People's intercessors in Nekrasov's poem who live well in Rus'. Images of people's intercessors in Nekrasov's poem: who lives well in Rus'

Nikolai Alekseevich Nekrasov is a Russian poet, the main theme of whose work will be the theme of the people. Already in “Elegy” N.A. Nekrasov will say: “I dedicated the lyre to my people.” However, the poet approaches the topic of the people differently; he expresses the ideals of democracy in his work. Yes, Nekrasov sympathizes with the oppressed people, but does not idealize them, and even accuses them of submission. The poet is trying to find the folk way fortunately. This is what it becomes main problem in the poem “Who Lives Well in Rus',” where the hero is the entire numerous “peasant kingdom,” which was previously unknown in Russian literature.

However, in the poem the folk theme develops and rises to the theme of the search for a “people's intercessor.” It is heroes who are able to lead others who are needed in order to find happiness for everyone. Such characters N.A. Nekrasov drew in the images of Yakim Nagogo, Ermila Girin, Savely Korchagin and, of course, Grisha Dobrosklonov.

Yakim Nagoy is a people's lover of truth, he is a beggar, like all peasants, but there is rebellion in him, an unwillingness to put up with injustice. This hero is able to defend his rights.

Another image is Ermila Girin. He is a favorite of the people, who speak of him like this:

...he will advise
And he will make inquiries;
Where there is enough strength, it will help out,
Doesn't ask for gratitude
And if you give it, he won’t take it!

Ermila Girin is not without sin: he frees his younger brother from serving in the army, from being a soldier, but the people forgive him because they see true repentance. The hero has a heightened sense of conscience, he cannot find peace and judges himself very strictly: he leaves the mayor, hires a mill, and strives to make the situation of the peasants easier. But, despite his compassion and mercy for the people, he is not ready for a revolutionary action; it is enough for the hero that he is not guilty of anyone.

ON THE. Nekrasov in the poem “Who Lives Well in Rus'” shows us another type of Russian peasant, a “people's defender.” This is the image of Savely - “the hero of the Holy Russian”. It's already working. Despite the fact that he was sent to hard labor, he did not accept his fate: “branded, but not a slave.” This hero is a guide and bearer of such best character traits of the Russian people as justice, self-esteem, love for the homeland and people, hatred of their oppressors. Savely is a person who knows how, if necessary, to rally his comrades and captivate them with an idea. People like him will definitely take part, if necessary, in peasant riots and unrest.

A man who knows their needs is ready to devote his whole life to the struggle of the people. This is Grisha Dobrosklonov - the most conscious “people's defender”. It is for someone like Dobrosklonov, according to N.A. Nekrasov, the future of Russia. It is not for nothing that fate prepared for the hero “a glorious path, a great name for the people’s intercessor, consumption and Siberia.” Life goals and the poet expressed the ideals of this hero in the songs that Grisha sings. They are truly revolutionary; they already contain the idea of ​​liberating the people from slavery. The image of Grisha Dobrosklonov is an example of the fact that only those who choose for themselves the path of honor and truth can truly be happy.

Thus, in the poem “Who Lives Well in Rus'” by N.A. Nekrasov shows that the answer to the question of how to find happiness can be given by people who have the strength to lead. masses. Yakim Nagoy, Ermila Girin, Savely are characters who see injustice towards the peasant, all the pain of the peasant, but are not ready to go against fate, whereas Grisha Dobrosklonov -new type The Russian person, in my opinion, is the embodiment of the author's ideal. Such a hero is capable of “sowing the reasonable, the good, the eternal.” He is the real “people's defender”!

In his poem N.A. Nekrasov creates images of “new people” who emerged from the people’s environment and became active fighters for the good of the people. This is Ermil Girin. Whatever position he is in, whatever he does, he strives to be useful to the peasant, to help him, to protect him. He gained honor and love with “strict truth, intelligence and kindness.”

The poet suddenly breaks off the story about Ermil, who was imprisoned at the moment when the village of Stolbnyaki in the Nedykhanev district was rebelling. The pacifiers of the riot, knowing that the people would listen to Yermil, called him to exhort the rebellious peasants. Yes, apparently, the people’s intercessor did not speak to the peasants about humility.

The type of democratic intellectual, a native of the people, is embodied in the image of Grisha Dobrosklonov, the son of a farm laborer and a semi-impoverished sexton. If not for the kindness and generosity of the peasants, Grisha and his brother Savva could have died of hunger. And the young men respond to the peasants with love. This love with early years filled Grisha's heart and determined his path:

About fifteen years old

Gregory already knew for sure

What will live for happiness

Wretched and dark

Native corner

It is important for Nekrasov to convey to the reader the idea that Dobrosklonov is not alone, that he is from a cohort of brave in spirit and pure in heart, those who fight for the happiness of the people:

Rus' has already sent a lot

His sons, marked

The seal of God's gift,

On honest paths

I cried for a lot of them...

If in the era of the Decembrists they stood up to defend the people the best people from the nobles, now the people themselves send their best sons from among themselves to battle, and this is especially important because it testifies to the awakening of national self-awareness:

No matter how dark the vahlachina is,

No matter how crammed with corvée

And slavery - and she,

Having been blessed, I placed

In Grigory Dobrosklonov

Such a messenger.

Grisha’s path is a typical path of a commoner democrat: a hungry childhood, a seminary, “where it was dark, cold, gloomy, strict, hungry,” but where he read a lot and thought a lot...

Fate had in store for him

The path is glorious, the name is loud

People's Defender,

Consumption and Siberia.

And yet the poet paints the image of Dobrosklonov in joyful, light colors. Grisha has found true happiness, and the country whose people bless “such a messenger” for battle should become happy.

The image of Grisha contains not only the features of the leaders of revolutionary democracy, whom Nekrasov loved and revered so much, but also the features of the author of the poem himself. After all, Grigory Dobrosklonov is a poet, and a poet of the Nekrasov movement, a poet-citizen.

The chapter “A Feast for the Whole World” includes songs created by Grisha. These are joyful songs, full of hope, the peasants sing them as if they were their own. Revolutionary optimism is heard in the song “Rus”:

The army rises - innumerable,

The strength in her will be indestructible!

The poem contains the image of another people's defender - the author. In the first parts of the poem, we do not yet hear his voice directly. But in the chapter “A Feast for the Whole World,” the author directly addresses readers in lyrical digressions. In this chapter, the language takes on a special coloring: along with folk vocabulary, there are many words that are bookish, solemn, romantically elevated (“radiant”, “sublime”, “punishing sword”, “the embodiment of the people’s happiness”, “grievous slavery”, “Rus' reviving ").

The author's direct statements in the poem are imbued with a bright feeling, which is also characteristic of Grisha's songs. All the author’s thoughts are about the people, all his dreams are about people’s happiness. The author, like Grisha, firmly believes in “the power of the people - a mighty force,” in the golden heart of the people, in the glorious future of the people:

Limits have not yet been set for the Russian people: There is a wide path before them!

The poet wants to instill this faith in others, to inspire his contemporaries to a revolutionary feat:

Such soil is good - . The soul of the Russian people... O sower! come!..

At the time when the poem “Who Lives Well in Rus'” was created, the country was not entirely simpler times. Nekrasov wanted to identify people's intercessors who could represent the interests of the peasants. In the poem, the intercessors of the people are Ermil Girin, Savely, Grisha Dobrosklonov, and to some extent Yakim Nag possessed these qualities. The People's Defender sympathizes with the peasants and tries in every possible way to help the people in action.

Yermil Girin can rightfully be considered a people's defender, he is very honest and brave man. Nekrasov invested many good human qualities in Girin. Yermil is a true people's defender, who proves by his actions and deeds that he is worthy to claim this role.

When Ermil Girin wanted to help the peasants defend the mill, which was important to everyone, he was able to do it. The only thing he didn’t have at that moment was money to pay for it, and asked the peasants for help. The peasants were able to collect for him the required amount and were ready to sacrifice their last pennies, because they sincerely believed in Yermil’s good intentions. When Girin had money, he distributed the debts to everyone, and when he had extra money left and he never got from the people whose it was, he did not take it for himself, but gave it to the blind.

Yermil Girin was very an honest man and that is why he earned the recognition of the people. People could always turn to Girin for advice and receive practical advice. The only time he sinned, and he had to suffer for a long time from remorse, which almost drove him to suicide. He saved his brother from the army and another person had to go there, but Girin repented in time to the people and corrected the mistake. It was important for Girin that people trusted him, and he really liked helping people.

Grisha Dobrosklonov was also a people's defender, and he liked to help people. Dobrosklonov did everything possible to somehow make life easier for the peasants. The young guy wants to go to study in Moscow, and while he is in the village, he helps the peasants in every possible way to interpret the laws for the peasants. Dobrosklonov and his brother help the peasants understand the new laws and not miss anything. Dobroskolonov is a revolutionary propagandist and tries in every possible way to be an example for others.

Nikolai Alekseevich Nekrasov wanted to show the reader with his poem that at all times there were people who could lead uprisings against injustice. Grisha Dobrosklonov and Ermil Girin did a wonderful job, for which they received human recognition in return.

Essay People's Intercessors Girin and Dobrosklonov

One of the most honorable places in the series of everything created by A.N. Nekrasov, belongs to the poem “Who Lives Well in Rus'”. During the period of time when the work was created, Russian empire was going through difficult times. A protest was brewing in the socio-political life of the state, and the boiling point was rising. The progressive movement, represented by the best representatives of the intelligentsia, supported everything that was most progressive. The “populists” movement was among them.

The fate of the people worried advanced people that generation. It is not enough for public defenders to simply feel sorry for and sympathize with the disadvantaged. Good deeds and selfless actions confirm their worldview.

The plot of the work describes the journey of peasant men. Seven seekers of truth set out on a long journey across native land. Their goal was to find out for sure whether there was somewhere on their native side happy people and what they look like.

Wandering around the world, fellow travelers discovered defenders common people represented by Ermil Girin and Grisha Dobrosklonov. The writer invested the best in these brave and selfless people. human qualities. Standing up for ordinary people, Girin managed to protect the mill from sale. This act of his saved many peasants from starvation. Having won the auction, Yermil could not raise the necessary amount to pay off the mortgage. And then ordinary peasants came to his aid. They collected the entire amount, collecting it penny by penny. One single ruble, which did not find its use, was given to the blind. By this act, Girin confirms his honesty, decency and complete selflessness. He helped people without pursuing any personal goal.

There was an incident in Yermil’s life when he sinned against his conscience. Then he helped his brother avoid military service. Instead of his brother, another man was chosen as a soldier. And only sincere repentance lifted this burden from Girin’s soul.

One of the young guardians for the people is Grisha Dobrosklonov. From his youth, he set himself the goal of protecting his people. He has high goal– get a decent education in the capital. In the meantime, he lives at home, helping the neighboring men completely disinterestedly. Someone must explain to the illiterate, homespun peasants the essence of the laws and regulations that gave them freedom from serfdom.

This, according to Nekrasov, is what people’s intercessors should be. They must become freedom fighters, propagandists among the people. Their destiny is to bring to the people all the most advanced and progressive things.

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The theme of the “people's protector” runs through the entire work of N. A. Nekrasov, it also sounds in the poem “Who Lives Well in Rus'.” Many writers and poets have tried to answer the question “What to do?” Nekrasov also looked for an answer to this in his work. What to strive for in life? What is the real happiness of a person in Russia? What needs to be done to make everyone happy? - he asked himself. The poet believed that to resolve these issues, people are needed who are able to join the fight and lead others. He showed such characters in the images of Yakim Nagogo, Ermila Girin, Savely Korchagin, Grisha Dobrosklonov. In Yakima, Nagom presents the peculiar character of the people's truth-seeker. He lives a miserable life, like all the peasantry, but is different rebellious disposition. Yakim is ready to stand up for his rights. This is what he says about the people: Every peasant has a Soul that is like a black cloud, Angry, menacing - and it would be necessary for Thunder to thunder from there, to rain bloody rains. Ermila Girin is a man whom the people themselves chose as mayor, recognizing his justice. Even as a clerk, Ermila gained authority among the people for the fact that ... he would advise and make inquiries; Where there is enough strength, he will help out, He will not ask for gratitude, And if you give, he will not take it! But Yermila was also guilty: he shielded his younger brother from recruiting, but the people forgave him for this sincere repentance. Only Ermila’s conscience was not at peace: he left the mayor’s office and hired a mill. And again the people fell in love with him for his good treatment, for his even attitude towards the landowner and the poor, for his kindness. The “gray-haired priest” characterizes Ermila this way: He had everything he needed for happiness and peace, And money, and honor, An enviable, true honor, Not bought either by money or fear: by strict truth. With intelligence and kindness. From the priest’s statement it is clear that Girin achieved honor through “strict truth”, “intelligence and kindness”. He is concerned about the attitude of the people towards him, but Ermila himself judges himself even more strictly. He strives to alleviate the situation of the peasants, to help them financially, although he himself was not yet ready for a revolutionary action. Girin is already satisfied that his conscience is clear, that he makes the lives of others at least a little easier. Savely the hero represents a different type of Russian peasant. He is the embodiment of strength and courage. Despite the rods and hard labor, he did not accept his fate. “Branded, but not a slave,” he says about himself. Savely embodies the best traits of the Russian character: love for the homeland and people, hatred of oppressors, self-esteem. His favorite word - “push” - helps to see in him a person who knows how to cheer up his comrades, rally them, and captivate them. Savely is one of those who stood up well for the “patrimony.” Together with the men, he executes the hated manager, the German Vogel. People like Savely will not stand by at the time of peasant unrest. The most conscientious of the “people’s defenders” is Grisha Dobrosklonov. He devotes his entire life to the struggle, lives among the people, knows their needs, and is educated. The future of Russia, the poet believes, belongs to people like Grisha Dobrosklonov, for whom “fate was preparing a glorious path, a great name for the people’s intercessor, consumption and Siberia.” The songs of Grisha Dobrosklonov reflect his thoughts about life ideals, his hopes for a bright future: The share of the people, their happiness, Light and freedom First of all. In a moment of despondency, O Motherland! My thoughts fly forward. You are still destined to suffer a lot, But you will not die, I know. Saved in slavery, the heart is free - Gold, gold, the people's heart! The image of Grisha Dobrosklonov helps to understand that truly happy is the one on whose side the truth is, on whom the people rely, who chooses an honest path for himself, being a “people's defender.”

Nikolai Alekseevich Nekrasov entered Russian poetry as the “people's sad man.” Folk poem became one of the central ones in his work. But the poet was never a simple writer of everyday life; as an artist, he was primarily concerned with the drama of the people. In the poem “who lives well in Rus',” the author himself appeared as the people’s “intercessor,” who not only expressed his attitude towards the people by the fact of creating this work, but was able to understand their soul and truly reveal their character. The theme of popular intercession is widely represented in the poem. Intercessor is one of his keywords. The people's intercessor is one who not only pities and sympathizes with the peasants, but serves the people, expresses their interests, confirming this with actions and deeds. I think that the image of such a person is not the only one in the poem. His features were refracted in Ermil Girin, Savely, Grisha Dobrosklonov, and partly in Yakima Nagy. Thus, Girin acted as a real defender of worldly interests: he defended the mill, which was needed by everyone. He sincerely, with pure thoughts, turned to the people for help, and people raised money for him, completely trusting him and not sparing their last penny. Then Yermil settled accounts with everyone. His honesty and selflessness are evidenced by the fact that he did not appropriate the “extra ruble” that he had left for himself, but, not finding the owner, gave the money to the blind. How did Girin win the honor and respect of almost the entire district? The answer is short: only “the truth.” People were drawn to him, and when Yermil held the positions of clerk and mayor, He was “loved by all the people” because one could always turn to him for help and advice. And Yermil never demanded a reward: “Where there is enough strength, he will help out, He will not ask for gratitude, And he will not accept giving!” There was only one case when the hero, as they say, “became his soul”, Girin “excluded” his brother from recruiting, instead of whom another person had to become a soldier. The realization that he acted dishonestly, unfairly, leads Girin almost to suicide. And only repentance in front of all the people frees him from the pangs of conscience. The story about Ermil Girin suddenly ends, and we learn that he still suffered for people's cause, he was put in prison. One more thing should be noted folk hero– Yakima Nagogo. It would seem that there is nothing unusual in his fate: he once lived in St. Petersburg, and because of a lawsuit with a merchant he went to prison. Then he returned to his homeland and became a plowman. It is better than Nekrasov himself to imagine this image, which has become a generalized image of the Russian peasant: “The chest is sunken, like a distant Belly; at the eyes, at the mouth Bends, like cracks On the dried earth;..." But in the eyes of people, Yakim was special person: during the fire, he rushed to save not money, but pictures, which he lovingly collected for his son and he himself looked at them in fascination. Talking about this unique folk “collector,” Nekrasov also opens a page in the life of a peasant, in which not only work and “drinking” could be the main ones. The image of the people's intercessor was vividly embodied in Savely, the Holy Russian hero. Already in this very definition there is a meaning: heroes in epics have always been intercessors of the Russian land. Savely has powerful physical strength. But Nekrasov shows that the heroism of the Korezh peasant is not only based on this - Savely is characterized by will, patience, perseverance, and self-esteem. This hero is a rebel, he is capable of protest. However, his “intercession” was expressed not only in the fact that he saved Korezhina from the German, who had tortured the peasants with extortions. Savely is also a kind of folk philosopher and ascetic. His religiosity and ability to repent are symbols of high folk morality. Main prayer Savelia - about the people: “I pray for all the suffering of the Russian Peasantry!”

  1. The plot of the poem.
  2. The theme of people's intercession.
  3. Heroes are “intercessors”.
  4. Grisha Dobrosklonov as a “conscious defender.”

Nikolai Alekseevich Nekrasov entered Russian poetry as the “people's sad man.” The folk theme became one of the central ones in his work. But the poet was never a simple writer of everyday life; as an artist, he was primarily concerned with the drama of the people. The theme of the “people's protector” is also heard in the poem “Who Lives Well in Rus'.”

In the poem “Who Lives Well in Rus',” the author himself appeared as the people’s “intercessor,” who not only expressed his attitude towards the people by the fact of creating this work, but was able to understand their soul and truly reveal their character. What is the real happiness of a person in Russia? What needs to be done to make everyone happy? - he asked himself. The poet believed that to resolve these issues, people are needed who are able to join the fight and lead others. The theme of popular intercession is widely represented in the poem. Intercessor is one of the key words in the work. The people's intercessor is one who not only pities and sympathizes with the peasants, but serves the people, expresses their interests, confirming this with actions and deeds. Such characters are shown in the images of Yakim Nagogo, Ermila Girin, Savely Korchagin, Grisha Dobrosklonov.

In Yakima, Nagom presents the peculiar character of the people's truth-seeker. He lives a miserable life, like all the peasantry, but is distinguished by his rebellious disposition. Yakim is ready to stand up for his rights. This is what he says about the people:

Every peasant has a Soul that is like a black cloud, Angry, menacing - and Thunder should thunder from there, Bloody rain should fall.

Ermila Girin is a man whom the people themselves chose as mayor, recognizing his justice. While still a clerk, Ermila gained authority among the people for the fact that:

...they will advise
And he will make inquiries;
Where there is enough strength, it will help out,
Doesn't ask for gratitude
And if you give it, he won’t take it!

But Yermila was also guilty: he shielded his younger brother from recruiting, but the people forgave him for his sincere repentance. Only Ermila’s conscience was not at peace: he left the mayor’s office and hired a mill. And again the people fell in love with him for his good treatment, for his even attitude towards the landowner and the poor, for his kindness. The “gray-haired priest” characterizes Ermila this way:

He had everything he needed for happiness and peace, And money, and honor, Enviable, true honor, Not bought either by money or fear: by strict truth. With intelligence and kindness.

From the priest’s statement it is clear that Girin achieved honor through “strict truth”, “intelligence and kindness”. He is concerned about the attitude of the people towards him, but Ermila himself judges himself even more strictly. He strives to alleviate the situation of the peasants, to help them financially, although he himself is not yet ready for a revolutionary action. Girin is already satisfied that his conscience is clear, that he makes the lives of others at least a little easier.

Savely the hero represents a different type of Russian peasant. He is the embodiment of strength and courage. Despite the rods and hard labor, he did not accept his fate. “Branded, but not a slave,” he says about himself. Savely embodies the best traits of the Russian character: love for the homeland and people, hatred of oppressors, self-esteem. His favorite word - “push” - helps to see in him a person who knows how to cheer up his comrades, rally them, and captivate them. Savely is one of those who stood up well for the “patrimony.” Together with the men, he executes the hated manager, the German Vogel. People like Savely will not stand by at the time of peasant unrest.

The most conscientious of the “people’s defenders” is Grisha Dobrosklonov. He devotes his entire life to the struggle, lives among the people, knows their needs. The future of Russia, the poet believes, belongs to people like Grisha Dobrosklonov, for whom “fate was preparing a glorious path, a great name for the people’s intercessor, consumption and Siberia.” The songs of Grisha Dobrosklonov reflect his thoughts about life’s ideals, his hopes for a bright future:

The people's share, their happiness, light and freedom, first of all.

The image of Grisha Dobrosklonov helps to understand that truly happy is the one on whose side the truth is, on whom the people rely, who chooses an honest path for himself, being a “people's defender.” The poem shows Grisha's difficult childhood and tells about his father and mother.

Gregory's reflections on the fate of the people indicate the liveliest compassion, which forces Grisha to choose such a difficult path for himself. The image of Grisha is closely connected with the revolutionary democratic ideas that began to appear in society in mid-19th V. Nekrasov created his hero, focusing on the fate of N. A. Dobrolyubov. Grigory Dobrosklonov is a type of commoner revolutionary. He was born into the family of a poor sexton, and from childhood he felt all the disasters characteristic of the life of the common people. Grigory received an education and, being an intelligent and enthusiastic person, cannot remain indifferent to the current situation in the country. Grigory understands perfectly well that for Russia there is now only one way out - radical changes social order. The common people can no longer be the same dumb community of slaves that meekly tolerates all the antics of their masters.

The image of Grigory Dobrosklonov in Nekrasov’s poem “Who Lives Well in Rus'” inspires hope in the moral and political revival of Rus', in a change in the consciousness of the ordinary Russian people.