Opening of a dance school. Dance studio business plan

  • Directions
  • Registration
  • Room
  • Employees
  • Advertising

Almost all people love to dance, no matter how carefully some try to hide it. This activity is not only enjoyable, but also very useful. Dancing lifts your spirits, improves your physical fitness, has a beneficial effect on your health and, of course, increases your self-esteem. That is why so many people of all ages happily go to all kinds of dance lessons. If you feel that this particular business idea is close to your spirit, we suggest that you familiarize yourself with current tips on how to open a dance school from scratch and what you can succeed in so that there is a good return on investment.


The most important thing you need to decide on before opening a dance school is the directions. At the same time, you must understand that it is not necessary to settle on any one professional style. Tango, ballroom or dance Sport, salsa, bachata, rumba or lambada - the choice is simply huge and often several different styles are taught in dance schools. The quantity depends on your desire, size of the room and financial capabilities.

Before opening a dance school from scratch, it is important to analyze the following factors:

  • popularity and demand - it is necessary to clearly understand that in given time is in great demand among people. There is fashion for everything, including dancing;
  • staff – if you decide to open a dance school, you will have to hire good teachers for each style. Finding worthy teachers is not as easy as it seems, and if you know dancers of a particular direction, the choice becomes much easier;
  • competitiveness - before opening, be sure to look at what trends are developing in the best dance schools in your city.

Of course, an important factor is your individual tastes and preferences. In any case, you need to do only what you like. Keep in mind that in addition to directions, you should decide on the audience. You can open a dance school for children or adults. There are also certain styles that are taught mainly by women, this can be pole dance(on a pole), GO GO, belly dance and others. Men will be more attracted to hip-hop and breakdancing.


To open a dance school, you will need to register your activities as an individual entrepreneur or LLC. The first version of the document is the most common and easy, the second is better to open if you are not the only co-founder dance business. Licensing of this type of activity such as choreography is not required by law.

Depending on where exactly you plan to rent, buy or build premises, you may need additional permits from the State Supervision Authority, the city administration and the SES.


To open your own dance school from scratch, you will, of course, need suitable premises. If you have unlimited financial capabilities, you can build the necessary building, but we will still consider buying or renting. So, when choosing a room for dance school, please pay attention to the following important points:

  1. The dance class must be spacious, namely at least 80 sq.m.
  2. Make sure the room has a strong ventilation system.
  3. In addition to the class itself, there must be two locker rooms for men and women. Each of them has at least two showers and a bathroom.
  4. Set up a space for the administrator and a relaxation area.

An important factor in opening a dance school from scratch will be the choice of location of the premises. You can open a premises either in the city center or in more remote areas. Each of these options has its own advantages and disadvantages. Renting space in the center will be more expensive, and competition will be high. However, you will have to spend less on advertising, and there will immediately be more clients than in residential areas.


Of course, if you want to open good school dances, you cannot do without staff. One of the most important indicators of any dance establishment will be the presence of professional and competent teachers. The popularity of your school, its profitability, competitiveness and, ultimately, earnings and promotion will depend on this! Remember this and choose only the best teachers with a good reputation, special education and positive reviews.

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In addition to dance teachers, to open a dance school from scratch, you will need two administrators and a cleaner. If you wish, you can hire an accountant, advertising and purchasing manager. Here, too, everything depends on financial capabilities and the need for additional employees.


There are many ways to announce your business to the public. Some of the most popular will be the following:

  1. Creating a group on social networks, your own website.
  2. Distributing flyers on city streets.
  3. Placement of banners, advertising on public transport.
  4. Advertising on television, radio and newspapers.
  5. Advertisements in newspapers about recruitment of groups.

All these measures will help people learn about your dance school and attract potential clients. You may have to spend quite a bit on advertising at first. a large number of Money, because Unfortunately, you can’t do it without investments even in small town. However, if you do everything correctly, the costs will pay off very quickly, and you will begin to make a profit.

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That's all we wanted to tell you about how to open a dance school from scratch, where to start and how to succeed. We hope that the information was useful and now you are ready to start your own women's business. As a conclusion, we can say one thing - nothing is impossible when you love your job with all your heart. See for yourself!

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  • How to open a foreign language school

Running this type of business as a dance school can become not only bright and interesting activity for life, but also as a full-fledged commercial project that brings regular income to its owner.

First of all, you need to choose which dance classes will be taught at your school. When choosing dance styles, you should pay attention to modern dances, street styles, and social dances.

Modern dancing- tectonics, go-go, strip-dance, pole-dance, jazz-funk, etc.

Street dancing- break-dance, hip-hop, house, street-dance, etc.

Social dancing- salsa, bachata, reggaeton, rumba, Brazilian zouk, rueda, merengue, etc.

Initially, a dance school can be created either highly specialized (for example, only for paired social dances) or of a wide profile. This depends not so much on the general demand of the population, but on the qualifications of the teachers who will work in your school.

It is better to attract well-known and talented teachers in similar fields and position the school as a specialized one. This, in turn, will increase the average bill, since narrow specialization involves acquiring deeper skills.

The reputation of a school is closely related to the reputation of the teachers working there. Therefore, in order for teachers to be attentive to students in the group and constantly improve the quality of teaching, it is necessary to maintain healthy competition in the team. This is achieved by increasing the percentage of sales when a certain number of people are recruited into the group.

IN this business plan opening of a school is being considered social dancing.

A dance school can be developed in two ways:

  1. Having one big center with 2 - 3 halls;
  2. Development of a branch network in different areas of the city.

In the first case, the target audience coverage is somewhat smaller, but there is a significant saving on administrative costs.

However, no matter what development path you choose, the first hall is worth renting in the city center in close proximity from the metro station and public transport stops.

Full equipment dance hall consists of two completely mirrored walls, choreographic machines, musical equipment, air conditioning, and stretching mats. For specific dance styles, additional equipment must be installed. For example, for pole-dance classes you need a pylon (pole). In this example of opening a social dance school, no additional equipment is needed.

The dance school business has a pronounced seasonal nature. As a rule, maximum demand is achieved during the operating period from September to December and from February to May. During the summer months, people prefer to spend more free time outdoors or go on vacation. As a result, demand drops sharply.

In winter, demand also decreases by 20-30% due to long holidays and school/student holidays.

The initial investment amount is 460,000 rubles.

Break-even point is reached in the first month of work.

The payback period is from 8 months.

2. Description of the business, product or service

A dance school is a type of business in the field additional education and leisure. You provide clients with the opportunity to learn to dance in a specially equipped room under the guidance of an experienced professional. In this case, the level of training and age of the student does not matter. Groups are divided by skill level. However, as a rule, children and elderly people study in separate groups.

The social dance school in question offers lessons in the following areas:


Number of groups

Number of classes per week for one group

Total number of classes per week


The number of groups for each direction is determined depending on the demand for this type dance and level of training of the group. As a rule, over time, 3 groups are formed in each direction: beginner, intermediate and senior.

The dance school offers the opportunity to practice both in a group and in individual lessons. The main difference is cost. Individual training costs 2.5-3 times more. For each type of training, you can purchase either a separate lesson or a subscription. The standard membership is valid for one month and includes either 4 or 8 classes. The subscription is personal in nature and applies only to the person for whom it is registered.

You can see the full list of services with costs in the table:

Name of service

Number of classes

Cost, rub.)

Individual lesson

Individual subscription

Group lesson

Subscription for group classes

Universal subscription*

Travel pass**

All subscriptions, except the universal one, apply only to one dance direction and are assigned to a specific teacher. This is a necessary measure for the group to have permanent staff and developed steadily. A universal subscription is an opportunity to attend 8 classes in any field and with any teacher within one month. The only limitation is that the student meets the level physical training groups.

The travel pass is valid for 2 months and applies to one dance direction. The cost of such a subscription is more expensive than a group one, but cheaper than 8 one-time lessons. That is, if a client is forced to go on a business trip due to work, he does not lose his classes, and the school retains the client.

If a student regularly attends classes for a month, he can purchase a subscription for the next month with a 10% discount. If the client brings a friend who buys a subscription, then he (the client) receives a 15% discount.

This flexible payment system allows you to retain clients and increases demand for services.

3. Description of the sales market

Target audience of the dance school

The target audience of a dance school can be very diverse. Everyone loves to dance: children, adults, and even the elderly. Therefore, a more detailed definition of your audience will directly depend on what areas of dance you will develop in your school.

For example, if for such areas as belly-dance or pole-dance the target audience is unmarried girls from 18 to 30 years old. And break-dance classes are mainly attended by young guys aged 15 to 25.

For a social dance school, the target audience will be described as follows:

Men and women aged 20 to 35 years. As a rule, these are already working people who are not married. 80% of dancers are in search of a “soulmate.” In addition, these people are open to communication and well socially adapted. The main purpose of attending dance classes is to take a break from work and home, and plunge into the festive atmosphere. They are loyal to the design and equipment of the hall. For them, the main thing is the communication that occurs within the group. An important criterion for finding a school is location, student population, and regular dance parties.

Based on the described criteria, we can conclude that the main attention in the service should be directed to establishing “friendly” relations with the client. Teachers should devote additional time to activities that promote team bonding, such as weekly parties and organizing retreats. As for the external positioning of the dance school for potential clients, the main advantage will be a friendly, well-organized team consisting of both beginner students and experienced teachers.

Competitor analysis

Competitive advantage of dance school

4. Sales and marketing

5. Production plan

Any entrepreneurial activity must begin with state registration of the organization. When opening a dance school, the best solution would be to register as an individual entrepreneur. The specified OKVED code is 92.34.2. Activities of dance floors, discos, dance schools. The taxation system used is the simplified tax system (6% of income). Since the individual entrepreneur provides services to the public, then cash machine not needed, issuing strict reporting forms (SRF) is sufficient.

After registration, you need to choose a room for the school. The room should consist of a main hall, two dressing rooms - separate for men and women, a bathroom, a reception area, and a staff room. The hall must be at least 50 sq.m., have a rectangular or square shape and smooth walls. Thus, the rented premises must be at least 100 sq.m.

Location selection criteria:

  • City center;
  • Proximity to transport interchanges, metro stations and bus stops;
  • Availability of parking.
  1. Wooden flooring (parquet or laminate);
  2. Large mirrors on the surface of two walls;
  3. Good lighting;
  4. Availability of rugs, water cooler.

A reception desk and 3-4 chairs for clients are installed in the reception area. The locker rooms have benches and lockers for changing clothes. The staff room is equipped with a table, chairs, and a wardrobe. This is a place for teachers to relax.

While you are setting up your work space, you need to start looking for teachers. You can search for them in online mode, looking at the websites of famous dance schools in your city, and then the personal pages of teachers on social networks. You can look for employees at dance forums and festivals, at master classes in areas of interest. However, be prepared for the fact that all experienced, in-demand teachers are already working. You need to not only conduct a market analysis and identify the best dance gurus, but also offer them more favorable terms of cooperation. You will have to use all your organizational skills to create a cohesive team of professionals.

After you have formed a staff, you can begin to conduct the first trial lessons, after which you will sell subscriptions and form the first groups of students. At the same time, distribute information about your school on Internet resources and in printed format.

6. Organizational structure

To start operating a dance studio, all you need is the work of 3 teachers different directions. In addition, you need to hire an administrator to work with clients. Since the flow of clients will be small at first, the school will be fully operational only in the evening on weekdays and on daytime on weekends.

For the team to work well, you need to write down detailed job descriptions for each employee. Before starting work at the school, each employee must pass an exam on knowledge of their job description, and general rules interactions between employees within the current organizational structure of the school.


The administrator's responsibilities include:

  1. The hall opens half an hour before the start of classes;
  2. Checking the working condition of musical equipment;
  3. Checking the condition of the premises (cleanliness of the room, availability of additional equipment);
  4. Pre-registration of clients for classes;
  5. Maintaining a client base;
  6. Meeting students, familiarizing everyone with the rules of the dance school;
  7. Selling subscriptions and accepting payments;
  8. Recording class attendance, maintaining teacher ratings;
  9. Drawing up a schedule of classes for each month, taking into account the wishes of clients;
  10. Taking calls, consulting on all school services and work schedules;
  11. Looking for new clients;
  12. Cleaning the room after class;
  13. Closing of the dance hall.

Depending on the number of employees in the administrator position, the schedule and rules of operation of your school, the items in the job description will change. However, even before starting work, you must make sure that the applicant for the position is familiar with all the responsibilities, since it is the studio administrator who is the face of your school for each client.

The administrator's salary consists of a fixed and percentage part (7,000 rubles + 3% of the amount of revenue). The administrator's work schedule also depends on the workload of the studio. As a rule, the administrator works from Mon. on Fri. afternoons and full days on Saturdays.


The responsibilities of a dance teacher include:

  1. Timely start of each lesson;
  2. Introducing students to safety precautions at the beginning of each lesson;
  3. Maintaining order in the hall during classes;
  4. Individual approach to each student - monitoring of achievements and consultation on any issue that concerns classes this direction dancing;
  5. Continuous independent professional development in the chosen area of ​​teaching;
  6. Improving reputation and expanding the base of regular students.

The teacher’s salary depends on the number of students in the group and is determined as follows:

Thus, each teacher is personally interested in increasing the number of people in the group and developing the demand for the dance school.

If the teacher himself comes with his client base, then you can offer him to pay for the rent of the hall (300-500 rubles per hour) and 30% of the proceeds from this teacher’s classes. The teacher's work schedule is flexible. In fact, he is only at school a few hours a week.


Fund wages

Salary fund


Salary per 1 employee (RUB)

The number of employees

Salary Total (RUB)

Head teacher

School administrator


General salary fund

*Note - teacher pay depends on hours of work. In the 1st and 2nd month of work, there are about 7 classes per week per teacher. Maximum bet is 500 rub./hour.

7. Financial plan

The most expensive part in opening a dance school is the equipment of the dance hall. This expense item accounts for at least 262,000 rubles. The total investment amount is 460,000 rubles.

Investment in opening a dance school

*Note - office expenses, dance parties and other events are considered.

Dance school income

The dance school's income depends on the number of subscriptions sold per month. At the same time, the number of classes may not increase, since initially the groups are only half filled. Then, after the number of students in one group becomes more than 15 people, the next group is formed.

Month of work

Number of subscriptions sold per month

Average price of a monthly subscription

Total income

Total consumption

Rent (sq.m.)

Dancing is one of the most popular activities for young people. Almost every second person dreams of doing them. That is why opening your own dance school is one of the most promising investments. The profitability of the business ranges from 40 to 50%, the project pays off in a year to a year and a half. The starting capital is about 500,000 rubles. All this attracts budding businessmen. But opening a dance school, like opening any other business, requires proper organization.

What are the prospects of the direction?

Dancing not only helps you get your body in order, but also helps you lose weight. excess weight and form the correct forms, but also develop smooth, graceful movements, maintain the tone of the body. And most importantly, dancing is a source of cheerfulness and Have a good mood. With their help you can quickly get rid of fatigue and relieve stress.

Thanks to this, the number of dance schools and studios is growing every year. They often open in fitness clubs, cultural centers, schools and universities.

Correctly chosen dance direction and location future school- the key to her success.

Determining direction

Opening any dance school should begin with choosing a dance direction. The following areas are identified:

  • Classical ballroom dancing - waltz, foxtrot, cha-cha-cha.
  • Latin American - salsa, rumba.
  • Eastern - belly dancing.
  • Modern trends - hip-hop, break, freestyle.
  • Dancing for everyone - that is, teaching basic dance movements for their subsequent use in clubs and discos.
  • Pole-dance – pole dance.

In order to choose the right direction, you need to conduct research and answer several questions:

  1. What dances are in fashion now, what will be in greatest demand?
  2. How high is the competition in a particular segment?
  3. For what areas can you really find good teachers?
  4. What dances would attract you personally?

Having received answers to these questions, you can create a rough list of dance courses.

It is best to focus on the more popular areas, but at the same time open one or two areas of less popular areas that are not so widely represented in other schools. For example, folk dances.

Selecting a room

To open a school, it is important to choose the right premises. It should be spacious enough and equipped for dancing. So, the following requirements are put forward to the hall:

  • area from 150 sq. m.;
  • ventilation system;
  • preferably plastic windows;
  • availability of heating;
  • flooring - laminate or unvarnished parquet.

It is important that the floors are not hard and springy.

At least one wall of the hall must be equipped with mirrors at least 2 meters high.

The room should also have good acoustics and the lighting should be bright.

In addition to the main dance hall, additional premises are needed:

  • Men's and women's locker rooms. The size of each is 15 square meters;
  • The presence of two showers in each of the locker rooms;
  • Hall or foyer with reception desk;
  • Recreation room for staff measuring 20 sq. m.

A few words about geography:

  • There should be no competitors near the school.
  • Preferably located in residential area or the city center, where big flow of people.

The future hall can be rented in a regular business center or in a fitness center, or you can buy space for it in a residential building. By the way, you can open your own fitness club.

* The calculations use average data for Russia

Dancing never goes out of fashion and never loses its popularity and relevance. Dancing is a great way to keep yourself in good shape, have a good time in the company of a loved one and/or a group of like-minded people, as well as an exciting and beautiful hobby. In addition, dancing provides several directions for opening your own profitable and profitable business. One of these areas is opening your own dance school, which will require 500 thousand rubles. Costs can be recouped within the first year and a half of operation. The profitability of the project during the first year of its existence is estimated at 38-40%, by the second year this figure reaches 50%.

Drawing up a business plan for a dance school

As a rule, in this business random people don't hit. Amateurs and professionals of various dance genres open their own dance schools (or a more modest investment option - studios). They know the theory and practice of dance by heart, but at the same time they are very far from entrepreneurship. Unfortunately, for any business to be successful, it is not enough to be an excellent specialist in your field. It is necessary to have certain knowledge in the legal field, in the field of advertising and promotion, pricing, etc.

You can organize yourself, calculate all the points in advance and take into account the maximum number of nuances if you first draw up a business plan for your project. It is necessary even if you are lucky and have the necessary amount to open a business. A business plan is necessary not only for creditors and investors, but also for the entrepreneur himself, as it allows him to assess the prospects of the planned business, approximate expenses and expected income.

First, carefully study the situation with competitors in your city. Consider not only specialized dances and studios, but also various fitness centers, cultural centers and clubs, which also provide training in various dance styles. Study which destinations are represented in your city, what the “density” of studio locations is in its various areas, what they offer and at what prices. Note that it is the direction of the dance school that largely determines the demand for its services. The most popular are various youth types dance culture– from break dancing to go-go. However, classic and Latin American dances also do not go out of fashion, but in this case it will be difficult to organize pairs for all participants: as a rule, such dances are more popular among the fair half of humanity, and it will not be easy to find a sufficient number of young people who want to master the wisdom of dance. In pair dancing, sympathy for your partner is also of great importance. Therefore, dances performed alone are more “profitable” from a commercial point of view.

The teaching staff, the design of the hall, and the necessary equipment directly depend on the direction of the school you choose. You shouldn’t be scattered in several directions at once. Nowadays, the most popular schools are those with one priority area of ​​dance. On the one hand, the costs of opening them are less than universal school, which is designed for a wide range of visitors and a large selection of dance styles. On the other hand, a specialized studio inspires more confidence among potential students, since, in their opinion, real masters of their craft work there. Of course, narrow specialization also has its drawbacks: their target audience is quite limited, so the cost of training in such studios is usually higher than average. With proper organization of a business, it can bring its owner about 100 thousand rubles a month.

Premises and equipment for a dance school

Ready ideas for your business

In order to save their expenses as much as possible, experts advise beginning entrepreneurs to rent a premises that does not need renovation and has most necessary equipment. Such, for example, are in palaces of culture and creativity, in fitness centers, in some educational institutions. However, finding a suitable room that is empty at the time you need is quite difficult, and sometimes even impossible. In this case, you should rent premises in a high-traffic area (for example, in a shopping or business center) and be prepared for additional expenses. A dance school can be opened not only in the city center, but also in a large residential area. The main thing is that it is located near a busy road.

Good traffic is not the only condition for a dance studio. Great importance has its dimensions. So, ideally, a room for a dance hall should have high ceilings (at least three meters). This will ensure free air circulation, so even after a long workout there will be enough air in a crowded gym. Of course, this condition is far from always achievable, therefore for most directions (except, perhaps, acrobatic rock and roll etc.) it is not critical. But the area of ​​the room will have to be taken into account in any case. It directly depends on the number of people who will be training in the gym at the same time. For one couple, 25 square meters is enough. But for group classes, multiply this figure by at least 3 (the minimum area of ​​the dance hall will be from 70-80 square meters). For very large group more than 15 people will need a dance hall with an area of ​​120 sq. meters. A large area of ​​the room is especially important if you plan to conduct pair dance classes there such as salsa, tango, foxtrot, etc., so that your students do not collide with each other when moving. If you add the requirement for the convenience of the location of your studio and high traffic, it becomes clear that the rental cost can cost a pretty penny. But this is not the end of all the requirements.

When viewing a rental property, be sure to pay attention to the flooring. The best option is unvarnished parquet. It may not be very new, worn out and creaky, but it has a smooth surface, does not slip, is easy to clean from dirt and is durable. If you are unlucky with parquet (that is, it is not in the room you have chosen), then self-leveling floors, laminate (only with an anti-slip surface) will do. different kinds special stage linoleum or some types of modular floors. If you are going to teach certain direction, then the floor must meet these requirements. Thus, for step dances, a special wooden covering is needed that creates the desired sound and is elastic enough to absorb some impacts and ensure safety for the dancers and for the covering. Modern dances like electro, R 'N 'B and breakdancing do not require a lot of space, but increased demands are placed on the floor covering: it must be as resilient and elastic as possible, which protects against damage and injury when performing various tricks.

A good floor is, of course, an important condition for a dance studio, but it is far from the only one. The walls of the room also deserve attention. At least one of them (one of the longest sides, if the room is rectangular) should be covered with mirrors. At the same time, it is important that the seams on the mirror cladding are as small and inconspicuous as possible so that there is no distortion of the reflection. Mirror panels are not cheap, so in many halls, in order to save money, they are raised to a height of 70 centimeters from the floor. However, the height of the mirror must be at least 150-160 cm so that all dancers can see themselves in full height, standing some distance from the wall. If you were unable to find a room with high enough ceilings, then you can visually increase the area by making the ceiling mirrored as well. Whether it's worth the expense is up to you to decide. Most likely, at first you can do without a mirror ceiling, especially since it does not carry a large functional load.

Ready ideas for your business

In addition, in dance studios, as a rule, a special handrail (ballet barre) is installed, which is used as a means of support when performing stretching and various exercises. The handrail is mounted into the wall at approximately the same height. But determining the optimal length and height of the handrail is quite difficult. The ideal length of the machine for one person is the distance from finger to finger of arms stretched to the sides. The distance from the wall to the stick should allow you to remove your hand to the second position without obstacles. The machine usually consists of two sticks located on at different levels. The height of the first stick from the floor is equal to the distance from the foot to the rib of the shortest student (height can be determined by age), and the height from the floor to the second stick is the length from the foot to the rib of the tallest student. The distance between two sticks depends on the difference in height of those people who will work on this machine. If you are going to conduct classes exclusively for adults who have reached the age of majority, and the difference in the height of members in the group is not very great, then you can get by with one stick. The handrail of the ballet barre has a diameter of 50 mm and a length of 1.5 m. It is usually made of pine. The safety of your customers is key, so don't skimp on quality equipment and fixtures. Wall-mounted machines of standard models are attached to the wall using rectangular supports.

Additional costs are associated with the purchase and installation of a high-quality sound system for playback musical compositions. IN professional studios to accompany ballroom dancing and tap dancing, a piano can also be used, and in Indian classical dance schools, appropriate musical instruments can be used. However, live music is quite rare. As a rule, most studios use musical accompaniment in recordings.

The dance studio is not limited to one hall. There should also be a reception area. Your dancers will need at least two changing rooms (separate for men and women), a toilet, and ideally also showers so that your clients can shower after intense physical activity. Provide a place to store the necessary equipment (rugs, etc.). It is advisable to use a closet for this that is locked with a key. But in the absence of one, you can compactly arrange everything you need right in the dance hall - in a special cabinet or on a wall mount (the latter option will help save space if it is already limited).

Let's calculate the main costs of arranging a room for a dance school. Square meter special flooring will cost $50-120. Laminate flooring is the cheapest, and natural wood boards are more expensive. Good ventilation of the dance hall, adequate temperature conditions in the room and good lighting are also of great importance. You will have to spend another 20 thousand rubles on a ventilation system if there is none in the room you have chosen. A good split system will cost at least another 25-30 thousand rubles. Therefore, it is advisable to choose an option in which you do not have to incur additional costs. As for the lighting, it should not be too bright (so that it blinds the eyes), but also too Low light will not create the right mood. Some schools use two lighting options - working (for conducting regular regular classes) and stage (simulating stage lighting for performances). Of course, this is not a mandatory condition, but if possible, it is worth considering this possibility. The cost of mirror wall cladding, equipment for the locker room, plumbing for the toilet, as well as the reception area will amount to 300 thousand rubles.

Ready ideas for your business

So, the minimum total area of ​​a small school will be about 150 square meters. meters. 70-80 sq. meters of which will be for a dance class, 15 square meters each. meters - for the locker room and shower, 20 sq. meters - for the reception area and rest room. A small studio can easily be located on 90-100 square meters. meters. The rent for such an area will be from 60 thousand rubles per month (the exact amount depends on the area, location and region).

Do not forget that the premises you choose must comply with the standards fire safety. There are also certain requirements for dance hall equipment, so cooperate only with trusted suppliers.

Entrepreneurs themselves claim that studios that have a certain specialization also have a narrowly segmented target audience. As a rule, these are representatives of the city's business community. The main condition for the success of such schools is to make the maximum number of their clients permanent. They try their best to optimize their expenses by renting premises that do not need renovation (for example, from the owner or in a business center), and investing only in its equipment, saving on advertising, choosing priority promotion channels and putting only qualified personnel, considering it their main competitive advantage.

The last statement is, of course, true, but you should not completely neglect advertising, since only thanks to it you can attract a sufficient number of fans of your chosen dance direction. True, advertising advertising is growing. Experts believe that the client of such a specialized dance school is active person, who independently started searching and found a school that suited him, and did not come to it, attracted by advertising. In fact, firstly, for a client to find you, information about your school should be as accessible as possible. Outdoor advertising is suitable for this, which may be too expensive for a small studio (however, outdoor advertising even includes a sign on the facade of your school or a banner above the entrance to it), as well as advertising on the Internet (local websites and forums, social media, your own website, various message boards, etc.), which can cost a penny, but still be quite effective. There is another nuance. If your school teaches common dance styles and directions, then it is not only possible, but also necessary to advertise it. Otherwise, you will not be able to break into the market. But the directions themselves are already quite well known, thanks to various television competition programs. Who hasn't heard of tango or cha-cha-cha?

If you prefer rare dance movements (for example, Indian classical dances, folk dances, modern styles that are not yet very popular in Russia, etc.), then you will still have to invest in advertising. But not only and not so much in advertising your school, but in popularizing your chosen direction. To do this, it is necessary to be as active as possible professional life: take part in various thematic festivals and exhibitions, specialized forums, conferences, competitions, organize demonstration performances, conduct open lessons, invite specialists to conduct master classes.

If we take the example of Indian classical dances, then in India there are traditional schools in various directions (Bharata Natyam, Odissi, Kathak, Kuchipudi, Manipuri, etc.). You can get into such a school for free if the applicant passes the competition and wins a grant for training. Many Russian dance schools teaching Indian dances, offer their students a real opportunity, after some training, to try their hand at and take part in a competition for a vacant place in an Indian school. This also attracts the attention of potential clients, because some of them (especially teenagers and young adults) are not at all averse to turning their hobby into a real job.

Dance school teaching staff

But you really shouldn’t skimp on dance teachers. Their experience, level and professional skills are the main reasons why clients come to your studio. No matter how attractive the prices you set for your services, no matter how comfortable your dance class is, if the teaching staff does not meet the declared level, you should not expect an influx of people willing to study with you. A good teacher must constantly improve and learn, know not only the practice, but also the theory of dance (including its history), regularly take part in various competitions, festivals, and perform on stage. Finally, he must... know how to teach. No matter how strange it may sound, the ability to dance on high level does not at all imply the ability to teach other people the intricacies of dance. But both are important. If a teacher cannot win over other people, captivate them, if he does not pay enough attention to each student, then all his credentials and merits are of little importance. Such a teacher is unlikely to be able to convey to his students at least part of his knowledge and skills.

In addition to teachers working in your studio, who work on an hourly basis, you will also need one or two administrators with fixed rate(from 15 thousand rubles per month) and a cleaner (from 5 thousand rubles per month). Exact amounts vary by region. The salary fund of one small studio is from 80 thousand rubles per month.

Ways to increase income for a dance studio

The cost of one lesson in a regular dance school aimed at the mass consumer is on average 350-500 rubles, and in a specialized studio - from 500 rubles and more. As a rule, dance schools offer their new clients to attend the first (trial) lesson for free, and then purchase a monthly subscription (its cost starts from 2,000 rubles). Since the profitability of your school directly depends on the number of students, try to think through options for attracting maximum quantity wanting to dance. Some (for example, stay-at-home moms) cannot attend classes in the evening, unlike those who work. You can offer a special schedule for them. Often, classes in the morning and afternoon are cheaper than evening classes, since the hall will be idle during the day. The most popular evening group can have up to 15 people. Therefore, in the morning and afternoon hours you can spend individual sessions or sublease your hall.

In order for your business to be profitable, at least 3-4 groups must study in your studio per day. It is difficult to ensure such attendance at a specialized studio, even if it accepts everyone, regardless of age and initial training. As an additional incentive, many dance schools organize demonstration performances with the participation of their students (primarily children), as well as dance parties for adults.

The dance business has a pronounced seasonality. The largest number of clients come to dance schools in the fall. After the new year, there are practically no newcomers, and in the summer everyone leaves for vacation. If you conduct classes with children, then seasonality is also present here, but not so pronounced: professional dance schools organize camps for their students in the summer and take them to various competitions.

So, the main expenses for opening a dance school range from 650 thousand rubles. This includes renting a premises, its equipment, purchasing equipment, advertising, and creating your own website. With good attendance per month, a school can bring its owners from 100-150 thousand rubles. And this is not counting the incomparable pleasure from the fact that your favorite hobby of your whole life has become an equally beloved and, most importantly, profitable job.

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The amount of initial investment in such a business is estimated at an amount that rarely exceeds 1 million rubles. If a school is organized on the basis of an already operating beauty salon, you can open a small training...

With the growing popularity of various dance shows, as well as the desire of people to be active and healthy image life, demand for dance lessons is on the rise.

Dance school lessons will be needed for a couple of newlyweds to perfect their first dance at a wedding, for children to develop their plastic skills, as well as for all people who want to keep themselves in good physical shape. Visit to a dance school great way spend time with friends and make new acquaintances.

Dance training is experiencing a modern renaissance - and this is creating great opportunities for entrepreneurs.

It goes without saying that if you are thinking about opening a dance school, then some experience in this will not be amiss. However, this does not necessarily mean that you must be a master of sports or have professional awards.

Love for dance is a must, but love for people is also necessary - you need to have a lot of patience to teach.

Of course, as a dance school owner, you don't have to teach on your own. However, in the early stages it is not only cost effective, but it good way get to know your clients and sharpen your people skills. This can also come in handy if you need to replace one of your teachers.

Although running a dance school is mostly about communication, it also requires organizational skills. The social aspect is only one part of your business. You might teach 15 hours of dance a week, but spend another 50-70 doing administrative work.

Organization and planning

The first question to answer is what dances will you teach? However, you don't need to limit yourself to only those styles that you know personally. You can always hire a teacher who understands specific style dances, and thereby expand the choice for your customers.

Analyze what dance trends are in fashion now? What are your clients interested in? The modern dance trend is social dance, or simply put, “dancing for everyone.” The idea is simple - adults who consider themselves awkward, but want to dance, come to classes, and after three weeks they themselves are shocked by the results. If the teachers of a dance school have the talent to teach dance to people who have problems with coordination, self-esteem, rhythm or hearing, then the success of this school is guaranteed.

Also think about who you would like to teach - children or adults. All of this will help you identify your target market.

If there is, then you will understand that there is a demand for these services. Next, you must evaluate whether there is room for some healthy competition.

Take a good look at your competitors and ask yourself: Can I do better?

You can also test the feasibility of opening a dance school in the area, offering short courses - at a local gym, for example.

In order to open a dance school, you do not need any licenses or permits if you do not plan to issue diplomas. Needs to be completed entity or individual entrepreneur, and also choose a taxation system.


When opening a dance school, you need to pay attention Special attention personnel selection. Often clients choose a particular dance studio solely because of a specific teacher. When choosing a teacher, be guided not only by his dancing skills, but also by his personal qualities.

The ability to get along with people and patience are equally important. Comfortable psychological atmosphere during classes and individual approach to every student will make your school successful.

Advertising and Marketing

The main focus of your marketing campaign will be the name you choose for the school. The name should be sonorous and memorable, and also not be similar to the names of your competitors.

Think about where your business might be in five or ten years and try to choose a name that allows you to expand. It is better to choose a more universal name that is not limited to any style of dance, etc.

When planning to open a dance school, you should make a website for it that would contain information about the school and photographs.

A good marketing strategy that will help attract the first clients to your dance school is to offer discounts and place these offers through sites such as Groupon.

Another way to increase awareness of your business is to host open days where potential clients can see what your students have learned. You can talk a lot about your dance school, but as they say, actions speak louder than words.

To attract more interested students, make the first lesson free. It will be easier for people to decide to go to your school if the introductory lesson is free.