Abstract of the GCD for viewing the painting by K. Yuon “March Sun”

Before us is a painting by the Russian painter Konstantin Fedorovich Yuon “March Sun”. The rectangular canvas was painted in oil in 1915. The painting is dedicated to the beauty of the artist’s native land. Yuon depicted a rural landscape in the Moscow region. The picture shows early spring. The canvas is flooded with warm sun.

In the center of the picture are two riders on horses. If you look closely, these are young, cheerful boys. The guys are dressed in black sheepskin coats and dark hats. One sits on a bay horse, the other on a red one. Riders ride along a well-trodden road on the outskirts of the village. Behind them gallops a bay colt, urged on by a small black dog with its barking. Her tail wags happily. Having survived the long winter, the guys can’t wait to gallop.

Tall bare trees look majestic against the turquoise sky. Slender birch trees stand in a circle, whispering like girlfriends. Perennial hornbeams spread their heavy branches wide and fancifully. The clear high sky is filled with light. Cumulus light clouds add softness to the picture. The clear air smells of thawed spring.

In the background you can see the roofs of houses covered with snow. Village houses stand in an even row along the street. The street is deserted. The settled snow covers the ground. The ice crust sparkles in the sun. Paths and grooves are visible in the snow. A few more sunny days like this, and nature will begin to awaken from winter.

The compositional center of the picture brings together nature, people and animals. The village is spacious and at ease. A composition with a low horizon creates a monumental impression on the canvas. The trees seem to touch the sky. The juxtaposition of large trees and small horses enhances the expressiveness of the picture. Dark horses on a white background attract attention. The rhythm in the composition is set by the horses: they walk at a fast pace. There are shadows from horsemen and trees in the snow. Tree trunks do not appear black: they are illuminated by rays. The bluish snowy plain merges with the bright blue sky, creating a single background. In his work, Konstantin Fedorovich used rich colors.

The work looks realistic. The idea of ​​the painting is to convey the beauty of Russian nature, freedom, and spaciousness of the Russian people.

The canvas evokes pleasant feelings, a smile, and fills the heart with joy. The high March sun gives hope. My heart skips a beat in anticipation of spring.

Yuon dedicated several paintings to the theme of spring. They all inspire and delight.

Description 2

We see Yuon’s work “March Sun”; it depicts a spring day, most likely the beginning of the arrival of spring, when there is still snow on the ground. Winter does not yet want to give up its place to spring, but spring is already eager to get it, fighting for warm weather. This painting is in the Tretyakov Gallery and, if possible, you can view it in its original version there.

Wonderful weather, almost noon. There is still snow on the street, but you can already feel the warm spring, the bright light is sparkling, from which the name of the painting was invented. In the foreground you can see a couple of kids jumping on horses. The boys are still very small; underneath them are horses that are just as small as they are. But they behave proudly and confidently, boldly moving forward. After them, a large red cow and a dog are trailing, a black dog is going crazy with a young cow standing next to it. Behind them in the distance you can see a small village, houses whose roofs are shrouded in blankets of snow. There is no one else on the street except children and animals. Therefore the picture looks very quiet.

The main thing is to turn your gaze to the nearby trees. The author depicts them as very large and majestic, so that you just want to look at them and look at them. The birches in the composition are beautiful and delicate, their thin trunks rise towards the spring sun. The birches have already removed the winter blanket and are looking forward to new green leaves growing on their branches. There are other trees on the right; it’s hard to tell the name of this tree from their trunk. They also have tall trunks and branches like ropes that smoke in different turns.

This composition is filled with bright and sunny light, despite the fact that spring has just recently arrived, the sun is racing to warm up the icy ground, soaked in cold. So that small cheerful streams flow through it faster, fresh grass appears, and flowers bloom. In the sun, the snow sparkles with different shades of the rainbow, there are houses nearby and shadows emanate from them. The sky is no longer as cold and cloudy as during the frost season, it is very light and gentle, there are not even clouds on it. When creating a canvas, the artist uses more blue and white flowers. The sky, snow and trees are in these tones. The picture evokes good and kind emotions, the beginning of the arrival of spring is pleasing, the brave boys who wanted to ride horses on their own.

Yuon March Sun - essay

Spring is the most magical and wonderful time of the year, when the snow melts and crystal clear streams flow, when children run through puddles, and ringing drops begin. I really like this period and March can easily be called my favorite spring month. After all, it is at this time that the first truly bright sun appears, which will walk with us until the beginning of the next long and gloomy winter. The sun constantly saturates us with its energy. If it weren't for it, we wouldn't be able to exist due to lack of vitamin D and heat.

I really like the way the artists show the March weather, as it turns out very realistic and unusual! They transfer all the emanating heat from the painting. My favorite landscape is “March Sun” by Konstantin Fedorovich Yuon.

Konstantin Fedorovich is a Russian painter, author of landscapes, theater artist and art theorist. He drew one of the most famous animated films of the Soviet era - “Kashtanka”, as well as about 20 paintings.

“March Sun” is one of the most popular landscapes of this writer. When you look at it, you are transported to 1915 - the year when this picture was painted.

She is depicted in light blue colors. The bright sky gives the picture a positive mood, and the white clouds, like cotton wool, add lightness. Thin white birch trees reach out to the light, to the sun, to life. You can see that the path is not very well trampled by animals and people, as evidenced by the snow that fell that night.

Two riders on dark brown horses are riding along a country road. From their clothes we can understand that it is quite cold outside. A horse and a dog slowly wander behind them. In the background is a village with small wooden houses. Their roofs are covered with shining snow. On the windows of houses you can see various platbands, giving bright spots to the “white canvas”.

But why is the painting called “March Sun”, even though it is not depicted in the landscape? But because even though the sun is not on the canvas, it is clearly expressed through the light blue sky. The whole picture seems to smell like spring.

This landscape managed to touch my heart. This is the first time I’ve seen a picture that so vividly shows winter rural nature. It feels the joy of the arrival of the long-awaited spring.

Essay 4

The artist Yuon, who actually painted the painting “March Sun,” was born in the Moscow region, where he studied the art of depicting landscapes on canvas. As a child, he often went out into the street and simply copied everything he saw. Because of this passion, he became one of the best and most skillful landscape painters in Russia. He also very often went on long hikes to sketch this or that place, since he had very little of what he had in his native village, but even from those simple things that he had in his village, he could make something beautiful piece of art. An example of such a painting, inspired by simple phenomena, is his painting “March Sun”.

In this picture we see, oddly enough, the genre characteristic of the author - landscape. It depicts the author’s native village, in the Moscow region, but this painting depicts a sunrise, which adds color to the work. Bright combinations of orange and yellow create a strong enough impression of the entire emotional component of the picture, and therefore the person evaluating it will draw the most wonderful conclusions about it. The exhibition itself depicts two horsemen in a winter landscape, apparently on their way to collect brushwood in the forest in order to subsequently heat their homes. Also in the background we see huts typical of the architecture of that time. We can also conclude from this that the author made a landscape of his native area, since he did not particularly like to travel anywhere, because he was an ardent homebody and simply adored his country, and in particular his native village, in which he was also very often wrote his works.

It is also worth noting the problematic nature of this work of art. In it, the author most likely did not try to express any burning topic, because this is simply the landscape of his own village. Most likely, through this picture the author tried to express his love for the place in which he was born, grew up, and lived all his life. Therefore, the work can be classified as a work that in one way or another glorifies the native country, evoking a feeling of pride in the viewer.

Thus, before us appears a work written by the hand of an excellent landscape artist, who, without leaving his native village, almost all his life, painted paintings that glorified his place of birth, including glorifying his country.


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The famous Soviet artist Konstantin Fedorovich Yuon during his life created a lot of works in a variety of genres - sketches, sketches, portraits. But the vast majority of his paintings are landscapes. K.F. Yuon loved this genre very much and was inspired by the French impressionists in his work. Therefore, his works are very bright, filled with light, the contours of objects seem to dissolve in it. At the same time, the artist, remaining true to the school of realism, builds a clear composition that gives his works expressiveness and completeness. I give a description of the painting “March Sun” by Yuon as an excellent example of the artist’s work.

Yuon’s canvas is designed in soft, light colors, against which the bright, color-saturated figures of boys on horses in the lower part of the picture immediately catch the eye. We immediately see that they are the main characters here. Despite the fact that both the horses and the boys’ sheepskin coats are mostly black and gray, the artist depicted them surprisingly light and bright. They fit perfectly into the environment of a transparent azure sky, dazzling white snow on which lie soft blue shadows, and a light, barely noticeable green haze. And at the same time, they stand out very much against the general light background with their saturated, rich colors. The contrast of the figures in the foreground with the surroundings gives the picture amazing liveliness and dynamism. And although they are located almost at the very bottom of the canvas, we immediately pay attention to them and understand that they are in the center of the composition. The very arrangement of the figures and the way they are expressively drawn bring the landscape closer to a genre scene.

The overall tone of the picture is very joyful and optimistic. The artist surprisingly well managed to convey on canvas the feeling of the awakening of nature, the freshness and warmth of the first spring days. Bright, pure colors and broad strokes seem to be taken from the impressionists; they give the picture emotionality and cheerfulness. And the clear, balanced realistic composition makes it amazingly alive. Before writing an essay on the painting “March Sun” by Yuon, I looked at this canvas for a long time. And it began to seem to me that I seemed to feel the breeze, and the light frost, and the warmth of the first spring sun, I heard the crunch of snow under the hooves of the horses and the cheerful roll call of the boys. The cheerful and bright painting “March Sun”, in which Yuon skillfully combined two painting techniques, is rightfully considered one of the artist’s best works.

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I really like painting. I love visiting art galleries and looking at paintings by famous artists. I especially like paintings depicting our Russian nature at any time of the year. And we have a lot of such paintings, because many artists admired Russian beauty, which they immediately rushed to depict on canvas. Yuon was such a painter, who created more than one painting depicting the nature of our region. Looking at his canvases, we understand that they are saturated with light and they radiate warmth, even from those canvases that depict snow. Such a painting is also the work March Sun of Yuon, based on which we will write ours.

Yuon: March sun description of the painting

Yuon's painting The March sun takes us outside the city. Together with the heroes of the picture, we find ourselves in a village that is still buried in snow, although the artist depicts the month of March. But, who knows, it’s still snowy in March, and Russian winters don’t just give up and fight spring, not giving up their place to it. So in the picture there is still white all around. It may seem to many that it is winter outside, if not for the title of the painting, as well as for the joy that the painting exudes. The March sun begins to gradually warm up, illuminating everything around with its rays. The glare of the sun appears on the roofs of houses, warms their walls, and warms the pillars of trees.

K.F. Yuon in his painting March Sun depicts horsemen. They are still young, but already brave riders who can saddle a horse without any problems. Most likely, they decided to drive around the village, enjoying this beautiful moment that opens before their eyes, when one season gradually gives way to another. When I look at the riders whose horses are walking along the path, I hear the crunch of snow under their hooves, which mixes with the sonorous barking of the little dog. She plays with a little foal. The weather is fine, but still cold, so the children are dressed warmly.

In the painting March Sun, the author also depicted trees that grow along a country road. First of all, these are graceful birches that stretch their branches towards the sun, wanting to warm themselves. There is no longer any snow on them; it has completely fallen or melted. Other trees are depicted next to the birches. It might be a hornbeam, but it's hard to say for sure. The trees are very tall. They have spread out their powerful branches and are looking forward to the time when their crowns will be covered with green foliage.

The painting “March Sun”, painted by K.F. Yuon in 1915, is one of the most famous in the work of the famous artist.

On this canvas, showing the viewer the native nature of the Moscow region, the features of Yuon’s painting are especially fully embodied.

“March Sun” is a cheerful plein air landscape. The painter captured on canvas that state of nature when the snowdrifts have not yet melted and the snow crunches under boots, but in the bright blue sky and in the transparent air there is already a subtle feeling of spring warmth.

It seems that the trees are reaching out to the light pouring from the sky with their gnarled branches. The sun still hardly warms up, but brightly illuminates the roofs of wooden houses, spreading poplars, tall birch trees, creating a cheerful, upbeat mood.

An important part of the painting “March Sun” is the genre scene. Indeed, it is difficult to imagine this landscape without these horses, a perky shaggy dog ​​and cheerful children.

The painting “March Sun” develops the traditional landscape theme, giving it a new interpretation. The composition of the work is particularly perfect. The intensity of color and decorativeness of the canvas do not exclude the feeling of vitality, reality, and spatial depth.

The bright colors of the canvas - combinations of blue, gold, pink, lilac - help the painter convey the feeling of the first spring warmth and light. All this together sets the theme of the landscape - the theme of the joyful and solemn awakening of nature.

In addition to describing the painting by K.F. Yuon “March Sun”, our website contains many other descriptions of paintings by various artists, which can be used both in preparation for writing an essay on the painting, and simply for a more complete acquaintance with the work of famous masters of the past.


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March is a special time of year, bringing joy that spring will soon come into its own. On the side of the road lies slightly melted snow, which in the rays of the cool sun, already somewhat saddened, is quietly melting every day. Although the trees did not have time to acquire a beautiful crown, they are very happy about spring. Although they know that March is a very deceptive month and the warmth will not last long. There will still be many morning frosts that are dangerous for plants.

The painting “March Sun” by K. Yuon, painted by the artist in 1915, personifies the spring mood. The sky occupies the main part of the canvas; it shines through the bare branches of the trees and merges on the horizon with the snow-covered street.

The predominant blue of the canvas instills in the soul extraordinary lightness, joyful serenity and unshakable confidence that everything will be fine. After all, we survived such frosts and waited until the morning of the year. An unusual sensation arises that captivates and remains in the memory for a long time.

In a simple plot we see horsemen racing along a village street. A small dog runs alongside the horses, trying to keep up. She showers the foal with a shrill bark, showing her owners her importance. The cavalcade has just left the village, as can be seen from the narrow path leading to the richly carved houses.

In the old days, villagers tried to show great ingenuity when decorating their homes, and each house was different from the others, either with a marvelous fairy-tale cockerel on the roof, or with unique patterned trim or an intricate porch. Sometimes the home resembled a work of art. Wooden houses stand with their facades turned towards the roadway, their cleanly washed windows sparkling in the sun, like princely mansions. And a large peasant family of three or even four generations lives here together.

In 1903, the Union of Russian Artists was created in Moscow. The central figures in it were K. Yuon, A. Arkhipov, I. Grabar and A. Rylov. The artists tried to develop their own style, opposing themselves to the St. Petersburgers. They did not accept symbolism and related ideas, combining in their art the realism of the Wanderers and impressionism in the transfer of air and light. They were most interested in landscape and genre drawings.

One of the landscape painters was Konstantin Yuon, the artist unrivaledly depicted the lyricism of the winter landscape and early spring, which is shown in the painting “March Sun”. Here the play of light on the melted snow is incredibly conveyed, which perfectly combines with the delicate blue of the sky. Awakening of nature. The snow on the ground is no longer fluffy white, as at the beginning of winter, but already dirty gray and heavy.

The birches stretched out their white trunks, as if trying to be closer to the sun. The artist does not show the luminary on the canvas, but its rays literally filled the entire space. The roofs of the houses, the tops of the poplars, everything is illuminated by the gentle rays of spring. And there are long, bright purple-blue shadows in the snow, which means the sun has already turned to sunset. Small wings of light clouds slowly move across the bluish endless sky. The air is clean, but still a little frosty. You can feel movement in everything, horses are galloping, a dog is jumping, a foal is frolicking. People, animals and all nature rejoice.

The colors carefully selected by the artist gave extraordinary freshness to the spring day. Behind the riders, outbuildings and houses are visible, covered with snow, and smoke rises into the sky from chimneys. Trees on the canvas are a symbol of life awakening under the sun's rays illuminating the entire area; they give the canvas optimism and a sense of celebration.

Centuries-old trees also stretched their branches, twisted by time and weather conditions, towards the sun. Perhaps they were planted by the villagers’ great-grandfathers. Fresh footprints in the snow are clearly visible; someone managed to run through the snowdrifts that had formed overnight.

The artist depicts the unique moment of the first days of spring. The snow crunches under the hooves of running horses, and the snowdrifts are still deep, but you can already feel the gentle breath of spring. A small genre scene is organically integrated into the landscape.

The wonderful artist Konstantin Yuon showed us the beauty of nature on an ordinary everyday day. He seems to be telling us: “People, there is an amazing and inimitable world around us. Every living creature, pebble, mountain stream, inconspicuous wild flower, snowflake that falls into our palm and lingers for just a moment is capable of causing sincere surprise, admiration and peace.”

Today, K. Yuon’s painting “March Sun” is in Moscow in the Tretyakov Gallery, oil on canvas, its size is 107 by 142 cm.