Drawing a still life in elementary school step by step. Stages of building a still life Presentation of drawing a still life of fruits and vegetables

“Autumn Still Life” - Organizational part. The size of the still life. Still lifes. Kitchen. Instruction card. Drawing up an autumn still life. Decorative pumpkins. Exhibition of bouquets and compositions. Form. Expressive lines. Building a bouquet. Methods and forms of training. Exhibition of creative works. Bypass. Targeted walkthroughs. Creative works.

“Still Life of the Artist” - Title. Composition. Still life in fine arts. Still life. Image of the world of things. One of the genres of fine art. Artists depicted the most ordinary things. Items. Ability to compose fluently and successfully. Two main types of still life have emerged. Painting. Still life appeared in Holland.

“Still life paintings” - Drawing up a sketch of a decorative still life. The most “intentional” genre. Still life with flowers. Jugs and drinks. E. Manet. Philosophical range of still life. Cheerful still life. Still life with fruit. Peter Claes. Still life associated with an event. The composition can be expanded horizontally, vertically, diagonally.

“Still life objects” - Image of the world of things. Artists depicted the most ordinary things. Pictures, the heroes of which are various objects. Still life. Several lighting sources. Still life appeared in Holland. Features of the graphic editor “Paint”. Post-Impressionism. Still life composition. Drawing up a still life.

“Creating a still life” - Color. Still life with drapery. Fish, wine and fruit. Still life with flowers. The spirituality of things. The artist “sculpts” the shape of flowers with brush strokes. Preparing the potatoes. Surface of potato. A sheet of colored cardboard. Stormy drama. Choice of colors. An artist must learn to build a form with color. Color became an expression of the artist’s special world.

“Still life painting” - Until the end of the 19th century, still life, in contrast to portraits and historical paintings, was considered as a “lower” genre. Child's world. Painting. Still life with apples. 1903. What is still life? Paintings by Russian artists. Russian still life painters. In memory of a soldier. Dutch still life of the 17th century.

There are a total of 16 presentations in the topic

Presentation HOW TO DRAW A STILL LIFE Look carefully at all the objects, determine their shape, size, color, location. Make a light pencil sketch. - Draw a line for the table. - Determine the central object, its size and shape. - The apple lies on the right side, it has a round shape. - The carrot is in the foreground. -Mark the folds of the drapery. The pencil sketch is ready.

Identify objects by color. Look closely and you will see light and dark areas on them. Light and shadow help convey the volume of objects, their shape and diversify color shades. Draw a thin line outline of the shadow on the objects. When painting light and shadow, smoothly blur the paint from dark to light, then there will be no sharp line between light and shadow.

Mix paints and get a variety of shades. Look at the objects in the composition and you will see how all the objects in your room are reflected and cast highlights in them. - The presence of various color shades will make your work very picturesque. - Squinting, you can see that warm and cold tones perfectly convey the three-dimensionality of shapes. Notice how the blue and green colors create a cool shadow around the pit at the top of the apple.

Don't forget about the falling shadows from objects. The principle of creating “living” shadows is simple: they should be drawn in a color that is complementary to the color of the object casting this shadow (orange - dark blue, red - dark green, yellow - violet).

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Lesson objectives:

To expand children's knowledge about still life To develop graphic skills in conveying the spatial arrangement of a group of objects, Determining proportions, and in conveying chiaroscuro by means of painting To introduce the work of P.P. Konchalovsky. Cultivate a love of beauty.

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A still life (from the French - “dead nature”) is an image of inanimate objects combined into one composition. In their paintings, artists usually depict flowers, fruits, vegetables, dishes, various foods, household items. A still life expresses a person’s attitude to the world around him, reveals his understanding of beauty

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Rules for staging a still life

1. The still life must be placed so that the lower parts of the objects (bases) and their location on the table are visible. To do this, the group must be placed below eye level. 2. The still life must be placed against some background. The background is best smooth, calm and not dark - a wall, cardboard, fabric without folds, etc. 3. When selecting objects, you need to take into account how difficult it will be to draw them. Objects whose shape is fragmented by small details, decorations and are difficult to perceive by design should be considered more difficult.

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Drapery Sight Method

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Chiaroscuro on an object

Highlight Light Penumbra Own shadow Reflex Falling shadow

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1. Placement on a sheet.

2. Compare the fruits by width and height, determine the shape of the objects. 3. Construct a linear still life, apply folds of drapery and light and shade on objects. Stages of constructing a still life

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Layout of a still life on a sheet

A. B. C. D. Which of the four drawings contains the correct construction of a still life?

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A large and interesting work is the drawing from life of fruits and vegetables, which, along with flowers and leaves, serve as elements of ornamental compositions decorating cakes and pastries.

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There are no shapeless objects in nature; one of the properties of any volumetric body is shape.

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Local natural coloring of vegetables

more modest compared to fruits, the color range of which is unusually wide. Therefore, colored pencils can be used in images of individual vegetables and still lifes of them.

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Carrot Plum

  • Slide 13

    Strawberry Cherry

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    Watermelon Cucumber

  • Slide 15

    About the work of P.P. Konchalovsky

    Pyotr Petrovich Konchalovsky (1876-1956 Soviet painter. He created more than 5,000 works - paintings, portraits, still lifes, watercolors over 60 years of creativity. Among his works are portraits of contemporaries, bouquets of flowers, landscapes

    Still life art

    Drawing a still life step by step

    Prepared by: art teacher


    State Institution “Zholymbet Secondary School No. 1”

    Still life art

    In fine art still life It is customary to call the image of inanimate objects combined into a single compositional group. In a still life, the artist tries not just to depict - “copy” objects, but with their help to convey a certain mood, his personal taste. The art of still life has its thousand-year history. Images of simple objects were found on ancient Greek mosaics, frescoes, and vases.

    A still life should have a compositional center - the subject is either the largest, or the brightest, or the most expressive in accordance with the intended theme. Objects in a still life should be visually balanced, positioned so that there is a feeling that they are dancing around the main object. Together, all objects fit into a shape: a triangle, a circle or a square.

    Before you start working on your still life, let's draw up a work plan:

    1. Determine the theme and plot.

    2. Determine the composition of the still life.

    3. Draw objects, background.

    4. Choose a color.

    5. Give your drawing a title.

    Types of still life

    Decorative still life differs from realistic in that: objects are depicted as stylized (simplified); there is no space (perspective); can be done in different techniques (on fabric - batik; from plasticine - “plasticine painting”; from paper and natural materials - appliqué technique); use ornament, pattern.

    The main thing in a decorative still life is the stylization of objects, their shape, color, tone. The shape of the depicted objects becomes flat and conventional.

    Stylization - This is a decorative simplification of objects using a number of conventional techniques. In a decorative still life it is not necessary to convey volume; it is permissible to depict decorative ornaments and patterns that are absent in nature.

    Flowers, dishes, fruits, jugs can be presented in the form of geometric shapes. A strong departure from nature, transformed into geometric forms, is called abstraction.

    The composition of a still life can be inscribed in any geometric shape: circle, triangle, oval, rectangle, square.

    The composition can be placed both vertically and horizontally.

    The correct composition of a still life is largely determined by the choice of sheet format. When a large thing when reduced in size, and a small one when increased, do not lose their image and harmony - then the overall composition is solved correctly.

    Remember: the finished drawing must be correctly constructed.


    An example of compiling a production from Kazakh national household items

    If you like to draw, then you probably know what a still life is. Let's draw a beautiful fruit composition and please your loved ones with a bright picture on the wall!

    Still life is an ideal decoration for the kitchen. The interior with notes of fruits, vegetables and berries whets the appetite, enhances the taste of your favorite dishes, and inspires culinary experiments.

    So imagine yourself as a great artist and go ahead and paint a still life.

    How to draw a still life with a pencil

    A fragile strawberry twig and a couple of your favorites

    fruit - a colorful still life will instantly lift your spirits

    and will attract the enchanted glances of your guests.

    And so, let's get started...

    1. Lightly press the pencil to draw a horizontal line - this is the edge of the table. Draw the outline of a pear, two apples and a mug.

    2. Draw a strawberry sprig in a circle. Give the fruit a natural look by drawing out the convex shapes more clearly. Don't forget to draw the tails and dried sepals.

    3. Well done! Now, using an eraser, lightly erase the drawn sketch so that only barely noticeable lines remain. Carefully color the pear with colored pencils, applying shades of yellow, orange, red and brown to the fruit.

    4. Now move on to coloring the apple. Thick strokes of green, orange and yellow are ideal for this. For the cutting, use a brown pencil.

    5. Great! Make the apple more expressive and bright with another layer of shading. You can convey the shadow with brown, dark green and marsh colors.

    Pay attention! All fruits should have small, unpainted areas (highlights).

    6. On the second apple, also apply the first, light layer of shading, without tinting the highlight.

    7. Now shade the apple again, coloring one side with shades of red and brown.

    8. Color the strawberries with light red strokes. Use a brown pencil to draw small grains.

    9. Use cherry and red pencils to brighten the shading of the strawberries. Draw lettuce leaves.

    10. Then draw thin stems, outlines of leaves, depict flowers.

    11. Using green and yellow shades, color the strawberry leaves and draw the stems again.

    12. Shade the mug with a blue pencil. Make the shadow dark blue

    and color the inside of the mug gray. Let the rim be black.

    It is important to remember: the shading must be made according to the shape of the dishes or other object.

    13. Shade the tablecloth with a pink pencil. Make the shadows of the objects on the table a little darker.

    14. And the last thing: on the wall, make a red-brown shading, and in places where objects cast a shadow, do a dark brown one.

    What a beauty!



