient Greek this word is translated as “without a ruler.” This means that anarchy is not lawlessness and chaos, but rather a society with enforceable rules and regulations in place, but without an authoritarian ruler.

Anarchy developed even more actively and became more perfect during the period of the French Revolution at the end of the 18th century. During the same period, anarchy received its negative connotations, because the ruling elite, for obvious reasons, was against such a regime.

Since the end of the world has been postponed again until a new stone calendar of some natives is dug up, I will tell you what these mysterious letters in circles mean (for example ℗) or sometimes without circles (for example, NMPT or SM), as well as how they should be used, what you should be afraid of, and what you should not be afraid of.

In fact, all these symbols are signs of protection of intellectual property. Their use is equivalent to writing on the apartment door “No unauthorized entry.” That is, outsiders are already prohibited from entering there (since the housing is protected by law), you just additionally inform about this. Three simple rules follow from this:

1) The owner of the rights has the right to use the security sign or not - this does not in any way affect his rights (I can hang “no unauthorized entry” on the apartment door, or I can not hang it)
2) If there are exclusive rights, but there is no sign of protection, this does not mean that you can use the work without the permission of the copyright holder (if there is no sign on my apartment “no unauthorized entry,” this does not mean that everyone is invited there)
3) If there are no rights, but there is a sign of protection, no one can prevent you from using this work. (I can hang a sign “no trespassing” on the subway door - this does not mean that now no one has the right to enter there).

Now what do these icons mean and how to use them correctly?

Our legislation distinguishes 5 types of security signs:

- the most famous and popular - copyright symbol or "copyright". Placed on any copies of works - poems, films, books, songs, computer programs. If you have written a poem or a story, you can safely put a security sign at the end, you just need to put it correctly, since- only one of the elements of the mark; beside it is placed the name or title of the copyright holder and the year of first publication. That is, if I want, indicate. that this post belongs to me I should indicate at the end like this: "@ Teddy Boar, 2012"

℗ - sign of protection of related rights. Placed to indicate rights to phonograms, performances, databases, and others. Since one song usually has an author, a phonogram was made and someone performed the song, there is often a whole bouquet of signs℗. Used in the same way as copyright: sign, name of copyright holder, year of first publication

T "T", [T], as well as T in a circle or T in a square(I didn’t find such a sign in Word, but I’m too lazy to draw) - a sign for protecting the topology of an integrated circuit. If you do not know what TIM is, then you are unlikely to violate the rights to the topology.

Registered IMP- this sign of protection can be found primarily on food products. It simply stands for: the name of the place of origin of the product. In principle, if you see such a designation on Vologda oil, it means the oil is actually produced in the Vologda region, and not somewhere in the Moscow region.

R or R in circle- Registered trademark. The presence of such a mark does not mean at all that it cannot be used, but means that it cannot be used for commercial purposes for the same list of goods and services for which it is registered. Considering that it is mainly companies and entrepreneurs who can violate the right to a trademark, they are now increasingly removing this designation from brands so that they look better.

In addition to these signs established in our legislation, there are several more that can be found, namely:

TM - Trade Mark- registered trademark (trademark) - this designation is mainly used in the USA. Essentially an analogue of R

S.M.- this designation is found on some Google services - it stands for Service Mark - service mark. Without going into details, we can say that this is a complete analogue of the trademark. In principle, there is no difference between them and even the certificates indicate “trademark (service mark).”

Thank you for reading to the end

What began as a philosophical doctrine eventually turned into a revolutionary movement. Anarchism has been known since ancient times, but it acquired its current meaning in the mid-19th century. At that time, the confrontation between the working people and the government began to grow. The Great French Revolution was one of the reasons for the emergence of a new ideal of freedom and equality. The intended democracy was not recognized by supporters of anarchy. The forefather of this movement was the French thinker. It was to him that the famous phrase “Anarchy is the mother of order” belongs. The flag under which members of the fraternities performed was black. Over time, it was transformed and supplemented. The main color remains black, but it is combined with others. It depends on the variety of anarchism.

In addition to the flag, anarchists have their own symbols. There are so many options that they accept. Perhaps every even slightly educated person knows what the sign of anarchy looks like. It's a capital letter "A" surrounded by a circle. But this is only the basic sign of anarchy.

Black cross of anarchists

This sign of anarchy was originally called the "Red Cross of Anarchy". This name was given in honor of the prototype from which it was made. This emblem was modified from the symbol of the Red Cross organization. But the name was changed in 1919. This is due to the fact that this year the International Organization of the Red Cross began the same activities as the anarchists under the “black cross”. The Anarchist Black Cross organization is dedicated to prison abolition. Its first manifestations occurred in Then anarchists began to support all political prisoners.

This emblem is presented in the form of a black cross with a clenched fist at the top. This symbolizes strength in unity. The fingers are weak one at a time, but together they form a strong fist. And he is able to fight back against everyone and everything. And during the times of Tsarist Russia this was relevant.

Wooden shoe

This symbol of anarchism has long been forgotten. It was popular in the late 19th and early 20th centuries. This sign became widespread in connection with the use of a wooden shoe to disrupt production. It was he who was thrown into the machines, thus breaking them. It is from the French word “clog” (wooden shoe) that the word “sabotage” comes.

Thus, this item was immortalized in history. The “wooden shoe” sign of anarchy, although forgotten by many, is one of the main ones. He stood at the origins of the radical movement. Nowadays, this sign of anarchy is no longer relevant. Pictures of a wooden shoe, however, are familiar to anyone associated with this movement.

Black cat (wild cat)

The following sign of anarchy does not have an exact interpretation. The creator of this symbol, Ralph Chaplin, said: “Since childhood, the black cat has been associated with the idea of ​​protest; it instills in owners and employers the fear of sabotage and superstition.” Chaplin's emblem shows a black cat with an arched back and extended claws. It was invented during a period of large trade union strikes.

According to legend, the animal depicted has its own prototype. It was one stray cat who ran into the hospital with the protesters who were there. He was skinny and shabby. Hospital visitors fattened him up. As this cat recovered, so things began to improve for the protesters. Their demands were met. But this is just a legend. The story that seems to be true is as follows. It's all about the so-called play on words. In English, the word "strike" sounds like "walkout", which is similar to the English version of the phrase "wild cat". This is the interesting story behind this emblem.

The well-known sign of anarchy (photo)

The most popular sign remains, of course, the “A” in a circle. In the original version of this symbol, the letter was inscribed in a circle. At the present stage, this sign has changed slightly. Now "A" goes outside the circle. This symbol is respected and recognized by absolutely all anarchists, regardless of their orientation.

The interpretation of this symbol is as follows: A - anarchy, O - order. This symbol perfectly illustrates Proudhon’s phrase “Anarchy is the mother of order.”

Historical reference

The symbol “A” in a circle was introduced to the general public by the Spanish Federal Council by the International Workers Association. This was their sign. A little later, this symbol was used during In 1956, the Brussels organization adopted it, and in 1964 it migrated to the French Organization of Liberal Youth.

Final words

In conclusion, I would like to say that only by knowing history can one judge the present. It is impossible to approach a certain issue categorically and from one point of view. For many, the sign of anarchy evokes horror and fear, but by studying history, you can find out that it was a symbol of freedom, equality and justice.

Thus, do not panic when you see one of the above symbols, but simply remember what they meant before. The modern interpretation of anarchism is slightly different from the original.