Simple exercises for the inner thigh. Training the adductor muscles: exercises for the inner thigh

Beautiful toned legs are the dream of many representatives of the fair sex. But even the thinnest often experience sagging thighs on the inside. The front and back muscles are constantly working, whether you go up or down stairs, run or just walk.

But the internal and external ones, slender, crested and adductor magnus, are rarely tensed, they are involved only when you do lateral swings or turn your foot with your toe outward. It is clear that in ordinary life such movements almost never occur, which means that separate exercises are needed for the inner thigh.

Keep in mind that losing weight in the lower body follows the principle of 1 in 6, that is, if 7 kg are lost, then only one is lost from the hips. This is how the body makes reserves, and removing fat from the inner thigh muscles is very difficult. Both cardio and strength training will be required. If your legs are slender, simply doing strength exercises to tighten your muscles at home is enough.

When can you not do without a gym?

Inner thigh exercises can be done at home. With due diligence and regular exercise, you will get the effect within a month. But there are situations in which you need to exercise exclusively in the gym.

If you have problems with your leg joints and spine, you will not be able to effectively and safely perform swings, squats, or lift weights. In order not to harm yourself, you need to exercise exclusively on leg adduction and extension machines, which do not put weight on the cartilage and menisci.

In other cases, you can do everything at home so as not to waste time and money, and study at any convenient time.

Here are just a few simple tips to help make your workouts safer and more effective.

  • If you exercise on the floor, be sure to lie down on a gymnastic mat, foam, blanket or something similar, as otherwise you may get bruises on your thighs.
  • Always do a warm-up to warm up your muscles and a cool-down to make them more elastic and reduce the pain of muscle soreness.
  • You can’t exercise every day; the muscles of the inner thigh need a day to recover. It is best to train 3 times a week.
  • For girls, scrubs will be a good additional remedy for cellulite and sagging. You can buy them ready-made, or take coffee grounds (can be used) with gel, or sugar with shower gel.
  • Every two to three months you need to change the program, this is especially important for men, since their muscles adapt to movements faster, and for progress it is worth modifying and increasing the load.

If possible, use leg weights. With them, you can reduce volumes faster, as fat will be burned more actively.


You cannot do this exercise if you have the following problems and diseases:

  • Exacerbation of arthritis, arthrosis and other joint diseases;
  • Varicose veins, thrombophlebitis, fragile vessels;
  • Heart diseases;
  • Exacerbations of kidney diseases;
  • During the rehabilitation period after surgical interventions in the abdominal area.

Choosing a lesson program

The question often arises: what exercises are the most effective for pumping the inner thigh? The answer is everything you do regularly. Choose, for example, any 3 or 4, and do them in circular approaches until you begin to feel your muscles trembling, burning, and you can no longer do anything.

After a couple of months, change the program, and then return to the original one, but with weights. Alternate movements, look for those that suit you.

Legs raised to the sides

This movement loads the adductors while also working the lower abs. As a result, the fat between the legs disappears quickly. Difficulty is average, but over time you can use weights to make the workout more effective. This exercise is especially useful for women, as it causes a rush of blood and a gentle massage of the organs in the groin area.

Lie on your back, arms along your body. Raise your legs straight 90 degrees, toes pointing toward you so that your heels point toward the ceiling. Slowly we spread our legs apart, linger for a couple of seconds at the extreme point, and bring them together again. In one approach – 15-20 movements.

No haste or harshness, otherwise you can pull the ligaments.

Plie squats

This exercise is actively used by ballerinas to strengthen the inner thighs and reduce calves. In addition, the plié involves the muscles of the buttocks. Basically, one universal movement for the entire lower body.

Stand straight with your feet wider than your shoulders, about a meter apart. We turn the socks diagonally to the sides. Slowly squat until your thighs are parallel to the floor, then slowly stand up. Repeat 10-15 times.

To make it more difficult, try rising on your toes at the lowest point.

Lunge to the side, also known as “Bow and Arrow”

An excellent choice for losing weight between the legs and overall tightening of muscles, the appearance of interthigh clearance. The movement itself is simple, suitable even for beginners, and experienced athletes can complicate it by holding a dumbbell in their hand.

Place your feet wider than your shoulders, your back straight, your arms can be extended forward or placed on your waist. As you inhale, perform a squat to the right, bending your leg at the kneecap 90 degrees. Exhaling, we return to the straight position and lunge to the left. 12-15 times in each direction is enough to start with.

Squeezing the ball

This is a static movement that is useful for both the hips and buttocks, and in addition, it allows you to pump up the internal female muscles. It is very simple to perform, but you need a sports ball that you can squeeze. The size of the ball is not so important; a small or even a small fitball will do.

This is similar to a leg abduction machine, and the movement does not overload the joints.

You can do it lying on your back, sitting on a chair, standing, and this adds variety to the work of the muscles. Place the ball between your knees and forcefully bring them together. Hold for 1-2 seconds and release the force, but so that the ball does not fall. Do it 20 times.

Various lying swings

They are beneficial for both the inner and outer thighs, and also engage the lower abdominals. There are three methods of execution, all done lying on the floor with emphasis on the elbow. 15 times on each side.

  1. Place your legs straight, left over right. Lift your left leg up. Then slowly lower down. For faster results, you can use an elastic band that is wrapped around the ankles.
  2. Place the left leg bent at the knee on the straight right leg. We swing forward, straightening the bent leg.
  3. Place the left knee bent with the foot on the floor in front of the straight right one. We swing with our right leg.

Swing to the side while standing

Swings are generally the best exercises for strengthening and drying the thighs, and they are useful to do in all directions. But in this complex we consider only what is effective for losing weight on the outer surface - swing to the side.

First, you can perform the movement with support (wall, chair, back of a chair, etc.), then do it without support, it will be more difficult. Stand with your side to the support and quickly move your leg to the side.

The more often you do this, the more actively the muscles will contract, and you can easily get rid of ears and riding breeches. You can make it more difficult by using an elastic band.


This movement is great for athletes of all levels: depending on the angle of lifting the legs, you can adjust the load, while always working your abs. You can start by lifting it 90 degrees, then lower your legs lower and lower. Over time you need to reach 15 cm from the floor.

Lying on your back, raise your straight legs and cross them 20 times, as if imitating the movements of scissors. Then lower it.

It is very simple and at the same time effective, since all the muscles of the legs work.

Watch the video where Elena Silka shows 8 exercises for the inner thigh:

When can we expect the first results?

It all depends not on what exercises you are trying to pump up your inner thighs, but on the systematic exercise, proper nutrition and enough cardio (if you also need to lose weight).

Don't expect quick results in a week or two. Reviews claim that, on average, progress is visible after at least a month of training 3 times a week. Be sure to let your muscles recover and change movements and increase the load over time.

You can definitely achieve beautiful toned thighs at home if you put in a little effort!

Do you have a good figure? But would you dare to wear a bikini on the beach? No? Do you have a complex about your bulging belly, folds at your waist, or “ears” on your inner thighs? Under clothes, all these figure imperfections are absolutely invisible, but when undressing they attract close attention. In order to put the body in order, urgent measures are needed, and this cannot be done without training. In this article I want to talk about how to get rid of fat deposits on the inner thigh. After all, it is in this place that the muscles quickly lose their tone, becoming prematurely flabby and sluggish. There are effective exercises for the inner thigh that can solve this problem.


Squats are great leg exercises. They are good because they strengthen not only the inner thigh. Both the front and side muscles work, as well as the buttocks. To achieve optimal results, you need to perform the following exercises for the inner thigh 30-40 times in a row:

From a standing position, do squats all the way;

From a standing position, do half squats, that is, bend your knees, but not squat all the way;

Starting position: standing on the floor, spread your legs as wide as possible, toes pointing to the sides. Slowly squat all the way, then return to the starting position.

Swing your legs

Leg swings (as inner thigh exercises) are very effective. They can be done in any position: standing, sitting or lying down. So, a few useful exercises:

Starting position - feet on the floor, you recline and lean on straight arms, without touching the floor with your back and looking at the ceiling. Make swings alternately with your right foot and then with your left;

Lying on the floor on your side, leaning on your elbow, raise your upper leg, then lower it. You need to repeat 40-50 times. Turn over and do the same with the other leg;

Lying on the floor on your back, do the “scissors” exercise - bringing your legs together and spreading them. Repeat 30-40 times.


Jumping is a very dynamic exercise for the inner thigh. You can perform them simply on the spot or with a jump up. Do 50-60 jumps in a row. This promotes active burning of calories, and, as a result, reduction of fat deposits on the hips.

And at the end of the workout - stretching

Stretching at the end of your workout is very important. It will help prevent muscle pain that occurs the day after doing an exercise for the inner thigh muscles. In order to stretch, you need to do the following: sit on the floor, bend your knees, press your feet together, spread your knees to the sides and try to touch the floor with them. You need to stretch 7-10 times until mild muscle pain appears. We looked at what you can do at home. You don't need exercise equipment or any sports equipment for this. You just need to do the exercises daily, setting aside 30-40 minutes for exercise. By following these recommendations, you will quickly get into great shape and be able to wear the most revealing clothes to the beach.

The most effective way to lose weight inner thigh is an integrated approach. You should adhere to proper nutrition, massage to redistribute fat under the skin and, of course, exercise regularly. A compiled program is the best opportunity to change yourself.

Beautiful and toned legs are the dream of every girl. In an effort to improve their appearance, women do not leave the gym. It is worth remembering that to achieve maximum results, use physical activity in combination with a healthy diet and proper daily routine. Eat less flour, salty and sweet foods; include more greens, vegetables and fruits in your diet. Move more! To remove fat from the inner thigh, use our tips and a set of exercises for weight loss. The exercises were developed by a professional trainer and are aimed at losing weight in the inner thigh. Do the workout regularly and the results will not keep you waiting!

A set of effective exercises for the inner thigh at home

Effective exercises for losing weight in the inner thighs


  1. Starting position – lying on your side. Straighten your lower leg and lift it off the floor, leaving it suspended.
  2. Place the other one in front on the floor, bend at the knee.
  3. Use your forearm as a support. Exhale and lift your lower leg straight.
  4. Inhale as you lower.

Number of repetitions: 3 sets of 15 reps for each leg.

Exercise "frog" for losing weight in the inner thigh


  1. Stand with your feet wider than shoulder-width apart. Bend your legs, move your buttocks back.
  2. Spread your knees to the sides and reach your hands towards the floor.
  3. Jump up. Your arms should be above your head and your feet together.
  4. Land in your original position.

Number of repetitions: 3 sets of 10 repetitions.

Remove fat from the inner thigh: side lunges


  1. Stand up straight. Take dumbbells in your hands.
  2. Bend one leg at the knee so that it is no further than the level of the toe. Leave the other one away. Keep your back straight.
  3. Return to the original position, while focusing on the bent leg.

Number of repetitions: 4 times 10 repetitions for each side.

Plie exercise at home for weight loss


  1. Place your feet wider than your shoulders. Pick up a dumbbell to make it more challenging.
  2. Squat. Make sure that your knees do not go beyond the level of your feet.
  3. When rising, focus on your heels.

Number of repetitions: 4 sets of 15 repetitions.

Exercise “Bridge with statics”


  1. Lie down on the floor. Bend your knees and keep your arms parallel to the floor. Exhale.
  2. Lift your pelvis up. Try to form a single straight line from your body to your knees.
  3. Tighten your inner thighs. Lock the position.

How many: 3 sets of 1 minute.

If you start practicing diligently, you will notice a small result within a couple of weeks. However, it would be a mistake to assume that the process of losing weight on the inner thigh is quick and easy. Quite the contrary. That is why you need to be patient and start training at home right now.

Most girls in the process of losing weight, even with regular training, notice that their inner thighs are not toned enough. At the same time, you can maintain the tone of your thighs without even leaving home. The main thing is to know which exercises are suitable for this and accurately follow the technique of performing them.

Internally weak hip is caused by thin skin and laxity of muscle tissue, since in everyday life only a small number of movements involve this problem area.

Even the bulk of exercises for legs trains not the inner, but the outer thigh, thereby the muscular strength of the thighs is distributed unevenly.

To create the ideal shape of your legs while losing weight harmoniously, you just need to figure out how to pump up your inner thighs and what exercises will pump up your inner and outer thighs evenly.

A set of exercises for the inner thigh at home

Answering the question - how to pump up the inner muscles of the legs, professional trainers focus on a set of exercises in which you can make maximum use of the inner weak thigh, tightening its tone and strengthening the muscle status without leaving home.

Workouts can be adjusted according to the severity of the load depending on the general level of training, individually selecting weights for weighting and the number of approaches.

The complex includes the best exercises for the inner thigh:

1. Squats with legs wide apart.

Starting position: stand straight, place your feet wider than shoulder level, toes pointing to the sides. Then you can begin a smooth squat until the moment of maximum muscle tension, while maintaining a straight back position. At the lowest point, the hip line should be parallel to the floor.

When squatting, you can create additional tension in the thighs and buttocks by squeezing them for a couple of seconds, after which you need to return to the starting position.

If you have problems with balance during squats, you can perform the exercise along the wall or rest your hands on any surface. For additional effect, the workout is performed with weights - dumbbells or kettlebells.

This type of exercise is suitable for the inner thigh, as well as the buttocks and quadriceps.

2. Lunges forward and left-right.

Starting position: back straight, feet shoulder-width apart. Lunge forward with each leg alternately, forming a right angle under the knee. While performing the exercise, you need to concentrate on the target area, feeling the stretch in your thigh muscles.

An energetic pace of execution is suitable for the process of losing weight, and static poses, with constant tension in the problem area, will create a pumped-up inner thigh.

Lateral lunges are also effective for losing weight in the thighs. In this version of the exercise for the inner thigh, it is necessary to perform deep rolls to the sides, smoothly transferring the body weight from the left leg to the right and back.

3. Swing your legs while standing and lying down.

The first recommendation from trainers on how to pump up the inner thighs is to point out this type of exercise. It is easy to perform at home, and you can achieve such an effect that after training your weak inner thigh will simply burn.

In a standing position, swings can be made forward, bending the leg at the knee, or to the side, maintaining balance with support. If you perform the exercise while lying down, swing your legs to the sides, with your legs raised at right angles from the floor. In the “scissors” version, the raised legs must be crossed with each other with tension in the target muscles.

The secret to the effectiveness of this exercise for the inner thigh is that it is good for both losing weight in the thighs and maintaining muscle tone in the thighs.

A fast pace of movements is suitable for the process of losing weight; for pumping the hips - a slow pace, with a delay of several seconds at the maximum point of tension.

4. Squeezing the ball between your legs.

A simple but effective way to strengthen thigh tone is perfect for training at home. To do this you will need an elastic ball. When performing the exercise, you need to sit on the edge of a chair and place the ball between your thighs.

Then you need to squeeze it with maximum force, extremely straining the muscles of the problem area. For a good result, two or three sets of 10-15 repetitions for each type of exercise are enough.

Exercises for the inner thighs in the gym

You can quickly pump up your inner thighs in the gym. The best exercises are based on bringing the legs together.

Various exercise machines will help with this, one of which is ideal for pumping up the problem area of ​​​​the hips. This is an expander - it is easy to use and at the same time very effective.

Another leg adduction machine is the adductor machine. For the inner thigh, exercises on it are performed with overcoming resistance of varying degrees of load. By pumping your legs with the help of a simulator you can:

  • strengthen the inner surface of the legs;
  • provide tone to weak muscles;
  • improve the relief of the problem area of ​​the hips;
  • pump up your legs evenly;
  • achieve weight loss in the inner thighs;
  • improve posture and gait.

There are few technical secrets of the exercise. It is only necessary to correctly set the weight of the weight, linger for two seconds at the end point of compression of the legs and maintain constant tension in the target muscles.

Understanding how to pump up the inner thighs will help girls get perfect legs for any body type. Regularly working on a set of exercises to slim your thighs, combined with adjusting your diet, will allow you to achieve great success in losing weight and creating a slender body.

On the inside of the thigh there are the adductor magnus, longus and brevis, pectineus and gracilis muscles. They adduct and flex the hip and also externally rotate it. It is these muscles that we will pump.

Bodyweight exercises

Press your lower back to the floor, bend your legs slightly at the knees. Squash and spread your legs 20 times, rest and do two more sets.

The exercise will be even more effective if you hang weights on your legs.

Hip adduction from side position

Lie on your side, supporting yourself on your forearm. The leg that is located below is straightened, the second is bent at the knee. Lift your straight leg off the floor, hold for one or two seconds and lower.

Deep lunges to the side give a good load on the inner thigh. Keep your hands on your waist or in front of you, try not to round your back.

Perform three sets of 15 lunges in each direction.

Plie or sumo squat

In order for squats to pump up the inner thighs, you need to put your feet wider, turn your toes to the sides and squat deeply, trying to keep your knees pointing to the sides.

Perform three to four sets of 20 squats.

Exercises with additional equipment

Mixing with Pilates ring

A Pilates ring can be found at the gym or purchased at a sports equipment store.

Lie on your side, place the ring between your legs at ankle level or slightly above and lower your leg against resistance.

Perform three sets of 10 times on each leg.

For this exercise, you can use a resistance band, a short resistance band, or a figure-of-eight resistance band folded in half.

Place the resistance band on your legs, lie on your side and push your knees apart against resistance. Perform three sets of 10–12 reps on each leg.

For this exercise you will need a long one. Hook it onto the post, place the loop around the leg that is closest to the post, and turn sideways.

Extend your working leg beyond the supporting leg: forward and to the side. To make the exercise more challenging, move further away while pulling on the resistance band.

Perform three sets of 10 times on each leg.

Exercises with free weights and machines

Sumo squats with kettlebell or dumbbells

Squat with dumbbells

Take a kettlebell or dumbbell and perform deep squats with your feet wide and knees out to the sides.

Three sets of 10 reps will be enough to give the inner thigh a good workout. Of course, if you...

Exercise on a simulator to bring your legs together.

Almost any gym has such a machine. Perform three sets of 5–15 repetitions depending on the weight used. Choose a weight so that the last reps of the set are difficult. This way your progress will be much faster.

Crossover exercises with leg abduction

This exercise is similar to leg abduction with an expander, but it is more convenient to perform it on a machine. Set the working weight, fasten the fastening on your leg and turn sideways so that the leg with the fastening is closer to the machine.

Step back and raise your working leg about 30 degrees - this is the starting position. Place your working leg behind your supporting leg in front, overcoming the resistance of the machine. Return your leg to the starting position and repeat. Perform three sets of 5–15 repetitions depending on the working weight.

Incorporate these exercises into your workout, increasing the weight or number of repetitions if you are working out without weights, and your thighs will become more toned and attractive.

After training, be sure to stretch your adductor muscles. You can see exactly how to do this.