Gambling cities. Gambling capitals of the world

The casinos of these cities are considered to be “classics of the genre.” The most famous, luxurious and rich casinos of the Old and New Worlds are the fruits of the labor of many brilliant entrepreneurs, but sometimes they are a happy coincidence, like a gift from windy Fortune.

Baden Baden

It is generally accepted that modern gambling began in Baden-Baden, Germany, in October 1748. It was then that several tavern and hotel owners received the right to conduct gambling in their establishments. And in 1824, the Baden-Baden Gambling House opened - the most famous and most beautiful casino in the Old World. True, it should be noted that at that time a casino was understood as a kind of house of culture, and the gaming halls themselves could only be part of it. And, for example, in Kultur Kasino in Bern there was never a game at all. By the middle of the 19th century, Baden-Baden became a favorite vacation spot for European and Russian nobility. Russian writers become frequent guests of the city - Gogol, Turgenev, Dostoevsky, whose losses are legendary here. Residents of Baden-Baden, having learned that you are from Russia, will gasp for a long time and tell you legends about Russian Badeners. They will certainly show you the tree under which the prototype of Dostoevsky’s story “The Gambler” shot himself. True, the same tree will be shown to you in Wiesbaden and Bad Homburg. Nowadays Baden-Baden is called nothing more than “the city of millionaires” or “the summer capital of Europe”. Having become the birthplace of the modern gambling business, even after two centuries it managed to retain its fame as the European gambling capital of the world.

Bad Homburg

The history of Baden-Baden was repeated on a smaller scale in the resort town of Bad Homburg, now a suburb of Frankfurt. In 1843, the second oldest casino in Europe opened here, not without the arrival of the Russian nobility. This city has not gained the same fame as Baden-Baden, but it is worth mentioning for this reason. The casino in Bad Homburg belonged to the Frenchman Maurice Blanc. In 1861, Kaiser Wilhelm banned gambling in Germany, and it was also banned in France at that time. Therefore, leaving his casino, Blanc moved to the Principality of Monaco and went straight to a reception with Crown Prince Charles III. This was the beginning of the great history of Monte Carlo.

Monte Carlo

The Principality of Monaco is a narrow strip of coast about three kilometers long and no more than three hundred meters wide. The country is surrounded on three sides by French territory, and on the fourth by the Mediterranean Sea. For seven centuries, the owners of this very well located territory, the princes of Grimaldi, traded in piracy and robbery. But in the 19th century, the maritime racket ceased to be profitable, and the dynasty was on the verge of ruin. It was during this unkind time for Prince Charles III that Maurice Blanc came to him and said, according to legend, something like this: “What you are doing is childish. Give me a piece of territory on the other side of the bay, and I will build a city there that will rob all of Europe." After some thought, the ruler of Monaco agreed, stipulating as a condition a tenth share of the profits and that the city would be named after him. The deal was completed. Initially, the casino was located in a barn-like room with four gambling tables. Roulette and card games, prohibited by law in many European countries, magnetically attracted rich people from all over the world to Monte Carlo. A few years later, a huge gambling palace and hotel were built in Monte Carlo, a railway line was built, gardens were laid out, and the port was reconstructed. In 1866, by decree of the ruler of Monaco, Charles III, this part of the principality was solemnly renamed Monte Carlo.

For several years, Blanc was the European casino monopolist. By the way, the former Blanc casino in Bad Homburg later received the name “Mother of Monte Carlo”. Currently, the gaming complex in Monaco consists of two buildings. The casino has a huge number of rooms. There are more than forty roulette tables alone. There are halls where everyone is allowed to play, in any clothing, but they close at midnight. Entrance to the night halls is allowed only in tuxedos. Members of European royal houses, Formula 1 champions and Hollywood stars spend their time here. Bets on one baccarat game here sometimes reach $40,000.

Las Vegas

In the middle of a flat, cracked sand basin, surrounded on three sides by mountains, a mirage rises. Tourists approaching Las Vegas for the first time are literally glued to the windows in utter amazement - there, below, are the Eiffel Tower, the Statue of Liberty, the Empire State Building and the Brooklyn Bridge! And only the pilots habitually turn the car around, focusing on the column of light shooting vertically from the Cheops pyramid. The appearance of all this here in the desert is unrealistic, illogical, inexplicable by rational reasons. This is the result of a chain of accidents.

In 1829, a trade caravan heading to Los Angeles lost its way. Under the heavy sun of the red desert, death awaited him and would have waited if the Mexican Rafael Rivera had not been lucky enough to find an oasis with an artesian spring among the sands. Raphael called this place "Fertile Valleys", in Spanish "Las Vegas". In 1864, this territory became the 36th American state - Nevada. And in 1931, Nevada became the first and only state to legalize gambling. This coincided, very conveniently, with the start of construction of a grandiose dam on the Colorado River, 50 km from the Las Vegas railway station. To “organize leisure time” for five thousand workers, several casinos opened in the city. In 1936, after construction was completed, crowds of tourists came to see this gigantic dam and they traveled mainly in their cars along Highway 91. Hotels that received tourists stood along the highway, a little far from the city center. Casinos, on the contrary, were concentrated in the center. This discrepancy first caught the eye of gambling magnate Thomas Hull, and in 1941 he built the luxurious El Rancho hotel-casino next to the highway. From that time on, the rapid transformation of a small section of the highway into the gambling street of the Strip began, and Las Vegas into an American and world gambling center.

“El Rancho” and “Flamingo” began the tradition of building “themed” casino hotels, each of which provided its guests with some kind of living legend - a piece of ancient Rome, Egypt, Paris. The latest new buildings of the late 20th century are simply amazing. Inside the world's most expensive hotel, the Bellagio, there is an 8-acre artificial lake surrounded by poplar trees and "Tuscan" villas. The Mandalay Bay Hotel contains a tropical lagoon complete with beach and surf. And in the “Venice” under construction there will be a copy of St. Mark’s Square and a half-kilometer canal with real gondoliers. This will cost an absolutely astronomical amount - $2,250 million. It’s not surprising, according to experts, the daily profit of the global gambling center is about 15 billion (!) dollars.

So, this is a classic of the genre. But new casinos and luxurious gaming complexes are appearing all over the world: Atlantic City, Macau and other cities will soon claim the title of gaming capitals of the world. However, Fortune can smile on you in numerous casinos and gaming centers in our city, so don’t miss your chance and hit the jackpot.

After the ban on gambling in Russia, special zones were created where you can legally enjoy the game and try your luck. For many today, the issue of the location of such places is acute, as they travel to the USA or Europe to indulge in pleasure and again feel a pleasant feeling of excitement. However, the casino is much closer than you might imagine.

Gambling zones in Russia for 2019

Today (as of 2019) in Russia there are several specially designated sites where real rather than virtual casinos are located. They operate legally, on the basis of current legislation. At the moment, gambling establishments are operating in four places and two more are being prepared: Sochi and Crimea. Due to the constant postponement of the creation of these sites, citizens will not soon be able to indulge in the excitement there. Initially, it was also planned to create several gambling establishments in Buryatia and Anapa, but the local administration abandoned this idea.

If you have been to European or American casinos, where there is gloss and a high level of service, then you will not like playing in Russia. However, for inexperienced people the services offered here will be sufficient. Russian casinos offer:

  • roulette;
  • black Jack;
  • poker;
  • slot machines.
All this is accompanied by great music, delicious food and wonderful drinks.

Gambling zones on the map of Russia (photo)

There are legal casinos in the following locations. You can see gambling zones on the map of Russia (photo can be enlarged).
  • "Azov City". This site is located between the Rostov region and the Krasnodar region. 1000 hectares of land were allocated for it. The first casino opened in 2010. Since then, many other establishments have appeared that are waiting for new and regular players. Today, the fate of this territory is in question, since Sochi with a more developed infrastructure is nearby. While discussions are ongoing, the casino is working and pleasing players with its services.
  • "Siberian coin", as the name implies, is located in Siberia, namely in its southern part. This site operates just 300 km from Barnaul, in the Altai Territory. Its size is 2300 hectares. Since 2014, there has been one casino operating here, which can accommodate up to 500 people at once. There are a large number of slot machines, poker, VIP rooms and much more. The construction of hotels and a number of new facilities is in development.
  • "Primorye" located in the Far East near Vladivostok. The area of ​​this site is relatively small (620 hectares). There is also only one casino operating here, located in close proximity to Ant Bay. Roulette, blackjack, slot machines and poker are the main services of this establishment. In the future there will be hotels, a beach, a ski resort and a yacht club.
  • "Amber" For now it only works on paper. It is located in the Kaliningrad region, but there is still not a single operating casino here. The problem is acceptance of the concept. Investors cannot agree on how exactly this site should be developed. Thus, the estimated launch date is 2029.
Despite the long process of forming a normal gambling environment in Russia, there are still positive aspects. This will make it possible in the future to bring many gambling organizations out of the shadows and allow everyone to enjoy the game in Russia. This will stimulate external and internal tourism, which will have a positive impact on revenues to the state budget.

The main challenge is accessibility. Today, only rich people and people with above-average income can play in gambling establishments. By developing and offering various options for the middle class, it will be possible to significantly increase the income of gambling clubs and take them out of the online world. Experts say that it will not be possible to create a Russian Las Vegas, however, it will be possible to increase investment and tourist attractiveness.

For those whose passion is sports, and passion is their nature, the desire to win and win should be the second “I”. Such character traits can be realized only in one place - in the casino. Where can you legally play in a casino in Russia today?

The conditions for the existence of gambling establishments in the Russian Federation are determined by legislation, which states that special territories must be allocated for their location. Where are the official gaming zones in Russia? What is their history and prospects?

Special administrative-territorial object

The gaming zone in Russia is a special administrative-territorial facility intended for organizing and conducting various gambling games.

Since July 2009, any gambling activity outside such zones has been prohibited by law in Russia. The exceptions are bookmakers, sweepstakes and lotteries. The law regulates the processes of organization and liquidation of such objects, their name and definition of boundaries.

Gambling zones, in accordance with the law, can only be located outside populated areas. The construction of permanent settlements should not be planned on their territory.

Where are play zones in Russia predetermined by law to be located?

For the organization of such territories, the government allocated four sites. Some of them already have operating gaming complexes; on others, the organization of a casino zone is under consideration and discussion.

Operating facilities

  • "Azov City". One of the first active gambling zones. Located in the Krasnodar region. Initially, it was planned to locate the zone on the border between the Krasnodar Territory and the neighboring Rostov Region. Subsequently, the liquidation of the Rostov part of the zone was undertaken. Today Azov City is the largest of the four gambling zones in the Russian Federation.
  • Gambling zone "Siberian Coin". Its location is Altai Territory. In the first open casino complex, Altai Palace, several gaming rooms have been operating since December 2015, in addition, work is underway in the hotel and some other parts of the complex. According to official data, in 2015, about 17 thousand people became visitors to the gambling zone.

Development plans are being discussed: "Yantarnaya"

“Yantarnaya” is a gaming zone in Russia, the development plan of which is under discussion in the government. Located in the Kaliningrad region. For a long time, despite the active investment of funds in the project, the development of the gaming area, according to estimates, was not effective enough. In April 2014, its territory was increased by almost 1 km. The governor of the Kaliningrad region made a proposal to discuss the concept of a gambling zone. It is believed that Yantarnaya should develop as a special company without focusing on the gambling business. An example is the popular German resort town of Baden-Baden.

Under consideration

In April 2014, information appeared in the media that, according to a bill introduced by President Vladimir Putin, free gaming zones in Russia could be created on the Crimean peninsula, which is de facto part of the Russian Federation. Reportedly, a search for a place for their optimal placement is now underway. The most likely option is the southern coast of Crimea.

The issue of creating a gambling zone in Crimea was raised even during the time of control of the peninsula by Ukraine. In March 2014, after it became part of Russia, the government again began to consider the issue of creating a special economic zone on the territory of the peninsula. Initially, the initiative was subjected to serious criticism from the Public Chamber of the Russian Federation and Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev, but it received support. O. Prime Minister of Crimea.

Options offered

  • "Golden Sands". A large resort complex in the suburbs of Anapa, including a gambling zone. It was initially proposed as a replacement for the Azov City facility, which was assessed as less promising.
  • A play zone was also planned in Sochi. In Russia, as noted by President V. Putin, the city has the image of a family resort, so at first the creation of a gambling zone in it was considered inappropriate. A number of media outlets published a proposal by Prime Minister D. Medvedev to begin construction of a gambling zone on the territory of Sochi after the Winter Olympic Games. The information was soon refuted. Later, this idea was criticized by the Prime Minister and a number of other experts and officials. Various publications have expressed the idea that the “Sochi play zone” project in Russia cannot be implemented in the near future. But in 2014, the government returned to consider this issue.
  • Gambling zone in Buryatia. The creation of a gambling complex in this territory was proposed by members of the Public Chamber of the Republic. The idea began to be considered back in 2008 to include Buryatia in the “Russian play zones” project. It turned out to be quite problematic to locate a casino on its territory even then. The idea was protested by various activists, with members of the Communist Party of the Russian Federation especially actively criticizing it.
  • "Primorye". The complex was to be designed and built in a resort area on the shore of Muravyina Bay (Cape Cherepakha. The distance to the airport here is 23 km, to Vladivostok (the capital of the region) - 70 km. The total area of ​​the gambling zone is about 620 hectares. According to the project, “gaming zones of Russia ", the casino in Primorye was to be located in four establishments, each containing 10 VIP, 20 poker and 45 gambling tables, as well as 1000 slot machines. In addition, it is planned to build three hotels with a capacity of 600 rooms, which corresponds to modern standards of popular online casino. Shopping and entertainment centers, bars and restaurants, conference and banquet halls, beauty salons and spas, sports, entertainment and public business complexes were also to be built on the territory of the complex. The project envisages the creation of a hippodrome, fields for golf and ski complex.Currently, the construction of the Primorye gaming area is in the project development stage.

"Azov City": location

One of the first operating domestic gambling zones, which Russians rightly call “our Las Vegas.” Located on the coast of the Azov Sea in the Krasnodar Territory. The nearest large city, located 50 kilometers from the gambling complex, is Yeysk (resort city). Within a radius of 200 kilometers from the zone are Azov, Krasnodar, Taganrog, Rostov-on-Don.

The gambling zone was initially located on the border between the Krasnodar Territory and the neighboring Rostov Region; over time, the Rostov part of the complex was liquidated.

“Azov City” is located between two settlements: the village of Port Katon and the village of Molchanovka. The area of ​​the territory is about 1000 hectares. The complex is equipped with the necessary engineering infrastructure, communications and access roads.


One of the largest casinos in Russia is the Oracle establishment located on the territory of Azov City, the area of ​​which is about 4000 sq.m. Its owner is Rashid Taimasov.

The assets of M. Smolentsev’s company are also located in Azov City: the Shambhala casino (the area is about 1400 sq. m), a hotel and Nirvana - the newest domestic casino with an area of ​​1400 sq. m. m.

The Oracle casino was built by the Royal Time company (Kazan). The first stage of the facility for customers was opened in January 2010. In September 2010, the second stage of the Oracle casino was launched. After this, the area of ​​the complex amounted to more than 4 thousand square meters. m. For gambling lovers, there is a hall for VIP guests (casino hall 7 (5 gaming tables), VIP hall (3 gaming tables). In addition, there are apartments for conducting tete-a-tete games "Incognito". The casino has five tables for tournament poker, a premium hotel (11 rooms), a slot hall with a stage (the total number of slot machines is 300 units).The company has invested about 400 million rubles in the construction of the Oracle.

The Shambhala casino began operating in Azov City in October 2010. Its owner is Park City LLC. The total area of ​​the complex is approximately 1.5 thousand square meters. m. About 175 million rubles were invested in the project. The gambling establishment "Shambhala" is located 100 meters from the "Oracle". The casino is equipped with 12 gambling tables, 130 slot machines, and a poker room for sports poker competitions. Shambhala also has several VIP rooms for private games and a concert venue.

The owner of the third casino, Nirvana, is Shambhala CJSC. The establishment opened in October 2013. The volume of investment in this project is about 200 million rubles.

According to the new law

In November 2010, the government adopted a law according to which the Rostov region was excluded from the list of regions allowed to host gambling zones. The law also predetermined that the Rostov part of the southern playing area would be moved to a new location: to the Blagoveshchenskaya Spit area.

In March 2012, the government approved changing the boundaries of the Azov City gambling complex. It was joined by 800 hectares of land nearby (45 km from Anapa).

The right to obtain a lease of a land area of ​​240 hectares for the implementation of a gambling investment project for a period of 20 years was received by the company Adaptas (Rus) LLC.


In 2016, it was planned to open the first facility in the Anapa resort area on the territory of a gambling complex - a five-star hotel with a casino. The cost of this project is estimated at 11 billion rubles. In general, the company’s plans included the construction of five hotels with a casino and a golf park in the gambling zone. The volume of investment in this project is more than 16 billion rubles.

It was planned that the area of ​​Azov City would be approximately 20.02 million square meters. m (about 2 thousand hectares). Half of the territory (1000 hectares) was to be located in the Rostov region, the second half - in the Krasnodar region.

The gaming area provided for the placement of numerous slot machine halls, casino establishments, betting offices, bookmakers, online casino halls, and various resort, cultural and sports complexes. A varied selection of gambling games was planned, not inferior to the list of Europa Casino. It was planned to create transport hubs and interchanges: an airport, a bus station, train stations, as well as the construction of other necessary facilities for infrastructure development.

Rumors of closure

In 2015, information appeared in the media that one of the two active domestic gaming zones, Azov City (Krasnodar Territory), was to be liquidated. The state undertakes to pay compensation to investors - approximately 10 billion rubles.

The liquidation of the zone is necessary in connection with amendments to the federal law “On Gambling Activities” (July 27, 2014). On the one hand, these amendments expanded the list of regions that have the right to host a gambling business on their territory. Previously, the list included the Krasnodar Territory, Altai, Primorye and the Kaliningrad Region. Now Crimea has been added to them. On the other hand, it was stipulated that in Kuban the placement of gambling zones is limited exclusively to areas allocated for the construction of federal Olympic facilities.

What is planned to replace the liquidated facility?

As the media learned, instead of Azov City (Krasnodar Territory), a new gambling complex will be built in the area where the Sochi Olympic venues are located.

In Sochi, it is planned to locate a gambling zone at the Gorki-Gorod resorts (owned by Sberbank) and Rosa Khutor. In December 2014, Sberbank reported that Krasnaya Polyana was being placed at the disposal of the Krasnodar company Omega Center, which is one of the builders of Olympic venues, in exchange for the construction of an Olympic media center. Having become the property of the region, Krasnaya Polyana will be deprived of the right to conduct a gambling business, and, most likely, its premises will be rented out. It is assumed that Azov City is being liquidated in the interests of this tenant, who is not yet known to anyone.

Current state of affairs

As of May-June 2016, all casinos continue to operate successfully in the gambling zone. Today in Azov City everyone can choose a game according to their character and temperament. This includes American roulette, recognized as the queen of excitement, and Black Jack, and various types of poker, and numerous slot machines, as well as many intellectual games: chess, backgammon, checkers. In the gambling zone, all kinds of promotions and drawings of valuable prizes are held almost every day, including substantial jackpots and luxury cars.

The casino regularly hosts show programs in which pop stars, famous entertainers, and striptease shows take part. The public is offered circus acts and numerous surprises.

How to get there?

The Azov City gambling zone is located in the Krasnodar Territory on the border of two districts - Yeisk and Shcherbinovsky. The distance from Yeysk to Azov City is 70 km. You can get here by free bus, it will take 40-50 minutes. You can also get there by your own car or order a transfer.

If you go to “Azov-City” from another city, then you should, before reaching about 30 km from Yeysk, in the village of Staroshcherbinovskaya at the roundabout, turn right and then follow the signs.

Daily free buses to Azov City run according to the schedule:

  • from Yeisk (shopping center "Meotida"): departure time - 19:30;
  • from Rostov-on-Don (Rostov Main railway station): departure time - 19:00;
  • from Krasnodar (Shopping Center "Red Square"): departure time on weekdays - 19:00; on Saturday and Sunday - 18:00.

Where can I stay?

Those interested can choose to stay in a VIP hotel located on the territory of the gambling complex. It is also proposed to book a private house, apartment, hotel room in Yeisk through the agency "".

In perspective

The number of playing public in Russia and nearby countries today is significant, so Azov City casinos do not lack customers. In this regard, it can be assumed that the functioning of the gaming complex will continue for some time.

However, it is known that Azov City will be closed in the near future. Residents have already placed bets on liquidation.

The Ministry of Finance is studying the possibility of simultaneous liquidation of Azov City and the start of a new zone in Sochi.

While Russia is at the beginning of its journey to create gambling zones in various regions, gambling lovers have no choice but to play online or indulge in their favorite entertainment in places where casinos are legalized.

Let's consider in which cities and countries a festival of excitement reigns every day and huge amounts of money are circulating.

Baden-Baden, Germany

The famous German resort city is known throughout the world not only for its healing springs, but also for the oldest casino in Europe, open since 1824. Beautiful classic interiors, marble, gilding and silks - all this is Casino Baden-Baden Spielbank. It’s worth visiting here not only for the game, but also to touch history: over the years, regular guests here were Fyodor Dostoevsky, Nikolai Gogol, Leo Tolstoy, Ivan Turgenev, Marlene Dietrich, Ronald Reagan. Celebrities often stop by today, for example, the Beckham couple, Bill Clinton and others who like to try their luck.

What are they playing?

Entrance to the Baden-Baden casino is paid, but if you purchase a morning tour, you can get into the gaming rooms in the afternoon for free. As for entertainment, you can win here in American and French roulette. They also play poker and blackjack. In the slot machine hall the minimum bet is 1 euro cent. Recently, an online casino hall has been opened, where the game is played online.

Monte Carlo, Monaco

If the Baden-Baden casino has the reputation of being the oldest gambling house, then Le Casino de Monte Carlo can rightfully be called the most luxurious. There is a special atmosphere of respectability and unhurriedness here, so you won’t be able to drop in and place a bet here in between - there is a strict dress code: men wear suits, women wear evening dresses. And the building itself of the main casino of Monte Carlo matches it: sculptures, paintings by famous masters, gilding and stucco. In addition to the restaurant, which serves gourmet cuisine, it has its own opera hall and cabaret. Entrance to the gambling hall is paid.

Game process

As in many other European casinos, in Monte Carlo, preference is given to roulette. They play European and American varieties here. Slot machines are less represented, so those who like to play slot machines should visit other casinos in the city: Sun and Le Cafe de Paris.


This Asian city-state quickly burst into the list of the world's largest gambling zones: casinos here were legalized only in 2005. But today, a third of all Singapore’s income comes from slot machines and roulettes. There are only two casinos here, but they are great: the huge entertainment island Resorts World Sentosa, where, in addition to gambling, there is the world's largest aquarium and park, a shopping center, restaurants and hotels. You can also try your luck at Marina Bay Sands - three skyscraper towers with a platform-pool on the roof have become a real symbol of Singapore since their construction. This complex is considered the most expensive casino in the world: construction cost 8 billion dollars. In addition to a swimming pool and a luxury hotel, there is an exhibition hall, cinemas, ice skating rinks, a shopping center and a museum.

24-hour attraction of excitement

The casino on the second floor of Marina Bay Sands is open 24 hours a day. Despite all the luxury of this place, tourists have free entry. However, there is passport control and your visa is also checked. All drinks and light snacks here are at the expense of the establishment, everything has been created for a comfortable game. Choose for yourself: a gaming table or a slot machine. There are more than 1,500 one-armed bandits, about 500 roulette and poker tables. There are also several dozen private gaming areas where they play for high stakes and visitors are guaranteed complete anonymity.

Macau, China

Macau is a special administrative region of China where gambling is legalized. In terms of monetary turnover, it is currently ahead of all other gaming capitals of the world. There are several dozen casinos open here, among which the most famous is the Venetian Macao-Resort-Hotel. This is not only the largest gambling house in the world, but one of the largest buildings in size. Inside there is a real “little Venice” with recognizable architecture, narrow streets and, of course, canals with gondolas. And, in addition to a park and a luxury hotel, there is also a 15,000-seat stadium, restaurants, bars, nightclubs, boutiques and a shopping center.

Gambling entertainment

In Asia, both slot machines and classic roulette are equally valued, but the former is still more popular. The same luxurious Grand Lisboa and Venetian have 4 thousand slot machines each! Cards are also held in high esteem: poker and baccarat. For those who are indifferent to one-armed bandits and card entertainment, welcome to the gaming tables, however, the bet here starts from 100 Hong Kong dollars. In less prestigious Macau casinos - from 10. Entrance to all establishments is free, a strict dress code is also not required, however, T-shirts with torn jeans are not welcome.

Las Vegas, USA

Lost in the desert of Nevada, the city is the most famous gambling capital of the world. The spirit of excitement has reigned in Las Vegas since the century before last, when fights without rules were held here and underground gambling establishments were organized. Local authorities have made more than one attempt to restore order in the city, but to no avail. Then it was decided to radically change tactics: the casino was legalized, tax fees and territorial restrictions were established.

The best in everything

Although Macau already surpasses Las Vegas in terms of annual turnover, its world-famous reputation as the “city of sin” will be difficult to beat. The atmosphere of recklessness and adventurism that reigns here pushes many to the most original actions, as evidenced by many famous Hollywood films. It was here that the largest casino robbery in history was carried out: in 1993, a couple in love stole a cash van with $3 million in cash. And ten years later, the largest win was registered in Las Vegas: an IT worker took away 40 million.

Gambling without limits

Today in Las Vegas it is quite possible to spend a week of vacation: luxury hotels, nightclubs, dozens of gambling establishments and the general atmosphere of festive fun are conducive to long-term entertainment. A gambling person will feel at home in Las Vegas like a duck to water: no dress code, free entry, minimum bet - the democratic approach is felt in everything. However, there are also luxury casinos like the Bellagio, which, in addition to gaming areas, has a luxury hotel, restaurants, bars and its own shopping center.

Roulettes, cards, slot machines

You can try your luck and win in Las Vegas both in roulette, poker and blackjack, and in slot machines. The latter are a true American passion and are therefore more popular. In the same Bellagio, just like in other large establishments, you can count 2-3 thousand slot machines. There is also free access to Internet servers where you can play online.

Gambling always attracts people of different ages. Today, in the United States alone, more than a quarter of the country's population visits casinos every year. After all, here they offer not only games, but also a good rest for the whole family in luxurious apartments. We can’t help but mention the free drinks and good cuisine for different tastes. That is why the largest casinos in the world have become so popular, many of which are considered the best. Real players have a better chance of winning given the number of machines and tables.


It's not surprising, but largest casino in Europe located not in Monaco or Baden-Baden, but in the Portuguese capital, in fact right on the shores of the Atlantic Ocean. However, the management company is owned by Hong Kong billionaire Stanley Ho, so the second establishment with the same name is located in Macau.

There are a thousand slot machines here, which corresponds to the number of hotel rooms. The area of ​​82,000 square meters also allowed for the installation of 260 tables where you can play poker. Comfortable conditions, sea breeze, a whole network of restaurants and bars provide the opportunity to experience excitement and have a good rest.


The organizer of this establishment managed to create an entire entertainment complex on the east coast of the United States, which includes not only largest casino in the world. There is a large hotel here in New Jersey with 2,000 rooms in the main area alone. SPA, restaurants, nightclubs and 80,000 “squares” in order to try your luck and win. About four thousand coin-operated machines and two hundred gaming tables.

Therefore, you can often see celebrities here who want to have a good time relaxing and feeling the adrenaline rush. The constant flow of visitors has led to the idea of ​​expanding this complex, which will be done in the very near future.


One of the largest casinos in Asia opened relatively recently, only fourteen years ago. Construction cost only eight billion dollars. Here we managed to implement an unusual design solution.

The building is a huge gondola that connects three high-rise towers. This casino is rightfully considered not only large, but also one of the most luxurious. All conditions have been created for visitors. There are 500 gambling tables installed, and the number of slot machines exceeds two and a half thousand. Excellent relaxation, entertainment and the opportunity to enjoy the beauty of Singapore.


Absolutely impossible not to include in the list largest casinos in the world MGM GRAND, which is located in Las Vegas. This place is very well known to all tourists, not only as a large casino with an area of ​​almost 86,000 square meters. There is a famous hotel here, considered the second largest in the world. The number of rooms is suitable for seven thousand.

To win, you will have to fight 2,500 “one-armed bandits.” There are 140 gaming tables where you can lose a large amount or get a good jackpot. In any case, it won’t hurt to visit various entertainment venues or visit bookmakers and place a bet. There is also a very famous nightclub here.


This former Portuguese colony is home to several largest casinos in the world. One of them is The Sands Macau. It is essentially a ten-story hotel and gaming complex owned by a Las Vegas company. The number of rooms in the casino and adjacent hotel exceeds 330, there are many restaurants and bars, a spa and its own theater.

The total area is more than 21,000 square meters. They play baccarat and roulette, keno and blackjack here, and poker is not forgotten. Fifteen thousand slot machines have modern software, which makes it possible to play the most popular games. Special conditions have been created for special clients.


In recent years, influx into the Republic of South Africa has increased. Therefore, it is not surprising that they decided to build here biggest casino on the African continent. It is located in the small town of Klerksdorp, which began to gain fame.

An area of ​​130,000 square meters made it possible not only to install over three hundred slot machines, but also tables for card games, including poker and blackjack. Championships are often held here, where you can try your luck. There are salons for VIP players.

An excellent place for a family holiday, as there are all kinds of playgrounds. You can visit famous festivals that are not much inferior to Brazilian ones.


The Indian reservation houses not only a resort, but also one of the largest casinos in North America. More precisely, the number of gaming halls is six, not counting four hotels and several restaurants and bars.

People like to play poker, blackjack and bingo here; the hall accommodates up to five thousand players. Almost four hundred tables and over six thousand slot machines are freely located on 172,000 square meters.

Over the years, the complex has been constantly expanding so that every visitor can try their luck. In addition to roulette, you can place a bet here, then watch dog racing or horse racing on large digital screens.


The giant entertainment complex includes a hotel, a shopping center and one of largest casinos in the world. Nearby is the airport, ferry crossing and a famous museum. There is an opportunity to exercise, get a massage or health treatments, visit a nightclub while children are entertained by animators.

Four hundred and fifty tables and over 1,500 machines are designed for beginners and professional players. Poker, dice, roulette, classic and modern electronic games will satisfy every taste, as relaxation is combined with serious play. The main hall is striking, where a huge surface is covered with water, although the total playing area has 210,000 sq.m.


This hotel is now famous all over the world for its Hollywood films, musical and dancing fountains and one of the largest casinos. It belongs to the Steve Wynn empire. There is an art gallery and botanical garden, swimming pools and dozens of restaurants. Everything is designed for relaxation, so that you can play seriously afterwards.

Two hundred tables have been prepared for roulette lovers. Over 2,500 gaming machines and slots will allow you to earn good money. But the main game is poker, because world championships are constantly held here. The minimum bet for professionals is twenty thousand dollars.

It works, allowing you to predict the outcome of a sports match or place a bet on the players.


To date the largest casino in the world considered Venetain. In fact, this is an entire block, where under one roof there are 850 gaming tables and more than four thousand different machines. They are given the most space - 275,000 square meters.

This gambling house is considered one of the most exciting and expensive. Beginners, experienced players and celebrities come here. After all, the hotel has three thousand rooms.

You can either play or watch championships and competitions in basketball, boxing, and tennis, which are constantly held in the sports center. Fifteen thousand seats are provided for spectators.

Four gaming zones will not leave anyone indifferent; everyone will be able to get a good win or just have a good rest.