How to learn to draw beautifully with wax crayons step by step. Landscape with fields and river

1. During the work we will create a bright decorative landscape. The main artistic means are colored spots, interesting silhouettes, and a “living” line.

The style will be decorative, but there will be perspective and depth. But not “airy” (when sharpness and clarity disappears), but due to the design (a river receding into the distance, shrinking objects), rhythms and alternations of spots - the colors in the foreground are more saturated than in the background.

Many famous artists of the mid-to-late 19th century, throughout the 20th century, sought new ways of “seeing,” understanding, and depicting the environment. They consciously used bright and “open” colors to convey not so much the actual appearance, but rather their attitude to what they saw. Color becomes a tool for conveying psychological states - joy, happiness, anxiety, sadness, doubts and many other feelings. A color, a spot, a line become valuable in themselves, they even go beyond the scope of the object and phenomenon itself. The origins of such unusual brightness and love for color can be found in the decorative art of any people. At the end of the 19th century, many artists became seriously interested in the art of the East and Asia with their delightful combinations of colors and patterns. Let's study paintings by famous masters of the late 19th and 20th centuries - Vincent Van Gogh, Paul Gauguin, Martiros Saryan, Nicholas Roerich, Henri Matisse.

You can feel the energy emanating from their work. They deliberately exaggerate colors to convey sensations of heat, coolness, shadow, and the richness of greenery. But each work has its own balanced range. Those. several main colors - there are more of them, they form the basis. And many complex, additional shades.

We will try to create a similar landscape with wax crayons or pastels.

2. Choose a type. If it is “panoramic” - a long horizon line, many horizontal directions, then we lay the sheet horizontally. We outline the basic proportions and movements - hills, rivers, clouds, we outline the masses of trees, grass, haystacks. The further they are from us, the less. We choose where the light comes from (in this case from above), and outline the shadows of objects. We decide that the sky will have dynamic clouds. The silhouettes of the trees in the foreground are more complex, while those in the background are more generalized. In this drawing, the directions of the hills and rivers are important. They create the main direction of view and are separated, alternating with masses of trees. Due to this rhythm, the gaze is directed deeper. We try not to press too hard on the pencil; you can make a lot of auxiliary lines and strokes. Then we will select the more accurate ones and erase the excess with an eraser. There is no need to immediately draw all the details and objects with one thick line. It is very difficult.

3. When we have “found” the proportions of the depicted objects, masses of greenery and fields, we begin to “clean” the drawing, removing the unnecessary. This is necessary so that there is no dirt when drawing with crayons or pastels.

4. Let's start working with color. We outline the main relationships - warm green, orange and yellow fields. Emerald blue tree crowns. Purple shadows. You can use a little decorative stroke if you have found a beautiful silhouette. We decide that the brightest things are the river and the forest in the background.

5. Gradually we continue to fill out the sheet. We paint over the fields. Deciding on the color of the sky. Carefully paint over the river. Remember that it is the lightest, do not press too hard on the chalk. We make warm yellow light on the haystacks and purple shadows on them. We outline the shadows of grass and trees. We make a contrasting red-brown trunk near the nearby tree. We try to draw it carefully, to show the spreading branches. If you need to paint over the entire surface, use the plane of the chalk; if you draw a line, you need to either sharpen it slightly or find a sharp edge. We make the grass in the foreground varied in color. Don't forget about their silhouette.

6. Paint over the entire sheet. We work on the herbs, adding brown and purple touches to the main blue-green palette. We correct the silhouettes of trees and trunks.

7. Make the shadows under the trees more “dense”, otherwise they would look like water. We use the crayons to their full potential in the details in the foreground. We enhance all the elements while maintaining the relationship - dark silhouettes of trees against lighter fields and sky. We add pink to the spots of grass, this slightly unites them in color with the sky, the picture is not divided into parts. Using thin “live” lines we make the clouds more complex. We also make the foliage on the trees, haystacks, and make the silhouette of the grass more detailed.

We offer detailed instructions for painting an autumn landscape in gouache. The finished painting will be a wonderful interior decoration, especially if framed in a baguette.

This creative master class will help you improve your skills in working with gouache, learn how to draw the reflection of trees in water, develop a sense of composition and the ability to reflect the beauty of nature in a drawing.

You will need: gouache, watercolor paper, brushes.

Execution steps:

1. Draw the horizon line with light blue.

2. Cover the upper part of the sky with dark blue.

3. Add white gouache and paint over the rest of the sky up to the horizon line.

4. Draw the water, painting the background light blue, turning into dark blue.

5. Draw clouds with white gouache.

6. Draw the earth with small strokes of brown, light brown and yellow.

7. Draw a tree in the background

8. Against the background of water, draw a mirror image of this tree

9. Draw a few more trees in the same way

10. We paint the crown of the tree with bright autumn colors using a semi-dry brush using the poking method, and in the reflection of the water we use less saturated shades.

11. Using the same principle, we draw the remaining trees.

12. We can finish drawing the Christmas tree and bushes.

13. In the foreground we draw a pine tree trunk and branches.

14. Paint the pine crown with green paint using horizontal strokes.

15. Draw horizontal stripes against the background of water with a semi-dry thin brush using white gouache. We draw a couple more trees next to the pine tree.

16. Using a semi-dry brush using the poking method, we paint tree crowns, fallen leaves with small strokes of the same colors and grass.

Your work is ready! Now you can decorate it with a baguette and decorate the interior, or you can give it as a gift.

Of course, it is not necessary to draw exactly as shown in the master class, because this is a creative process.We wish you inspiration and success!

You will need

  • Wax crayons or pencils, thick and smooth (preferably coated) paper, a knife for sharpening crayons. The sgraffito technique will require either a palette knife, a utility knife, a craft knife, or an engraving stacker. The encaustic technique requires an iron with a solid soleplate. For stained glass painting you will need: a porcelain plate that can withstand heat from candles, a metal tray or baking sheet; warming candles; stand for placing a plate or tray above the candles.


Drawing with wax crayons requires the artist to know the basics of pencil drawing. In pastel, as in working with simple, there are concepts of perspective and proportions. The shape and texture of drawing objects are conveyed using light, shadow, color gradation and direction of strokes. First you need to understand how wax pastels behave on paper. Try painting different types of paper (whatman paper, watercolor, pastel, cardboard or coated paper) with the same color. This will give you an idea of ​​how wax crayons behave on different materials. Mix several different colors by applying them to paper and rubbing them together. This way you will understand how different colors are mixed, as well as what results you can get with. Wax crayons are sharpened with a knife, like regular pencils.

Drawing with wax crayons begins with a sketch, which is done with light strokes. The sketch can be made with a simple pencil or chalk in the dominant color of the future painting. The sketch indicates the outlines of objects that will be depicted in the drawing, as well as the outlines of white or light areas. The next stage of the drawing is filling the sketch with color. Wax crayons, like oil crayons, are applied to the drawing in layers, from dark to light colors. If you need to mix two colors, then: first apply a darker color, then a light color, then mix the colors by rubbing them into the paper with your fingertips. Before you start mixing the tones in the drawing, mix them on another piece of paper. This way you won’t go wrong with the choice of tones to mix. When you have distributed all the colors throughout the sketch, according to the intended composition, you need to rub them into the drawing paper. Shake off the crayon crumbs and gradually add color as needed. Wax pastels should have a smooth, glossy surface through which the texture of the paper does not show through. In the end, the work is brought to perfection by applying highlights and shadows, drawing finer lines and small details. When finishing the work, you need to remember that by excessively pressing on the chalk used to draw on the erased background, you can move the wax already lying on the drawing. Apply the finishing touches lightly and carefully.

There is also a method for creating wax pastels called sgraffito. This is translated as “scratching”. For this method, you will need, in addition to paper and, either a palette knife, or a stationery (craft) knife, or a special stack. Wax pastels are applied to the paper in dense layers. First light pastel, and then dark. Next, a drawing is scratched onto the surface using a stack (or other tools). Such a drawing will resemble an engraving. Using the scratching method you can create both two-color and multi-color works.

The following method of drawing with wax crayons is original and easy to perform. It is called “stained glass enamel”. To master it, you need to place a metal or porcelain surface that can withstand the heat of teapots on a mesh stand under which lit tea candles are placed. Even a metal sheet intended for baking dough or a ceramic flat pan will do. A sheet of newspaper is placed on a warm surface, followed by drawing paper. Next begins the magic of drawing with wax crayons, which melt on a warm surface. Such work will have the appearance of bright and rich enamel.

The next technique of drawing with wax crayons is called “encaustic”. To do this, you need to take an iron with a solid soleplate (i.e., without holes for steam) and set its heating to minimum. You will also need wax crayons and thick cardboard with a smooth surface. Turn the iron, which is slightly heated, upside down and apply a design on it with wax crayons. Then we sharply turn it over and move it along the cardboard. We get fantastic abstract wax stains, which can then be brought to perfection by drawing more subtle and precise details. Masters can not only “stamp” abstract drawings, but also create real masterpieces by drawing details with the edge of the sole of the iron.

Another method is to wash the wax with turpentine or white spirit. Light strokes of wax crayons create a design, and then the wax is blurred with turpentine and a brush. Synthetic art brushes will come in handy here. You will get a surprisingly light, transparent like watercolor drawing.

Kaluga Elena Nikolaevna, methodologist of the MBOU DOD Center for Children's Creativity in the city of Surazh, Bryansk Region

The drawing can be done with children 7-10 years old.
The master class will also be useful for additional education teachers, fine arts and primary school teachers, and enthusiastic and creative parents.

Purpose of the master class: The lesson can be included in a course for beginners to paint with watercolors; the drawing is framed in a passe-partout and the frame can be used for a gift or interior decoration.
Target: draw autumn flowers, conveying their texture and characteristic features
Learn to combine watercolor techniques and wax crayons in a drawing
Develop composition skills
Cultivate a love for nature
Develop aesthetic taste
Get the joy of creativity

The sun in the sky was surprised:
- What a miracle happened?
Maybe the stars were lit?
The asters have bloomed!

The whole earth is an elegant carpet -
Bright, colorful, ceremonial.
Variegated caps are blooming,
Like festive fireworks.

One hundred shades and varieties
These joyful flowers:
Pink, red -
The most beautiful! Tatiana Lavrova

Materials and equipment
. A4 sheet of paper
. Wax crayons
. Simple pencil
. Watercolor paints
. Container with water
. Squirrel brush No. 6

Sequence of work:

We draw ovals on a sheet of paper with a pencil - we outline the size and location of the asters’ flowers. We draw without pressing hard on the pencil so that the lines are barely visible. Asters should be approximately the same size. In order for the composition to be harmonious, 2 flowers should not be placed on the same line vertically or horizontally. Inside the large ovals we draw small ovals - the centers of the flowers.

Use yellow wax crayon to paint over the centers of the asters. To do this, draw a spiral in a small oval. There is no need to completely paint over the oval; you need to leave some space for watercolor.

Using wax crayons we draw the petals of asters. To do this, draw lines from the middle of the flower to the edge, like the rays of the sun. Draw with chalk and apply pressure so that the line is bright and bold. Asters can be painted in any color you like. For this pattern it is better to choose 2-3 colors.

Draw leaves using green wax chalk.

To make the composition complete, we add small flowers to our bouquet. Draw small snowflakes on the free space of the sheet with yellow wax chalk. We draw them, combining them into inflorescences of several pieces. We work with chalk in the same way, with pressure.

Now let's start working with watercolors. We paint the background of the picture with ocher. We apply the paint completely to the sheet, excluding only the places where asters are painted. Add green spots between the asters. Where on the sheet the elements of the design are drawn with chalk, the paint will not adhere, since the chalk is waxy and greasy, that is, it is simply impossible to paint over the line with watercolors.

After the background has dried, draw the asters. We take paint of the same color as the asters, but a more saturated shade so that the paint does not merge with the wax chalk and apply strokes from the middle to the edge on top of the petals drawn with chalk. We paint the middle of the flower with yellow paint.

We paint the leaves with green paint.

We paint small flowers with orange paint. On top of the yellow snowflakes we apply watercolor strokes in the same direction in which we painted the snowflake with chalk. We also apply an orange stroke from below to the middle to give it volume.
The drawing is ready. All that remains is to arrange it in a passe-partout.

Works of my students

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