What is composition? What is composition and what is it for? Framing and negative space

Chichikov is the main character in the poem " Dead Souls" From childhood, he listened to his father and showed all the baseness of his soul. He tried in any way to earn a pretty penny, which he put in a special bag. When the bag was full, he sewed it up and began filling a new one. Already, as a child, he used any means to earn money.

Having become older and having taken the place of an official, Chichikov realizes that this position opens up new prospects for him. He committed one scam after another, and when he was exposed, he skillfully covered his tracks and went into hiding. All his endeavors failed, but he did not lose heart and took on the next “business”. This suggests that a person has neither conscience nor honor.

Nothing significant can be said about his appearance. His appearance was somehow blurry. Gogol says about Chichikov that he was neither handsome nor ugly, neither old nor young, neither fat nor thin. But he was an excellent psychologist, and skillfully noticed the weak and strengths person. He knew how to please everyone and adapted to each interlocutor. That's why everyone trusted him.

Having learned about Chichikov's financial condition, officials and their wives immediately began to respect the hero and bow to him. They believed that such a person should be friends and maintain contact. Chichikov is happy to try, he has achieved everyone’s favor with him. Like the devil, he changes his appearance and gains trust. Chichikov is a vile and immoral person, before whom everyone grovels. And society itself is to blame for the appearance of such people.

A special place in the work of N.V. Gogol’s poem “Dead Souls” also plays in Russian literature, the basis of which was suggested to the writer by A.S. Pushkin. The poem gives us full picture way of life of Russian landowners, peasants and officials.

In the center is Pavel Ivanovich Chichikov. The image of the main character, as well as his role in the work, were never fully resolved. This man is revealed gradually in scenes of meetings with landowners. Moreover, Chichikov has some new manner of communication with each of them, which Gogol notices. Pavel Ivanovich is an excellent psychologist, he knows well human nature and knows how to say what is expected of him. Adopting the flattery and pomp of Manilov, the unceremoniousness of Korobochka and the rudeness of Nozdryov, Chichikov finds everyone mutual language. Let us note that he almost always achieves what he wants.

However, the fact that Chichikov is easily likened to each of the landowners does not speak in his favor at all. It alone contains all the lowest human traits, observed in different representatives. And Gogol gives clear confirmation of this throughout the poem. For example, storing street posters at home indicates hoarding, close to Plyushkin’s collecting. And what brings Chichikov together with Korobochka is his habit of arranging things with pedantic accuracy. That is, one person collected in himself all the unenviable traits and characteristics of landowners. He is colorless and empty, petty, narcissistic, rude and greedy.

And yet Chichikov is different. Pavel Ivanovich is distinguished from other characters by his business acumen and energy. These traits are not found in any of the heroes of the poem except Chichikov. Gogol warns that the Manilovs and Plyushkins will be replaced by the Chichikovs. The soul of Pavel Ivanovich has long been dead. He is only interested in getting rich at any cost.

In an effort to reveal the psychology of people like Chichikov, the author introduced into the poem the story of his life, starting from childhood. After all, it is in childhood the foundations of a person’s worldview are laid. The reader learns that Pavlusha had nothing interesting as a child: he did not know the love and affection of his family, and had no friends. After the death of his father, he was left without money, but with a phrase that he perfectly performed in later life. And his father’s advice most eloquently explains Chichikov’s position in life. My father bequeathed me to study diligently, please teachers, and save a penny.

Chichikov quickly learned the laws of acquiring wealth, starting from an early age by serving his teachers, and then by courting his superiors. Next, the author describes in vivid colors different stories and Chichikov's machinations. It is noteworthy that all his affairs ended in failure. But this only inflamed him. Chichikov was driven not by the thirst for profit, but by thirst beautiful life, full of pleasures.

The poem was written over several years, at different moments of the writer’s creative rise and decline. At one time, Gogol wanted to show that all was not lost for people like Pavel Ivanovich. Gogol planned to show the revival of the hero in the second volume “ Dead souls", the purpose of which was the spiritual purification of the hero and through him the purification of the entire society. However, in a fit of despair and spiritual crisis, the second volume was destroyed.

The story “Dead Souls,” which Nikolai Vasilyevich Gogol prudently called a poem, really contains the “poetic” aspirations of the main character Chichikov in solving his quite prosaic life tasks. From childhood he was left to his own devices, received an insufficient education, and even spent his youth in some hardships. Chichikov's characterization is not much different from others. However, the young man was naturally smart and resourceful, difficult situations in my life I overcame it on my own, sometimes quite successfully. Growing up and gaining experience, Chichikov learned to use numerous social Russian shortcomings to his own advantage, so that he would benefit and not be held accountable by law.

From time to time, Chichikov, while serving in some “grain place,” through negligence or out of greed, miscalculated, received a scolding from his superiors, but on the whole he was in good standing and took bribes deftly, quietly, and even artistically. And Chichikov’s characterization was an example for all other officials. A petitioner who came to Chichikov would sometimes give the amount into his hands, but he would not take it. What do you mean, we don’t take it, sir...! And he assured the man that everything would be brought to his house today necessary documents, without any “greasing”. The petitioner went home, inspired, almost happy, and waited for the courier. I waited a day, then another, one week and then another. The bribe that the visitor then brought as a result of this simple combination invented by Chichikov was three times larger than the original one.

And then one day Chichikov was struck by a certain brilliant idea that promised quick and sure enrichment. “I’m looking for mittens everywhere, but they’re in my belt,” said Chichikov and set about developing his future operation to acquire dead souls. IN landowner Russia then there was a market. In other words, it was possible to buy peasants, sell them and give them as gifts. The transaction was formalized legally, the buyer and seller drew up a serf bill of sale. The peasants were expensive, one hundred rubles and two hundred. But if you buy dead serfs from landowners, then you can do it cheaper, Chichikov thought and got down to business.

The whole point of his enterprise was to count on receiving the so-called lifting money, issued by guardianship councils throughout Russia, when relocating landowners' farms to other lands or simply acquiring serfs. Two hundred rubles per peasant, alive and healthy of course. But who will check whether he is alive or dead, Chichikov rightly believed and slowly got ready to set off on the road. Our hero arrived in the city of NN, looked around and immediately paid visits to all city officials. After a short conversation with Chichikov, the officials in him were so able to flatter and butter him up. Chichikov’s characterization was impeccable, he was welcomed everywhere and everyone was happy to see him.

Then Chichikov chose landowners who had serfs and began to visit them one by one. He made the same offer to everyone. I’ll buy, they say, dead serfs, I need them for business, but I’ll give them inexpensively, I’m not rich at the moment. The first landowner, Manilov, was such a refined dandy, had a wife and children. He was surprised by Chichikov’s request, but behaved intelligently and gave away his dead peasants for nothing. After Manilov, Chichikov ended up with the landowner Korobochka. The old woman listened, pondered and at first refused. Chichikov literally began to sweat, persuading her, citing all the obvious benefits of the deal for the landowner. And Korobochka, you know, is murmuring, I’ll find out the prices first, I’ll make inquiries, then we’ll talk.

After Korobochka, Chichikov came to Nozdryov. turned out to be a rare scoundrel, a reveler and a gambler. Chichikov got tired of it too. He offered him horses and a barrel organ instead. I wanted to play cards for dead souls or checkers. And he lowered the price; he asked for more than the living ones. Chichikov barely carried his feet away from Nozdryov. And he came to the next landowner Sobakevich. Huge growth The landowner Sobakevich, a fellow of small intelligence but cunning, first of all stepped on Chichikov’s foot with all his weight. Chichikov hissed in pain and jumped on one leg. Satisfied, Sobakevich invited him to dinner. And when Chichikov started business conversation, then the landowner set a price even higher than Nozdryov. After bargaining, they agreed on two rubles and a half. a brief description of Chichikova must be complemented by his ability to bargain.

The last one was the landowner Plyushkin. He had more than a thousand serfs. And there were one hundred and twenty dead, and about a hundred escaped. Chichikov bought them all. And as the conversations started in the city after his trips and shopping, Chichikov almost became a hero. But at the same time, Chichikov’s characterization was lame; many of his former friends refused to give him the house. It's just a pity that it was all in vain. Chichikov’s impeccable characterization will not help either, dead souls - they won’t become alive, they won’t be given money.

The image of Pavel Ivanovich Chichikov is perhaps the most successful of Gogol's caricatures. The life story of just this character playing main role in the poem “Dead Souls”, is revealed by the author in great detail. The novelty of the character he took on forced the writer to engage in such an artistic and comprehensive study.

Pavel Ivanovich combines many of the features of the landowners of that time. The hero would not be complete without a description in the eleventh chapter of the conditions in which his formation took place.

As an inheritance from an impoverished nobleman, Pavel Ivanovich received some copper and instructions to study well and please everyone, and to save and save money. He took the absence of lofty words about debt in the will literally. And life itself soon confirmed that these concepts did not lead to anything good (in his understanding). At school, Pavlushi’s knowledge, behavior, and respectfulness evoked only approval and praise from the teachers, who set the boy as an example to other students. Having entered the government chamber after studying, he continues to please his boss and show attention to his daughter. The same behavior is characteristic of him in any situation. Chichikov quickly realized: in order to please a person, you need to talk to him about his interests, about topics close to him. This behavior helps him remain his own person in any society. Gradually Pavel Ivanovich drowns out more living soul, tries not to hear the quiet voice of conscience, builds his happiness on the misfortune of others. And all this for their own benefit. The tools that Chichikov skillfully and actively uses are fraud and deception, theft from the treasury, insult, and bribery. Constant accumulation and acquisition become the meaning of life for the main character. And at the same time, Chichikov needs money not for its own sake. They serve as a means to achieve a good, prosperous life for his family. The image of Chichikov differs sharply from other characters in his determination and strength of character. He achieves his goal by any means, showing extraordinary resourcefulness, resourcefulness, and perseverance.

Chichikov in the poem “Dead Souls” is not like everyone else in his activity, activity, and enterprise. Manilov’s head in the clouds and Korobochka’s naivety are not characteristic of him. He cannot be compared with the miser Plyushkin, but Nozdryov’s careless wastefulness is also not for him. The entrepreneurial spirit of this hero is far from the businesslike nature of Sobakevich. All these qualities indicate the clear superiority of Pavel Ivanovich over other characters in the poem.

The image of Chichikov is incredibly multifaceted. People like him are very difficult to immediately unravel, to understand what they really are. Chichikov managed to please most residents of the city as soon as he appeared in it. He managed to present himself as a secular, developed and decent person. During the conversation, he finds an individual key to everyone in whom he is interested. His ostentatious goodwill is only a means to take advantage of his high position the right people. It costs nothing for Chichikov to reincarnate, change his behavior and at the same time not forget about his own goals. His ability to adapt to everyone is amazing. When Pavel Ivanovich bargains with Manilov, he shows delicacy, sensitivity and courtesy. But with Korobochka, on the contrary, he behaves assertively, rudely, and impatiently. He understands that Plyushkin is very easy to persuade; he must speak to Sobakevich in a businesslike manner. The energy of the main character is tireless, but it is aimed at low actions.

The image of Chichikov is an example of a trader and entrepreneur, a new type of person, whom Gogol defined as a vile, vile, “dead soul.”

Brief description of Chichikov?

  1. The characteristics of Chichikov are given by the author in the first chapter. His portrait is given very vaguely: not handsome, but not bad-looking, neither too thick nor too thin; One cannot say that he is old, but not that he is too young. Gogol pays more attention to his manners: he made an excellent impression on all the guests at the governor’s party, showed himself to be an experienced socialite, maintaining a conversation on the most different topics, skillfully flattered the governor, police chief, and officials and formed the most flattering opinion of himself. Gogol himself tells us that he did not take him as a hero virtuous person, immediately stipulates that his hero is a scoundrel.
    The origins of our hero are dark and humble. The author tells us that his parents were nobles, but whether they were nobles or private - God knows. Chichikov's face did not resemble his parents. As a child, he had neither a friend nor a comrade. His father was ill, the windows of the little house were not open either in winter or summer. Gogol says about Chichikov: At the beginning, life looked at him somehow sourly and unpleasantly, through some muddy, snow-covered window
  2. Chichikov was very neatly dressed and knew how to behave well in everything. He spoke neither loudly nor quietly, but absolutely as he should. In a word, no matter where you turn, he was a very decent person. All officials were pleased with the arrival of a new person. The governor explained about him that he was a well-intentioned person, the prosecutor said that he was a practical person, the gendarmerie colonel said that he learned man, chairman of the chamber - what is he knowledgeable person, the police chief - that he is a respectable and kind person, the police chief's wife - that he is the most kind and courteous person. Even Sobakevich, who spoke harshly of someone in a positive light, called Chichikov a pleasant person.
    The officials of the city of N were bureaucrats, bribe takers, idlers, selfish and selfish people with a bad conscience, but they had an opinion of Chichikov as a decent person. And these assessments are given by people of very different character.

    Relationships with others... Chichikov has studied people perfectly, knows how to find benefits in any situation, always says what they would like to hear from him. So, with Manilov, Chichikov is pompous, amiable and flattering. He talks to Korobochka without any special ceremony, and his vocabulary is in tune with the style of the hostess. Communication with the arrogant liar Nozdryov is not easy, since Pavel Ivanovich does not tolerate familiar treatment, unless the person is of too high a rank. However, hoping for a profitable deal, he does not leave Nozdryov’s estate until the last and tries to become like him: he turns to you, adopts a boorish tone, and behaves familiarly. The image of Sobakevich, personifying the thoroughness of a landowner's life, immediately prompts Pavel Ivanovich to conduct as thorough a conversation as possible about dead souls. Chichikov manages to win over the hole in the human body Plyushkin, who has long lost contact with the outside world and forgotten the norms of politeness. To do this, it was enough for him to play the role of a spendthrift, ready, at a loss to himself, to save a casual acquaintance from the need to pay taxes for dead peasants.

    3) How Khlestakov, passing through the provincial town, allowed Gogol to expose and show the agitated anthill of the district bureaucracy. So circling noble estates Chichikov gave the opportunity to paint a picture of the provincial-landlord life of serf Russia: everyday life typical representatives the class of landowners, the range of their mental and moral interests.
    Korobochka is a poor, tiny landowner, the owner of eighty serf souls, who lives, as if in a shell, separately from the rest of the world. She lives in contentment, but at the same time she always cries over crop failures, the death of peasants and losses. Korobochka is thrifty and knows how to collect little by little money, rubles, fifty rubles, quarters, and hide them in bags on chests of drawers (in fact, that’s why she is Korobochka). Gogol emphasizes the typicality of this image, simultaneously giving a characterization of Nastasya Petrovna, from which we learn about her exorbitant self-interest and greed.
    What follows is the interior of the rooms, which appear to the reader as modest and quite old, but with a large number of paintings with some kind of birds. Old striped wallpaper, wheezing and hissing clocks, mirrors with dark frames - all this bears the imprint of the character of the housewife herself, who cherishes and collects everything.
    But the landscape of the estate’s courtyard represents an abundance of birds and other domestic creatures, as Chichikov noted. The huts, which, although they were built scattered and not enclosed in regular streets, showed the visitor the contentment of the inhabitants and the fact that her (Korobochka’s) village was not small. The housewife sells honey, hemp, flour, and bird feathers. Treating the buyer Chichikov, Korobochka treats him to such dishes of patriarchal village cuisine that one cannot doubt his well-being

  3. The start is right.
  4. Thank you
  5. Thank you
  6. The main character of the poem Gogol's Dead soul is Pavel Ivanovich Chichikov, an adventurer who carries out a brilliant scam on the pages of the work. The author introduces us to his hero in detail only in the eleventh head of the dead shower. Before this, Gogol depicts the environment in which the hero operates; reveals the essence of his business, for the sake of which Chichikov travels all over Rus'; presents him as the hero of phantasmagoristic rumors (as if Chichikov is Rinaldi, Napoleon, and even the Antichrist himself).
  7. thank you
  8. not that.