New modern riddles with jokes. Funny riddles




Municipal stage of the regional competition for the best development of the Unified All-Kuban class hour

"Name of Kuban"

1.Last name, first name, patronymic

Sidelnikova Natalya Ivanovna

2. Position, subject taught

teacher primary classes

3. Place of work

municipal budget educational institution average comprehensive school No. 39 of the village of Yugo - Northern municipality Tikhoreyky district

4.The phone is working


5. Cell phone


7. Nomination

[email protected]

Development of the Unified All-Kuban class hour “Our strength is in unity” in grades 1-4

Subject: "Name of Kuban".


    Raising a patriot who knows and respects the traditions of his people; a worker who loves his land; a citizen ready to defend his Fatherland;

    Forming in children a respectful attitude towards the labor and military exploits of the older generation;

    Strengthening the unity and friendship of the peoples living in the Krasnodar Territory;

    Motivation of students' search and research activities.

Universal learning activities, formed during the lesson.


    develop the ability to identify and formulate the purpose of the lesson;

    develop the ability to consciously and voluntarily construct a speech utterance in oral form;

2. Communication:

    develop the ability to accurately express one’s thoughts, mastery of monologue and dialogic speech in accordance with the grammatical norms of the Russian language;

    develop the ability to establish contact and organize interaction in solving common task in Group;

3. Regulatory:

    develop the ability to control one’s behavior by acting according to the rules during a game situation;

4.. Personal:

    developing a sense of pride in one’s Small Motherland;

    development of cognitive interests, desire to expand knowledge about history and culture native land.

Progress of the event

1. Organizational moment.

Introductory conversation.? (Slide 1)

(The song “School” is playing (words by V. Grafchikova, music by E. Luchnikov).

Children enter the classroom.They are seated in groups of 5 people at a table.

Student. It seems like yesterday we were standing

Celebrated the holidays with joy,

Which after the school year

How long ago did it start?

But Queen Nature is inexorable,

And the months of summer are gone.

AND school uniform put on.

A couple of minutes - and the first call

He will call you back to class.

2. The stage of preparation for work on the main topic.

Teacher. Summer is over, it's time for vacation. And we all gathered together again in our cozy classroom, for the first lesson in the new academic year. On September 1, a Unified All-Kuban lesson is held in Kuban schools, the topic of the lesson is “The Name of Kuban.” ? (Slide 2)

“Dawn is coming, walking on the mounds.

Poplars rose towards the sun...

How sweet you are and how you dear to us,

Kuban, Kuban is our native land!”

Victor Podkopaev

Our small homeland is Kuban, a wonderful, fertile land. The land of snowy mountains and golden grain fields, free steppes and flowering gardens.
A land in which wonderful people live: grain farmers and livestock farmers, gardeners and winegrowers, factory workers, doctors and teachers, scientists and athletes, artists and poets... And each of them strives to make our Kuban even better, richer, more beautiful, because loves his small homeland and admires it.

Our region is rich in gardens and grains,

He gives cement and bread to the Motherland.

But the most valuable capital of Kuban is

A simple and modest worker is the people.

Today we will take a trip through the stations and talk about people who made a huge contribution to the history of our region. And at every station they wait interesting tasks.

3.Main stage

- And so the first station “Istoricheskaya” is on its way. To whom was the monument depicted in the picture erected? On the board there is a picture of a monument to Catherine II)

What do you know about Catherine II?

A long time ago, at the end of the 18th century, the Cossacks conquered lands from Turkey that provided access to the shores of the Black Sea. Catherine II granted the Cossacks a charter to own the Kuban lands.

The first detachment of Cossacks under the command of Savva Bely, traveling by sea, landed in August 1792 on the shores of Taman. Ataman Zakhary Chepega walked around the Sea of ​​Azov and went to the Yeisk Spit. Today, on the shore of the Taman Peninsula, ethnographic village, where festivals are held annually folk art.

So task 1. Game “Assemble a picture” (It is proposed to collect flags from a mosaic, for group 1 the flag of the Krasnodar Territory, for group 2 the flag of the Tikhoretsky region, for group 3 the flag of the village of Yugo-Severnaya. And tell about it.) (Slide 4,5,6)

Let's continue our journey, the next station is "Poetry".

We confess our love to our Motherland and give it kind and bright words. How subtly poets can notice and glorify the beauty of our Kuban. They dedicate heartfelt lines to their native land.

Father's land!

Cherry sunrises,

Two seas and blue sky.

Kuban poets for you

The best words were saved.

This poem was written by Kronid Oboishchikov. But if you read the poems of other poets, we can find out the names of other poets of Kuban.

(Reading lines of poems by Kuban poets.)

(Slide 7.8)

Task 2 Game “Say a word” poems by V.D. Nesterenko

The next station is the sports station.

This summer the whole country watched the performance of our athletes at the Olympic Games in Rio. Among them were Kuban residents, who with their victories glorified not only Russia, but also their small homeland - Kuban.

Athletes from the Krasnodar region won three gold medals, one silver medal and two bronze medals. (Slide 9)

The first Olympic gold medal was brought to the region by judoist Beslan Mudranov. Sochi tennis player Elena Vesnena earned the second gold medal; it is worth noting that Russian athletes have not won gold medals in doubles tennis since 2002. The third “gold” was brought by the Kuban handball players, who are part of the Russian national team. Our girls committed real feat, for the first time in 36 years, Russian handball players managed to win the highest award at the Olympic tournament.

AniuarGeduev earned a silver medal in Brazil at the freestyle wrestling competition up to 74 kg.

And also two bronzes. The first one is by Stefania Elfutina. For the first time in 20 years, a Russian athlete was on the podium in a sailing competition. And Sergei Semenov, who took third place in the Greco-Roman wrestling tournament.

Physical education minute.(Slide 11)

They stood up together: one, two, three, -

Load up, Cossacks!

(Hands to the side.)

We'll put our palms to our eyes,

Let's spread our strong legs.

Turning to the right

(Turn right.)

Let's look around majestically.

And you need to go left too

(Turn left.)

Look from under your palms.

And to the right, and again.

(Turn right.)

Over the left shoulder.

(Turn left.)

Let's place our legs in the letter "l".

Just like in a dance - hands on hips.

Leaned left, right.

It turns out great!

Let's continue our journey, the next station is “Tvorcheskaya” (Slide 12)

How a true friend, the song is always there. In labor and battle, for festive table, and by the fire, in moments of solitude. Best songs Kuban composers have firmly entered our lives. They are sincere, melodic, easy to remember, and sung with pleasure. In these songs - the expanse of endless steppes, the discreet beauty of the sky, the morning freshness native land and the generosity of Kuban nature.

The songs composed for us by G. Ponomarenko ring over the Kuban. They are his restless soul, calling out to people so that we do not upset another in this life, love our land and rejoice every day. ( The song is playing)

- Kuban autumn was painted by hundreds of artists. Her majestic beauty was captured on their canvases by K. P. Evsa, S. V. Dudko, A. A. Kalugin, S. D. Vorzhev, G. A. Bulgakov, P. A. Safinets and many others. Before us are paintings by three artists who managed to charm our souls with color and diversity: " Autumn forest", "Flowers", "In the Park", G.A. Bulgakova; "Osenki", "Bread", "Autumn in Krasnodar", P.L. Kalugina; "Landscape", "Kuban open spaces", "Autumn in Kuban " N.P.Evsy.

One cannot help but agree, looking at these paintings, that Kuban autumn is a golden-haired beauty. The air is clean and transparent, wide open space became more visible. The distant horizon is shrouded in a purple haze. Red, yellow, red colors predominate. The wind, like a sorcerer, covers clearings and forest clearings with a colorful carpet of plucked leaves.

Creative task(Slide 14)

And now you and I will also be creators. Today is the first of September, the symbol of this day is “bell”. Let's make a bell with our own hands (making a bell).

4. Summarizing. Reflection.

(Slide 15,16)

A tree is drawn on the board. And the tree is not simple; wishes to each of you are written on its leaves. Come and pick a piece of paper and read the wish.

Guys, unfortunately, our an amusing trip has come to an end. Love your native Kuban, your small homeland, take care of the world around you, honor the traditions of your people.

A student reads a poem.

Kuban nature, our native places.
A hundred nations live here,
Or maybe more than a hundred.
I'm Cuban, so are you.
We are together, we are friendly.
We do everything we can
For the Motherland we must!

Municipal entity Gulkevichi district

Municipal budgetary educational institution secondary school No. 4

"Name of Kuban"

Classroom teacher 8 B class

1. Purpose, objectives, form of the classroom, technical and other support, structure of the classroom.

2. Development of a Unified All-Kuban class hour “Name of Kuban”.

3. Presentation of the Unified All-Kuban class hour.

Target: nurturing patriotic feelings and pride for one’s country and compatriot heroes using examples historical events and personalities. Formation moral values, moral guidelines by helping to instill in students a sense of love and respect for relatives and friends, for their family, as well as developing the ability to trace historical relationship between the phenomena and events of the past and present of Kuban.


1. develop in students the ability to analyze the history of the Krasnodar region, the achievements of Kuban residents in various fields.

2. cultivate a sense of patriotism, a respectful attitude to the study of the history of their native land, the Cossacks, and the history of their family.

3 form communicative culture students.

Classroom format: interactive conversation with slide viewing.

Technical and other support:

Multimedia projector, computer, screen;

Presentation, videos;

Didactic materials;

Class hour structure:

Updating student name information famous people Kuban;

Motivating students to actively master new information.

Showing the connection between historical figures and the history of the development of Kuban.

Summarizing the information received.

Stimulating students to study the role of personality in the history of Kuban by studying the history of their family.


From different nations, from different times

A lot of favorite names came to us.

And our duty is in accordance with live by name,

It is an honor to cherish and love him.

Progress of the event

(Kuban anthem plays, slide No. 1)

Teacher: Good afternoon, dear guys! I am glad to welcome you to the first class hour of this school year, which is dedicated to our land, our Kuban. The theme “The Name of Kuban” was not chosen by chance. You and I live on Cossack land, you attend a Cossack class, let’s think about where this so often used word “Cossacks” came from?

(Students answer)

That's right guys! Our Kuban became Cossack after Catherine the Second granted these lands to the “faithful” Cossacks.

(slide number 2)

Teacher: This is where the traditions that we observe and honor take their roots; this is how the Cossacks appeared here. Do you think Catherine’s role in the education of Kubansky was important? Cossack army?

(Students answer)

Of course you are right guys! In history in general and in the history of our region in particular, the role of the individual who leaves a mark and changes the destinies of the people is immeasurably important. What personalities do you think influenced the formation of the Cossacks in Kuban?

(Students answer)

Well done! You remembered a lot of names that went down in the history of our region! This is Anton Golovaty, a military clerk, Zakhary Chepega, a chieftain of the Cossack army, and Grigory Potemkin, who favored the Cossacks and assisted in their resettlement to Kuban.

(slide no. 3) (slide no. 4)

Teacher: The history of Kuban is made by people. It is with their minds and their hands that creations of spiritual and material culture. These are famous scientists: - the “corn dad”, - the “grain dad”, who created new varieties of sunflower.

(slide number 5)

Many names are associated with the Kuban land famous people: some were born and lived here, others studied, rested and worked.

You guys know that 2016 has been declared the year of cinema. In this regard, one cannot help but recall that: he glorified us throughout the world National artist USSR actor and director Sergei Bondarchuk. His film "War and Peace" was watched by many people. No wonder this film was awarded an Oscar.

(slide number 6).

Famous countrywoman People's Artist USSR Nona Mordyukova is recognized as one of the best film actresses of the 20th century.

(slide number 7).

And the famous Soviet actor Sergei Nikonenko starred in the film “Tryn-grass”, some scenes of which were filmed right here in the city of Gulkevichi at the Venets Hotel!

(slide number 8).

There are countless famous Kuban residents. They glorify our small homeland not only on earth, but also in space. The famous conquerors of space were Viktor Gorbatko, Vitaly Sevastyanov, Anatoly Berezovoy, Gennady Padalko, Vladimir Dzhanibekov.

(slide number 9).

During the occupation, six-time world champion in classical wrestling Ivan Poddubny lived in the city of Yeysk,

(slide number 10).

Only here, in Kuban, does the water smell like the steppe?

If you touch your lips, you won’t go anywhere!

From this dear land that is given to us by fate

I can’t leave, I can’t part with you!

Wonderful words, right, guys? How much pride and joy they have for their native land.

Teacher: Tell me, guys, when we hear the words “hero”, “memory”, “history” what is remembered first?

(Students answer)

Of course, this is the Great Patriotic War. You all know about the feat Soviet people during the war, about the enormous losses our Motherland suffered on the fields of fierce battles and in enemy-occupied territories, about the unparalleled resilience of partisans and underground fighters, about the selfless work of women, teenagers and children who were in the rear, during 1418 war days and nights they fought for the sake of the future, making their contribution to the Victory.

(slide number 10).

(listening to the anthem of the “Immortal Regiment”)

Years of the Great Patriotic War they go further and further, but the names of those great, heroic years will never be erased from people's memory.
Bow to all our grandfathers and great-grandfathers who defended our right to live!

The Victory Day in the Great Patriotic War is not only a holiday of Memory, a holiday of the victorious people, but also the “cutting edge” of the current battle for our future.

You yourself, almost all of you, carried out search work on the traces of the war left in your family: these are the works “The Order in My Family”, and “Portrait of My Grandfather”, “Thank you to my grandfather for the victory!”, You took part in the action “ Immortal Regiment" Raise your hands who participated in this work. Well done! After all, they say correctly that a person loves and appreciates his Motherland if he loves and appreciates his family and knows its history. Let's each of you prepare a story about the heroes of your family. And now I will ask you to attach a piece of paper to the memory tree with the name of the person who, in your opinion, made the greatest contribution to the history of the development of Kuban. (slide number 12).

(The guys attach pre-prepared sheets of paper to the tree model)

(Summarization of the information received)

Teacher: Each of us is touched by the fate of our big house– our Russia, and our small home – our native Kuban. All this is ours, the closest and dearest. Our region has a glorious past and an equally glorious present and future; we have something to be proud of, something to preserve and develop. I wish you guys to add your own names to the list of the best names in Kuban. New victories and discoveries!

List of used literature and online resources:

1. http://www.nsportal. ru›…shkola... znamenityekubani

2. http://ru. wikipedia. org/wiki/Home_page

Class hour: Name of Kuban 2nd grade


Instilling in schoolchildren a love for their small Motherland and involvement in the history of the Krasnodar region;

Expanding your horizons junior schoolchildren, replenishment of their vocabulary;

Nurturing love for the Motherland, native land, tolerant attitude to people of different nationalities.

Equipment: multimedia presentation

During the classes

Slide No. 1

Summer has flown by! I am very glad to see you, my dear children and parents! Today, September 1, a single lesson will be held in schools in our region: The name of Kuban.

Guys, what is the name of the region in which we live? How can it be called otherwise?

Slide No. 2Working with the map.

Look at the map of our region. This is what our region looks like from a satellite. On the map in yellow and green is indicated by land and water by blue. So you see that on the left on the map there is a lot blue color. These are our two favorite seas. Maybe some of you know which sea you went to in the summer with your parents? (Black and Azov).

Tell me what you saw at sea? (Students' stories).

Slide No. 3 Kuban is the pearl and breadbasket of Russia.

Guys, you and I can be proud not only of the seas and beaches. Our Kuban is called the pearl of Russia. This means that in Russia Kuban stands out for its merits, is a treasure, an adornment of Russia.

Beyond the outskirts of cities and towns there are fields. And what grows on them?

The Krasnodar region is famous throughout Russia for the richness of its land, on which they grow (I will name it for you, and you bend your fingers): wheat, corn, sunflowers, beets, rice, grapes, watermelons, cucumbers, onions, peppers. I’ll tell you a secret: nowhere else in our country do they grow so many vegetables! This is how rich our land is!

High mountains, steppe expanses,

edge of the seaside coast,
Forests and glades, gardens and estuaries -
All this is native... (Kuban)

Slide No. 4

Many crops are grown in Kuban. But the largest areas in the Kuban fields are occupied by... (wheat).

Do you know how you can call wheat, rye, barley in one word - ... (wheat). That’s why they call our Kuban the breadbasket of Russia.

Slide No. 5 Kuban - song.

Kuban, Kuban is the joy of my soul,

The fields are filled with the radiance of dawn.

I don't need anything in the whole world,

Your song would float in the heights.

The whole soul of the Kuban people is in their songs. From the distant past, from our grandfathers and great-grandfathers, they brought to us what the people lived, what they believed in, they conveyed worries and joys. On weekdays and holidays, in happiness and misfortune, the song was always next to the Cossack. The soul of the people lives in songs. Song is the precious wealth of every people.

Slide No. 6,7,8,9 Kuban - workshop

People have always strived for beauty and creativity, decorating their home, everything that surrounded them in work and in everyday life. The main teacher in this case was the Kuban nature. She also provided the simplest materials - clay, wood, stone, flax, wool. Depending on living conditions, availability natural material, demand for products, entire families mastered one skill or another. This is how we were born folk crafts. Which ones do you know? (blacksmithing, pottery, basket weaving, broom weaving)

Slide No. 10 Kuban is sports.

Summer Olympics 2016- thirty first summer olympic games, held with 5 By August 21 V Rio de Janeiro , Brazil . Athletes associated with the Krasnodar region won 11 medals at the Rio Olympics (eight gold medals, one silver and two bronze)

Slide No. 11 Kuban is multinational

Kuban nature, our native places.
A hundred nations live here,
Or maybe more than a hundred.
I'm Cuban, so are you.
We are together, we are friendly.
We do everything we can
For the Motherland we must!

Today, over 100 peoples live in our region (Russians, Whites, Ukrainians, Greeks, Uzbeks, Georgians, ar-me-no, ta-ta-ry...)

Slide No. 12 Kuban - poetic"

We confess our love to our Motherland and give it kind and bright words. How subtly poets can notice and glorify the beauty of our Kuban.

They dedicate heartfelt lines to their native land.

Father's land!

Cherry sunrises,

Two seas and blue sky.

Kuban poets for you

The best words were saved.

This poem was written by Kronid Oboishchikov. But if you read the poems of other poets, we can find out the names of other poets of Kuban.

Slide No. 13

What word appeared on the screen?

What does this word mean? (Main city, capital of our region)

Slide number 14

But as main city called before and why? (This Kuban land was given to the Cossacks by Catherine II.

Why did she give such a gift? (so that the Cossacks steadfastly defend the country’s border.)

Each of us is concerned about the fate of our big home - our Russia, and our small home - our native Kuban. His well-being, his future depends on you. All this is yours, the closest and dearest. And even if fate takes you far from these places, you will still strive here with all your heart. Here are your roots. Homeland begins here.

Scenario of the all-Kuban class hour in 8th grade

Classroom teacher: Long Olga Konstantinovna

Target: instilling in students a sense of patriotism, love for their native land, a careful and reverent attitude towards the past of the Krasnodar region, its glorious history, a sense of pride in the people who glorified Kuban.

Equipment: multimedia, exhibition of books by Kuban poets and writers, symbols of the region, drawings by students, diary of a Kuban schoolchild.

Progress of the class hour:

    introduction teachers, heuristic conversation:

Here they are - the last pages -
and the whole Kuban stands before you.
You see how the wheat turns golden,
you hear the surf hitting the shore...
And even if you’re not originally from here,
Once you visit us, you will understand
what kind of nature our spring land is famous for,
what beauty is especially good.
Our region is rich in gardens and grain.
He gives cement and oil to the Motherland...
But the most valuable capital of Kuban is
simple and modest working people.

Victor Podkopaev

These lines contain boundless love for Kuban, which our fellow countrymen glorify and work for the benefit of our small homeland.

And today I invite you to remember the past of our glorious homeland of Kuban, talk about the present, get in touch with the future... Of course, in today’s class we will talk about those people who glorified Kuban. After all, the theme of the traditional unified all-Kuban class hour is “The NAME OF KUBAN”.

And the DIARY OF A KUBAN SCHOOLBOY will help us with this.

Guys, what do you know about the symbols of the Krasnodar region?

I suggest you open the flyleaf of the diary and pay attention to the symbolism of our region (also on the stand).

What can you say about the coat of arms of the Krasnodar region?
- What do you know about the color symbolism of the flag of the Krasnodar Territory?



This is the first name that glorified our region.

What do you think makes up a good and glorious name, which is spoken about from generation to generation?

Of course, from the history of heroic names and events of our region.

What is the name of Kuban? Patriotic. Labor. Combat. Spiritual name of Kuban.

    The main part of the class hour:

The path to the formation of our region was long and difficult. This is a whole tape of times that had its own events and heroes. So, an excursion into the past of the Cossack region, to the beginning of the twentieth century...

Kuban is a powerful, developing outskirts Russian Empire. The backbone of the state is the Cossacks, real warriors and workers.

Guys, which of the glorious Cossacks do you remember? (students answer, they should remember Anton Holovaty, Zakhar Chapega, Savva Bely).


At the beginning of the twentieth century, the wealth of Kuban, according to historians, is obvious: endless fields. At this time, seaports were being built, railways. But the revolution and civil war drew the region into a fratricidal battle, reversed its peaceful, grace-filled life, and placed the Cossacks before serious test.

After the civil war, Kuban becomes Soviet, builds new life, achieves success, overcomes difficulties.

Guys, do you remember when our region was formed?

Let's continue our timeline... In the summer of 1942, the Nazis invaded the territory of our region. Kuban people heroically defended the country and their native land. In the fall of 1943, the Germans were expelled from the Kuban land. We know about those difficult years from books and from the memoirs of glorious fellow countrymen.


Your great-grandfathers were among these heroes.


They began to restore the destroyed economy from the first days of the liberation of Kuban.

Years have passed. Our Kuban has become a fertile, generous, flourishing land. Its modern beautiful cities, wide fields, deep rivers, high mountains known far beyond the borders of the region. And how many people have glorified our region! Cossacks, military, scientists, athletes, artists, workers Agriculture and even astronauts...


Guys, who, in your opinion, glorifies our Kuban today? Maybe these people live next to us, in our village of Pavlovskaya? (Students answer).

One cannot help but recall that in 2014, the Krasnodar Territory in the city of Sochi hosted participants in the Winter Olympics. This was another glorious page in the history of Kuban, because its young heroes appeared . And on Olympic Games 20 athletes representing the Krasnodar region competed in Rio.


Today we tried to create a portrait of Kuban in the names of famous people. It echoes history and modernity, the past that we are proud of, and the present that we are creating.

Do you think we need to know the names of Kuban? (children's opinion).

Collective project:

Guys, this year the region is hosting the “Name of Kuban” campaign in several areas:

1. " Young name Kuban".

2. “The patriotic name of Kuban.”

3. " Employment name Kuban".

4. “The fighting name of Kuban.”

5. “The spiritual name of Kuban.”

You, too, can take part in this action and cast your vote for the hero of Kuban, who, in your opinion, glorified our Motherland.

You are 13-14 years old... And in the future you will be able to glorify Kuban? How? (students' answers).

What is needed for this? (students' answers)

To achieve high results, to become a hero of your time, you probably need to set goals, objectives, and then the result will come. I suggest you today make a symbol of Kuban - a sunflower (each child writes his name in the center of the sunflower, a single field of sunflowers is assembled - the names of Kuban). On each sunflower petal, the children write down suggestions about what they need to do to glorify Kuban.

And it depends on us what our beautiful land will be like tomorrow. The name of each of us can glorify native home, native street, village and even the entire Krasnodar region. After all, your work today is good studies, helping loved ones and people in need, activity in sports, strong friendship- this is a contribution to the future of the Krasnodar region.

Final word:

1st presenter: Each of us is the heir of our beautiful Kuban land: its history, its culture, all those priceless riches that were created by the hands of older generations.

2-th presenter: It is not for nothing that Kuban is called the pearl of Russia. Its land is abundant and fertile, its folk culture is unique and original, and the military and labor feats of the Kuban people are glorious.

3-th presenter: We, the heirs, must carefully preserve the generous fields and meadows, the sonorous Cossack songs, the memory of the workers and defenders of Kuban.

4-th presenter: We must increase the wealth of our native land and its wonderful traditions, work in the fields and factories, improve scientific discoveries, write poems and songs about their native land.

Teacher: Very few years will pass and you will proudly say: “I am a citizen of Russia.” And then, with no less pride, add: “I am a native of Kuban.”

2 Among the Kuban residents there were many great figures of science and art; such people glorified our region throughout the country - thanks to them, Kuban is called a “health resort”. Our land is Kuban, you are rich in fields. We must increase our wealth! Russian, Circassian, Belarusian and Tatar - We are forever betrothed by friendship!

The name of a simple Kuban woman, Epistinia Fedorovna Stepanova, is known throughout the world. Her maternal feat is in the aura of glory and immortality. On the altar Great Victory the heroine mother gave the lives of her nine sons. Time passed, the sons grew up. Fedor died at Khalkhin Gol, Kursk Bulge– Ilya, partisan intelligence officer Vasily died in Ukraine, Ivan laid down his head on Belarusian soil, Pavel went missing on the Bryansk Front, Philip experienced all the torments of a fascist concentration camp. Epistinia Fedorovna was buried in the village of Dneprovskaya at the memorial to those killed in battles for the Motherland. The names of soldiers who did not return from the battlefields to their native village are carved on the marble slabs of the memorial. And the first are the names of the Stepanov brothers - the sons of Epistinia Fedorovna, THE SOLDIER'S MOTHER. Equating her mother's feat with the feat of a soldier, the Motherland awarded her the Military Order of the Patriotic War, 1st degree. The Stepanov Family Museum has been opened in Timashevsk, and the “Mother” monument has been erected. 4

Composer, artistic director State Kuban Cossack choir, Honored Artist and People's Artist of Russia, Honored Artist of Adygea, People's Artist of Ukraine, laureate State Prize Russia, professor, Hero of Labor of Kuban, academician of the International Academy of Information, academician of the Russian Academy of Humanities, dean of the faculty traditional culture Krasnodar state university culture and art, chairman of the Renaissance Charitable Foundation folk culture Kuban "Istoki", member of the Union of Composers of the Russian Federation, member of the presidium of the Russian Choral Society and the All-Russian musical society. 5

Fyodor Akimovich Kovalenko entered the history of our region as a collector and philanthropist, the creator of an art gallery, now art museum. With meager earnings, Fyodor Akimovich Kovalenko bought inexpensive paintings, sketches, antiques, coins and gradually created interesting collection. He admitted that “he lost all his funds to buy paintings.” Already in 1890, Fyodor Akimovich organized the first exhibition. Ten years later, Fyodor Akimovich donated his collection to the city. And already in 1907 the city rented art gallery beautiful two-story mansion of railway engineer Shardanov. Since 1905, Fyodor Akimovich annually, in spring and autumn, organized exhibitions of paintings by Russian and Ukrainian artists. In 1909 he created an artistic circle, of which I. E. Repin was elected honorary president. In 1911, thanks to active participation Fyodor Akimovich, with the support and help of Repin, opened in Ekaterinodar art school, and in 1912 - an art store, the purpose of which was “to bring to the masses artistic taste" 6

We all know the words of the anthem of the Krasnodar region. The author of this masterpiece is the camp priest of the 1st Caucasian Regiment, Konstantin Oboraztsov. The song was written with inspiration, in one gulp, apparently in an hour of calm, before the battle, and is dedicated to the Cossacks “in memory of their military glory.” Konstantin Obraztsov owns several more Cossack songs dedicated to the Cossacks of his regiment. 7

In December 1909, he was invited by the Kuban Cossack Army to the military hospital to head the eye department. Decades have passed, but Doctor Stanislav Vladimirovich Ochapovsky lives in the grateful memory of the people. The regional hospital is named after him, in the courtyard of which there is a monument to the remarkable ophthalmologist. 8

Head of the Department of Breeding and Seed Production and the Laboratory of Sunflower Breeding of the All-Union Scientific- research institute oilseeds. Twice Hero of Socialist Labor, academician, Honored Scientist of the RSFSR, Doctor of Agricultural Sciences. It was he, the famous Russian breeder, who developed disease-resistant, productive and extremely oil-bearing sunflower varieties. In total, V. S. Pustovoit created 34 varieties of sunflower, of which 85 percent are zoned. The last selection work of Vasily Stepanovich was the Salyut variety - it was like the “swan song” of a tireless worker - wonderful person native land. 9

The largest in the North Caucasus is named after him state museum– reserve federal significance. Outstanding Kuban public figure, regional researcher, historian, archaeologist, bibliographer, compiler and publisher of a map of the Kuban region and plans of Ekaterinodar 10

Anton Andreevich Golovaty - Cossack chieftain, military judge, one of the founders of the Black Sea Cossack army. The whole history of the Cossacks of Kuban until late XVIII century is inextricably linked with the name of military judge Anton Andreevich Golovaty. This is an extraordinary, gifted, original personality. Anton Golovaty was born in the town of New Sandzhary, Poltava province in 1732 (according to other sources, in 1744) into a wealthy Little Russian family. He studied at the Kyiv Theological Academy, but dreaming of military feats, he went to the Zaporozhye Sich. For the bravery, literacy and lively mind of the young Cossack, the Cossacks dubbed him “Golovaty.” Being a cheerful and witty man, Golovaty served easily, quickly moving up the ranks - from a simple Cossack to a chieftain. For your military exploits was awarded orders and letters of gratitude from Catherine II.

Golovchenko Vasily Ivanovich was born in Art. Starotitarovskaya on April 23, 1920 in a Cossack family. He went to the front voluntarily. For courage and heroism he was awarded the title of Hero Soviet Union, and for his selfless work on the Kuban fields he received the Star of the Hero of Socialist Labor. For many years he was the director of the Azovsky state farm. A bronze bust of the Hero is installed in St. Starotitarovskaya. There is a house by the sea, on the edge of Russia, Where perhaps you have never been, There lives a simple, truly beautiful, slightly shy man. He knows life firsthand. He was holding an enemy shell in his hands. And I didn’t just read about the war in a book. More than once he wore combat gear. And he was always at the forefront, Under a hail of bullets, he was here and there... As if playing tough games, The villainess - death was chasing on his heels. But those hard years have passed. AND scary monster rushed away. And maybe years, centuries will pass, But don’t forget the Danube and the terrible battle...

And here he is at home, in his native Taman. He's used to holding the helm like this. For this bread, for the grapes of the Kuban, He once fought for many years. And now, straightening his shoulders, He hurries into the fields, looking around the expanse. Light the stars and festive candles: The peasant miracle hero is coming. In his eyes is the expanse of Kuban blue, In his modest gaze is his grandfather’s honor. Thank you, Vasily Golovchenko, for being who you are! V.D. Novikova