Description of the background of the picture seeing off the militia. Essay based on Yu's painting

Teachers offer students to write an essay based on the painting “Seeing Off the Militia” during Russian language and literature lessons. In this article we will give the tips and recommendations necessary to perform this work at a high-quality level.

A few words about the artist

An essay based on the painting “Seeing Off the Militia” will contain a lot historical facts. But let's move on to the personality of the artist. Yuri Raksha was born on December 2, 1937. And he passed away on the first autumn day of 1980. Raksha was not only a talented painter and graphic artist, but also a film director.

He worked a lot and loved traveling, so he visited the Far Eastern taiga, watched oil workers work at sites, and went on expeditions with geologists. We also saw him at the construction site of the Baikal-Amur Mainline. The artist made sketches and sketches during his travels, and upon returning to Moscow, he thought about the scenes he saw, and then created masterpieces based on them.

Nature has always come first for Raksha. He compared it to a temple or workshop where he was a parishioner. Yuri Raksha painted classical landscapes, as well as urban ones, portraits and works of everyday life and historical genre. He also created posters for films.

But before writing an essay on the painting “Seeing Off the Militia,” you need to know important information about the canvas itself and the history of its creation.

How the triptych was created

You may be surprised and even ask: “What does this have to do with the triptych?” Despite the fact that the canvas “Seeing off the militia” is a fragment of a triptych called “Kulikovo Field”. The fragment we are interested in is right part masterpiece.

Raksha began creating The Field a year before his death. The Russians brought it from Mosfilm folk costumes. The artist began to work with inspiration.

His wife recalls that one evening suddenly there was a sound in the apartment. phone call from the hospital. Irina Raksha immediately went there. During the conversation, the doctor showed her blood tests and told her that Yuri had leukemia. At that time it was already an acute form of leukemia. My wife asked what does this mean? The doctor replied that the artist had no more than a month to live.

Fight against death

Irina made many attempts to extend the life of her beloved husband. And it should be noted that the artist was granted another year. Perhaps forces from above extended Yuri’s life so that he could complete the triptych “Kulikovo Field”. The artist struggled with death; he courageously hid his torment and pain. His wife saw him working until exhaustion, rushing to finish the job.

In August 1980, Yuri Raksha finished “Seeing Off the Militia,” and the Lord completed it life path. On September 1, the artist passed away. Yuri's wife noticed that even the paints did not have time to dry. She believes that the Kulikovo Field kept him on sinful earth. And you and I are starting to write the essay “Seeing Off the Militia” based on the painting by Y. Raksha.

Preparatory stage

Before a student begins writing an essay, it is necessary to create a plan. Without it, written work will have no logic and harmonious composition. The contents of the plan may vary. The most important thing is that the presentation be consistent.

An essay on the painting “Seeing Off the Militia” should contain a description of the plot of the painting, as well as the images present on it. In conclusion, you should describe the conclusions and emotions that the picture evoked when viewing.

The plot of the canvas

The right fragment of the triptych in question combines the features of several genres, namely: classical and urban landscapes, as well as portraits. To continue writing an essay on the painting “Seeing Off the Militia,” you need to analyze the plot.

On one sunny day, women and children see off their husbands, brothers and sons to war. Russian army surrounded by fog. Bloody battles await him. Many warriors will not return from the battlefield. They will give own life for the Motherland, protecting their loved ones. Behind you can see the white stone walls of the Moscow Kremlin, from the gates of which the Russian army is advancing. Let's move on to the description of the central plan.

Essay (Yu. Raksha “Seeing off the militia”): images of mourners

In the center of the picture are women and children. We immediately notice the image of a beautiful and young woman. She holds her hand on her stomach because she is expecting a baby. Her face is sad, but at the same time it is beautiful. On a woman we see Nice dress, her head is decorated with a crown with precious stones. Her rich attire distinguishes her from the rest, because before us is Princess Evdokia, the wife of Prince Donskoy.

To her left is her son. The youth lowered his head, because his heart was filled with heavy forebodings. A girl sitting nearby looks carefully at her fathers leaving. He tries to remember their faces in order to save the images in his memory.

According to various historical documents we know that Prince Dmitry Donskoy and his wife Evdokia dearly loved each other. One can guess what the princess is experiencing at the moment of farewell.

To her right, in a red sundress, clutching her head from powerlessness, a young girl sighs. This pose expresses her immense grief. A girl in a white and gold scarf prays, making the sign of the cross. Behind the crowd stands an old man with a staff. He blesses the army. Next to him is a young mother, she is holding her son to her chest.

The essay “Seeing Off the Militia” based on the painting by Y. Rakshi does not end there. The conclusions and emotions of the viewer are important. Before us are simple and noble people who have rallied in the face of common grief. All of them are Russian people. This picture encourages us to learn to love our Motherland, appreciate and respect the people who lived and live now, and also admire the history and achievements of our people and the state as a whole!

Appreciate and study the history of the country in order to avoid making the mistakes of past years in the future.

Essay based on Raksha's painting "Seeing off the militia"

At all times, the most basic and sacred duty for every person was to protect his land from the enemy. Living as a patriot and dying for the Motherland has always been a great honor. The painting by Y. Rakshi “Seeing off the militia” is dedicated to the theme of protecting Rus' from Tatar-Mongol yoke. We see that the artist depicted on the canvas a militia emerging from the city gates, women and children seeing off their men to war.
On the left side of the picture, like a river, flows from the white city gates people's river: military men of the city, peasants, ordinary townspeople, foot soldiers, horsemen - everyone goes to battle to stand up for the independence of their land.
In the center of the picture and on its right side, the painter depicted children, women: mothers, wives and sisters, who came out to accompany their husbands to military battle. There are both commoners and noble women here. They stand close to each other: shared grief erased the social boundaries between them.
One of the women crosses herself and bows to the army. She, like everyone who came to see them off, understands that many of the soldiers will not return home from this campaign, so she bows to them, as they bow to the great martyrs. Each of the women looks out for her husband, father, son as they walk, follows them with her eyes, and in her eyes there is anxiety, sadness, inexpressible grief. One of the women in a red sundress is depicted bare-haired, sitting on the grass, her head is slightly thrown back, her mouth is slightly open - the woman is crying, wailing. Her whole pose suggests that she no longer expects to see the one she is seeing off alive, so she cries for him as if he were dead.
In the center of the mourners is a beautiful young woman, with wheat-colored hair braided in a braid, with a hoop on her head. She is wearing a yellow dress with blue stripes. She is not a commoner, but a woman of noble birth. With her left hand she hugs the boy, her son, who stands with his head down. A woman sees off her husband, the boy's father. Most likely he leads the militia. The woman tries to be strong, sadness is frozen in her eyes, but she should not show her grief to her son - after all, if her husband dies, she alone will have to raise a future protector native land. Of course, she calls on her son to be proud of his father, the defender of the Fatherland, who goes to battle as a saint.
Viewers of the film are struck by the extraordinary expressiveness color range painting, how amazing is the emotional depth of the experiences conveyed by the artist in this canvas. The images of women symbolize Rus' itself, which, seeing off its sons to mortal combat, mourns.

An essay based on the painting by Y. Raksha “Seeing off the militia.”
Essay plan.
The fate of the artist
Composition of the painting by Y. Raksha "Seeing off the militia"
The role of the Battle of Kulikovo for the Russian people
Yuri Mikhailovich Raksha (1937 - 1980) - an outstanding painter of the 20th century. He lived very short life, but created many talented works that cannot leave anyone indifferent. The artist created about 200 paintings and graphic works. In 1984 it was named after the artist open planet solar system № 3032.
One of most significant works Yuri Raksha’s triptych “Kulikovo Field” was created in 1980. The artist, terminally ill with leukemia, worked on this multifaceted work, which includes three parts: “Blessing for the Battle”, “Seeing Off the Militia”, “Forest”.
We all know about the Battle of Kulikovo, which took place in September 1380. This is the most significant event in Russian history. Russian troops, led by Prince Dmitry Donskoy, fought with the Tatar army led by Mamai. The battle took place in the upper reaches of the Don River, on the Kulikovo Field. The result of the battle was the defeat of the Tatar army.
“Seeing off the militia” is the side part of the triptych, another name is “The Cry of the Wives,” as the painter himself said. Women are in the center of the composition of different ages. There is genuine sadness on their faces. They accompany their husbands, brothers, sons to a bloody battle. A beautiful young woman hugs a child. From her appearance it is clear how great the suffering is for those who go to the battlefield. This young sad beauty is Evdokia herself, the wife of Grand Duke Dmitry. She is holding her stomach - a young woman about to give birth, with small children nearby who, despite their age, sense the mood of adults. The artist himself wrote in his diary entries that he fully felt everything that the Battle of Kulikovo was for the Russian people. Gradually, all parts of this grandiose picture were born in his imagination.
Among the mourners is a nun in a black robe. The sobbing woman crouched down, holding her head. Everyone anticipates a tragic ending. A lot of brave warriors will fall in battle. Very little time will pass, and the crying of the voivode’s wives will be heard far around. In the crowd of mourners are children. There is sadness on their faces. Even very young ones feel the grief of their mothers and timidly become silent. It is no coincidence that women cuddle their babies close to them. Mothers understand that if men die, there will be no one closer and dearer than their children.
In the story “Zadonshchina,” dedicated to the Battle of Kulikovo, we read: “The birds sang pitiful songs - all the princesses and boyars and all the voivode’s wives began to lament for the dead. Mikula Vasilyevich’s wife Marya cried early in the morning on the visors of the Moscow walls, wailing: “Oh Don, Don, fast river, you have dug through stone mountains and are flowing into the Polovtsian land. Bring my master Mikula Vasilyevich to me on your waves!” And Timofey Voluevich’s wife Fedosya also cried, wailing: “My joy has already sank into glorious city Moscow, and I will no longer see my sovereign Timofey Voluevich alive! great sadness: our daredevils from greyhound horses were defeated at a narrowed place on the Kulikovo field, on the Nepryadva river! It happened as the crying wives foresaw. The terrible battle claimed the lives of loved ones. The painter knows the outcome of the battle. He mourns along with those depicted on the canvas. In the story "Zadonshchina" Grand Duke Dmitry Ivanovich asks: “Count, brothers, how many governors do we not have and how many young people are missing?” And the Moscow boyar, Mikhail Alexandrovich, answers him: “Mr. great Dmitry Ivanovich! No, sir, we have forty Moscow boyars, twelve Belozersk princes, thirty Novgorod mayors, twenty Kolomna boyars, forty Serpukhov boyars, thirty Lithuanian lords, twenty Pereyaslav boyars, twenty-five Kostroma boyars, thirty-five Vladimir boyars, fifty Suzdal boyars, forty boyars Murom, seventy Razyan boyars, thirty-four Rostov boyars, twenty-three Dmitrov boyars, sixty Mozhaisk boyars, thirty Zvenigorod boyars, fifteen Uglich boyars. And two hundred and fifty-three thousand were flogged by the godless Mamai.”
The Battle of Kulikovo is an event of the distant past, because it took place in the 14th century. One cannot help but be interested in the question: why did Yuri Raksha turn to this particular topic in his work? Perhaps he felt some mysterious mystical connection with events of the distant past. And I wanted the Battle of Kulikovo to become something conscious and visible for those around me. The artist himself left in his notes a mention of his own perception of the Battle of Kulikovo. He wrote: “The battle on the Kulikovo field, which became the birthday of great Muscovite Rus', has an enduring significance for centuries. This is our beginning, our origins, our pride. And in difficult times for the Motherland, in times of trial, the proud glory of the field will always shine over it Kulikov".
We see that the militia’s farewell took place on a clear sunny day. However, the soft blue sky and bright sun do not please anyone, but only emphasize the ephemeral nature of the present. After all, something irreparable could happen to those closest and dearest - those who go to battle. beauty sunny day contradicts the mood crying women. The drama of the situation is obvious.
The undoubted merit of the painter is that his great work allowed the audience to be transported several centuries ago, to 1380, and experience everything that was connected with the Battle of Kulikovo. The picture seems alive. The longer you look at it, the more believable all the details are perceived. Here you can see the fortress walls in the distance - they are illuminated bright sun. Many people understand that last time they manage to see hometown and relatives.
The painting is of great importance; its concept can rightfully be called great. It is a historical excursion into the distant 14th century, about which our contemporaries sometimes know so little.

Yuri Rakshi is a twentieth-century painter who created about two hundred paintings. Most of them are dedicated to the topic. One of these paintings is Rakshi’s painting “Seeing Off the Militia.” This work also has a second title, “Women’s Crying,” and for good reason, because when you look at the picture, the first thing that strikes you is a bunch of grief-stricken women, among whom the old man is lost.

He, perhaps, is glad to be among the warriors, but his age does not allow him to go to war, because he will only be a burden. All he can do is shout parting words after him. All the women came out to see off their brothers, fathers, and loved ones. Moreover, as they see off, they understand that this is the last time they see many of them, because the war is merciless and takes lives indiscriminately. For this reason, women cannot hold back their tears, they cannot hide their sadness and pain.

Farewell to the militia description of the painting

Among the grief-stricken women, we see a pregnant woman hugging her firstborn. She is dressed in beautiful clothes and it is clear that she is from a wealthy class. Next to her, a second woman fell to the ground; she, unlike the others, was without a scarf. Apparently, it flew off her head when she ran out to see the men off. Next to this woman is a girl picking flowers. She probably wants to give them to her father as a talisman. A little further away stand older women, they are no longer crying, they have cried their tears, because, most likely, this is not the first time they are seeing off their men to war. These women only silently bless the warriors on their way and pray that they all return back. All of them: rich and poor, commoners and noble women, were united by grief in the form of war.

Considering Rakshi’s work “Seeing Off the Militia” and describing the picture, one cannot help but say about the courageous warriors who are sent to certain death for the good of their Motherland, for the good of their relatives and friends, so that they live on a land free from enemies. They, like the river that the author depicted in the distance outside the city, come out of the gate, only this is a people's river, consisting of peasants, nobility, ordinary townspeople: foot and horsemen.

The artist in his canvas conveyed to us the full depth of the experiences of that period when men had to go to the Kulikovo field to protect the land from the Mongol-Tatars. The author allowed us to mentally return to the past, to a time when it was not easy for our ancestors, because they had to sacrifice themselves so that we could live in an independent country.

1. The fate of the artist.

2. Composition of the painting by Y. Raksha “Seeing off the militia”.

3. The role of the Battle of Kulikovo for the Russian people.

Russia, Rus! Protect yourself, protect yourself!...

N. M. Rubtsov

Yuri Mikhailovich Raksha (1937-1980) - an outstanding painter of the 20th century. He lived a very short life, but created many talented works that cannot leave anyone indifferent. The artist created about 200 paintings and graphic works. In 1984, the discovered planet of the solar system No. 3032 was named in honor of the artist.

One of the most significant works of Yuri Raksha was the triptych “Kulikovo Field”, created in 1980. The artist, terminally ill with leukemia, worked on this multifaceted work, which includes three parts: “Blessing for the battle”, “Seeing off the militia”, “Forest”.

We all know about the Battle of Kulikovo, which took place in September 1380. This is the most significant event in Russian history. Russian troops, led by Prince Dmitry Donskoy, fought with the Tatar army led by Mamai. The battle took place in the upper reaches of the Don River, on the Kulikovo Field. The result of the battle was the defeat of the Tatar army.

“Seeing off the militia” is the side part of the triptych, another name is “The Lament of the Wives,” as the painter himself said. In the center of the composition are women of different ages. There is genuine sadness on their faces. They accompany their husbands, brothers, sons to a bloody battle. A beautiful young woman hugs a child. From her appearance it is clear how great the suffering is for those who go to the battlefield. This young sad beauty is Evdokia herself, the wife of Grand Duke Dmitry. She is holding her stomach - a young woman about to give birth, next to her are small children who, despite their age, feel the mood of adults. The artist himself wrote in his diary entries that he fully felt everything that the Battle of Kulikovo was for the Russian people. Gradually, all parts of this grandiose picture were born in his imagination.

Among the mourners is a nun in a black robe. The sobbing woman crouched down, holding her head. Everyone anticipates a tragic ending. Many brave warriors will fall in battle. Very little time will pass, and the crying of the voivode’s wives will be heard far around. In the crowd of mourners are children. There is sadness on their faces. Even very young ones feel the grief of their mothers and timidly become silent. It is no coincidence that women cuddle their babies close to them. Mothers understand that if men die, there will be no one closer and dearer than their children.

In the story “Zadonshchina”, dedicated to the Battle of Kulikovo, we read: “The birds sang pitiful songs - all the princesses and boyars and all the voivode’s wives began to lament for the dead. Mikula Vasilyevich’s wife Marya cried early in the morning on the visors of the Moscow walls, wailing: “Oh Don, Don, fast river, you dug through stone mountains and flows into the Polovtsian land. Bring my master Mikula Vasilyevich to me on your waves!” And Timofey Voluevich’s wife Fedosya also cried, wailing: “My joy has already faded in the glorious city of Moscow, and I will no longer see my sovereign Timofey Voluevich alive!” And Andreev’s wife Marya and Mikhailov’s wife Aksinya lamented at dawn: “For both of us the sun has already darkened in the glorious city of Moscow, sad news rushed to us from the fast Don, bringing great sadness: our daredevils from greyhound horses were defeated at a narrowed place on the Kulikovo field , on the Nepryadva River!” It happened as the crying wives foresaw. The terrible battle claimed the lives of loved ones. The painter knows the outcome of the battle. He mourns along with those depicted on the canvas. In the story “Zadonshchina,” Grand Duke Dmitry Ivanovich asks: “Count, brothers, how many governors do we lack and how many young people are missing?” And the Moscow boyar, Mikhail Alexandrovich, answers him: “Mr. Grand Duke Dmitry Ivanovich! No, sir, we have forty Moscow boyars, twelve Belozersk princes, thirty Novgorod mayors, twenty Kolomna boyars, forty Serpukhov boyars, thirty Lithuanian lords, twenty Pereyaslav boyars, twenty-five Kostroma boyars, thirty-five Vladimir boyars, fifty Suzdal boyars, forty boyars Murom, seventy Razyan boyars, thirty-four Rostov boyars, twenty-three Dmitrov boyars, sixty Mozhaisk boyars, thirty Zvenigorod boyars, fifteen Uglich boyars. And two hundred and fifty-three thousand were flogged by the godless Mamai.”

The Battle of Kulikovo is an event of the distant past, because it took place in the 14th century. One cannot help but be interested in the question: why did Yuri Raksha turn to this particular topic in his work? Perhaps he felt some kind of mysterious mystical connection with the events of the distant past. And I wanted the Battle of Kulikovo to become something conscious and visible for those around me. The artist himself left in his notes a mention of his own perception of the Battle of Kulikovo. He wrote: “The battle on the Kulikovo field, which became the birthday of great Muscovite Rus', has lasting significance for centuries. This is our beginning, our origins, our pride. And in difficult times for the Motherland, in times of trial, the Proud glory of the Kulikov field will always shine over it.”

We see that the militia’s farewell took place on a clear sunny day. However, the soft blue sky and bright sun do not please anyone, but only emphasize the ephemeral nature of the present. After all, something irreparable could happen to those closest and dearest - those who go to battle. The beauty of a sunny day contradicts the mood of the crying women. The drama of the situation is obvious.

The undoubted merit of the painter is that his great work allowed the audience to be transported several centuries ago, to 1380, and experience everything that was connected with the Battle of Kulikovo. The picture seems alive. The longer you look at it, the more believable all the details are perceived. Here in the distance you can see the fortress walls - they are illuminated by the bright sun. Many people realize that this is the last time they will be able to see their hometown and their loved ones.

The painting is of great importance; its concept can rightfully be called great. It is a historical excursion into the distant 14th century, about which our contemporaries sometimes know so little.

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Essay based on the painting by Y. Raksha “Seeing off the militia”

Artist Yuri Raksha was born and lived in Ufa, graduated from the art department of VGIK, and worked as an artist in many films. He was very famous, but during his lifetime he did not hold a single exhibition; all of them took place only after his death. One of his most famous paintings is the triptych “Kulikovo Field”. An essay based on the painting “Seeing Off the Militia,” which is the central part of the triptych, is assigned to be written in the eighth grade, when schoolchildren can already understand the significance and importance of the plot.

Yuri Raksha was very talented, he knew how to write in different genres, combine them, and in this case the result of his work was excellent paintings. The theme of war was mixed with history. It was this combination that occupied a special place in the work of Yuri Raksha.

General plan of the picture

War is a difficult time for a people when innocent people die. In the triptych, the artist shows the pain and tragedy of the people who say goodbye to their relatives, seeing them off to war. People unite to protect the borders of their homeland from enemies who want to deal with the Russian people and conquer Rus'. But we see that the warriors are determined, which means this will not happen. Before writing an essay on the painting “Seeing Off the Militia,” consider what is shown in different plans. At the front there are people seeing off their relatives. They are upset, because their loved ones are going to fight, but in their eyes there is hope and faith that their enemies will be defeated. The artist did an excellent job of showing the facial expressions of the characters in the picture and their condition. And so the general mood, the characters of the people, and the strength of spirit of the Russian people immediately become clear. It is noteworthy that the picture is not gloomy, but filled with light. The artist uses bright colors, the details are well drawn. Environment we see through the eyes of the characters in the picture and understand that this brightness is due to their psychological state.

Description of the artwork "Seeing off the militia"

In the foreground is a woman expecting a child, children who do not understand what is happening, old people who have been in such situations more than once and have lost their loved ones. Yuri Raksha conveys the atmosphere of that time. We can look at the clothes, life of the characters, jewelry and other little things. Those people were united by common grief. Together they will wait, pray for their warriors, hope for victory. Of course, it will not be easy to defeat the enemy hordes, people will perish, and then the grief will become common, all the living will mourn for the dead. All this is written on the faces of the people in the picture.

I would like to pay special attention to a pregnant woman dressed expensively. Judging by her appearance, you immediately understand that this is a princess. In fact, she is the wife of Dmitry Donskoy. In the picture, a woman hugs her son with her left hand, and her right hand lies on her stomach, as if stroking her not yet born child. In her eyes there is hope that her beloved husband, the father of her children, will return from a difficult battle. But he is the leader of this militia. The boy she hugged stands with his head down. He probably understands that his father may not return from the battle. And then the boy will remain with the eldest and will protect the mother and the youngest child. Both noble people and ordinary peasants stand shoulder to shoulder.

Shoulder to shoulder

A young peasant woman is sitting right on the ground. There is grief and despair on her face. She is afraid of losing her husband, because he is the sole breadwinner and head of the family. Near her is a girl with a bouquet. There is a thoughtful look on her face, because she does not yet understand the horrors of war. Next to Donskoy’s wife stands another woman, no longer young. There are no tears on her face, only anxiety. Perhaps she has accompanied her loved ones into battle more than once. The girl standing nearby looks into the distance with sorrow.

Second plan

When preparing to write an essay on the painting “Seeing Off the Militia,” pay attention to the army. In the background, the men are not depicted so clearly, as if in a haze. A huge army is coming from the Kremlin gates. The faces of the warriors are almost indistinguishable; they have already become one. Grief and suffering united people. Women with children and old people remained, but men may not return. But nothing can be done, because they are protecting their loved ones and homeland from enemies.

The favorite theme of the artist Yuri Raksha was history. The paintings “Seeing off the militia”, “Blessing for the battle” and “Forthcoming” form a triptych. They are considered the best of his works.

This is one example of an essay based on the painting “Seeing Off the Militia.”