Bolivar can't stand two people. The roads we choose

"The Roads We Take"

Twenty miles west of Tucson, the Evening Express stopped at a water pump to take on water. In addition to water, the locomotive of this famous express also captured something else that was not so useful to it.

While the fireman was unhooking the hose, Bob Tidball, "Shark" Dodson and a Creek Indian named John Big dog, climbed onto the locomotive and showed the driver three round holes of their pocket artillery guns. This had such an effect on the driver strong impression, that he instantly threw both hands up, as they do when exclaiming: “What are you talking about! It can’t be!” At a short command from Shark Dodson, who was the head of the attacking detachment, the driver stepped onto the rails and uncoupled the locomotive and tender. After this, John Big Dog, having climbed onto a pile of coal, as a joke, pointed two revolvers at the driver and fireman and invited them to take the locomotive fifty yards from the train and await further orders.

Shark Dodson and Bob Tidball did not let such a gold-poor rock as passengers pass through the rumble, but headed straight to the rich placers of the mail car. They took the conductor by surprise - he was completely confident that the Evening Express was not picking up anything more harmful and dangerous clean water. While Bob Tidball was knocking this pernicious delusion out of his head with the handle of a Colt six-shooter, Shark Dodson wasted no time in placing a cartridge of dynamite under the mail car safe.

The safe exploded, yielding a net profit of thirty thousand dollars in gold and banknotes. Passengers here and there leaned out of the windows to see where the thunder was roaring. The senior conductor pulled the bell rope, but it hung lifelessly and offered no resistance. Shark Dodson and Bob Tidball, having thrown their catch into a strong canvas bag, jumped to the ground and, stumbling on high heels, ran to the locomotive.

The driver, sullenly but prudently obeying their command, drove the locomotive away from the stationary train. But even before that, the mail car conductor, waking up from hypnosis, jumped out onto the embankment with a hard drive in his hands and took Active participation in Game. John Big Dog, sitting on the coal tender, made a wrong move, exposing himself to the shot, and the conductor swatted him with his trump ace. Knight high road rolled to the ground with a bullet between his shoulder blades, and thus each of his partners' share of the spoils increased by one-sixth.

Two miles from the water pump the driver was ordered to stop.

The bandits defiantly waved goodbye to him and, rolling down a steep slope, disappeared into the dense thickets bordering the path. Five minutes later, crashing through the chapparal bushes, they found themselves in a clearing where three horses were tied to the lower branches of the trees. One of them was waiting for John Big Dog, who was no longer destined to ride it day or night. Having removed the saddle and bridle from this horse, the bandits set it free. They sat on the other two themselves, slinging the bag on the pommel of the saddle, and rode quickly, but looking around, first through the forest, then along a wild, deserted gorge. Here Bob Tidball's horse slipped on a mossy boulder and broke his front leg. The bandits immediately shot her and sat down to hold a council. Having traveled such a long and winding path, they were safe for now - time was still running out. Many miles and hours separated them from the fastest chase. Shark Dodson's horse, dragging his bridle along the ground and moving his sides, gratefully nibbled the grass on the bank of the stream. Bob Tidball untied the bag and, laughing like a child, emptied it of neatly sealed stacks of brand new banknotes and a single bag of gold.

Listen, old robber,” he cheerfully turned to Dodson, “but you turned out to be right, the business burned out.” Well, what a head you have, like the Minister of Finance. You can give anyone in Arizona a hundred points ahead.

What should we do with the horse, Bob? You can't stay here too long. They will start chasing us before dawn.

Well, your Bolivar can withstand two for now,” answered the cheerful Bob. “We’ll take the first horse that comes our way.”

Damn, good catch, huh? There are thirty thousand here, if you believe what is printed on the pieces of paper - fifteen thousand per brother.

“I thought there would be more,” said Shark Dodson, slightly nudging the stacks of money with the toe of his boot. And he looked thoughtfully at the wet sides of his exhausted horse.

Old man Bolivar is almost exhausted,” he said deliberately. - It's a pity that your bay broke her leg.

“It wouldn’t be a pity,” Bob answered innocently, “but there’s nothing you can do about it.” You have a two-wire Bolivar - he will take us where we need to go, and there we will change horses. But, damn it, it’s funny that you’re from the East, a stranger here, and we’re in the West, at home, and yet you can’t hold a candle to you.

Which state are you from?

From New York State,” Shark Dodson replied, sitting down on a boulder and chewing on a twig. - I was born on a farm in Ulster County. When I was seventeen, I ran away from home. And I came to the West by accident. I was walking along the road with a bundle in my hands, wanting to get to New York. I thought I’d get there and start raking in money. It always seemed to me that this is what I was born for. I reached a crossroads and don’t know where to go. For half an hour I wondered what I should do, then I turned left. By evening I caught up with the circus cowboys and moved with them to the West. I often wonder what would have happened to me if I had chosen a different path.

“In my opinion, it would be the same,” Bob Tidball answered philosophically. -

It's not about the road we choose; it is what is within us that makes us choose the path.

Shark Dodson stood up and leaned against a tree.

I’m very sorry that your bay broke her leg, Bob,” he repeated with feeling.

“And me too,” Bob agreed, “it was a good horse.” Well, Bolivar will take us out. Perhaps it's time for us to move, Shark. Now I'll put it all back and be on my way; the fish looks where it is deeper, and the person where it is better.

Bob Tidball put the booty in a bag and tied it tightly with rope.

Looking up, he saw the muzzle of a forty-five-caliber Colt, from which Shark Dodson was aiming at him with a fearless hand.

Stop these jokes,” Bob said, grinning. - It's time to move.

Sit as you sit! - said Shark. - You're not moving from here, Bob. I hate to say it, but there's only room for one. Bolivar is exhausted, and he cannot take down two.

“You and I have been comrades for three whole years, Shark Dodson,” Bob answered calmly. - More than once, you and I risked our lives together. I was always honest with you, I thought that you were a person. I heard something wrong about you, like you killed two people for no reason at all, but I didn’t believe it. If you were joking, Shark, put away the Colt and run quickly. And if you want to shoot -

shoot, black soul, shoot, tarantula!

Shark Dodson's face showed deep sadness.

You won’t believe it, Bob,” he sighed, “how sorry I am that your bay broke her leg.”

And his face instantly changed - now it expressed cold cruelty and implacable greed. The soul of this man peeked out for a minute, as the face of a villain sometimes peeks out from the window of a venerable bourgeois house.

In fact, Bob was not destined to move. A shot rang out from a treacherous friend, and they responded with an indignant echo at the stone walls of the gorge. And the villain's unwitting accomplice, Bolivar, quickly carried away the last of the gang that robbed the Evening Express - the horse did not have to carry a double load.

But when Shark Dodson galloped through the forest, the trees in front of him seemed to be covered with fog, the revolver in right hand became the curved arm of an oak chair, the upholstery of the saddle was somehow strange, and, opening his eyes, he saw that his legs were resting not on the stirrups, but on the stained oak desk.

So I say that Dodson, head of the brokerage firm Dodson & Decker, Wall Street, opened his eyes. Peabody's trusted clerk stood next to the chair, hesitating to speak. Wheels rumbled dully under the window, and an electric fan hummed soporificly.

Hmm! Peabody,” Dodson said, blinking. - I think I fell asleep. I had a most curious dream. What's the matter, Peabody?

Mr. Williams from Tracy and Williams is waiting for you, sir. He came to pay for X, Y, Z. He got caught with them, sir, if you remember.

Yes I remember. What is the price for them today?

One eighty five sir

Well, pay him off at this price.

Excuse me, sir,” Peabody said, worried, “I was talking to Williams.”

He's yours old friend, Mr. Dodson, but you bought all the X, Y, Z.

I think you might, that is... Maybe you don't remember that he sold them to you for ninety-eight. If he settles at the present price, he will have to lose all his capital and sell his house.

Dodson's face instantly changed - now it expressed cold cruelty and implacable greed. The soul of this man peeked out for a minute, as the face of a villain sometimes peeks out from the window of a venerable bourgeois house.

Let him pay one eighty-five,” said Dodson. - Bolivar cannot take down two.

O. Henry - The Roads We Take, read the text

See also O. Henry - Prose (stories, poems, novels...):

Roads of fate
Translation by M. Urnov There are roads in front of me, Where will I go? Faithful heart...

Friend - Telemak
Translation by M. Urnov Returning from hunting, I was waiting in the small town of L...

America during the Wild West. Three bandits attack a mail express. One of them is killed by the guide, but the other two - Bob Tidball and Dodson, nicknamed "Shark" - manage to escape with a loot of 30 thousand dollars. However, when the raiders were fleeing the chase, Tidball's horse slipped, broke its leg and the owner had to shoot it. The bandits have a problem with what to do next. Tidball offers to load the loot onto a horse named Bolivar, owned by Shark Dodson, and ride it together until they come across some horse. Dodson, after some deliberation, kills his friend Tidball, whom he had known for many years, while uttering the phrase “ Bolivar is exhausted. He can't handle two"(English) Bolivar, he "s plenty tired, and he can"t carry double). Having taken the share of the dead man, he rushes away on Bolivar.

It turns out that this story about bandits was just a dream of the head of the brokerage firm, Dodson. He, who had fallen asleep in a chair, is woken up by a trusted clerk, asking whether it is worth giving a deferment or reducing the price for Dodson’s old friend Williams, since otherwise he will go completely broke. Dodson refuses his friend and says the phrase: “ Bolivar can't handle two».

The meaning of the name becomes clear from Shark Dodson's story to Bob Tidball about his fate: having left his parents' home in his youth, Dodson was going to New York to become a financial tycoon, but at a fork in the road he turned in the opposite direction and later often thought, “ what would have happened to me if I had chosen a different path». « I think it would be the same“- answers the already doomed Tidball.

Bolivar can't handle two

IN THE USSR key phrase story - " Bolivar can't handle two" - became a proverb, thanks to comedy film Leonid Gaidai “Business People” (1962), based on the stories of O. Henry.

Originally, the phrase meant that when choosing between benefit and friendship, preference is given to benefit. However, nowadays the saying " Bolivar can't stand two" is also used in the sense that if it becomes difficult to combine two options at the same time, then one of them must be gotten rid of.

In film

In the film "Business People" (1962) there is a scene missing from O. Henry's story. Dodson refuses a financial concession to his old friend Williams, who is facing complete ruin. Williams walks out the office door in shock. Dodson lights a cigar, smiles an ominous smile and says: “Bolivar cannot stand two.” At this moment, a shot is heard outside the door and the sound of a body falling is heard. Williams does not appear in the story; Dodson conveys his refusal through his secretary; there is no mention of Williams’ suicide.

Bolivar can't stand two

Bolivar can't stand two
From the story “Roads We Take” (1910) by the American writer O. Henry (pseudonym of William Sidney Porter, 1862-1910).
Bolivar is the name of a horse on which two friends could have escaped, but one of them, named Dodson, nicknamed Shark, abandoned his friend and saved himself. In his defense, he said: “Bolivar cannot stand two.”
Later, when Dodson became a major entrepreneur, these words became his motto, which guided his relations with his business partners.
Allegorically: either you or I; someone has to win.

Encyclopedic Dictionary of winged words and expressions. - M.: “Locked-Press”. Vadim Serov. 2003.

See what “Bolivar can’t stand two” means in other dictionaries:

    Bolivar. Still from the film " Business people"(short story “The Roads We Take”), 1962 Bolivar (eng. Bolivar) is a fictional horse from the story by O. Henry “Roads We Take” (“Roads We Take”, 1910). Appearance the horses in the story are not... ... Wikipedia

    Bolivar. Still from the film “Business People” (short story “The Roads We Choose”), 1962 This term has other meanings, see Bolivar. Bolivar (English ... Wikipedia

    Bolivar: Bolivar, Simon (Simón José Antonio de la Santísima Trinidad Bolívar de la Concepción y Ponte Palacios y Blanco; 1783 1830) leader of the struggle for independence of the Spanish colonies in South America. Bolivar broad-brim,... ...Wikipedia

    Bolivar. Still from the film “Business People” (short story “The Roads We Choose”), 1962 This term has other meanings, see Bolivar. “The Roads We Take” (English... Wikipedia

    catchphrases, winged words, idioms according to TSB definition, “widely used apt words, figurative expressions, sayings historical figures, short quotes, names of mythological and literary characters, which have become household names" ... Wikipedia

    Catchphrases, catchwords, catchphrases as defined by TSB, “widely used apt words, figurative expressions, sayings of historical figures, short quotes, names of mythological and literary characters that have become household names”... Wikipedia

    Catchphrases, catchwords, catchphrases as defined by TSB, “widely used apt words, figurative expressions, sayings of historical figures, short quotes, names of mythological and literary characters that have become household names”... Wikipedia

    Catchphrases, catchwords, catchphrases as defined by TSB, “widely used apt words, figurative expressions, sayings of historical figures, short quotes, names of mythological and literary characters that have become household names”... Wikipedia


  • Collected Works in 3 volumes (number of volumes: 3), O "Henry. The Famous American writer O. Henry (William Sidney Porter) - author of popular short stories, a master of original plot twists, colorful dialogues and stunning endings...
  • O.Henry. Collected Works (set of 3 books), O. Henry. The famous American writer O. Henry (William Sidney Porter) is the author of popular short stories, a master of original plot twists, colorful dialogues and stunning endings.…

From the collection “Rotation” (1910).


America during the Wild West. Three bandits attack a mail express. One of them is killed by the guide, but the other two - Bob Tidball and Dodson, nicknamed "Shark" - manage to escape with a loot of 30 thousand dollars. However, when the raiders were fleeing the chase, Tidball's horse slipped, broke its leg and the owner had to shoot it. The bandits have a problem with what to do next. Tidball offers to load the loot onto a horse named Bolivar, owned by Shark Dodson, and ride it together until they come across some horse. Dodson, after some deliberation, kills his friend Tidball, whom he had known for many years, while uttering the phrase “ Bolivar is exhausted. He can't handle two"(English) Bolivar, he "s plenty tired, and he can"t carry double). Having taken the share of the dead man, he rushes away on Bolivar.

It turns out that this story about bandits was just a dream of the head of the brokerage firm, Dodson. He, who had fallen asleep in a chair, is woken up by a trusted clerk, asking whether it is worth giving a deferment or reducing the price for Dodson’s old friend Williams, since otherwise he will go completely broke. Dodson refuses his friend and says the phrase: “ Bolivar can't handle two».

The meaning of the name becomes clear from Shark Dodson's story to Bob Tidball about his fate: having left his parents' home in his youth, Dodson was going to New York to become a financial tycoon, but at a fork in the road he turned in the opposite direction and later often thought, “ what would have happened to me if I had chosen a different path». « I think it would be the same“- answers the already doomed Tidball.

Bolivar can't handle two

In the USSR, the key phrase of the story is “ Bolivar can't handle two“- became a proverb thanks to the comedy film by Leonid Gaidai “Business People” (1962), based on the stories of O. Henry.

Originally, the phrase meant that when choosing between benefit and friendship, preference is given to benefit. However, nowadays the saying " Bolivar can't stand two" is also used in the sense that if it becomes difficult to combine two options at the same time, then one of them must be gotten rid of.

In film

In the film "Business People" (1962) there is a scene missing from O. Henry's story. Dodson refuses a financial concession to his old friend Williams, who is facing complete ruin. Williams walks out the office door in shock. Dodson lights a cigar, smiles an ominous smile and says: “Bolivar cannot stand two.” At this moment, a shot is heard outside the door and the sound of a body falling is heard. Williams does not appear in the story; Dodson conveys his refusal through his secretary; there is no mention of Williams’ suicide.

In O. Henry's famous novella "The Roads We Take" there is a phrase that now lives own life and those who use it rarely know where it comes from. Let us remember: “Bolivar cannot stand two.” There it was about two raiders who were leaving with loot from their pursuers through the desert. One horse got tired of galloping and the choice arose: either abandon the prey and the two of them leave on one horse, or take the prey, but one raider will have to rest in place. According to the plot, this is what happened; it was impossible to abandon the prey. Bolivar left with one raider and the loot, and the second was left in the desert in the form of a corpse.

This - lovely illustration what has already happened in the Russian Federation. It is known that total and, in fact, legalized corruption puts pressure on the state with enormous power. Excessive militarization of the country puts pressure on him in much the same way, especially when there are wars. In this case, you have to choose one of two things: either rob the budget or spend money on war. History has a lot of examples when the corrupt elite surrendered their own country in exchange for the opportunity to continue to rake goodies out of it. She (the elite) rightly argues that by getting involved in a war, the army will rake in all the resources that they claim as bonuses for their high position. Conversely, a country at war very often introduces brutal measures to suppress theft and corruption. Simply put, such figures are simply taken to the edge of the ditch and there they are shot, and their property is completely confiscated for the needs of the front.

Since the Russian Federation is going its own way, they decided to use the principle of the guard commander from the film about Munchausen: “First celebrations were planned, then arrests, then they decided to combine.” In general, the Russian Federation has been either preparing for war or waging one for almost 10 years. During this time, she has already fought three wars: Georgia, Ukraine and Syria. They say that Putin entrusted Shoigu with a certain plan “Draht nach Zuid” - a war in Africa. Moreover, they have not yet decided who exactly to release: Libyans, Sudanese or Central Africans.

But at the same time, a group of pumpers with the familiar names of Putin’s personal friends are not even thinking about slowing down the pumping of the budget. Moreover, this applies to both the non-official part, which has general definition“corruption”, although the definition of “robbery” is more suitable here, and the official one. The fees of the top management of Gazprom, Rosneft and other companies with the bulk of state capital still amount to tens of millions of dollars, plus numerous bonuses, compensation, etc. Something that easily doubles, or rather triples, their official salary. And, of course, no one has canceled all sorts of status luxury items either. Gold and diamonds in toilets are a common thing that no one is going to give up. Those who want to know in more detail what this looks like can try to get an estimate for the celebration of Gazprom’s twenty-fifth anniversary, which will take place at next week in the Kremlin. This is despite the fact that the company chronically suffers losses and loses capitalization. Well, besides, no one has given up on mega-construction projects in which tens of billions of dollars are buried and which have no way of ever paying off.

But such dissonance can only be seen by an outside observer. For those who are in the know, everything is extremely clear. Laying a gas pipeline along the bottom of the sea, the most expensive of the possible options for such pipelines, in the bottom line, is not much different from war. And here and there they rob the treasury.

This became clear when overhead former minister Defense of the Russian Federation, convicted of gigantic theft of funds from the Ministry of Defense, loudly and cheerfully slammed the “golden parachute”. At that moment everything fell into place. The Russians were told that there were enemies around and they had to fight them or prepare for a war with them. To do this you need to have a large army and a lot of weapons. If so, then the military budget should be appropriate. In general, all this has already been accomplished, only in the version with a military budget there is a cherry on the cake, which cannot be obtained either with the “Crimean bridge” or with “Nord Stream” or “the power of Siberia”. The expenditure part of the Ministry of Defense budget, for the most part, is covered with various classifications of secrecy. No one will know about this, and if they find out, they will not be able to speak, and if they say, they will go to prison, and a lot of “experts” will call the defendant a provocateur. That's where things go sour.

In general, in the Russian Federation two large and voracious groups of people sat down to feed, roughly speaking, they put two riders on Bolivar, but as the classic pointed out, he cannot stand two. Sanctions applied to subjects of the Russian economy and individuals, is only a catalyst for the processes that are running within the Russian Federation.

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