What kind of poster should I draw? Making a poster online

Posters surround us everywhere - we see them every day on the streets or in printed publications. This is mainly advertising and, less often, announcements of any events. A political poster appears in our field of vision immediately before elections, when campaigning begins and is therefore quite rare. What should a good poster be like? First of all, the poster must be informative. People need to instantly read the message - and the designer's job is to present the poster's message in the most understandable way possible. And it doesn’t matter at all by what means this will be done - the main thing is that people immediately understand what they want to tell them.

Typically, poster design begins with choosing its size. In this regard, there are no restrictions - the poster can be small, for example, A4 format, or vice versa, gigantic, the size of a house wall. Of course, there are certain size standards, but this is not a question of design, but a question of the capabilities of printing technology. Poster orientation can be either vertical or horizontal, but vertical orientation is most often used.

How to distinguish a good poster from a bad one? This is, of course, a matter of taste, but a properly designed poster has certain characteristics. FreelanceToday brings to your attention 10 signs of a good poster.


Let's say we have a poster that announces some upcoming event, for example, a concert popular artist. The key information placed on the poster should be readable from afar and attract people's attention. Accordingly, there should be a visual hierarchy in the text of the poster. If there is a lot of text, then there must be at least three hierarchical layers.

Heading. This is the most important and largest text design element. It should be contrasting with the background and typed in a font that is clearly visible even from a long distance.

Details. What? Where? When? All such information is located at the second level of the hierarchy. A person who is interested in the poster will definitely want to familiarize himself with detailed information, so it needs to be presented in a clear, but at the same time concise form. For the second level, a smaller font size is used than in the heading, since there is no need for this information to be read from afar.

Small font. The third level contains additional information. Often small font found on movie posters and advertising posters.


Designers have only one opportunity to attract the viewer's attention. Therefore, the poster must be “catchy”. This can be achieved using contrasting elements. On the web, you can create a pale illustration with a smooth gradient and fashionable thin fonts - this method is not suitable for a regular poster. The sharper the text or illustration contrasts with the background, the more noticeable the poster. When starting a design, you first need to decide on the contrast of the elements and constantly check it while working. If the designer is working on a color poster, you need to periodically check how it looks in shades of gray - the contrast of the main elements should be clearly visible in this mode.


Very often the designer knows in advance where his poster will be placed. Based on this information, he must select the correct poster size. It is important that the message of the poster is not interfered with by various visual interferences - it should occupy a dominant position. Concerning color range, then here you also need to proceed from reality - if you know that the poster will hang on a wall painted in green color, then it is better not to use shades close to green in the poster.


Very often, novice designers refuse tasks that require them to create a large poster, say 10 by 6 meters. For some reason, it seems to them that creating such a poster is much more difficult than some poster the size of an A4 sheet. This is a big misconception. If a poster is laid out correctly, it will look equally good regardless of size and will not be affected by scaling. If a designer has been commissioned to create a poster that will then be used in advertising and will be produced in a variety of sizes and formats (including digital), he should think first of all about the composition and main idea and not worry about where it will be placed his creation.


If a poster uses an image, it should occupy a dominant position, just as in the case of text. The image should be clearly visible from afar, and it is very important to take care of recognizing the image. There is no need to overly complicate the visuals - you need to use as many elements as required to convey the main idea. This principle applies to all types of posters, including movie posters, which are sometimes too overloaded with details.


A poster is not a painting, so the designer simply needs to work with the available space. You should not try to fill the entire poster - you need to “leave some air.” There are a few effective ways increase the readability of the poster. For example, you can increase the space between letters. Tight kerning may look good on a postcard, but for a poster, readability is still more important. If the letters are located too close, then the text becomes difficult to distinguish from afar, which is highly not recommended. You can also increase the distance between the lines - this will also benefit the poster.


The purpose of any poster is to get people to take some action, for example, visit a show, exhibition, buy a product, or go to the polls. The call to action is the most important, central element of the poster and the designer should pay primary attention to it. Unlike web design, graphics do not work interactively, so its principles cannot be used in a regular poster. A graphic designer has other tools to convey a message to people and must make every effort to ensure that the call to action is clear at first glance.


A poster is exactly the genre where you can safely experiment with typography. Some of the most famous posters are made without the use of illustrations or graphic elements and at the same time perfectly express the idea. Using high-quality typography will give the poster personality - the main thing is that the designer does not overdo it. You shouldn’t use 10 fonts in one poster – it won’t make the design any better. It is best to pay attention to visual hierarchy and use negative space. The letters themselves carry a certain message, and a correct understanding of the principles of typography will allow designers to create emotional and memorable posters.


Appearance computer graphics clearly did not benefit the art of the poster. Previously, the designer worked with living materials and the posters looked completely different than they do today. Today, the sign of a good poster is its execution technique. And it doesn’t matter that the designer created it on a computer - if the poster has soul and it looks like the designer drew it by hand, then it’s a good poster. Well, if the poster went into print as before, from physical media, that’s generally wonderful.


Any good poster has a certain shocking quality – this greatly enhances the emotional message. So don’t be afraid to go beyond the boundaries and use unusual elements in your poster. By breaking some established rules, the designer draws attention to the poster, and this is exactly what is needed.

CONCLUSION: The poster is very interesting view graphics that allows designers to give free rein to their imagination. Plus it's a great way to learn new technology or improve your skills. Sometimes creating a poster is very difficult because you need to convey an idea using a minimum of means. But in any case, it’s interesting – especially when the poster turns out well and attracts people’s attention.

A DIY New Year's wall newspaper for 2016 is a great opportunity to give good mood to your friends and loved ones on this bright holiday. Today we will conduct master classes and tell you how to make a bright festive wall newspaper (poster) using simple materials at hand. kindergarten or school. What if you decorate with funny New Year's drawings walls of your home office? Colleagues will definitely be delighted! So, let's get to work.

Wall newspaper for the New Year 2016: materials and tools

When designing any wall newspaper, it is important to harmoniously combine the main elements - the headline, texts of congratulations and poems, drawings, notes. It is better to highlight the main words with bright, catchy colors that immediately attract the attention of readers.

Before starting work, we stock up on:

  • Whatman paper - size A1
  • templates-drawings
  • pieces of flat foam plastic - thickness up to 5 mm
  • ceramic tiles - as a work surface
  • black marker
  • scissors
  • PVA glue
  • colored wax crayons
  • double-sided tape
  • stationery knife
  • satin ribbon
  • candy wrappers

How to draw a New Year's wall newspaper for 2016 Year of the Monkey - step-by-step instructions

  1. First, we find and print templates for New Year's items and characters. On thematic sites you can always find a lot of Christmas trees, Santa Clauses, Snow Maidens and Snowmen. Of course, you can choose a color option, but using a black and white blank format gives room to our imagination.

  2. The selected and printed blanks need to be cut out and placed on a sheet of whatman paper. Don't forget to mark the locations of individual parts using a marker.

  3. Remove the details from the sheet and use blue or wax chalk blue color make the background.

  4. We place the figures on pieces of dense foam and trace the outlines with a black marker. Now the parts can be removed and the internal details can be completed by hand.

  5. Pieces of foam plastic with drawn templates for the future wall newspaper should be laid out on the surface of the ceramic tile, and then carefully cut along the contour using a stationery knife. The resulting foam figures New Year's characters. Take a green wax crayon and trace the tree branches along the contour.
  6. Finely chop the colored candy wrappers into many shiny pieces.

  7. Let’s start “decorating” individual parts using glitter from candy wrappers. To decorate the Christmas tree, apply glue to its surface (except for the green outlines), and then “shower” it with shiny pieces. In the same way, only from blue sparkles, we “make” the clothing details for Father Frost and the Snow Maiden - hats, collars, mittens.

  8. We decorate the inscription “Happy New Year 2016” and other elements with colored crayons. All that remains is to glue it with double-sided tape individual parts to a sheet of Whatman paper and that’s it - the wall newspaper is ready for the New Year 2016 with your own hands. You can also use satin ribbons as decoration for the Christmas tree.

    But others original photos New Year's wall newspapers for 2016 in kindergarten or school:

    Let's look at another master class on creating a wall newspaper for the New Year 2016 with your own hands. We will need the following materials and tools:

    • A1 sheet of whatman paper
    • gouache or watercolor paints
    • PVA glue
    • tassel
    • colored paper
    • Toothbrush

    How to make a wall newspaper for the New Year 2016 with your own hands: step-by-step instructions

    Before starting work, you need to create a layout of the future wall newspaper. To do this, take a regular sheet of paper and mark the title, illustrations, and notes on its surface. Such preliminary preparation will allow us to assess the compliance of all elements in size and location. After all, it will be a shame if the title written in the final version turns out to be too large, and the notes are very small and unnoticeable against the general background.

    1. We apply a tone in the form of streaks, waves, snowflakes or small dots onto a sheet of whatman paper. The main thing is that the base does not “harm the eye” and is in calm shades - blue, light blue, yellow. You can leave 2 cm wide margins along the edges of the sheet.
    2. We mark out the main elements of the New Year's wall newspaper - the place of the heading, inscriptions, drawings. For example, the header position can be done different ways: above the text, on the side, diagonally, obliquely.

    3. You can make drawings for the New Year's wall newspaper for 2016 yourself using watercolor paints or gouaches. Applications from New Year's coloring pages, cut out and pasted onto a wall newspaper. All that remains is to paint it beautifully in “New Year’s” colors.

    4. Details made from colored paper can easily be made unusual and festive. We take a dry brush, dip it in gouache and “poke” the paint onto the paper. You can use a toothbrush for the same purpose.

    5. In the wall newspaper for the New Year 2016 we place interesting notes about the holiday - the names of Santa Claus in different countries, the history of the origin of the New Year and the Christmas tree, poems. The result is this cute creation:

    How to make a poster for the New Year 2016 with your own hands: step-by-step master class

    New Year's poster is a great opportunity to lift your spirits with a helping of good humor. What can you put on a poster? Drawings, applications, friendly cartoons, funny notes and photographs. Well, and of course, the symbol of 2016 - a cheerful Monkey!

    Necessary materials for work:

    • Whatman sheet
    • paints - watercolor or gouache
    • colored pencils or markers
    • ruler
    • scissors
    • photos of schoolchildren or work employees
    • New Year themed magazine clippings

    Posters for the New Year 2016 - step-by-step instructions

    1. We place all the elements of the poster on a sheet of whatman paper and then glue it.
    2. We create signatures, comments, notes for each image. New Year's poems own composition will become the highlight of your holiday poster.
    3. Coloring the sheet bright colors. However, do not forget about maintaining color harmony - catchy “screaming” shades may look too harsh in the overall composition.

    How to make a New Year's poster - 2016 with your own hands, video

    It’s not difficult to create a wall newspaper or poster for the New Year 2016 - just stock up on the most simple materials and tools. Beads, rhinestones, shiny paper, satin ribbons and sparkles will be excellent decorative elements. A little imagination - and the New Year's surprise is ready!

IN different times wall newspaper used as a means of informing a small group of people about something. One way or another, each of us at least once in our lives is faced with the need to release it. It has not lost its popularity today, not only in schools and universities, but also in some organizations.

What does the process of publishing a wall newspaper usually look like? Yes, very simple. Take a sheet of A1 format, paints, markers, everything is drawn, drawn, written. This is a rather labor-intensive process, so why not use a computer for this purpose? It’s worth downloading the Office program and starting creating, especially since in the electronic version you can correct and swap components, which paper does not allow. Such a newspaper will be more modern and colorful.

Before you start creating a wall newspaper, you need to decide what it will contain, how all the components will be located on the wall newspaper.

The first thought that stops people from creating a wall newspaper on a computer, about where to find a printer that will print this format. There are two options: take it electronic variant to a copy center or print it in A4 format and then glue all the parts together (I don’t recommend it).

The most popular application is Word, but it is impossible to design a newspaper in A1 format. It turns out that it is very convenient to work in Excel, since this application can divide the working grid into sheets of the required size. To view the sheet boundaries, you need to go to the Printing section. Now you can set the fields and start preparing the layout.

If you zoom out, it should look something like this:

The area of ​​the future wall newspaper is highlighted in yellow.

First, note the location of the main sections, photographs, pictures, diagrams and other points. Then improve each area using image adjustments, a variety of shapes, drawing and writing tools, and more. Also when creating wall newspapers, they can be useful

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Photo gallery: Wall newspaper for Teacher's Day with your own hands on whatman paper: templates and step-by-step photos. How to draw a poster for Teacher's Day

New academic year It’s only just arrived, but the first troubles are already making themselves felt. Teacher's Day is just around the corner, which means it's time to think about preparing congratulations, gifts and posters for your favorite teachers. Today, like 30 years ago, a wall newspaper for Teacher’s Day is considered an individual and unique gift, imbued with the warmth of children’s hands. Inexpensive, but cute and memorable present, teachers will definitely like it too junior classes, And class teachers high school students. A DIY wall newspaper on whatman paper is not a relic of the past, but a magnificent product self made, where every stroke and every line carries something important, kind, genuine. And the poems, and photographs, and pictures on the poster for Teacher's Day will long remind " cool mom"about her favorite students. If they, in turn, try hard, using their own imagination or a simple master class!

Beautiful wall newspaper for Teacher’s Day with your own hands on whatman paper, photo

To make a beautiful wall newspaper for Teacher’s Day with your own hands, you only need 8 A4 sheets or a large white Whatman paper and popular stationery. But in order to design a poster in at its best, you'll have to work a little harder. To do this, you can use one of three methods for making wall newspapers:

  • print out the necessary elements of the wall newspaper, and then glue them to whatman paper. Alternatively, you can print a large black and white image on several sheets, and then glue the poster together in parts and color it yourself;
  • make the poster completely “man-made” - write all the texts, inscriptions and wishes yourself, draw beautiful illustrations, add decorative elements V different techniques handmade;
  • combine the two previous methods of making wall newspapers. For example, print out photographs of the teacher and students, cut out a suitable plot from colored paper (wishing tree, sun with rays, petals big flower), add warm congratulations etc.

Most often, it is the third method of preparing a beautiful wall newspaper for Teacher’s Day that is used. But even in such a seemingly understandable process, it is worth following the sequence of actions of the master class so as not to waste all the work.

  1. Think over the plot and style of a wall newspaper for Teacher's Day;
  2. Prepare the basis for the poster - buy whatman paper or glue 8-12 sheets of thick A4 paper into a canvas;
  3. Prepare congratulatory texts and wishes, funny stories from school life, funny horoscope for the teacher on next year. They can be written in beautiful handwriting, printed on a printer, cut out in parts from postcards, newspapers or magazines;
  4. If necessary, print out a photo of your teacher, class students, interesting moments from school and extracurricular life of the team;
  5. Design a congratulation headline for the wall newspaper "Happy Teacher's Day." It can also be cut out from a printout or colored paper, or drawn by hand using paints or colored pencils;
  6. Glue previously prepared texts and photographs to the poster according to the planned plot. Outline them decorative frames;
  7. Fill the remaining space with handmade elements: hand-drawn patterns or funny school-themed characters, voluminous flowers, fabric bows, small compositions made of beads, rhinestones, ribbons, buttons, etc.
  8. A beautiful do-it-yourself wall newspaper on whatman paper for Teacher’s Day is ready. Attach the poster to the wall using pushpins.

How to draw a poster for Teacher's Day with your own hands, master class with step-by-step photos

The question of how to draw a poster for Teacher’s Day with your own hands has worried every schoolchild at least once in their life. But if it was very difficult for students of the USSR period (there were few stationery supplies, and materials were in short supply, and no printed preparations), then today’s students have absolutely nothing to worry about. Enough to stock up at the right time, tools, materials and follow the instructions of the master class on making wall newspapers. The lesson below will work even junior schoolchild, since it is completely devoid of complex processes.

Necessary materials for a DIY poster master class for Teacher's Day

  • whatman
  • shiny self-adhesive yellow (or other) color
  • tinted A4 paper in pale yellow or cream color
  • colored paper in red, orange, green and yellow flowers
  • PVA glue
  • stationery scissors
  • watercolor or gouache paints
  • brushes and glass
  • simple pencil

Step-by-step instructions for a DIY poster master class for Teacher's Day

DIY wall newspaper for Teacher's Day with congratulations and poems

Another master class on making a wall newspaper with congratulations and poems for Teacher’s Day may be useful for today’s talented and well-rounded schoolchildren. Unlike the previous one, this lesson is more suitable for high school students. Creating a poster for our second master class is more difficult, but the result is completely worth all the effort.

Necessary materials for the master class: wall newspapers with congratulations and poems for Teacher's Day

  • Whatman paper white
  • beige paper
  • colored and tinted paper
  • designer decorative paper
  • openwork paper napkins
  • ground down short pencils
  • ribbons, cords, threads
  • clippings of books, birds, clocks
  • stamps for cardmaking
  • paints
  • black marker or ink
  • foam rubber
  • white cardboard
  • scissors
  • pencil
  • ruler and eraser
  • PVA glue
  • Decorative buttons, paper clips, etc.

Step-by-step instructions for a master class on a poster with congratulations and poems for Teacher's Day

Wall newspaper for Teacher's Day: templates, pictures and photos

If you need a beautiful wall newspaper for Teacher's Day, but there is practically no time left, use ready-made templates and pictures. With their help, you won't get a real handmade product, but the resulting poster will still be quite good. To do this, print out the finished parts of the wall newspaper and carefully glue the edges along the contour. Then color the image with bright colors gouache paints and let the poster dry thoroughly.

How to make a poster

Very often marketers use posters in their advertising campaigns. Let's look at how to make it, what to pay attention to when designing, and where it's best to place it.

The poster is real art. Marketers, designers and artists around the world compete in the beauty, effectiveness and uniqueness of their masterpieces.

But creating a poster is not as easy as it might seem. Designers need to consider a ton of details both during the creation process and after. We read, save and learn new things.

What is a poster

A poster is not only beautiful images celebrities who glued everything to the walls when they were kids. IN in a broad sense, poster- catchy image with short text, made for propaganda, advertising or educational purposes.

A modern poster is primarily associated with advertising, which is not entirely true. Information and design posters are no less popular.

Informational The poster is most often found in the form of various posters. The main purpose of such posters is to convey important cultural information to the audience and announce events.

You can also use specially made posters for decoration.

History of the poster

Despite the fact that the first “traces” of posters are found in Ancient Egypt(images with information about escaped slaves), it is still customary to call the artist the father of the poster. The Frenchman, according to many, is an artist of relatively small talent, which, however, did not prevent him from becoming the creator of a new genre. In 1866, he opened a workshop for the production of lithographic paintings, which was the beginning of the poster.

The posters clearly explained why alcohol is harmful to humans.

Alcohol increases the risk of accidents

Better to wear short hair than to lose them

The casing was too high

How to make a promotional poster

Vivid image

As they call it in marketing - eye-stopper. The main task is to attract attention and arouse curiosity. A non-standard image or a bright picture can act as an eye-stopper.

Use one image and don't forget that the poster will big size, so the picture should be with good resolution!


The title is optional, but in most cases it won't hurt. Like a picture, it should attract attention, which means it should be read from a distance.

The title can be the name of a promotion, the name of a product, or a message about a sale.


The less text, the better. The font should be large. When arranging text, you need to highlight trademark and logo.

Use no more than two fonts: one for the body text, the second for the title.


Choose bright ones contrasting colors. Contrasting shades work better together and make the poster easier to read.

Thomas Russell, lecturer at the Institute, shares his tips for creating an advertising poster. modern research at the Association of Advertising Agencies.

  • Simplify. Posters should immediately grab attention and quickly convey the main idea.
  • Show the benefits of the product.
  • Use the power of color. The brighter the advertisement, the better. In moderation.
  • Avoid ambiguity. Not everyone can immediately understand your game, accept it and react positively. If you are not 100% sure, it is better not to use ambiguous images and texts.
  • The text should be as light and easy to read as possible.

10 signs of a good advertising poster

How and where to place posters

The placement of the poster depends on its type. If this is an advertising poster, then first of all it is placed on the street: special stands, walls of buildings, fences, bus stops - wherever it would be noticed by as many passers-by as possible. It is important that nothing around distracts from the poster or interferes with it. He should be the center of attention.

The same applies to an information poster, for which the main thing is to reach a large audience.

Another thing is decorative posters. Here are some tips for placing them.

Posters look best on plain surfaces. And it doesn’t matter where exactly: in the living room, in the kitchen, in the bathroom or in a restaurant.

In addition, posters can be placed on the wall in different ways.

Horizontal row.

This way you can fill any empty space.

Collage of four posters.

This placement is perfect for rooms with high ceilings.

Symmetrical arrangement.

If you have several posters of the same size, symmetry is for you. In addition, it will help visually balance the interior of the room.

Asymmetrical arrangement.

For such placement it is better to use posters different sizes. Posters can be hung however you like.

Poster designers

If you try, you can easily make a poster yourself, without even resorting to the help of designers. Check out the very convenient and multifunctional tools for creating posters.

An excellent resource for creating not only posters, but also banners, business cards and various illustrations. You don't need any special skills to draw a cool poster.

A wide range of tools and capabilities for both drawing and image editing. And numerous templates will facilitate and speed up the process.

Online editor. Canva is slightly inferior in its set of tools and templates. However, it is great for quick creation simple poster.

Especially for those who want to create their own movie posters!

If you urgently need to make a simple poster, this online resource is just for you!

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