Meshcheryakov meaning. The forgotten Cossack army or Meshcheryaks in service to the Cossacks

Meshcheryakov Meshcheryakov

Patronymic from the name of the father at the place of previous residence: Meshcheryak (as a Siberian, Tula) - a resident of Meshchera - this was the name of the territory east of Ryazan, after the ethnonym of the Meshchera people, whom the Russians found there in the 9th century; Later, Meshchera was inhabited by Tatars, and the name Meshcheryak passed on to them, but by the time the names Meshcheryak appeared, it already referred to the Russian population of the Ryazan left bank of the Oka River, and only in the northern part of the Tambov province and the northwestern part of the Penza province did it still designate a representative of the local non-Russian population.

Meshcheryaks are a people of the Turkic linguistic group living in Bashkiria and the Urals. (F). Patronymic from the name of the father at the place of previous residence: Meshcheryak (as a Siberian, Tula) - a resident of Meshchera - this was the name of the territory east of Ryazan, after the ethnonym of the Meshchera people, whom the Russians found there in the 9th century; Later, Meshchera was inhabited by Tatars, and the name Meshcheryak passed on to them, but by the time the surnames appeared, Meshcheryak already referred to the Russian population of the Ryazan left bank of the Oka River, and only in the northern part of the Tambov province and the northwestern part of the Penza province did it still designate a representative of the local non-Russian population. (N) (see Meshcherin)

(Source: “Dictionary of Russian surnames.” (“Onomasticon”))


Patronymic from the father's name at the place of previous residence: meshcheryak(as Siberian, Tula) - a resident of Meshchera - this was the name of the territory east of Ryazan, after the ethnonym of the Meshchera people, whom the Russians found there in the 9th century; Later, Meshchera was inhabited by Tatars, and the name Meshcheryak passed on to them, but by the time the surnames appeared, Meshcheryak already referred to the Russian population of the Ryazan left bank of the Oka River, and only in the northern part of the Tambov province and the northwestern part of the Penza province did it still designate a representative of the local non-Russian population.

(Source: “Dictionary of Russian surnames”. Nikonov V. A., M.: Shkola-Press, 1993.)

See what “Meshcheryakov” is in other dictionaries:

    Mikhail Grigorievich (1910 94), physicist, corresponding member of the Russian Academy of Sciences (1953). Basic works on nuclear physics, high energy physics, accelerator technology. One of the leaders in the construction of the first synchrocyclotron in the USSR at 680 MeV (1949).... ... Russian history

    Contents 1 Men 1.1 A 1.2 B 1.3 V ... Wikipedia

    I Meshcheryakov Mikhail Grigorievich [b. 4(17).9.1910, p. Sambek, now Rostov region], Soviet physicist, corresponding member of the USSR Academy of Sciences (1953). Member of the CPSU since 1940. Graduated from Leningrad University (1936). In 1936 1947 he worked at the Radium Institute of the Academy of Sciences ... Great Soviet Encyclopedia

    Playwright 1870s (Vengerov) Meshcheryakov, V. aut. patriot. dram prod. 1870-80s (Vengerov) ... Large biographical encyclopedia

    MESHCHERYAKOV- Alexander Ivanovich (12/16/1923, village of Gumenki, now in the Ryazan region, 10/30/1974, Moscow), defectologist, village of psychol. Sciences (1971). Graduated from Philosophy. ft MSU (1950). Scientific employee (since 1952), manager laboratory (since 1961) at the Research Institute of Defectology of the Academy of Sciences of the USSR.... ... Russian Pedagogical Encyclopedia

    Nikolai Leonidovich (25.II.1865 3.IV.1942) revolutionary leader. movements in Russia, writer. Corresponding member USSR Academy of Sciences (since 1939). Member of the Communist party since 1901. Rod. in Zaraysk in the family of an agronomist. Studied in St. Petersburg. technological in those, took part in... ... Soviet historical encyclopedia

    MESHCHERYAKOV- Alexander Ivanovich (1923 1974) Russian psychologist, defectologist, Doctor of Psychological Sciences (1971), professor, specialist in the field of teaching deaf-blind children. Graduated from the psychological department of the Faculty of Philosophy of Moscow State University (1950) and graduate school... ... Encyclopedic Dictionary of Psychology and Pedagogy

    Meshcheryakov M. G.- MESHCHERYAKOV Mikhail Grigorievich (191094), physicist, member of the RAS (1953). Basic tr. in nuclear physics, high energy physics, will accelerate. technology. One of the leaders of the construction of the first synchrocyclotron in the USSR at 680 MeV (1949). State USSR Ave. (1951, 1953) ... Biographical Dictionary

    Meshcheryakov N. L.- MESHCHERYAKOV Nikolai Leonidovich (1865-1942), publicist, member of the Academy of Sciences of the USSR (1939). Since 1918 member Editorial Board of Pravda, Head. Gosizdat. In 192432 deputy. Ch. ed. TSB, in 192738 ch. ed. ITU. In 192427 secret. Krestinterna. Tr. in the history of literature... ... Biographical Dictionary


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Reveal the secret of the surname MESHCHERYAKOVA(in Latin transliteration MESCHERYAKOVA) looking at the results of calculations in numerological magic of numbers. You will discover hidden talents and unknown desires. You may not understand them, but you feel that you don’t know something about yourself and your loved ones.

The first letter M of MESCHERYAKOV’s surname will tell you about the character

These are people who are ahead of the curve. You love to plan for the future: today's affairs and love fade in front of the future. However, you have a warm heart and an impeccable imagination, and your smile is simply charming. Therefore, when dreaming of a distant princess (prince), do not forget about those who surround you - they are the real companions of your life, and they are the ones who will give you happiness.

Characteristic features of the surname MESHCHERYAKOV

  • power
  • comfort
  • unity with nature
  • impermanence
  • lack of systematicity
  • talkativeness
  • vitality
  • insight
  • passion
  • emotionality
  • vigor of self-expression
  • endurance
  • nervousness
  • insight
  • thoughtfulness
  • shyness
  • pedantry
  • hard work
  • great emotionality
  • mysterious disturbances
  • dogmaticity
  • constant pressure
  • self-confidence
  • generosity
  • intelligence
  • aspiration forward
  • intelligence
  • Creative skills
  • self-esteem

MESHCHERYAKOVA: number of interaction with the world “1”

People under the influence of one are destined by fate to go forward - to where surprises, dangers, troubles, oddities may lie in wait... In a word, anything. Such people look back only to make sure that no one has fallen behind on the way. But if you fall behind, it doesn’t matter; The “unit” is almost always sure that few are worthy of following him, but even among them there may be those who cannot bear the troubles. True, only a few people often push those he cares about - there are very few such people and their fate is not easy.

Those who are accustomed to shifting their problems to others, trusting other people’s opinions and taking into account any advice and recommendations will enjoy the calm and predictability of the situation in the society of the “unit”, but you should come to terms with the fact that the “unit” person will act exactly as considers it necessary. In most cases, he is confident that he knows better what should be done, and will not doubt that he is right even if his error becomes obvious to others.

The “unit” rarely changes his judgments under the influence of others, but he himself is not constancy, so his life is varied and full of surprises. Having clearly defined his goal, he strives for it only as long as overcoming obstacles gives him pleasure. Then priorities change, and it is almost impossible to return the “one-man” to his previous ways, so counting on his constancy would be a big mistake.

The bright individuality of people with units is largely explained by the fact that they love to be in the center of attention and catch admiring glances. Such a person willingly talks not only about his victories, but also about his defeats - after all, even the latter can be described very, very colorfully.

“Single students” benefit from studying, but with rare exceptions, they prefer to instruct others on the right path rather than learn lessons. It should be noted here that people of one usually have enough strength and energy reserves to endure the blows of fate even if they are dealt by the same rake again and again. There is no point in trying to keep such a person from making mistakes: he always defends his freedom, including the freedom to make mistakes, tempt fate, and follow a difficult and dangerous path. If for some reason a “single person” is still under the influence of others, he is usually unhappy and does not bring to others the benefit that he could bring.

MESHCHERYAKOVA: the number of spiritual aspirations is “8”

Eight is the number of aspirations of the soul, giving a person a tremendous desire for independence. There are no authorities for such people. Their own thoughts and idealistic ideas about the world make them outcasts and renegades. However, enormous determination and the ability to dictate their own rules lead G8 people to recognition and well-deserved leadership in the team.

The lust for power, wealth and fame abound. Wanting to provide a decent standard of living for his family, a person number eight may take a dangerous path, but natural caution will not allow him to suffer from his own indiscretion. The sooner such a person finds the most suitable business for himself, the sooner he will gain authority, and the more measured his life will be.

If this does not happen, then the “eight-ball” plunges into the fight against stereotypes, prejudices, norms and perceived injustice. Eternal battle deprives people of the number eight of strength and vigor, as well as the likelihood of finding their happiness. Eights often have entrepreneurial abilities, but do not risk their money. Their business is successful, and their partners and investors are honest.

Luck accompanies people of number eight only when the right direction for self-expression and realization is chosen. Living only by your own interests leads to melancholy, despondency and loneliness, but selfishness fades away as soon as the understanding comes that the more you give, the more you gain.

Number eight people have huge ambitions, but do not always find the strength to realize them. The ability to convince and attract others with oneself opens up considerable opportunities for one’s comrades, but an overly difficult choice of a leader is punished by one’s own like-minded people with a stab in the back. Resourcefulness helps to navigate a difficult situation, and speech, supported by well-founded arguments, inspires boundless confidence.

The worst version of the “eight” is impatient, devoid of prudence, capricious and incredibly picky in love relationships, but even such a person always listens to the voice of reason and will reconsider his actions if he is convinced that this is necessary to fulfill his plans.

MESHCHERYAKOV: the number of true singularities is “2”

People born under the influence of two are gladly accepted in any company. Moving towards their goal, they will definitely not go overboard, will not indulge in intrigue and will not break the rules. They are more interested in finding a compromise or giving in to their opponent rather than trying to impose their own point of view. People of 2 diligently carry out any task; no work is insignificant for them.

Losers are irreplaceable workers: they not only unquestioningly obey their superiors and avoid conflicts, but also strive to establish informal relationships in the team. These people are friendly and sociable, easily adapt to a new company and know how to carry on a conversation even with unsociable guests.

A person under the influence of two has a strong charisma. He is confident in himself, uses his charm without embarrassment and can turn from a sweet dreamer into a cunning manipulator, although he quickly repents and loses interest in deception. A loser feels most comfortable demonstrating the best traits of his character: caring for friends and loved ones, helping those in need, showing himself as a wonderful spouse and parent.

These people do not like to break the rules, since harshness and aggressiveness are completely unusual for them. However, they will not blindly obey either, since they always have their own point of view on current events, although they are in no hurry to share it with others.

Those born under the influence of two are not always able to cope with difficulties; they become nervous if they realize that the efforts made have been in vain. However, they prefer not to accumulate negativity in themselves, but to strive towards new dreams and goals.

Dreaming of universal well-being, people of two, as a rule, start with their own family. It cannot be said that everything comes easy to them, but these tireless workaholics know how to enjoy even the little things. An ideal family, stable income, true friends - this is what brings real happiness to a loser.

The meaning and origin of the surname Meshcheryakov

The family name Meshcheryakov is derived from a personal nickname and belongs to a common type of Russian surnames.

Since ancient times, in Rus' there has been a tradition of giving a person a nickname in addition to the name he received at baptism. The fact is that there were relatively few church names, and they were often repeated. A truly inexhaustible supply of nicknames made it easy to distinguish a person in society. The sources could be: an indication of the type of occupation, the characteristics of the person’s character or appearance, the area from which the person came.

The surname Meshcheryakov comes from the nickname of a distant ancestor in the male line Meshcheryak. The inhabitants of Meshchera were called Meshcheryaks (similar to Siberians, Tulaks) - this was the name of the territory east of Ryazan, after the name of the Meshchera people, whom the Russians found there in the 9th century. The Finno-Ugric tribe Meshchera, who lived in the Oka region, was subjugated by the Cumans, which explains the “Turkic character of the later Meshcheryaks.”

Later, Meshchera was inhabited by the Tatars, and the name “Meshcheryak” passed on to them, but by the time the names appeared, the concept “Meshcheryak” already applied to the Russian population of the Ryazan left bank of the Oka, and only in the northern part of the Tambov province and the northwestern part of the Penza province still designated a representative local non-Russian population.

The meaning of the surname Meshcheryakov

There is another interpretation of the origin of the ethnonym, which more convincingly explains the existence of the surname in the Urals: “The Meshcheryaks are a people of the Turkic linguistic group living in Bashkiria and the Urals.”

Thus, the nickname Meshcheryak could be given either to a representative of the nationality called “Meshchera”, “Meshcheryak”, “Mishari”, or to a Slav or Tatar who lived in the territory of the Meshchera Lowland. This nickname has long been recorded in historical documents: Meshcheryak Pestrikov son of Kachalov, mid-16th century, Novgorod; Matvey Meshcheryak, Cossack chieftain, associate of Ermak Timofeevich, died in the battle of Tobolsk in 1585.

Origin of the surname Meshcheryakov

The generally accepted model of Russian family names did not emerge immediately, but by the beginning of the 17th century, most surnames were formed by adding to the base - the name or nickname of the father - the suffixes -ov/-ev and -in, which gradually became typical indicators of Russian family names. By their origin, such names were possessive adjectives, patronymics. Thus, the descendants of a person who bore the name Meshcheryak could receive the surname Meshcheryakovs.

When and where exactly the nickname of the ancestor formed the basis of the inherited surname, today it is difficult to say unambiguously, since the process of formation of Slavic family names lasted for centuries. However, there is no doubt that the surname Meshcheryakov is a wonderful monument of Slavic writing and culture.

Studying the history of the origin of the Meshcheryakov surname reveals forgotten pages of the life and culture of our ancestors and can tell a lot of interesting things about the distant past.

The family name Meshcheryakov is derived from a personal nickname and belongs to a common type of Russian surnames.

Since ancient times, in Rus' there has been a tradition of giving a person a nickname in addition to the name he received at baptism. The fact is that there were relatively few church names, and they were often repeated. A truly inexhaustible supply of nicknames made it easy to distinguish a person in society. The sources could be: an indication of the type of occupation, the characteristics of the person’s character or appearance, the area from which the person came.

The surname Meshcheryakov comes from the nickname of a distant ancestor in the male line Meshcheryak. The inhabitants of Meshchera were called Meshcheryaks (similar to Siberians, Tulaks) - this was the name of the territory east of Ryazan, after the name of the Meshchera people, whom the Russians found there in the 9th century. The Finno-Ugric tribe Meshchera, who lived in the Oka region, was subjugated by the Cumans, which explains the “Turkic character of the later Meshcheryaks.”

Later, Meshchera was inhabited by the Tatars, and the name “Meshcheryak” passed on to them, but by the time the names appeared, the concept “Meshcheryak” already applied to the Russian population of the Ryazan left bank of the Oka, and only in the northern part of the Tambov province and the northwestern part of the Penza province still designated a representative local non-Russian population.

There is another interpretation of the origin of the ethnonym, which more convincingly explains the existence of the surname in the Urals: “The Meshcheryaks are a people of the Turkic linguistic group living in Bashkiria and the Urals.”

Thus, the nickname Meshcheryak could be given either to a representative of the nationality called “Meshchera”, “Meshcheryak”, “Mishari”, or to a Slav or Tatar who lived in the territory of the Meshchera Lowland. This nickname has long been recorded in historical documents: Meshcheryak Pestrikov son of Kachalov, mid-16th century, Novgorod; Matvey Meshcheryak, Cossack chieftain, associate of Ermak Timofeevich, died in the battle of Tobolsk in 1585.

The generally accepted model of Russian family names did not emerge immediately, but by the beginning of the 17th century, most surnames were formed by adding to the base - the name or nickname of the father - the suffixes -ov/-ev and -in, which gradually became typical indicators of Russian family names. By their origin, such names were possessive adjectives, patronymics. Thus, the descendants of a person who bore the name Meshcheryak could receive the surname Meshcheryakovs.

When and where exactly the nickname of the ancestor formed the basis of the inherited surname, today it is difficult to say unambiguously, since the process of formation of Slavic family names lasted for centuries. However, there is no doubt that the surname Meshcheryakov is a wonderful monument of Slavic writing and culture.

Sources: Tupikov N.M. Dictionary of Old Russian personal proper names, Dal V.I. Explanatory dictionary of the living Great Russian language, Vasmer M. Etymological dictionary of the Russian language, in 4 volumes, Veselovsky S.B. Onomasticon, Unbegaun B.O. Russians

Studying the history of the origin of the Meshcheryakova surname opens forgotten pages of the life and culture of our ancestors and can tell a lot of interesting things about the distant past.

The family name Meshcheryakov is derived from a personal nickname and belongs to a common type of Russian surnames.

Since ancient times, in Rus' there has been a tradition of giving a person a nickname in addition to the name he received at baptism. The fact is that there were relatively few church names, and they were often repeated. A truly inexhaustible supply of nicknames made it easy to distinguish a person in society. The sources could be: an indication of the type of occupation, the characteristics of the person’s character or appearance, the area from which the person came.

The surname Meshcheryakova comes from the nickname of a distant ancestor in the male line Meshcheryak. The inhabitants of Meshchera were called Meshcheryaks (similar to Siberians, Tulaks) - this was the name of the territory east of Ryazan, after the name of the Meshchera people, whom the Russians found there in the 9th century. The Finno-Ugric tribe Meshchera, who lived in the Oka region, was subjugated by the Cumans, which explains the “Turkic character of the later Meshcheryaks.”

Later, Meshchera was inhabited by the Tatars, and the name “Meshcheryak” passed on to them, but by the time the names appeared, the concept “Meshcheryak” already applied to the Russian population of the Ryazan left bank of the Oka, and only in the northern part of the Tambov province and the northwestern part of the Penza province still designated a representative local non-Russian population.

There is another interpretation of the origin of the ethnonym, which more convincingly explains the existence of the surname in the Urals: “The Meshcheryaks are a people of the Turkic linguistic group living in Bashkiria and the Urals.”

Thus, the nickname Meshcheryak could be given either to a representative of the nationality called “Meshchera”, “Meshcheryak”, “Mishari”, or to a Slav or Tatar who lived in the territory of the Meshchera Lowland. This nickname has long been recorded in historical documents: Meshcheryak Pestrikov son of Kachalov, mid-16th century, Novgorod; Matvey Meshcheryak, Cossack chieftain, associate of Ermak Timofeevich, died in the battle of Tobolsk in 1585.

The generally accepted model of Russian family names did not emerge immediately, but by the beginning of the 17th century, most surnames were formed by adding to the base - the name or nickname of the father - the suffixes -ov/-ev and -in, which gradually became typical indicators of Russian family names. By their origin, such names were possessive adjectives, patronymics. Thus, the descendants of a person who bore the name Meshcheryak could receive the surname Meshcheryakovs.

When and where exactly the nickname of the ancestor formed the basis of the inherited surname, today it is difficult to say unambiguously, since the process of formation of Slavic family names lasted for centuries. However, there is no doubt that the surname Meshcheryakov is a wonderful monument of Slavic writing and culture.

Sources: Dictionary of modern Russian surnames (Ganzhina I.M.), Encyclopedia of Russian surnames. Secrets of origin and meaning (Vedina T.F.), Russian surnames: popular etymological dictionary (Fedosyuk Yu.A.), Encyclopedia of Russian surnames (Khigir B.Yu.), Russian surnames (Unbegaun B.O.).