Popular youth destinations. Youth subcultures of modern Russia

Top 10 youth subcultures, according to the American agency toptenz.net

a youth subculture that emerged in the United States in the 1960s. The movement flourished in the late 1960s and early 1970s. Initially, hippies protested against the Puritan morality of some Protestant churches, and also promoted the desire to return to natural purity through love and pacifism.

stylistic direction in rock music (a variant of “new wave grunge metal”) and youth subculture, which has become one of the most noticeable phenomena alternative rock late 1980s - mid 1990s. The birthplace of grunge was the city of Seattle (USA, Washington state), the most prominent representatives of which are four Seattle bands: Pearl Jam, Alice in Chains, Nirvana and Soundgarden. These groups are known as the "Seattle Four". Grunge refers to heavy music along with heavy metal and hard rock.

The emo subculture can be classified as the latest new style, although it is very similar in appearance to goth and glam rock. Inspired stripes with long names, such as The Day My Dog Went to Town, sickly young men everywhere decided to wear their hair slicked to the side, neckerchiefs, black eyeliner, and jeans hugging their legs.

a youth subculture that emerged in the mid-70s in the UK, USA, Canada and Australia, the characteristic features of which are a critical attitude towards society and politics. The name of the famous American artist Andy Warhol and the Velvet Underground group he produced. Their lead singer Lou Reed is considered the founding father of alternative rock, a movement that is closely related to punk rock.

The style is revived every few years, with the last one still in full swing, with Johnny Depp and Justin Timberlake being prominent exponents, plaid trousers, sneakers and a T-shirt tucked into the trousers.

Rockers emerged in the mid-60s and reached their peak in the late 60s and early 70s, both in England and on the continent. Rockers come primarily from families of unskilled workers, without education, and often from single-parent and “problematic” families.
Rocker clothes - Leather Jacket, worn jeans, rough big shoes, long hair combed back, sometimes tattoos. The jacket is usually decorated with badges and inscriptions. The main element of the rocker subculture is the motorcycle, which is also decorated with inscriptions, symbols and images. The motorcycle is a symbol of freedom, power and intimidation, the main source of obtaining strong sensations. At the same time, rockers highly value technical knowledge and driving skills.

Gangsta Rap began its development in the late 80s. This trend originates in hardcore rap. The gangsta rap style featured a hard, noisy sound. Lyrically, it was as sharp as the rappers' crude tales of urban unrest. Sometimes the texts were accurate representations of reality, and sometimes they were simply comics filled with exaggeration. This direction became the most commercially successful in the history of hip-hop from the late 80s to the early 90s. During its development, gangsta rap became the source of considerable controversy, as some conservative organizations tried to ban the distribution of albums by these musicians.

New Romantic (Glam Rock),
a musical movement that arose in Great Britain in the early 1980s and (as part of the new wave) had a significant influence on the development of English pop rock scenes. “New Romanticism” arose as an alternative to the asceticism of punk culture and not only did not carry social protest, but also (according to the Virgin Encyclopedia of 80’s Music) “celebrated glamor

an outgrowth of British Teddy Boy culture - can be described as: Skinny jeans, tight T-shirts and slicked back hair. Jukeboxes, cocktail bar and travel in cars.

Dandy Flapper,
Dandy Flapper girls prevailed. Red lipstick, hair stuck to the head with hairspray and sequined dresses were the order of the day for girls, and for men only a tweed suit with a bowler hat.

Modern urban society, largely multicultural, includes a large number of subcultures, defined in sociology (also in anthropology and cultural studies) as groups whose beliefs differ from the interests of the general culture.

Subcultures are a set of cultures of groups of minors, different in style, interests, behavior, demonstrating rejection. The identity of each group largely depends on social class, gender, intelligence, generally accepted traditions of morality, the nationality of its members, characterized by a preference for a specific style of clothing and hairstyles , gatherings in some places, the use of jargon - this is what forms symbolism and values. But it should be noted that today each group is not characterized by a strict identity, it can change, in other words, individuals move freely from one group to another, various elements from different subcultures are mixed, in contrast to classical separate categories.

Youth subculture can be defined as a way of life and a way of expressing it, developed in groups. The main theme in her sociology is the connection between social class and everyday experience. Thus, the work of a French sociologist says that the main factor influencing the character of a group is the social environment - the occupation of parents and the level of education that they can give to their children.

There are many studies and theories regarding the development of these cultures, including the concept of the decline of morals. Some historians argue that until about 1955, a youth subculture as such did not exist. Before World War II, young people, who were called children only until they reached adulthood, at least in Western society, had very little freedom and no influence.

The concept of "teenager" has its origins in America. One of the reasons for the emergence of youth groups is said to be the increase in consumer culture. Throughout the 1950s, a growing number of young people began to influence fashion, music, television, and film. The youth subculture was finally formed in the mid-1950s in Great Britain, when teddy boys appeared, who were distinguished by special attention to their appearance (they were replaced by fashion in the 1960s) and rockers (or tone-up boys), who gave their preference to motorcycles and rock and roll. Many companies adapted to their tastes, developing marketing strategies, creating magazines, such as the English music magazine New Musical Express (abbreviated NME), and eventually the television channel MTV appeared. Fashion stores, discos and other establishments aimed at wealthy teenagers opened. Advertising promised a new, exciting world for young people through the consumption of the goods and services offered.

However, some historians argue that the youth subculture may have appeared earlier, during the period between the world wars, citing the flapper style as an example. These were the "new breed" of girls in the 1920s. They wore short skirts, cut their hair short, listened to fashionable jazz, wore excessive makeup, smoked and drank alcoholic beverages, drove cars, and generally showed disdain for what were considered norms of acceptable behavior.

There is no one dominant group today. Youth subcultures in modern Russia represent to a greater extent forms of Western youth cultures (for example, emo, goths, hip-hoppers), but are characterized by Russian specifics.

Any civilized society presupposes the existence, implementation and organization of joint activities by people. The methods of its organization can be both formal and informal; they do not replace each other and proceed according to significantly different laws.

For example, in formal groups, relationships are seemingly impersonal: people act according to prescribed laws or rules. In informal relationships, people or groups of people, communication and communication occurs through public opinion or a system of interpersonal relationships.

In other words, “formals” are members of society who adhere to the norms and laws of this society, and “informals” do not comply with these norms, “go beyond” social stereotypes and patterns.

Teenagers are informal

At the heart of any informal movement is the idea of ​​a free community of like-minded people, preserving emotional warmth and at the same time providing each member with a certain individual freedom.

Informals are those who break out of the formalized structures of our lives. They do not fit into the usual rules of behavior. Destroys all patterns and stereotypes not only in appearance, but also in relationships. They strive to live in accordance with their own, and not other people’s interests imposed from outside.

In the 1980s, with the first gusts of freedom, the so-called “System”, a youth association of mainly punk rockers and hippies, gained strength. It existed as a protest or rebellion against the communist system.

The informal youth subculture and its “System” movement collapsed along with the collapse of the USSR, but the new way of life of people, the desire for better life and gradual disillusionment formed a large number of other informal youth and teenage groups.

Features of the youth subculture

In the modern world, whether we notice it or not, a fairly stable youth subculture has already formed. It has its own internal and external features. Firstly, this is a common interest and one ideological program for all participants in the informal youth organization. Secondly, the informals have a desire to assert themselves, along with competition in a group of similar people.

At the same time, each informal youth group has a poorly defined internal structure and internal connections.

Modern youth subcultures

Another important feature and peculiarity of all youth movements is their external distinctive features. Each group has its own name, its own informal status and the so-called dress code. Those. a form of clothing or attribute that indicates that a teenager or young man belongs to one or another informal model of youth subculture.

Let's look at the classification of modern youth subcultures

So, to begin with, all informal associations are divided into groups, and those, in turn, into micro groups. When dividing, they are guided purely by likes and dislikes.

There are also exclusively informal teenage movements, informal youth and mixed groups. There are antisocial informals and positive ones.

General classification of informal youth organizations and types of youth subcultures

Sports-oriented informals

These are the so-called sports fans. Their movement is characterized by clear discipline and organization. Young people and teenagers who are well versed in a particular sport know its history. Promote a healthy lifestyle. Their appearance is recognizable - sports scarves, caps, T-shirts, etc.

Politically oriented youth subcultures

The most socially oriented youth subculture and informal group. They are distinguished by social activity, participation in all kinds of rallies and have a clear political position. These include: pacifists, Nazis (skinheads), punks, etc.

  • a youth subculture of pacifists that opposes war and endorses the struggle for peace.
  • the youth subculture “skinheads” (from the English Skin - skin, Head - head) is a spontaneously emerging marginal organization, which is characterized by nationalist views and a willingness to defend them. Skins are easy to distinguish from others: shaven heads, black and green jackets, nationalistic T-shirts, jeans with suspenders.
  • The punk youth subculture is basically an extremist informal teenage movement whose behavior is characterized by shocking behavior and an unbridled desire to attract the attention of others.

Philosophical youth subcultures

Prominent among them is such a youth subculture as hippies. Sloppy clothes, blue jeans, embroidered shirts, T-shirts with inscriptions and symbols, amulets, bracelets, chains - distinctive external signs hippie. Informal youth are in an eternal search for the meaning of life, knowledge of themselves and the world around them.

Musically oriented movement of informals

The youth subculture of rappers, rockers, breakers, parkour (street acrobatics), etc. Informals of this youth subculture are united by a strong interest in music or dancing. And this interest most often transforms into a lifestyle.

Other modern youth subcultures

  • Goths (they popularize the cult of death in every possible way, they look very similar to vampires);
  • emo (short for the word “emotions”). Their youth subculture is based on the idea that the life of a teenager is a very harsh test, and therefore emo - informal people are sad and sad. This is evidenced by the black color in the teenager’s clothes, combined with pink, which is a symbol of love and friendship.
  • The youth subculture of anarchists is distinguished by their demonstrative straightforwardness in their views and aggressive behavior. Black color in clothes, and a mandatory metal accessory.

Psychology of informality

Informal teenagers have their own psychological characteristics, first of all, the desire and tendency to imitate. This is understandable, because teenagers “do not yet know how” to be themselves, they are in search of the meaning of “I” and their purpose in life. Another characteristic of any informal youth subculture is the desire to stand out, the desire for autonomy and independence.

The realization of this aspiration is quite possible in a group of people like himself. But in fact, the teenager disappears into the crowd of his own kind. “The vast majority of informal groups of youth subculture are based not on conscious unity, which rarely happens among teenagers, but on the same loneliness of its members.”

One of the conditions for the existence of teenage informal groups is the presence or creation of opponents, ill-wishers, etc. Most often, enemy number one becomes the world of adults. An informal teenager expresses disagreement, dissatisfaction with the system and spreads this protest to all informals in the group.

Abstract on social psychology on the topic: “Youth subcultures”


1st year student

Velikhova Yulia

Saint Petersburg

1. Introduction

2.The concept of youth subculture

.Aesthetics of youth subculture

.Classification of youth subcultures

.Socio-historical prerequisites for the emergence of a youth subculture

.The formation of a youth subculture

.The first youth subcultures. World subcultures of the twentieth century

.Development of youth subcultures in Russia

.Features of youth subcultures in modern Russia

.Prerequisites for young people to enter the subculture

.Examples of modern youth subcultures




For my essay, I chose the topic “Youth subculture” because I believe that it is relevant for our time, since young people need to go through the youth subculture, since its essence is the search for social status. Through it, the young man “practices” in playing roles that will later be useful for entering adult life. Upon entering adolescence, a young man becomes separated from his family and seeks those social connections that should protect him from a still alien society. Between a lost family and a society that has not yet been found, the young man strives to join his own kind. Thus formed informal groups provide the young person with a certain social status. The price for this is often the abandonment of individuality and complete submission to the norms, values ​​and interests of the group.

Today there are many youth subcultures and informal organizations of different nature. In our work we will consider some of them. But first, I would like to talk about the concept of youth subculture in general and how it was formed.


Subculture - (Latin sub - under and cultura - culture) a system of norms and values ​​that distinguish a group from the majority of society. Subculture (subculture) is a concept that characterizes the culture of a group or class that differs from the dominant culture or is hostile to this culture (counterculture).

The youth subculture is esoteric, escapist, urban culture, created by young people for themselves; it is a culture aimed at the inclusion of young people in society; this is a partial cultural subsystem within the “official” system, the basic culture of society, which determines the lifestyle, value hierarchy and mentality of its bearers.

According to the findings of youth culture specialist S.I. Levikova, the youth subculture is characterized by the following features:

youth subculture is social community, each representative of which considers himself to be one of them

entry young man into one or another youth subculture means their acceptance and sharing of its norms, values, worldview, manners, lifestyle, as well as the external attributes of belonging to this subculture (hairstyle, clothes, jewelry, jargon);

As a rule, youth subcultures arise on the basis of certain preferences for musical styles, lifestyles, and attitudes towards certain social phenomena;

ideas and values ​​that are significant for a particular youth subculture receive external expression in the symbols and attributes of the group that are obligatory for its members.

Youth subcultures develop a common clothing style (image), language (jargon, slang), attributes (symbolism), as well as a common worldview for their members. Image for a representative of a subculture is not only clothing, it is a demonstration by one’s appearance of the beliefs and values ​​that the subculture promotes. Representatives of subcultures develop their own language over time. It is partly inherited from the progenitor’s subculture, and partly produced independently. Many elements of slang are neologisms.


Youth subcultures are almost always distinguished by their desire to consolidate the worldview meanings that are most important to them in a vivid expressive form, perhaps incomprehensible to the majority of people in society, but arousing interest.

The pronounced aesthetic principle in the youth subculture is embodied in its playful nature. Aesthetic play among youth becomes a way of self-expression for members of youth subcultural groups.

In the rites and rituals that youth cultures quite often resort to in their public life, theatricalization is widely manifested.

The creation and functioning of individual youth subcultures’ own language, signs and symbols is characterized by game moment. It is also typical for youth subcultures in various public forms of communication with like-minded people, which are implemented in the form of theatrical events, shows, performances, happenings, demonstrations, and festivals.

In a demonstrative and shocking manner of behavior, in a special style as a form of aesthetic play in the life of various youth subcultures, art is actualized.

The youth subculture practically knows no national borders and easily and quickly spreads across countries, regions and continents.

The youth subculture is mosaic and short-lived; it often transforms and changes with the arrival of a new generation.


There are several classifications or typologies of youth subcultures.

By socio-legal basis highlight:

) prosocial, or socially active, with a positive focus on activities (environmental protection groups, protection of monuments, environment).

) socially passive, whose activities are neutral in relation to social processes (music and sports fans).

) asocial - they stand aloof from social problems, but do not pose a threat to society (hippies, punks)

According to the direction of interests, sociologist M. Topalov classifies youth associations and groups as follows:

) passion for modern youth music;

) aspiration for law and order activities;

) actively involved in certain sports;

) near-sports (various fans);

) philosophical and mystical;

) environmentalists.

Professor S.A. Sergeev offers the following typology of youth subcultures:

) romantic-escapist subcultures (hippies, Indianists, bikers).

) hedonistic-entertaining (majors, ravers, rappers, etc.),

) criminal (“Gopniks”, “Lubers”)

) anarcho-nihilistic (punks, extremist subcultures of the “left” and “right”), which can also be called radical destructive.

Sociologist Z.V. Sikevich gives a slightly different description of the subcultural movement of young people, taking into account the fact that involvement in a particular group may be connected:

) with the way they spend time (music and sports fans, metalheads, lubers);

) with social position;

) with lifestyle;

) with alternative creativity (officially not recognized painters, sculptors, musicians, actors, writers and others).

Youth movements can also be divided into the following groups:

) Related to music (rockers, metalheads, punks, goths, rappers, trance culture).

) Distinguished by a certain worldview and way of life (goths, hippies, Indianists, punks, Rastafarians).

) Related to sports (sports fans, roller skaters, skaters, street bikers, bikers).

) Associated with games, escape into another reality (role-players, Tolkienists, gamers).

) Related to computer technology (hackers).

) Hostile or antisocial groups (punks, skinheads, RNE, Gopniks, Lubers, Nazis).

) Religious associations (Satanists, sects, Hare Krishnas, Indianists).

) Contemporary art groups (graffiti artists, break dancers, contemporary artists, sculptors, musical groups).

) Elite (majors, ravers).

) Antique subcultures (beatniks).

) Subculture of the masses or counterculture (Gopniks).

) Socially active (societies for the protection of history and the environment, pacifists).

And finally, the typology of youth subcultures developed by S.I. Levikova and V.A. Babajo in 1996:

) groups that unite adherents of musical tastes and styles (metalheads, Rolling Stones, breakers, Beatlemaniacs);

) groups whose value orientations have some political and ideological connotation (nostalgists, anarchists, pacifists, deviationists, “greens”);

) groups of apolitical, escapist nature (hippies, punks, people of the “system”);

) aesthetic groups (“Mitki”);

) groups professing the “cult of muscles” (“jocks”);

) criminogenic groups united on the basis of aggressiveness, rigid organization and illegal activities (“telyagi”, gopniks, lyubers).

In practice, there are no strict distinctions between youth subcultures. A young person’s belonging to one youth subculture does not exclude his membership in others.


Rapid, continuous acceleration and renewal have become the leading characteristics of life in modern industrial societies. The scientific and technological revolution unfolded, the natural sphere was put to an end, and the artificial-technological era began. With the advent of the possibility of fabrication, uniqueness and individuality became a thing of the past: first in objects, and then in people. Their place was taken by stereotypes, mass character, and universality.

The formation of mass society took place in the 50s of the 20th century. At the same time, the formation of a youth subculture began.

From the very beginning, the youth subculture was distinguished by its inability to fit in, its lack of involvement in the basic culture of society, which is mass culture.

The emergence of the youth subculture practically coincides in time with the beginning of the era of post-industrialism and with the emergence of postmodern trends in sociocultural development society. The main features of postmodernism are pluralism, plurality, uncertainty, fragmentation, variability, eclecticism. These same features are also characteristic of the youth subculture. She too:

) is pluralistic because it includes punks, hippies, goths, and many others;

) is multiple, since the youth subculture does not have a core unity;

) is uncertain, since it is impossible to say with complete certainty what the youth subculture actually is;

) is fragmented, that is, each youth subculture retains its own characteristics and originality;

) is changeable, since periodically the youth subculture is updated and reborn;

) is eclectic, as it incorporates absolutely incompatible elements that peacefully coexist and even complement each other.


Quite often, researchers associate the emergence of the phenomenon of youth subculture with a generational conflict. However, as sociological research shows, this idea is only partly true. A certain discrepancy in the views, tastes, preferences, and values ​​of generations has always existed in one form or another, but it does not necessarily result in the emergence of a youth subculture.

The reasons that the youth subculture is a structural element of industrially developed social systems lie in the lengthening of the training period, caused by the fact that new technologies and equipment require not just educated, but specially trained workers. As a result, independence comes to the young man much later. The idea of ​​endless childhood is found in most youth subcultures. The need for self-expression and the uncertainty of the social role of young people lead them to the spontaneous creation of a partial culture, which is the youth subculture.


Sociological studies of Western scientists from the 1930s to the 50s paid close attention to the study of the cultural boom in society. The first subcultures, which are now a thing of the past, were distinguished by significant radicalism in their judgments and a wide range of interests.

The manifestation of individuality and contrast, as opposed to existing standards, was first recorded in the USA and Europe, and affected almost all spheres of life in the social structure of that time - literature, music and cinema. A clear example The first and most widespread youth movement that arose in the 50s of the twentieth century can be called the American beatniks, the main impetus for the emergence of which was a protest against existing cultural and social dogmas, an irresistible thirst for freedom everywhere and in everything.

Around the sixties, hippies began to appear. Also, the sixties are marked by an increase in the number of computers in Western countries, hence the growing interest in them and the formation of a culture of hackers.

The seventies were the heyday of rock, especially punk rock. At these times, such a trend as glam rock appears. In 1979, all media recognized such a subculture as gothic.

In the eighties, neo-romantics and electro-pop emerged. The eighties also brought rap: specific poetry, sometimes simply devoid of meaning, and breakdancing. By the middle of this period, free parties appear where rave, techno and other electronic music are played. The nineties are a colorful mixture of different subcultures. The World Wide Web is being invented, and with it comes the opportunity to play online or participate in discussions on forums.

At the end of the twentieth century, subcultures such as anime, emo, bastards, glamor, and with it anti-glamor gradually appeared.


The history of the development of youth subcultures in our country can be divided into three unique “waves”. It all started with the appearance in the 1950s of the “hipsters” - a shocking and countercultural group of urban youth, which became a kind of symbol of the “first wave”. They dressed and danced “stylishly”, for which they received the contemptuous nickname “hipsters”. The main accusation that was brought against them was “worship before the West.” The musical preferences of the “hipsters” are jazz, and then rock and roll. The “first wave” of the informal youth movement is also associated with the emergence of KSP (amateur song clubs) in the late 1950s. KSP are clubs that unite people who love guitar songs and poetry. The “second wave” was determined by both internal and external conditions - from the mid-60s, the youth movement acquired an important component - rock music. Drugs gradually penetrated the youth environment. The movement of the seventies was deeper, broader and longer lasting. It was in the 1970s that the so-called “System” emerged - the Soviet hippie subculture, which was a whole conglomerate of groups. The “system,” being updated every two or three years, absorbed punks, metalheads, and even criminogenic lubers.

The year 1986 can be considered the beginning of the “third wave” of youth movements: the existence of subcultures was officially recognized. Spontaneously emerging youth groups were sometimes called informal, sometimes amateur, or amateur. Russian “informals” sought to copy the character of the trends of Western youth subculture.


According to V.N. Lupandin, the formation and development of a youth subculture is characterized by the borrowing of elements of a foreign culture, which, under the influence of the sociocultural characteristics of a particular society, acquire specific national features. The peculiarity of domestic youth subcultures is that most of them are focused either on leisure time or on the transmission and dissemination of information.

According to Kofarin N.V., the subcultural activity of young people depends on a number of factors:

· on the level of education. In persons with more low level education, for example, among vocational school students, it is significantly higher than among university students;

· from age. The peak of activity is 16-17 years old, by the age of 21-22 it drops noticeably;

· from place of residence. Movements of informals are more typical for the city than for the village, since it is the city with its abundance social connections provides a real opportunity to choose values ​​and forms of behavior.

Russian Federation as a state with a large territorial space and a multinational population, it is characterized by significant regional and national differences that predetermine the regional specifics of the Russian youth subculture.

The youth subculture of Russia must be considered as the result of the socio-cultural activities of young people, who, in order to realize their creative potential or expressions of protest against existing social order forms special social - formal or informal structures. Despite the difference in origin, young people from different social groups face the same problem of moving from one age group to another.


Most young people choose the traditional path of socialization. Depending on the historical and sociocultural situation in a particular society, no more than 30% of youth fall into the category of subcultural youth. The following prerequisites for the entry of young people into a particular subculture can be identified:

in the family (excessive parental control or giving the teenager extreme freedom);

in a formal group: poor relationships with classmates and teachers;

as a result of participation in local wars, when a young man acquires an experience unusual for peaceful life (pain, murder, destruction, loss of comrades, fear) and can no longer fit into the peaceful life to which he returns;

among the unemployed, temporarily (partially) employed young people (the presence of free time with the simultaneous lack of opportunity for self-realization);

when the real social status does not correspond to the desired (imaginary) one.

There are other opportunities for young people to get into informal youth associations (lack of accessible forms of leisure, coming “for company,” excess free time). However, the basic reasons for the first step taken towards the youth subculture are considered to be the above prerequisites.

However, the youth subculture fulfills whole line positive functions: adaptation of young people to society, providing an opportunity for a young person to develop a primary status, helping young people free themselves from parental dependence and guardianship, conveying value ideas specific to a certain social stratum. As a rule, many young people, after leaving the movement, no longer suffer from teenage complexes and do not turn life into an endless search for adventure.



Hipster, hipsters (indie kids) is a term that appeared in the United States in the 1940s, derived from the slang “to be hip,” which roughly translates as “to be in the know” (hence the “hippie”). This word originally meant a representative of a special subculture formed among fans of jazz music; in our time it is usually used in the sense of “wealthy urban youth interested in elite foreign culture and art, fashion, alternative music and indie rock, arthouse cinema, modern literature and so on".


Some call hipsters “anti-capitalists,” liberals with a socialist philosophy. The representatives of this subculture themselves do not openly promote anything; they are in every possible way for the external and internal freedom of a person, and therefore support movements for women’s and gay rights. Hipsters, as a rule, do not belong to any religious denomination - most often they are agnostics or atheists.


Hipsters are the most controversial subculture in terminology. There is still fierce debate about its appearance. It is usually dated to the late forties. Judging by the composition of the people drawn into this subculture, we can say with confidence: there were neither racial boundaries nor social restrictions for hipsterism.

Burroughs wrote in “Junkie”: “The hipster is the one who understands and speaks jive, who knows the trick, who has it and who has it.”

It is now known for certain that this subculture originated in New York. Moreover, just like the original concept, it is also modern.

Hipster only listens fashionable music. In the 40s he was drawn to jazz, in the 60s - to psychedelic rock. Hipsters of the 90s were the first to know what trip-hop was. The modern hipster listens to Americans Clap Hands Say Yeah and Arcade Fire, etc. Some people are seriously interested in collecting records and CDs of certain styles: jazz, noise or indie rock.


Skinny jeans.

T-shirt with print. The T-shirt usually features funny phrases, animals, sneakers, cars, chairs, moleskins, lomographs and London.

Glasses with thick plastic frames. They often have glasses without diopters.



Blog on the Internet.

Football hooligans

Football hooligans are representatives of one of the youth subcultures, characterized by the fact that they consider belonging to the category of football fans of a certain team (club) as a symbol of their association into certain groups within the subculture. Like any other subculture, football fanaticism has certain features that characterize it: “professional” slang, certain fashions in clothing, behavioral stereotypes, hierarchical societies, opposing oneself to “opponents,” etc.


Football hooliganism in the form in which it exists on currently, began to emerge in Great Britain in the late 1950s.

In Russia, the process of the emergence of a new subculture is directly related to the beginning of the away activities of a certain part of fans of Soviet clubs. Fans of Spartak were the first to attend away games of their club in the early 1970s; they were soon joined by fans of other Moscow teams, as well as fans of Dynamo Kyiv and Zenit Leningrad.


Currently, Russian “near-football” can be called an established social phenomenon with pronounced features of the English style of supporting the club both at home and away matches. Almost all the clubs of the Russian national football championship, right down to the teams of the second league, have their own gangs (in slang - “firms”). Among Russian hooligans, the ideas of Russian nationalism are very strong.

It is worth distinguishing between football hooligans and an organization such as ultras. Ultras are highly organized fans of a particular club. The Ultras group is, as a rule, an officially registered structure that unites from ten to several thousand of the most active fans engaged in all kinds of information promotion and support for their team - promotional attributes, popularization of their movement, distribution and sale of tickets, organization of special shows in the stands , organizing trips to away matches of your favorite team.


· Lack of paraphernalia typical for ordinary fans (T-shirts, club-colored scarves and pipes).

· Jackets, T-shirts, polos, sweaters from Lonsdale, Stone Island, Burberry, Fred Perry, Lacoste, Ben Sherman and more.

· White sneakers with Velcro and straight soles.

· Rectangular shoulder bags pulled higher towards the back or kangaroo handbags worn over the shoulder and pulled closer to the neck.

Football hooligans have their own style and their own brands, their own pubs, their own music bands, their own feature films.

Some hooligan slang words:

A ?action - an operation carried out by a group of fans against another

Argume ?nt - stone, bottle, stick, iron buckle, etc.

Ba ?nner - a banner (usually with the emblem of a club or fan group) placed by fans in the stands during a match. - As a rule, contains a concise, relevant statement that is directly related to the topic of the match

You ?travel - a trip of fans to another city/region/country for a match of their team

Take it out ?ty - to win a fight with fans of another team

Gluma ? - active support of the team in the stands

De ?RBI (English Derby) - 1. a meeting of two teams from the same city; 2. a meeting between two teams at the top of the standings

Dawn? d - chant

Le ?high - fans who are not related to official fan associations

Me ?chick - Soccer game

About ?water - an attack during the departure of one fan group to another

Ro ?for - scarf with club attributes

Ska ?ut - scout

Trophy ?th - a removed scarf, a taken yarn or a flag


Rastafarians in the world are traditionally called followers of Rastafarianism.

Rastafarianism is a monotheistic Abrahamic religion that originated in Christian culture in Jamaica in the 1930s, based on a mixture of Christianity, local Caribbean beliefs, the beliefs of blacks descended from slaves from West Africa and the teachings of a number of religious and social preachers (most notably Marcus Garvey), which led to the formation musical style reggae in the 1960s.

The emergence of Rastafarianism in Russia:

In Russia, this youth subculture was formed in the post-Soviet space in the early 1990s. Moreover, its representatives are not true adherents of the original religious and political doctrine of African superiority, but consider themselves to be part of this group primarily based on the use of marijuana and hashish. Many people listen to Bob Marley and reggae music in general, use the green-yellow-red color combination for identification (for example, in clothing), and some wear dreadlocks.

One of the first representatives of the Rastafarian movement in Russia is the reggae music group “Jah Division”, which appeared in 1989.

Now in Moscow, St. Petersburg and other cities there are quite large Rastafarian communities that hold cultural events (usually concerts or festivals), maintain websites, and publish media materials. Almost all Russian reggae groups consider themselves Rastafarian - at least they use characteristic symbols and revere Bob Marley.


Usually Rastafarians advocate the legalization of marijuana, which is reflected in songs and paraphernalia.

Rastafarians have a positive attitude towards Jah and a negative attitude towards the so-called “Babylon” as a pragmatic socio-political system based on Western material culture.

Many Rastafarians also have a negative attitude towards taking opiates, amphetamines and alcohol, as well as a negative attitude towards taking psychedelics, which does not at all make them related to the hippie subculture, as is commonly believed, but on the contrary, repels them.

o Ultra-right. NS skinheads

Far-right, extreme right, radical right - term for representatives of the extreme right political views. In the modern world it is used mainly to refer to racial supremacists, neo-fascists, neo-Nazis and ultranationalists.

NS-skinhe ?dy (Nazi skinheads or National Socialist skinheads) is a youth ultra-right subculture, whose representatives adhere to National Socialist ideology, one of the directions of the skinhead subculture. The activities of NS skinheads are usually extremist in nature.


Initially, the skinhead subculture arose in Great Britain in the late 60s of the 20th century. It was apolitical in nature and was closely associated with the English subculture of this period - the mods, as well as with black Jamaican emigrant youth and the popular music of that time among them - reggae and, to a lesser extent, ska.

NS skinheads appeared towards the end of 1982, as a result of political agitation by the leader of the rock band Skrewdriver (which later became a cult for NS skinheads). Then for the first time the Celtic cross was borrowed as a symbol of their movement, and the image of the NS skinheads (in the image of the crusaders) was formed - soldiers of the Holy Racial War who fights against - all non-Aryans, mainly numerous immigrants from third world countries, as well as homosexuals , drug addicts and left-wing youth.

At the turn of the 1990s, after the collapse of the USSR, the NS skinhead subculture penetrated into Russia.


NS skinheads position themselves as a national liberation movement and fight for the ideas of white supremacy, Aryan race, while striving for racial separatism.

NS skinheads are extreme racists, anti-Semites and xenophobes, opponents of illegal immigration, mixed marriages and sexual deviations, especially homosexuality.

NS skinheads consider themselves defenders of the interests of the working class, in some cases citing the fact that newcomers take jobs

A special cult among NS skinheads exists around the personality of Hitler and some other leaders of the Nazi movement.

Many NS skinheads are agnostics or even atheists. In Russia, there are groups of NS skinheads who profess Orthodoxy, while the rest are extreme opponents of Christianity and Orthodoxy in particular, since Jesus Christ is a Jew, and Christianity arose in the context of the messianic movements of Judaism.

As participants in right-wing radical movements, NS skinheads are supporters of extreme measures using violence, which is usually interpreted as extremism. Many of them are close to the idea of ​​revolution, that is, a coup d'etat with the aim of establishing a national socialist regime.


o Shaved head or very short haircut

o Lonsdale and Thor Steinar brand clothing

o Heavy high boots (Dr. Martens, Grinders, Steels, Camelot)

o Light blue jeans (Levi s, Wrangler) or boiled jeans

o White T-shirts, black or brown shirts, polos and T-shirts (Fred Perry, Ben Sherman)

o Short, black and dark green jackets with a zipper without a collar - “bombers”, or with a collar - “navigators”

o Nazi symbols


·Hip-hop. Rappers

Hip-hop (English) hip hop) is a cultural movement that originated among the working class of New York. November 12, 1974. DJ Afrika Bambaataa was the first to define the five pillars of hip-hop culture: emming, DJing, breaking, graffiti, and knowledge (a certain philosophy). Other elements include beatboxing, hip-hop fashion and slang.


Originating in the South Bronx, hip-hop became part of the youth culture in many countries of the world. Since the late 1990s, from a street underground with a strong social orientation, hip-hop has gradually become part of music industry, and by the middle of the first decade of this century the subculture had become “fashionable”, “mainstream”. However, despite this, many figures within hip-hop still continue its “main line” - protest against inequality and injustice, opposition to those in power.

Subculture aesthetics:

Despite the hip-hop fashion changing every year, in general it has a number of characteristic features. Clothes are usually loose, sporty: sneakers and baseball caps (usually with straight peaks) from well-known brands (e.g. KIX, New Era, Joker, Tribal, Reebok, Roca Wear, FUBU, Wu-Wear, Sean John, AKADEMIKS , ECKO, Nike, Adidas) T-shirts and basketball jerseys, jackets and hoodies, sock-like hats pulled down over the eyes, baggy pants. Hairstyles are short, although short dreadlocks are also popular. Popular among rappers themselves massive jewelry(chains, medallions, keychains), but wearing jewelry is more common among African Americans.

As examples, I looked at the most popular, in my opinion, youth subcultures in Russia today. But along with them, there are many other diverse youth subcultures and movements.


youth subculture symbol phenomenon

After analyzing the sources, I came to the conclusion that the primary reason for a teenager to leave for the youth subculture is the need for friends, conflicts at home and at school, and a protest against the formalism of adults. It is important to understand that, on the one hand, youth subcultures cultivate protest against adult society, its values ​​and authorities, but, on the other hand, they are called upon to facilitate the adaptation of young people to the same society. Problems can arise if a still fragile personality falls into subcultures that are dangerous even for adults. At this stage, parents and social services are required to refer the young person


1. A. A. Gritsanov, V. L. Abushenko, G. M. Evelkin, G. N. Sokolova, O. V. Tereshchenko Encyclopedia of Sociology // Book House, 2003. - 1312 p.

Daria Sakinsyan “Subcultures-fresh: Hipsters” // Private correspondent

Levikova S.I. Youth subculture: Textbook. M.: FAIR-PRESS.2004

Lukov V.A. Features of youth subcultures in Russia // Sociol. research. 2002.

M.I. Enikeev. General and social psychology // Norma - Infra 1999.

Omelchenko E. Youth cultures and subcultures //Institute of Sociology RAS, Ulyan. state univ. N.-I. Region Center. - M.: Institute of Sociology RAS, 2000. - 262 p.

Svechnikov S.K. Toolkit"Youth and rock culture." Yoshkar-Ola: State Educational Institution of Additional Professional Education (PK) With “Mari Institute of Education”, 2007

Tatyana Prudinnik “Form without content: who are hipsters?” //www.interfax.by



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Subcultural discourse appeared in domestic science in the late 1980s. This period is characterized by significant pluralism methodological concepts of youth research related to the growing liberalization of Soviet society. The Western lifestyle, especially consumer practices, were still positioned as alien to Soviet youth, but cultural influence for the younger generation during perestroika was no longer questioned.

At the end of the 1980s. numerous youth subcultures, many of which have already gone through the full cycle of their existence in the West - hippie, punks, metalheads, bikers etc., as well as domestic youth associations - “ Mitki", Moscow rock laboratory, Leningrad, Sverdlovsk, Riga rock clubs, amateur song clubs (ASC), etc. Researchers of this period come to realize the real diversity of youth identities, and accordingly, interest in specific sociocultural practices increases.

Soviet researchers, avoiding the term “subculture”, used the concept “ informal youth association "(NOM). In the works of S.N. Ikonnikova, V.T. Lisovsky, I.V. Bestuzhev-Lada, A.I. Kovaleva, V.F. Levicheva, P.S. Gurevich, I.K. Kuchmaeva, V.A. Lukov explores the cultural, sociocultural, socio-psychological aspects of the functioning of such associations.

Alternatives- a youth subculture that emerged in the early 1980s, subsequently brought to Russia in the 1990s. Formed by a mixture of metalheads, punks and rappers . New wave subcultures alternativeists is one of the most popular subcultural phenomena of our time and fully corresponds to the characteristics of the type. Today, many Internet sites, nightclubs, shops, and even cable TV channels are aimed at this fairly massive target audience in Russia.

Alternative Also is And youth movement , uniting both separate specific subcultures ( emo), as well as many informals who do not identify themselves with one or another subculture, but implement everyday life strategies within the framework of an alternative movement. The unifying feature of the movement is a passion for music in the style of alternative, metalcore, hardcore, etc.

We consider it possible to include a subculture emo within the framework of the alternative movement due to the common style, socio-demographic, value and behavioral characteristics of their representatives, as well as the genesis of the emocore musical style within the alternative scene. Alternatives use paraphernalia similar to emo style, but avoiding androgynous elements: loose-fitting pants and T-shirts, sneakers, often dreadlocked hairstyles and abundant piercings. We can say that they prefer a “unisex” style in clothing and behavior.

Goths- representatives of the youth subculture that emerged in the late 70s of the 20th century in the wake of post-punk. They appeared in Russia in 1990. The Gothic subculture is very diverse and heterogeneous, but to one degree or another it is characterized by the following features: gloomy image, interest in mysticism And esotericism, love for gothic music.

Initially, fans of gothic music were called goths, but later the subculture spread to literature, cinema, and painting. But still main role This subculture carries a unique worldview, a special perception of the surrounding world, death as a fetish, which can be considered one of the signs of belonging to the Goths. But we should not forget that gothic appeared thanks to music, and to this day, it is the main unifying factor for all goths.

Goths have their own recognizable image, which has recently undergone significant changes. No matter how it develops Gothic, two unchanged basic elements remain: the predominant black color of clothing (sometimes with elements of other colors), as well as exclusively silver jewelry - gold is not used in principle, since it is regarded as a symbol of ordinary, hackneyed values, as well as the color of the sun.

Hairstyle also plays a very important role in the image of goths of both sexes. It can be just straight long hair, or it can be lifted with gel or collected in large buns. Iroquois are occasionally seen. Hair is often dyed black, red, purple and white colors, it is also possible to dye with strands of one color against the background of another. Make-up remains one of the main signs of belonging to the subculture: a dense layer of white powder on the face, black eyeliner and lips.

Metalheads(metalheads or metallers) is a youth subculture inspired by metal music that appeared in Russia in the 1980s. The metal subculture is devoid of a clearly defined ideology and is focused mainly around music. The lyrics of metal bands promote independence, self-reliance and self-confidence, the cult of " strong personality"Attitudes towards religion vary, but it is traditionally believed that metalheads are not religious.

Appearance of metalheads:

Long hair for men

Leather biker jacket, leather vest.

Black T-shirts or hoodies with the logo of your favorite metal band.

Wristbands - leather bracelets

Stripes on clothes and other surrounding objects

Heavy shoes - camelots, grinders, short boots with Cossack chains.

Jeans (usually blue or black), leather pants.

Belt chains

Punks- a youth subculture that emerged in the mid-70s in the UK, USA, Canada and Australia; in Russia, this subculture appeared a little later, in the 1980s. Punks hold a variety of political views, but for the most part they are adherents of socially oriented ideologies and progressivism. Punks are characterized by a desire for personal freedom and independence, the principles of “not selling out”, “relying on yourself”.

Punks have a colorful, shocking image: many punks dye their hair bright, unnatural colors, comb it and fix it with hairspray, gel or beer so that it stands up straight. In the 80s, the mohawk hairstyle became fashionable among punks. Punks put skulls and signs on clothes and accessories. They wear wristbands and collars made of leather with spikes, rivets and chains. Many punks get tattoos. They also wear torn, frayed jeans (which they specially cut themselves).

Rockers appeared as a subculture in the fifties and early sixties during the era of rock and roll, the representatives of the music and style of which were Chuck Barry, early Elvis Presley. Rockers wear leather motorcycle jackets, abundantly decorated with buttons, patches, stripes and pins. They often wear quite fashionable leather caps on their heads. They usually ride a motorcycle wearing a helmet with open face. Every rocker's wardrobe includes jeans, leather trousers, high-top motorcycle boots, military T-shirts and boots. Another side of rocker culture is the abuse of alcohol, drugs, and cigarettes.

Hip-hop- a youth subculture that appeared in the mid-1970s among African Americans and Latinos. It is characterized by its own music (also called hip-hop, rap), its own slang, its own hip-hop fashion, dance styles(breakdancing), graphic art (graffiti) and his own cinema. By the early 1990s, hip-hop had become part of youth culture in many countries around the world, as well as in Russia. Hip-hop music consists of two main elements: rap (rhythmic recitative with clearly defined rhymes) and the rhythm set by the DJ, although compositions without vocals are not uncommon. On stage, musicians are often accompanied by a dance ensemble. Currently, hip-hop is one of the most commercially successful forms of modern entertainment music.

Hip Hop Lovers Style: Most wear tube jeans and tight shirts or sports T-shirts, jewelry stylized in rap culture. Plus size clothing is welcome. Hats, “baseball caps” turned backwards, backpacks to the waist, chains, sports jackets, T-shirts are the obligatory attributes of representatives of this subculture.

Youth who are part of this subculture can be classified as quite specific and extraordinary. Hip-hop fashion will continue to influence the next younger generations of consumers, and artists and their fans will find new ways to develop the subculture. Emo- a youth subculture formed on the basis of fans of the musical style of the same name. Like most modern subcultures, emo originates in the USA in the mid-80s. In Russia, this subculture became known only at the beginning of the 21st century.

Expressing emotions is key a rule for those who consider themselves to be part of the emo subculture. They are distinguished by: self-expression, opposition to injustice, a special, sensual perception of the world. Often an emotional and depressed person. He stands out from the crowd with his bright appearance, looks for like-minded people and dreams of happy love.

Emo characterizes a fundamentally infantile view of the world based on the aesthetics of beauty, introversion, and an emphasis on internal experiences.

The traditional emo hairstyle is considered to be oblique, torn bangs to the tip of the nose, covering one eye, and behind short hair, sticking out in different directions. Preference is given to coarse, straight black hair. Girls can have childish, funny hairstyles. To create these emo hairstyles, they use cans of fixing hairspray. Emos often pierce their ears or make tunnels. In addition, an emo may have piercings on her face (for example, in the lips and left nostril, eyebrows, bridge of the nose). The eyes are heavily lined with pencil or mascara, making them look like a bright spot on the face. Nails are covered with black varnish.

Emos wear pink and black clothing with two-tone patterns and stylized badges. The main colors in clothing are black and pink (purple), although other shockingly bright combinations are considered acceptable. The most typical clothes for them are skinny jeans, sneakers with bright or black laces, a black or pink belt, and a checkered scarf around the neck.

Glamor- one of the most controversial subcultures. The fact is that this movement has only recently taken shape as a subculture in our country, although before that it was present in everything connected with club and social life. Encyclopedias still do not define this word as a cultural movement, although it has become increasingly active since the beginning of the new millennium. Almost all musical styles received the prefix “glam”: glam gothic, glam garage, glam rock and even glam punk. In world culture, for example in Great Britain, the emergence of the glamor subculture dates back to the seventies and eighties, but due to certain circumstances it remained underground for a long time.

Originally from Lyubertsy: Lubers

The Lubers are a well-known youth group with pronounced aggressive behavior. Initially, it was a spontaneous association of teenagers who fought for the “improvement” of society: they “re-educated” homeless people, prostitutes, alcoholics, etc., persecuting and beating them. They appeared in different cities Russia, always ready for a surprise attack.

This practice of spontaneous beatings somewhat later became a “model” for skinheads and Barkashovites - groups with a more organized structure, also consisting mainly of teenagers.

Skinheads. Their distinctive symbol is swastika, a sign that doesn’t even speak, but screams for itself. It is worn by our contemporaries, who were born much later than the victory over fascism. They call themselves fascists and are proud of it. Is anyone even familiar with individual statements and the works of Nietzsche and Spengler. The majority follow a simple guideline: “the bulk of the “subhumans” must be destroyed, and the rest turned into slaves.” As an established youth movement, skins appeared in Russia in the early 90s of the twentieth century. Mainly among the supporters of fascist ideology are young people under 21, although in their ranks there are also people 22-26 years old.

Skinny teenagers stand out from the crowd with their shaved heads, black clothes, and trousers tucked into their boots. Sometimes there is an image of a pit bull on the clothes. IN in public places They try to appear in groups. You can meet them mainly in the evening, when it is “their” time. They try to hang out in different places, and when they meet, they can discuss the “chronicle of the day.” And if there is one less non-Nazi... then this news will bring great joy.

Subcultural phenomenon Gopniks is purely Russian. The essence of the worldview of representatives of this subculture is an aggressive denial of basic social values: a high level of education, interethnic tolerance, morality, work, desire for self-improvement. Gopniks are a fundamentally marginal movement, where ideas about social, moral, and legal norms are blurred. The main means of leisure for members of the gop culture is petty robbery and street fights.

Crimes are always committed by a large “gang” against a single victim or a significantly smaller group. Most often, informal youth are attacked by gopniks - from metalheads to rappers. The word “gopnik” is not used by representatives of the subculture for self-identification. A person who shares the values ​​of gop culture is called a “kid” or a “normal kid” within the group. The choice of the word “boy”, which in Russian is synonymous with the words “boy”, “young man”, seems interesting.

If, for example, informals with their name emphasize non-compliance with the standard, difference from others, then gopniks show that they are ordinary, normal, the way everyone should be - “normal”, and not deviants. Gopnik communities are heavily influenced by the criminal subculture. This is manifested, in particular, in language, ideas about norms and values, and behavioral characteristics; however, it would be wrong to identify these two subcultures. Without a doubt, Gopniks stand out from the crowd by their appearance and clothing. Initially, sports suit and a cap were the only clothes the family could afford.

Nowadays, gop culture is gradually losing its association with poverty, social differentiation observed among Gopniks. The invariance of fashion relative to social status indicates that the totality of indicators describing the social group of gopniks is not just characteristics of poor, poorly brought up, uneducated youth, it can claim to be considered as a special subculture. Modern level The spread of gop culture leads to a confusion in the minds of young people of ideas about the “norm” and deviation, and the expansion of gop “values” into many other social groups.

Fans. Football fans are considered a subculture close to criminal. This is aggravated by the fact that fans are one of the most active teenage groups in Russia. What is typical for fans is that, as a rule, they do not even know the history of the teams, but are “up to date” with recent events and upcoming matches. For them great importance has emotional release, the ability to yell, rage and mix different attitudes and lifestyles. However, these associations also differ greatly. For example, the group of Spartak fans “Gladiators” avoids fights, but protects the “younger” (newcomers). They are physically well developed and promote a “clean lifestyle”. However, among such groups there is also one such as “Koldir Boy-Front” (“Koldir” is slang for “drunkard”). As you might guess, these are alcoholic fans. Their age category is 17-18 years old, but there are also older ones.

Environmentalists. Such youth movements protecting the environment are unpopular and small in number in Russia (only 4%), even in Chernobyl. Shares of the Russian " Greenpeace"are mostly ineffective and imitate the West. It is convenient to form such movements within official structures: they cannot exist independently due to material difficulties and legal obstacles.

Bikers vs Motorcyclists. Moms and dads of modern teenagers probably remember how a new direction in music spread in the mid-80s - heavy metal. And then there were long-haired guys, on motorcycles and in leather jackets, who didn’t even think about following the traffic rules. They began to be called bikers. A narrow circle of “their own” accepted new recruits only after selection, and only those who could defend their beliefs with their fists.

Strength and training were cultivated, muscles were built up, and the appearance became more and more intimidating. Many bikers were indeed metalheads, and even acted as voluntary security at concerts. The Confederate flag became a symbol of absolute biker freedom. However, in order to imitate the bikers of the West, you need to have good material wealth. In addition, having motorcycles, their owners cannot fix basic breakdowns. But the ability to put your “horse” in order is an integral element of the subculture. Now the biker movement in Russia has taken on a different meaning. Young people who adhere to the biker lifestyle have no ideological basis.

This movement has not yet fully formed among children from families with low incomes. But it is no longer biker. These are small groups without any attributes or even a name. They no longer associate themselves with bikers. And the congresses to the motorcycle festival in Maloyaroslavets demonstrate a completely different lifestyle of young people. Festival participants assemble or modify their own motorcycles. Teenagers can literally move into a garage for a few months or set up a workshop right in the apartment. After completing the work, they ride motorcycles around the city in groups, observing all traffic rules and not setting any goals for themselves.

Ravers. In the English-Russian dictionary you will quickly find the translation of the word “rave”, meaning “to rave”, “nonsense”. Having rummaged around on the Internet, you can come across another definition in T. Thorne’s Dictionary of Modern Slang: “rave” - “a wild party, dancing or a situation of desperate behavior.” The last definition most accurately describes the behavior of the emerging youth subculture in Russia and the nocturnal lifestyle that has developed among the teenagers. Because ravers are usually visitors to nightclubs, and, it should be noted, not cheap ones. It is not surprising that this group is small compared to those whose hobbies require less investment.

This type of subculture belongs to ravers, which emerged in the 1990s. and associated with the emergence of specific club music techno and trance. Rave culture revived the drug-psychedelic experiments of the times of the main ideologist of ecstasy, Timothy Leary, i.e. counterculture of the 1960s, representing a unique form of neo-hippism, no longer operating in an urbanized space, but in the narrow confines of club nightlife.

Rave, according to some researchers, can be considered a reaction to the information boom of our time, expressed in a protest against rationalistic values ​​and the promotion of internal freedom, individualism, the search for the mystical, sacred meaning of existence, etc. However, such a characteristic is applicable only to the era of the emergence of rave culture. Today, this subculture does not require full identification and is a form of organizing the recreational practices of young people who love techno and trance music.

In everyday life, an individual’s subcultural affiliation may not manifest itself in any way. Despite the fact that rave has now lost its countercultural pathos, it has significantly influenced the emergence and development of some modern youth subcultures and subcultural trends. Thus, elements of the ravers' style (fluorescent fabrics, luminous costume elements, T-shirts with psychedelic designs, artificial hair extensions) were borrowed from freak culture and cybergothic.

Diggers. They are attracted by the mystery of underground passages, the dangers of the underground world... The secrecy of this society, which does not like to advertise its actions and its existence in principle, attracts young people. There are many such associations throughout Russia. They unite in small groups and do not like to accept anyone else into their ranks. Diggers have something in common with ecologists: constantly “communicating” with underground communications, they warn about subsidence of the foundation and environmental problems that may be fraught with the earth’s bowels.

Hackers (computer geeks)- For the first time, thanks to Hollywood, the world learned about the “hacker” and his capabilities. Some young people picked up the artistic image as a counterpoint to adult society and turned their eyes (and wallets) to the rapidly developing industry of information technology. Hundreds of amateur teenagers appeared who tried to become “hackers”, to embody the first image of the “rebel hero” created by Hollywood. However, these are mainly students of technical faculties of universities, high school students of schools with a physics and mathematics focus. It is also difficult to determine the exact number of hackers because they communicate mainly through computer networks. In addition, not all computer fans recognize themselves as a kind of community with their own values, norms, and specific style.

Although ravers are usually classified as musicians, and rollers are classified as sports subcultures, the commonality of basic values ​​underlying these subcultures: an easy, carefree attitude to life, the desire to live for today, to be dressed appropriately. latest fashion, is a sufficient basis for their convergence during typology.

Subculture Rastafarians represents a version of the Jamaican religion Rastafarianism, adapted for youth. The first Rastafarians appeared in Jamaica in the 1930s. They worshiped the former Emperor of Ethiopia Haile Selassie (who received the name Jah Rastafari from them) and considered him a messenger God. Unconventional religious association transformed into a subculture in the 1960s, when reggae music appeared. Today, Rasta culture exists all over the world, including in Russia, based on special attributes (hairstyles made of natural dreadlocks, bright clothes loose fit, tricolor hats), reggae music and smoking ganja (hemp) in honor of the once existing god Jah.

Emergence indie culture in the mid-1970s. is a kind of turning point in the youth subcultural environment: the final death of the counterculture represented by punks and the emergence alternative culture“silent protest” against the pop scene, fashion and consumerism. Along with the flow post-punk, giving rise to gothic culture, indie protest was escapist and did not involve committing illegal or shocking actions. The indie music scene (from the English "independent" - independent) was created as an opposition to the mainstream and assumed complete freedom to experiment with sound. The image of representatives of this subculture is completely borrowed and in its modern version is discernible only to connoisseurs.

In Russia, indie culture has become a passion for “advanced” metropolitan youth, tired of glamor. Its representatives today are usually called hipsters, although initially this name belonged to a subculture that existed in the USA in the 40-50s. XX century Indie music currently continues to be released on independent labels, but the subculture itself has organically integrated into mass culture (for example, such popular publications as Afisha focus on it).

Rollerballs called roller skaters. They prefer sportswear in bright colors; They can also be identified by multi-colored patches on their knees. They not only roller skate, but tumble and perform incredible pirouettes and somersaults. Roller skaters love to compete. Single roller skaters appeared in Russia in the early 90s.