What documents are needed for a private dance studio. Your own business: how to open speed reading courses

If you are interested in dancing and have experience working with children, then you should think about creating your own children's room. dance studio. The demand for the services of a dance teacher for children is always high.

When developing the concept of your dance studio, think about the main areas with which you will work. Most in demand parents use waltz, tango, foxtrot, quickstep, Latin American dances. Teens prefer club dancing, hip-hop, modern jazz, rock and roll, etc. For children preschool age They teach the basics of rhythm and choreography (in the form of dances, games and exercises).

Even if you don’t plan to look for funds to open own project First of all, it is necessary to draw up a detailed business plan that will allow you to determine the amount of initial costs for organizing this type of business. Opening your own dance studio for children does not require large investments if you have the appropriate skills and plan to conduct classes yourself.

Then, as your business grows, you can consider finding teachers to either become your partners or employees. Be sure to consider the training program in your studio. There is no point in trying to cover all dance styles and genres. With a small budget, it is wiser to choose a narrower specialization (both in areas and in age groups your students).

As in any other business related to teaching, the qualifications of the teacher, his ability to captivate students, his skill and professionalism are of key importance. In this case, new clients will come to your school based on reviews from their friends and acquaintances, and then they themselves will recommend you as a talented teacher.

The main expense items are renting premises, purchasing the necessary equipment and equipment. In most cases, it is more profitable to rent a room in a regional house of culture and creativity or a small hall in a nearby school. The great advantage of renting premises in an educational institution or creative center is that there is no need to independently obtain various certificates and permits from regulatory authorities.

The time when classes are held in the studio depends on the age of the children for whom it is designed. Preschool children usually study in the first shift - from 9.00 to 12.00. Older children attend classes from 16.00 to 19.00. After seven, the older groups study. On weekends (usually Saturday) classes are usually held from 12.00 to 16.00.

Find out in advance whether there are similar dance schools in the area where you are going to open your studio. If there is no competition and the demand for such services is high enough, feel free to enter into a lease agreement.

You can cover rental costs from monthly fees for classes from students. In the future, as the number of students increases, it will be possible to conclude a long-term lease of the premises. If you rent a hall in a creative house, there should be everything you need for classes - ballet bars, mats, mirrors, etc. Otherwise, you will have to spend money on purchasing equipment. There are certain requirements for a dance hall:

  • the floor should be covered with a non-rigid shock-absorbing coating (the best option is unvarnished parquet);
  • mirrors must be at least 1.5 (for children) – 2 (for adults) meters in height and have as few joints as possible that lead to distortion of the reflection;
  • no matter what direction you work in, there should be machines installed in the hall.
In addition, for classes you will need a music center.

When the dance hall and everything necessary equipment found, it’s worth thinking about how you will attract new clients to your studio. Give preference to low-budget ones, but no less effective ways promoting your services. For example, if your dance studio is located in residential area, can be printed and laid out mailboxes announcements about its opening located nearby houses.

In every city with a population of more than a million people, there are more than a hundred different dance studios and schools. The average profitability of this type of business is 30-50%. The cost of classes ranges from 250-300 rubles per hour based on 2-3 classes per week, each one hour long.

Many entrepreneurs who open dance studios register them as public organizations that provide services free of charge. The main profit of such a studio comes from contributions from the members of this “ public organization", which are not subject to taxes. But if you choose this option, consult with a lawyer first.

Sysoeva Lilia
- portal of business plans and manuals

If you are thinking about how to open a dance school, we will describe in detail a business plan with calculations and exact step by step actions. A novice entrepreneur needs to know how to organize such activities and what obstacles will arise along the way.

To achieve success in the dance business, you should approach all aspects competently - from registration to advertising promotion of the studio. Each of the stages described below is important and neglecting any of the points will only lead to unforeseen losses and loss of reputation.

Relevance of the dance business

Advantage this direction is that organizing such activities will not require large investments or complex paperwork. Almost anyone can open their own dance school from scratch. And when correct selection The services offered and the studio’s favorable location can guarantee a quick return on investment and a net profit.

Today many people want to dance. They like it for a number of reasons, because dancing brings pleasure, lifts their spirits, helps keep their body in shape, promotes communication and makes a person more self-confident. And with diversity dance styles you can find a style that will distinguish your school from its competitors and will be interesting to modern youth.

Before you deal with paperwork and other nuances, think about what format you will work in and what you will offer to clients. When choosing a style, focus on the following factors:

  1. What interests you personally and what kind of teachers you can invite to work.
  2. Demand among the population of your city - what dances are now fashionable and popular, what people are most interested in.
  3. Study your competitors - you shouldn’t offer the same dance styles; if there is already a strong and reputable school of a particular direction in the region, then new clients are unlikely to come to you.

Also figure out what target audience you will be targeting. For example, this could be a dance school:

  • For children.
  • For adults who do not know how to dance at all and want to gain confidence in their movements, regardless of style (“Dancing for Everyone”).
  • For young people who prefer modern so-called street trends.
  • For women (oriental dances, half dance).
  • For men (breakdancing).
  • Wedding.
  • Ballroom (for professionals), etc.

This factor will largely determine how to successfully name the studio, where it is most appropriate to locate it, and how to promote it.

Where to begin?

We list the main legal steps that will have to be taken at the start of the project:

  1. Register with the tax service as an individual entrepreneur (IP) or legal entity (LLC). The second option is needed only when there are several co-founders, that is, business partners.
  2. Choose a suitable tax system (UTII or simplified tax system), according to which you will pay monthly government contributions on your income.
  3. Indicate OKVED codes according to the services you offer to the population.
  4. When arranging the premises, you will have to invite representatives of the SES, Fire Inspectorate and Rospotrebnadzor, who, after inspection, will issue the appropriate permits to conduct activities.

Conveniently, no licenses or certificates are required for this, which greatly simplifies and speeds up organizational stage.

Studio space

Choose your location carefully future school dancing. If you rent a room in a fitness center, sports complex or cultural center, then most of vicissitudes with regulatory authorities will disappear by itself. In these establishments everything is already equipped in accordance with the basic requirements of SanPiN and fire safety. Otherwise, you will have to monitor every detail yourself.

The convenience of studio location relative to the target audience is also important. So, when targeting married couples, children and women housewives, it is good to choose a location somewhere in a residential area. But if your clients are students, busy businesswomen and entrepreneurs, office workers, then it is best to rent a room somewhere in the central part of the city.

And although the payment here will be higher, there are still clear advantages:

  • It is easy for clients to get into the club when it is located near work.
  • Such an establishment is considered more elite and prestigious, which means the cost of services can be raised higher.
  • You don’t have to spend too much on an advertising campaign, since it’s enough to place a bright sign and put up several attractive posters near the studio.

When choosing a room, pay attention to the following important parameters:

  1. The free space for the dance room is at least 80 square meters. m.
  2. It is possible to separately arrange a bathroom, showers, changing rooms and a foyer.
  3. Installed good system ventilation, as well as other communications.

You need to properly zone the space. So, 80 square meters are allocated for the dance process. m. or more. Be sure to set up two locker rooms (for men and women) of 10-15 square meters each. m. each. Showers and toilets are installed next to them. At the entrance there is a place for the administrator (about 20 sq. m.), reception or foyer.

The room itself is equipped with large mirrors on the walls or even around the entire perimeter. Special attention Pay attention to the floor - it should be durable and comfortable for dancing. Usually laminate or parquet is laid. In the rest room you need to put several sofas or armchairs, as well as install a desk for the administrator, a telephone and other available equipment.

Depending on your financial capabilities, such premises can be rented, purchased or built from scratch. But the latter option involves large capital investments. Although sometimes it remains the only one available, since in the city it is not always easy to find a suitable building that meets the needs of a dance school.


Pay special attention to the selection of employees. All teachers must be not just experienced professionals, but also have a good reputation, be able to communicate with different students, be attractive, and quickly evaluate physical abilities person, be friendly and disciplined. Remember, the reputation of the institution as a whole depends on what kind of teachers work at the dance school.

An employee is also needed for an administrative position, which the owners sometimes perform on their own. This person must answer calls, advise on all issues related to the work of the school, register clients, etc.

There must be a cleaning lady on staff. If classes take place all day, you will have to clean things up regularly. If you have a less busy schedule, cleaning can be done in the morning or evening.


To attract customers, you should engage in targeted advertising campaign. Its methods depend on what audience you are targeting. Main channels for promoting a dance studio:

  • Bright sign.
  • Printing products - leaflets can be left in educational institutions, schools, kindergartens, offices, distribute on the streets, etc.
  • Posters and announcements posted all over the city - on transport, special boards, entrances, stops.
  • Advertising on billboards, in the media.
  • Use Internet resources - create a website, organize a group in in social networks, communicate on forums, etc.

One of the main ways to attract new audiences is to hold open dance parties, as well as participate in various city events. In this case, you will be able to clearly show the students’ skills, the attractiveness of a particular direction, the level of the school and the potential result.

And only after the first successes can you count on word of mouth, when satisfied clients will enthusiastically share their achievements among their friends.

You can download it here for free as a sample.

Financial part of the project

Having summed up everything you need to open a dance studio, you can calculate the start-up costs.

Also keep in mind that at first you will have to have a reserve of money to ensure uninterrupted operation of the hall, regardless of whether clients appear immediately in the desired quantity.

Income and the rate of return on business will depend entirely on how many people you were able to captivate with your idea, as well as how much one lesson or subscription costs.

For example, at prices of 400-500 rubles per lesson, you can count on a monthly profit of 350 thousand. True, these indicators will not be achieved from the first days of work. Thus, after attracting a sufficient number of students, you can expect that within a few months the initial costs will be fully recouped.

Video: how to open a dance school?

Despite the sufficient number of dance studios in Russian cities, entry for new players is still open. This business can turn out to be very profitable due to the growing interest of young people (and not only) in dancing. Office workers, lawyers, managers, and government officials actively move their bodies. employees, students and so on.

The fact that everyone wants to learn dancing today more people, there is no doubt. According to Yandex search query statistics, the phrase “dance school in Moscow” is searched monthly by about 6,800 people, in St. Petersburg- 5,900 people:

People have an interest, and this can be seen from requests in other major cities RF. The presence of a dance studio on the Internet (website) is important point which should be taken into account by an entrepreneur. With the help of a well-designed website, you can attract a significant audience of clients to your dance studio.

Business registration

Licensing this activity is not subject to. The organizational and legal form of a dance studio can be an individual entrepreneurship ( individual), and a limited liability company (legal entity). If a business is opened by one person, then an individual entrepreneur will be the most suitable option (minimum documents). When organizing a dance studio by several persons (partners), it would be preferable to register a legal entity. When filling out an application for registration, you can indicate OKVED 93.04 - “Physical training and recreational activities.”

As a taxation system, the most suitable option would be the simplified taxation system - a simplified taxation system: 6% of revenue or 15% of profit.


The premises for opening a dance studio must be at least 100 square meters. m. The cost of renting such areas in the regions starts from 500 rubles. per sq. m. For a room of one hundred square meters you will have to pay at least 50 thousand rubles monthly. Most often, rent costs well over 100 thousand rubles.

Where will the studio be located: in a residential area or in the city center - special significance does not have. It might be even better in a residential area. The rental price here is much lower, and there may be more available space. IN good school people will come from the other end of the city to dance. The main thing is the availability of convenient access roads and parking.

Particular attention should be paid interior design studios. Mirrors are the main accessory of a dance studio. They should be installed across the entire wall so that the dancers can see themselves in full height. The floors in the dance studio should not be slippery, so as not to harm the health of visitors. The best flooring for a dance floor is considered to be linoleum or natural wood.

Professional teachers are the key to success

The popularity and glory of the dance studio, in to a greater extent, depends on the professionalism of teachers. Finding a good teacher, a true professional in his field, is not easy.

Forming a good team is the main difficulty of this business. Finding workers can take 3 months or more.

Reviews of the work of teachers from one of the dance clubs Ufa - this is what you need to strive for:

A portrait of an ideal dance club teacher: a cheerful and energetic person who not only knows how to dance, but also does it beautifully. It is advisable that the teacher knows several dance directions at once, so that unprofitable directions can always be replaced with profitable ones.

Teachers' salaries can be either a percentage of the cost of teaching a group (from 20 to 50%) or fixed for each lesson ($30 - 40).

"Assortment of dances"

A dance club should offer as many types of modern, fashionable dances as possible. Here, as in a gift shop, the assortment is important.

The most popular destinations dances that are taught in dance studios are: “ break dance", "go-go", "light fitness", " street dance» (« Hip Hop", "House", "Tecktonik"), oriental dances, strip plastic, wedding dances. In addition, you can earn money from individual lessons, figure correction, etc.

Classes in special groups may be of additional interest to clients:

  • dancing for adults (from 16 years old),
  • dancing for children and teenagers (from 5 to 16 years old),
  • classes for expectant mothers (yoga for pregnant women),
  • staging wedding dances,
  • choreographic studio,
  • dance classes for parents and babies (from 3 months to 1.5 years).

How much do dance studios earn?

The average price of a subscription for 4 classes in the regions is 800 rubles. A monthly subscription to all types of dance can be purchased for an average of 1,500 rubles. In Moscow, prices are slightly higher. In fact, the profitability of a dance studio begins with the purchase of 80-100 monthly subscriptions. The average workload of well-promoted clubs involves monthly classes of at least 15 groups of 20 people, which in monetary terms means monthly revenue of 450,000 rubles.

How to develop a dance studio?

The most effective advertising channel for promoting a dance studio is women's magazines. Here it is important not to miscalculate the age of the target audience and the subject of the magazine. Best Category- girls aged 17 to 25 years old, at this age they are more interested in dancing.

Your own website cannot be discounted either. It will take at least 2 thousand dollars to create and promote a good website, but the costs are justified. Today, many products and services are found through a search engine.

Good effect for growth client base may give promotions and discounts. For example, you can give a free lesson to anyone who brings a friend to the dance studio. Refer 8 friends - that's a month of free classes. In addition, those who have doubts (those who are not ready to buy a subscription right away) can be offered the first 30-minute lesson for free.

Every person at least once in his life thought about starting his own business. AND dance art V in this case is a completely acceptable option. How to open your own dance school? How profitable can such an activity be? What documents are needed for this? These questions interest many aspiring entrepreneurs.

Modern dance school: how profitable such a business can become

Naturally, every person, before starting own business, is interested in the question of its profitability. And the dance school is great option for those people who cannot afford large investments.

This area gives the entrepreneur a lot of opportunities. Indeed, according to statistical studies, even in big cities Dance teaching is a non-competitive business. On the other hand, there is always a demand for such lessons. The profitability in this case is about 20-60%, which, you see, is not bad. At the right approach the costs of opening a dance studio pay off after 1-2 years.

Advantages and disadvantages of such an enterprise

Before exploring the question of how to open your own dance school, it is worth understanding the advantages and disadvantages of such a business. As already mentioned, this area not too competitive and does not require too much investment, which is undoubtedly a plus.

On the other hand, there are some pitfalls that are definitely worth paying attention to. After all, according to the same statistics, many dance schools close during the year. Why? To begin with, the reasons include problems with finding suitable premises.

In addition, the lack of competent advertising will affect the number of customers and, accordingly, the profitability of the enterprise. But the main problem in this case is the search for qualified teachers, specialists who really know how to work with people, determine their requirements and capabilities and, naturally, have the necessary knowledge and experience.

How to open your own dance school? What documents are needed for this?

Official registration of the enterprise, of course, is a necessary component of your own business. And if you are drawing up a business plan for a dance school, then you are probably interested in the package of necessary documents.

Fortunately, for a dance studio, the amount of official paperwork is much less. Of course, you will need to register with the tax office - the best way to do this is as follows: individual entrepreneur and work according to a simplified taxation scheme. However, it is always possible to create a limited liability company, especially if you work with partners rather than on your own.

As for everything else, you just need to comply with the requirements for the premises, in particular the rules of fire safety, labor protection, etc. By the way, this red tape can be avoided if you rent premises in a fitness club.

Deciding on the target audience and teaching style

Of course, first of all, you should decide what style of dance you will teach and what category of clients your school will focus on. For example, are you going to train children or recruit a group of older clients?

Of course, classic ballroom dancing will always be in demand. But we shouldn’t forget that this is a paired dance, and not everyone can find a partner. Therefore, it is worth making sure that the school offers this service.

A hip-hop dance school can be quite profitable. This modern style is becoming increasingly popular and does not require each student to have a partner. Again, such energetic dances are more suitable to the younger generation. Women will certainly be interested if a belly dancing school opens in the city, because such a passionate and beautiful dance has been popular at all times.

In short, you need to decide on a list dance styles who will teach at your institution, and select the appropriate teachers. In addition, it is necessary to draw up a work schedule - most of the clients will probably come to you in the evening hours, since in daytime everyone is at work or school.

On the other hand, some people will find it much more convenient to attend classes in the morning or afternoon - perhaps as the business grows it will be necessary to add some classes during the daytime to the schedule.

Where to rent a room

Of course, in this case, finding premises is extremely important. In most cases, entrepreneurs are inclined to two options - you can rent premises for a school in a fitness club or cultural center. Both options have their advantages. For example, a fitness club next door will provide you with additional clients. In turn, your school sports dances(or any others) will increase the list of services offered by the center.

Naturally, you can build your own club or rent premises in any other place in the city - the main thing is that it is convenient to get to you (for example, make sure that there is a public transport stop not far from the school).

When looking for a suitable room, you should worry about the convenience of students and teachers. First, remember that the dance studio must have enough space. In addition, the school should have an entrance hall, which will serve both for meeting clients and for waiting for classes. It is imperative to equip a locker room with hangers and lockers, since students need to change clothes and leave their things somewhere. And of course, showers and toilets are needed.

How to decorate a room

In fact, the design style can be almost anything. The main thing is that the students feel comfortable. Equip the reception area workplace for the administrator and place several sofas or chairs.

In the locker room, it is best to place lockers that can be locked - clients will be able to leave their things without fear.

The basic requirements for opening a dance school are set directly for the training premises. The plan (project) of a dance school must necessarily include the costs of arranging the hall.

It is extremely important to make a suitable floor (for example, use parquet or laminate), as well as equip a powerful ventilation system. And of course, you will need several large mirrors.

Is additional equipment needed?

In fact, the list additional equipment depends on what services you are going to offer. Most likely, you will need dance machines. Make sure that the hall is equipped with speakers and a record player, because music is essential for dancing.

Dancing is one of the most popular types activities for young people. Almost every second person dreams of doing them. That is why opening your own dance school is one of the most promising investments. The profitability of the business ranges from 40 to 50%, the project pays off in a year to a year and a half. The starting capital is about 500,000 rubles. All this attracts budding businessmen. But opening a dance school, like opening any other business, requires proper organization.

What are the prospects of the direction?

Dancing not only helps you get your body in order, but also helps you lose weight. excess weight and form the correct forms, but also develop smooth, graceful movements, maintain the tone of the body. And most importantly, dancing is a source of cheerfulness and Have a good mood. With their help you can quickly get rid of fatigue and relieve stress.

Thanks to this, the number of dance schools and studios is growing every year. They often open in fitness clubs, cultural centers, schools and universities.

The right choice of dance direction and location of the future school is the key to its success.

Determining direction

Opening any dance school should begin with choosing a dance direction. The following areas are identified:

  • Classical ballroom dancing - waltz, foxtrot, cha-cha-cha.
  • Latin American - salsa, rumba.
  • Eastern - belly dancing.
  • Modern directions– hip-hop, break, freestyle.
  • Dancing for everyone – that is, teaching the basics dance moves for their subsequent use in clubs and discos.
  • Pole-dance – pole dance.

In order to choose the right direction, you need to conduct research and answer several questions:

  1. What dances are in fashion now, what will be in greatest demand?
  2. How high is the competition in a particular segment?
  3. For what areas can you really find good teachers?
  4. What dances would attract you personally?

Having received answers to these questions, you can create a rough list of dance courses.

It is best to focus on the more popular areas, but at the same time open one or two areas of less popular areas that are not so widely represented in other schools. For example, folk dances.

Selecting a room

To open a school, it is important to choose the right premises. It should be spacious enough and equipped for dancing. So, the following requirements are put forward to the hall:

  • area from 150 sq. m.;
  • ventilation system;
  • preferably plastic windows;
  • availability of heating;
  • flooring - laminate or unvarnished parquet.

It is important that the floors are not hard and springy.

At least one wall of the hall must be equipped with mirrors at least 2 meters high.

The room should also have good acoustics and the lighting should be bright.

In addition to the main dance hall, additional premises are needed:

  • Men's and women's locker rooms. The size of each is 15 square meters;
  • The presence of two showers in each of the locker rooms;
  • Hall or foyer with reception desk;
  • Recreation room for staff measuring 20 sq. m.

A few words about geography:

  • There should be no competitors near the school.
  • Preferably located in a residential area or city center, where big flow of people.

The future hall can be rented in a regular business center or in a fitness center, or you can buy space for it in a residential building. By the way, you can open your own fitness club.