Teacher's Day! jokes and congratulations. pictures, jokes, videos

The tradition of celebrating April 1st originates in Ancient Rome– on this day it was customary to organize funny pranks and jokes dedicated to the God of laughter, Rizus. It was believed that people with their cheerful infectious laughter they please and appease this powerful deity. In addition, the ancient Roman April 1 was called “Day of Fools,” which fully corresponded to the essence of the holiday - of course, in the most harmless context. After all, only on this day did the citizens of Rome get a wonderful opportunity to have fun, making fun of their friends from the heart or even strangers. As for the ancient Slavs, there was a popular belief that on April 1 the brownie wakes up after hibernation. Therefore, it was customary to leave food and drink for the Master of the house, as well as to have fun and laugh - so that the spirit would not get angry and create disorder in the household. Modern jokes on April 1 provide a wide field for imagination, since various devices and gadgets come to the “aid” of the jokers. Our selection contains ideas for funny jokes for April Fool's Day - for friends and classmates at school, colleagues at work, and for parents at home. How to make a joke for April 1st with your own hands? Watch our videos - and you can surprise and delight your loved ones and friends with funny pranks! A bright picture of congratulations on April 1, sent by email, or cool sms with a joke will lift your spirits and give you a boost of humor for the whole day.

The funniest April 1st jokes for friends and classmates at school – ideas, videos

From the first calendar days of spring, schoolchildren have been enjoying the warmth and the imminent end school year. However, there is still April 1 ahead - with its funny jokes and pranks! For the funniest holiday of the year, you can organize funny, harmless jokes for your classmates that will cause a lot of positive emotions and “healthy” collective laughter. We suggest using interesting ideas with a video for creating the funniest April Fools' jokes within the walls of your own school. Such pranks will create a festive, carefree atmosphere - all participants will remember April Fool's Day for a long time!

A selection of ideas for funny jokes for April 1st for school friends and classmates:

You can create a funny prank on April 1 by purchasing a school diary in advance with the same cover as your classmate’s. Then we wait for the moment when the “victim” of the prank is absent from class, and we replace the diaries - the “old” one must be hidden in a safe place. This joke will be revealed during the next lesson. Perhaps the teacher will call the student to the board and ask for a diary for evaluation - and it will turn out to be completely empty! Of course, the classmate will get his document back and laugh with his friends, appreciating “merciless” school humor on April 1st.

We send an SMS to a classmate’s cell phone with approximately the following content: “Your phone is infected with a virus! To delete it, you need to guess the name of the person who sent this SMS, and then send a reply joke on April 1.”

If a friend comes to visit you on April Fool's Day, you can take advantage of the moment and make a funny prank. When a guest visits the toilet, we place pieces of paper in his shoes, discreetly hiding them in his socks. Before leaving, a friend puts on his shoes and discovers some “inconvenience” - now you can “reveal your cards” and congratulate him on April 1st. Alternatively, the friend remains “in the dark”, and on the way home he himself will guess - today is April Fool’s Day!

Funny jokes for work colleagues on April 1, video - bright pictures of Happy April Fool's Day

It is known that we spend a significant part of our lives at work, therefore friendships or friendly relations. April Fool's Day is an excellent occasion to take a little break from the “harsh” everyday work life and organize a funny jokes and pranks. Despite the fact that in 2017 April 1 falls on Saturday, fun “surprises” for colleagues can be postponed to Monday. In our “piggy bank” there are many April Fools’ office jokes, which will lift the spirits of all participants and cause carefree and cheerful laughter. After watching our video with jokes, you will learn a lot of interesting things for yourself and arrange an unforgettable April 1st holiday for your colleagues. Vivid pictures and congratulations on April Fool's Day can be sent by e-mail - we are sure that in response from a colleague you will receive the same funny postcard on April 1.

A kaleidoscope of funny jokes for April 1st for office colleagues and superiors:

For office fun-loving people and “handy people”, you can organize a prank with a colleague’s computer. Of course, you don’t have to infect the unit with a virus - we’ll make do with a completely harmless, but “win-win” joke. As part of the preliminary preparation, we take a sheet of paper and pour PVA glue onto it - an impressive puddle is formed. When the glue dries, carefully separate the “stain” from the sheet and place it on the keyboard. From the outside, such a glue puddle will look absolutely believable - the colleague’s reaction will be confirmation. A colleague will appreciate such a harmless joke on April 1 and laugh cheerfully along with everyone else.

A boss with a sense of humor is truly a gift for his subordinates. If your boss doesn't mind office pranks and jokes, on April 1st we propose to arrange a small joke with dressing up. This will require several beautiful dresses, which colleagues can bring from home. One of the employees runs into her boss’s office throughout the day. miscellaneous matters– and each time he appears in a new outfit. Perhaps the boss will not immediately understand the essence of such a joke, but later he will definitely appreciate the resourcefulness and creativity of his native team.

You can tell a funny joke to a colleague using a voice recorder, on which a funny sound is pre-recorded and repeated periodically. Then turn on the device and place it in discreet place table - for example, in the far corner of a drawer. At every interesting sound from the table, we pretend to be calm, and answer all our colleague’s questions like this: “No, it seemed to you, I didn’t hear anything.” After some time, you admit that it was such a joke on April 1st.

Choose a bright, funny picture for a colleague on April 1:

Harmless jokes on April 1st at home on parents - ideas for pranks with videos

Children are happy to play pranks on their parents on April 1, and moms and dads prank their beloved children. Of course, it’s better to make jokes on your parents at home that are light and harmless, which will definitely be received with fun and humor. Here you will find several funny ideas jokes and videos for April 1 - parents and children will be delighted!

Examples of harmless jokes and pranks on April 1 - for parents and children:

Preparations for this prank should begin on the eve of April 1st. When the parents fall asleep, we quietly sew together their blanket and sheet in several places. In the morning we quickly burst into the room shouting “We’ve been flooded!” or "Fire!" - and we observe the humorous outcome of the April Fool's joke. Despite the obvious harmlessness, it is better to carry out such a prank with two conditions - the mother and father of the “joker” have strong nerves and an impeccable sense of humor.

This April Fool's joke won't scare anyone, but it will certainly amuse you. As in the previous joke, the prank requires preliminary preparation - late in the evening we go to the bathroom and squeeze out the contents of the dental tube. Instead of paste, fill the container with sour cream or mayonnaise, and for completeness, secure it with double-sided tape toothbrush and a glass. Parents will discover the consequences of such a joke while brushing their teeth in the morning and will laugh merrily along with their “resourceful” children.

How to make a joke for April 1st with your own hands at home, video ideas

There are many ways to make a funny prank on April 1 - for a friend, classmate or work colleague. What kind of jokes can you make on April Fool's Day? The video presents ideas for modern April Fools' pranks.

So, in our selection you will find many ideas for jokes on April 1 - for friends and classmates at school, work colleagues, parents. How to make funny jokes for April 1st with your own hands at home? With the help of our detailed video you can amuse your family and friends by organizing funny pranks on April Fool's Day. A cool SMS or a bright picture postcard from April 1 will lift the recipient’s spirits and set him in the mood for a carefree holiday.

Teacher's Day: jokes, gags, anecdotes © depositphotos

Catch comic congratulations on Teacher's Day, interesting stories, funny jokes And funny scenes from school life from tochka.net, with which you can prank teachers, cheer them up and bring them to tears... from laughter!


Read, choose, act out comic scenes on Teacher’s Day, laugh yourself, give fun and joy to teachers and students. After all, as they say, laughter prolongs life! And the comic skits performed by students at the beginning of the lesson on Teacher’s Day 2017 can extend the lesson itself...

Teacher's Day: what to give to a teacher

Sveta, why weren’t you at school yesterday?
- I gave the teacher a gift.
- Which present?
- It was her birthday yesterday, and I decided - let her take a break from me!


Teacher's Day: comic scenes from the lives of schoolchildren

Masha, the teacher asks during the lesson, wake up your neighbor at your desk.
- Why me? It was you who put him to sleep!

Uncle, you are probably a teacher?
- Why did you decide that, boy?
- Because before you sat down on the chair, you examined it carefully...

At school during recess:
- Tolik, why are you chewing on your pen?
- Bad habit, but I can’t help it.
- Your habit for school is continuous expenses!
Quickly move away from the door and sit down!

- For what?
- I broke the glass.
Father went. The next day the son says:
- Dad, they are calling you to school.
- For what?
- I burned down the chemistry room.
Father went again. The next day the son says again:
- Dad, they are calling you to school.
- Again? Tired of it! I won't go to your school anymore!
- Well, that’s right, why wander around the ruins!


© depositphotos

September 1, 1st grade.
The teacher says:
- Children, you have come to school. You need to sit here quietly,
and if you want to ask a question, you need to raise your hand.
Petya reaches out his hand...
- Do you want to ask something, Petya?
- No, I'm just checking how the system works.

During the lesson, the teacher asks the class:
- And now each of you will stand up and say who is the eldest in his family.
Seryozha gets up:
- Great-great-great-great-grandmother.
- But this is impossible!
- It's possible.

The teacher asks Andrey:
- Why are you late?
- I was attacked by hooligans and robbed.
- What did they take from you?
- A notebook with homework and a diary...

Two schoolchildren are communicating:
- Igorek, lend me 5 bucks!
- Are you sure you’ll give it back?
- Yes, the day of the Internet will not be seen!!!


On September 1, the Minister of Finance visited the financial college,
Minister of Defense - Suvorov Military School,
Minister of Culture - College of Arts,
Minister of the Interior - school of werewolves.

The teacher is asked:
- What are three reasons why you love your job?
- June July August...

© depositphotos

Teacher's Day: jokes in physics class

The teacher explains in class:
- All bodies shrink from cold and increase from heat.
Give an example.
Petya gets up:
- In winter the days are shorter...

Teacher's Day: jokes in a foreign language lesson

I speak Russian, English, German fluently...
Although in other lessons too!


Sasha, why are you teaching so poorly? English language?
- What for?
- What do you mean why? After all, half the world speaks this language!
- Is this really not enough?

Teacher's Day: Jesterki in physical education class

Everyone keep quiet! Hands behind head! Fast! Feet shoulder width apart!
- This is a robbery?!
- Come on, this is a physical education lesson!

Teacher's Day: jokes in history class

Today we have test.
- Can I use a calculator?
- Can. Write down the topic: “Abolition of serfdom.”

Teacher's Day: comic skits in a geography lesson

Seryozha, please answer, how many parts of the world do we have?
- Marivanna, everyone already knows!
- And you name it.
- Two!
- …??
- That light and this light...

Teacher's Day © depositphotos

During a geography lesson, the teacher explains to Slava how to find parts of the world using a compass.
- Do you see the arrow? To the right of it is the east, to the left is the west, ahead is the north.
What's behind you?
Slava blushed and muttered through his tears:
- I told mom that you will still notice the hole in my pants!

The teacher scolds the class attendant:
“Why is the board dirty, the rag dry, and there’s dust on the globe,” he points his finger?
“This is not dust,” says the duty officer. - There, under your finger, is the Sahara Desert.


Teacher's Day: jokes in math class

Nadya, answer, if 1 + 1 = 2, and 2 + 2 = 4, then how much is 4 + 4?
- Well, where is the justice?! Tatyana Ivanovna,
you always answer the easy questions, but I get the hard ones.

Fraction topic. Teacher:
- Kirill, how to divide four potatoes among five people?
- Don't know…
- Sit down, two! Nastya, same question!
- Don't know…
- Deuce! Borya, so how do we divide the four potatoes?
- We need to cook mashed potatoes!

Two students communicate with each other. One says:
- I don’t know how to trust our math...
Yesterday she said that 6 + 4 = 10, and today that 7 + 3 also = 10...

© depositphotos

Teacher's Day: jokes in literature class

Essay topic: “If I were the director of a company...”
Everyone is writing diligently, only Igor is looking out the window.
- Why don’t you write?
- And I'm waiting for the secretary!

I wish you positivity
A lot of money, creativity,
Endless luck
Somewhere by the sea, a dacha.
Plus a lot of health,
Strength like a rhinoceros
So as not to be sick in the morning
And, of course, don't grow old.
Happy Birthday!
Happiness, joy, luck!

I wish you a self-assembled tablecloth,
And she’s wearing a beer with a battering ram,
Expensive coffee beans,
Cognac with black caviar,
Shish kebab with smoky scent
And cooler champagne,
Pineapples and bananas,
All - ten kilograms,
And also a bag of money
And a box of miracles,
A chest of health,
To always be “cheerful”,
Live a hundred years enjoying yourself.
Happy birthday, kisses!

I will not wish anything good, only the best: success in business, health in the family, a heart full of love, eyes glowing with happiness, new discoveries, the most pleasant emotions. May your whole life be a continuous holiday. Happy birthday!

I wish you to live and not worry,
In the evenings drink whiskey.
And on the weekend - barbecue at the dacha,
With loyal friends to boot.

I wish to live a hundred years
And have lobster for lunch
Sunbathing with my family in Dubai,
Ride only in Ferrari.

Always be positive
To make your dream come true,
And always swim in gold,
Smile as often as possible.

Living a great, awesome life
Unreal, incomparable,
Amazing, wonderful,
Fabulous, luxurious, cool,
Tasty, spicy, bright, passionate,
Intoxicating, amazing
With adoration, with inspiration
I wish you on your birthday!

Happy Birthday!
Let life be like jam:
Sweet, bright, very tasty
And, of course, not sad.

May luck grab you
Will shower you with wondrous joy,
Stuffs happiness into pockets -
It will be in your power.

And fate will give you luck,
Will remove your doubts
To work and sing,
I wanted to go to a new day!


I wish you fairy tales
The kindest and simplest.
May all your wishes come true
Like with a golden fish.

So that the boss is a serpent gorynych
Suddenly everyone put their heads together:
Appointed a promotion
Gave me an extra vacation.

So that yours stands at three
In the palace garage
And these horses should be called -
Bentley, Maybach and Porsche.

To rejuvenate apples
You had more than enough
And also love to the grave,
What you can’t read in fairy tales.

Happy birthday!
Believe in miracles as a child
And let it be snow-white
Your life is streaky.

I wish you to avoid stress
And sleep peacefully at night.
Let healthy indifference
Yours strengthens the body,
And so that the tone does not suffer,
Refill your glass often.

Happy Birthday!
Jokes, laughter and luck,
Don't take the smile off your face,
Grab the goldfish.

To be a very important person
Pretty and brave
Live in a great mood
Well, in short, happy birthday!

Today is your birthday!
You can get drunk "into the pig"
Play around without looking back,
You can go shopping, go to clubs, go crazy.

Have fun, walk, dance,
Take your breath away,
Send everyone into culture shock!
And all the “arrows” are in rhyme!

I wish you positivity
And good intimacy.
Yacht, cottage, plane,
Let your fortune grow.

So that friends don't let you down,
And they were weird with you.
So that there is enough health,
The beauty did not disappear.

It was fun today
And great in the morning.
There will be inspiration in life,
Happy Birthday!

“Birthday is a holiday of childhood” - words from popular song Igor Nikolaev, which very accurately describe the attitude of most people towards this event. Many would probably like to return, at least for a moment, to that wonderful time when it is impossible to contain the delight from the anticipation of fabulous surprises and gifts. So why not create the right mood for loved one, having come up with interesting scenario and varied A woman will love such a surprise. After all, representatives of the fair sex always remain children at heart.

Long live surprise!

The hero of the occasion will certainly remember the holiday if her guests show imagination and prepare an unusual congratulation together. The tone of unbridled fun will be set from the first minutes. The main thing is to agree in advance and stage your appearance. Costume and musical gags work flawlessly.

For a woman’s birthday, you can give her a performance by a gypsy group, for example. Entering guests with cheerful songs and dances will not leave the newborn indifferent. Moreover, it is not necessary to dress completely in gypsy outfits. A flower in the hair or a bright shawl will be enough for women. Men will be decorated with enthusiasm and fun. A musical instruments Baby tambourines and rattles can serve. If the birthday is celebrated in a cafe or restaurant, you can get together earlier and greet the culprit with the old majestic song “Our dear one has come to us.”

Celebration held in summer time in the lap of nature, makes it possible to give the newborn a little exotic. Musical meeting V Hawaiian style, of course, will require preparation. You will need to make head wreaths and flower necklaces in advance. For the musical accompaniment of the number, use the national Hawaiian melody, and instead traditional instruments Again, you can use baby rattles. But how beautiful it will be and will be remembered for a long time.

Entertainment and jokes for a woman’s birthday - script

Fun games, competitions and skits will help you escape the ordinary and create a special festive atmosphere. However, when preparing, you should remember that humor should not be offensive. You can't let a bad joke ruin everyone's holiday.

You can start the entertaining part of the celebration with the quiz “How well do you know the newborn?” Those who take on the role of host will have to prepare and draw up a list of questions for the guests, based on facts from the biography and preferences of the hero of the occasion. For example, where did you study, what specialty does you have, what are your hobbies, what kind of vacation does you prefer, favorite color, favorite dish etc. The guest who gives the most correct answers receives a prize.

Screen Star

A good continuation of the holiday would be a congratulation in the style of a film festival.

The presenter approaches the hero of the occasion and makes a speech similar to the introduction of a film award nominee: “I would like to present to the attention of the audience the heroine of such popular films as “Girls”, “Friends”, “Once More About Love”. The guests greet the “star” with thunderous applause. The presenter continues: “The talent of our beloved (name) is undeniable, so the plan for filming many interesting paintings, in which she will shine. The schedule is tight and planned for many decades in advance. And we can only wish (name) good luck and great creative success on this difficult but interesting path.”

These funny birthday greetings (jokes) are suitable for a woman of any age. You just need to use your imagination and add movie titles that will suit the moment.

Magic to help

After the official toasts and greetings, you can joke a little and play funny sorcerers.

For the hero of the occasion, all guests write on pieces of paper next year. Then they put their birthday wishes and jokes into a pre-prepared and beautifully decorated box. A woman with humor will be interested to know what the mischievous fate has prepared through her friends.

Fortune telling on chocolate eggs with a toy inside will also in an interesting way predictions and will show what is in store for the hostess of the holiday. You will need to buy several of these sweets, fortunately now manufacturers offer them with a variety of toys. Candies with cars, airplanes, motorcycles, and boats are suitable. All chocolate eggs are placed in a basket and covered with a towel. The newborn is asked to choose one by touch. The toy inside will indicate an upcoming acquisition. Fortune telling on the remaining eggs can be continued by family members or friends of the hero of the occasion. These will lift everyone's spirits funny jokes. For a woman’s birthday, just like a man, you can prepare a similar surprise.

Who will give the best praise?

A competition with this name will be a pleasant surprise for the birthday girl. The guests' task will be to describe the hero of the occasion in one word. For example, one calls her beautiful, another calls her smart, a third calls her cute, and so on. You can’t repeat yourself, the one who made a blunder is out of the game. The competition continues until last participant. He is the winner and will receive a prize.

Jokes for a woman's birthday - short scenes

General fun will be provided by comic performances with the participation of all those present.

For example, you can imagine that the guests are doctors who helped the hostess of the holiday to be born. Now they have to assess her condition. Check appearance and reflexes. When the roles of the medical personnel and the words on the prepared cards are distributed, the presenter, as the chief physician (hereinafter referred to as the Chief Physician), begins the survey:

“What is the newborn’s pulse?”

Sister No. 1: “Joyful, with bursts of delight!”

GV: “What is the reaction of the pupils?”

Doctor No. 1: “Glowing with happiness!”

Sister No. 2: “Yes! Sometimes he sings songs, sometimes he laughs!”

GV: “Are the limbs normal?”

Doctor No. 2: “Even better, I’ve already chosen a shorter skirt!”

GV: “Is your hearing normal?”

Doctor #3: “He listens when he wants!”

GV: “Your sense of smell won’t let you down?”

Sister No. 3: “Keeps her nose to the wind and always in the direction of luck!”

GV: “What is your colleague’s conclusion?”

Everyone answers in unison: “She’s perfect, thanks to her parents!”

Everyone raises their glasses and toasts their parents.

Mom is our everything

There are also some nice jokes for older audiences. aged children and grandchildren can prepare. The well-known “train” dance will bring pleasure to both adults and children. The hostess of the holiday will portray a locomotive, and relatives and friends will line up behind her in trailers, holding the waist of the person standing in front. Under cheerful music the family train will begin its movement. The task of the “locomotive” is to change speed and suddenly brake. The cars will occasionally lose traction and collide, leading to general fun. However, this scene requires a lot of space. Therefore, such jokes are suitable for celebrating outdoors or in a restaurant.

For a woman’s birthday who celebrates it at home, the “Loaf” scene is more suitable.

Children and grandchildren join hands and dance around the hero of the occasion, performing old song with the words: “On (name’s) name day we baked a loaf of bread. Loaf, loaf, choose whoever you want.”

The hostess of the holiday answers: “I love, of course, everyone, but (the name of one of the round dance participants) more than anyone.” So, while the round dance is going on, the birthday girl takes each of the participants in turn to her center and tells him how much she loves him.

Return surprise

The hero of the occasion must also show imagination and surprise her guests with a surprise.

Comic videos or slideshows compiled from a common archive are also suitable. And members of her family or a couple of close friends can help prepare these for her birthday for a woman who does not have the skills to work with the appropriate computer programs.

The guests will be equally interested in a collage of photographs reflecting the history of spending time together with humorous comments. It won’t be difficult to make; you only need whatman paper, a supply of printed photographs, imagination and humor.