How to draw a peasant young lady with a pencil. Draw the Dymkovo young lady with a pencil step by step

The work begins with an image of a circle approximately 1.5-2 cm in diameter. Future face Ladies, by tradition, write in white, much less often the tone of “carnation” - flesh-colored - is used. This is more likely due to the fact that the white stands out better against the bright Gorodets backgrounds.

Having written a bleach circle for the “face” and dried it well, they begin to depict the hairstyle, that is, they write, as it were, petals around the middle of a flower, only they do it in black or dark brown.

Then the Gorodets master attributes to the head neck, knowing in advance what kind of dress and with what neckline he will put on his mistress. In our case, the neckline of the dress is triangular, so the neck and neckline of the dress are also covered with whitewash. With this simple technique, the master outlines the axis of the figure, without allowing himself to get lost in proportions.

For writing shoulders and the hands of the female figure require only two strokes with a wide brush. One stroke indicates the left shoulder and the left arm bent at the elbow, the other - the right shoulder and the outstretched right arm, slightly removed from the body.

Completing the painting of the upper part of the female figurine, the master writes a tone waist, applying each of the broad, smooth strokes precisely and to the spot.

The drawing of the figure is completed by writing in white hands. At this stage, the lady’s face is usually designed. For this I use the thinnest brush with black paint. According to tradition, the face is written very schematically: thin high eyebrows, round eyes, a nose outlined in one or two strokes, a small mouth, which acquires a kind smiling expression if a bright red dot is placed in the middle of a straight horizontal line - “bow lips”. Sometimes cheeks slightly enlivened by pink color - blush. Each artist has his own techniques for painting faces, but in general, the Gorodets style of painting does not imply psychological expressiveness; here the convincingness of the figure, its positioning, gesture, turn of the head, proportions, and color of clothing are much more important. Style unity is very important: how the figurine looks in the surrounding environment - the interior of a Gorodets house, in a flowering garden, on a city street.

An integral part suit The Gorodets dandy always had a fluffy patterned skirt. It is this skirt, reminiscent of a bell in outline, that A.V. depicts. Sokolova.

Special mention should be made of the design of the lower edge of the skirt. The Gorodets master will never write it completely straight; he will make a slightly curved “living” line, which is drawn, as a rule, in black, contrasting with the color of the suit. If several female figures stand nearby, then this single black stroke emphasizes all the women’s skirts, from under which pointed shoes are visible. This is one of the characteristic Gorodets techniques, completing the lady’s costume; it can be seen on many Gorodets dons.

Shoes They come in different designs - barely noticeable or completely visible, with high heels. They certainly visually slim the figure. The result is an effect similar to how the character of a bird is changed by its thin, graceful legs.

An important stage of work on the female figure is shading, as well as bleaching her clothes. In Gorodets, countless styles of dresses and their trims were invented. It seems that they can be used to study women's fashion of the second half of the 19th century. To decorate dresses, various techniques are used - lines, pokes, shading, work with bleach and colored sponges, etc.

Sequence of the image of the Gorodets lady


Dymkovo toys are also called Vyatka or Kirov toys. They have a long history, and appeared more than 400 hundred years ago in the settlement of the same name near the Russian city of Vyatka.


A few words from the history of Dymkovo toys...

Initially, Dymkovo toys were dedicated to the Whistler holiday. To mark this day, folk craftsmen made whistles from red clay, fired them and painted various patterns on them.

They were made in the shape of various animals. Here were:

  • and a cockerel
  • and a duck,
  • and deer,
  • and turkey,
  • and a horse,
  • as well as figurines of a young lady.

However, over time, the purpose of the holiday was forgotten, but the fishery resumed in the 20th century and became a real calling card of this region. Dymkovo toys began to be made as Russian souvenirs.

How to make it?

First, red clay is taken, mixed with brown river sand. This type of clay exists precisely near Vyatka. A figurine is sculpted from it, for example, a rooster, turkey or horse. You have to sculpt the figures in parts. Then they are glued together using liquid clay, and the figure is adjusted by the master. The toy is then dried and fired in a kiln at high temperature. Then they begin to paint it. The patterns are painted with white paint. Previously, paint was made from chalk mixed with milk. Today there are special paints. In addition to white, toys abound in blue, green, and yellow colors, which give them a special cheerfulness. The top of the toys was covered with whipped egg white, which gave them a bright shine and elegance. Each toy is unique because it is made by hand. Among the many figurines collected in museums, you will not find two identical ones. The largest toy museum is located in Kirov.


Probably, you guys also wanted to create such toys for yourself?

Unfortunately, it is impossible to do this at home, even if you know how to sculpt with clay. But you can try to color the silhouettes of Dymkovo toys. On our website you will find photos, pictures and coloring pages for children depicting Dymkovo toys. They can be downloaded and printed. You will be met:

  1. cheerful cockerel,
  2. important duck,
  3. puffy turkey,
  4. graceful horse
  5. and a lady dressed in elegant clothes.
  6. Also here you will find numerous patterns that decorate the Dymkovo toy.

However, don’t rush into coloring books. First, carefully look at the photos of the toys, remember what colors the figures are painted with, since the colors on the figures have their own pattern. Photos will help you draw your own conclusions, and coloring pages for children will help you practice. Probably the most favorite toys of children are the cockerel and the turkey; sometimes the children mention the lady. Why? They are the brightest, most elegant. Think about what a rooster looks like, what colors you use to paint it, because in the old days a rooster was a symbol of the beginning of a new day, the sunrise. His figure contains all the colors of the rainbow. The photos and coloring pages offered on our website will help children become more familiar with this unusual Russian folk craft, show their imagination and ingenuity, and learn to draw. Acquaintance with any ancient craft enriches a child, connects him with his ancestors, with Russian roots. And getting to know toys is doubly interesting. From time immemorial, they reveal their secrets to children, share their cheerfulness, create a good mood and creative enthusiasm.

A selection of materials on the topic

click on the picture below to download a collection of pictures depicting Dymkovo toys: And you can also download individual pictures of Dymkovo toys at your discretion: lady Horse Rooster Turkey Duck

The Dymkovo young lady amazes with the brightness of her colors, amazing ornaments, and the feeling of the fullness of real Russian life. It may seem that a modern person, a resident of a big city, is unlikely to be able to make one with his own hands. But that's not true. It can be molded from clay - in accordance with the traditions of the Vyatka town of Dymkovo (where the craft originated), or from salt dough, which, of course, is much easier in a city apartment. After all, a clay toy must not only be molded, but then carefully fired - preferably in a special oven, although a kitchen oven will do.

For modeling, red clay purchased in a specialized store, or mined with your own hands from a garden plot, is suitable. It is important to prepare the workplace well. You will need:

  • oilcloth on the table at which the modeling will take place;
  • a glass of water that can be moistened when gluing parts of a future figurine made of clay or dough;
  • rags to wipe your hands with;
  • wooden spatula, in order to trim the resulting figures.

Choosing the character you want to create is an individual matter. But in the Dymkovo toy, as in any craft with traditions, the set of heroes has long been quite strictly defined: the Dymkovo toy lady, a rider on a horse and just a Dymkovo toy horse, a turkey with a huge tail, a plump pig, “a deer with golden horns,” a cockerel , as well as all kinds of whistles.

The lady begins with a "bell"

The creation of each of them is an interesting process that will captivate both adults and children. For example, you can make a figurine of a lady with your own hands like this.

  • The first thing that needs to be molded from clay or dough is a dress for the Dymkovo heroine. This will be a bell-type hem that is hollow inside.
  • Next, two strips are twisted from clay - the future hands of the lady, a strip of a kokoshnik in the form of an accordion, a circle for the future head (on it only the nose is indicated with a convex triangle, and the eyes and mouth are drawn with paint).
  • All parts are connected together and carefully secured.
  • Small but important details are added to the figure: stripes of braids on the head, frills on the dress, and round earrings on the face.

How to make a frill

To make a frill, take a piece of material: it is rolled out into a flagellum, and then, by lightly tapping the edge of the palm, it turns into a clay “ribbon”, which is folded into equal segments like an accordion.

In the lady’s hands you can add a rocker with hanging buckets made of clay (or salt dough), a baby in an envelope, or a couple of children at once (the lady holds them with both hands). The modeling is completed: we set the toy aside and wait one or two days for it to dry. It should be dried at room temperature, but under no circumstances near the radiator.

When the toy is already dry...

The fact that the toy has dried will be clear from the color - the clay will become light. Now the toy can be sent to the stove or oven, where it will be fired. After this, the toy is whitewashed (simple waterproof paint that does not contain varnish will do). The whitewash must be applied in two layers, and after that, begin painting with tempera paint. The ornaments of the Dymkovo toy are circles, diamonds, rings, multi-colored stripes. By the way, the ornaments of ladies and young ladies are different: city dwellers often paint themselves with circles, while peasant women’s aprons and skirts are decorated in a more formal checkered or striped pattern.

Lady or young lady?

You can make the figure of a Dymkovo young lady with your own hands according to the same principle by which a young lady is made. They differ from each other in their headdresses: if we sculpt a kokoshnik for a peasant woman, then a city woman may well be wearing a hat. When sculpting, the basis of a headdress can be a small pancake (made of clay or salt dough), which is then placed on the head of the toy. To make the hat more impressive, add a flower or an interesting frill to it. In the hands of a young lady - unlike a lady - there may be a handbag, a flower or even a fan.

Let's sculpt a horse

Another common Dymkovo figurine (perhaps no less common than the Dymkovo young lady) is a horse. First of all, from the material chosen for work, we sculpt the torso, then the cones of the legs, as well as the head with a mane and a small tail.

All parts are combined into a single whole and glued together. The toy is sent to dry, which will also be followed by baking in the oven, whitewashing and painting.

They say Russian girls are the most beautiful. Nature has endowed our compatriots with pleasant facial features, blond hair and a graceful figure. Thanks to good external data, as well as their own work, girls look beautiful even in retirement. It is not surprising that many painters and graphic artists wanted to capture our girls on their canvases. And today we will try ourselves as an artist and draw portraits of Russian beauties, as well as a full-length figure.

Drawing with children

When a child draws a portrait of a Russian beauty, he usually depicts his mother's face. After all, it is this person who plays a big role in his life. Therefore, when reading fairy tales with your child, you need to develop his imagination and attention. After the fairy tale is read, you can invite the child to draw the main character. And how to do it?

The easiest way is to depict a girl in a skirt and draw a kokoshnik on her. Let's look at the progress of the work step by step. First of all, we draw the figure of a beauty. These will be two triangles connected by sharp ends in the middle. The bottom figure is a skirt, it should be 3 times larger than the top corset. The dress is ready, add a circle for the head and don’t forget that every person has a neck. We depict the hands as rectangles. Don't forget to draw the fingers. We put boots on our feet. It remains to add some details to the drawing. This is the face of a beauty, a braid and, of course, a kokoshnik. The eyes and nose can be outlined with dots, lips - with a semicircle. And the last detail is the decor on the dress and kokoshnik.

Cartoon heroine

Portraits of Russian beauties do not necessarily have to be authentic. If you draw with children, it is easier to depict a comic character. This way the child will be satisfied not only with the creative process, but also with the result. The character of our drawing will be a girl dressed in a fur coat, a long skirt and a fur hat. Standard Russian beauty in winter.

Let's start with the layout. On the sheet we will depict not only a girl, but also a church, a tree and stones. We outline the figure and divide it into three parts. Now we divide the upper sector in half again. We draw the lower half of the head with a circle, the upper half is the hat, we draw it with an oval. You can immediately outline facial features. We will draw the figure in three quarters, this is the easiest angle.

Let's start drawing out the fur coat. To begin with, we outline it with a trapezoid. Next we detail the fur coat by adding fur edging. Now we draw hands. In order not to draw fingers, we will put a muff on the girl. Now it's time for the skirt. To make it look more interesting, don’t forget to draw folds. We draw 5 vertical lines along the skirt, and draw a wavy line for the hem. It remains not to forget about the background - in the form of a church, trees, stones. Our drawing is ready.

Portrait of a princess

If a child has artistic talent, then, in principle, he cannot depict the entire figure on paper. How to draw a portrait of a Russian beauty?

You need to outline the dimensions of the drawing. The face should occupy half or one third of the sheet. Draw an oval and mark the hairline with two semicircles. We immediately draw a kokoshnik. It will look like a pointed semicircle. Princesses wear dresses, so this part of the design needs to be given special attention. In order not to torment your child with images of decor, you can come up with a more complex style of clothing. The girl's figure should resemble an hourglass. But the sleeves can be drawn in the form of several interconnected circles or ovals. You can depict a braid in the same way. We put beads on the beauty's neck. Only the face remains. To avoid the problem that one eye is larger than the other, we draw the girl in a small spread, as if she was slightly turned away from the viewer. We depict the eyes as circles, and give them an almond shape using the eyelashes. We complete the arches of the eyebrows and draw the nose in a small semicircle. All that remains is to outline the lips, and our beauty is ready. You can color the drawing if you wish.

Russian beauty in kokoshnik

At school, when children study the topic of national costume, they are often given homework. How to draw a portrait of a Russian beauty? 4th grade is the time when students can already portray people almost reliably. But drawing portraits is too difficult a task. Therefore, it is better to choose a simpler theme, for example, to depict the entire figure of a girl in a national costume. In such a drawing, a portrait of a Russian beauty in a kokoshnik will also be present, but will not attract increased attention.

In order to depict a girl, we, again, need to arrange the figure on the sheet. So that our beauty doesn’t get bored, we can draw a young guy next to her. Let's start with the image of the girl. Divide the figure into 4 parts. The first of them is devoted to the image of the head and kokoshnik. We draw the face in a circle, and the headdress in a semicircle. Don't forget to make a small point in its center. We use a trapezoid with a rounded edge to represent a sundress. We place the second of our four parts under the arms. We draw them with corners to the trapezoid. We also outline the shoes with triangles. All that remains is to detail the figure, draw the face and the ornament on the sundress and kokoshnik. By analogy, we try to portray a young man.


The classic Russian beauty can be depicted as a national doll. Even a small child can draw a matryoshka doll. A portrait of a Russian beauty, depicted in this way, will make the child stand out from the crowd who will copy Disney princesses.

It is better to draw a nesting doll in parts. First you should depict the right half, and then use a window to mirror your creation. Draw a semicircle symbolizing the face. The next step is to draw the outline. It needs to be copied from the example shown above. Now you need to fill the empty space. First, we clarify the face: draw the eyes, lips, nose and cheeks. Now we draw the hand. It is an oval connected to the palm. It should be noted that a nesting doll can have 4 fingers, not 5. Now let’s get creative. We dress our beauty in an apron and draw flowers. The final touch is to move the image to the left side.

Modern interpretation

Abstraction is in fashion today. Therefore, a drawing-portrait of a Russian beauty in a modern interpretation may look unconventional. For example, you can draw a beautiful bun, a nice profile, outline a neck line and an ear. But it is not necessary to draw the face. You can get by with non-trivial shading or, in general, write a poem in place of the eyes and lips. It could even be a favorite verse.