What not to do when a person is on the road. Folk signs for the road

In Rus', at all times, a person setting off on a long journey was faced with considerable dangers and various surprises.

Therefore, in order to protect himself as much as possible, he paid attention to signs, many of which had magical significance. As practice shows, even in the current “enlightened age” these signs have not lost their meaning.

In order for the journey to be successful, before a long journey you need to sit down and be silent. And standing up, say: “With God.” In the old days, this was done so that the departing person and those accompanying them could all together mentally ask God for good luck on the upcoming journey. Nowadays, this custom helps to concentrate and once again check whether a person has forgotten anything important.

Before a long journey, when you are ready to leave the house, you need to hold on to the corner of the table. Previously, the dining table was considered a symbol of the home. Therefore, when setting off on a journey, a person kissed the edge of the table, asking the house for blessings for good luck on the road and a safe return. Later, this ritual began to be limited only to touching the table.

If you are going on a long trip and it suddenly rains, this promises good luck. In pagan times, rain was perceived as heavenly milk, feeding the earth and everything growing on it. Later it was believed that rain is divine water that washes away all sins, illnesses and sorrows. This is where the belief was born: if it started to rain at the time of departure, it means that God favors the wanderer.

To prevent an accident on the road, the mourners need to splash water after the departing person.

When you are going about business and someone asks you: “Where are you going?”, you need to answer: “For the Kudykin Mountains.” This is not rude at all. In the old days, people believed that if another person knew your plans, he could put the evil eye on you and prevent them from being implemented. To prevent this from happening, you need to return the “unlucky” word “where” to the questioner, keeping the upcoming path a secret.

Before a long journey, you should not wash your hair. Otherwise you will cause trouble. Once upon a time, people believed that hair contained vitality, which a person really needed on a long journey. And after washing your hair, part of the hair remains in the water, part of it remains on the comb, and with it its vitality. However, this belief also has a purely everyday explanation: if the hair does not have time to dry, it is easy to catch a cold on the road. But psychics claim that hair is an antenna that helps a person receive important information from the outside world. Wet hair loses this ability until it dries.

If you want to quickly see the person leaving, then when leaving home from the station, be sure to turn around after him.

If you really want to return to a certain place, you need to throw a coin into the nearest body of water. It was believed that water was of heavenly origin, having been sent down to earth by God. A coin thrown at her meant a request to the almighty deity not to interfere with the person’s return. Nowadays, this custom is followed by many of those vacationing by the sea and visiting foreign cities, where tourists leave hundreds of kilograms of coins in fountains.

If you forgot something and because of this you returned halfway, before you leave the house again, look at yourself in the mirror and stick out your tongue. This magical sign, widespread these days, comes from the fact that evil spirits made a person forget the necessary thing. To scare her, you need to look in the mirror, because at that moment she will look over her left shoulder.

Meeting a man first in the morning means good luck, and a woman means bad luck. It was believed that a woman, especially an old one, can put the evil eye on you much more often than a man who is busy with his own affairs and does not pay attention to others.

For a safe journey, you need to take wormwood with you. Previously, people believed that wormwood protected against the evil eye, and its pungent smell had a cleansing effect, as it repelled evil spirits. Other plants with a pungent odor are also used for the same purpose: dill, oregano, violet, mint, caraway seeds, thyme. And all of them, as experience shows, really have the ability to repel evil spirits.

If you step through the threshold with your left foot, there will be no path. This belief is based on the fact that behind a person’s left shoulder there is a tempting devil who will follow him if he steps over the threshold with his left foot. Behind the right shoulder is a guardian angel. He will not allow the unclean one to slip out after the person if he steps with his right foot. The ancient roots of this belief are connected with the fact that when a person prayed to the rising sun in the morning, to his left was the cold north, that is, evil forces, and to his right was the warm south, the forces of good.

On the day of departure of one of your loved ones, do not sweep or wash the floor, so as not to block his way home.

Finding a nail or anything sharp on the road is a sign of disaster. When a person wants to protect himself from the evil eye, he throws a charmed nail, knife or something sharp where the supposed enemy walks, warding off the damage. When such an object is found by an unsuspecting traveler, he can become an accidental victim. Therefore, it is better not to pick up anything along the way.

Be careful if someone is following your steps. To avoid trouble, 60 you need to stop and let this person go ahead. Since ancient times it was believed that the trace and shadow of a person have magical powers. From the trail left behind, you can not only find out the hidden secrets of the past, but also, following the trail of a person, bring damage to him. In addition, when someone's footprints are deliberately trampled, that person's life force is deprived. And, by the way, the most common conspiracy is the conspiracy to trace.

Signs and signs on the road.

If we correctly interpret the signs that fate sends us literally on our doorstep, then we can avoid many problems.

You can’t sew anything up before leaving the house - you won’t have any luck. You also need to sit down so as not to encounter obstacles along the way.

If, upon leaving the house, you immediately run into an elderly woman or meet a church minister coming towards you, you will not see success in your intended business.

If along the way you meet an acquaintance and asks where you are going, then it is better not to answer him anything, or say: “On business.”

To see an earthworm crawling across the road means that you will see or hear something unusual and interesting that day.

You cannot step over a stick or any other object lying on the road, otherwise the road will be full of obstacles.

If you step over a burnt log, you may get gynecological diseases. If you step over the hat, then you or the owner of the hat will have a headache. And if through a fishing rod, then it will no longer catch fish.

Finding a nail on the road is a sign of trouble, a button is a sign of trouble, a coin is a sign of happiness. Picking up a handkerchief means tears.

Losing a glove on the road is bad luck.

If you forget something while visiting and return for this thing, you will soon meet the hosts again.

The practice of “sitting on the path” has not lost its relevance and importance, so as not to encounter obstacles along the way. They sit down literally for a minute or two, sit silently, and then get up and be sure to say: "With God blessing!"

Just before leaving the house, you need to hold on to the edge of the table. The table symbolizes home, and thus the connection with it is maintained. Sometimes they also kissed the edge of the table and asked their home for blessings along the way.

To ensure a successful trip, they used to take dry wormwood on the road, which was believed to protect against evil spirits. Modern magicians add that other plants can be used as the same amulet: dill, oregano, violet, thyme, caraway seeds, mint.

Before a long journey, it is not recommended to wash your hair to avoid disaster. The hair has concentrated a lot of power, which is very necessary when traveling, and this power is washed away with soapy water, and individual hairs remain in the bath or on the comb, and with them a share of vitality. It is better to wash your hair a couple of days before departure.

When setting out on a trip, you should not step over the threshold with your left foot, so as not to be under the influence of evil forces. Returning halfway is also very bad. If you still need to do this, be sure to look at yourself in the mirror and stick your tongue out at your own reflection - thereby you will scare away the evil spirits that forced you to return.

On the day of departure, none of the traveler's relatives should wash the floor or sweep - there is a great danger of sweeping the road for the departing person and making it extremely dangerous.

And on the day of departure, you don’t need to sew anything up - there will be no luck. By the way, this sign belongs to the category of often coming true.

Don't let your keys fall before leaving the house. This will lead to failure. If suddenly, just before you leave, someone from your family brings something you forgot, there will also be no luck on the road.

On the road, try to walk around all the lying sticks and other objects and under no circumstances step over them - otherwise there is a risk of encountering various obstacles. And it’s better not to pick up anything along the way, especially coins or sharp objects.

If on the way you meet an acquaintance who asks where you are going, the most correct answer is: “To Kudykina Mountain.” Previously, such an answer was not considered rude, but was a special magical excuse. The fact is that, having learned your plans, a person can put the evil eye on you, even unwittingly. Nowadays you can replace " Kudykiny mountains» more appropriate and neutral wording - "on business."

Advice to those seeing off - if you want the person to return faster, then when leaving home from the station, be sure to turn around and look after the person leaving.

Signs on the road

There are a lot of road signs that can be useful to travelers - they will make them careful and attentive along the way. Such signs are signs that fate sends, warning of danger and problems along the way.

  • For example, seeing an earthworm crawling across the street while traveling is a good sign. It promises success in the proposed business and good news.
  • But if the first person you see when leaving the house is an elderly woman or a priest, you won’t have any luck on the road. In this case, you need to put a fig in your pocket to neutralize the trouble.
  • If you notice a coin on the road, it’s lucky, but if it’s a nail or a button, it’s a sign of trouble and even disaster. It is also considered unlucky to lose a glove on the road.
  • If you meet a person on the way with a full bucket, bag or package, the road will be fruitful and successful, but if with something empty, then the road will turn out to be empty and useless.
  • Meeting someone immediately on the threshold or porch is a bad omen and predicts an unsuccessful path.
  • If it suddenly rains, rejoice. This sign promises that your trip will be successful.

Spells for a safe and successful journey

We also bring to your attention several special road spells aimed at making the road safe and successful. As a rule, these conspiracies are read before leaving the house.

  1. Before leaving, you need to throw a few coins to the side and say: “All traces, all misfortunes, everything is left behind, but for me, the servant of God (name), a happy road.”
  2. This plot is read three times before leaving: “I will stand, blessing myself, go, crossing myself, and meet two angels. The Lord is on the way, Nicholas the Wonderworker, light the way. Amen".
  3. Or you can turn to your guardian angel: “My angel, come with me, go forward, show God’s servant (name) the way and remove all enemies from the road.”

If you see that there are some obstacles and obstacles along the way, sudden delays, then you should stop and think carefully about whether you need to go to the intended place, whether you forgot to take anything with you, whether you thought through the path well. It is quite possible that all the annoying misunderstandings along the way are warning signs of fate.

Road signs are designed to make travel easier, because the road has long been considered a dangerous place. Find out what not to do when going on a long journey and how to behave when leaving home.

What not to do before going out

Don't wash the floor before you leave, otherwise you won't come back. In modern beliefs, you should not wash your hair so as not to become inattentive and forgetful. They contain the vitality needed outside the home.

But in Rus' they always went to the bathhouse on the path, as before any important matter. You can follow and relax. A compromise solution is to wash your hair a couple of days before departure.

Don't sew up your clothes. Signs for the journey promise failure. Put the wardrobe item aside until you arrive and wear something else. On the day of departure you cannot lend money or borrow things - personal items can be damage.

Do not cross the threshold with your left foot - evil spirits will pay attention. Don't put on your left shoe first. You must not step over objects lying at the intersection; avoid them. Diseases and damage are attributed to such things.

Returning is a bad omen

If you forgot something, you don’t need to come back. Of course, the sign is irrelevant if money, documents or other things that are difficult to do without are forgotten.

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Those who return from halfway there are believed to be advised to think about whether it is really necessary to leave right now. You can go out later or the next day - you will avoid many failures. There is also an optimistic meaning of superstition - by returning, you have avoided the trouble that would have occurred if you had stayed where you were supposed to be.

The reason for the negative meaning is the mystical meaning of the threshold as the boundary between the subtle world and familiar reality. Spirits may be offended by inattention and confuse thoughts. Deceived by them Guardian angel may stay at home and not go on a journey with the ward.

Don't forget to sit on the path for a couple of minutes and be silent, the path will be easy. At this time, forgotten things are often remembered. When leaving the house, he blesses the path; if he had to return, the omen will not work. This is also done before going on a visit - so that he is well received. In some regions they sit on the path on the threshold so that the brownie understands that the family is leaving.

What to do before the road - believe in good luck

Hold onto the corner of the table for good luck. The dining table at which the family gathers symbolizes the connection with home. In the old days they kissed him in order to quickly complete business in a foreign land and return to their native land.

Beware of the evil eye and envy. In the old days, when asked by friends about their destination, they answered that they were going to Kudykiny mountains. In modern realities, you can answer: “on business.”

To protect against evil and fatigue, fresh and dry wormwood has long been taken on the road. It can be stored in shoes, a talisman bag, a wallet, or a suitcase. Are you having trouble finding your way around unfamiliar places? Put your clothes on inside out so you don't go astray.

Good and bad travel superstitions

Rain on the road is a good omen, especially if it started before leaving home. Water washes away negativity. Earthworms are not very pleasant to look at, but having them on the street brings good luck along the way.

If you forgot something and discovered it already on the way, the return journey will be safe. If someone brought it before the train departed or gave it away on the doorstep, the omen takes on a negative meaning. The glove is lost - luck is gone.

Tripped on your right foot? The journey will be smooth. Probably an interesting acquaintance. On the left - someone is discussing, and not in the best way. Injuring your leg with a sharp object means bad luck.

Someone follows in your footsteps or steps on your shadow - let him get around you. The trace and shadow are endowed with sacred meaning. Through them you can find out and instill thoughts, cast a spell or spell. Sorcerers know how to deprive life force by feeding on the energy of an unsuspecting person.

The keys fell - bad luck. When leaving someone else's house, if you get caught on a sleeve or other piece of clothing, you will soon find yourself there again. If you choke while visiting, you will see each other again in a year.

Meetings along the way

Signs about dishes also work in a train compartment. If a fork or spoon falls, wait for a fellow traveler to appear. Knife - a man will come. To avoid unwanted companions, silently tap your cutlery on the table. If even one word is heard in the compartment, it will not work.

Any chance meeting on the way to the station or airport is unfortunate. Especially if it happened at the exit from the house or bridge. Wrap around yourself three times clockwise to ward off bad luck.

Major problems await if the first person you meet at the threshold is a priest. Meeting a man means good luck, meeting a woman means trouble. But a pregnant lady will bring only good events, just like a Jew in national clothes. To see a hunchback on the road is very lucky. Any person with an empty bucket means empty troubles. With full bags or buckets - brings good luck to those who meet him. A funeral procession means great luck, just don’t cross its path. A wedding means losses.

Or a dog is a bad sign if he crosses the road or sits in the middle of it. It’s especially bad if the animal doesn’t allow you to pass. If a cat or dog of a different color behaves in a similar way, it does not mean anything.

Choosing a time to travel

Monday and Friday- unlucky days for a long journey. The point here is not only the intensity of car traffic; a few centuries ago they believed in this belief. Friday is women's day, housewives rested at this time. Hitting the road means adding more worries to their day off. Best time - midweek or weekend.

A man shouldn't go on the road at the new moon or at the very beginning of the waxing phase of the moon. To a woman - on the full moon. The night luminary controls not only the ebb and flow of tides. Its influence on the human psyche has long been proven.

Car superstitions advise avoiding numbers 13 and 6. Both numbers have religious overtones. At the secret dinner before the arrest of Jesus, there were 13 people at the table - the table sign prohibiting such a number of guests comes from here. The number 6 is considered the number of the Devil, bringing troubles.

Before setting off, we tried to get up early. Best time to travel - early morning. This is a rational sign: the one who gets up earlier will have time to do more things. It's a bad idea to go at midnight. The midnight road is full of difficulties and obstacles.

Signs for mourners

When someone is going on a trip, the floor should not be washed until the person reaches their destination. Otherwise there will be a way "washed out", unsuccessful. They block the road only for unwanted guests so that they are less likely to disturb you. There is no need to sweep either; litter symbolizes the dangers that litter the path.

After guests leave, you need to brush off the tablecloth after them. Then the path will “spread like a tablecloth.” This is where the well-known wish comes from: “good riddance.” Splash clean water afterward to wash away the negativity.

Do not cross the path of someone leaving, go around him from behind so as not to scare away his luck. If you want to see someone who is about to leave soon, often look back at the train or plane on which he left. Then your loved one will think about you and try to find a reason to return early.

Feng Shui for Travelers

The teachings of Feng Shui suggest attracting positive energy. His followers believe that the method depends on the direction of the world towards which the path lies. The Chinese perform mini-rituals before traveling and feel comfortable anywhere in the world.

The direction to the east or southeast corresponds to element of wood. Take an armful of dry branches or stems and tie it with a red ribbon - this color attracts good luck and positive energy. Wave the bouquet three times in the direction of travel.

Going south, you need to appease element of fire. Before observing the old Russian tradition of sitting on the path, light a candle. Watch the flame. Calm - and the path will be the same.

Heading northeast or southwest? Corresponds to these directions earth element. When leaving the house, sprinkle three handfuls of sand, earth or small stones under your feet for good luck.

When traveling to the west or north-west, remember - it is ruled by metal energy. Ring the bell seven times before leaving. The sound will scare away evil spirits and cleanse you of existing negativity.

Appease before traveling north water element to help her on her journey. Throw a glass of water in this direction, this will clear the path of negative energy and drive away evil spirits.

Travel superstitions will help you avoid troubles and fill your trip with only pleasant impressions. The road has long been considered a dangerous place, and they tried to appease higher powers so that the path would be easy.

Road signs and superstitions.

According to road signs and just before a long journey, according to tradition, you need to follow the folk sign - you need to sit down on the road and be silent. This sign predisposes you to a successful path.

It is quite logical, because it is at these moments that a person once again intensively scrolls through his head: did he take everything with him? Have you forgotten important documents, any things, or even as trivial as it sounds, the same ticket or keys?

Does he leave his home and appliances in order, including water, gas, electricity? And silence when performing this sign on the road allows you to concentrate correctly.

If you came back halfway for some reason, before going out again, look at yourself in the mirror and stick your tongue out at yourself. You can look under the rug, the rug also helps.

Mystically, the sign for the road is based on the fact that the returnee must certainly deceive or frighten the evil spirits (and it nests just under the rug or looks over the left shoulder into the mirror). At the same time, make it clear that they are not afraid of her.

Some, realizing the effect of the sign, try to change something - symbolically change something in their clothes or appearance: put on a different tie, comb their hair again. In this way they are trying to get an image that seems to be a different person.

From an everyday point of view, the fact of returning is considered unsuccessful for the clear reason that time is lost and, to catch up with it, you will have to rush, be late, be nervous - which in most cases leads to failure.

Sign of going on a long journey in the rain, - which fell quite unexpectedly, - to a successful path.

It was believed that rain is heavenly water that washes away all illnesses and sorrows. Since ancient times, the perception of rain as heavenly milk feeding the Earth and everything born on it has also been preserved.

In ancient times, the Earth was identified with the feminine principle, while Heaven, on the contrary, was identified with the masculine, fertilizing principle. All this taken together remains in the signs and superstitions of different peoples.

If, when getting ready to go on a trip, someone crosses the road or goes towards you with empty buckets - according to the sign, this means an empty day, and the same empty troubles

This is a superstition, like many other signs associated with the concept of “meeting” (“Take the first person you meet as your godfather,” etc.), which is based on the fact that a meeting is given to a person from above and determines his fate. It follows from this that every meeting is a sign of fate, which is practically unavoidable.

Meet a man first in the morning- according to belief to good luck, while a woman is interpreted as bad luck.

One of the reasons lies in what was previously believed: a woman (especially an older woman) can cast the evil eye much more often and more powerfully than a man. Another reason lies in the talkativeness of women, who will then talk about who they met, what he looked like, which direction he was heading, etc.

And this, in turn, will certainly have a negative impact on what was planned, or at least it will reveal a hidden secret. If someone comes towards you with a full bucket, according to the tradition of all beliefs, this is a good omen - give way to him.

The mystical meaning of this sign lies in the fact that it is not recommended to cross the path of your own luck, which is thus communicated from above. This means that if you violate it, your own actions will become the cause of failure. In this case, it does not matter at all what was in the bucket - the main thing is that it is not empty, but full.

It seems impossible to deny the elementary politeness contained in that belief: after all, it is difficult to walk with a full bucket, and therefore it is advisable to give way to the person who is heavily carrying it. He will thank you for this - this is a good start to the day.

Signs for the road.

If you want to return to the area you like, throw a coin into the nearest body of water.
-Water in Slavic legends is characterized by mystical symbolism, primarily cleansing and life-giving (“dead water” - purification, “living water” - creation anew, revival). Water is the border between this and this light, all of it ultimately comes from heaven.

Throwing a coin into the water means to appease it, to pacify it, to show your respect so that it does not interfere with its return. And at the same time, it’s as if you were leaving a part of yourself in this place (let’s remember the belief about something forgotten in someone else’s house: you will definitely return there).

Before a long journey, don’t wash your hair- you will cause trouble.

Of course, the attitude towards hair is clearly expressed here, because, according to the beliefs of the ancients, life force lies in it. The hair motif is reflected in all the most important events in a person’s life: a lock of a baby’s hair is rolled up in wax; A child should not have his hair cut until he is one year old; on certain days, a pregnant woman is not only not allowed to cut her hair, but also to wash it, etc.

It was believed that thrown hair could cause damage and deprive one’s health, so people were warned against throwing hair away anywhere.

After washing your hair, some of the hair remains in the water, some remains on the comb, which is not welcome before the road: all the hair should be with you. The everyday explanation of the belief is simple: if your hair does not have time to dry before leaving the house, you can catch a cold.

Before a long journey, you need to hold on to the corner of the table- this is good luck.
-Only an echo of a Slavic belief has reached us, which said: when setting off on a journey, one must kiss the table. This attitude is associated with veneration, which has existed for centuries and is reflected in folklore (“As much as there is at the table, so much in the Kingdom of Heaven,” etc.).

The table was considered such an important symbol of the house that in the old days, when selling a house, they left the table in it (for the house and the table are inseparable). And when they set off and touched the corner of the table, they received the blessing of the house for a successful journey and a safe return.

If someone else follows in your footsteps, then he takes away the strength from you, who is walking in front.

The trace left by man and animal has always been endowed with mystical power. It was believed that from the trail left behind one could not only learn a lot about the person walking, but also, following in his wake, damage him and take away his strength. Physically, this is due to the fact that those walking along the beaten path spend much less of their own energy than those who pave the way.

The mystical explanation is that by deliberately trampling down traces, a person is deprived of his own trace and made unprotected (an analogue is a person without a shadow). In some places, especially in Ukraine, the author of these lines came across an even more gloomy belief: if you follow in someone’s footsteps, then someone in that person’s family will soon die.

Signs when leaving home.

When you leave the house, any meeting on the porch is not good.
- It is believed that the oncoming person crosses the path of the intended business in a certain way, cutting off the path. A sign that is very disturbing to suspicious natures: based on the belief that any meeting is destined by Fate, a person then, against his will, spends a lot of energy on unraveling the meaning of this first meeting, which actually affects the matter. A meeting when leaving the house is both a possible forbidden question, “Where are you going?”, dooming your plan to failure, and a simple unplanned delay, leading to being late.

Let us note, however: if this sign still has some influence on villagers, then in the conditions of urban multi-storey buildings, where such meetings cannot be avoided even with all the will, it has lost its meaning and it is better not to think about it.

Accidentally meet a funeral procession on the road- to good luck.
- This strange belief took root on the basis that it used to be customary to give the first person you met on behalf of the family of the deceased the so-called “travel”: a piece of canvas, bread, a candle and a coin. It was believed that the one who accepted all this symbolically absolved the sins of the deceased. In gratitude, the deceased in the next world will be the first to meet this person and will be his guardian, protector and mentor. This is where the belief came from that the one who is the first to meet the funeral procession is happy: he has already ensured good treatment for himself in the next world.

However, in some areas there is a diametrically opposite belief.

Foot if it itches- to the road, legs are burning - to the path.
- Rather, this is not a belief, not a sign, but a joke. Although a person who already knows that he has a long journey ahead of him may well experience similar sensations.

If a seriously ill person in delirium imagines a road or dreams, it means that he will soon die.

Of course, the essence of the sign is based on a simple association of the road and the “last path” that the patient is thinking about or anticipating.

You will stand on your left foot- there will be no way.
- This superstition, like many similar ones, comes from the belief that a tempter, the devil, stands behind a person’s left shoulder, and a Guardian Angel stands behind his right shoulder. That is why the words “right” and “truth” are so close. Even more ancient roots lead to the following explanation: praying to the sun in the morning, that is, turning his face to the east, a person on the left felt the cold of the north (evil forces), on the right - the warmth of the south (good forces). In essence, all the signs, beliefs and superstitions associated with the left side are based on this: the left hand is not offered when greeting; You can’t start the day with your left foot; They spit over the left shoulder to prevent trouble from happening.

They stumble on their way home- it means he will quarrel with his family.
- Stumbling is generally not a good omen, because it is interpreted as third-party interference. However, bypassing the mystical meaning, and if you look from a purely psychological point of view, it is quite understandable that a stumbled person’s mood deteriorates, especially if he also fell. It is best to proceed from the wise advice: “Don’t blame the horse, blame the road,” and not attach much importance to what happened.

Other road signs.

Sewing up something before the road means no luck.
- Oddly enough, this sign often comes true. But the reason is most likely not that “luck is sewn up”, but that before setting off on the road everything is done in a hurry, which then affects it. An important role can also be played by the fact that a person is aware of this sign and is latently set up for failure, attracts it, and unconsciously provokes it. So it’s really better not to sew up anything before the road.

If you come across a nail or some other sharp object on the road, it means trouble.
- The original meaning is in relation to amulets and damage. If a person himself wants to protect himself from damage, from misfortune, he directs everything sharp against the supposed enemy (for example, needles stuck in the door; a knife at the threshold with the tip outward). If something sharp is directed towards the traveler, it means that he has been mystically “pierced” and deprived of strength. True, almost all folklorists have heard the clarification: trouble awaits the traveler only if the object is pointed at the person, and if, on the contrary, it is away from him, then this is to the memory of loved ones about him. The best thing, apparently, is not to look for anything under your feet along the way.

It’s better not to go on a long journey on Fridays - it’s a bad omen, there won’t be a good road.

On Friday, it was highly discouraged not only to go on the road, but also to do some work, especially for women. This is connected with the cult of Paraskeva Friday, which is often associated with Fate. And there is no need to test Fate once again. An interpretation related to fasting Friday is also possible (it is no coincidence that Wednesday is also mentioned in a similar situation - another fast day).

If a dog crosses the road, there is nothing bad about it, but don’t expect any good.
- Whatever the sign, so is the explanation: on the one hand, the dog looks like a wolf, on the other, it is a friend of the house.

If a seriously ill person in delirium imagines a road or dreams, it means that he will soon die. - Of course, the essence of the sign is based on a simple association of the road and the “last path” that the patient thinks about or anticipates.

This article is dedicated to travel signs (also known as superstitions), which most of us still believe. Sit down on the road, sneeze, look in the mirror, etc.

The road is always present in a person’s life. In ancient times, being away from home, traveling or any other long trip was considered a serious test. Therefore, the road, the path are associated with numerous folk signs, which people believe in now, as in ancient times.

Since the road is a serious matter, the traveler must treat it responsibly. Some signs are associated with this:

  1. Surely, every person who wanted to go out or go somewhere heard the simple question “Where?” Nowadays people don’t think about the meaning of this sign, but in ancient times you couldn’t talk about your plans, otherwise they wouldn’t come true. Therefore, to the question “Where” you need to answer “To the Kudykin Mountains.”
  2. If you are going on a long journey, before leaving the house you need to hold on to the corner of the table a little. It is believed that this will bring good luck along the way.
  3. So that the road passes without incident, and the transport does not break down along the way, you should sit down for a few minutes, as people say, sit down on the path.
  4. Another sign that will bring good luck on the road is to turn all the chairs upside down before leaving the house.

Signs associated with travel time

Modern people think little about which day is best to choose for a trip. And at work, when they go on a business trip, they don’t worry about it. But there are signs that tell you how to choose a favorable time to travel:

  • unlucky days - Friday and Monday;
  • unlucky numbers - 6 and 13;
  • It is not advisable to go on the road at night, and especially at midnight.

To ensure a smooth and unobstructed journey, it is better to leave mid-week or early in the morning on weekends. There is no need to travel on a new moon, full moon or when the moon is waxing.

Signs associated with the ban on the road

There are many signs that prohibit certain actions before the road or on the way.

  1. There is no need to wash your hair or cut your hair before leaving. As our ancient ancestors believed, hair contains the strength of a person, which will be needed on the journey.
  2. Clothes cannot be sewn. It is believed that you can sew up your own path, bring trouble and bad luck.
  3. On the day of departure you cannot lend money or any other things.
  4. You cannot wash the floors in the house so that the person leaving can return to it. Until a person reaches their destination, household members should not wash the floors either.
  5. You cannot look back at the house and at those seeing you off, otherwise longing for your relatives will not allow you to carry out your business successfully when you are away. Also, you should not wave goodbye, as this could lead to trouble. Mourners should not look long at those who are leaving, otherwise the meeting will never take place again.
  6. You cannot pick up objects found on the road: money, keys, jewelry.
  7. You cannot step over the threshold with your left foot. This sign means that you can attract the attention of evil spirits.
  8. You cannot say goodbye or hello on the threshold, through the threshold - this can lead to a quarrel.

Signs associated with a meeting on the road

It is believed that the path should be clean and smooth. Therefore, any meeting is assessed as a failure, as an obstacle. People believe that these failures can be avoided. When you meet someone on the road, you need to turn around from right to left three times.

  • meeting a priest means problems;
  • if you see a man, it means good luck awaits;
  • met a woman - there will be trouble;
  • a pregnant woman on the road - good news;
  • for luck - a meeting with a hunchback;
  • a funeral means good luck, a wedding means bad luck.

Perhaps the most common sign associated with a person crossing the road with empty buckets. According to this sign, the traveler will have no luck. It is also a bad sign if a black cat or dog crosses the road.

Signs associated with return

Everyone knows that returning is a bad omen. It is connected with the belief that the guardian angel may not understand the owner and remain at home. But anything can happen: you can forget an important document, money, phone at home. How should you behave if you had to return?

  • if time permits, it is better to leave the house a little later;
  • you need to sit in front of the path for two or three minutes, silently;
  • look at yourself in the mirror before going out and do something: stick out your tongue, straighten your tie, comb your hair, put on lipstick.

Prosperous signs on the road

There are signs that certain circumstances developing before or during a trip can have a positive effect on its course.

  • a favorable omen is the presence of rain, symbolizing purity and purification;
  • if, when leaving the house, you tripped over your right foot, good luck;
  • If you are flying on an airplane, then before takeoff you need to put a coin between two seats, this will bring material success.

Bad omens on the road

Sometimes a traveler may see certain signs indicating that difficulties await him along the way:

  • trip over your left foot;
  • forget something at home;
  • forget the glove;
  • dropping the keys while closing the house;
  • find money or jewelry, a nail or other sharp object on the road;

All these signs indicate that some difficulties may be encountered along the way, and luck will turn away.