Beautiful fashionable manicure for short nails. Romance of pastel shades

A true lady takes care of her appearance from the roots of her hair to the tips of her nails. Beautiful hands and a flawless manicure is a sign good taste and inner harmony of a woman. 2014 brought more to nail art bright colors and the most incredible combinations. Bold and creative decor options perfectly reflect emotional condition female soul who is prone to frequent mood swings. Multi-colored manicure– one of the ways to show your individuality and recharge with positive energy. Colored beautiful nails gained popularity in 2010, and they are still one of the most interesting options stylish design.

Despite the fact that the nails are covered different colors varnish, they look somewhat carefree and frivolous; with a well-chosen outfit and accessories, such a manicure will perfectly complement any look. In 2013, multi-colored designs graced the nails of daring teenage girls and sophisticated fashionistas. Now any girl can afford to paint each nail a different color. The main condition for such original nail art is considered to be the overall harmony of the colors of the varnish with the chosen style and wardrobe.

Colored manicure can be done different ways. We will look at the most common options for bright nail art, which consists of several shades of varnish. For those who have not yet tried to make an amazing manicure on their nails in different colors, we suggest looking at a collection of photos, which, according to tradition, is presented at the end of our article. Perhaps, seeing how gorgeous multi-colored varnishes look on the surface of their nails, many girls will decide on such a bold and original experiment.

Smooth color transition in ombre style

It is considered one of the most relevant and popular designs in 2014. In this nail art, the surface of all nails should be painted with varnishes that belong to the same range of colors. Creation principle interesting design pretty simple. For example, if you want a multi-colored manicure in blue tones, then each finger needs to be painted in its own shade of indigo. The combination of dark blue, bright turquoise, azure, soft blue and almost transparent pale polish will create a unique gradient that should cover all the nails of one hand. For such a manicure, it is necessary to use varnishes of the same texture so that the fingers differ only in shade. If you decide to make an ombre using matte varnish, then do not use a glossy finish for one or more nails, so as not to disrupt the integrity of the design.

It is quite difficult to find several similar shades so that multi-colored ombre nails look harmonious. There is a way out: you can try to create the entire palette of the required tonality from two varnishes. Mixing a few drops light paint with a darker one, you can get the desired color. You can evaluate the result of such an experiment by small photo instructions.

By gradually increasing the proportions, you can make the shade brighter or lighter. Each nail should be painted so that it is one or two shades darker than the previous one. Looking at the photo, you will understand how, using two shades, you can create a manicure that is fashionable in 2014, which evokes admiration for its elegance.

Feng Shui - harmony of colors on your nails

For many girls, manicure is not just one way to express their individuality, but also an opportunity to try to influence their destiny with the help of nail art. Multi-colored nails attract the attention of not only people, but also higher powers. The wise elders of the East believe that each finger is responsible for a certain area of ​​life, and what color you paint it can depend on further fate person.

If you want to learn how to paint your nails so that luck smiles on you, you need to familiarize yourself with hidden meaning each finger of your hand, and also determine which of the five elements of nature you belong to. This will help you bring harmony into your life. If you are seriously interested in this topic, be sure to read the article about Feng Shui manicure.

When doing a multi-colored manicure in the Feng Shui style, please note that you should highlight only the nails on right hand, because it is she who attracts positive energy. The right combination of shades will turn a color design into a source of harmony and peace. Take a look at the gallery colorful photos, which present options to experience the deep philosophy of ancient eastern teachings.

A riot of shades of rainbow nail art

A multi-colored design looks very impressive, if it comes in all the colors of the rainbow. A similar manicure can be performed on both hands. Starting from the left little finger to the right little finger, one color of polish is replaced by another, creating a rainbow effect. For example, you can take a traditional combination of shades as a basis. Varnishes such as black, purple, dark blue, turquoise, green, light green, yellow, orange, red and pink look beautiful on the surface of the nails in a single ensemble.

The 2014 fashion does not impose any restrictions on multi-colored manicure, so you can paint your nails in any order, using all kinds of colors and shades. Rich or discreet, matte or glossy varnishes will add lightness and carefreeness and refresh even the most formal look. To create unique colored nail art, just paint each nail a different color. Look at the photo and you will understand that it is impossible to take your eyes off the brightness.

Stylish color design ideas

Options for a colorful manicure using several colored varnishes may be different. There are no clear boundaries or restrictions here. You just need to keep in mind that multi-colored nails should reflect your mood, completing bright image, and all shades should be in harmony with each other. Some people like to paint the nail plate with two different polishes, alternating them with each other. Some people like to highlight only one ring finger with a different shade or decorate it additional decor in the form of a pattern, glitter or rhinestones.

Juicy and bright ideas You will see color nail designs in the photo collection that we have prepared for you. The choice is great, and every girl finds something of her own from a wide variety of stylish nail art. The main thing is that from one glance at an amazing manicure made with multi-colored varnishes, the faces of those around you will light up with sincere smiles.

In conclusion, we invite you to find out what nail service experts advise regarding fashionable nail art. The short video contains general recommendations for caring for women's hands and creating an elegant design. Surrender to the power of rainbow shades and their incredible combinations. Allow yourself to plunge into the world of colors and feel a surge of positive emotions!

Bright nails in rich multi-colored shades cannot help but attract attention. This design instantly lifts your mood and makes you smile. However, many representatives of the fair sex are afraid to use such a colorful manicure in Everyday life. They think it looks too provocative and a little childish.

But this is a misconception based on ignorance and inability to correctly combine and use the color palette of varnishes. Having understood the principles of such application, the girl will be able to please herself and everyone around her with beautiful and colorful nails.

But to do this, you need to become more familiar with this technique and learn about all the intricacies of multi-colored manicure.

The relevance of such nail art, and where it can be used

Many people believe that colored nails are only acceptable during free time and are not suitable for office work, when communicating with clients, and especially not suitable for women in leadership positions. However, there are some nuances here.

Coating with different varnishes can be done using several types of techniques.

If we're talking about about rainbow manicure, when very rich colors, clearly contrasting with each other, then such a coating is suitable for young ladies. It can be used for an upcoming party or meeting with friends. This multi-colored nail design will add playfulness and some perkiness to the look. And it will help you tune in to easy and relaxed communication.

Choosing a manicure done in one color scheme, but in different shades, a woman of any age can calmly demonstrate it in a more formal setting, for example, at work. It will not look so noticeable. And if the coating is chosen to match business suit, then the whole image will turn out to be quite stylish.

Types and features of multi-colored manicure - video

Multi-colored nails: types of manicure

Thanks to the presence of several techniques for performing such coating, it has acquired its own types:

  • two-color and three-color manicure (a combination of two or three varnishes that are in perfect harmony with each other);
  • contrasting (when several nails are painted in a color that is the opposite version of the rest of the nails);
  • multi-colored jacket;
  • “ombre” pattern (transition of tones on the nail plate from top to bottom or from thumb to little finger);
  • moon manicure (french reverse).

Mastering all these techniques is not as difficult as it might seem. Therefore, any young lady, with a little effort, will be able to create such beauty on her nails even at home.

Harder to learn the right combination colors and the right shades on the nails so that the fingers look neat and don’t feel like they’ve been smeared with paint. To simplify the task, you should consider in more detail some types of such manicure, their features and nuances.

Multi-colored French and moon manicure

Suitable only for long nails, since the coverage will require the necessary area, which is missing for short nails. Many people consider this type of multi-colored design to be the most universal. After all, it suits everyone, regardless of age. At the same time, it can perfectly harmonize with a certain item of clothing or some accessory.

The most advantageous and summery look is a French coat, which is a combination of small fragments of yellow, blue, red, pink and green varnish.

The shape of painted areas of a certain color is chosen arbitrarily. These could just be spots of different diameters, triangles or stripes. However, there is a small nuance here. With this manicure, you should avoid outfits made entirely in variegated shades.

Giving preference to the lunar design, when a small part of the base of the nail is covered with a colorful pattern, it is recommended to mix three colors.

It could be:

  • peach;
  • pink;
  • white.

Any light suit, even the strictest cut, will look great with such multi-colored nails.

Another option for this type of coating is when one varnish is placed at the base, and the rest of the plate is covered with another. For example, a black and white version that is suitable for office style. And for young ladies who want to make a splash at the upcoming holiday, you can add sparkles and rhinestones to this manicure.

Two-color, three-color and contrasting manicure

When using a two-color nail design that you want to make delicate and soft, you must follow one rule. It consists in not combining cold and warm tones, which will interrupt each other and give the impression of bad taste.

  • So, Blue colour goes best with azure, blue or cornflower blue.
  • Green - with light green, marsh or emerald.
  • Red will look great with coral, pink, burgundy and orange.
  • Purple - with lilac or lavender.
  • But to create an everyday option that is acceptable in different situations, you can opt for pastel shades, which also combine perfectly with each other.

As for contrasting manicure, here the above rule ceases to apply. The more colors that do not match each other are used, the better.

This can be a completely multi-colored coating, with each finger representing its own individual color. However, such a decision is subject to an appropriate situation.

A multi-colored coating will look funny and even ridiculous when the image itself represents a strict or classic version. In this case, nails painted in different colors will be some kind of separate element that distracts attention from the girl herself.

But the three-color coating is the golden mean between the two techniques described above. It allows you to use cold and warm colors, but at the same time choose the most suitable friend to a friend. A great combination is red, blue and yellow. Or purple, orange and green. You should avoid pearlescent varnishes.

Manicure with polka dots - video

Ombre manicure

Enough interesting view manicure, which is increasingly gaining popularity. Many people consider this coating to be a fashionable accent, allowing them to add a sophisticated and sophisticated touch to the entire look. Its feature is smooth transition between tones. And this design can be used on both short and long nails.

If the transition of shades occurs throughout the hand, then the principle of “saturation” applies. The thumb is painted more dark color, then the index finger is one tone lighter and so on to the little finger, which turns out to be the lightest.

To clearly understand what this might look like, you need to imagine thumb, colored burgundy, which turns pink towards the little finger. In this case, the transition should be soft and in no case abrupt.

The main difficulty may be to find and purchase the required number of varnishes different shades. But there is a little trick here:

  1. You can settle on one favorite color, which should have sufficient saturation.
  2. Then take cardboard or a thick sheet of paper and drop varnish onto it several times.
  3. Add a little white color to it and mix everything with a toothpick or needle. Apply the resulting composition to the next finger.
  4. Then add a little more white varnish to the finished base and repeat all the steps again.
  5. And so consistently move towards the end. As a result, the gradient will be really smooth. It looks very beautiful on nails.

The second version of the ombre manicure represents a smooth transition from one color to another on each finger. To do this, you can use two different shades, then this coating can be easily repeated at home.

But using more tones can cause some difficulties.

The most interesting and winning combinations of nail polish colors are:

  • yellow and purple;
  • light blue and pink;
  • red and green;
  • blue and orange;
  • white and emerald.

Such a coating can become holiday decoration any woman's marigold. The main thing is that the created manicure slightly overlaps with the outfit itself and the palette of makeup applied.

When choosing calm and muted tones for ombre, the nail design becomes more versatile. So, for example, you can take beige and coffee polish or peach and soft pink. This manicure can be used every day. It will dilute a boring image and add mystery to it.

The first option would be a sand-colored jacket or turtleneck or a light brown dress. But with the second option, any white or light blouse will look good. As a result, the girl receives a complete set that is stylish and sophisticated.

Ombre manicure at home - video

You can decorate your nails with an ombre manicure as follows:

Let's summarize:

  1. Multi-colored manicure, thanks to its varieties, can suit any girl or woman. The main thing is to understand which nail design is closest to the created image and the place where the beautiful person is going.
  2. For those who decide to try such an interesting coating for the first time, it is better to start with two colors. This will help develop the principle of combination, after which it will be possible to experiment with more complex combinations.

Do not be afraid of such a manicure, as it will be able to bring something new and original to the entire style.

Hello, Dear friends, charming strangers and regular readers of our ladies' blog!

Multi-colored manicure: fashionable, spectacular, unusual

Fashion trends create their own current trends not only in the style of clothing, makeup, hairstyles, accessories and jewelry. Neil designs are also constantly updated, and modern technologies and quality of coatings provide stylish and flawless appearance our marigolds. Any one you want!

The theme of our today's fashion photo review will be a manicure with different colors on the nails. Here you will probably find something interesting for yourself, because summer is ahead and it’s time for the holidays, when you can ignore the rules and experiment, trying on a bright and fresh look.

A manicure with one nail of a different color has already become, in its own way, a classic of the genre; this will not surprise anyone. But here are the different colors of nails, where combinations of colors can be either contrasting or made in the same tone, but using various shades, look very original.

Romance of pastel shades

Light combinations look wonderful on tanned skin of the hands pastel colors mint and vanilla, delicate lilac and tea rose petals, sea turquoise and milky mother-of-pearl. Such a non-standard manicure, matched to the color scheme of the appropriate outfit or jewelry, will add a significant plus to your delicate summer look.

A nude-style manicure with multi-colored delicate highlights on the tips of the nails does not visually weigh them down, but gives a special charm to the lady’s fingers.

There are a lot of options - the main thing is to use coatings with a translucent texture that create light watercolor strokes without clearly defined color boundaries.

Ombre manicure: testing the color palette

Another effective option for decorative design nails - multi-colored manicure made using the gradient technique or, as it is also called, .

For high-quality execution of this nail design, it is better, of course, to turn to professionals. But nothing is impossible. Do you want to master the technique yourself? Then it’s worth purchasing a detailed and very effective manicure course, which will help you understand the basics of this fascinating applied arts without leaving your personal computer.

Bright fruit ideas for summer manicure

The berry and fruit theme is a tasty and juicy hit in the cheerful style of multi-colored manicure. For beach party accompanied by fiery Latin American music and heady cocktails with cheerful umbrellas - exactly what you need.

When experimenting with different colors on your nails, don’t forget about the texture of the varnish coating. The combination of sparkling gloss with a matte varnish texture, dense glitter and painting of individual nails gives the manicure an inimitable special chic.

Multi-colored marigolds and marine style

Marine style is another inexhaustible theme for lovers of multi-colored manicure.

Combination of bright contrasting colors, complemented by stylish decorative elements, will become bright accent in your look and will create an excellent summer mood.

Stylish manicure with graphic print

Multicolored graphic drawings– a great idea for those who love non-standard solutions, including decorative manicure.

This nail design looks great on short nails too. It will be appropriate paired with a plain dress or in combination with a bright outfit made of fabric with a geometric print. The main thing is not to overdo it color palette so that the overall image does not look overly colorful.

Color accents: prints, patterns, texture

Not too excited about the idea of ​​just painting your nails different colors? Let's take care of the accents, and then the result will be a completely different calico!

Various designs applied manually or using ready-made stamps, the use of varnish coatings that contrast in texture, such as thick glitter or varnish with a craquelure effect, will give your manicure that special unique style that everyone will envy!

For summer manicure light ones are best pastel shades flatness of coatings. They are not intrusive, perfectly harmonize with almost any outfit and give ladies' hands a gentle charm.

Beautiful nail art for special occasions

Decorative design using different colors on each nail is great not only for everyday wear, but also for special occasions.

For example, for a romantic date or other important moment, to match the chosen outfit, when everything in your image should be impeccable.

Pay attention to the precious shades and undertones, their seductive combinations and, of course, additional elements decor that gives your nails elegance and special style.

Multi-colored jacket: summer ideas

You can even play it up with multi-colored varnish beyond recognition.

What matters is the meaning you attach color solutions, choosing one or another nail design. How long do you intend to wear it and how will it match your current mood, say, a week later. A?

We wish you a warm and sunny summer, unforgettable impressions and bright, memorable images along with a colorful manicure! And don’t forget to come visit us, share your impressions and leave comments. We value your opinion! Until next time.

Multi-colored manicure: what could be more positive? Nails of all colors of the rainbow attract attention and add variety to any look. What color manicure options exist, to whom and for what occasions they are suitable - you will learn about all this in three, two, one...

Who is suitable for multi-colored manicure?

Without undue caution, we can say: multi-colored nails will suit everyone, the main thing is not to go against logic and taste. A manicure doesn’t have to be colorful and flashy: soft pastel shades are also perfect for multi-colored nail designs.

When should you apply colored manicure?

Girls and young girls can use it almost always, if they adhere to the main rule: for school – pastel colors and a minimum of shades (no more than 3-4); on weekends and holidays, you can decorate your nails with the craziest and brightest combinations of many tones.

For older ladies, it is also better to choose pastel shades for work and limit yourself to a few colors, and during relaxation the range can be diversified with deep and rich tones.

Manicure options for all occasions

Work and study

If you want to add variety to your everyday shellac manicure, then degrading within the same range (or using adjacent tones) is what you need. For example, a smooth transition from smoky pink to a muted blue shade on one nail using the ombre technique or different nails will decorate your hands without attracting negative attention.

Colored stripes and simple geometry are also suitable for work and study. The main thing is not to overdo it with the number of shades: to make your nails look stylish and not tacky, it is enough to use up to 4 tones in your manicure.

And again, French: despite the statements of nail experts, slight variety in the classic French manicure is not prohibited: multi-colored tips or base will add mood.

Weekend manicure

If on weekdays the passion for colored nails has to be restrained within the framework of traditions, then on weekends, holidays, vacations and holidays you can enjoy the freedom and change your usual shellac manicure to a non-standard one.

Colored eggs

A multi-colored caviar manicure looks like festive confetti and can’t help but delight. Manicure is perfect for summer and the upcoming New Year holidays.

Colorful flowers

Sometimes there is such a lack of bright colors and an abundance of all kinds of flowers. You can make up for the deficiency on your nails: such flowers do not fade, are available at any time of the year and are always nearby. Putting modesty aside, we add a scattering of field and cultivated plants of various tones to the bright base.

Bright flashes

Most profitable bright shades look great on a black base. Yellow, red, pink, blue, light green - like fireworks in the night sky. The idea is perfect for shellac manicure: the glossy coating will add a diamond shine and make the design even brighter. If desired, you can add glitter and rhinestones. Manicure is perfect for the New Year and any other celebration.

On a clean nail

Multi-colored spots on the nail without a colored base? Wonderful! For all its brightness, the design looks gentle and charming. By the way, the colored spots do not have to be thick and saturated: in a translucent design, they will add airiness and romance to the manicure.

M&M's manicure

Who doesn't love these bright sweets? Unless it's someone who doesn't like sweets at all. Nail designs with images, stucco or using candy shades are the choice of young sweet-toothed, gentle and playful ladies. A multi-colored shellac manicure with a white letter “m” will not go unnoticed and will delight not only its owner, but also all her friends.

Watercolor palette

Manicure done as if watercolor paints– idea for creative people tied to their profession. Soft blurry transitions and translucent abstract images will decorate short and long nails. Another option is a manicure that imitates drips of oil or any other thick paint. Also fresh, relevant and bright.


Cosmic manicure with images of planets, stars and galaxies will appeal to extraordinary people. As a basis black will do, dark blue or purple tone, and for decoration - white, light lilac, light yellow, lemon, light green, pink and other various shades. It is possible to use neon paints, stucco, sparkles and rhinestones, holographic stickers. A space shellac manicure will also look fantastic.

The more flowers, the more freedom. Don’t be afraid to experiment and try the most unconventional ideas for manicure, because fashion is just recommendations, and canons exist to (at least sometimes) break them.

Not every woman can afford multi-colored nails, because such a manicure is very difficult to combine with in a casual way. This design option is popular among young people who want to stand out from the crowd due to bright combination flowers on nails. Can a manicure using different colors look restrained, even classically romantic, and what color combinations are considered the best? Let's talk!

Basics of color combinations

The combination of colors on the nails is the main thing that a girl needs to pay her attention to. Without thinking through the range of shades used, she risks making her look stupid and flashy. So, how should you choose the color scheme for an original manicure?

Having settled on one color scheme or another, you can begin to create a drawing. Now you can give preference to even the most intricate design with an abundance of different patterns. And yet, colored nails sometimes look too bright, so they do not require additions of rhinestones, sparkles and volumetric drawings. By giving preference to a design in the “expensive-rich” style, and even with a lot of colored details, a lady risks slipping into absolute bad taste.

French multi-colored manicure

Who said that multi-colored nail designs have to look very bright and literally flashy? For ladies who want to bring a riot of colors into their lives, but do not want to take too many risks, there is a multi-colored jacket.

It is created in the same way as a regular one French manicure, but the ends are not painted in White color, and in different bright shades. Here are just the most interesting variations on the theme of a multi-colored jacket:

If a girl prefers a discreet design, but wants to experiment with colors, she should turn to a French jacket using pastel colors. To create it, you need to paint your nails with transparent varnish, and then apply lines with multi-colored varnishes of a pre-selected range. It would be great if each nail was painted in its own color, but you can give preference to 3-4 colors that will be constantly repeated.

If a woman is not afraid of experiments, then she simply must think about the form or color combinations French manicure. Nowadays they are very popular geometric designs in the form of broken lines, and you can decorate your French manicure with them. After the transparent base has dried, you need to carefully apply several colors to the nail, mixing them in the form of fancy geometric shapes. When all the colors are mixed together, each nail will turn into a tiny work of art.

Such a creative manicure, in which 3-4 completely different shades can coexist on one plate, looks only within the framework of a French manicure. If a girl wants to decorate with colorful geometric shapes nail along the entire length, the manicure will turn out too flashy.

Gradient manicure is the most fashionable nail design option

Colored nails painted using the gradient technique are so popular for a reason. The thing is that such a manicure looks very unusual, and the nuances of its implementation may differ noticeably. How can you paint your nails using the gradient technique?

Nail polish color combination in frames gradient manicure It’s worth thinking through especially carefully, since here you can very easily slip into bad taste. Most often, fans of gradient coloring turn to shades close to the spectrum, for example, yellow and orange, blue and green, and so on. Sometimes you can find more original combinations, for example, a smooth transition from black to red, which looks extremely unusual and bright.

If a lady chooses gradient coloring on each nail plate, then she will need a sponge:

Multi-colored designs on nails

Painting your nails with different colors to create a creative design is not difficult, but reproduction bright pattern- the task is much more problematic. Here it is important not only to show your imagination, but also to maintain the boundary separating bright style from complete bad taste.

Here are examples of the most common color patterns with which you can diversify your manicure:

Of course, the most common design option is a variety of flowers, leaves and plants. A two-color nail design within this manicure looks especially trendy and is created by monochromatically painting the plate and applying it on top. complex pattern. For example, a girl can paint her nails pale green, and on top put an image of blue roses, cornflowers, or any flower arrangements. This design will look especially bright if the lady decorates small flowers and leaves throughout the nail plate.

Another way to stand out from the crowd with colorful designs is to put dots on your nails different sizes. Such points should be located in a chaotic order and have completely different colors. Before you start decorating, the plates themselves must be painted in some kind of bright color, for example, in yellow. Next, you will have to take a needle or toothpick and use it to begin applying bright and original drawing. The resulting design will be very original, but you shouldn’t decorate all your nails with it. This manicure looks much more interesting if there are dots on only two or three nails.