How to draw nature with wax crayons. Master class on a beautiful landscape with step-by-step photos

Drawing with wax crayons and watercolors is a mixed technique of painting with watercolors and wax. It does not require special skills and at the same time creates a very bright effect, which is why it has become widespread in children's creativity. However, it can also be used in more complex designs for decorative purposes or as an addition to your painting.

The essence of the technique is to draw lines with wax, on top of which watercolor is placed. Areas with wax are not painted over, which creates a “glow” effect of the design. What’s good about this technique is the availability of the materials used: wax crayons can be taken from a children’s set, and sometimes you can even use candle wax; You can also take the simplest watercolor.

When drawing with wax crayons, it is important to understand that it is not easy to make a thin line due to the characteristics of the material, so it is more convenient to use large and generalized contours. Usually this technique is used to paint still lifes, flowers, fish, etc. Wax lines do not easily overlap each other and cannot be erased without leaving a stain, which prevents the creation of complex effects, but at the same time maintains the brightness and purity of the drawing.

Necessary materials

  • simple pencil
  • wax crayons (one or more colors; can be replaced with a candle)
  • watercolor (doesn't matter if it's for children or professional)
  • wide brush (for filling the background)
  • thin brush (if you need to draw small details)
  • paper (it is more convenient to use thick paper, but ordinary A4 sheets are also possible. It is better to choose paper without strong roughness so that the wax adheres better)
    rough sheets

Which paper should you choose?

Before you start painting with wax crayons and watercolors, let's explain some of the features of watercolor paper. This can be important if you are trying to achieve a certain effect.

There are two types of watercolor paper: cold and hot pressure. Rough cold pressure paper is rougher and therefore produces an uneven line. In addition, to make it brighter, you have to press harder on the chalk. This effect in painting is well suited for conveying highlights on water or a glow effect.

On hot press paper, the texture does not appear as strongly, and the design looks smoother and clearer.

Preparatory stage

It would be good to secure a sheet of paper to a tablet, table or some other surface using tape. This is not necessary, but this will make the paper bulge less (especially true for simple printed sheets).

Drawing with crayons and watercolors is a technique that is best first tried on paper to get used to it.

Prepare a draft. Use wax crayons to draw simple and wavy lines and patterns of different colors (in the photo in the foreground there is a white chalk). See how tightly the wax adheres to the surface of the sheet and how hard you need to press the pencil (if it is lumpy, you may have to go over it several times to get a solid line). Then paint over the lines with watercolors.

With colored crayons, it is better to use paint colors that contrast with them, and do not choose monochromatic ones so that the chalk stands out more clearly. For example, if you chose yellow, then it is better to use blue watercolor, black, etc.

Wait for the paint to dry and see what happens. As you can see, the white chalk creates the feeling of a masking liquid (which can be used as a life hack), the colored chalks are slightly rubbed and mixed with the paint. Look what you got.

The main stage of work

After a little experiment, we have a rough idea of ​​what will happen in practice. Now let's move on to the main stage.

  1. First of all, you need to draw the outline of the picture with a simple pencil. It's best not to skip this step because erasing the wax line is difficult. Then we outline the pencil lines with wax in the right places.
  2. Next, use watercolor flowers to paint over the areas you need.
  3. After this, you can continue to work with layers, apply other colors, and create volume using shadows. The example shows that the yellow crayon is “lost” against the background of the paint, but yours may be different. Once the work has dried, you can trace some details again with wax chalk.

As you can see, the technique is really simple to perform and at the same time gives an expressive effect.

Drawing with children

The technique of drawing with wax crayons (candles) and watercolors is well suited for creating illustrations and crafts with children. We offer several ideas for drawing with wax crayons and watercolors:

  • Underwater scene with fish. You can use brightly colored crayons and blue watercolors for water.
  • Sky with clouds and birds. Use white chalk for the clouds, brown, black or other colors for the birds (you can also draw tree branches), and blue paint for the sky.
  • Fireworks. Use different bright wax crayons for the fireworks and black watercolor for the night sky.
  • Secret note. Write a secret message on a sheet of paper with white crayon, then have your child or friend color it in with dark paint.
  • Craft "Stained glass". Suitable even for small children. To do this, just draw abstract patterns with different wax crayons and cover them with watercolors. Then the drawing can be inserted into a frame or, as in this case, glued to the door glass, and you will get an independent decoration, for example, for a birthday.

Auxiliary technique in painting

Wax crayons can be used for a variety of purposes: to create crafts, decorative effects, or as an auxiliary material in painting. We have considered the first two options, and now let's talk about the third.

This option is convenient for plein air painting, when there is no time to wait for the paint to dry completely. Chalk can be applied to light areas and feel free to write on top of them with other colors, without fear of “drowning out” the bright color.

To ensure that the wax does not stand out, you need to use it a little. For example, in this painting you won’t even immediately understand where the wax strokes are applied.

Using paraffin instead of wax crayons

If you don’t have wax crayons, you can easily replace them with paraffin. The effect will be very similar. The only thing is that you will be limited in terms of color.

We hope that you have discovered something new and that drawing with crayons and watercolors will bring you pleasure!

You will need

  • Wax crayons or pencils, thick and smooth (preferably coated) paper, a knife for sharpening crayons. The sgraffito technique will require either a palette knife, a utility knife, a craft knife, or an engraving stacker. The encaustic technique requires an iron with a solid soleplate. For stained glass painting you will need: a porcelain plate that can withstand heat from candles, a metal tray or baking sheet; warming candles; stand for placing a plate or tray above the candles.


Drawing with wax crayons requires the artist to know the basics of pencil drawing. In pastel, as in working with simple, there are concepts of perspective and proportions. The shape and texture of drawing objects are conveyed using light, shadow, color gradation and direction of strokes. First you need to understand how wax pastels behave on paper. Try painting different types of paper (whatman paper, watercolor, pastel, cardboard or coated paper) with the same color. This will give you an idea of ​​how wax crayons behave on different materials. Mix several different colors by applying them to paper and rubbing them together. This way you will understand how different colors are mixed, as well as what results you can get with. Wax crayons are sharpened with a knife, like regular pencils.

Drawing with wax crayons begins with a sketch, which is done with light strokes. The sketch can be made with a simple pencil or chalk in the dominant color of the future painting. The sketch indicates the outlines of objects that will be depicted in the drawing, as well as the outlines of white or light areas. The next stage of the drawing is filling the sketch with color. Wax crayons, like oil crayons, are applied to the drawing in layers, from dark to light colors. If you need to mix two colors, then: first apply a darker color, then a light color, then mix the colors by rubbing them into the paper with your fingertips. Before you start mixing the tones in the drawing, mix them on another piece of paper. This way you won’t go wrong with the choice of tones to mix. When you have distributed all the colors throughout the sketch, according to the intended composition, you need to rub them into the drawing paper. Shake off the crayon crumbs and gradually add color as needed. Wax pastels should have a smooth, glossy surface through which the texture of the paper does not show through. In the end, the work is brought to perfection by applying highlights and shadows, drawing finer lines and small details. When finishing the work, you need to remember that by excessively pressing on the chalk used to draw on the erased background, you can move the wax already lying on the drawing. Apply the finishing touches lightly and carefully.

There is also a method for creating wax pastels called sgraffito. This is translated as “scratching”. For this method, you will need, in addition to paper and, either a palette knife, or a stationery (craft) knife, or a special stack. Wax pastels are applied to the paper in dense layers. First light pastel, and then dark. Next, a drawing is scratched onto the surface using a stack (or other tools). Such a drawing will resemble an engraving. Using the scratching method you can create both two-color and multi-color works.

The following method of drawing with wax crayons is original and easy to perform. It is called “stained glass enamel”. To master it, you need to place a metal or porcelain surface that can withstand the heat of teapots on a mesh stand under which lit tea candles are placed. Even a metal sheet intended for baking dough or a ceramic flat pan will do. A sheet of newspaper is placed on a warm surface, followed by drawing paper. Next begins the magic of drawing with wax crayons, which melt on a warm surface. Such work will have the appearance of bright and rich enamel.

The next technique of drawing with wax crayons is called “encaustic”. To do this, you need to take an iron with a solid soleplate (i.e., without holes for steam) and set its heating to minimum. You will also need wax crayons and thick cardboard with a smooth surface. Turn the iron, which is slightly heated, upside down and apply a design on it with wax crayons. Then we sharply turn it over and move it along the cardboard. We get fantastic abstract wax stains, which can then be brought to perfection by drawing more subtle and precise details. Masters can not only “stamp” abstract drawings, but also create real masterpieces by drawing details with the edge of the sole of the iron.

Another method is to wash the wax with turpentine or white spirit. Light strokes of wax crayons create a design, and then the wax is blurred with turpentine and a brush. Synthetic art brushes will come in handy here. You will get a surprisingly light, transparent like watercolor drawing.

Encaustic painting is painting with wax crayons melted on the surface of a hot iron. This simple device will help you create amazing pictures and master interesting handicrafts.

What is encaustic?

This art involves creating paintings using melted wax of various colors. Such works are still found in excavations of Ancient Greece. Early Christian paintings still retain their bright colors.

To get started you only need:

  • paper;
  • iron;
  • wax pencil.
You need to take wax of a certain color or even use several shades at once and apply them to a warm iron. All that remains is to run this heated metal tool over the paper, placing the base flat or edge-on. Now let's talk about this in more detail.

Wax painting: necessary equipment and materials for encaustic painting

You can depict anything. If you are a beginner artist, then abstract paintings will be your thing. If you have experience in creating canvases, then you will be able to depict clear landscapes.

The main material required for the work is artistic wax with colored pigments. It is sold in specialized art stores. If it is not possible to purchase such wax, then use crayons and wax pencils. They can be purchased at an office supply store.

You will also need:

  • glossy thick cardboard;
  • soft cloth for polishing;
  • a lining on the desktop so that it remains clean while working.
If you have the means and you decide to take up this type of art seriously, then buy a special iron for encaustic painting.

If this is not possible, then use a regular household iron, but it should be small in size, have a soleplate without holes and a temperature regulator.

You will need toilet paper and napkins or a cloth; these materials need to be used to clean the soleplate of the iron in order to change the color of the wax to a new one.

If you have a hair dryer in which you can adjust the temperature, then you can use it. Then use wax pencils as materials.

If encaustic painting becomes your regular hobby or even a source of income, then you will need to buy a special heating rod called a causarium. It will help to depict small details and ornate patterns.

Encaustic painting for beginners

For those who have just decided to master this interesting technique, it will be useful to know what techniques can be used when working, these are:

  • smoothing;
  • edge work;
  • imprint;
  • nose work.
Smoothing is the main technique used in this technique. To use it, turn the iron over so that its heating surface is at the top. Place the wax here, adjust the temperature so that it melts, but does not spread.

When the material acquires this consistency, you will need to run the iron over the surface of the paper, but without pressing it too hard, so as not to burn it. There should be a trace of the desired shape left on the sheet.

Working with an edge allows you to create different stripes. This technique is used to draw grass and flowers. First you need to proceed in the same way as when you applied the impression using the smoothing technique. Now place the iron edge-on on this pattern to get a strip of the desired length. Remove excess wax with a soft cloth.

To make veins in a drawing using the encaustic technique, you need to apply paint to a paper base, and then place the sole of the iron on it for a few seconds. At the same time, it should lie like a glove; you cannot fidget with it.

To create small details of the painting, you need to dip the tip of the iron in melted wax, and then apply it to the canvas in the right place.

Encaustic painting - master class with photos

Now that you have learned the basics of this art, it’s time to move on to the practical lesson. It will be easy and can be done by beginners.

  • wax pencils;
  • white sheet of thick cardboard;
  • glue;
  • hairdryer where you can adjust the temperature.

The pencils should be the same size; if some are longer, cut them on the opposite side of the lead to make them even with the others.

Spread the upper part of the sheet with glue, attach the wax blanks here tightly to each other with the tip down. When the glue is dry, take the hair dryer to the ends of the wax crayons, turning it on at its highest setting. In this case, the workpieces will begin to melt, and the wax will gradually flow down.

If you need strict vertical lines, then hold the sheet of cardboard in the usual position. If you want to achieve interesting special effects, then rotate it from side to side.

If you are satisfied with the result, then place the work on a horizontal surface and wait for your masterpiece to harden.

Such an art object will decorate your home or become an unusual gift for the New Year or other holiday.

The next master class will allow you to create a beautiful abstract painting.

To implement this plan you will need:

  • thick paper;
  • a small iron without holes on the sole;
  • wax pencils;
  • paper to cover the work surface with.
Set the iron to “nylon” and heat it up. Turn this tool with the sole up and place wax pencils on top. Wait until they start to melt.

Now bring the iron to the paper sheet and begin to move it horizontally in one direction and the other. Try to ensure that the color stripes intersect each other and mix with each other as little as possible.

As you understand, the smoothing principle was applied. Now you need to use the imprint method. To do this, press the iron against the surface to leave uneven marks on it. You can make a few more impressions on each one to achieve an interesting effect.

Wait for the encaustic painting to cool slightly and after about a minute polish its surface with a soft cloth.

An inexperienced viewer is unlikely to understand what you used to make this work, which is beautiful and very effective. After you have practiced with simple patterns, you can move on to more complex ones.

Encaustic painting - master class for experienced

If you have all the necessary tools, then the job should not seem too difficult even for craftsmen with little experience. Here's what you'll need:

  • hob;
  • iron;
  • paper;
  • foam;
  • textile.
First, secure the sheet to the hob using masking tape.

To draw a landscape, take a blue wax crayon or pencil and start shading it at the top of the sheet. Since the cardboard base will be heated, this will not be difficult to do.

Next the mountains are drawn. To do this, place a brown chalk on the sole of the iron, turn the tool over, and heat it.

Then apply the iron to the surface of the sheet, depicting pointed peaks and a system of mountains, using some encaustic techniques.

If you need to shade the paint, use a piece of cloth or a sponge to do this. To make the mountains surrounded by greenery, draw it using chalk of that color. Draw other elements of the picture, after which you can frame it.

Technique for drawing with wax on paper

The encaustic technique allows you to create very beautiful landscapes. You will see this now. Look what wonderful paintings the craftswomen create.

To work you will need:
  • an encaustic iron or a regular small travel iron without holes;
  • glossy cardboard, thick photo paper for printers on which photographs are printed is suitable;
  • colored crayons;
  • napkins;
  • soft cloth.
First you need to heat the iron, but not too much. Turn it over and place crayons of the desired color on the sole of this device.

When they become soft, you can use them, but without waiting until the wax begins to flow down from the surface of the iron.

Apply the melted wax to the glossy cardboard, moving from left to right. At the same time, use the iron to make a small semicircle.

Carefully, so as not to burn yourself, wipe off the wax from the surface of the iron with napkins and place crayons of a different color here. When they are melted, place the iron on the right side of the sheet and move it to the left, then in the opposite direction and again to the left.

Now you need to remove this wax from the iron with a napkin and melt the brown wax on it. Use the prepared solution to make so-called tacks. In this case, you need to apply the iron to the paper and quickly lift it. This is done several times.

It remains to identify the small details. To do this, use the previously listed techniques. Run the edge and then the tip of the iron over the design to create a bush.

Look how beautiful it turned out. Since the painting is made with wax paints, it will have a charming shine.

The good thing about the encaustic technique is that you can come up with a plot for a painting right on the go. By making several strokes with the iron, arranging the wax in any order, you may find that you have drawn something that you had not thought of before.

The craftswoman from the next master class depicted the bird in exactly this way on her masterpiece. But first things first.

First she took:

  • heat-resistant glossy cardboard;
  • German and Russian wax crayons;
  • iron;
  • towel;
  • napkin.
In order not to stain your work area, you need to lay a towel on it first and a napkin on top.

Now you need to put white and blue crayons on a warm iron and start drawing with them.

Turn the cardboard over and coat the other side with wax using an iron. Now you need to draw clouds with the edges of the iron.

If necessary, occasionally wipe the sole of your instrument with a tissue. But if you use the same colors, then you don't have to do this.

Taking a closer look, the craftswoman saw that a bird had appeared on the canvas, albeit a little strange. It was decided to add feathers to her using the tip of an iron.

You can make adjustments using a toothpick or a pointed wooden skewer. Using it, you can remove unnecessary things, finish drawing something, and clean something.

Now we need to make impressions to depict grass and bushes. To do this, place green and brown chalk on the iron and apply them to the desired part of the drawing.

Tree crowns are depicted like this. Apply a little brown or green wax to the tip of the iron and paint this part of the picture with this part of the tool.

Using the stamping technique, draw leaves on the trunk and branches, and use a skewer to apply adjustments.

The heroine did not like the first bird, so she drew a tree crown in this place. But then I decided to draw a white seagull. To do this, you need to scratch the outline of the bird with the tip of a wooden stick. Dip it into melted wax and add details.

All that remains is to polish the masterpiece with a soft napkin and you can hang the picture or give it as a gift for any occasion.

How to draw with an iron - technique for beginners

The next master class will allow you to create a picture in red and yellow tones with dark splashes.

Even those who think they don’t know how to draw can draw it. To do this they will only need:
  • glossy cardboard A5 format;
  • wax children's crayons;
  • an iron without holes on the soleplate with a thermostat, which is designed for dry ironing.

The iron temperature should be as low as possible, so set the thermostat to the wool or silk ironing position. Place the crayons on the bottom of this tool so that the yellow is at the bottom, the orange is below it, the red is even lower, followed by dark pink and burgundy.

Paint a bright sky with this colorful rainbow using the smoothing technique. To do this, simply move the iron over the surface of the paper as if you were ironing from right to left and vice versa.

Wipe off excess wax on the warm surface of the iron with a napkin and place crayons of a different color here. Which ones can be seen in the next photo.

You also need to iron the sheet horizontally using back and forth movements. This way you will create the main background.

To draw further with the iron, you need to dissolve black chalk on its tip. Use this part of the iron's working surface, making an impression on the paper with the tip.

Next, using this technique, make impressions at the bottom of the sheet and create fabulous vegetation.

To wax further, use the sides of the iron. Place it edgewise on the applied background to create vertical lines, such as grass.

After you have made an impression with black wax, you will be left with a certain design on the tip of the iron. Do not wipe off this coating, make prints further, you will get a spectacular result.

This encaustic painting is also suitable for beginners, as it does not require any special skills.

Now draw with the tip of the iron; to do this, you need to pick up a little wax with the tip of the iron and move it around the drawing, creating black flowers and leaves here.

See how to draw birds with wax. To do this, place a dot on the desired part of the picture with the tip of the iron. Then, using edges, draw two wings for each bird.

The final step is polishing the image with a soft cloth. It will turn out radiant and shiny.

When you practice on such works, you will be able to create masterpieces with finer features using this technique.

To reproduce such a blooming apricot or sakura branch, take:
  • black cardboard;
  • white marker;
  • wax crayons;
  • iron;
  • soft cloth.
First, draw the outline of the future flower on dark cardboard using a white marker.

Hold the iron in your right hand and take a green crayon in your left. Place the tip of the iron against the iron so that the wax melts slightly.

If you are better with your left hand, then hold the tool and chalk in a way that is comfortable for you.

Start filling one half of the sheet first, moving the iron up and down. Do not tear it off the cardboard to create a continuous layer. Now fill out the second half of the sheet in the same way.

Take a pink crayon, melt it on the tip of your iron and start recreating a pink petal.

Do all the flower elements in the same way. Those petals that are closer to the viewer need to be filled last to create volume.

Apply brown paint to the tip of the iron and make a branch. Form stamens from yellow and brown ones.

To make the flower look more realistic, you need to lightly scratch it with a special tool from the core to the beginning of the petals. To do this, you can use a pointed wooden stick.

Using the same device, you can scratch the wax where it is not needed to make the contours of the petals and flowers smoother.

If the elements of the painting have already frozen, you can put the canvas on a heating surface so that the wax softens slightly and remove excess or draw veins on the sheets. After the final sanding of the painting with a soft cloth, you can proudly admire the result of the work.

Yes, if you try, then the iron will become a tool of a talented artist.

The work presented is more within the capabilities of adults, and small children should not be given even warm irons to work with. Therefore, check out the variety of this technique that kids enjoy doing.

Encaustic technique for children

Invite the children to do encaustic painting in the pointillism style. The next master class will help you master this handicraft yourself and teach it to your children.

On a piece of paper you need to draw with a simple pencil the outlines of the future masterpiece. For example, this is a cockerel.

So that you can depict it, we suggest attaching a sheet of paper to the presented template and simply redrawing it.

Since encaustic painting still involves heating the wax, be with your child during the lesson. Place the candle in a convenient container and light it. Have your child hold the wax crayon over the candle flame until a drop forms. After which it must be quickly transferred to a certain area of ​​the drawing.

The work requires patience and accuracy, but the result will be amazing. Such a three-dimensional picture will become a source of pride for parents for their child.

If the children are very young, then there is no need to show them the technique of creating a picture with a burning candle, but it is better to teach them how to create masterpieces using the pointillism technique, using the cold method, which is safe for them.

Winter drawings will come in handy now. To make them, give the children:

  • sheets of black cardboard;
  • cotton buds;
  • paints.
Let the children dip cotton swabs into white paint and use it to create falling snow and stars. The tree in the center of the composition can also be made in light colors so that it can be seen that it is winter.

Adults or older children can use white wax crayons, which, when heated, will create works, thereby mastering the art of encaustic painting.

To reinforce what you have learned, watch a video that will help beginners and older children master hot wax drawing even better.

If you have already practiced enough, then try to create a picturesque landscape with the author of the next video.

Kaluga Elena Nikolaevna, methodologist of the MBOU DOD Center for Children's Creativity in the city of Surazh, Bryansk Region

The drawing can be done with children 7-10 years old.
The master class will also be useful for additional education teachers, fine arts and primary school teachers, and enthusiastic and creative parents.

Purpose of the master class: The lesson can be included in a course for beginners to paint with watercolors; the drawing is framed in a passe-partout and the frame can be used for a gift or interior decoration.
Target: draw autumn flowers, conveying their texture and characteristic features
Learn to combine watercolor techniques and wax crayons in a drawing
Develop composition skills
Cultivate a love for nature
Develop aesthetic taste
Get the joy of creativity

The sun in the sky was surprised:
- What a miracle happened?
Maybe the stars were lit?
The asters have bloomed!

The whole earth is an elegant carpet -
Bright, colorful, ceremonial.
Variegated caps are blooming,
Like festive fireworks.

One hundred shades and varieties
These joyful flowers:
Pink, red -
The most beautiful! Tatiana Lavrova

Materials and equipment
. A4 sheet of paper
. Wax crayons
. Simple pencil
. Watercolor paints
. Container with water
. Squirrel brush No. 6

Sequence of work:

We draw ovals on a sheet of paper with a pencil - we outline the size and location of the asters’ flowers. We draw without pressing hard on the pencil so that the lines are barely visible. Asters should be approximately the same size. In order for the composition to be harmonious, 2 flowers should not be placed on the same line vertically or horizontally. Inside the large ovals we draw small ovals - the centers of the flowers.

Use yellow wax crayon to paint over the centers of the asters. To do this, draw a spiral in a small oval. There is no need to completely paint over the oval; you need to leave some space for watercolor.

Using wax crayons we draw the petals of asters. To do this, draw lines from the middle of the flower to the edge, like the rays of the sun. Draw with chalk and apply pressure so that the line is bright and bold. Asters can be painted in any color you like. For this pattern it is better to choose 2-3 colors.

Draw leaves using green wax chalk.

To make the composition complete, we add small flowers to our bouquet. Draw small snowflakes on the free space of the sheet with yellow wax chalk. We draw them, combining them into inflorescences of several pieces. We work with chalk in the same way, with pressure.

Now let's start working with watercolors. We paint the background of the picture with ocher. We apply the paint completely to the sheet, excluding only the places where asters are painted. Add green spots between the asters. Where on the sheet the elements of the design are drawn with chalk, the paint will not adhere, since the chalk is waxy and greasy, that is, it is simply impossible to paint over the line with watercolors.

After the background has dried, draw the asters. We take paint of the same color as the asters, but a more saturated shade so that the paint does not merge with the wax chalk and apply strokes from the middle to the edge on top of the petals drawn with chalk. We paint the middle of the flower with yellow paint.

We paint the leaves with green paint.

We paint small flowers with orange paint. On top of the yellow snowflakes we apply watercolor strokes in the same direction in which we painted the snowflake with chalk. We also apply an orange stroke from below to the middle to give it volume.
The drawing is ready. All that remains is to arrange it in a passe-partout.

Works of my students

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