Potap and Nastya Kamensky marital status. Nastya Kamenskikh openly about her personal life: I am a very loving person and a very happy one

Over the five years of activity in show business, the Kamenskys were credited with many novels. However, Kamensky reacts negatively to all questions about his personal life, reports vz.ua. But there is one romance she cannot deny. A young man from Nikolaev named Vladimir Dyatlov is the only boyfriend with whom the singer has been seen so far. They are not together now.


Nastya and Vova met as students, when Kamenskikh was not yet working with. The guys studied in the same group, mastered foreign economic activity at the faculty of the Ukrainian-American Humanitarian Institute of Wisconsin International University (USA) in Kyiv. They fell in love at first sight and started dating.

Due to life circumstances, Vova transferred from the capital’s university to the National University of Shipbuilding named after. Makarov in Nikolaev. And the couple had to continue their relationship at a distance of 500 km. Nastya, living with her parents in Kyiv, tried to visit her boyfriend in Nikolaev as often as possible. He, in turn, came to see her every weekend. There was even a moment when Vova packed his bags and wanted to move in with his beloved forever. But this never happened.

Kamenskikh later admitted that despite the rumors, she never cheated on her Vova: “While I was in a relationship with the Nikolaev guy, I was faithful only to him. This, of course, was not easy. I constantly threw hysterics, until one day he came up to me father with the words: “Madam, for God’s sake, could you find yourself a man in Kiev?! Because mom and I can’t stand it anymore!”

Instead of searching for a man, Nastya threw herself into working with Potap. Years later, Dyatlov first spoke on this topic. He admitted in an interview that the relationship with Kamensky fizzled out on its own and grew from love to friendship. And he refutes rumors about his excessive jealousy: “All the information that is in the press about me and Nastya is only 30% true, the rest is the fabrication of journalists. We parted as friends, we still keep in touch and remain very close people to each other.” friend. We're like brother and sister at this point!"


Currently, Dyatlov holds the position of director of an agricultural enterprise in the city of Voznesensk (Nikolaev region). The guy decided to get serious about politics and became one of the youngest leaders of the Party of Regions. At 26 years old, Vladimir Dyatlov is the head of the Party of Regions faction in the Voznesensky District Council.

She announced her separation from Dyatlov in 2009. But despite this, they meet annually on June 8th. The occasion is sad: the anniversary of the tragic death of Vova’s relatives. In 2006, Nastya, Vova, his two younger sisters and parents were traveling from Kyiv to Nikolaev to celebrate the guy’s 19th birthday there. The plans ended in an instant... On the highway, the Dyatlov family’s jeep turned over several times and caught fire. The culprit of the incident was a trailer - a house on wheels, which was attached to a car: a passing truck with a stream of air overturned the trailer, and it pulled the car along with it.

Official group of Potap and Nastya VKontakte

Nastya received a concussion and serious injury: the scar is still visible on the singer’s leg. The guy performed artificial respiration on Sister Sonya, which saved her life. They only managed to take my father to the intensive care unit, where he died. Mom died nine days after the incident. Nine days later, sister Masha’s heart stopped. So 19-year-old Vova became an orphan.

Having existed for 11 years, the duet “Potap and Nastya” ceased its activities, however, Nastya Kamenskikh is sure that the group with the same composition will return to the stage. In the meantime, a new project has appeared in the singer’s creative biography, which her loyal fans will certainly appreciate.

It was not easy for Kamenskikh to turn the page and move on alone, but she still began her solo career, choosing the pseudonym NK.

Childhood and education

Nastya was born in 1987 in Kyiv. Her father, Alexey Zhmur, served in the KGB, and then he was appointed concert director of the G. Verevka choir. It was there that he met his future wife, Lydia Kamenskikh, the singer’s mother, who was a soloist. Little Nastya, from the age of five, traveled to European countries under a child exchange program. First she visited a French family, and then went to Italy, where she rode regularly for seven years. The future artist has the best childhood memories associated with Naples.

In the photo Nastya Kamenskikh in childhood and youth

The parents developed their daughter comprehensively: she began to study English quite early, studied ballet, sang in the choir, studied music and played the piano. After receiving secondary education, Kamenskikh entered a Ukrainian-American university. Soon she took part in the Black Sea Games music competition, where she received the Grand Prix. Thanks to this event, the girl took up a musical career, collaborating with a famous production center.

Participation in the group “Potap and Nastya”

Nastya received her second music award in 2005, when she was in London for the “Discovery of the Year”, and soon she met musician Alexei Potapenko. Having created the duet “Potap and Nastya”, the young musicians recorded a joint song “Without Love”, and then the single “Not a Couple”, which quickly became a hit. A year later, the couple won a place at the Sochi “Five Stars” competition. In 2008, they released their debut album, “Not a Couple,” which only strengthened their popularity among music lovers. A year later, fans of the duet were able to purchase their new album called “Don’t Love My Brains,” which included the song “Freaky Spring,” which has not lost popularity to this day.

In the photo Nastya Kamenskikh and Potap

During their career, the artists released five albums and recorded videos for such compositions as “On the Area”, “Freaks”, “Love at a Discount”, “Udi Udi” and others. In addition, their songs were awarded the Golden Gramophone award four times. Kamensky’s creative biography includes filming the musical “Little Red Riding Hood”, as well as participation in the Channel One show “Two Stars”. More than once she was a participant and host of various shows on Ukrainian television channels, and in 2017 she became a member of the jury of the Ukrainian project “X-Factor-8”. From the latest news for 2017, it is known that the members of the duet “Potap and Nastya” announced that they decided to interrupt their joint activities and pursue a solo career. Now Nastya performs under the pseudonym NK and has already presented her fans with a new video for the song “This is my night.”

Personal life

The artist’s personal life is no less interesting than her work, however, the Ukrainian beauty herself does not like to share the details of her love stories. Even during his student years, the future star had a romantic relationship with a young man named Vladimir. But soon he left Nikolaev, where he continued his studies. The couple still maintains friendly relations.

For a long time, Kamensky was credited with an affair with a duet colleague, with whom she not only worked, but also spent time off stage, attending various events. However, the artists themselves denied close relationships, considering themselves close friends. There was a period in their lives when, due to a busy work schedule, Nastya and Potap gained excess weight. Then, with a height of 175 cm, her weight was 80 kg. Later, the artist was able to get her figure in order, and Potap also kept her company in this. Now she weighs only 60 kg, thanks to which the girl’s appearance pleases her fans.

In recent years, rumors have not subsided that Kamenskikh is pregnant and will soon give birth to a child. At first, these speculations only irritated the singer, however, in 2017, she told fans that she was thinking about children. According to Nastya, she previously did not understand how she could combine a career with a family, but now everything has changed, and the artist is ready to become a mother. Kamenskikh also often posts videos on her page in which she is captured in her home in the kitchen or at a doctor’s appointment. At the same time, the singer does not hesitate to show herself without makeup and without hair.

More than ten years have passed since the moment when a dark-haired girl with curvy figures and a beautiful voice quickly conquered the Ukrainian stage. In a duet with Alexey Potapenko (“Potap”), she sings simple, funny songs, the words of which instantly become catchphrases.

On May 4, 1987, a girl was born into the family of Lydia Kamensky and Alexei Zhmur, whom her parents named Anastasia. When the girl grows up and begins a singing career, she decides to take her mother’s maiden name. Since the surname “Zhmur” was not very suitable for the stage.

From childhood, Nastya grew up to the sounds of songs and music. Mom sang in the famous choir named after G. Verevka. My father played professional volleyball for some time, but then held administrative positions in the same choir where his wife performed.

Nastya's family was not wealthy. So, Kamenskikh recalled that sometimes she was not able to wear new clothes. However, the parents were able to “place” their daughter in a foreign child exchange program. Therefore, Anastasia went abroad for the first time at the age of five. First she lived in France. But most of all she liked living in Naples, Italy. She quickly learned to speak Italian and even the locals accepted her as one of their own. Nastya lived for some six months with an Italian family, for others with her parents.

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When the girl was at home, she had no free time: regular school, music school, ballet and tennis lessons. As the singer herself says, such a busy schedule taught her to discipline and proper distribution of the working day. In 2004, she graduated from school and entered the university to receive a diploma in economics. But fate and the help of her parents made her a star of Ukrainian show business.

Nastya Kamenskikh: the beginning of a career

The first success was participation in the Black Sea Games 2004 festival. Moreover, the young performer not only sang the song, she became the winner of the festival’s Grand Prix. Nastya stood on the same stage with her idols - Eurovision winner Ruslana and the Okean Elzy group. A year later, Kamenskikh became the “discovery of the year” at the UBN Awards. To receive it, she went to the capital of the United Kingdom.

But the most important year was 2006. That year, young and ambitious Alexey Potapenko decided to create a new direction in music. He called it either “folk” or “collective farm r’n’b”. For his project, Potap was looking for a beautiful and preferably vocal vocalist. Friends advised him to pay attention to 18-year-old Nastya Kamenskikh, who had just released her first video for the song “What’s the Difference.”

When they met and talked better, they realized that their duet would make a great project.

Potap was responsible for almost everything. He wrote poetry, music, organized the shooting of videos. Nastya had to sing and dance effectively. This simple distribution of roles made them stars.

The first collaboration was the song and video “Without Your Love.” A shocking couple: the gangster Potap and the glamorous girl Nastya instantly climbed to the top places in all the charts of Ukraine. A year later, at a song competition where Joseph Kobzon, Larisa Dolina and Igor Matvienko were on the jury, the duo won the grand prix.

In 2008 and 2009, Potap and Nastya’s first two albums, “Not a Couple” and “Don’t Love My Brains,” were released one after another. Success and popularity literally fell on the singers. Tours began in Ukraine, Russia, Belarus and other countries. At this time, videos were shot for the songs “In Nature”, “Die Hard”, “Why” and others. And the video “In Our Country” receives truly popular fame.

Almost every song of theirs created a real explosion. They were played on all radio stations, videos were played on all TV channels, and in clubs throughout the post-Soviet space people danced to their songs. Nastya and Potap are invited to star in New Year's musical films. Nastya's curvy figure appears on the pages of the most fashionable magazines - Playboy, Maxim and others. Kamenskikh and Potapenko try themselves as TV presenters.

That is why we had to wait four whole years for the third album of the duet “Potap and Nastya”. At the same time, rumors appeared that each participant would go further on a solo path. However, the singers soon proved the opposite. “All in a Bunch,” which hit record store shelves in 2013, did not disappoint fans. The group has not lost its enthusiasm, drive and sense of humor. The top charts of the music charts are again occupied by “Nastya and Potap”.

Next year, Nastya begins hosting her own program on the radio. In addition, one of the characters in the cartoon “The Seventh Dwarf” speaks in her Russian voice. Since 2015, Kamenskikh has been the coach of one of the children's song talent shows.

Also in 2015, in preparation for the release of the album “Shield and Sword,” Nastya, Potap and the Belarusian singer Bianca recorded a video “Dog Style.” The clip came out very provocative. In order to prepare for the video, Anastasia studied with a choreographer for almost a year.

After the release of their fourth album, the singers decided to take up solo projects for a while. However, they immediately explained that the duo does not cease to exist. In 2017, Nastya released her own video “#this is my night.” By the way, the words to the song were written by Potapenko. For Catholic Christmas 2017, the singer recorded a small album with Christmas songs from different countries.

Now Anastasia continues to participate in various television projects: “X-Factor”, “Make the Comedian Laugh.” Children". Kamenskikh runs his own channel about a healthy lifestyle on YouTube. Here she shares the secrets of how she lost weight. The singer also launched her own sportswear line, NKsport.

Personal life of Nastya Kamenskikh

Kamenskikh has been recognized more than once as one of the most beautiful representatives of domestic show business. Therefore, it is not surprising that special attention is paid to her personal life. However, if Kamensky does not refuse to appear in an erotic photo shoot, then the singer is in no hurry to share the secrets of her private life.

Only one romance of the singer is known for sure. Kamenskikh met a guy named Vladimir Dyatlov while still a student. The couple broke up after the young man transferred from the capital to a Nikolaev university. Nastya and Vladimir are still friends and were even godparents to one child - the daughter of their mutual friends.

At the moment, Nastya’s heart is free. However, throughout the twelve years of joint work, both journalists and fans suspected that there was a connection between Kamensky and Potapenko that was greater than just friendship. The rumors especially intensified after Potap broke up with his wife. Alexey’s mother also added fuel to the fire, saying that Nastya is a real muse for her son.

In 2016, journalists saw a ring on the ring finger of the star’s left hand. Then they decided that the singers were already engaged. Everyone was waiting for loud announcements about the future wedding. But none of the duo said anything like that. Nastya is prone to being overweight. Therefore, every time she gained weight, fans believed that Kamensky was pregnant. And each time the singer denied the information.

In today's article you will meet the irresistible and stunning Ukrainian singer and TV presenter Anastasia Kamenskikh. The girl gained her fame thanks to a duet called “Potap and Nastya” and acquired a huge number of fans. Also, the singer was recognized more than once as the most beautiful woman in Ukraine. But she gained her audience of millions not because of her external data, but precisely because of her clear and bright vocals.

The singer’s favorite thing is to fulfill all sorts of creative and crazy ideas of her partner Potap.

Height, weight, age. How old is Nastya Kamenskikh

The singer has an unusually attractive appearance. Her army of fans is eager to know what her height, weight, and age are. How old is Nastya Kamenskikh?

All these questions will not go unnoticed and can be easily answered. Fans are also interested in young Nastya Kamenskikh. Photos in his youth and now are publicly available to anyone interested. Today, Anastasia is 30 years old, and her weight is 67 kilograms, with a height of 174 centimeters. And for especially inquisitive admirers of the singer’s talent, it’s worth telling about her zodiac sign – Taurus. As you know, Taurus strive for the admiration and respect of others, and therefore are very attentive to their image. Taurus are also constant in their own goals and affections.

Biography of Nastya Kamensky

Anastasia Aleksandrovna Kamenskikh is the full name of the famous singer. The city of her birth was the capital of Ukraine - Kyiv; she was born on the 4th of the spring month of May, in 1987. The biography of Nastya Kamensky from childhood is quite interesting and very diverse. From childhood, the girl’s parents taught her strict, even iron discipline, and also instilled in her the teaching to properly delimit her time, for which the singer is immensely grateful to them. It is worth noting the fact that the singer’s parents are creative and very versatile personalities.

The girl’s mother, Lidia Petrovna Kamenskikh, is also a singer, but performed in the choir. Anastasia’s father, Alexey Iosifovich Zhmur, at one time held the position of captain in the Dynamo volleyball team, and later became the director of the choir in which her mother sang. By the way, Anastasia is the only child in the family, which means that the TV presenter has no brothers and sisters.

Remembering his childhood, Kamenskikh compares himself to a frog traveler. At a relatively early age, little Nastya managed to visit other countries without being accompanied by her parents. At the age of five, the girl lived in France for some time, and this happened thanks to an exchange program for preschool educational institutions.

Anastasia was not very impressed with France and she decides to go to Italy, to the city of Naples. It was in Italy that the singer made real friends who are very devoted to Nastya, as well as with her host family, the relationship developed very warm and kindred. In subsequent years, the singer returned annually to the Apennine Peninsula and spent up to six months there. But despite all this, Anastasia never forgot for a moment that in her homeland, Ukraine, she has a family who loves her very much and is waiting for the singer’s return. Another serious thing for little Nastya was ballet. The singer practiced this type of art for 8 years, and professionally. Anastasia's next hobby was tennis. The singer managed to combine all this with her studies at gymnasium No. 56.

After graduating from school, the future singer decides to enter the Faculty of Economics, the Ukrainian-American Humanitarian Institute. Anastasia’s specialty is Foreign Economic Activity.

The beginning was made in 2004, at the age of 16, the young singer decided to try herself at the Black Sea Games festival, where she won the Grand Prix. The following year, Nastya was expected to receive recognition from fans on the world stage in London. It was there that the girl was nominated for the UBN Awards as “discovery of the year.” It was this event that became the most important in the singer’s life. Being very young, Nastya stood next to Ukrainian celebrities who were unattainable at that time.

In the near future, the world was presented with an ambitious project that brought Ukrainian musical creativity to a new level. Potap, aka Alexey Potapenko, took on the role of a “one-man orchestra”. More specifically, he became a songwriter, screenwriter, vocalist and producer. All he needed was a girl with excellent appearance and vocal abilities.

In the first three years of cooperation, they almost hated each other, but this did not interfere with their creativity, as well as their performances on stage. The debut song was a composition called “Without Love,” which simply blew up all the charts. A video was soon shot for the same song. The next achievement of the young duo was winning the Grand Prix at the third All-Russian competition, called “Five Stars”. Over the course of three days, the judges gave them the highest score.

Afterwards, the duo began recording albums, which sold like hotcakes, and this continued until October 2017. It was then that Potap and Anastasia made an official statement that they were finishing their work together, but promised to please their fans with a farewell surprise.

Due to her popularity, Nastya was invited to participate in the “Two Stars” show, but she and Garik Kharlamov, who was paired with the singer, failed to win.

The next invitation to television was participation in the show “I Dance for You,” where Kamenskikh showed all of herself, both vocal and choreographic skills. Two weeks after the start of the program, the singer left the TV show in favor of touring in Germany, breaking the contract that was signed with the management of the TV channel.

In 2008, the sensational duo was invited to participate in the musical “Little Red Riding Hood”. Where Potap played the wolf, and Anastasia played the same hat.

In the fall of next year, the duet of Potap and Nastya takes part in the next show, called “People's Star,” where they won. Although the jury did not support such an idea and gave it a very low score, the victory belongs to them all.

Anastasia tried herself in the “hard world” of the modeling business. As the singer herself said, only her own interest pushed her to take this step. But soon she was quite disappointed in the modeling business, since outside the podium, only envy and all kinds of gossip and intrigue were in the air. Anastasia survived only a few appearances on the podium, and then said goodbye to this type of business.

Personal life of Nastya Kamenskikh

Since her student years, Anastasia was surrounded by fans, but the girl preferred more mature men. And soon she realized that she was no longer able to withstand the patronage of her gentlemen.

The personal life of Nastya Kamenskikh has changed a lot, because after two years of study, the singer falls in love with her classmate Volodya Dyatlov. But due to a terrible accident in which Vladimir’s parents and 15-year-old sister died, the guy had to transfer to the Nikolaev University of Shipbuilding, where his lonely grandmother lived. However, love lived in the couple’s hearts for some time and they saw each other from time to time, but suspicions of Anastasia’s betrayal due to popularity forced the couple to break off the relationship.

For the Kamenskys, the breakup was not at all easy, but by immersing herself in work, she managed to distract her thoughts from her ex-boyfriend. But despite all this, they did not manage to completely stop the connection, and they still maintain relations, albeit friendly ones.

Press service workers are constantly trying to bring Potap and Anastasia together. There is no doubt that over the years spent working together, Alexey Potapenko and Nastya Kamenskikh have become practically family to each other, but all manifestations of romantic relationships are only for the sake of the image of the duet. This is exactly the statement the singer made.

Nastya Kamensky's family

Many admirers of talent are interested in Nastya Kamensky’s family, but she doesn’t have any special background. As was said earlier, Anastasia grew up in a creative family, and has not yet created her own at this point in time, but still really wants it.

In one of her interviews, the girl shared some facts about her personal life, saying that her heart is already occupied, but she protects personal things and therefore will tell the details only when she is ready for it. In the meantime, fans and media can only wait for news.

Children of Nastya Kamensky

At this point in her life, the singer does not have her own children, but motherhood plays an important part in her plans. Anastasia does not share details, but in one of her interviews she said that she is sure that when the time comes, Nastya Kamensky’s children will definitely be born.

An interesting fact is that one of the fans on social media. The VKontakte network created a fake page for the singer, on which he posted photographs of a newborn child with a caption allegedly confirming the fact that Anastasia had a daughter.

In December 2012, an issue with a photo of Nastya Kamenskikh was published in Maxim magazine. The curvaceous singer posed naked in a photo shoot for a men's magazine. Anastasia has plenty of photos in a swimsuit and the male part of her fans were eager to see more candid photos after 2008. Then the singer already appeared on the cover of the adult magazine Playboy.

In an interview accompanying the photo shoot, the girl admitted that she had always dreamed of sex on a white piano, but at the same time clarified that she was a monogamist. Also, after she started active sports, Nastya Kamenskikh lost weight. Photos before and after can be found online, and changes can also be seen on her Instagram account. In addition to everything, Anastasia shared the secrets of losing weight on her personal blog on Youtube.

Instagram and Wikipedia Nastya Kamenskikh

Currently, more than two billion people actively use social networks and similar services. Nastya Kamensky’s Instagram and Wikipedia are visited by about 535 thousand admirers from all over the globe.

The singer fills her Instagram account with all kinds of content, mainly photos of training and leisure, as well as materials from photo shoots and work processes. And on your own page in the free Internet encyclopedia “Wikipedia” you can find all the information about the singer’s projects. The article was found on alabanza.ru

FULL NAME: Anastasia Alekseevna Kamenskikh

DATE OF BIRTH: 05/04/1987 (Taurus)

PLACE OF BIRTH: Kyiv, Ukraine


HAIR COLOR: brunette


FAMILY: Parents: Alexey Iosifovich Zhmur, Lidia Petrovna Kamenskikh.

HEIGHT: 174 cm

OCCUPATION: singer, TV presenter


Ukrainian singer, TV presenter.
She was born into the creative family of singer and concert director of the Verevka choir Lydia Kamensky and Alexey Zhmur. Since childhood, Nastya has had many opportunities open to her. The parents took care of raising their daughter very seriously - from the age of 6 the girl studied vocals, played the piano, practiced tennis and ballet, and also studied as an exchange student in Italy for 7 years. Of course, all this greatly influenced her future fate.
In 2004, Anastasia entered the Ukrainian-American university “Wiscony International University in Ukraine”. Kamensky received an economic education, but this did not stop her from studying music at the same time. The girl combined study and creativity with enviable success, proof of this is her awards: the Grand Prix of the Black Sea Games festival (2004), the UBN Award in London “Discovery of the Year” (2005).
In 2006, Kamenskikh met Alexei Potapenko, a duet with whom brought her stunning fame throughout the CIS countries. As soon as the group began its existence, producers and organizers of famous competitions began to notice the guys.
But this duo did not need a producer, since Alexey himself promoted their project, wrote lyrics, and composed music. The project “Nastya and Potap” debuted on stage for the first time with the track “Without Love”, which instantly entered all the popular radio charts. In subsequent years, this bright duo released hits that made a splash one after another, including: “Plague Spring”, “All in a Bunch”, “Together”, “Flying Away” and “Flying Away”.
In 2015, the guys teamed up with a singer who performed her compositions in a similar style, Bianca, and filmed a provocative video “Dog Style,” showing the girls’ frank behavior and dancing.
All sorts of tall tales were often written about Potap and Nastya. The media often suspected the guys of intimate relationships, but the singers themselves deny all the gossip, claiming that there is a purely business relationship between them. In addition, Nastya dated classmate Vladimir Dyatlov for a long time. Unfortunately, their relationship did not pass the distance test, and now the girl’s heart is free. In 2016, Nastya appeared before fans in a new image, having lost about 10 kilograms. The noticeably refreshed singer continues to work and soon fans can expect new compositions, as well as her work as a TV presenter on channels 1+1 and M1.