Opening of the dance school. How to open a dance school: what is needed for this and how much does it cost

How to open a dance school: organizational issues

Dance classes are popular with the general public: the acquisition of smoothness and grace of movements, the formation muscle mass, weight loss, maintaining the tone of the body, good spirits, active pastime attract many. For these reasons, professionals this art and even beginners who have an entrepreneurial streak tend to open a dance school.

How to open a dance studio: project launch

The choice of business registration form depends on end result conducted lessons. If, upon completion of the courses, the participants will be issued the appropriate certificates or diplomas, then the activities of the school or studio are subject to licensing. IN this case it is advisable to register the project as an LLC.

In cases where a startup opens its own dance school with the aim of teaching students to dance and does not provide for the issuance of any documents to confirm training, an individual entrepreneur can be chosen. A more complex form of project registration is non-profit organization, whose activities are carried out at the expense of sponsorship money.

How to open a dance school: important points

To understand how to open your own dance school most productively, you should understand the specifics of providing this service. Studio clients primarily value professionalism and human qualities teachers, as well as the functionality of the premises. The training room is a room with an area of ​​150 sq. meters, which has a ventilation system, all requirements are met fire safety.

Equally important is the flooring: preference is given to laminate or parquet flooring, not varnished, sufficiently springy and not hard. The walls of the hall should be equipped with large mirrors - at least 2 meters high - with a minimum number of joints. Lighting should be bright, sharp, but not overbearing. In addition, the room must have excellent acoustics.

The presence of showers and a rest room is very welcome by the students. Therefore, preference should be given to a room with the possibility of organizing additional zones.

The best option is to organize evening group classes three times a week with the number of students 15 - 30 people. In the morning or afternoon, you can spend individual lessons or sublease the hall (if this opportunity agreed with the landlord). Realizing this option, having calculated the costs of maintaining the premises, paying utility bills, wages an administrator, a cleaner and two or three teachers, an entrepreneur can reach a net profit of at least $5,000.

Answering the question: “How to open your own dance studio?”, a startup must assess the potential at his disposal for the implementation of this project: knowledge in the field of marketing and promotion of services, the ability to communicate with customers and employees, plan business processes and manage risks. The Business Youth project invites all beginners in the field of entrepreneurship who have a desire to organize a profitable long-term business.

If you are thinking about how to open a dance school, then we will describe in detail a business plan with calculations and accurate step by step. A novice entrepreneur needs to know how to organize such activities and what obstacles will arise along the way.

In order to succeed in the dance business, you should competently approach all aspects - from registration to advertising promotion of the studio. Each of the steps described below is important and neglecting any of the points will only lead to unforeseen losses and loss of reputation.

Relevance of the dance business

advantage this direction is that the organization of such activities will not require large investments or complex paperwork. Almost anyone can open their own dance school from scratch. And when correct selection the services offered and the location of the studio can guarantee a quick return on investment and a net profit.

Today, many people want to dance. They like it for a number of reasons, because dancing brings pleasure, cheers up, helps keep the body in shape, promotes communication and makes a person more confident. And with diversity dance directions you can find a style that will distinguish your school from competitors and become interesting for today's youth.

Before dealing with paperwork and other nuances, consider in what format you will work and what you will offer clients. When choosing a style, be guided by such factors:

  1. What captivates you personally and teachers of what direction you can invite to work.
  2. Demand among the population of your city - what dances are fashionable and popular now, what people are most interested in.
  3. Study the competitors as well - you should not offer the same dance styles, if there is already a strong and reputable school of a particular direction in the region, then new clients are unlikely to come to you.

Also, be aware of the target audience you will be counting on. For example, it could be a dance school:

  • For children.
  • For adults who don't know how to dance at all and want to gain confidence in their movements regardless of style ("Dancing for All").
  • For young people who prefer modern so-called street trends.
  • For women ( Eastern dance, half dance).
  • For men (break dance).
  • Wedding.
  • Ballroom (for professionals), etc.

This factor will largely determine how to successfully name the studio, where it is more appropriate to locate it, and how to promote it.

Where to begin?

We list the main legal steps that will have to be taken at the start of the project:

  1. Register with the tax office as individual entrepreneur(IP) or legal entity (LLC). The second option is needed only when there are several co-founders at once, that is, business partners.
  2. Choose a suitable taxation system (UTII or STS), according to which you will pay monthly state contributions from income.
  3. Specify OKVED codes according to the services that you offer to the public.
  4. When arranging the premises, it will be necessary to invite representatives of the SES, the Fire Inspection and Rospotrebnadzor, who, after verification, will issue the appropriate permits to conduct activities.

It is convenient that no licenses and certificates are required for this, which greatly simplifies and speeds up organizational stage.

Studio space

Choose your location carefully future school dancing. If you rent a room in a fitness center, sports complex or cultural center, then most of ups and downs with controlling authorities will disappear by itself. In these institutions, everything is already equipped in accordance with the basic requirements of SanPiN and fire safety. Otherwise, you will have to independently monitor every detail.

The convenience of the studio location relative to the target audience is also important. So, when focusing on married couples, children and housewives, it is good to choose a place somewhere in residential area. But if your clients are students, busy businesswomen and entrepreneurs, office workers, then it is best to rent a room somewhere in the central part of the city.

And although the pay here will be higher, there are still clear advantages:

  • It is easy for clients to get into the club when it is located near work.
  • Such an institution is considered more elite and prestigious, which means that the cost of services can be raised higher.
  • You don’t have to spend too much on an advertising campaign, as it’s enough to place a bright sign and put up several attractive posters near the studio.

When choosing a room, pay attention to such important parameters:

  1. Free space for the dance room is not less than 80 sq. m.
  2. It is possible to separately arrange a bathroom, showers, changing rooms and a foyer.
  3. Installed good system ventilation, as well as other communications.

It is necessary to properly zone the space. So, for the dance process, 80 square meters are allotted. m or more. Be sure to equip two locker rooms (for men and women) of 10-15 square meters. m each. Next to them are showers and a bathroom. At the entrance, there is a place for the administrator (about 20 sq. m.), reception or foyer.

The room itself is equipped with large mirrors on the walls or even around the entire perimeter. Pay special attention to the floor - it must be durable and comfortable for dancing. Usually lay laminate or parquet. In the rest room, you need to put several sofas or armchairs, as well as install a table for the administrator, a telephone and other improvised means.

Depending on your financial capabilities, such premises are rented, bought or built from scratch. But the latter option involves large investments. Although sometimes it remains the only one available, since it is not always easy to find a suitable building in the city that meets the needs of a dance school.


Pay special attention to the selection of employees. All teachers should not only be experienced professionals, but also have a good reputation, be able to communicate with different students, win over, quickly evaluate physical abilities human, to be friendly and disciplined. Remember, from what kind of teachers work at the dance school, this will be the reputation of the institution as a whole.

You also need an employee for an administrative position, which sometimes the owners perform on their own. This person must answer calls, advise on all issues related to the work of the school, write down clients, etc.

There must be a cleaning lady on staff. If classes take place all day, then you will have to clean up regularly. With a less busy schedule, cleaning can be done in the morning or in the evening.


To attract customers, you need to engage in targeted advertising campaign. Its methods depend on which audience you are targeting. The main channels for promoting the dance studio:

  • Bright sign.
  • Printing products - leaflets can be left in educational institutions, schools, kindergartens, offices, distribute on the streets, etc.
  • Posters and announcements pasted all over the city - on transport, special boards, entrances, stops.
  • Advertising on billboards, in the media.
  • Use Internet resources - create a website, organize a group in in social networks, chat on forums, etc.

One of the main ways to attract a new audience is to hold open parties in dance style as well as participation in various city events. In this case, you can clearly show the skills of students, the attractiveness of a particular direction, the level of the school and the potential result.

And only after the first successes can you count on word of mouth, when satisfied customers will enthusiastically share their achievements among friends.

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Financial part of the project

Summing up everything you need to open dance studio, start-up costs can be calculated.

Also keep in mind that for the first time you will have to have a reserve of money to ensure the smooth operation of the hall, regardless of whether customers appear immediately in the desired number.

Income and the rate of return on business will entirely depend on how many people you were able to captivate with your idea, as well as how much one lesson or subscription costs.

For example, at prices of 400-500 rubles per lesson, you can count on a monthly profit of 350 thousand. True, these indicators will not be achieved from the first days of work. Thus, after attracting a sufficient number of students, you can count on the fact that in a few months the initial costs will fully pay off.

Video: how to open a dance school?

With the growing popularity of various dance shows, as well as the desire of people to be active and healthy lifestyle life, the demand for dance lessons is on the rise.

Dance school lessons will be needed for a couple of newlyweds to perfect their first dance at a wedding, for children to develop plasticity, as well as for all people who want to keep themselves in good physical shape. Dance school visit lovely way spend time with friends and make new acquaintances.

Dance training is experiencing a modern renaissance - and this creates excellent opportunities for entrepreneurs.

It goes without saying that if you are thinking of opening a dance school, then some experience in this will not be superfluous. However, this does not necessarily mean that you have to be a master of sports or have professional awards.

Love for dance is a must, but love for people is also necessary - you need to have a lot of patience to teach.

Of course, as a dance school owner, you don't have to teach yourself. However, in the early stages it is not only cost effective, but it good way Get to know your customers and hone your communication skills. It can also come in handy if you need to replace one of your teachers.

Although the organization of a dance school is mainly about communication, it will also require organizational skills. The social aspect is only one part of your business. You can teach 15 hours of dance a week but spend another 50-70 doing administrative work.

Organization and planning

The first question to be answered is what dances will you teach? However, you don't have to limit yourself to only those styles that you know personally. You can always hire a teacher who understands specific style dances, and thereby expand the choice for your customers.

Analyze what trends in dance are now in fashion? What are your clients interested in? The modern dance trend is social dance, or simply put, “dances for everyone”. The idea is simple - adults who consider themselves clumsy, but want to dance, come to class, and after three weeks they themselves are shocked by the results. If dance school teachers have the talent to teach dance to people who have problems with coordination, self-esteem, rhythm or hearing, then the success of this school is guaranteed.

Think also about who you would like to teach - children or adults. All of this will help you define your target market.

If there is, then you will understand that there is a demand for these services. Then you have to evaluate if there is room for some healthy competition.

Carefully study your competitors and ask yourself: can I do better?

You can also test the feasibility of opening a dance school in the area by offering short courses of lessons - for example, at a local gym.

In order to open a dance school, you do not need any licenses and permits, if you do not plan to issue diplomas. Need to issue entity or an individual entrepreneur, as well as choose a taxation system.


When opening a dance school, you need to pay Special attention selection of personnel. Often clients choose one or another dance studio solely because of a particular teacher. When choosing teachers, be guided not only by his dancing skills, but also by his personal qualities.

The ability to get along with people and patience are equally important. Comfortable psychological atmosphere during classes and individual approach to each student will make your school successful.

Advertising and marketing

Your main marketing campaign will be the name you have chosen for the school. The name should be sonorous and memorable, and also not be similar to the names of your competitors.

Think about where your business might be in five or ten years and try to pick a name that allows you to expand. It is better to choose a more universal name, which would not be limited to some kind of dance style, etc.

When planning to open a dance school, you should make a website for it, which would have information about the school and photos.

A good marketing strategy that will help you get the first customers to your dance school is by offering discounts and posting these offers through sites such as Groupon.

Another way to increase awareness of your business is to organize open houses where potential customers can see what your students have learned. You can talk a lot about your dance school, but as they say, actions speak louder than words.

To attract more interested students, make the first lesson free. It will be easier for people to decide to go to your school if the introductory lesson is free.

  • Directions
  • Registration
  • room
  • Employees
  • Advertising

Almost all people love to dance, no matter how carefully some try to hide it. This activity is not only pleasant, but also very useful. Dancing cheers up, improves physical fitness, has a beneficial effect on health and, of course, increases self-esteem. That is why so many people of all ages are happy to go to all kinds of dance lessons. If you feel that this particular business idea is close to you in spirit, we suggest that you read up-to-date tips on how to open a dance school from scratch and what you can succeed in so that there is a good payback.


The most important thing to decide before opening a dance school is with directions. At the same time, you should understand that it is not necessary to dwell on any one professional style. Tango, ballroom or dance Sport, salsa, bachata, rumba or lambada - the choice is simply huge and often several different styles are taught in dance schools. The quantity depends on your desire, the size of the room and financial possibilities.

Before opening a dance school from scratch, it is important to analyze the following factors:

  • popularity and demand - it is necessary to clearly understand that in given time is in great demand among people. There is fashion for everything, including dancing;
  • staff - if you decide to open dance school You will have to hire good teachers for each style. Finding worthy teachers is not as easy as it seems, and if you know dancers of any certain direction, the choice is greatly facilitated;
  • competitiveness - before opening, be sure to look at what directions are developing in the best dance schools in your city.

Of course, your individual tastes and preferences are an important factor. In any case, you need to do only what you like. Keep in mind that in addition to directions, you should decide on the audience. You can open a dance school for children or for adults. There are also certain styles that are taught mainly by women, this can be pole dance(on a pole), GO GO, belly dance and others. Men are more attracted to hip-hop and breakdance.


To open a dance school, you will need to register your activities as an individual entrepreneur or LLC. The first version of the document is the most common and easy, the second is better to open if you are not the only co-founder dance business. Licensing of such type of activity as choreography is not required by law.

Depending on where exactly you plan to rent, buy or build premises, you may need additional permits from the state police, the city administration and the SES.


To open your own dance school from scratch, you will, of course, need the right space. If you have unlimited financial resources, you can build the necessary building, but we will still consider buying or renting. So, when choosing a room for a dance school, pay attention to the following important points:

  1. The dance class must be spacious, namely at least 80 sq.m.
  2. Make sure that the room has a powerful ventilation system.
  3. In addition to the class itself, there must be two locker rooms for men and women. Each of them has at least two showers and a bathroom.
  4. Equip a place for the administrator and a recreation area.

An important factor in opening a dance school from scratch will be the choice of the location of the premises. You can open premises both in the city center and in more remote areas. Each of these options has its own advantages and disadvantages. Renting a room in the center will be more expensive, and competition will be high. However, you will have to spend less on advertising, and besides, there will immediately be more customers than in residential areas.


Of course, if you want to open good school dancing, you can not do without the staff. One of the most important indicators of any dance institution will be the presence of professional and competent teachers. It is on this that the popularity of your school, its profitability, competitiveness and, in the end, earnings and promotion will depend! Keep this in mind and choose only the best the best teachers with a good reputation, special education and positive reviews.

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In addition to dance teachers, to open a dance school from scratch, you will need two administrators and a cleaner. If you wish, you can hire an accountant, advertising and purchasing manager. It also depends on financial capabilities and the need for additional employees.


There are many ways to announce your business to the public. Some of the most popular will be the following:

  1. Creating a group in social networks, your site.
  2. Distribution of flyers on the streets of the city.
  3. Placement of banners, advertising on public transport.
  4. Advertising on television, radio and newspapers.
  5. Announcements in the newspapers about the recruitment of groups.

All these measures will help people learn about your dance school and attract potential customers. You may have to spend quite a bit on advertising first. a large number of Money, because Unfortunately, one cannot do without investments even in small town. However, if you do everything right, the costs will pay off very quickly, and you will begin to make a profit.

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That's all we wanted to tell you about how to open a dance school from scratch, where to start and how to succeed. We hope that the information was useful and now you are ready to start your own women's business. As a conclusion, we can say one thing - nothing is impossible when you love your job with all your heart. See for yourself!

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