Contrasting color to green. Matching colors: black color combinations

Tables the right combination colors

For a more simplified and convenient choice colors, the most selected ones are here interesting options and combined into color palettes. So, there are the following rules in color combinations.

White color is the color of perfection and purity, goes well with any color scheme.

Beige color is the safest and has an ideal combination with restrained colors, and also goes well with the most saturated and bright tones. An unmistakable combination beige colour– marsh, khaki, gray, cocoa, taupe, chocolate, chestnut, rusty brown, olive, yellow-green, eggplant, terracotta, bright blue, purple.

Beige color combination table

Pink color is charming and delicate, ideal combinations: white and soft blue, light gray, all intermediate shades between white and red tones.

Red is a very emotional color, combinations: white, yellow, brown, black and blue, pink and purple, silver and black, sand and black-brown. In addition, nowadays, red shades confidently mix with each other and look flawless. The calmest option is a combination of red and black.

Table of red color combinations.

Bordeaux is a luxurious royal color, one of the shades of red, namely darker than scarlet. This rich, warm dark red color pairs perfectly with black and dark blue, green, olive, blue-green, gray, tomato and other shades of red.

Bordeaux color combination table

Fuchsia, as well as crimson and purple colors must be combined with yellow, orange, dark green, green, bright blue, and purple. Raspberry color looks great in combination with white and pink tones
Fuchsia color combination table

Coral color has twelve shades - these include pink-orange colors and a rich red-orange palette. Harmonizes with white, beige, gold, nude, brown, dark brown, khaki, all shades of gray, scarlet, pink-peach, lilac, lilac, hot pink, orange, yellow-orange, pale yellow, dark blue , gray-blue, black.

Coral color combination table

Yellow color is a symbol of the sun, wisdom, fun, self-confidence and freedom. Gold is the color of wealth and glory. Pairs perfectly with orange, chocolate, warm brown, marsh, blue-green, dark blue, black, blue, lilac, turquoise, violet and blue. Without finishing and additions it looks unattractive.

Table of yellow color combinations

Orange is a summer color, bright, positive and cheerful, the color of the reflections of the setting sun. Bright Orange color perfect in harmony with bright yellow, mustard, beige, purple and brown colors. The muted orange (terracotta) tone harmonizes perfectly with more seasoned shades, such as pale yellow, chestnut, brown, chocolate, gray-green, dark blue, khaki, and dark gray. Orange looks great with contrasting black.

Table of orange color combinations

Brown color is usually combined with yellow, beige, cream, smoky blue, sky, denim blue, green, light green, May grass color, lilac, faded pink and white. In addition, brown color can be successfully combined with gold and olive, blue-green, lilac and orange, with all shades of beige, light pink and gray, as well as ivory. And the combination of a warm brown tone with turquoise color It may look unexpected, but it always makes a great impression. Rust brown color goes well with brown and plum; creamy white, purple and orange; light green, red and yellow.

Combination table Brown

Green color is intermediate color between warm and cold color background. Looks harmonious with brown, yellow, light green, orange and white tones. Only light greens look good with a black and gray palette.

Table of green color combinations

Olive color goes well with blue-green, khaki, warm green, eggplant, burgundy, purple, cherry, brown, orange and red.

The mustard color is ideally suited to brown, terracotta, chocolate, beige, yellow, hot pink, coral and blue-green.

Combination table mustard color

Blue looks great when paired with brown, tan, peach, orange, khaki and purple. Besides, Blue colour divided into light blue and dark blue background. Light blue goes best with white, pink, yellow and orange, and is intermediate between blue and red. Dark blue color creates harmony with blue, grey, red, green, white, brown, dark brown, pink and lilac.

Table of blue color combinations

Blue color must be combined with pink, lilac, coral, light purple, yellow, bright blue, dark blue, gray, white and beige. Turquoise is the right color to combine with white, purple, orange, yellow and blue-green.

Table of blue color combinations

Purple royal color goes well with white, yellow, orange, pink flowers, and is intermediate between blue and red. Light tone purple usually called lilac. It, in turn, is combined with white, gray, orange and yellow colors.

Table of combinations of purple and lilac colors

Gray color is elegant and harmonious, perfectly softens contrasting combinations and looks decent in combination with white, black, burgundy and red.

Gray color combination table

Khaki color looks perfect with white, yellow, blue, green, purple, red and orange.

Khaki color combination table

As for the exquisite and noble black color, its ideal combination is white, red, yellow, orange, various shades of green, as well as a gray color background.

There are generally accepted rules for combining sharply contrasting colors, contrasting, solid and pastel colors.

The combination of sharply contrasting colors looks like this: red - white, red - blue, red - green, orange - black, green - white.

Contrasting colors are combined as follows: purple - yellow, blue - orange, etc.

Solid colors can be combined like this: brown - beige, dark red - light red, etc.

Pastel colors are pink, peach, beige, light blue, etc., that is, any color sufficiently diluted with white. Such colors are combined with each other regardless of shade and are acceptable in combination in any sequence.

It is important to note that only related or contrasting colors should be combined. Any other combination is not harmonious.

The combination of yellow in clothes is always advantageous - it creates a feeling of joy and high spirits. Such ensembles look amazingly sunny and bright. Combinations of mustard and soft cream colors in clothes look no less harmonious. These sets are usually delicate and sophisticated. Look what good images can be created using clothing parts of these colors.

Successful combinations of yellow with other colors in clothes

Dandelion color is a bright and vibrant shade of yellow. Pairs well with warm and cool colors, as well as neutral shades. The combination of yellow with other colors in clothing always makes a pleasant impression on others.

1 - good combination yellow with “sweet” pink. 2 is a cheerful and refreshing turquoise. 3 - . 4 - sports marine. 5 - perky light purple.

6 - a cheerful combination of red and yellow. 7, 8 - natural shades of gray, in an interesting way combined with yellow. 9 - classic bright marine. 10 - eccentric purple.

What to combine with yellow in clothes in sets for every day? 13 - strict brown; for everyday wear. 14 - ash gray, for city walks in the autumn season. 15 - unique taupe.

Pay attention to the photo: it is always beneficial to complement the combination of yellow color in clothes with jewelry:

The combination of yellow with white and other colors in clothes

Yellow Primrose is a fresh, bright and light shade of yellow. It is a soft and lively color, great for pairing with bright shades. Good replacement basic yellow and orange colors, compared to which primrose looks softer and suits everyone. A wonderful choice for the spring season.

1-5 - pale pastel shades will serve good decision for creating unusual image. You should focus on cotton fabrics.

6-15 - bright, vibrant colors and light pastel tones, pleasant and refreshing. Will bring a completely new mood to your appearance. The combination of blue and yellow creates a cheerful mood; you can also use various colors for this purpose.

16-20 - pay attention to the photo: combination of yellow in clothes gray shades creates a pleasant effect of softness and modesty in appearance. It's lightweight and elegant style, suitable for the work environment. It should be noted that in in this case It is better to use natural cotton trousers as bottoms.

21, 22 - the combination of blue and yellow is modern solution to create an intelligent appearance. 23-25 ​​- combination with shades of khaki and olive will make you feel quite free. A good choice for a summer holiday.

26 - coffee shade will add elegance and grace. 27 - this combination of yellow and white in clothes will add brightness and smoothness to your outfit, significantly refreshing your appearance. 28-30 - yellow and gray color scheme is a reasonable and not too harsh combination. Thus, you will look stylish and modern, fitting well into a working office environment. The combination of yellow with white and other delicate colors in clothes always looks win-win.

Cream color and its combination in clothes

Slightly soft yellow tint. Knitted cream dresses and trousers are an excellent solution for autumn and winter for ladies of any age. Try pairing cream with a flannel oversized sweater for an everyday outfit. Avoid wearing clothing made from rough fabric or wool.

1-5 - pale pastel colors, intelligently combined with a cream bottom. A compromise between severity and softness in appearance.

6-15 - a range of shades that pleasantly please the eye in any environment, allowing you to look neat and impeccable. When combined with open tops, this solution is ideal for summer sun and green vegetation.

16-25 - neutral and perfect for anyone who is looking for not too bright and catchy solutions for the autumn winter season, especially older ladies. This is a suitable pattern for a casual outfit for the spring or fall season.

16-20 - soft grayish shades outerwear will please the eye in a calm environment. At the same time, a successful combination with a cream bottom will create smooth transitions in appearance.

21-25 - more bright shades Great for creating contrast. This color scheme in combination with fashionable trousers will give your appearance more sexuality and intelligence.

25 and 26 - deep blue and purple shades, literally created for regularity and elegance. 27 - dark blue harmonizes well with a light bottom and will look bright in the winter season. 28 is a good combination with gray, which is refreshing and elegant. 29 - is classic solution for every day, giving a strict appearance without frills. 30 - an almost black shade will also make you look businesslike and perfectly diversify your work style.

Beautiful combinations of mustard color in clothes

Mustard is a dark yellow, rich shade. Creates an expressive and bright appearance in a beautiful combination with the same rich colors. With softer shades it looks calmer - for example, in combination with brown. When combining mustard color with other colors in clothes, trousers are perfect as a bottom, which can be worn in the summer and autumn seasons.

1-5 are a bright combination, moderately serious and moderately playful, which is suitable for every day.

6-8 - dark gray shades are excellent in compatibility with mustard, creating smooth transition between top and bottom. This scheme is good in quality office suit, as well as attire for special occasions.

9-13 - a wide variety of shades from red to blue allows you to use all your imagination and choose the most suitable combination in style. This way you can always stay on top of fashion. 14 - a refreshing white color will be a compromise option that will look great in any environment. 15 - classic combination with black it will be a worthy solution for every day.

Brown color is not included in the spectral tones, as it is obtained by mixing red and green dyes, as well as orange with blue dye or purple with a yellow tone. In each case, different shades of brown are obtained, which form harmoniously combined colors with a large number of shades of colors in the fashionable palette.

Combinations of brown with achromatic colors

The brown range of colors refers to calm tones that create the impression of stability, reliability, solidity, solidity, and therefore is popular among business people and office fashion.

All shades of brown look harmonious when combined with white, black and shades of gray.

Brown and white

The duet of a brown tone with white forms a spectacular contrast that looks strict and restrained. This combination is appropriate both in casual wear and in a formal setting, if a white top and dark brown bottom are used.

Brown and black

A brown tone in tandem with black is most often used in an everyday suit, but it can look incredibly interesting if textures with various surface effects are used: shine, shimmer, embossing on the skin, etc. However, brown with black is far from the best color combination. But it is acceptable. Although controversial. Many people do not recommend using it at all. But the main thing about this combination is that it is practical and neutral. And if you want it to be beautiful, take a brighter, richer, warmer brown. Of course, if such shades suit you.

Brown and gray

In combinations of brown with gray tones different gradations in lightness, it is recommended to use light gray shades, creating a subtle contrast in the composition of clothing. At the same time, a mandatory rule when mixing these two colors is not to combine a warm color with a cold one. If you have a cold gray (with blue, blue, pink, cold beige) tint, then the brown color should be cold - gray-brown, pink-brown, etc. These combinations are especially suitable for muted or cool Summer color types. If you have gray that is predominantly warm tones (with warm beige, khaki, yellowish tints), then brown will look harmonious with it if it has a pronounced warm shade. Again, the combination of brown and gray is not the best choice. There is much more beautiful combinations. What we will talk about further in this article:

Combinations of brown with chromatic tones

Strict and restrained brown color is transformed in an amazing way in combination with bright chromatic colors.

Brown and green

Combinations of brown with green tones - emerald green, olive, turquoise, light green - look incredibly impressive and exotic. They are widely used in patterns on fabrics, in summer, beach and even evening fashion.

Matching colors: combinations of brown - photo: 1 - brown with white, black and gray; 2 - brown with green and light green

Brown and blue, brown and blue

Combinations of brown with blue and blue tones look harmonious and calm. Especially blue. Paired with brown it is very beautiful, subtle and elegant! These combinations are suitable for casual wear V casual style. An example would be a combination of classic blue jeans and a brown jumper or top. Remember here too important rule– if blue, cyan are cold shades, then brown is also cold. Warm brown will fit into combinations with warm, bright, joyful shades of blue.

Photo: 3 - brown with turquoise, blue and black; 4 - brown with blue, vanilla and green-blue

Brown and orange

A warm shade of brown combined with a sunny orange tone creates a joyful, summery combination.

Brown and yellow

Combinations of a warm brown tone with all shades of yellow – from lemon, sand, mustard, etc. – look similar. to ocher.

Brown and fuchsia

Brown color, which has a cool burgundy tint, creates a glamorous, sophisticated combination with fuchsia. In other cases, it is better to avoid this combination.

Brown and red

Combinations of red with other tones always look bright, and brown is no exception.

Photo: 5 - brown with bright blue and red; 6 - brown with orange, yellow, red and purple

Brown and pink

Brown color in tandem with pink tone forms a romantic combination of colors, actively used in youth fashion. The combination is elegant, extraordinary, gentle and discreet. For people with taste!

Brown and purple

A truly luxurious color combination - brown and purple. Designers often exploit the beauty of this color tandem in their collections (see photo below).

Photo: 7 - brown with pink and peach; 8 - brown with purple, red and white

Brown and lilac

Cool shades of brown go well with lilac shades. Again, it is important to choose them correctly.

Brown and gold

Combinations of brown and gold look royally luxurious!

Combinations of brown with non-spectral tones

Brown with shades of brown

Brown has many shades that can form harmonious colors when combined with each other. The color of black coffee, dark chocolate, cinnamon, earth, clay, rye bread - all this various options brown in color, which combine perfectly with each other according to the principle of kinship. Using fabrics with different surface textures in combinations of brown tones, designers create original clothing models.

Brown and beige

Refined and elegant combinations brown flowers with shades of beige are relevant at all times, as they belong to fashion classics.

Photo: 9 - brown with lilac and purple; 10 - brown with brown and beige

Brown and peach

A related, harmonious combination. Used quite often.

Combinations of brown with pastel colors

Delicate, pastel colors create contrasting harmonious combinations with shades of brown. Warm and cool pastel colors are recommended to be combined with brown colors of the same shade. For example, warm brown should go in a duet with light lemon, ivory, pale sunny yellow and light coral, and cold - with pale gray-blue, light pale lilac, pale pink, light turquoise, etc.

Photo: cool brown with pink and blue, brown with purple, brown with shades of brown, brown with beige, brown with peach

The variety of harmonious combinations of brown with other colors significantly expands the boundaries of the color picture of the world, bringing beauty and variety into our lives.

Black is the most common color in clothing: to one degree or another, it is found in every person’s wardrobe. In addition to the obvious practicality of black clothing, its aesthetic advantages play a large role in the popularity of this tone. It is no secret that black clothing gives a strict, serious, solid, noble and even majestic look to its owners, and the ability of this color to visually make the figure slim makes it a symbol of elegance. Combinations of black with other tones allow you to create ensembles of varying degrees of expressiveness for both everyday and elegant purposes.

Matching colors: combinations of black - photo: 1 - with purple; 2 - with gray; 3 - with bright pink, purple, red

The answer to the question of what colors go with black is quite simple: everything! It is only important to choose the right combination of colors in accordance with the purpose of the suit and the color type of appearance.

Combinations of black with achromatic colors

TO achromatic colors include white, all shades of gray and black. These are harmoniously combined colors; the main thing is to choose the right degree of lightness of tones and the proportional relationships of the elements of the costume.

Black and white

The combination of black and white is the most spectacular contrast: it is an unfading fashion classic! Such combinations create a solemn and majestic look! Also Coco Chanel, creating her “little black dress", offered accessories as add-ons white, including a pearl necklace.

Black with gray

Combinations of black with various shades of gray - great options in making suits for various purposes, including office ones: they look strict and elegant!

Photo 1 (right) - with peach, white, red and gray

Black with silver

In evening costume ensembles, a color combination such as black and silver is often used, when the surface of the material has a metallization effect: it looks elegant and harmonious!

Photo: 1 - with white and gold; 2 - with green; 3 - with peach; 4 - with bright chromatic colors

Combination of black with bright chromatic colors

Black color is neutral, so you can safely combine any chromatic tones with it. At the same time, it has an amazing ability to dim the brightness of the colors next to it, giving the combinations solemnity and severity.

Black and red colors

Combinations of black and red are catchy, effective, and most appropriate in a formal setting. This could be a bright red jacket or bolero, complementing a black cocktail dress, etc.

Combination of black and fuchsia

The combination of black and fuchsia produces a similar impression: bright, catchy, impressive, elegant!

Black and blue - only bright!

Black and bright blue create a successful tandem in business clothes: the combination looks quite strict and elegant.

Photo 2 - with fuchsia, blue and lemon yellow; 3 -with pink, white, red and burgundy

Black and purple

Combination of black with purple It looks expressive and intriguing, but quite strict. The brighter the purple, the better.

Black and green bright shades

Black color in combination with shades of green in bright tones - harmoniously combined colors in both everyday and evening wear - it all depends on the textures of the materials used.

Black with orange

Combinations of bright orange with black are catchy and sharply contrasting. They will look good in items for sports competitions and concert costumes. In casual and elegant clothes, in combination with black, you should use a soft orange color, close to a coral shade.

Black and yellow

Combinations of black with rich yellow are catchy and a little aggressive, so they don’t always look harmonious in an everyday suit. Appropriate in sportswear designed for entertainment events.

Photo 4 - with orange, peach, red and purple-eggplant; 5 - with bright yellow, red, white, gray and blue

Black and gold color

Black and gold - a royal combination, for a long time used in Spanish court costume. This combination creates the impression of elegance, pomp and is appropriate in concert costumes or in dresses for special occasions.

Combination of black with pastel colors

With all its advantages, black still looks gloomy, so it is recommended to combine it with pastel colors: they are refreshing! There is also a rule here - the brighter and lighter pastel tone(the whiter), the better. They are also called ice shades. The more muted, the less preferable. After all, black is a rich color.

Black and blue, pink, turquoise, lilac, peach

Combinations of black with pale pink, light blue, soft lilac, light turquoise, peach, cream, light green create the impression of romance. The tenderness of shades of pastel colors helps to soften the severity that is characteristic of black.

Black and beige, black and ivory

Combinations of black and beige give your suit ensemble a sophisticated, elegant look. This combination can also be recommended for office fashion: looks quite strict and restrained. The combination of black and ivory also looks interesting.

Photo 6 - from pastel colors: green, blue and pink; 7 -with turquoise, coral and sand;

The warmest and brightest, the color of summer warmth, autumn leaves, the color of joy and fun. Of course it's yellow. It would seem that it is simply impossible to find a person who would not like it, because everyone probably has at least one thing the color of a sun kiss or one of its many shades. However, you must admit that an excess of yellow can have an overwhelming effect, therefore, to create a harmonious outfit, it is very important to understand what the color yellow goes with in clothes.

What does the choice of yellow mean?

As a rule, this color is preferred by cheerful people who move through life with ease. It is able to activate all life processes and provide energy for active actions. That is why active people love him so much.

Yellow outfits are etched in the memory for a long time, so they are simply necessary in situations where you need to be remembered. However, by overdoing it, you can get the exact opposite effect, since excessive saturation will contribute to the appearance of irritability and hostility of others towards you. Therefore, the main thing is a sense of proportion, however, this rule is relevant for any color. Another negative side is the ability of this color to cause absent-mindedness.

Be that as it may, for most yellow is the color of harmony and warmth, light and boundless joy, therefore, by learning to create harmonious images with it, you can become simply unique.

What colors go with yellow in clothes: combinations with achromatic range

The colors of this group, according to most, are capable of creating classic combinations with almost every color. Yellow was no exception. However, each of them gives it a special, unique character, radically changing the mood of the outfit itself.

So, a combination with black is almost always classic and evening wear. However, this combination is not always beneficial, since any excess will make it tacky. Try to avoid horizontal stripes, which will make you look like a wasp, as well as overly bright or small prints, as they will weigh down the look; it is better to keep them in solid colors. An outfit in which one of the colors dominates, and the second only competently complements and completes the image, will look very elegant. So, for example, a black business suit can be diluted with a yellow blouse, and yellow dress Pairs harmoniously with a black belt and clutch.

If any color goes well with yellow, it is gray, and such a duet is appropriate in any outfit. The brightness and saturation of yellow fully compensates for the moderation and lightness of gray tones, making the combination incredibly harmonious and soft. This combination looks especially gentle and warm in the fall, when light yellow notes brighten up the grayness and dullness of the surrounding landscapes.

A duet with white always turns out light and airy, so this is perhaps the best combination for summer outfits that fully reflect your mood. However, if everyday outfits in such colors are carefree and weightless, then more strict style they can add a touch of solemnity and sophistication, and if you also shade them with gold, you will certainly get a stunning combination!

What color goes with yellow in clothes: chromatic tones

First of all, it’s worth mentioning the monochrome nature of the outfit, or rather, its undesirability. If most shades create an ideal range with yellow, then its own variations in one look are far from a winning option. The thing is that such an abundance of yellow shades makes the onion too “sugary” and intrusive. It will be quite difficult for those around you to concentrate in your presence, since your outfit will take all the attention, thereby doing a “disservice”. Therefore, try to dilute the outfit with at least small details of a different color. Let's talk about which combinations will be the most successful.

The undeniable winning duet will be yellow-blue. This combination looks simply incredible, refreshing and adding brightness to the image of its owner. As a rule, such ensembles are most often seen in the summer, as it looks chic on light and airy fabrics. However, you can't go wrong by wearing a warm lemon sweater with light blue jeans, so don't set yourself limits.

Colorists consider the combination various shades yellow with brown, so close to it, is almost classic, since it is taken from nature itself. Therefore, from year to year they appear in many collections of various couturiers.

But the combination with pink is considered quite controversial, since not every girl can feel comfortable in such a set. As a rule, such subjects tend to be chosen by extraordinary individuals with non-standard approach to all. Neon shades of these colors will look very impressive, creating an unforgettable image for a party or disco. However, you should not experiment in those styles that do not tolerate such insolence. So, such a combination is simply not acceptable in classical or business style.

Also, lovers of shocking will like the combination of yellow with red or orange. Despite the dominant nature of all these colors, they can “get along” perfectly in one image. True, for this you need to sensitively feel the fine line between sophistication and intrusiveness and not step over it.

Another “natural” combination is considered a duet with green. And if you think about what color yellow harmonizes with, then this option appears one of the first. These tones look most impressive in autumn, when nature is no longer colorful. bright colors, and I really want summer warmth and colors. This combination can easily withstand all variations of shades of each color, while remaining at its best.

A 100% hit is a combination of yellow and blue in one image, which is a hint given to us by nature itself. This range primarily reminds us of summer, appearing in most collections specifically for this season. However, by skillfully varying the shades, you can create a great business look or even a classic evening outfit. For such people, restrained shades of both colors are best suited, and in everyday looks Bright and rich colors are more appropriate than ever.

In general, it’s difficult to ruin yellow with an unsuccessful combination, so don’t be afraid to experiment, because they will help you create simply stunning images!