What is the name of the gross cargo from the Caspian. Caspian Cargo: why the group’s departure is for the better

Duet from Baku Caspian Cargo first announced themselves in March 2013, when their debut album “Ringtones for the Zone” was released. And judging by the way the group Caspian Cargo received by listeners and colleagues, Ves and Brutto will stay on stage for a long time, presenting a musical product at the intersection of such styles as Russian rap.

Composition of the group "Caspian Cargo"(Azerbaijan): Ves (left) and Gross Baku - Moscow
Activities: 2000 - present
Official VKontakte group
Ves'a page on VKontakte Gross page on VKontakte

Around 2011, the guys began to devote much more attention and time to music. In 2012, Anar decided that it was time to make himself known: his solo tracks appeared online.

A little later, the group began recording their debut album. The process, worked out over many years, looked like this: Ves made beats, the best ones were jointly chosen from them, Brutto worked on his verse and, when he came up with something interesting, showed the text to Anar, who completed his part.

The result was a coherent narrative. For 6 months, Rithmatism Records has been busy working on “Ringtones for the Zone”. The studio was located at Anar's house on the internal balcony, so the neighbors unwittingly contributed to the process - listen to "The Neighbor".

When the tracklist of “Ringtones” was more or less formed, the guys sat down to think which Russian rapper would fit in organically with a guest verse. Ves tries to listen to Russian rap and keep up with new releases, so contact with some performers was established via the Internet. And it was thanks to the global network that Slovetsky, Raskolnikov, Cat Balu, Hera Gio, Shima (Brother) and Blondin appeared on the record.

Caspian Cargo's debut album "Ringtones for the Zone" was released on March 11, 2013. According to the musicians, they were initially heard by a small part of the Internet audience. But thanks to the fact that Jahmal from Triagrutrika, Murovei and especially Guf noticed the album and recommended it on social networks, the audience coverage increased significantly. After the release, Ptah offered to join the CAO label.

"This is not a Russian chanson, these are ringtones for zones"
This line from the track “Before and After” very accurately, according to Brutto, describes the style of Caspian. They refuse the definition of "crime romance", declaring that they write music for the soul. They compare it with feature films, since some moments in the texts can be embellished. But stories are based on what is seen, heard or experienced; your own internal emotions or the emotions of loved ones. It’s just that life and the circle of acquaintances tilted my interest in the direction of a “slightly criminal line.” And here the curious reader should have a logical question: did they sit members of the group Caspian Cargo? No. Timur and Anar were not brought to criminal responsibility.

The group's debut on the domestic rap scene turned out to be more than successful. The editors of the portal RAP.RU placed the track “Before and After” in 13th place in the “Top 50 best songs of 2013”, and “Ringtones for the Zone” took 4th position in the “Albums of the Year. Russian version” rating.

To fill the gaps between albums, it was decided to release mini-albums "Trinity", consisting, as the name implies, of three tracks with guest participations. The first “Trinity” included “I’ll Take It and Wake Up” with Slim, “On the Cuffs” with Slovetsky and “Everything for $1” with Guf. It is worth noting here that Caspian Cargo did not pay Guf for the collaboration; Alexey himself got in touch and offered cooperation.

The group received its first concert experience at the Hip-Hop Zames festival, held in Moscow on June 14, 2013. During Guf's speech Caspian Cargo in full force took the stage to perform their only joint track. Brutto noted that everything went smoothly and without unnecessary excitement, and the backstage gave new acquaintances. But the main purpose of coming to Moscow was to film the videos “Everything for $1” and “On the Cuffs”. The first full-fledged concert took place on September 21, 2013 - a group from Baku presented their debut album in Moscow.

In 2014, the second one made a lot of noise album "Jackets and Suits". The most discussed was Guf’s participation on the track “Winter”. After all, this was the first joint work after 5 years that had passed since the conflict within the CENTR group. There were rumors circulating online that the former partners allegedly did not know that they were recording verses for the same track. Bore confirmed them indirectly.

Bore about the combination of Slim and Guf

Brutto clarified the situation. He said that the album, recorded in one night at Guf’s home country studio, was originally planned to be made without guests. But Alexey expressed a desire to finish his verse. As a possible joint track, the general decision was made to choose “Winter” as the most suitable theme. When Alexey's verse was ready, Anar talked with Slim about creativity and, during the conversation, the idea was born to record a track with four of us. Guf supported the idea. However, participants Caspian Cargo they do not believe that they played a key role in the reunification.

At the end of the year, details about the new album, work on which had been underway since the summer, became known. The duo wrote the music together with FD Vadim. The concept of the future release involves some kind of division into two sides: one with tracks designed for a mass audience, the second with a more serious message.

“Side A | Side B” was released on January 29, 2015. During the year, the group presented 4 videos for compositions from this album. Most of all, the audience liked “Tabor Goes to Heaven” - the view count on YouTube has already exceeded 3.5 million views.

On December 9, 2015, the mini-album “Bad Case No.” was released. It quotes Tupac's prison interview several times, and the track list concludes with "Wasn't She Wasn't" from the debut "Ringtones For The Zone." This EP is a kind of conclusion. The group bids them farewell to the criminal theme that prevails in their work. Of course, one should not expect a sharp change in vector, because it was this notorious “criminal romance” that brought the group wide popularity.

The new album Caspian Cargo plans to release in the summer of 2016. To make work on it more productive, the group freed May and June from concerts.

Studio albums

Caspian Cargo "Ringtones For The Zone"
March 11, 2013
Caspian Cargo "Jackets and suits"
February 5, 2014
Caspian Cargo "Side A | Side B"
January 29, 2015
Singles / Maxi-singles / EP

Caspian Cargo "Trinity. Volume 1" (EP)
May 31, 2013
Caspian Cargo "Trinity. Volume 2" (EP)
October 20, 2013
Caspian Cargo "Trinity. Volume 3" (EP)
July 16, 2014
Caspian Cargo "Trinity. Volume 4" (EP)
September 29, 2014
Caspian Cargo "Bad Case No." (EP)
December 9, 2015


Guest participation

Year Artist Track Release
2012 Skeptic Moratorium (with weight. Ves) Yes Maza Rhyme
2013 Brother, Raskolnikov From Under the T-shirt (with Ves) Areas of Darkness
2013 Bratubrat, Raskolnikov Mazanina (with Ves) Areas of Darkness
2013 Bratubrat, Raskolnikov Mazanina (Remix) (featuring Ves) Regions of Darkness
2015 the Chemodan Smoke Club (featuring Caspian Cargo) Unpublished
2015 Artem Tatishchevsky Closed His Eyes (with teaching Caspian Cargo) Perishable...
2015 Rigos Solve Your Problems Yourself (with Caspian Cargo) Using Real Events
2015 Advaita Gagarin (with Caspian Cargo) Control
2016 CENTR Avatar (including Caspian Cargo) System

Music video
Premiere Title Director
September 1, 2013 Everything for $1 (accounting Guf) Mikhail Baranov
September 17, 2013 On the Cuffs (with teaching Slovetsky) WARNABRO
June 1, 2014 Hera Gio - We will live (featuring Caspian Cargo) Vlad Kozlov
February 11, 2015 Exhale, Shot Alina Pasok
June 22, 2015 Solid Sign Vitaly Ulyanov (SEVENTEEN FILM)
July 19, 2015 18+ (featuring Rigos, Slim) Vlad Nekrasov
September 9, 2015 Kravts - Don’t Know Them (with Caspian Cargo) Kravts, Alexey Rozhkov
September 22, 2015 Tabor Goes to Heaven TABOON COMOON
January 26, 2016 Pika - Noah (according to Brutto, ATL)

A box office rap team and a very progressive team is a duet from Baku called “Caspian Cargo”. The biography of the group suggests that it very quickly wedged itself into the ranks of musical leaders in the rap style. Despite the fact that the members of the group are citizens of Azerbaijan, it is by far the most popular rap duo among Russian-speaking viewers.

Members of the group

Who are the members of the Baku group "Caspian Cargo"? The composition of the team is very small: Brutto (Timur Odilbekov) and Ves (Anar Zeynalov). They both studied at the same school and have been friends since second grade. They began to practice rap at the beginning of the 2000s. Their first track was “Slaves of Rhyme”, performed to the instrumental accompaniment of the group “Slaves of the Lamp”.

Timur Odilbekov and Anar Zeynalov were born in sunny Baku. Anar was lucky enough to be born on October 5, 1983. Since childhood, he was interested in youth art - hip-hop. All day long he listened to his favorite videos and recordings. Then he began to perform these funny chants himself and recorded them on video. Many of them were posted on YouTube. This is a good opportunity to compare his early work with today's.

Baku also became Timur Odilbekov’s hometown, where he was born on May 19, 1984. Everyone knows that the capital of Azerbaijan is washed by the waters of the Caspian Sea, so the name of the group does not seem so wonderful. This is how the Caspian Cargo group first announced itself in 2012. Against the background of the group's name, the stage names are very clear - Brutto and Ves.

Formation of the team

How did the Caspian Cargo team take its first steps? The biography shows that there was no one to learn how to rap in Baku, so the guys had to make their own way. We started with a small unprofessional studio. The process of working on the first work looked like this: Ves was busy composing beats, Brutto was developing his verses, then together they chose the most necessary ones from what they had written. This is how the album “Ringtones for the Zone” (2013) appeared. After its release, a double perception of the group arose: some admired the guys, others criticized them. When Ves and Brutto filmed the video, they immediately appeared before the audience as charismatic guys with their own principles. The famous Russian rapper Guf was the first to notice the guys’ creativity.

Problems of songs

Why did the Caspian Cargo group immediately interest young people? The themes and problems raised in the texts touch young people to the quick. Basically, the repertoire is intended for an audience that has already said goodbye to childhood, but has not yet found its refuge among adults. This is not to say that their lyrics are meaningless, because the very first song used phrases from the novel by Alexander Solzhenitsyn, who was a famous Russian dissident. New songs began to appear one after another, the Baku guys began to compete with such performers as Khatyn, Slim, Tipsy Tip. The rap performed by the group is very diverse. A very vital theme is the existence of people at the limit of the possible. Young people see in each song something of their own, something vital. In their songs, the guys think a lot about death and human relationships.

"Ringtones for the zone"

The main discovery of the group was the album "Ringtones for the Zone". Here are the main titles of songs from this album: “Who I want to be like,” “The last book that impressed me,” “The best thing I did this year,” “I am inspired” and 20 others. Everything the guys sing about in the album is truly true. "Ringtones for the zone" are an echo of the past. The harsh times of the 90s left a difficult imprint on the fates of both performers.

Personal life

The Caspian Cargo group keeps many secrets. The biography of the participants is mentioned briefly in the sources. What is known about Brutto and Ves as people? The main advantage of these guys is modesty. In his youth, Brutto served time in prison (a juvenile colony). This episode from his biography served as the theme for writing many songs. Today, Brutto has a wife who bore him 2 children.

Ves was also involved for short periods at one time and knows what a zone is. Criminal life became the theme of his texts. The guy doesn’t particularly advertise his personal life; it is known that he is married.

Future plans

What do the performers of the group "Caspian Cargo" dream about? The guys’ biographies indicate that they are preparing new gifts for fans of their talent. Many people know their new album "Side A/Side B". The hit “When you get there, write” is especially popular. The guys plan to continue to successfully tour the cities of the Russian Federation. The group has a very busy concert schedule. The symbolic name of many of the duo’s performances is “16 tons”. The ranks of the group's fans are increasing every day.

The group “Caspian Cargo” recently burst into the vastness of Russian rap. The guys in the group are far from being of Russian nationality, but despite this, they have many fans both in Russia and abroad. If you are a fan of this group, then you can order Caspian Cargo T-shirts.

The group consists of two guys. The first is Anar Zeynalov, and the second is Timur Odilbekov. Anar was born in 1983, and Timur a year later. Both guys were born and raised in Baku.

The guys recorded the first tracks in a homemade studio. Gufu really liked the tracks and invited the guys to record a joint fit.

In the shortest possible time, the Caspian Cargo group became popular, so the guys decided to record several albums. In the released albums you can hear a large number of features with many rappers. Such performers as Slim, Tipsy, Khatyn, Bratubrat and other famous personalities took part in the recording of the tracks.

The audio recordings of the “Caspian Cargo” group are of very high quality, but almost nothing is known about the guys. All we can say is that the guys from the group are very modest, and modesty is a quality of strong personalities. Such personalities include guys not only from this group, but also from the groups Brutto and Ves.

If guys sing only about what happened in their lives, then they can be respected, since they have not turned into pathetic prisoners with great
number of tattoos. Not a single guy from the “Caspian Cargo” group has those special signs in the form of tattoos that former prisoners have who beg money from store visitors for alcoholic drinks.

In their tracks, the guys think a lot about people's lives, about death, about relationships and about themselves. This proves that guys can not only think and express their thoughts beautifully, but also set them to high-quality music. Some people compare “Caspian Cargo” with a new direction of chanson, which is superimposed on beats, others shy away from frank thoughts and lyrics permeated with criminal romance. But still, the guys from this group are simply impossible not to notice.

Weight(on the left in the photo)
Real name: Anar Zeynalov
Date of birth: 10/05/1983

Gross(on the right in the photo)
Real name: Timur Odilbekov
Date of birth: 05/19/1984
Place of birth: Baku, Azerbaijan

In 2000, two classmates Anar Zeynalov (Ves) and Timur Odilbekov (Brutto) organized the group Caspian Cargo, which later became very popular. The guys had been friends since school, and at the time the team was created, each of them was 16 years old. The city of Baku, where the rappers were born, is located on the shores of the Caspian Sea - hence the name of the group. The guys started playing music in their teens, but at the time of the founding of the group, Ves was already a performing artist, albeit at a provincial level. The guys read the first track to the beat of the slaves of the lamp. For a long time, the guys treated rap as a hobby. At the age of 18, Ves decided that it was time to declare himself and became interested in solo performance. He posted his recordings on YouTube. The songs of the Caspian Cargo describe the dashing nineties, and are reminiscent of chanson. This is why rap fans are skeptical of the group. It's not by chance that the guys sing about prison. In my time Brutto served time in prison for minors due to problems with soft drugs.

Little is known about the personal lives of the artists. They are both married and Brutto has two children. At the age of 20, the guys released their full-length debut album, Ringtones for the Zone. Surprisingly, the recording was made in Anar’s apartment. Ves made the beats for all the tracks. Their neighbors made their contribution to the creativity of the Caspian cargo.

After completing the recording, we thought for a long time which Russian rapper to invite for a guest verse on the album. As a result, Cat Balu, Slovetsky, Raskolnikov, BratuBrat appeared on the record. At first, few people noticed KG’s album, but then Murovei, Jamal from TGK, and even Guf himself became interested in the work. After the Caspian Cargo feat with Guf, the guys from Baku gained real popularity. The clips “18+” and “Tabor goes to heaven” brought their share of hype.

Of course, the guys from Caspian Cargo were the breakthrough of 2015. But since 2016, the guys began to gradually be forgotten. The guys released 2 more albums in 2016 and 2017. And at the end of 2017 they announced the breakup of the group.

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