Italian instruments. Italian folk song: a path through the centuries


Pirate Antoshka. A funny script for children about the adventures of a truant

Olesya Emelyanova

Pirate Antoshka

A funny scene in verse
to stage a play
in the children's theater

Duration of the performance: 30 minutes; number of actors: from 2 to 3.


Pirate (actor in costume)

The Brownie appears and rings the bell loudly, attracting the attention of the audience.

Brownie (to viewers)

Come on, kids, be quiet! Quiet!

The brownie rings the bell again.


Sit quietly in your seats.
Otherwise we won't hear
We tell you the story
I want to tell you today
About a boy alone.
He is a bully and a scoundrel.
Maybe you know him?
Everyone calls him Antoshka.

Antoshka runs onto the stage with a toy saber and waves it in front of Domovov.


Whack! Whack! Whack!

Brownie (to the audience with a sigh)

And here he is!

Antoshka (The Brownie is threatening)

Hey, comrade-in-arms of Grandma Yozhka,
Fall! You're defeated!

The brownie is not included in the boy's game.

Antoshka (begging)

Come on! After all, it’s just very -
Pretend you're not alive!

Antoshka theatrically falls to the edge of the screen, pretending to be a dead man.

Antoshka (disappointed)

What, don’t you want to play again?

Antoshka gets up.

Brownie (grumpily)

I'm not a joke, I'm a brownie!
I have my own worries -
Clean up here, fix there!
You would help!


No hunting!
I should be at school!

Brownie (concerned)

Why are you at home? Is Ali sick?

Antoshka (carefree)

No, I just didn't go!
To me, like the wind in an open field -
And without school it’s good!
No problems for you
And the answers are on the board!
I'd rather play ball.

Antoshka kicks the ball.


Or a saber to pieces
I'll chop up the sofa and the cat!

Antoshka is waving his saber. A desperate meow is heard. The brownie tries to stop Antoshka. Antoshka accidentally hits Domovoy on the nose with a saber.




Don't stick your nose under the saber!
I chop quite a bit,
Just for fun, not seriously!

Antoshka is waving his saber.

Antoshka (playing)

Thousand devils! Damn it!
The Kraken has attacked us!

Brownie (grumpily)

A useless activity!
I'd rather read a book!

The brownie hands Antoshka a textbook. Antoshka hits the book with a saber.

Antoshka (capriciously)

Brownie (confused)

What will you grow up to be?



Antoshka swings his saber at the brownie. The brownie disappears and immediately appears behind Antoshka.


You can't go anywhere without knowledge!
The one who knows nothing
The one who hasn't read books
Doesn't fly on rockets
And he won’t take the helm.
He won't be an engineer
Architect, doctor,
Archaeologist, Prime Minister,
Programmer, violinist.
Everyone will laugh at him
Everyone will tease him.
You should be afraid of stupidity
There is nothing more terrible!
And who studies diligently,
Everything in the world strives to know,
He will be smart and successful
He can become whoever he wants!

Antoshka (capriciously)

I don't want to be an astronaut!
And I don’t want to be a doctor!
I'll become a pirate tomorrow
And I will seize all the treasures!
I will sail with them to the island...

The brownie shakes his head.


Why are you shaking your head?
Being a pirate is easy
Anyone can handle this!
(sings and waves homemade
pirate flag)
Pirate training
It's stupid to waste time!
Frigates are already waiting for me
And endless seas!

Fly my black flag!
Set sails!
I'm already a scientist!
I already know everything myself!

Raise the anchors! Half-hearted!
Helmsman, turn the helm!
Being a pirate is cool!
I wanted it and immediately did it!

Fly my black flag!
Set sails!
I'm already a scientist!
I already know everything myself!

Shoot the enemy with cannons
And let's board!
A pirate should not read,
And courage and courage!

Fly my black flag!
Set sails!
I'm already a scientist!
I already know everything myself!


You are sure?

Antoshka (self-confidently)



Well, I'll help you.
Witchcraft takes you to the ship
I'll forward you right away!

Antoshka (enthusiastically)

So come on! Cast your spell quickly!
I can't wait anymore
Climb up the beams,
Distinguish yourself in robbery
And send it to the fish as food
All defeated enemies!
To Tortuga and the Caribbean
I'm ready to walk!


How will you get there? However,
There's no point in teaching you.
If you don't want to study,
So so be it.
But remember, pirate Antoshka,
You asked for it yourself.
I'll clap my hands now
And you will find yourself there!

The brownie claps his hands and disappears. Antoshka finds himself on a pirate ship in the middle of the sea. You can hear the sound of waves and the cries of seagulls; they sound in the background the entire time Antoshka is on the ship. Antoshka looks around.

Antoshka (admiringly)

Is it really true
I'm sailing on a ship!
I achieved my desired goal!
I am the coolest on earth!

The Pirate appears with a bottle of rum in one hand and a huge saber in the other hand. He staggers along the deck straight to Antoshka.

Pirate (singing)

We are pirates! We are pirates
We don't bargain for pennies!
Piles of silver and gold
You can't take it to hell with you!

This is the life of a pirate
Growing up! Yo-ho-ho!
Then the devil of the sea is rolling us around,
Then we ride it!

Along the river of spilled blood
We are all going straight to hell!
And for the devil's sake,
We drink without sparing our health.

This is the life of a pirate
Growing up! Yo-ho-ho!
Then the devil of the sea is rolling us around,
Then we ride it!

Retribution for your sins
Waiting for both the old and the young.
In the life of every pirate
No happy ending!

This is the life of a pirate
Growing up! Yo-ho-ho!
Then the devil of the sea is rolling us around,
Then we ride it!

The pirate looks at Antoshka in surprise.


Thousand devils!




Hey! Who else are you?
However, I don't care! Let the crabs
They'll deal with you.

The pirate draws his saber and approaches Antoshka threateningly.

Antoshka (scared)

What are you talking about? No need!
I am not to blame for anything!
You should be glad to see me:
You are a pirate and I am a pirate!
I'm desperate and brave!
This one will come in handy!

Pirate (mockingly)

Well, that's another matter then!

The pirate lowers his saber.

Antoshka (with relief)

Is it true?

Pirate (rolling his eyes fiercely)


The pirate lunges and puts his saber to Antoshka's throat.

Antoshka (scared)

Let go! Have mercy!

Pirate (mockingly)

Look, I'm like a nightingale!
Did your uncle offend you?
Wants to be skinned alive?
Would you like milk and cookies?
Do you want to go to mommy?

Antoshka (decisively)

Not at all!
I'm here for adventure!
I want fights and gold!

The pirate lowers his saber.

Pirate (to viewers)

Wants gold! Have you heard?
(Antoshka approvingly)
You're not a miss, I see!
But we saw scoundrels
No match for you, wad!
Okay, stay with us
I'll give you until tomorrow.
Let's take a closer look and find out
Are you of any use to us?

Antoshka (boastfully)

It will be useful, no doubt about it!
I'm a great pirate!


You, brother, try,
Or else go overboard and to hell!

The pirate once again threatens Antoshka with his saber, takes a sip from a bottle marked “Rum” and slides onto the deck.

Pirate (singing)

This is the life of a pirate
Growing up! Yo-ho-ho!
Then the devil of the sea is rolling us around,
Then we roll it...

The pirate falls asleep.

Antoshka (to the audience with relief)

Phew! Well, how scared I was!
I thought it was the end for me!
But I still remained alive!
I am a pirate! I'm done!
Only here is “the pirate Antoshka”
It doesn't sound right.
(with enthusiasm)
I'll be the Sea Cat...
Or better yet – Black Whale!
The pirate desperately needs
A name to inspire fear!
Among fish, the whale is the sturdiest,
Everyone will respect you!

The pirate wakes up and stands up.

Pirate (mockingly)

Eh, you are a head with three ears!
A whale is not a fish! This is a beast!
Not the Whale, but the Fly
I will call you now!

Antoshka (indignantly)

A fly? No! I disagree.
Who is afraid of her?
Even though I made a mistake with the whale once,
But believe me, I know everything!
I don't want to be a nasty fly!
Give me a chance to improve!


I'll tell you riddles
Try to guess!
If you answer correctly,
So you will be the Black Whale,
Well, if you can't,
You will become a Fly, no offense!

She flies over the wave,
There are enough fish out of water,
Sees off ships
And meets you near the ground.
Who is she? Guess what!
Well, of course it is...

Antoshka (self-confidently)



No, that's not right! Not a bunny
And the seabird...

The pirate makes a motion with his hands that encourages the audience to name the correct answer.


Santa Claus and the goat. New Year's script for children's theater

Olesya Emelyanova

Santa Claus and the goat

(New Year's scene with the participation of Father Frost, Snow Maiden, goat and sheep)

Duration of the performance: 25 minutes; number of actors: from 3 to 6 (with the possibility of expanding the number of participants).


Father Frost
Snow Maiden
Other animals in any quantity for crowd scenes(not necessary)

Forest clearing covered with snow. In the foreground, left and right, are snow-covered trees. In the background is the sky. From behind the trees on the left comes a Sheep, who with difficulty carries the sled on which the Goat sits.

Goat (singing)

Hey people, open your eyes
A goat rushes on a sled
Across the field, across the meadow
And again in a circle!

The sheep stumbles and falls.

Goat (Sheep)

Get rid of you bears!
Why are we standing and not moving?
Why are you lying there?

The sheep gets up and shakes off the snow.

Sheep (panting)

Come on, get off the sled!
It's time for you to harness yourself to them,
It's my turn to ride!



Sheep (offended)

What about the agreement?

Goat (sarcastically)

The agreement was cut down by an ax,
I burned logs in the stove,
I threw the coals into the river!
So don't be insolent to me,
I'm sitting, and you drive!

Sheep (offended)

I don’t want anymore, I’m tired -
I've been giving you rides all day!
I'd better go home!

Goat (threatening)

Don't you dare argue with me!
And not how I gore!

The goat jumps up from the sled, tilts its head forward with its horns and chases the sheep around the stage, butting it. The sheep falls into a snowdrift.


You shouldn't be so harmful.
Do you want Santa Claus
Didn't you bring your gift?

Goat (surprised)

My present? From whom?


Well, of course, from him!
To all the animals in New Year,
He gives out gifts!

Goat (indignantly)

Bearded pest!
Why didn’t he give it to me even once?

Sheep (offended)

It's because you
Not an example of kindness!
Those who get gifts
Who doesn't lie and doesn't fight!
If you butt everyone,
There are no gifts in sight!
He doesn’t want to please the bad guys!

Goat (indignantly)

Santa Claus is not my order,
I'll gore you, I'll give you everything!

The Goat roughly pushes the Sheep away so that she falls into a snowdrift. The goat resolutely goes in search of Santa Claus.

Goat (singing)

I'm a goat - cool horns!
Get out of the way!
Otherwise, I'm not kidding -
I'll gore you, I'll trample you!

Sheep (following Goat)

So that you rush with the wind
Head over heels straight off the hill!

The sheep gets up, takes the sled by the rope and leaves the clearing. The Fox comes out into the clearing, rolling a large snowball in front of her.

Lisa (enthusiastically)

I'll finish this com
And I'll build myself a house,
Shining under the moon,
Stars reflecting.
High to the skies,
Like fairy-tale princesses.

Fox sculpts ice hut. A Goat comes out from behind the trees.

Goat (singing)

I'm a goat - cool horns!
Get out of the way!
Otherwise, I'm not kidding -
I'll trample everyone underfoot!
I'll gore everyone with my horns!

The Goat kicks the snowball and stops in front of the Fox.

Fox (offended)

You shouldn't be so harmful!
Do you want Santa Claus
Didn't you bring your gift?
Santa Claus, although very kind,
He doesn’t want to please the bad guys!

Goat (indignantly)

Santa Claus is not my order,
I'll gore you, I'll give you everything!

The Goat roughly pushes the Fox away so that she falls into a snowdrift. The goat continues on its way.

Goat (singing)

I'm a goat - cool horns!
Get out of the way!
Otherwise, I'm not kidding -
I'll gore you, I'll trample you!

The goat is hiding behind the trees.

Fox (following Goat)

So that you rush with the wind
Head over heels straight off the hill!

The fox leaves the clearing. A Wolf emerges from behind the trees, almost invisible under the tree he is dragging.

Wolf (joyfully)

New Year without a lush Christmas tree,
Like a hunter without a double-barreled shotgun.
I walked around the whole thicket,
I found the best Christmas tree!

A Goat comes out from behind the trees.

Goat (singing)

I'm a goat - cool horns!
Get out of the way!
Otherwise, I'm not kidding -
I'll gore you, I'll trample you!

The Goat knocks the Wolf down. The tree falls and the top breaks off.

Wolf (angrily)

You beat your front like your back!

Goat (backing away in fear)

Wolf! Do not eat me! No need!
Don't ruin it!

Wolf (good-naturedly)

Well, so be it
On such a day I am ready to forgive.
I won't eat you today
Before New Year's Eve.
I want Santa Claus
He brought me a gift.
Although he is very kind,
He doesn’t want to please the bad guys!
I love gifts
Even though I’m hungry, I endure.



Wolf (angrily)

Do not argue! Get out of here!
I won't be good for long!

The goat runs away and hides behind the trees. The wolf is trying to attach the broken top to the tree.


Ghoul. Dramatization of a poem by Alexander Sergeevich Pushkin

Alexander Sergeevich Pushkin


Dramatization by Olesya Emelyanova
for staging comic scene
at the children's puppet theater

Duration of the performance: 3 minutes; number of actors: from 1 to 4.



In the foreground are bushes on the left and bushes on the right. In the middle of the stage is a lopsided cross. In the background is a night cemetery, illuminated by the full moon. A prolonged howl and other ominous sounds are heard in the distance. The Bat flies out from behind the scenes and lands in the middle of the stage.


Poor Vanya was a bit of a coward:
Since he is late sometimes,
All sweaty, pale with fear,
I walked home through the cemetery.

Vanya comes out from behind the bushes on the left. The bat flies right over his head and disappears behind the scenes. Vanya waves his hands in horror. A long howl is heard again in the distance. Vanya timidly looks around and takes a few steps forward. The Phantom appears behind him with an ominous laugh. Vanya turns around, but the Phantom disappears and reappears behind him. Do this several times. Vanya goes further, the Ghost follows him.


Poor Vanya can barely breathe,
Stumbling, wandering a little
By graves; suddenly he hears -
Someone is gnawing on a bone, grumbling.

The ghost disappears laughing. Vanya turns around, but no one is there. From behind the bushes on the right comes grumbling and slurping. Vanya stops and listens.



The slurping becomes louder, the bush moves. Vanya is trembling.

Vanya (horrified)

Save me, God!
I'm an unlucky poor man!
It's true that it's eating your bones
Red-lipped ghoul.
Woe! Small I am not strong;
The ghoul will eat me completely,
If the earth itself is a grave,
I won’t eat with prayer.

Vanya falls to his knees, crosses himself, bows and shoves handfuls of earth into his mouth.

Vanya (prays in fear)

God! Lord Jesus!
You are in heaven!
If the ghoul lets me go,
In return, ask whatever you want:
I will distribute all my updates,
I myself will live in poverty,
I will shelter a sick person in the house
And I'll marry an orphan!

Vanya rises from his knees and looks around. Everything around is calm. Vanya pulls out the lopsided cross.

Vanya (uncertain)

Maybe it's just a little
Protect me from evil...

From behind the bushes a loud slurping sound is heard again.

Vanya (gathering his courage)

Well, as they say, with God!
Eh, it was, but it wasn’t!

Vanya, holding the cross in front of him, resolutely heads towards the suspicious bushes and pushes them apart. A growl is heard and a mongrel runs out at him with a loud bark. An angry Vanya runs after her across the stage, trying to hit her with a cross. After running back and forth, they hide behind the scenes. The Phantom appears in the middle of the stage.

Ghost (fun)

No ghoul!

The Bat appears next to the Ghost.


Just imagine Vanya’s anger!
He was scared of the dog
What a bone was gnawing in the darkness!

The Bat and the Ghost laugh ominously and disappear.


Tiny Khavroshechka. Script for the production of a Russian folk tale

Olesya Emelyanova

Tiny Khavroshechka

(Script for production
Russian folk tale
in the puppet theater)

Duration of the performance: 30 minutes; number of actors: from 4 to 17.


Tiny Khavroshechka
Apple tree
Christmas trees

Large in the foreground on the left country house, on the right is a Christmas tree. The sky is in the background. A white cow grazes next to the house, jingling its bell. Tiny Khavroshechka comes out from behind the trees in an old torn dress and slowly walks towards the house.


Tiny Khavroshechka
The girl is good
Left an orphan
Wandered around the world
I went where I didn’t know,
Talking to troubles.

Tiny Khavroshechka

All paths are paths
Already trodden by me
You, poor gods,
You keep following,
You're laughing and having fun
Over a sinless soul.
Why am I so dear to you?
What do you want so much?
Why are you eating your soul?
What can you take away?
No father, no mother,
No sister, no brother,
There are no blood relatives...

The cow mooed sadly and protractedly. Little Khavroshechka comes up to the cow and strokes it.

Tiny Khavroshechka (sympathetically)

What's wrong with you, little cow?

Cow (with a sigh)

I haven't been milked for a long time,
The udder is full.
The owner has a daughter
Just want to sleep,
They would just have fun
Dress up, bask,
There are white rolls
They don't care about me.
Help, beauty!

Tiny Khavroshechka

It's easy to manage here!

Tiny Khavroshechka takes a bucket and begins to milk the Cow.

Tiny Khavroshechka (sings)

I'm milking the cow
I sing her a song:
Leisya, Leisya quickly
Milk in a bucket

Leisya-leisya at hand
Warm white river.
Leisure, lie down, don’t splash,
Flow out in a steady stream...

I'm glad that you children respect me.

You meet with dances, poems, and songs.

I'm always happy for a holiday
Come to you at kindergarten.
I love to have fun
Play with the kids.

I have a basket in my hands (shows),
It contains autumn gifts.
I brought you vegetables
From the garden bed,
But to find them out,
Guess the riddles.
Not sewn, not cut,
And all in scars,
Seventy clothes
And all without fasteners.
(head of cabbage)
A beautiful maiden sits in prison,
And the braid is on the street.
No windows, no doors,
The room is full of people.
I grow in the garden,
And when I mature,
They cook a tomato from me,
They put it in cabbage soup and eat it like that.
After the riddles are guessed, the vegetables come out to the center of the hall.


Green cucumbers, red tomatoes,
They start a long and serious argument.
Vegetables: Which of us, among the vegetables, is both tastier and more useful?
Who will be more useful to everyone in case of all illnesses?
Leading: Pea jumped out - what a braggart he is!
Polka dots(funny):

I'm such a good little green boy!
If I want, I’ll treat everyone to peas.
Leading: Blushing with offense, Beetroot grumbled:

Let me say a word,
Listen first:
You need beets for borscht,
And for the vinaigrette.
Eat and treat yourself -
There is no better beet!

You beetroot, shut up!
Cabbage soup is made from cabbage!
And how delicious
Cabbage pies!
Trickster bunnies
They love stalks.
I'll treat the kids
Sweet stalk.

You will be very pleased
Eating a lightly salted cucumber!
And a fresh cucumber
Everyone will like it, of course!
It crunches on the teeth, crunches...
I can treat you!

I am a ruddy radish.
I bow to you very low.
Why praise yourself?
I'm already known to everyone!


The story about me is not long.
Who doesn't know vitamins?
Always drink carrot juice and nibble on carrots -
Then, my friend, you will be strong,
strong, dexterous!
Leading: Here Tomato pouted and said sternly:

Don't talk, Carrot, nonsense.
Shut up a little!
The most delicious and pleasant
Of course, tomato juice!
Children: There are a lot of vitamins in it.
We happily drink it!

Place a box by the window
Just water more often
And then how true friend,
Green will come to you...
Children: Onion.


I am the seasoning in every dish
And always useful to people.
Did you guess it? I am your friend.
I am a simple green onion.

It’s time to end the argument, it’s useless to argue!
To be healthy and strong,
You need to love vegetables
All without exception!
There is no doubt about it.
Each has its own benefit and taste,
And I don’t dare decide
Which one of you tastes better?
Which one of you is more needed?


Since we gathered together today,

We will not stand still.

And the vegetables began to dance.

Play music for us!

Dance "Tra-la-la"


You danced so merrily

That we're a little tired,

So let's rest and sort out our harvest.

What's for borscht, what's for compote,

Who will figure it out faster?

Game "Who can sort out fruits and vegetables faster"

Leading. Our children are so pretty

Everyone looks like an artist

I never get tired of singing songs,

They'll sing to you about seeds!

Song "Seeds".


Well done guys

I forgot another riddle, hid in my basket...

And green and thick.

A bush grew in the garden bed.

Dig a little, a little,

Lies under the bush .……. POTATO!

Autumn. Well done, right!

= Knock on the door =.


Someone is still knocking on our door,

And he's afraid to come here,

I'll go and have a look.

I will invite you to visit us!

= Antoshka enters to the music. Behind the belt is a large spoon, in the hands is an accordion =.

Antoshka. I don't like digging potatoes

I have an accordion in my hands,

I eat with a huge spoon

And my name is Antoshka!

Hello guys!

What kind of holiday are you celebrating here?

Leading. Autumn Festival, Harvest Festival!

Antoshka. Oh oh oh! But I don’t like harvesting! Here! In general, I don’t like doing things that we haven’t studied and things that weren’t asked of us! I even have a song about it!

Leading. And we know this song too!

Antoshka. That's great! So let's sing it!

Song "Antoshka."


I'll tell you a secret:

Nothing is more difficult

How to dig potatoes

Yes, collect it in a bucket!

Leading. What are you doing, Antoshka! On the contrary, nothing is simpler! Look how quickly and cheerfully the guys deal with this.

Game “Plant and Harvest Potatoes”.

(The presenter places holes - 5 for each player. Two children play. First, they put one potato into the hole from a bucket. The other two children collect one potato into a bucket).


I'm tired of being lazy

I want to work hard too!

= The game is repeated with Antoshka =

Autumn. Yes, you are a master at running,

It's time to dance in circles!


Golden autumn is walking everywhere,

I hear her steps in the foliage,

And in the sheaf of a great harvest,

And throughout my native country!


Gather together people

In our merry round dance,

Who is not afraid of work,

He dances and sings!

A round dance is being performed“How can we not celebrate?”


Autumn, golden time,

Colorful bright lights,

We're at a fun holiday

Let's read poetry to you!


1. IN dark forest the dense autumn has appeared,

How many fresh cones the green pine trees have!

How many scarlet berries does the forest mountain ash have!

Waves grew right on the path.

And among the lingonberries, on a green hummock,

A mushroom came out - a mushroom in a red scarf.

2 . The wind blew up in the forest clearing,

Spun the aspen tree in a red sundress.

And a leaf from a birch tree by a golden bee

It curls and flies over the prickly tree.

3 . Autumn with a long thin brush

Recolors leaves.

Red, yellow, gold –

How beautiful you are, colored leaf!

And the wind has thick cheeks

Cheated, cheated, cheated.

Red, yellow, gold...

The entire colored sheet flew around.

How insulting, how insulting!

There are no leaves -

Only branches are visible.

4. Who said that autumn is

Sad time?

Joyfully through the puddles

The kids are jumping.

yellow leaves

They are circling in the air.

Rain on the glass

They knock merrily.

And they sang songs

There are cranes in the sky.

Shoals to the south

They are reaching out.

Who said that autumn is

Sad time?

How many bright colors

She gives it to us!

Song "Fashionista Autumn"


I see everything is fine with you, well done! And now, guys, the last riddle!

He makes noise in the field and in the garden,

But it won’t get into the house.

And I won't go anywhere

As long as he goes. (Rain)


Let the bad weather rage -

Why should we be sad?

And at this time of year

You can dance.

"Dance with Umbrellas"


We had a lot of fun

We danced and frolicked

And now it's time

Let's say goodbye, friends!

I grew apples in the garden for you, kids.

I give you these apples and thank you for everything.

(gives the Presenter apples on a tray) Children. Thank you!

Leading. And we thank you for everything

Come visit again!


Thank you, dear friends, I will not forget your holiday!

I'm leaving you for a while.

I'll be back here in a year.

= Goes off to the music =

Leading. Nature is beautiful at the end of autumn. Bright red berries flaunt on rowan trees, but the calendar is inexorable, they go out bright colors autumn. Winter is coming soon.

1 child.

Autumn days are flying away

Like painted butterflies,

They fly away somewhere

The warmth of autumn is melting!

2nd child.

How cold it became around,

And the birds will fly south

And it's sad to see us far away

How the cranes fly by.

Song "Goodbye, my crane".

Leading. The autumn holiday is over,

I think it lifted everyone's spirits.

Our guests, goodbye!

Thank you all for your attention!

(Children leave the hall to the music).

Autumn holiday scenario for children middle group"Along the autumn paths"

The material will be of interest to educators, music directors and teachers of additional preschool education.
Target: bring joy to children and create a festive mood.
Tasks: form an idea of ​​autumn, its signs;
Develop musical creativity, interest in the holiday;
Foster a love of music.

Progress of the holiday.

Children enter the hall one after another to the music, stand in a semicircle and read poetry:
Maple leaf on the palm
It will slowly fall.
This is golden autumn
He's coming towards us along the path.

Let's collect an autumn bouquet,
How bright and good he is!
And in the golden sun
He's a little good.

What time of year is it
The rain is drizzling.
It's just autumn
He's in a hurry to go to kindergarten

Leading: We’ll sing a song cheerfully, we’ll invite autumn to visit.
(children sing a song about autumn)
After the song, the children sit on chairs and pick up Maple leaves.
(Music sounds like Autumn)
Autumn: Hello guys!
You are talking about me, and here I am.
Hello autumn friends.
Decorated for you today
Gardens and parks I
In your beautiful autumn outfit.
I see you guys also have my colorful leaves.
Leading: Yes Autumn, thank you for beautiful leaves.
A child comes out and reads a poem:
Leaf fall, leaf fall
The rain is golden.
They're all flying, they're all flying
Leaves, leaves, leaves.
The leaves are different,
Carved leaves.
Yellow, red-
Choose any.
(Children dance dance with leaves)
After the dance, the children sit on chairs, Autumn goes to the middle of the hall with a basket.
Autumn: I collected the autumn harvest - these are vegetables for forest animals, but they are all mixed up in my basket.
Leading: In the fall, our guys know what animals are for, what supplies are needed for the winter. They will tell you about it now and show you.

(children show the skit "Dispute of Animals")
Leading: One autumn day
On the edge of the forest,
Gathered in one circle
Various little animals.
We gathered to decide: who is the best?
Ready for a bitter winter.
Belka spoke first.
Squirrel: I dried mushrooms
Various narwhal berries
And I saved some nuts.
I didn't sit idle:
I managed to insulate the hollow
And by winter she changed her fur
I'm the best ready.
Leading: Hedgehog joined the conversation here
Hedgehog: I stocked up too
Apples, mushrooms and pears
There will be something to eat in winter
I collected the harvest
And filled the pantry
I didn't work in vain
Well prepared!
Leading: The mouse also squeaked
Mouse: I collected grains
I worked so hard all summer
I haven't been lazy for a minute
In my little hole
Harvest for all children.
Leading: And they can’t decide
Who should win?
Who collected more supplies?
Who worked better, longer?
There's a lot of chaos here
Everyone shouts:
Squirrel: I
Hedgehog: I
Mouse: I
Leading: A magpie has arrived here
And I saw those animals
Magpie: Stop arguing, friends.
Is it impossible to live in peace?
Everyone tried their best, they weren’t lazy
Don't argue pointlessly
After all, you are all ready for winter
We'd better set the table here
There is food and there is a place
And we'll have a big feast
Forest autumn festival.
Leading: All the animals agreed
The harvest was shared
And such joy
A big feast was arranged.
(rain sounds)
Autumn: Rain, rain don't make noise
Don't knock on the window.
Better play with us
Play a little.
(children sing a song about rain)
Autumn: Our rain was not simple (takes out two mushrooms), but mushroom. Let's play the game "Who can collect the most mushrooms"
(a game is played with mushrooms)
Leading: Autumn, listen to what poems our children learned about you.
(children read poems about autumn)
A girl comes out with a basket: We carry the baskets and sing a song in chorus.
(the song "Harvest" is performed)
A voice is heard behind the scenes: Whoa, whoa, whoa.
Autumn: I hear that someone got lost in my autumn forest. I'll go help him find his way to your kindergarten.
(autumn is leaving)
Antoshka comes out with a large basket to the tune of a Russian folk melody.
Antoshka: Finally I got to your holiday. Hello guys. Everyone recognized me.
Leading: Guys, this is Antoshka. We'll sing a song about you.
(children sing a song about Antoshka)
Antoshka: Oh, picking potatoes is not easy, it’s very difficult.
Leading: Antoshka, our kids are very dexterous and pick potatoes easily.
(The game "Who can collect the potatoes faster" is played)
Antoshka: Oh, thank you friends, on the way to kindergarten in a forest clearing I collected wooden spoons. They are probably for the guys, they know how to play.
Leading: One, two, three, come out spooners.
Children and Antoshka perform a dance with spoons.
Antoshka takes a large spoon out of the basket
Leading: Antoshka, your spoon is big, what will you eat with it?
Antoshka: I love cabbage soup.
Leading: Our children also love cabbage soup and even know how to cook it.
Antoshka: True, they know how, but will they teach me? I have vegetables and a saucepan.
Leading: Yes, of course, bring it here. And our guys have their own imaginary saucepans.
(Antoshka brings a large basket and during the song takes vegetables out of it)
Antoshka: What rich cabbage soup turned out. I'll go have lunch. Don't be bored without me, I'll be back soon.
(Antoshka leaves, Autumn comes out)
Autumn: You guys in the circle, quickly get up and start dancing together.
(Children perform a dance)
Autumn comes out with a basket of apples in it.
Antoshka comes out and asks autumn: What is this beautiful liquid you have?
Autumn: This is my treat for the guys.
Autumn and Antoshka treat the boys to apples and leave.
Leading: Our holiday has come to an end, it’s time for us to return back to the group.