The "we" group ceased its activities after the brutal murder of a girl. Why did Ranetki break up? Reasons for the collapse of the youth group

In 2007-2010, there was a pop-rock group called “ Ranetki" Creative girls with early childhood gave away most time to music and after some time they were noticed by a producer and made real stars out of them. Young and beautiful girls they simply blew up all the radio stations, and a series of the same name was filmed with the name of the group, as well as with the lead singers of the group in the lead roles. Why did the youth group become so popular? And why did Ranetki, such a promising project, break up? Let's figure it out.

Composition of the group

The group was formed in 2005. After selecting the group members by the producer, a team of 5 people was presented to our attention:

  • On the keys - Zhenya Ogurtsova
  • Drummer and, in addition, main vocalist - Lera Kozlova
  • Guitarist - Anya Rudneva
  • The second electric guitar is Alina Petrova (the girl later left the group and Lena Tretyakova was hired to replace her).
  • Bass guitarist - Natasha Shchelkova
  • Electric guitar - Lera Galperina, (like Alina left the group)

This team began to exist on August 10, 2005. Under the Megaliner label, under the leadership of producer Sergei Melnichenko. All the girls were very young, from 14 to 16 years old, but age did not become an obstacle to musical activity.

The songs were recorded not in a professional recording studio, but at home on a regular computer. This was followed by the shooting of a video for one of the first songs, “She’s Alone,” in 2006. The shooting of the first video took place in the gym of a regular school.

The presentation of the group's first album took place in 2006 at the Concert club, exactly a year after the founding of the group. It was from this moment that “Ranetki” took off on a wave of popularity.

Filming the series

In 2008, one of the main TV channels in the country launched a series with same name groups. The filming was carried out by a team that had previously filmed a television series. "Kadetstvo". The plot tells about schoolgirls who loved music very much and created a group on their own. The main roles were played by members of the Ranetki group.

IN storyline, in addition to the story about the musical activities of the group, there was also friendship, first love, betrayal and much more. Everything that teenagers love so much.

All the names of the main characters remained unchanged, but the last names had to be given differently. Filming continued, and at the same time the series began to gain its audience of young viewers. It was so popular among young people that many teenagers became interested in the group's work and became their fans.

After the series, several more projects were launched on television. The main participants and stars were the members of the group. Thanks to the series “Ranetki”, young girls learned real popularity and to this day they are still recognizable.

Discography and awards of the group

The girls came out with several studio albums, one soundtrack for the TV series of the same name and one single.

Albums since 2006 By 2012

  1. "Ranetki"
  2. "Our time has come"
  3. Third in a row "I will never forget you",
  4. And last “Bring back Rock and Roll!!!” in 2011 and 2012 it was reissued and changed its name to "Bring back Ranetok".

In addition to the fact that the group has released several albums during its existence, 9 videos have been shot.

In 2009 the efforts of the team were appreciated and they were awarded 2 awards from Muz-TV in the categories “ Best Soundtrack " And " Best Album ».

Group breakup

As was known, the group’s producer Sergei Melnichenko and main vocalist Lera, after lengthy conflicts, decided to end professional cooperation. Many rumors said that the conflict began on the set of the series.

The young girl was in love with the producer of the group, who, in turn, was already married and had a child. No one can say for sure whether he had a relationship with a blond girl. However, this was precisely the reason for the disagreements and Lera’s subsequent departure from the group. And she, in turn, began solo career. In numerous interviews, Lera said that she was still in love with Sergei and because of her mistakes she had to leave the team.

After the loss of the drummer, the manager found a replacement for her. After this incident, the group was never able to return past glory and the team ceased operations in 2013.

The lives of the rest of the group

To date, few facts are known about what the girls are doing after the cessation of Ranetok’s activities. We only know from the press only some moments from the life of young stars:

  • Natalya Shchelkova and Sergei got married a long time ago and already live in happy marriage. Young parents are raising two children.
  • Lera and Zhenya, each separately, are engaged in creativity and do not stop musical activity. On the Internet you can find photographs of Zhenya, who has noticeably lost weight. She completely changed her style and became noticeably prettier.
  • Anya, like Natasha, has found a life partner and is raising a baby.

Like many groups of this time, the Ranetki group found its fans and received several awards. The wave of popularity of the group grew and its peak was in 2008-2009. All fans of the girls’ creativity are very sorry that they can no longer hear new songs and attend the concert.

The question of why Ranetki broke up cannot be answered unequivocally, we only know that The vocalist from the first line-up and the producer were not found common language . Relationships in the team broke down. But knowing that the girls are individually very talented, we will still be able to observe their creative activities.

Video about the collapse of "Ranetok"

In the early 1990s. songs " Strange dancing" and "Press the Button" were mega-hits, the group "Technology" gave 4 concerts a day, and its lead singer Roman Ryabtsev was overwhelmed by fans. In 1993, he unexpectedly decided to leave the group and went to Paris to record an album. There were rumors that women were actually to blame for the breakup of the group...

The techno-pop group "Technology" was founded in 1990 by musicians of the Bioconstructor group after the lead singer left them. The first line-up included Leonid Velichkovsky, Andrey Kokhaev and Roman Ryabtsev, and later Vladimir Nechitailo joined them. Ryabtsev became the soloist - as he put it, “out of necessity, and then out of inertia, and for some reason everyone liked it.” In the same year, "Technology" began work on debut album and released the first videos. These performers were not like anyone else (they were compared only to Depeche Mode, although the similarity was only external), so the group immediately attracted attention and won thousands of fans.

Group *Technology*, early 1990s

Group *Technology*, early 1990s

In 1991, Yuri Aizenshpis began working with Technology as a producer. He helped the group release the album "Everything You Want." With his arrival, the group became recognizable and popular throughout the country. For 14 months, the song “Strange Dances” held a leading position in the “Soundtrack” hit parade of the Moskovsky Komsomolets newspaper. “Before, everything was somehow simpler, we brought our video to music channel- and they installed it. At that time, it was generally possible to break through without any special PR. Everything was decided by personal connections,” the group’s lead singer Roman Ryabtsev later admitted.

Legendary techno-pop group *Technology*

IN next year“Technology” released an album of remixes, took part in the Rock-Summer festival in Tallinn, gave several large-scale concerts in Moscow and Leningrad, attracting about 15 thousand spectators at each of them, and went on tour to other cities of the country. The popularity was incredible, they often gave 4 concerts a day. A complete surprise for many was the news that in the fall of 1992 the group stopped collaborating with Aizenshpis, and soon Roman Ryabtsev announced his desire to start solo career.

Group *Technology* on stage

Legendary techno-pop group *Technology*

At the time, there were rumors that women were actually to blame for the group's breakup. Vladimir Nechitailo stated that “Roman Ryabtsev’s ambitions were given birth to by his beloved girlfriend, who worked at M-radio.” She convinced him that he was capable of making a solo career.” Later, he broke up with this girl and, as the musicians suggest, he regretted leaving the group. And soon after him Andrei Kokhaev left, and Leonid Velichkovsky began producing the singer Lada Dance. "Technology" disappeared for a while, and then appeared in updated composition.

Group *Technology* after reunion, 2003

Roman Ryabtsev went to France in 1993 to record solo album. He spoke about this period like this: “I signed a contract, then rehearsals with a French group in Paris, then recording... And then the curator of my project died... And since RFI is about the same as Gosteleradio in the USSR (i.e. - a state office, money - government), then this whole story came to naught. Pros? A lot of them. They bought me good tools, I worked with a “live” group, recorded in the West, learned some things that weren’t done here...”

Group *Technology* after reunion

Roman Ryabtsev continues to perform on stage

After returning to Russia, Ryabtsev fell into depression and began creative crisis, problems with alcohol appeared. However, he was able to overcome all this, took up a solo career again and released 4 albums in 10 years. In 2003, the two main vocalists of Tekhnologiya, Roman Ryabtsev and Vladimir Nechitailo, reunited, and the group began performing concerts again. However, the public still demanded the songs “Press the Button” and “Strange Dances”.

Group *Technology*

Now they are not afraid of disagreements over women: “Since then we have matured, gained life experience and learned to separate flies from cutlets. Personal life and work should not interfere with each other.” They are also optimistic about their prospects in the music market: “We don’t want to remain a “band from the past.” Recently recorded new album“A carrier of ideas”, which, on the one hand, has retained the signature sound of “Technology”, and on the other hand, is addressed to modern youth and is in tune with their musical tastes.”

The Russian group “We” announced the cessation of its activities. The corresponding post appeared on the team’s page on the VKontakte social network.

“Really sad moment. Thank you all for your love. We tried our best. The time has come to part,” the message says.

Many believe that the group, which consisted of two people - 17-year-old Eva Krause and 25-year-old Daniil Shaikhinurov, closed due to the murder of 19-year-old student Tatyana Strakhovaya by her apartment neighbor Artem Iskhakov, who was in love with her.

The tragedy occurred last Monday in one of the houses on Kazakova Street in Moscow. A 19-year-old student sexually assaulted the girl several times. After committing the crime, he published a letter in which he said that he committed the crime because unrequited love, on his page on the social network VKontakte. The message also mentioned the song “Perhaps” by the group “We”.

The young man later committed suicide.

After the incident, the Russians demanded that the group’s song be banned. The text of the petition was published on the Internet.

The lead singer of the “We” group, Daniil Shaikhinurov, urged not to link the group’s work and specifically the band’s specific song with the brutal murder of a student and not consider it a call to action.

In turn, the lead singer of the group, Daniil Shaikhinurov, wrote that knives, books and films could just as easily be banned. The musician asked Internet users and journalists “not to mix together notes from a person who needed help and music, which is created in the same way as fiction.”

In a comment to Channel 5, he said that it was necessary to “treat such a note with understanding, the state in which this person was.”

The lead singer of the group “We” said that he considers the petition to ban his work inappropriate, and the song “Perhaps” is not at all about murder, as some listeners believe, but “about hope.”