Business plan for opening a dance school. Dance studio business plan

Another one interesting story a business built from scratch on sheer enthusiasm. The heroine of today's business magazine materialIQR several years ago and achieved some success by opening a business with virtually no initial capital. Today we will talk how to open dance studio and how much you can earn.

Why I decided to open a dance school

Dance class

My name is Maria, I'm 30 years old. In the story that I will tell about my attempt to open a business, it happens in Moscow in 2011. My dance business lasted 2 years.

I was born into a family of choreographers, so my dance genes woke up earlier than any human reflexes. Until I was 3 years old, my mother worked with me, shaping my stretching and elongated feet, then I was sent to ballet studio, and from the age of 12 I independently chose dance styles, to whom I had a soul.

In the early nineties there was practically nothing to choose from: folk, ballroom dancing and rap, which was just coming into fashion. Choreographers staged performances, licking them from foreign videos. At that time, the dream of having my own dance school stuck in my head, where I could teach a special dance that lived in my imagination, so, attending not only classes, but also all kinds of seminars, I absorbed everything like a sponge.

My experience in dance

By the time I came of age, having gained a lot of experience, I began working as a choreographer in a small town. Things were going well, I liked the work, my team constantly participated in city competitions and won top places, but, unfortunately, my work was not appreciated.

Deep down in my heart, I understood that in a more developed city this occupation would be in more demand, but to break into mainland there was no possibility.

And when I had a family and children, I had to leave the dance sphere altogether - at that moment I had already said goodbye forever to choreography, to the stage, and to my dreams. But at one fine moment, life turned its back on me, and I had to remember my dance certificate and go to the casting - there was an opportunity to get a vacant position as a Go-Go dancer. It was scary to go into this business at the age of 25, and even after giving birth, because the clubs took younger competitors, but since there were no options, I took a risk.

How I decided to open my own business

After dancing for a couple of months in a nightclub, weighing all the pros and cons of this profession, finding out everything about it from the inside, I set off to conquer the capital. A serious argument in favor of this decision was the fact that earnings for night dancing were much higher than the salary for the main day job. In the capital, things were not so sweet, because, despite the abundance of clubs, the competition among dancers was high, but I still found my niche. Next, I decided to take a couple of classes on Go-Go dancing for the purpose of self-development, after all, this is Moscow, and there are many opportunities to improve your skills here. But, oddly enough, the level of skill of the teachers was not high for the capital; it was at that moment that my dreams of my own dance school came to life again. So to speak, a second wind opened up, because I really understood that as a dancer I was at a high professional level.

But to bring the idea to life, both funds and connections were needed, so I began to storm various studios, classes, find out who works what, and make the necessary contacts. As a result, on the advice of many choreographers, it was decided to unofficially recruit a group, rent a hall and earn money by teaching people the art of dance.

Dance studio business plan

How to open a dance studio

Studio promotion - how I looked for clients for my services

IN in social networks I posted advertisements about my classes, looked for people interested and, at the same time, a place to conduct lessons. Renting the hall was not difficult, since no one asks questions whether you are an entrepreneur or a private owner, the only condition is not to damage the property, and so - pay and dance until you drop.

How much does it cost to rent a hall?

Take off dance hall in Moscow at that time the average cost for an hour was 500 rubles, naturally, I wasn’t eager to go to the center, but the option near the Moscow Ring Road was not considered. My very first hall was located in Medvedkovo, within walking distance from the metro, which is important for the capital; its rent cost 400 rubles per hour. Just imagine what scope this has for earning money at minimal cost: a normal lesson lasts 1.5 hours (I paid for two at once, so that we could calmly work out and solve organizational issues), the hall is equipped with mirrors, the necessary equipment and musical equipment.

Profit and profitability of a dance school

At first, I charged 350 rubles per lesson from everyone who came to class. 7 people came to the first one, so for the first lesson held in Moscow, I earned a little more than one and a half thousand rubles in net profit. The girls brought their friends to the next lesson, asked for an increase in the number of lessons per week, and a month later I already had 4 groups of 10 people. With each of the groups we worked in the direction they liked: somewhere it was strip plastic, somewhere it was an incendiary club disco, someone asked for belly dancing, and in one group the girls were exclusively interested in stretching.

Sometimes the composition changed (people get sick, go on vacation, are lazy), but empty seats there was practically none, since those who dropped out were always replaced by new comers. Thus, in a couple of months I began to earn an income of 50,000 rubles, and this was while working 8-10 hours a week. Of course, for Moscow this is not a lot of money, but I had a huge incentive to develop in my dance field, plus there were material goals that warmed my soul and forced me to move forward. I set myself a specific goal - which, according to my calculations, should have happened in a year (I’ll make a reservation right away that the purchase of housing was planned far outside the capital, but the apartment at that time cost a little more than a million rubles).

Why did I leave the business?

Of course, I have more than once thought about the need to legalize my activities: open an individual entrepreneur, pay taxes, rent a hall for a long period, but my income has not yet reached such a level as to become a real businesswoman, so I continued to look for halls in other areas, create a schedule that is both convenient and financially beneficial.

After about six months of studying the dance business, my day was so packed that sometimes I held classes until late at night. Usually there were 6 classes a day with short breaks. In addition to group classes, individual classes began to be held, which in monetary terms were valued much higher than usual. On individual lessons the girls asked to learn the variations private dances to perform in front of your other half, it was also great amount orders for staging wedding dances.

After a couple of months, I realized that I could no longer cope with such a volume of work alone - after all, I had classes in several Moscow districts: Medvedkovo, Altufyevo, Prazhskaya, and then Tula. Therefore, I decided to look for an assistant to conduct choreographic classes. Behind nominal fee offered to teach lessons to her own student, entrusting her with teaching stretching classes to beginners. By the way, this girl still teaches classes to this day, although she already collaborates with clubs, preparing dancers for them.

But let's get back to my story. My business, although not entirely legal, lasted 2 years. Perhaps it would still bring me an excellent income, but my plans for life changed, I moved from Moscow to the north, took care of my family and raising children.

But I didn’t leave empty-handed: with the income from my dance business I bought and renovated an apartment. So, having achieved my goal, I left, leaving this activity young and energetic.

Real figures on income and expenses of a dance school

For those who are interested in this field of activity, I want to give real numbers so that you can evaluate the pros and cons.


  1. Hall rental - 500 rubles per hour.
  2. Cost of 1 rug - 600 rubles (if the hall doesn’t have them, which is extremely rare, but if you buy them, it will last for a long time).
  3. Damage to property - from 500 to 15,000 (the rug was torn, the mirror was broken, the equipment was broken - I never had such cases).
  4. Payment to assistant choreographer - 100 rubles from each student in the lesson.


  1. Cost of one lesson - 500 rubles for 1.5 hours.
  2. Individual lesson - 1500 rubles for an hour and a half.
  3. Staging wedding dance - 2500 per lesson (usually 2-3 lessons are required). Middle group- 10 people. One group has 2-3 classes per week. 6-7 lessons per day.

Profitability of a dance studio

The net profit for one lesson is about 4,000 rubles, respectively, for a day with 6 lessons - 24,000 rubles. When working 5 days a week, 5 lessons a day (we subtract travel expenses and unforeseen expenses), the net profit is 80,000-100,000 rubles.

This calculation is given for one choreographer; if you hire an assistant, the number of groups will increase by at least 2, and when deducting the assistant’s payment, you will get a net profit per week of about 130,000 thousand.

If you are inspired by my story and want to follow in my footsteps, I want to warn you that this is not easy work. There will be almost no energy or time left for personal life, as well as for any other matters, so it is extremely difficult to hold out for a long time in this mode. Here you need to have excellent health and nerves of steel. Don’t be afraid to seem intrusive, pester everyone with questions of interest, don’t pay attention to what they think about you, go clearly towards your goal, bring it to life, believe in your strength - and you will certainly succeed.

Opening of a dance school - real chance for an entrepreneur to organize a profitable and highly profitable project. Initially, a dance studio can be highly specialized or broad-based - the choice of one or another option depends on the capabilities of the entrepreneur and the demand for the services offered. In order for a business to become profitable and recoup the funds invested in it in the shortest possible time, you should draw up a competent business plan that reflects all the nuances and strictly adhere to the developed algorithm.

Organizational plan

Since at the beginning of the studio there will be few students in it, it is enough to hire three employees teaching different types dancing. The school will operate in the evenings and weekends; later the schedule will change to a longer one. In order for the work of hired employees to be of high quality, you will need to draw up instructions. Before an employee begins work, he will be required to pass an exam on his knowledge of his job responsibilities And general rules installed in the studio.

Personnel search

In order for the school to operate fully and recruit new clients, you should hire:
1. Administrator.

The administrator's work schedule depends on the workload of the school, and his salary consists of a salary and a certain percentage of the profit received. His responsibilities are:

  • opening and closing of dance halls; checking the premises and equipment functionality;
  • maintaining a customer base;
  • student registration;
  • selling and charging fees for season tickets;
  • drawing up a lesson schedule;
  • taking calls and searching for new clients.

2. Director (his responsibilities are most often assumed by the business owner, since the position allows you to better understand the features of the business and learn how to competently delegate powers to subordinates).

The manager forms the rules of behavior in the team and coordinates the work of the studio. He:

  • determines the direction of development of the studio;
  • develops job descriptions and school rules;
  • controls the quality of work;
  • distributes wages, bonuses and fines;
  • introduces additional most popular specializations into the range of services provided;
  • recruits a team;
  • distributes the budget;
  • contributes to the development of the school and dissemination of information about it.

3. Teachers. Their responsibilities are:

  • familiarizing clients with safety conditions before the start of each lesson;
  • conducting lessons;
  • establishing individual control over each student;
  • providing assistance to students;
  • independent improvement of teaching qualifications;
  • expanding the client base.

In order to encourage teachers to find new students, a special payment procedure is being introduced. For example, for a group of up to 10 people, the teacher will receive 300 rubles for each person, and for a group of 15 people or more - 500 rubles per hour.

In addition to the above employees, the staff may include a cleaner and a security guard. But their presence is not necessary, since such duties can be performed by hired employees - teachers (they are responsible for order and cleanliness in the halls) and the administrator.

Marketing plan

In order for a dance studio to become popular and recognizable, it is necessary to choose a sonorous and meaningful name for it, and also to create a unique logo. This data is placed on signs, business cards, leaflets and any promotional materials.

In addition, the entrepreneur will need to develop a marketing strategy through which the studio will become famous and visited. A marketing plan is developed based on the desires of clients attending classes.

What do most students expect from classes and how can their needs be met? Eg:

  1. Most people want to keep their body in good shape, so advertising materials should include information that dancing is a best alternative fitness.
  2. Many people attend dances to receive positive emotions and relief from stress experienced in Everyday life. To convince clients, you can indicate in advertising that the studio holds meeting-parties where students communicate with each other, relax and get to know each other better.

In order to as much as possible larger number potential clients learned about the existence of the studio and became interested in it, it is necessary to create accounts on all social networks. These pages contain school news, class schedules, photographs from parties and events, as well as other posts that motivate subscribers to become clients of the studio.

For advancement the best way fit Instagram, thematic group VKontakte and YouTube channel.

A valid way to attract students is to distribute flyers, the presentation of which allows you to attend one lesson for free. Also, students and teachers can participate on behalf of the studio in events held in the city - such self-promotion is very effective. To promote the school as quickly as possible, all possible methods should be used at the same time.

Conducting a SWOT analysis

To plan the most promising path for business development and calculate the real capabilities of an enterprise, a marketing tool is used - SWOT analysis.

First of all, a business owner should decide on the target audience:

  • children - in this case it is worth organizing lessons in choreography, rhythm, dance gymnastics;
  • young girls - pole-dance or belly-dance lessons are suitable for them;
  • male teenagers - break-dance classes are organized for them;
  • people under the age of 40-45 - classes are organized for them social dancing(for example, Latin American), most of these students come to classes for pleasure and communication, including with the opposite sex.

In addition to defining the main target category, it is necessary to identify competitors and study their advantages and disadvantages. Based on this data, a strategy is drawn up own business. According to statistics, in a city with a population of one million, there are at least 100 dance schools. But there is no need to consider them all as competitors, since the only competitors are schools teaching the same areas or targeting a similar target category.

A comparative market analysis is carried out on the basis of certain criteria by which the client decides to start training in this particular studio. These include:

  • location - the school should be opened near bus stops, educational institutions, business centers;
  • class schedule;
  • events held by the studio - reporting concerts, performances at holidays, participation in competitions, organizing parties, and so on;
  • qualification of teaching staff is main factor, which influences the choice of a particular school, so only professionals should be hired.

Most students value social connections that appear in dance group, which can be highlighted as important competitive advantage. Mention in your advertising the trusting atmosphere in the studio, the friendly attitude of students and teachers - this will attract clients. Other benefits that help attract customers include:

  • Possibility of purchasing a visit pass different numbers conducted classes;
  • bonus discounts for regular students;
  • participation of students in both local and away concerts, performances, events and competitions;
  • holding parties regularly.

Teachers must not only have documents confirming their education and advanced training, but also treat students well and be able to find individual approach to everyone.

Financial plan

To prevent the newly opened dance studio from becoming an unprofitable enterprise, the entrepreneur should calculate in advance the necessary initial and monthly costs. This business, like any other, requires registration - the owner must register with tax office How entity or individual entrepreneur, choose a taxation system, submit applications to Pension Fund and in the FSS.

As a rule, about 20,000 rubles are spent on paperwork, and the cost of monthly tax deductions will be about 30 thousand.

Selection and rental of premises

For dance classes you need a well-equipped and spacious room of 235 square meters, consisting of:

  • bathrooms with showers with an area of ​​15 square meters;
  • 2 changing rooms - 30 sq m;
  • pairs of dance classes with a total area of ​​150 sq. m;
  • rooms for staff - 20 sq m;
  • hall - 20 sq. mm.

Video. How to open a dance school

The average cost of renting a square meter of space is 1 thousand rubles a month, respectively, monthly rental costs will be 230,000.

In addition, the premises will need to carry out repair work, their cost is about one and a half thousand rubles per square meter. Based on these data, monthly expenses include rent (230,000 rubles), and initial costs include repairs costing 345,000.

An entrepreneur can reduce the amount of costs if he finds an already renovated premises. For example, if it rents a place where a similar organization was previously located.

Studio equipment

To equip dance school It is necessary to purchase high-quality supplies and equipment. You will definitely need:

  • mirrors with a height of 2 meters - from 160,000 rubles;
  • air conditioners (2 pieces, one per hall) - 65,000;
  • plumbing, lockers for changing rooms, hangers - 98,000;
  • machines for choreography classes - from 55,000;
  • furniture (sofas, benches, shelves, interior items) - 130,000;
  • music centers (2 pieces), computer (3 pieces - one for the reception and each of the halls), related accessories - from 120,000.

In total, you will have to spend 628 thousand rubles on equipment.

These expenses are considered initial expenses. In the future, smaller amounts will be needed - for equipment repairs, the purchase of office supplies and other little things.

Other expenses

Other expenses include fees for utilities, paid along with rental payments and amounting to 10-15 thousand rubles. It is also important, especially at the stage of opening a business, to properly and extensively organize the promotion of the studio, advertising in the media, printing flyers and invitation cards, creating a logo and maintaining groups on social networks will cost 130,000 rubles.

An important monthly expense item is the payment of wages to employees. The final amount varies depending on the number of employees and the workload of the school, and on average the salary of each staff member is:

  • 20,000 for a cleaner;
  • 25,000 for administrator;
  • from 35,000 for teachers.

If the studio staff has 1 cleaner, 1 administrator, 3 teachers, then minimum amount salaries for the team are 150 thousand rubles per month.

Important! According to this financial plan initial costs will be 1,123,000, and monthly costs will be 420 thousand rubles.

Calculation of profitability and payback

To find out how much profit a dance studio will bring in a month, it is worth making the following calculations:
in the first month, 110 subscriptions costing 6,000 rubles were sold, respectively, the profit after deducting monthly costs will be 660,000 - 420,000 = 240,000 rubles.

In subsequent months, the number of subscriptions sold increases, but additional costs may also be required to hire dance teachers of other directions, those that do not yet exist in this school.

Video. Opening a dance school from scratch

A decline in customer activity is observed in the summer months, since most people prefer to be at fresh air or goes on vacation, and in January, due to the New Year holidays.

Despite this, a dance studio is one of the most profitable business options, since its payback period takes about a year, and the break-even point is already passed in the first month of business. The profitability of such a business is high - more than 60%.

A businessman who wants to open a dance studio should draw up a detailed business plan, study the services provided by competitors and develop his own business development strategy. The advantage of this type of activity is that dancing is in demand among people of absolutely all ages, which means there will not be a shortage of clients.

The sample business plan, which can be downloaded completely free of charge at the end of this article, is not working. It is created for informational purposes only. In this article, a real and successful entrepreneur will tell you how to create your own real, working business plan with minimal costs, based on his experience:

An entrepreneur from the Lipetsk region, Marina Nefedova, founder of a dance school, tells the story. On the basis of a rural club, Marina created a rapidly developing dance center. The area of ​​the room is 100 sq. m. The lease is issued with the right to buy for a period of 5 years. The school has a personal fitness trainer, 2 dance teachers, ballroom and sports direction. Monthly income, excluding rent, today is about 150,000 rubles.

Dance studio business plan. Where it all began

I was born in a small town. After graduation local school, went to study in Moscow, where she entered the university to study choreography.

I graduated from university and was about to conquer the capital, but I had to urgently return to the village because my elderly mother became seriously ill.

Moscow is a city where everything is quickly forgotten - acquaintances, connections, everything flows and changes over time. It didn't seem realistic to go back and start over.

And then I suggested to the head rural settlement, to equip the empty building of the former club into a dance school. Naturally, such a proposal was greeted with delight, since until that moment there was not even a House of Culture in the village.

No paperwork was required from me, except for official employment as a teacher (still the only one), the head of the administration did everything herself.

The club underwent some minor renovations and soon the new class was enlivened by the chirping of children. I taught them to dance, and in the evenings, I earned money by leading a group for those over 20.

There were a lot of people willing, I saved the money I earned and gradually, I accumulated quite a decent amount.

I started thinking, why not rent this building and open it? private school dancing? The talk was about the reconstructive expansion of the building and turning it into an elite dance center.

Of course, the accumulated funds would not be enough for me and I decided to take a subsidy, government support for small businesses. However, I understood that the offered 58 thousand rubles would only be enough for me to buy paint for the floors.

Therefore, I went to the city administration with a request for an increased amount of 300,000 rubles. This kind of money is given out only in conditions of tough competition, but I had solid support under me, the entire village, along with the head, supported me.

What documents are required to receive an increased subsidy?

In order to receive funds I needed to do the following:

  • Register with the Center for Significance;
  • Register with the tax office and register as an individual entrepreneur;
  • Provide a clearly written business plan.

The first 2 points are not a problem at all, but I didn’t have the slightest idea how to draw up a business plan.

I only knew that it should contain the following points:

  • the purpose for which I am asking for funds;
  • accurate calculation of upcoming expenses;
  • forecast of the feasibility of business development;
  • the approximate time period for which I will recoup the money received.

This information was of great interest to me, but where will I get this economic program?

Where to get a working business plan

The gray, shabby walls of the city consulting company somewhat surprised me. The surprise intensified when an employee of the organization, drinking coffee from a mug with chipped edges, told me the amount for which they agreed to help me - 40,000 rubles.

Of course, this astronomical cost for a project whose profitability was still in question did not suit me.

Something had to be done, so, first, I downloaded the free 2012 version from the Internet.

I went shopping and roughly calculated the cost of repairs, the amount of rent, prices for equipment, furniture and salaries for future employees.

Then, I simply replaced the outdated numbers in free version template and roughly calculated the required amount.

Satisfied with the result, I went online again and bought more modern version business plan for only 350 rubles.

After that, I printed out a copy of the document and rushed on the last bus to Moscow to visit a friend from the university, an analyst by education and vocation.
I was greeted warmly.

About a day later, we finished the calculations and data entry. A friend refused to take money from me, so I got the business plan for only 350 rubles, not counting travel expenses, which I did not regret at all.

State of business today

I was given a subsidy and now my school is one of the most prestigious in the region. People even come to me from neighboring cities to take dance lessons before wedding waltz or simply, in the desire to learn how to move rhythmically to modern music.

I managed to lure a personal fitness trainer from the region to work for me, and I also hired 2 teachers in ballroom and sports choreography.

Of course, I didn’t abandon my students, junior group He still works with me, completely free of charge.

Thanks to an ideally drawn up business plan, using a template downloaded from the Internet, the school generates income in the amount of 150,000 rubles per month.

RaiSky dance school

Some useful information and a brief presentation of the dance school business plan:

business plan for opening a dance school

Summary-description with a budget

We present to your attention a business plan for the implementation of the “Dancing School” project with a two-year cash flow.

So, knowing the idea of ​​the project, we can highlight the main goals:

  • Providing the public with the opportunity to attend dance classes to meet movement and social needs;
  • Creation of a profitable enterprise that generates stable income;
  • Receiving a profit.

The project is financed using a commercial loan in the amount of 2,650,000 rubles at 17.5%.
Nature of the enterprise: The company provides dance training opportunities.
Payback period: about 2 years.
Estimated income received by investors: 180,553.33 rubles.
Repayment of loans taken begins from the first month of the project launch and continues until full repayment.
Conditional life cycle project: 2 years.
Economic benefit from the launch and implementation of the project throughout the entire life of the project itself: 27972093.5 rubles.

Table No. 1. Potential of consumers of dance school services in Russia

Distribution of space required for a dance school

To open a school, you need a room with all the necessary equipment.

For a small school, the premises should be from 150 sq.m. of which:

  • Hall (15-20 sq.m);
  • Shower (15 sq.m);
  • Recreation room (20 sq.m);
  • Dressing room (15 sq.m);
  • Dance hall (<80 кв. м).

For the profitability and payback of the project, the rental rate should not be higher than 65-90 thousand rubles per month.


To be productive, you must have:

  • Full air conditioning system, ventilation grilles;
  • Souls;
  • Lockers for things, with the ability to lock with a key;
  • Locker rooms;
  • Mats;
  • Choreographic machine;
  • Mirror on the entire wall;
  • Several coolers;
  • Minimum 1 stereo system;
  • Furniture for school equipment: hangers, chairs, reception desk, locker room furniture;
  • Floor covering (!) Ideally, unpainted parquet.

Also, do not forget that in addition to equipment, you need to have 2-3 professional teachers who can actually teach your clients, otherwise the enterprise will not generate the expected income.

Table No. 2. Growth of participants in the dance school market in Russia


Of course, you can teach all types of dances in your studio. But it is still recommended to choose a priority direction, based on which potential clients will choose your studio for themselves.

You can develop several areas at once, but only one should be the main one.

There are several trends in the modern world:

  • Eastern dance. In particular, belly dancing;
  • Classical dances. A look that will never go out of style. Includes: cha-cha-cha, Viennese waltz, classic waltz, square dance, mazurka, minuet, quickstep, Charleston;
  • Latin American group. Incendiary, “hot” dances, such as: rumba, samba, Argentine tango, salsa, jive, bolero;
  • Modern dances. The name speaks for itself. The group includes: break, hip-hop, r’n’b, new style, club-dance, house, girls style, L.A. Style, break-dance.

Remember, each direction will require several professionally trained teachers.

The easiest way to open a dance school is to buy.

But if you still want to do it yourself, we offer you step-by-step instructions from an expert at Tequila Dance Studio.

So how do you evaluate the potential market and demand? Market experts say that the demand for dance training is always present, but with the crisis the audience has begun to show caution, so it is necessary to emphasize that dancing is not just a sport, but also a favorite hobby, as well as an excellent way to deal with stress (which is especially important in uncertain times). There is no need to be afraid of competition in dance, say market players: high demand is better than its absence. To choose a niche, you need to analyze not only the demand, but also your liking for certain types of dance. And in order to properly differentiate from competitors, it is necessary to take into account the areas where strong players are located (chains or recognizable brands) and the traffic in these places, their pricing policy, dance directions, the presence of strong teachers, their pros and cons.

Personal experience

I opened when none of the players were in the city (St. Petersburg) yet. Now I have a big advantage - we are a network. We have a budget for promotion, we occupy good positions on the Internet. If I open a new school, more people will notice me, since our brand is known to those who are interested in dancing, and more potential clients will also see us on the Internet in search engines. Now we have 20 of our own halls and 3 franchises in Russia and we will expand. In general, our niche can be called competitive, but there are few strong players and networks in the city. When studying competitors, I look specifically at the big players in the market, the networkers.

We cover almost all age categories. We have children from the age of 1 year with their mothers, from the age of 3 they are already studying without their mothers, teenagers, students, adults, pensioners (they dance for free according to the municipal program). We even conducted classes for pregnant women. All of these groups require their own approach. Young people are interested in partying. For older people - an opportunity to find your soulmate or new friends.

To open a dance school, it is advisable to understand choreography or be a “practicing leader,” that is, dance and teach. In the dance environment, it is important to create a strong personal brand. As a rule, clients come to study with certain teachers, and if valuable employees leave for competitors (taking their students with them), then the owner will have a chance to retain clients with the help of a personal “brand” - provided that he maintained a positive relationship with the audience. Contact with the audience can also be maintained at dance parties and events.

Of course, in addition to an interest in the dance field, experience in business is also desirable. Otherwise, you can buy a successful franchise business template after researching the market first.

Personal experience

I do not have a choreographic education, but I started dancing as a hobby about 20 years ago, and it was my interest in dancing that pushed me to create this business. I am a practicing leader, and this gives me a great advantage over those school owners who do not understand dance. Optimally, if you are not just interested in dancing, but practice it yourself, education does not matter. It happens that a franchise is purchased, but nothing is heard about the school, because the director does not move in dance circles and does not live his business, does not introduce new trends. We have almost 100 staff and we respond very quickly to changes in business, customer requests, and staff issues.

If you start out by opening a small dance school with 2-3 halls, renting premises, then, according to average estimates, you can earn 100-500 thousand a month, depending on the city and region, traffic, demand, and so on - factors that determine the success of the business , a lot. If your location has three halls, this is a small complex that allows you to reach a larger number of clients at one time. Mostly people go dancing in the evening - after work, school, university. To attract clients during the day, you need to offer discounts for daytime hours, but you will most likely be recruiting small groups anyway. Ultimately, when your halls are overloaded in the evening and you are recruiting average-sized groups during the day, your business will grow and there will be a need to open a second school. So gradually from a small hall you can grow into a network of dance studios.

Investment size

Step-by-step instruction

So, how to start attracting clients and promoting a dance school?

The sales department is responsible for selling the school's services. They look for potential clients in open sources, at events, and all contacts are entered into the database. In addition, managers work with incoming calls.

To find personnel, it is better to use open sources (websites, social networks, advertisements), as well as recommendations. It’s good if you work in this field and know professional teachers personally. If you have an interesting project and are working on promoting a brand, teachers will begin to contact you. Perhaps you can lure some employees from other schools. In addition, after a while you will be able to “grow” your students into professionals. Teachers can be full-time or part-time, depending on their workload. Accordingly, you can conclude an employment contract or a contract agreement with them. If funds allow, you can not search for personnel yourself, but find an agency as a contractor.


It is more convenient to create an individual entrepreneur and choose a simplified form of taxation. If there are two founders in the business, you need to create an LLC, which provides for profit tax and income tax.

The activities of dance schools are not yet licensed, since it has not yet been determined what type of service this business belongs to - educational, leisure activities or, for example, health improvement. If you are renting premises, then most likely the landlord or management company must take into account the standard requirements. If you are furnishing a room from scratch, you must take fire safety requirements into account. To work with children, you need health certificates. It is also necessary to coordinate the sign with the city executive committee.

If you are interested in dancing and have experience working with children, then you should think about creating your own children's dance studio. The demand for the services of a dance teacher for children is always high.

When developing the concept of your dance studio, think about the main areas with which you will work. The greatest demand among parents is waltz, tango, foxtrot, quickstep, and Latin American dances. Teenagers prefer club dancing, hip-hop, modern jazz, rock and roll, etc. Preschool children are taught the basics of rhythm and choreography (in the form of dances, games and exercises).

Even if you do not plan to look for funds to open your own project, first of all, you need to draw up a detailed business plan that will allow you to determine the amount of initial costs for organizing this type of business. Opening your own dance studio for children does not require large investments if you have the appropriate skills and plan to conduct classes yourself.

Then, as your business grows, you can consider finding teachers to either become your partners or employees. Be sure to consider the training program in your studio. There is no point in trying to cover all dance styles and genres. With a small budget, it is wiser to choose a narrower specialization (both in areas and in the age groups of your students).

As in any other business related to teaching, the qualifications of the teacher, his ability to captivate students, his skill and professionalism are of key importance. In this case, new clients will come to your school based on reviews from their friends and acquaintances, and then they themselves will recommend you as a talented teacher.

The main expense items are renting premises, purchasing the necessary equipment and equipment. In most cases, it is more profitable to rent a room in a regional house of culture and creativity or a small hall in a nearby school. The great advantage of renting premises in an educational institution or creative center is that there is no need to independently obtain various certificates and permits from regulatory authorities.

The time when classes are held in the studio depends on the age of the children for whom it is designed. Preschool children usually study in the first shift - from 9.00 to 12.00. Older children attend classes from 16.00 to 19.00. After seven, the older groups study. On weekends (usually Saturday) classes are usually held from 12.00 to 16.00.

Find out in advance whether there are similar dance schools in the area where you are going to open your studio. If there is no competition and the demand for such services is high enough, feel free to enter into a lease agreement.

You can cover rental costs from monthly fees for classes from students. In the future, as the number of students increases, it will be possible to conclude a long-term lease of the premises. If you rent a hall in a creative house, there should be everything you need for classes - ballet bars, mats, mirrors, etc. Otherwise, you will have to spend money on purchasing equipment. There are certain requirements for a dance hall:

  • the floor should be covered with a non-rigid shock-absorbing coating (the best option is unvarnished parquet);
  • mirrors must be at least 1.5 (for children) – 2 (for adults) meters in height and have as few joints as possible that lead to distortion of the reflection;
  • no matter what direction you work in, there should be machines installed in the hall.
In addition, for classes you will need a music center.

When the dance hall and all the necessary equipment have been found, it is worth thinking about how you will attract new clients to your studio. Give preference to low-budget, but no less effective ways to promote your services. For example, if your dance studio is located in a residential area, you can print and place announcements about its opening in the mailboxes of nearby houses.

In every city with a population of more than a million people, there are more than a hundred different dance studios and schools. The average profitability of this type of business is 30-50%. The cost of classes ranges from 250-300 rubles per hour based on 2-3 classes per week, each one hour long.

Many entrepreneurs who open dance studios register them as public organizations that provide services free of charge. The main profit of such a studio comes from contributions from members of this “public organization”, which are not taxed. But if you choose this option, consult with a lawyer first.

Sysoeva Lilia
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