Statuses about laughter with meaning. Catchphrases and quotes about laughter

You can pray endlessly for the angels to hear and help. The most effective and reliable way to call the inhabitants of heaven to yourself is uncontrollable laughter, a gentle smile and uncontrollable laughter. After all, angels are made of laughter. – Jackson

With an effort of will it is possible to hold back tears, sometimes anger, even falling in love. Laughter and laughter are not subject to willpower.

Childhood smells of candy, milk, laughter. New Year- tangerines, pine needles, dreams. Adulthood– the smell of tobacco, alcohol, sweat and loneliness.

The wife mutilated her husband. The abusive spouse is asked to tell the nuances in order. My husband called me urgently from work, gave me flowers, treated me to champagne, undressed me, and then put me to bed. Then he suddenly got out of bed, burst out laughing and congratulated him on the first of April. It is impossible to forgive this.

Best status:
Laughter for no reason is a flight of thoughts and a brilliant mood.

People laugh when it hurts and there is nothing to drown it out. Laughter dulls pain, sometimes getting rid of it completely, healing long-lasting emotional wounds.

Favorite combinations: vanilla with chocolate; drizzling rain and bright sun; laughing until you drop, uncontrollable tears; you are gloomy and I am cheerful.

Do you remember, when we played store in the yard as children, the leaves were money XD

The centipede counts its baby's legs: 38, 39, 40, 41... Oppa! Boy…

Vodka is EVIL, and juice is “GOOD”. Not always, good triumphs over evil...

Girls, take off your panties, boys are coming! Fools! remove from the dryer!

I fucking hate “Ranetok”, what the hell is a rock band? It’s a shame to even call their music pop!):D

Happy holiday, dear goats)):*

We’re always taking photos, yelling about how great the photos are, and then you put them on your computer and delete half of them)))

inscription on the desk: “Time was brutally killed here..”

As practice shows, on any other day you can play a prank on a much larger number of people than on the first of April.

Would you like a bedtime story? Write an SMS to your boyfriend “I know everything!”)

If you are reading this, then you have nothing to do...

My cat on command “WHERE THE FUCK!!!” completely changes the trajectory of its movement.))

Probably if you shake out the keyboard, you can spoil your lunch;D

I wiped the dust off the TV. It turns out I have it in color!

- Honey, I'm pregnant! – Darling, today is the first of April, the test joked: DD

Dad, I've grown up. Now I can’t sit on your lap and shout: “Igo-go!”

and only on April 1 I will write to you that I love you! and later I’ll write that it was an April Fool’s joke... damn... if only you knew it was true...

Laughter for no reason is a sign that a person doesn’t care.

What awaits you? Predictions of Iranian psychic Mohsen Norouzi

It's good to be away, but at home you can fart...

and I was pranked on the first of April -by phone? -no on the kidneys in the basement, but there was also something about the phone =)

On April 1, I told her to fuck off, and she confessed her love to me. Then we both said it was a joke. And who hurt whom more?

Mom, dad hanged himself in the kitchen - there’s no one flying in there, what a joke, Vovochka - mom, mom, he’s been hanging in the bathtub since April 1

Where can I get a tattoo without my mom seeing??? – On mom’s back))) XDDDD

The most terrible laughter is the sincere laughter of a person whose heart is broken.

Laughter prolongs life! So, with a knife in your back and reinforcement in your head, you can run to the hospital, laughing.

Laughter and sigh, kiss and goodbye, that's our whole life.

Friday the 13th is a normal day for me. and for you?))

Interestingly, there are many schoolchildren and students on this site?

Monday...Internet...VKontakte...WOW, FUCK, IT'S ALREADY THURSDAY!!!HD

Have you noticed that if a person is happy, he rarely changes statuses?

The anesthesiologist should not pass out before the patient during the operation.

Do you often look at photos of your ex???

he loves me without makeup and with disheveled hair)) how so?)))

Chelyabinsk EMOs are so harsh that they fuck up Gopniks! They're fucking and crying!

and why when we fight you always shut my mouth with a kiss...

Does this happen to you? We both sit online... and don’t write to each other)

ME!!! Not “me”, not “mnu”, not “minya”, not “mi”!!! ME!!!

I’m tired of the question: “Can I meet you?” HOW DO I KNOW IF YOU CAN OR NOT, GO ASK YOUR MOTHER

There is a tradition in Russia to quietly wipe the floor with a dishwashing sponge...

Why is there no “Cancel sending message” function in contact??!!!))

- Fuck, where is this motherfucker? -Who are you talking about? - Oh, there you are.

Fuck you, bastard!!! – I thought and sent a smiley =)))

Do you want a joke? -Yeah... -Will you babysit???

A true friend is the one who waits for you to take a piss in the bushes...

I miss you again. lips kisses. laughter. smiles. hands desires. heat.

While you, a pretentious bitch, were increasing your worth, he fell in love with a simple, but worthy...

Laughter and smile are the door through which all human kindness enters us.

Of course, laughter is the best medicine. But not with diarrhea.

If a girl has a KVN guy... then she obviously doesn’t like April Fools))

Oh, not married?? Then I'm...actively searching!

I love it when you make an offended face, but in fact you are waiting for the next kiss =*

It probably sucks for someone whose birthday is April 1st. Instead of congratulations, they are presented with: “Don’t funny joke, dude!" 🙁

Who, when you were little, tried to remove a bubble from your saliva with your lips? (c)

I was thinking: before the first of April, go out into the yard in the evening and change the license plates on the cars...

Shall we go somewhere for tea? -You made four mistakes in the word “beer”)))

from the emo diary 08 October 2009, 23:41 I hate beetroot, but this is the only pink food (c)

After a good drinking session there is always someone to add as a friend)))

I still keep your photos...I put coffee on them ©

It is he? - Yes, but how do you know? - Yes, because you have a stupid smile all over your face again.

My childhood friend was born on December 31st. What a cool April 1st joke her father made on her mother!

guys, let me congratulate you on April 1st? Then it will definitely be your holiday, I’ll get into the topic then, eh 😀

If laughter prolongs life, then I will live forever ^_^

Who is in favor of having a pregnancy test in the package of condoms?

Be afraid of her eyes, her lips, her whispers, her silken hair, her laughter. Be afraid of her tears. Be afraid of anger. Be afraid of gentle words. Be afraid of silence...

Nerves, stop chattering!!! We still have a long time to live together)

It’s great to wake up in the morning and realize: I’m already 18 YEARS OLD! wow such a number))) HAPPY DAY TO ME))!!

April 1 in the hospital. - Doctor, your whole back is white! - And you, the patient, have lymphocetane nurokuamitis - fucked up, in short...

Laughter and sex prolong life. Have sex! You can laugh even in retirement)

Do you remember the toy *Tamagotchi*? =)

...Laughter is an orgasm from a smile...:)))

Laughter is an integral part of our life; when we laugh, we truly live. We offer you a selection of positive statuses about humor, laughter and smiling. Let them cheer you and your friends up! Read sayings and aphorisms about laughter, and most importantly, don’t forget to smile and give a smile to the world!

They say that laughter prolongs life. Whatever you say, there is some truth in this aphorism. Today there is even a science of healing with laughter, founded by Norman Cousins. It all started with what Cousins ​​heard from doctors terminal diagnosis. From then on, he began to regularly lock himself in his room and watch comedies. That's when a miracle happened - he recovered. This is in Once again proves that laughter is the best medicine, and not only for problems, bad mood, but also about the ailments themselves.

Unlike laughter, a smile can be sly. It’s much more difficult to laugh, dishonestly, but smiling is as easy as shelling pears. Don’t be disingenuous, give others only a sincere smile, the kind that a child can give. After all, children's laughter and smile are the most sincere and good-natured. Learn to overcome all difficulties with a smile and enjoy life the way children do.

A child cannot live without laughter. If you have not taught him to laugh, joyfully surprised, sympathetic, wishing well, if you have not been able to make him smile wisely and kindly, he will laugh evilly, his laughter will be a mockery.

Laughter is an integral part of childhood.

Laughter is a good start to friendship, and laughter is a good way to end it.

Laugh with your friends, not at them, and your friendship will last forever.

Laughter for no reason is a sign of incomplete higher education.

People with completed education always have a reason to laugh - the size of their salary...)

Humor is truth in life-safe doses.

Doses are safe as long as dark humor does not begin...

Those who often die of laughter live longer.

When we laugh until we die, we prolong our life.

Humor and laughter - along with love - are the main components of a healthy life.

Do you want to be healthy? Never let laughter out of your life!

Laughter is the sun: it drives away winter human face.

If you want warmth, then it's time to smile.

Don't lose your sense of humor. Humor is to a person what fragrance is to a rose.

A person who has a sense of humor can come out of any situation gracefully.

Quotes of great men

A good laugh is sunlight in the house (William Thackeray).

Without laughter, the house will be cloudy even on the sunniest day.

Happiness comes to a house where there is laughter (Japanese proverb).

Give each other a smile, laugh more often and open the doors to happiness!

As long as we laugh, we're fine (Saul Bellow).

A man lives as long as he laughs.

Be double filled with kindness
And, so as not to offend anyone,
When you laugh loudly,
Be able to see through the wall with your heart (E. Yevtushenko).

Never laugh at something that causes pain.

Laugh with others, not at others (Elbert Greene Hubbard).

Laughter exists to lighten the mood, not to make fun of someone.

Laughter is the shortest distance between two people (Victor Borzhe).

If you want to get closer, smile at each other!

Those who never laugh at themselves miss out on many great opportunities to laugh. (Sarah Duncan).

Sometimes your own actions can be a great reason to laugh.

Laughter for no reason is a sign of foolishness (Belarusian proverb).

Fools are known to be happy, so let's laugh!

Laughter is the most powerful weapon in defeating anger (Gregory Nazianzus).

When a person is overcome by anger, you just need to make him laugh.

Crazy and contagious laughter

Laughter is contagious, as is yawning.

It's better to get infected with laughter than the flu!

Some people have this infectious laughter that when they laugh, you laugh too, without even knowing what they are talking about...

Laughter without understanding the essence is a great way to spend time)

It happens that there is no time for laughter here,
And before our eyes you deteriorate without a mood
The moment will jump, splashes of laughter will flow,
Then you will take it and, without hesitation, you will laugh.

Let everyone have more reasons to laugh!

The boss has the most contagious laugh!

Especially when he gives out a salary...)

A sharp look, an infectious laugh!
Slim figure (ugh, ugh, ugh, so as not to jinx it!)
And let modesty adorn only those
Who has nothing else to decorate themselves with!

Contagious laughter attracts more than any jewelry!

Contagious laughter has a healing effect on painful sadness.

If you want to feel like a doctor, infect people with your laughter and heal them of sadness...)

About laughter and smile

All the joy of life fits in the smile of a child!

A child's smile is the most precious diamond!

Life is a smile even when tears run down your cheek...

And if tears of laughter flow down your cheeks, it means you live in paradise.

A smile costs nothing, but it is highly appreciated...

Appreciate those who give you their smile.

Smile when there are clouds in the sky.
Smile - when there is bad weather in your soul.
Smile... and you will immediately feel better.

Smile, and everything will be like in the song: “A smile will make everyone brighter...”)))

Let's smile more often
So that the mouth is right up to the ears.
And burst into ringing laughter,
Like three year olds.

Learn to enjoy life from children...)

There is nothing genuine left in the world, with the exception of a child's smile.

People have known about the benefits of laughter since ancient times. Many have been written by doctors and psychologists scientific works, which explains in detail how this amazing phenomenon has a beneficial effect on the human body. Cultural and scientific figures did not ignore it either. We hope the reader will be interested in the proposed sayings and quotes about laughter.

The best medicine

Famous writer and devotee healthy image In life, Leo Tolstoy said that laughter gives rise to good spirits. And indeed, psychotherapists have recorded more than one case where humor helped people get out of deep depression. Others agree with the great Russian writer outstanding minds. And their quotes about laughter and its benefits complement the statement made by Tolstoy.

  • There is nothing in the world as irresistibly contagious as laughter and good mood(D.B. Shaw).
  • If we couldn’t laugh, we’d probably go crazy (R. Forst).
  • I always laugh when I can, because it is the cheapest medicine (J. G. Byron).
  • Laugh - it is the poison of fear (George R.R. Martin).
  • The human race has only one thing truly effective weapon - and (M. Twain).
  • Laughter is instant relaxation (M. Berl).
  • I don't think there is an emotion that is the equivalent of laughter. Therefore, to relieve the pain, I always laugh (R. Jones).
  • I definitely gravitate towards people who laugh to pull themselves out of the abyss (L. Thomson).
  • Laughter is a tranquilizer without side effects(A. N. Glasow).

The role of laughter in life

Writer Jean Huston, discussing the creative power of humor and its influence on others, said: “At the peak of laughter, the universe is transformed into a kaleidoscope of new possibilities.” Many people share this opinion. And confirmation can be idioms and quotes about laughter and humor.

  • A day without laughter is a day wasted (Chaplin).
  • Laughter is wine for the soul. Quiet or loud, with a touch of seriousness or tinged with unbridled fun. In any case, this is a statement made by a person that life is worth living (Sh. O "kasi).
  • The earth laughs with variety of colors (R.W. Emerson).
  • Life is worth continuing to live as long as you can laugh (L. M. Montgomery).
  • A person who brings with him the spirit of laughter and fun is truly blessed (B. Cerf).
  • The sound of laughter is the vaulted dome of the temple of happiness (M. Kundera).
  • Laughter is the brush that sweeps away the cobwebs from our hearts (M. Walker).
  • A cheerful laugh revives the child in each of us (B. Cosby).
  • The only cure for vanity is laughter (A. Bergson).
  • Humor crosses boundaries of class and age because it is a universal tool (D.

The words of the popular and well-known children's song “A smile will make everyone brighter” from the cartoon about the adventures of little Raccoon have long gone among the people and become sayings. When explaining to kids how important it is to be friendly and friendly with others, parents often cite the example of a cartoon character who was convinced from his own experience that a smile can help even in the most difficult situations. difficult situations. Quotes about laughter and sayings of great people are also confirmation of this simple truth.

  • Laughter is the sun that drives winter away from the human face (V. Hugo).
  • Laughter is closest to the grace of God (K. Barth).
  • Nothing can shame a wise man more than a fool laughing at him (J. G. Byron).
  • A smile helps relieve tension even in the most difficult issues (A. Kley).
  • Nothing can withstand the attack of laughter (M. Twain).
  • There is so much confusion in life, but to sort it out - It's a hopeless endeavor with her. Therefore we have no more to fight effective remedy than humor (U. Olpor).
  • There are very few opportunities for success where there is little room for laughter (E. Carnegie).
  • If you want to tell people the truth, make them laugh first, otherwise they will kill you (O. Wilde).

Quotes about laughter and a sense of humor in relationships

Good laughter is sunshine in the house. William Thackeray

A hut where they laugh is richer than a palace where they are bored. Chinese proverb

Happiness comes to a house where there is laughter. Japanese proverb

It turns out that the power of laughter and love defeats the power of fear every time. John Goodman

People take everything so seriously that it becomes a burden to them. Learn to laugh more. To me, laughter is as holy as prayer. Osho.

Laughter is absolutely necessary to maintain harmony, and sometimes it can be the only way out for us. Koshun Takami.

As long as we laugh, we're fine. Saul Bellow

Be double filled with kindness
And, so as not to offend anyone,
When you laugh loudly,
Learn to see through the wall with your heart. Evgeny Yevtushenko.

Laugh with others, not at others. Elbert Green Hubbard

There is no laughter more pure and pure than that of people who know the deepest grief. Erich Maria Remarque.

It's much easier to make people cry than to laugh Vivien Leigh

When you say goodbye to your audience, leave them laughing. George Cowan

Laughter is the shortest distance between two people. Victor Borzhe

People can't resist those who make them laugh. William Somerset Maugham.

Laughter for two - how much charm and tricks it contains! Do not overestimate his power. Love and friendship, desire and despair - nothing can do without him. Francoise Sagan.

She laughed joyfully and loudly, as children usually laugh, as if the whole world was oozing joy from them. Then the world teaches them to laugh more quietly, more calmly - everyone except those who are very lucky. Laurel Hamilton.

God, how ridiculous is the fear of appearing funny! Frederick Beigbeder.

For fear of not being found funny, we often behave funny life. Nina Rubshtein.

Those who never laugh at themselves miss out on many great opportunities to laugh. Sarah Duncan

Learn to laugh at yourself
In the noise and silence,
Without orchestras, decorations -
Alone with myself.

If you laugh at yourself,
No one is afraid of laughter. Vadim Shefner

To laugh at yourself means to deprive others of this opportunity. Aleksey Ivanov.

It is impossible to laugh at a person who laughs at himself. Dmitry Yemets.

IN real life the tragic and the comic are so intertwined that when you are especially unhappy, funny things happen that make you laugh against your will. Georgette Heyer.

People expect me to cry, but I always laugh when things go wrong. Christina Aguilera

Well, tell me, is it possible to live without laughter? You have to laugh to survive. Jonathan Coe

Fear and courage, tears and laughter - like twins, were always inseparable. Ed McBain.

For every tear there is a laugh. Kurdish proverb

When things are really bad, all you can do is laugh. Jim Carrey, comedian and actor

To complain about an unpleasant thing is to double the evil; to laugh at her is to destroy him. Confucius

What is my sin? That I don’t learn tears in church,
Laughing in reality and in a dream?
Believe me: I cure pain with laughter,
And that’s why I’m happy in laughter! Marina Ivanovna Tsvetaeva

How much more worthy of laughter is that for which we continually shed tears! Lucius Annaeus Seneca

A person can laugh or cry. Whenever you cry, you could laugh, the choice is yours. Andy Warhole.

Eh, people! Take a broader look at life:
Am I really kidding in vain on earth?
After all, I laugh in the face of all adversity,
To cry less often in this world...Eduard Arkadyevich Asadov

Those who laugh the most in life are those who have suffered a lot. Evgeny Petrosyan

Laughter is a doctor for a sad soul. Sonya Shatalova

Laughter activates many useful elements in our body. Laughter also returns the body to a balanced state. Robin Sharma

How good and useful it is to laugh a little! This makes us healthier, preserves our humanity and prevents us from becoming sour. Mark Twain.

Good laughter good feeling humor is an indicator of a person’s spiritual health. The ability to laugh at all sorts of egoistic manifestations in oneself is a necessary element of development throughout spiritual path person. Michael Laitman

Laughter reduces aggression. Victor Canning.

Laughter is the most powerful weapon in defeating anger. Gregory of Nazianzus

Only laughter can kindly destroy evil. Alexander Petrovich Dovzhenko

He who laughs is not angry, because to laugh means to forgive. Vasily Osipovich Klyuchevsky

Only internally free man He can laugh at himself and let others laugh at him. Lyudmila Ulitskaya.

Better hit me, but let me laugh. Moliere

I never thought it was possible to laugh so much when looking at yourself in the mirror. Heinrich Heine

When the monkey laughed when he saw himself in the mirror, a man was born. S. Jerzy Lec

The most lost is the day that passes without laughter. Nicolas de Chamfort

Laughter is new life. There is no death as long as there is laughter. Maria Semenova.

Find time to work - this is the price of success.
Taking time to reflect is a source of strength.
Find time to play - this is the secret of youth.
Take time to read - this is the basis of knowledge.
Find time for religion - this is the path of piety.
Finding time for friendship is a source of joy.
Making time for love is a sacred gift of life.
Find time to dream - this is the only way your soul will reach the stars.
Find time for laughter - it will help you cope with the difficulties of life.
Make time for beauty - it is everywhere.
Find time for health - this is the only treasure of life.
Finding time to plan is the secret to finding time to do all the previous 11 things.
This is the secret of happiness.
Paul Chappius Bragg

From a spark sparkling humor May the flame of love of life ignite!

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