From whom Misha Romanova gave birth remains only a mystery. From whom did Misha Romanova give birth remains only a mystery? Misha Romanova gave birth to a child from whom

Misha Romanova is a young Ukrainian singer, a member of the popular group of 2013-2018. The girl joined the famous team, winning the “I Want V VIA Gro” competition.

Misha amazed TV viewers and the jury not only with her impeccable vocals, but also with her disarming beauty. It is not for nothing that later, with a light hand, the artist began to be compared with the British star.

Childhood and youth

Misha Romanova was born in August 1990 in the Ukrainian city of Kherson. The real name of the artist is Natalya Mogilenets. She made up her stage name from the first and last names of the men who left a mark on the girl’s heart. Misha is the name of the man who betrayed her, Romanov is the surname of the man whom the singer dreamed of in her youth and now can only be with him on stage.

From 1st to 9th grades, the future star studied at Kherson school No. 8. It was difficult for her to get along with her classmates, and in general to communicate with peers - the reason was her stuttering. Romanova began to stutter after the stress she suffered at the age of 5 during a quarrel between her parents. The artist recalls that it was difficult for her not only to communicate with others, but even to buy something.

In those years, Misha did not even think of connecting her biography with singing, but it was vocals that became the best medicine for her. When her parents sent the frightened little girl to music lessons, she noticed that her stuttering disappeared when she sang. Romanova, going to the blackboard, began to sing - this is how her classmates began to accept her and her teachers began to understand her.

The girl's dream was to perform on stage. She constantly organized concerts, the audience of which were her friends and her own grandmother. In 2001, Misha became a member of the children's vocal studio of the Neftyanik Palace of Culture in Kherson.


Misha Romanova began performing as a singer in 2001, when she passed a competition for a vocal studio. At first she sang in an ensemble, but soon took the place of soloist and assistant director of the Neftyanik cultural center. The girl began to participate in all-Ukrainian and regional vocal competitions and receive prizes (“Carousel of Melodies”, “Little Stars”, “World of Talents”).

In 2007, she entered the Kiev Variety and Circus School and successfully completed her studies 5 years later.

Misha comes to Russia, where he notices her. She becomes the second artist to be promoted by the producer. The reason is not the girl’s appearance, but her talent. Alan has repeatedly noted that Romanova is a strong character and a bright female image, which is currently impossible to find on the domestic stage. In addition, Misha has an attractive appearance and modeling skills, which also played a certain role in her career. With a height of 175 cm, her weight is 52 kg.

Misha Romanova - “Don't Trust Me”

In 2012, Badoev himself and her longtime friend, performer, began to compile the singer’s musical repertoire.

Soon Misha recorded the songs “I Don’t Want to Know More” and “Don’t Trust Me” from Barskikh as a duet. A little later, she presented the song “Weightless,” written by him.

Misha Romanova - “Weightless”

Having heard about the casting for the project “I Want V VIA Gro” in 2013, Romanova decided to test her capabilities. During the show she sang in a trio with and. The ensemble members knew each other since their student days, so they quickly reached complete mutual understanding.

Interestingly, the girls fell out of favor with the show's producer after, during one competition task, they cut off their long skirts and went on stage like that. The trio's mentor managed to resolve the conflict.

With this lineup, the girls won, becoming the new lineup of the popular group “VIA Gra.” For the sake of participating in the team, Misha even radically changed her style and cut her hair. According to the girl herself, she had worn this hairstyle before, so returning to it was easy and comfortable.

For 5 years, the new “VIA Gra” performed with original compositions, the girls recorded and released several new tracks, each of which had a video shot. Fans did not lose hope that the new line-up of the group would release their first album, but so far only singles remained in both the VIA Gra discography and Misha’s solo discography.

Group "VIA Gra" - "Truce"

Since 2013, the singer’s repertoire has been replenished with hits “Truce”, “It was wonderful”, “So much”. Misha performed a number of songs in duets with popular performers. Together with Vakhtang she sang the track “I got someone else,” and with the rapper she sang the musical composition “Oxygen.”

In 2016, the singer, together with Max Barskikh, starred in a candid photo shoot for the Ukrainian version of the men's magazine XXL. The musicians played real passion, undressing stylishly in front of the camera lens. Misha did not hesitate to appear topless in the frame, although the correctly selected frame hid all the intimate details.

The last tracks performed by Misha Romanova were the songs “Who are you to me?” and “My Heart is Busy,” which appeared in her repertoire in 2016-2017.

Personal life

Misha Romanova, whose biography is open to society, manages to hide her personal life from annoying journalists. It was only thanks to her chatty classmates that her fans learned about her affair with the Barskikhs. At one time, young people lived together in the same apartment. In 2013, they were filmed dancing in their underwear on a balcony in Kyiv.

Misha Romanova and Max Barskikh in Kyiv

In 2014, photos appeared from their joint vacation in the Maldives. The tabloids have written more than once that Misha and Max met during their student years, but quickly separated and continued to maintain good friendly relations. They saw each other often, but did not try to go into romance again. Romanova was reluctant to talk about this relationship, only once saying in an interview that Max decided to move to Los Angeles, which put an end to their romance.

In 2016, Misha began to appear in public more often with singer Yegor Creed, with whom she more than once participated in the same musical projects. The couple attended the fashion show of Igor Gulyaev, and after that, Egor noted on social networks that his companion looked like the celebrity Victoria Beckham.

The musicians did not comment further on the relationship. But fans of the singers noted that they look great together. Fans also expressed hope that a real romance would develop from such meetings.

At one time, Misha could often be seen in the company of a group member, a young singer. Both were wards of Konstantin Meladze, they love music very much and often crossed paths not only at work, but also outside of it.

It is not yet known whether Romanova has a relationship with any of the artists, whether she prefers unknown gentlemen, or whether she prefers not to be in a relationship. The girl is in no hurry to comment, hinting that her heart is free, leaving hope for her fans.

At the beginning of 2018, the tabloids claimed that Misha was pregnant and would soon marry Max Barskikh, who became the father of the child. The musicians did not refute this information and even shared their plans for the wedding, but many interviews with future husband and wife on this matter seemed too frivolous. Fans suggest that rumors about an imminent marriage and the birth of children are either a joke by the stars or a clever PR move by their producers.

Max's producer Alan Badoev commented on the news in an unexpected way. He confirmed that his ward often communicates with his old acquaintance, but the rumors surprised the director.

In the spring of 2018, pregnant Misha Romanova left VIA Gra

Despite his secrecy, Misha actively maintains a personal account on "Instagram", where her publications are followed by a large army of fans. Romanova shares photos from work and posts funny everyday pictures.

In March 2018, the singer’s fans were informed that the vocalist was from VIA Gra. Misha ended her 5-year career in a musical group due to pregnancy. The official announcement was made not by the singer herself, but by representatives of the production center of Konstantin Meladze. Misha Romanova refrained from making personal statements and later did not report anything about the newborn and the date of his birth. Fans suggest that the ex-soloist of the popular group gave birth to a child in the late spring of 2018. There is also no information about who became the father of the child.

Misha Romanova now

The young mother quickly regained her shape after giving birth and is already showing off her ideal figure on her Instagram page. The place of the soloist in the musical group did not remain unoccupied. Now the role of Misha Romanova is performed by the 26-year-old, who organically fits into the team.

Misha Romanova herself has not yet shared her plans for 2019, but she promised fans a grand return to the stage.

Misha Romanova in a photo from Instagram in 2018

The celebrity, having temporarily suspended his musical career, does not miss the chance to appear at significant events in Ukrainian show business. At the end of autumn 2018, she attended a solo concert by Max Barskikh, where the star presented 12 thousand fans with a new program and a preview of 5 musical compositions from the long play “Seven”. In addition to Misha Romanova, Anastasia Kozhevnikova, the group, and other colleagues of the performer appeared on the show.

Discography (songs)

As part of the group "VIA Gra"

  • 2013 - “Truce”
  • 2015 - “It was wonderful”
  • 2015 - “So Much”
  • 2016 - “Who are you to me?”
  • 2017 - “My heart is busy”


  • “Show me how to love”
  • "Weightless"
  • “Don’t Trust Me” (together with Max Barskikh)
  • "My Kherson"
  • "Not by you"
  • “Call Me” (together with Max Barskikh)

Valery Meladze, out of habit, could have an affair with the lead singer of Via Gra, and even become the father of her child, as happened with Albina Dzhanabaeva at one time. Then the artist was not hindered by the presence of a family and children - he was easily able to break off the marriage and start life anew.

Not long ago it became known that Misha Romanova, the former ward of Konstantin Meladze, became a mother. True, the father’s name is still unknown, and many fans began to think about who in the singer’s circle could actually know the joy of giving birth to a child. Potential candidates include the singer's close friend Max Barskikh, as well as the brother of the former producer, Valery Meladze.

Users are convinced that Misha Romanova could have given birth to a child from the loving Valery Meladze, since in the history of his life there was already a similar case - the singer left his family for the sake of the lead singer of his brother’s group, despite the fact that at that time he had a valid marriage, and in the family the children grew up. Many believe that the two Meladze brothers have a certain passion for the young performers of Via Gra, so they will not be surprised if it turns out that the father of Romanova’s child is the younger Meladze.

According to users, all actions are returned to people, and this fate did not escape Albina Dzhanabaeva, who was allegedly overtaken by karma. She took Valery Meladze away from the family, and if it turns out that the singer is having an affair with Misha Romanova, then she will experience everything that the singer’s ex-wife once experienced. By the way, the Meladze brothers’ betrayals, according to fans, are a family thing, because the eldest Meladze, Konstantin, who at one time abandoned his wife and children, went to the ex-soloist of his group Vera Brezhneva, has exactly the same life story.

Since Misha Romanova does not reveal her father’s name, it can be assumed that publicity could cause a lot of negative reactions and condemnations from fans, and significantly spoil the girl’s image. The news that the father of the child is one of the so-called cheaters-Meladze will put an end to her career - fans do not want to support those artists who break up families.

Of course, users want to believe that the father of Misha Romanova’s child is Max Barskikh - he is not married, has no children, and is not involved in love scandals, unlike the Meladze brothers. But, apparently, he is just a friend to the singer, since there is no point in hiding the relationship with the singer Romanova - so fans can only fear that Valery Meladze’s next marriage may fall apart due to his love of love and sympathy for his older brother’s ward.

28-year-old Misha Romanova published a new photo, from which her fans realized that the girl had already become a mother for the first time. The father of the singer's child is her colleague, 28-year-old Ukrainian singer Max Barskikh, with whom, according to rumors, she began dating a couple of years ago, after breaking up with ex-MBAND soloist Vlad Ramm. But Max also does not comment on his personal life.

Misha Romanova left VIA Gra due to pregnancy

Recently, information appeared on the Internet that Romanova became a mother for the first time. A joyful event occurred at the beginning of summer. This conclusion was made by the singer’s followers on Instagram after Misha published a new photo on the social network in which she shows off her ideal figure.

The fact that Misha Romanova was leaving the VIA Gra group became known in March of this year. The singer herself announced this by publishing a frank post on Instagram: “For some time, the artist in me gave way to a woman. That's why I'm leaving the group." At the same time, a representative of the production center of Konstantin Meladze reported that the star left VIA Gra due to pregnancy. It is noteworthy that who the father of the child is is unknown. Moreover, this status was attributed to Misha’s friend, singer Max Barskikh. However, the artists themselves preferred not to comment on this information.

Fans suggest that Misha Romanova gave birth to Max Barskikh

Since 2013, the composition of the group has remained unchanged. For 5 years, the winners of the show “I want to join VIA GRU” - Erica Herceg, Misha Romanova and Anastasia Kozhevnikova - worked in the team. At the moment, this was the group's longest-lasting lineup. We remind you that at the end of March it became known about Misha Romanova’s departure from the group. The girl left the team due to going on maternity leave.

And now the mystery: who is the father of the star’s unborn child. Many fans suggest that Misha Romanova is pregnant from Max Barskikh, with whom they once shared a common living space. But what’s most interesting is that Max Barskikh recently also announced that he wants to take a break from creative activity in order to devote himself to his personal life. So, it is likely that fans’ guesses are not groundless.

On March 25, Misha Romanova made a statement that extremely saddened her loyal fans. 28-year-old Romanova decided to leave the VIA Gra group, in which she sang for five years. Misha herself did not say what exactly was the reason for her departure; representatives of Konstantin Meladze’s production center did this for her. It turned out that Romanova is expecting a baby.

The ex-soloist of “VIA Gra” did not disclose details of her personal life; moreover, she did not go into details of her “interesting situation,” much less name the father of the unborn child.

“The most important calling of a woman is love. And sometimes she needs a firm decision. For a while, the artist in me gave way to the woman. That’s why I’m leaving the group, but leaving a piece of my soul in it,” Romanova wrote in her microblog.

It is not known exactly when Misha became a mother, but her fans are sure: this significant event in the singer’s life happened in late spring or summer. And the other day Romanova, already in the status of a young mother, did not miss the opportunity to demonstrate her slimmer figure. “I love wearing dresses backwards,” the singer captioned the photo.

Misha's fans are sure that the father of her child is 28-year-old singer Max Barskikh. The couple have known each other since school. At one time, they left their native Kherson together to conquer Kyiv. The plans of the young people were to enter the Academy of Internal Affairs on budget places, but they were not able to do this. But Max and Misha got into the Academy of Variety and Circus Arts. They went through difficult times together, but soon both were able to break into “big” show business. Many years have passed since then, each of them has fans and admirers, but the friendship of Barsky and Romanova has remained the same. It is not yet known whether Misha will return to VIA Gro or start trying herself as a solo singer. Romanova was replaced in the spring by 26-year-old Olga Meganskaya, who very quickly joined the team.

Big changes are coming in the life of another lead singer of Konstantin Meladze’s group, 25-year-old Anastasia Kozhevnikova. According to some reports, she will have a wedding this fall. Kozhevnikova, like Romanova, does not talk about her personal life, but Anastasia’s curious fans discovered that she was dating the band’s guitarist named Anton.