Denim belt. Here are some super things you can make from old jeans

Each of us, I'm sure, has a pair of old shabby jeans in the closet, the appearance of which leaves much to be desired. Do not rush to throw them away, we have prepared a large number of ideas for using old and unusable jeans. A thing that has been on you for more than one month and has its own history, it may get a chance to new life. Such clothes can be interestingly dyed, creatively torn, covered with old furniture, a carpet can be sewn, or numerous small knick-knacks can be made.

We fit the furniture with old denim clothes:

Denim clothes can be used as furniture covers, practical and creative. This cover will last more than one year, depending on the quality of the material used.

DIY denim bags:

Bags made from jeans look original. They can be used for everyday wear.

Rip and cut jeans

Denim Organizers:

You can make interesting and roomy organizers with numerous pockets and fasteners.

We paint old things:

Old jeans can be dyed different ways and different textures, in this case it all depends on your imagination.

We decorate old denim things:

With a few packs of studs at home, pretty lace, other little knick-knacks, and a pair of trousers to decorate, a number of wonderful things come out.

Denim shoes:

Using scraps, you can make a fairly original shoe or upgrade an old one.

Accessories and other little things:

A large number of small things, such as toys, wallets, vases, bracelets, can be made using only old jeans.

Denim rug:

Yes, even a carpet can be made from your seasoned trousers. But one pair of jeans is not enough.

A selection of videos about decorating and reworking old denim:

We present you some interesting workshops, from which you can learn useful points for yourself when working with denim.

Many of us like to stand out among the monotonous gray mass, try to decorate or decorate our things, try to find original and unique clothes that will stand out from the crowd. If you are one of them, you can order any pattern on T-shirts and make a gift for yourself or your relatives and friends.

I think many of you feel sorry for throwing away old jeans and you are thinking what to do with them? Here I am, too, looking at a high pile of old jeans and decided to look for ideas for inspiration. I found a lot of interesting things, so what you can do with your own hands from old jeans.

It turned out that old jeans should never be thrown away - after all, many beautiful and original hand-made products can be made from them! So check out the collection. great ideas! There are many of them and they are extremely interesting.

If you don’t know how to cut jeans, then here are recommendations from designers: take a breadboard knife, put something hard inside the leg under the future cut, for example, a piece of plywood or a thick magazine. Then make one or more cuts of your choice. After that, fringe the edges.

Stylish slits on jeans at home

And I'll start, perhaps, with the most common option - with shorts. This is the first thing that comes to mind when you see old jeans. There is nothing easier than cutting off the legs and getting fresh clothes for the summer. Fringe the cut line, and now it’s already quite a fashionable and stylish model!

Denim shorts with lace insert

If you have more time and have the skill of sewing and knitting, then you can try to create just such a beauty. Interesting idea - denim shorts with lace inserts on the sides.

Do-it-yourself skirts from old jeans

Great idea to do this chic skirt from jeans that are no longer relevant to you.

Do-it-yourself skirt from old jeans

Gorgeous sun skirt with jeans base. Next, watch the video from Tatyana Andreeva, which shows step by step how to sew a similar skirt with your own hands.

Video - how to sew a skirt from old jeans with your own hands

Jeans backpack

We go further, in ideas and creativity, many needlewomen even create backpacks. And what? You can easily open your pants and sew a comfortable and practical backpack. And the same Tatyana Andreeva will tell us about how to make it. By the way, there are a lot of interesting needlework ideas on her channel.

Video - do-it-yourself backpack from old jeans

By the way, I also have a special selection of ideas for denim backpacks! See more on the page

Jeans bags

You can also create something utilitarian, like a bag. Large or not, for all occasions.

Shoulder bag.

Large bag for every day.

You can cut jeans into strips and knit such an original bag out of them.

A beautiful set - a plaid and a bag made of old jeans with your own hands.

Well, for the final, another beautiful bag.

Do-it-yourself vest from old jeans

A very controversial idea is to make a vest from old jeans. In my opinion, it looks a little wretched ... The original looks much nicer denim vest. It’s probably not worth inventing here ... However, there will always be such a craftswoman who will make a masterpiece, I admit it.

More ideas for inspiration

You can make a wonderful case for your smartphone from old jeans with your own hands.

And from the pockets - a temporary bag for charging.

Handbag - ksivnik from old jeans in hippie style.

Creative backpack made from old jeans.

Rug on the floor of denim square motifs.

DIY round rug made from old jeans.

Bracelets made of flogged denim seams - as they say, everything is in business.

And you can also sew a patchwork bedspread from jeans to the country.

Here is another original handbag made from old jeans.

Patchwork quilt made from old fringed jeans.

Spacious and comfortable wallet with compartments for plastic cards.

Apron made from old jeans for household work.

Cushion made of square denim motifs.

DIY kitchen apron from old jeans.

Two handbags made of denim squares with fringes.

Comfortable cat nest made from old jeans.

Rug from denim stripes crochet.

And this is a real quilt made from scraps of old jeans! Big and cozy.

Another option for a do-it-yourself blanket made from old jeans.

Plaid with a bright mosaic. Not everyone can do it, but nevertheless, for inspiration.

Consider applications in detail.

Ottoman - a cube in a jeans cover. Inside you can stuff crumbled foam. Get a comfortable soft seat.

Functional case made of old jeans for pencils and pens.

The real hat is all from the same old jeans!

But in such a case you can pack a gift bottle of champagne.

Video - do-it-yourself slippers from old jeans

In this video you will learn how to make slippers out of old jeans - a full-fledged master class.

Are your favorite jeans too small for you? Did you stop liking the style? Jean jacket out of fashion? Is the skirt outdated? Wait, don't throw them away! So many wonderful things can be made from this jeans, if you only knew! Look how lovely!

1. Denim diary

Lovely denim-covered diary with a pen pocket and charming decorative elements: bows and a rose.

2. Bottle cases

Sewing up the legs of old jeans can make great bottle covers. You can also make an unusual gift bag.

3. Denim basket

By cutting the denim into ribbons, you can weave or knit a storage basket for anything from knitting to fruit.

4. Denim slippers

Super, right? Just cover the insoles with denim and make upper part. You can carve out the details by tearing up old slippers.

5. Denim pouffe

Such an item is perfect for those rooms where there are most people. This ottoman will serve you for an eternity, because denim no demolition.

6 Denim Turtle

This turtle is quite easy to make - just take two pockets, and draw a pattern for the rest of the details yourself. Just a couple of stitches, and you have a great turtle - a toy for children, a pillow for needles or just decorations for a sofa.

7. Denim clutch

From the bottom of the leg, you can make a stylish clutch. Maybe a bigger bag.

8. Denim pattern

Assiduous craftsmen and craftswomen can even create such masterpieces for the interior. This is where jeans come in handy!

9. Denim shopping bag

With such a bag, throwing it over your shoulder, you can run through many stores. And once the bag was a skirt!

10. Denim hiking bag

Are you going to a picnic? Do you want to look stylish and fashionable even in nature? Then make yourself such a handbag from the trouser leg of jeans - comfortable and beautiful!

11. Elephant denim bag

A great bag-toy, in the pocket of which you can put any little thing.

12. Denim pocket bag

This bag can hold small children's toys, art supplies or books.

13. Denim organizer napkins

Well, isn't that adorable? An ordinary pocket turns into a stylish part of the table setting. But jeans are not only blue - imagine what kind of napkins you can make!

14. Denim whales

Charming whales will decorate the interior of the living room, bedroom or nursery.

15. Denim makeup bag

What could be easier than sewing a zipper along the cuts of the leg and putting cosmetics into the resulting bag? Don't forget to sew up the bottom of your makeup bag!

16. Denim bracelet with rhinestones

Denim ribbon, brooch or rhinestones - one, two, and you're done!

17. Denim rug

These rugs are made from old jeans. They cost a lot, but they look very cool!

18. Denim patchwork

Do you like to do needlework using the quilt or patchwork technique? Then you won’t have to think for a long time what to make from the accumulated jeans. Beauty!

19. Denim socks

These charms can be sewn for Christmas gifts.

20. Denim bags for cereals

From pockets, you can make such bags for storing dry products: nuts, seeds, sweets in candy wrappers.

21. Denim potholders

In the kitchen, not only cooked food should look attractive, but also accessories.

There is no better material for children's clothing than denim. It is resistant to any dirt and follies.

So my hands itched as soon as possible to get to the old jeans, which are full in the closet. They lie idle, accumulate - it's a pity to throw it away, but no one will wear it anymore. Here I go slowly useful thing: and I will free the place and bring beauty-coziness. How do you like the ideas?

Good day, dear readers of the blog "site". I think many mothers will be interested in the topic: how to sew jeans for a child from old jeans papa)). In general, the Internet is full of patterns of children's trousers, but jeans are not just trousers, but stylish jeans with all sorts of cool things (buttons, pockets, etc.). I wanted to make my son just like that).

And today I will show you in detail and describe the whole process.

So, the very first and most important thing is the pattern ....

In general, according to the rules for constructing a pattern of any trousers, measurements are required, then the correct construction of the drawing, which takes 3 hours for beginners to sew.

But we will avoid all this, and build a pattern in 10 minutes. It is designed for a child with a height of 94 - 104 cm, of course, it also depends on the fullness, but this pattern is not for a very thin child, so I made the belt wider on jeans, and the child will wear them with an additional belt. Therefore, the pattern is universal.

Pattern building:

  • We begin the construction with a straight line of the side seam of the front and back.
  • Next, we complete the horizontal lines of the knee line, the line of the bottom and the line of the seat.
  • On the horizontal lines, set aside the desired values. The back half of the jeans is made a little wider than the front, so the sizes are different, so it will be more beautiful.
  • Then we draw a step seam
  • And the line of alignment of the back and front halves of the trousers (where 15 cm and 20 cm are marked, note that the trousers on the back will be 5 cm higher than on the front). We draw a codpiece on the front of the trousers 3 cm wide and 7-8 cm long. See the photo below
  • On the back of the trousers we draw a relief in the upper part - horizontal line(on the side of the side seam, set aside 3 cm on top, and on the other side - 4 cm)
  • We mark the rounded line of the side pocket. We will make the burlap of the pocket 13 cm deep (we will draw it directly on the fabric).

We sew jeans for a child from old jeans step by step

We take old jeans:

We cut for convenience along the inner seam:

Cut out the front of the future jeans from the front of the old jeans. I want to note that the old jeans were a little stretched out at the knees, so I cut the pattern of the front of the trousers into 2 parts and then sew them, you get a beautiful relief seam.

The back of the trousers is cut out from the back of the old jeans, remember that we cut out the inserts at the top.

Allowances everywhere took 1 cm.

We also cut out from companion fabrics (and they can be any, I had leftovers old skirt) back pockets of trousers of any shape, and parts for side pockets (in the photo from fabric in a cage - burlap to the body, from red fabric - burlap from the front of the trousers) see photo 1 below

I sew the front of the trousers, stitching the raised seams with a double needle. To be honest, I was too lazy to put a double needle, so I made all the lines with a jeans needle, and then re-sewed with a parallel line at a distance of 4 mm. see photo 2 below

How to make side pockets on jeans?

We sew the upper component to the back of the trousers, we also sew the relief seam with a double line.

Sew on the back halves of the trousers pockets.

Now we sew both halves of the jeans (front and back). I sewed a piping between them.

We process the bottom of the jeans with a double hem and iron it.

Sew the back halves of the jeans along the middle seam.

We also do double stitching.

How to make a codpiece on jeans?

And I will explain briefly. We sweep the line of the codpiece.

We cut out the slope and sew it to the right side of the trousers.

On the left side of the trousers we lay a decorative double stitch, fixing a slope with the main fabric of the top at the base of the codpiece. It’s even better to sew twice in the same decorative stitch so that the seam on the codpiece looks the same as on purchased jeans.

I decided zipper in codpiece do not sew in for the reason that I do not unbutton it on children's trousers, so I will put buttons. I have a special press for this, if you don’t have buttons and a press, you can replace the buttons with buttons.

Here's what the button pad looks like:

How to sew a belt on jeans?

Everything turned out simple for me: the fabric of the old jeans ran out, and I had to come up with something, so I cut the belt from the old skirt.

We measure the length of the upper cut of the trousers, taking into account the codpiece, lay allowances in length and cut out the belt of the desired length and width (width 4 cm + 1 cm allowances).

We apply the belt face to face to the upper cut of the trousers:

We sew on the belt, make an angle from the side of the codpiece and turn it inside out, cut off the allowances inside. I wrote in detail about the design of the belt in this place when I sewed this skirt.

We tuck the allowances of the inner part of the belt, sew into the split seam or along the belt from the front side, securing with this line inner part belts.

We make loops and sew them on. I also put buttons on the side of the pockets for beauty)).

These super jeans came out of "nothing".

See also a video about how else you can sew children's jeans from adults:

Sew with me, and may your wonderful work bring you much joy!