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When a user first encounters a new type of smartphone, they need to quickly figure out how to use some basic functions. In this article we will look at one of these basic functions, namely setting ringtones. In this article you will learn how to set a ringtone on an Android smartphone with a standard shell and a Samsung shell.

Setting a ringtone using the example of an Android smartphone Google Nexus

First, we'll tell you how to set a ringtone if you have a smartphone with a standard Android shell. As you might guess, first go to the Android settings. To do this, open the top curtain and click on the gear button, or find the Settings application in the list of applications or on the desktop. Once you have opened Settings, you need to go to the “Sound” section (the “Device” settings group).

And then you need to open the subsection called “Ringtone”.

This way you will open a list of ringtones that are already present on your Android smartphone and that you can use. To install one of these ringtones, select it and click on the “OK” button. After this, the selected ringtone will be set as the standard one and will be played when there is an incoming call.

If you are not satisfied with standard ringtones and want to use your own melody, then this melody must first be loaded into the device memory and placed in the /media/audio/ringtones/ folder. This can be done in different ways, but the easiest way is to connect your Android smartphone to your computer using a USB cable. We will consider this option below.

Connect your Android smartphone to your computer using a USB cable and open the “My Computer” window. After connecting, the icon of your smartphone should appear there. If there is such an icon, then just open it.

If the smartphone icon does not appear, then you need to change the operating mode of the smartphone with a USB connection. To do this, you need to open the top curtain on your smartphone, click on connection notifications and select “File transfer” in the menu that opens.

After opening the smartphone on the computer, you need to go to the “ Internal storage", and then to the /media/audio/ringtones/ folder. If the /ringtones/ folder is missing, you can create it yourself.

Copy the desired ringtones to the /media/audio/ringtones/ folder and you can install them on your smartphone through the settings.

Setting a ringtone using the example of an Android smartphone from Samsung

If you have a Samsung smartphone, then the process of setting a ringtone will be a little easier. First, you need to open the Settings app and then go to the Sound section (Device tab).

As a result, a menu with standard ringtones will open. If one of the standard ringtones suits you, you can simply select it and click on the “Yes” button. If you want to set your own non-standard ringtone, then you need to click on the “Add” button.

Next, a file manager will open, with which you can select any ringtone that is located in any folder on your smartphone. As you can see, in the case of a Samsung smartphone, you do not need to specifically connect the device to the computer and download the ringtone to a specific folder. Here everything can be done through the smartphone interface.

I remember myself in 2008, when the “aluminum” iPhone 2G first came into my hands, my delight knew no bounds. The device was so revolutionary that it took quite a long time to study its capabilities. Sometimes basic procedures for smartphones of that time took quite a lot of time, for example: “ How to set a ringtone on iPhone?". Now this is not a problem for experienced users of iOS devices, but perhaps the information “under the cut” will be useful for beginners.

Of course, it is incorrect to use the verb “set” in relation to a ringtone (ringtone) for an iPhone, but to make it clear to everyone, and even to the youngest iPhone owner, we will leave the topic of the instructions unchanged.

How to make a ringtone without iTunes

In fact, the meaning of the word “put” in the context of today’s article includes 2 stages at once:

  1. Download ringtone to iPhone;
  2. Set ringtone as a ringtone in iPhone.

How to download ringtone to iPhone?

Let's assume that you already have on your local computer disk ringtone file with extension .m4r and you can start downloading the ringtone to the iPhone memory. If you don’t yet know how to create ringtones yourself, use our instructions “ “

Ways to download ringtones to iPhone

  • By means iTunes;
  • Third party file managers.

Downloading a ringtone to iPhone via iTunes

1) Connect iPhone to the computer and launch iTunes;

2) In the main menu " File» select the item « Add a file to your library" And select ringtone file on the local disk. Ringtone will appear in iTunes section Sounds«;

3) Go to main page with iTunes synchronization settings iPhone to the section " Sounds". If your iTunes library does not have any ringtones downloaded, the “Sounds” section on the synchronization settings page will be unavailable, remember this;

4) In the “Sounds” section check the box opposite the item " Synchronize sounds“, and then, if desired, you can set the synchronization of only the marked ringtones, or all downloaded to the iTunes library;

5) In the lower right corner of the iTunes window, click on the button Apply«;

6) Wait for synchronization media library contents iTunes from iPhone.

After completing the operations described above, your custom ringtone will be safely downloaded into the iPhone's memory and will become available in iOS Settings.

Downloading a ringtone to iPhone using a file manager

Is it possible to do without iTunes when downloading ringtones (and more) to iPhone? You can, for this there are alternative file managers that allow you to upload and download content (not only music) from the iPhone without synchronizing it with iTunes.

Let's consider the method " how to add a ringtone to iPhone" with help iFunBox.

iFunBox is one of the best file managers for iOS devices. Works well with both jailbroken and non-jailbroken devices.

Download iFunBox for iPhone, iPod Touch and iPad [link]

1) Launch iFunBox;

2) In the horizontal navigation menu, go to the “ Quick ToolBox«;

3) In the section " Import Files and Data"(Import files and data) click on the icon " User Ringtone» (Custom ringtone);

4) In the program window that appears, click on the “ Click here to browse music files» (Click here to view music files) and open the ringtone file on the local disk of the computer. Ready!

The ringtone file will be successfully downloaded to the iPhone and will become available for selection in iPhone Settings.

How to set a ringtone on iPhone?

The first stage of downloading your own ringtone file to the iPhone is completed, let's proceed to the simplest phase, assign the downloaded ringtone as a ringtone.

1) On iPhone go to Settings -> Sounds-> Section " Sounds and vibration patterns» -> Ringtone;

2) Short tap on the device screen check the box next to the downloaded name ringtone. The ringtone will start playing. Ready!

So, with the help of simple manipulations you can quickly set ringtone in iPhone 4, 5 and any other, the procedure is identical for all iOS devices. If only I had known this back then, in 2008, I could have customized the iPhone “for myself” much faster. Did you find the instructions helpful or did you have any questions? Write in the comments, we will certainly help!

New iPhone users often face the problem of setting their own ringtone for calls. On Android phones, you can set your favorite melody instead of standard sounds in a couple of clicks. But in Apple gadgets it’s not so easy to change the melody. That is why in this publication we will talk in detail about how to set a ringtone on an IPhone.

Video instructions for iTunes 12.7

Video instructions for iTunes 12.6 and below

Step by step guide

If you already have this program, then you can safely proceed to the second step, but if not, then you need to install it. You can download iTunes from the official Apple website completely free of charge

On the page of the ringtone you like, click on the “Download M4r” button - this is exactly the ringtone format needed for the iPhone. After clicking the button, a window will appear asking you to select the path to save the file on your computer, or your browser will automatically start downloading to a previously defined folder (for example, “Downloads” by default).

Step 3 - Adding a ringtone in the updated iTunes version 12.7

IN updated version Apple's iTunes has removed the Sounds section. But how can you add ringtones to your iPhone now? There is still an opportunity. First, connect your iPhone to your computer using an Apple USB cable. Next, launch iTunes. A button to go to your device should appear in the program interface. If such a button does not appear, then reconnect your device again.

Next, select the previously downloaded ringtone (one or more, it doesn’t matter) and drag them, holding the left mouse button, into iTunes, onto your device in the “On My Device” section. The ringtones will be automatically downloaded to your device, and you can safely go to step 5.

Connect your iPhone to your computer using an Apple USB cable. Next, launch iTunes. In the “Media Library” tab, select the “Sounds” section. If there is no such menu item, then enable it in the same menu by clicking “Edit menu”.

If you are interested in how to set a ringtone on iPhone 5, then you have come to the right place, since this is exactly what we will talk about in this article.

In many smartphones this is done simply, but not in iPhones; here you will have to perform a number of additional steps.

It’s worth noting, first of all, that you won’t be able to do this on iPhone 5, since only files in the M4R format can be downloaded, and only if they are detected by the smartphone as ringtones.

You can download audio from the store, but this service is paid.

In this article we will talk about how to install a call on iPhone 5 for free.

So, first you need to create a ringtone from a regular file, and this is not difficult to do, the main thing is to know how to do it correctly.

Create a ringtone for iPhone 5

  • First you need to launch iTunes on your personal computer.
  • Then you need to simultaneously press 2 keys: CTRL and S so that the side menu appears.

  • In the side window that appears, click on the “Music” section, after which a window should appear where we will have to transfer the recording we need.

  • Then select the just transferred song, then select it using the right mouse button, and in the menu that opens, go to the “Options” directory.

  • A window will appear in front of you in which you should check the boxes opposite the lines “Start” and “Stop time”, in the latter we indicate thirty seconds, after which we click on OK. You can see what this window looks like in the picture below.

  • Now select the edited file, right-click on it and select the “Create version in ACC format” command.

  • Next, click on the new file in the program and transfer it to the desktop.

  1. After this, you need to make your computer show the changed files. To do this, you need to go to the iTunes directory Start/Control Panel/Folder Options/View.
    In the “Advanced Options” window, you need to find the line called “Hide extensions for known file types” and uncheck the box next to it.

  1. Then we go to the Desktop, find a new entry, activate it with the right mouse button and select the m4r extension.
  2. Now all you have to do is go back to the program, select “Sounds” in the right window and transfer the previously modified recording from the desktop to the window that opens.

  1. Now you can connect your smartphone to the program and start synchronization.

Now the entry has been added to your phone, all that remains is to install it and make sure it is used as a call.

Set a ringtone for a call

In order to use the created audio as a ringtone, you need to do the following:

  • Go to your smartphone's settings.
  • Click on "Sounds".

  • In the window that appears, find the “Ringtone” department and click on it.

Launching the iFunBox program

  • Next, click on the “Quick Toolbox” tab. Then in the department " Import Files and Data» click on the icon « User Ringtone«.

  • After this, a window like this should appear in front of you.

  • Here you need to click on Click here and in the window that appears, select the melody you are interested in. After completing these steps, the music file will already be downloaded to your smartphone. You can find it in your phone settings.

Now you know how to download a ringtone to your smartphone without iTunes.