Art museums of Crimea. Abstract: Museums of Crimea

They appeared in Crimea immediately after its liberation - in the spring of 1944. Today there are more than 2 thousand of them. In the legendary Sevastopol alone there are about 400 sculptures erected in honor of the heroic events and valiant people of this bloody war.

Thus, on the peninsula there are monuments dedicated to pilots, tank crews, sailors, medical workers, journalists, military equipment, individual military units and certain people who distinguished themselves during the war. They all fought for the Crimean land and brought the Great Victory closer.

Obelisk of Glory on Mount Mithridates

In Crimea, one of the first monumental monuments dedicated to the events of the Great Patriotic War was the Obelisk of Glory in Kerch. It was opened in 1944. The monument was erected in memory of the soldiers and officers of the Separate Primorsky Army and the sailors of the Azov Military Flotilla, as well as all the soldiers who died in the battles for the liberation of Crimea.

The obelisk was built from stones, which at that time was considered the central church of Kerch.

The triangular monument, 24 meters high, rests on a massive three-step pedestal in the shape of a trefoil. Each of its protrusions has 76mm cannons. On the obelisk itself you can see a bas-relief image of the Order of Glory, and on the pedestal you can read the memorial text.

Later, a wall was built near the pedestal in the form of an open book, on which the names of fallen soldiers, including Heroes of the Soviet Union, were carved. And in 1959 they lit it near the obelisk.

Monument "Sail"

On the shore of the Kerch Strait there was a monument "Sail", dedicated. It is located on a hill in the village of Heroiskoe (Kerch), at an altitude of 30 meters above sea level. Thanks to this, the monument is clearly visible both from the sea and from the shore.

At the place where Parus was installed, the landing force heroically held the bridgehead from November 1, 1943 to December 9, 1943.

The height of the reinforced concrete monument, created in the shape of a sail, is 20 meters. On the front side of the monument there is a wall with voluminous bas-reliefs depicting scenes of landing battles with the Nazis, and at the foot of the hill there are steles with the names of Heroes of the Soviet Union, the names of military units and ships that took part in the landing.

Monument in honor of the heroes of the defense of Sevastopol

Memorial plaques are installed under the monument. On one of them there are the words: “The exploits of the people of Sevastopol, their selfless courage and dedication, rage in the fight against the enemy will live for centuries, they will be crowned with immortal glory.” On others, the names of units and formations of the Black Sea Fleet, the Primorsky Army and city enterprises that worked for the front are carved.

The monument was built in 1967. The Eternal Flame was lit next to him. Since 1973, young Sevastopol residents have stood guard at post No. 1 at the monument.

By the way, Sevastopol, which held back a 300,000-strong enemy army for a long time, was awarded the title of “Hero City” in 1965.

Monument to Sailor and Soldier

The monument "Sailor and Soldier" was erected on Cape Khrustalny. The process of creating the monument lasted more than 30 years. So, the decision to build the sculpture was made in 1972, it began to be installed in 1981, and was opened only in 2007.

The monument is a composition of figures of an armed sailor and soldier eager to fight. The monument stands on a horizontal pedestal. In front of it there is a tiled platform with a view of the Sevastopol Bay. The area around the monument has been landscaped, in particular, an alley of trees has been planted here.

Due to its height (more than 40 meters), the monument is the most noticeable in the hero city.

Monument to the armored train "Zheleznyakov"

The legendary armored train "Zheleznyakov", built in 1941, belonged to the main base of the Black Sea Fleet. He actively participated in the Great Patriotic War. German soldiers nicknamed this car the "Green Ghost". And for good reason.

The armored train made 140 combat raids, inflicting heavy damage on the enemy in manpower and equipment. After each “soray,” the vehicle took refuge in a tunnel, where enemy batteries and aircraft could not reach it. Only in July 1942 did the Nazis manage to put Zheleznyakov out of action.

In peacetime, the armored train was restored and traveled on the Crimean railways until 1967. After that, in memory of “Zheleznyakov”, his former auxiliary locomotive El-2500 was installed as a monument near the Sevastopol bus station. It has the inscription " " on it.

Partisan hat

At the Angarsky Pass, in the village of Perevalnoye, Simferopol region, a memorial sign “Partisan Cap” was installed. It is located on the side of the road at 27 km of the Simferopol-Alushta highway.

They were active in these places during the German occupation of Crimea. For two and a half years, the people's avengers fought 252 battles and destroyed about 30 thousand opponents. At the same time, more than 4 thousand partisans and underground fighters died in battles with the fascists. In memory of their heroic deed, this sculpture was erected in 1963.

The monument is an irregularly shaped block of stone, which is diagonally crossed by an insert of polished red marble. The object resembles a headdress that was commonly worn. In front of the monument there is a memorial plaque, to the right of it is a stele with high reliefs of partisans, and to the left are two memorial plaques with the names of the victims.

More than 700 marines landed on the Evpatoria coast in January 1942. As a result of fierce fighting that lasted several days, less than a hundred soldiers survived. Despite the defeat, the landing was able to divert part of the enemy forces from Sevastopol and helped consolidate the success of Soviet troops on the Kerch Peninsula.

The monument is a sculptural composition that depicts the moment of landing on the shore. The central figure is a sailor with a grenade raised in his hand. To the right and left of him are two more sailors. On the triangular pedestal of the monument there is an inscription: “Your feat glorifies the Fatherland, its reward is immortality.”

Initially, in 1950, a monument in the form of one sailor was erected on this site, but 20 years later it was replaced with a three-figure composition. The previous sculpture was moved to the cemetery of the village of Koloski (until 1948 - Oraz), in which 17 paratroopers died in an unequal battle with the Nazis.

Monument to a grieving mother

During the German occupation of Yevpatoria in 1941-1942, more than 12 thousand civilians were shot. In memory of the victims of fascist terror, the Red Hill memorial complex was created in the city in 1954, on the territory of which a monument to a grieving mother was erected.

The sculpture is a three-meter bronze figure of a woman in a long dress, holding two roses in her hand. The monument is installed on a pyramidal pedestal more than 3 meters high.

On the base in front of the sculpture the Eternal Flame burns. Nearby are a mass grave and a monument to the participants of the Evpatoria landing, whose remains were found in the park named after. Karaev. was installed in the park in 1970. It is a 16-meter steel column. It is crowned with a bronze image of the Order of the Patriotic War, 1st degree. At the foot of the sculpture the Eternal Flame burns. To the right of the monument there is a stele with memorial plaques on which are written the names of the commanders of units and formations who took part in

The monument in the form of a tank mounted on a pedestal appeared in the Crimean capital in 1944. On the territory where the sculpture stands, a complex was created in the form of a stylized portico with columns, between which there are slabs with the names of the parts and connections that liberated the peninsula as a whole. The pedestal of the monument is lined with polished granite slabs. There is also a memorial plaque with the text: “Glory to the defenders and liberators of Crimea 1941-1944.”

By the way, according to experts, the T-34 is the best tank. It was produced in 1940 at the Kharkov Design Bureau.

The article was published on April 4, 2019 in the “Military Monuments” section. Discussion:

Among the military-historical monuments of Sevastopol, Mikhailovsky Fort occupies a special place. This is one of the most significant and interesting attractions of Crimea. This fortification complex was built in 1846 on the North side. Ravelin was erected to protect the Sevastopol Bay. The stone two-tiered structure also had an additional line of defense - an earthen ditch encircling the entire perimeter of the battery. The length of the ancient stone bastion is 205 m. By the mid-19th century, Mikhailovsky Fort was the largest and most fortified in the Sevastopol region...

The article was published on May 25, 2018 in the “Military Monuments” section.

In 1942, during the occupation of Crimea, a concentration camp was built on the territory of the Krasny state farm near Simferopol. It consisted of wooden barracks, housing 60 people each. The territory of the Krasny concentration camp was fenced with two rows of barbed wire. According to the conclusion of the commission of inquiry, the camp carried out mass extermination of prisoners through torture, execution, gas poisoning in specially equipped cars (“gas chambers”), burning at the stake, and throwing them into a well alive. In the 1970s, excavations were carried out on the territory of the concentration camp. They were pulled out of the ground...

The article was published on February 2, 2018 in the “Military Monuments” section.

“Black Wing”, installed in memory of the crew of the long-range missile carrier Tu-22M3, who were able to turn the dying vehicle away from the village of Zuya on May 21, 1990. The disaster united the pilots and residents of Zooey. In the accident, the navigator of the plane, Vladimir Shadrin, was killed, and when the village residents tried to disassemble and extinguish the wreckage of the combat vehicle, the Zuychan resident Sinitsky was hit by a shrapnel when an oxygen cylinder exploded. Residents of Zuya picked up the ejected pilots and provided them with first aid. The official commission later admitted that the cause of the plane's death was a manufacturing defect, and the actions...

There are many memorable places in Crimea during the Great Patriotic War. These include the legendary partisan airfields, of which there were seven on the peninsula. The Ivanenkovsky airfield operated from the late summer of 1943 until the mid-spring of 1944. The strategically important military facility was served by the First Partisan Brigade. Airborne transport with food and weapons for the partisans landed at the airfield, and the evacuation of wounded soldiers and civilians to the mainland was carried out from here. It was to the Ivanenkovo ​​runway in 1944 that the famous banner was brought, which became one...

The article was published on July 24, 2017 in the “Military Monuments” section.

Dolgorukovskaya Yayla is conveniently located in the upper reaches of the Burulcha (in the east) and Salgira (in the west) rivers. The deep river gorge of Burulchi, rich in forested hills and ridges, separates it from the Karabi massif and the Orta-Syrt yayla. In the south, the upper ledge of Yaila Tyrke almost closely adjoins the Demerdzhi massif. The rocky western slopes of Dolgorukovka, cut by small ravines, are adjacent to the Salgir valley and Chatyr-Dag. The northeastern outskirts of the village are covered with dense protected forests located in the valley of the Beshterek and Zuya rivers. Numerous tributaries of Burulchi merge with oak trees...

The article was published on November 4, 2016 in the “Military Monuments” section.

This is one of the historical attractions of Crimea during the Second World War. The memorial complex is located in the Simferopol region of the Crimean Peninsula - near the village of Perevalnoye. The radio operator's hut and the Partisan gun are located on Mount Yuki-Tepe. This place is also known as "Hill 1025". During the Great Patriotic War, a powerful radio station was based on a mountain peak - the main communications center of the Second Partisan Region. The central headquarters was also located here. In the summer of 1942, fierce battles with the German invaders took place in the Crimean Mountains near Perevalnoye. Fascists...

The 40th separate command and measurement complex (military unit 81415) as part of the Main Test Space Center named after G. S. Titov of the Aerospace Forces is located in the village of Vitino, near the city of Evpatoria (Crimea). The territory of the center is divided into 3 areas. It has two codes in the list of observatories of the Minor Planet Center: 255 (Evpatoria, RT-70) and B17 (AZT-8 Evpatoria, AZT-8). In 1960, a complex of scientific measuring point structures was created (NIP-16 military unit 34436 US "Coral") in the coastal plain region of Crimea not far from Evpatoria....

The article was published on July 30, 2016 in the “Military Monuments” section.

The village of Shkolnoye Shkolnoye was founded near the ancient village of Takil-Dzhabanak, also called Dzhabanak, which disappeared by 1942 and was located in the gully of the same name. The year of foundation of the modern village is considered to be 1957, since in September of this year the first prefabricated barracks, officer houses and KUNGs with equipment were placed on the site south of the modern village, later a complex of permanent buildings and space infrastructure structures called “Ground Measuring Point No. 10” was built to the north "(NIP-10), at the same time with which an urban-type settlement grew...

The article was published on May 30, 2016 in the “Military Monuments” section.

There are many catacombs and former underground military bases on the Crimean Peninsula. Many of them have long been abandoned. Such objects include the famous Inkerman adits - one of the most mysterious attractions of the Sevastopol region. It is not known exactly when these catacombs appeared. It is only known that in the middle of the century before last they already existed. Photographs taken by the French in 1856 serve as proof of this. The adits are located at a depth of about one hundred meters from the surface of the earth. This is one of the largest and most extensive dungeons on...

The article was published on February 4, 2016 in the “Military Monuments” section.

The monument to Soviet soldiers who fought for the freedom of their homeland during the Second World War is located in the mountains in the Simferopol region of the peninsula - on Dolgorukovskaya Yayla, 10 kilometers from the village of Opushki. The mound rises almost 900 meters above sea level. The black obelisk, set on top of a grassy hill, is approached by a staircase framed by white borders. The Simferopol Memorial “Star” received this name because the platform in front of the stairs is designed in the shape of a five-pointed star. On its stone faces there are memorial plaques with the names of the partisans who gave...

The article was published on January 28, 2016 in the “Military Monuments” section.

Suvorov oak in Belogorsk. Its size and age are amazing: its height is about 18 meters, its crown diameter is more than 40 meters, its trunk diameter is 3.8 meters, its trunk circumference is more than 12 meters, its age is said to be more than 800 years. According to legend, it was under this oak tree that Suvorov received the ambassador of the Turkish Sultan in March 1777. In 1776, Shagin-Girey became the khan of the Nogai hordes and with his detachment from Taman entered the Yenikale fortress. Russian troops under the command of Alexander Suvorov marched from Perekop deep into the Crimea. Having learned about a large concentration of Turkish troops north of Karasubazar, he headed to this area and...

In the fall of 1943, Soviet troops landed an amphibious assault in the Yeni-Kale area. For five months, the paratroopers fought heavy battles with the Nazis, who were trying to destroy the bridgehead. A monument stands at the site of the battles on the small Yenikalei Peninsula. During the Great Patriotic War, the front line passed through Kerch three times. After the retreat, part of the Soviet soldiers, along with the partisans, went to the Adzhimushkai quarries, from where they fought from May to the end of October 1942, overcoming cold, hunger, lack of ammunition and gas attacks. The Adzhimushkai quarries near Kerch are one of...

The article was published on January 27, 2016 in the “Military Monuments” section.

Museum of the History of the Eltigen Landing, 1943-1944; was opened in May 1985. The Kerch-Eltigen landing operation, which marked the beginning of the liberation of Kerch, was one of the major amphibious landings during the Great Patriotic War. The landing force managed to capture a small bridgehead 3 km along the front and 1.5 km in depth, called “Tierra del Fuego,” and withstand 36 days of fighting under conditions of complete blockade. Total 6 sq. kilometers of bridgehead, 40 days of fighting, 61 defenders awarded the high title of Hero of the Soviet Union. The museum is complemented by military-historical monuments located on...

The article was published on December 9, 2015 in the “Military Monuments” section.

Object 825 GTS is an underground submarine base in Balaklava, a secret Cold War-era military facility located in Balaklava Bay. The underground submarine base in Balaklava is an anti-nuclear defense structure of the first category (protection against a direct hit from a 100 kt atomic bomb), which includes a combined underground water channel with a dry dock, repair shops, fuel and lubricants warehouses, and a mine and torpedo section. Located in Mount Tavros, on both sides of which there are two exits. From the bay side there is the entrance to the canal (adit). When...

The article was published on November 23, 2015 in the “Military Monuments” section.

The Dolgorukovsky obelisk is located in Simferopol - at the intersection of K. Liebknecht and Zhukovsky streets. This is one of the main historical and memorial attractions of the Crimean city. In the past, the obelisk was called the “monument to Dolgoruky.” It was erected in honor of a significant historical event - the victory of the Russian army under the command of V. M. Dolgoruky over Turkish troops. After a confident victory, a significant part of the territories of modern Poland, Russia and Ukraine was forever freed from the raids of the Crimean khans who laid claim to these lands. The monument was erected in...

Evpatoria is a real treasure trove of Crimean attractions. There are famous architectural and historical-archaeological monuments, majestic temples, modern entertainment complexes, etc. There are more than a dozen museums in the city alone. The main museum in Evpatoria is considered to be the Local History Museum, founded in 1921. Next to it, in the fall of 2012, one of the new city museums, dedicated to the Crimean War, opened its doors to visitors. It has the status of a branch of the Museum of Local History and is located on Revolution Street - at number 61. Across the road there is another...

The article was published on November 18, 2015 in the “Military Monuments” section.

Sevastopol is one of the main cities of military glory. It contains a large number of monuments dedicated to the First Defense of the city (Crimean War) and the Second Defense (WWII). The latter also includes a monument to the soldiers of the Second Guards Army. This historical and memorial landmark of Sevastopol is located on the high cape of the Northern side - not far from the square named after General Zakharov. The monument was erected by personnel of the 2nd Guards Army. The author of the project was the architect K. Chankvetadze, who also participated in the fierce battles for Sevastopol....

The article was published on October 8, 2015 in the “Military Monuments” section.

On the Northern side of Sevastopol there are several historical and memorial Sevastopol attractions. The most famous of them is the Fraternal Cemetery, located near the Northern Fortification. The cemetery is a fairly large complex of burials from different time periods, but most of the graves date back to the Crimean War. The first heroic defense of the city, which lasted eleven months, cost Russia dearly - the tsarist army then suffered significant losses. The cemetery appeared at the beginning of the siege of Sevastopol - in 1854. For 349 days of defense within...

This landmark of Sevastopol rises at the beginning of the city’s Historical Boulevard. Every day, many tourists and several excursion groups pass by the famous monument, heading up the boulevard alley. When the steepest part of the climb is left behind, a sculptural image of the legendary military engineer E.I. Totleben clearly appears against the background of the blue Sevastopol sky. During the Crimean War, Eduard Ivanovich supervised all work to strengthen the city’s defensive lines. He was also responsible for the underground mine war. In it...

The article was published on May 14, 2015 in the “Military Monuments” section.

A memorial sign to Tolstoy is located on the Historical Boulevard of Sevastopol. This historical and memorial landmark of Crimea is a small horizontal slab of black marble with a white marble bas-relief image of the profile of Lev Nikolaevich. The inscription under the bas-relief reads: “L. N. Tolstoy - the great Russian writer who participated in the defense of Sevastopol on the fourth bastion in 1854-1855.” The monument was created by stone carver I. Stepanov and sculptor G. Denisov. The memorial plaque decorating the Historical Boulevard today is not the first memorial...

The article was published on May 9, 2015 in the “Military Monuments” section.

The image of this landmark of Sevastopol is on the coat of arms of the hero city. The monument was opened on the fiftieth anniversary of the First Defense of Sevastopol - in 1905. It was created in memory of the ships of the Black Sea Fleet, which had to be sunk in order to protect the city from attacks from the sea. Opposite the monument, on the famous Primorsky Boulevard, there is a memorial wall with anchors attached to it, which were removed from ships sent to the seabed. Right in the sea, not far from the boulevard embankment, rises an elegant snow-white column, decorated...

The German military cemetery is located in Crimea near the village of Goncharnoye on the Sevastopol-Yalta highway. When you get here, you immediately notice the neatly trimmed grass, but this is not a lawn. This is a burial. The remains of 24,793 people are buried here (the territory is designed for 40 thousand). Groups of crosses are located in random places, wherever grass grows - one continuous grave. Not fraternal, almost everyone has a name. The remains of German soldiers and officers who died in the Second World War were reburied at the cemetery in Goncharny (our grandfathers and great-grandfathers died in the Great...

The article was published on May 2, 2015 in the “Military Monuments” section.

A special place among the attractions of Sevastopol is occupied by the Kazarsky Monument - the very first monument erected in the city. Sevastopol has experienced many heroic days during its difficult and glorious history. This includes the First Defense during the Crimean War and the siege of the city by German troops during the Second World War. The Mercury monument was a kind of harbinger of the great feat of the soldiers who selflessly defended their Motherland. The monument was erected in honor of A. Kazarsky, a lieutenant captain who commanded the brig Mercury, whose crew entered into an unequal battle with superior...

The article was published on May 2, 2015 in the “Military Monuments” section.

In the center of Sevastopol, on the famous Bastion Hill, there is one of the main attractions of Crimea - the largest monument dedicated to the first defense of the hero city in 1854-1855. A masterpiece of epic battle painting is housed in a museum specially built for this purpose. The museum building is one of the architectural monuments of the Crimean Peninsula. The development of the architectural project was carried out by military engineer Enberg and architect Feldman. The panorama is made in the form of a round rotunda. It is interesting primarily because it has the same diameter and height - 38 meters. Entrance...

The article was published on May 2, 2015 in the “Military Monuments” section.

This landmark of Sevastopol rises on the Nakhimovskaya Square of the same name in the very center of the hero city. The opening ceremony of the monument took place in 1959. This is the result of the joint creativity of the architect A. Arefiev and the sculptor N. Tomsky. Previously (1898 to 1928), another monument to the famous Russian admiral stood on this site. It was demolished by the Soviet government as a “relic of tsarism.” P. S. Nakhimov is known primarily for the fact that under his command the combat squadron of the Black Sea Fleet inflicted a crushing defeat on the Turkish fleet in the Crimean War. Sea battle...

The article was published on March 10, 2015 in the “Military Monuments” section.

One of the most famous military monuments in Crimea is the “Barrel of Death” in Balaklava. If you climb to Cape Aya along the path along the coast of Balaklava Bay, you can see a strange structure on Mount Spilia, hanging over a steep cliff. The metal object really does look like a barrel. This is one of the elements of the patrol and defensive outpost called “Southern Fort”. But why "Barrel of Death"? Where does such a creepy name come from? Many people know about the unusual attraction of the Crimean peninsula. Even those who have never been to Balaklava. The fact is that this object is shrouded in legend...

The article was published on February 20, 2015 in the “Military Monuments” section.

The monument to I. A. Nazukin was one of the very first monuments erected in this area of ​​the resort city of Feodosia. This monument has a very interesting history - it had several “predecessors” - starting from the end of the nineteenth century, which were dismantled or simply destroyed in a barbaric manner. Previously, Nazukin Square, where the monument of the same name now stands, was called “Alexandrovskaya”, as it was decorated with a monument to Emperor Alexander the Third. In the early nineties of the century before last, the development of Feodosia left...

Feodosia, like other cities of the Crimean Peninsula, wrote its name in the history of the Second World War. Every Feodosian knows about the heroic feat of the paratroopers. In honor of this event, a monument to the paratroopers was erected. The history of the landings, which took place at the end of December 1941 - beginning of January 1942, is very tragic. This operation was carried out as part of a general counteroffensive by the Red Army. In the entire history of the Great Patriotic War, this landing was the largest. The Soviet command needs to prevent the capture by German troops...

The article was published on February 19, 2015 in the “Military Monuments” section.

This historical and memorial complex is one of the most famous Crimean attractions. It was erected at the beginning of the nineteenth century. The fountain-monument to Kutuzov is located on the tenth kilometer of the Simferopol highway - under Mount Demerdzhi, where the famous Sungu-Su stream flows. The monument was erected in honor of the events of 1774, when the Turks, who treacherously violated peace agreements with the Russian Empire, landed troops in Alushta and headed towards the southern coast of the Crimean Peninsula. One of the columns of the Russian army also included a grenadier...

The article was published on February 19, 2015 in the “Military Monuments” section.

The opening of the monument took place in the fall of 1981. The event was timed to celebrate the fortieth anniversary of the partisan movement of the Second World War on the Crimean peninsula. The site chosen for the monument was the fifth kilometer along the Alushta-Yalta highway. Two people worked on the creation of the monument to the Crimean partisans - architect I. Semenyak and sculptor F. Aleshchenkov. This historical and architectural landmark of Crimea is a large memorial complex. It is completely carved from stone. The faces of the fighters and commanders of the partisan detachment emerge from the monolithic block -...

This is another one of the attractions of Evpatoria, which reminds descendants of the heroes of the Second World War. The Theater Square of Evpatoria was chosen as the location for the installation of the monument to the general. Pilot N. Tokarev received the title of Hero of the Soviet Union during the Finnish War. But he accomplished his last feat in the Black Sea skies - near Yevpatoria, where the pilot lived before the war, serving as commander of a mine and torpedo flight unit. During the fiercest battles for the liberation of the Crimean Peninsula, General Tokarev and a group of his torpedo bombers flew out on a combat mission to...

The article was published on January 16, 2015 in the “Military Monuments” section.

These military attractions of the Crimean peninsula are located in the resort town of Evpatoria. One of the most significant and tragic events of the Second World War associated with this place was the landing of the Soviet army's naval paratroopers in January 1942. Almost all the soldiers who did not receive help from the ground due to a powerful sea storm died. In Yevpatoria there are several monuments to heroic sailors. The “Kater” monument is dedicated to the event described above. It is installed in Karaev’s garden - right on the shore of the bay. The inscription on the marble board reminds of the January events of 1942...

The Alma Memorial was built in 1905 in honor of the English, Turkish, French and Russian soldiers who fell during the Crimean War. This was the first major field battle and involved about one hundred thousand soldiers from four countries. On September 8, 1854, the battle began at the mouth of the Alma River, hence the name of the memorial. The army of the British, French and Turks was several times larger than the Russian army in terms of numbers and weapons. But they stubbornly resisted, trying to prevent their opponents from entering Sevastopol. Both sides suffered thousands of losses...

The article was published on February 24, 2014 in the “Military Monuments” section.

In 1905, the Russian government decided to strengthen the defense of Sevastopol. The battery project was developed by military engineer N.A. Buinitsky. A hill near the village of Lyubimovka was chosen to build the battery. In 1914, the battery was already built. In 1928, guns capable of firing at a distance of 44 kilometers were installed on the 30th battery. Five years later, the first test firing began here, and it was then that battery No. 30 was assigned. The 30th battery of the city of Sevastopol was fully electrified, a railway led to it from the Mekenzievy Gory station, to...

The article was published on February 19, 2014 in the “Military Monuments” section.

If the objects around us could speak... Much would not be a mystery shrouded in darkness for us. But while historians and scientists are thinking about how to collect such information, we can only imagine that we would hear from the 35th coastal battery, which is located in Sevastopol. Light, motor and gray-haired 35-battery in the frame: When the coastal battery was built in 1913, it already created a sensation from the very beginning. Just imagine, it took the same amount of concrete as the construction of the Zaporozhye hydroelectric power station. And she had to defend Sevastopol from the sea. Beautiful...

The article was published on February 19, 2014 in the “Military Monuments” section. Discussion:

Currently, there is not a single day left without a holiday; every day is someone’s birthday, then the day of invention, or a memorable historical date. And we recommend that all lovers of Crimean sights mark in their calendar another, albeit not large-scale, but still a holiday: the opening day of the Diorama “Assault on Sapun Mountain”, which took place on November 4, 1959. We all celebrate the day of the great victory with pleasure during the May holidays, and each of us listens with bated breath to the news of those years, and waits for news about the liberation of our hometown or...

The article was published on February 18, 2014 in the “Military Monuments” section.

It’s not for nothing that I call Sevastopol a hero city; its heroic past is one of the brightest pages in the chronicle of the city. On the Korabelnaya side of Sevastopol there is a tactically important height - Malakhov Kurgan. The mound began to be called that in the 20-30s of the 19th century. Captain Mikhail Mikhailovich Malakhov settled near the mound in 1827. He arrived from Kherson and commanded a company of the eighteenth working crew. Mikhail Mikhailovich was a very reasonable, fair and intelligent person. People often came to him for advice or to resolve some controversial issue...

The Monument to Sunken Ships is one of the most famous landmarks of Sevastopol, immortalized on the city’s emblem. It was erected more than a hundred years ago in honor of the events that took place at the beginning of the 19th century. Despite the long-standing events associated with the installation of the monument, the history of the emergence of this monument and the outlines of this monument are known not only to residents of the city, but also to everyone who has been here at least once.

A.P. Chekhov is a famous Russian writer, a generally recognized classic of world literature and a good doctor. Most educated people associate this personality with only one thing - he is one of the most famous playwrights in the world. Anton Pavlovich's works have been translated into more than 100 different languages, and his plays are staged in many theaters around the world.

Ivan Konstantinovich Aivazovsky is a world-famous collector, marine painter, philanthropist and battle painter. For those who are not yet familiar with his life and work, it is worth mentioning that I.K. Aivazovsky is one of the most famous artists of Armenian blood living in the 19th century.

Heading towards sunny Evpatoria, on the section of the highway between Saki and the sunny city you can notice a small hill that disrupts the landscape of the steppe Crimea. This place is the famous Greco-Scythian settlement of Kara-Tobe.

In memory of this great man, in the village of Gurzuf, which is located not far from Yalta, in the house that belonged to the Governor-General of New Russia and Bessarabia, Duke Armand-Emannuel du Plessis de Richelieu, a museum was opened. Pushkin. The construction of the house was completed in 1811, the building is surrounded by an amazingly beautiful park in the English style. The building is also notable for the fact that the stone two-story house was the first building in the European style on the territory of the Southern Coast of Crimea.

The Kerch Museum of Antiquities is a whole world that has absorbed the entire history of Crimea. Within its walls are preserved monuments of the prehistoric period, unique traces of the Bosporan kingdom, relics of antiquity and the Middle Ages. The museum fund has more than 130 thousand museum objects, including a large archaeological collection, a unique Lapidarium, a rich scientific library, and an art gallery. The museum's excursion sites include the Tsar's Mound, the Kerch Fortress, the Adzhimushkai quarries, as well as ancient settlements.

Sevastopol is a city that embodies the fearlessness and courage of the Russian people. Numerous monuments tell about his heroic past. One of the most grandiose is the “Defense of Sevastopol” panorama. The monumental pictorial work of art depicts dramatic episodes of the Crimean War of 1853-1856. The united work of many talented artists showed the world a grandiose picture, frozen for centuries, telling about the times when Sevastopol became the city of Russian glory.

If you want to get into a real fairy tale, go to Crimea! On the outskirts of picturesque Yalta, a fascinating world of Russian folklore awaits you, created by the hands of talented sculptors and artists.

In the village of Malorechenskoye, within the boundaries of Big Alushta, tourists will find a fascinating attraction - the Memorial complex “In memory of those killed on the waters,” which includes the Church of St. Nicholas of Myra and the Museum of disasters on the waters.

A few meters from the shore on the beach in Miskhor you can see one of the most touching sculptural monuments of Crimea - a bronze mermaid with a baby in her arms. The girl sadly looks at her native land, which she had to leave.

Museums and monuments on the map

Back in Soviet times, Crimea began to be called an open-air museum. Since ancient times, it has become a desirable place of rest and living for many world-famous artists, writers, poets and singers. Crimean museums contain evidence of the ancient world. Here, to this day, pieces of the culture and art of most peoples and their individuals who have ever lived on our beautiful peninsula have been preserved. Griboyedov called Crimea “a natural museum that keeps the secrets of thousands of years.”

Thanks to Crimea, world literature was enriched with “Crimean” works of such outstanding personalities as A.S. Pushkin, L.N. Tolstoy, A.P. Chekhov. Here on the peninsula, the revolutionary populist A.I. Zhelyabov, who was one of the organizers of the assassination of Emperor Alexander II, the marine painter, as well as the battle painter I.K., was born and lived his life. Aivazovsky, as well as many other outstanding personalities.

Crimea is the most museum region of Russia

Today, there are more than 17 state and about 400 public museums on the peninsula. Every day their walls are visited by hundreds, and at the height of the season, thousands of people. All of them are eager to plunge into the history of certain events taking place here in Crimea, or to learn detailed details from the lives of individual outstanding personalities such as Aivazovsky, Green, Chekhov or Voloshin.

Almost every city in Crimea has its own famous museums and monuments. For example, in the southern city of the peninsula - Feodosia, there is a very interesting house-museum named after I.K. Aivazovsky. It was in this house that the artist lived and sometimes even worked. This museum has a long history. The first exhibition, consisting of 49 paintings by the artist, was opened in 1845. It was the first museum of one artist on the territory of the Russian Empire. After Aivazovsky’s death in 1900, the house was transferred to state ownership and 20 years later it became a state museum, deservedly bearing the artist’s name.

Everyone knows Anton Pavlovich Chekhov - a famous Russian writer, a generally recognized classic of world literature. In 1898, he moved to one of the most beautiful cities on the peninsula - Yalta. Residents of the city called his house “Belaya Dacha”. It was here that he lived the last five years of his life. In Crimea, Chekhov wrote such famous stories, plays and novellas as “The Lady with the Dog”, “Three Sisters”, “The Cherry Orchard”, “In the Ravine”, “The Bride” and “The Bishop”. After his death, the house was transferred to the city, where some time later a museum named after the writer was built.

Moving from personalities to events of the peninsula, it is worth saying that Crimea is filled with history, pieces of which are stored in many different museums scattered throughout the peninsula. Looking into the capital - the city of Simferopol, you can find two magnificent museums that provide the most complete picture of the history, culture and nature of Crimea. These are the Crimean Museum of Local Lore, or as it is also called the “Museum of Taurida”, and the Simferopol Art Museum. The latter was created in 1922 as an art gallery of the “Museum of Taurida”. Here you can find more than 7,000 works of sculpture, painting, graphics, as well as decorative and applied arts.

Anyone who wants to plunge into the history of the wars taking place on the territory of the peninsula will be interested in viewing the panorama “Defense of Sevastopol 1854-1855” and the diorama “Assault on Sapun Mountain on May 7, 1944.” They most fully reveal the events of these significant dates taking place in the lands near Sevastopol. In addition, the city is simply oversaturated with other famous museums that will be interesting to pay attention to. These are, first of all, the “Museum of the Red Banner Black Sea Fleet”, the “Chersonese State Historical and Archaeological Reserve”, as well as the “Museum-Aquarium” of the Institute of Biology of the Southern Seas.

By the way, in Sevastopol you can find interesting monuments that have their own history. One of these is the “Monument to Sunken Ships,” located near Primorsky Boulevard. Since 1905, every day it reminds of the events that took place during the first defense of Sevastopol. On September 11, 1854, 7 Russian sailing ships were sunk, which interfered with the raid of enemy ships and thereby saved the city from defeat. In addition, the city has one of the largest monuments built in the Soviet Union. His name is "Soldier and Sailor". It was erected in honor of the soldiers of the Great Patriotic War of 1941-1945. It reminds us of the courage and heroism of people who fought with all their might for their homeland.

In addition, there are many different monuments and museums on the peninsula, stories about which can take many years. And the best way to learn about them is to come and see everything with your own eyes, touch them with your own hands and leave them in your memory, later passing on these memories to your children, grandchildren and great-grandchildren.

Every city in Crimea has unique museums that are definitely worth a visit to broaden your horizons and become better acquainted with the history of the peninsula.

It’s not for nothing that the whole of Crimea is called an open-air museum. The natural beauty and rich history of the peninsula arouse great interest among tourists. The most striking exhibits are collected in state museums. There are more than two dozen of them and each is dedicated to different pages of the history of Crimea.

Military History Museum

In 1869, the Military History Museum of the Black Sea Fleet was opened. The small building in which the exhibition is located is located in the center of Sevastopol. It is decorated with cast iron cannons and attracts tourists.
The exhibition contains exhibits telling about the history of the birth of Sevastopol, the founding of the fleet and the debut defense of the city. In the endless halls there is something to see: exact copies of famous ships, maps, navigation instruments, astrolabes. Preserved documents and manuscripts and personal belongings of ship captains are considered priceless belongings.
In the courtyard of the open-air museum, visitors are presented with an exhibition of military equipment that went through the Second World War: airplanes, guns, shells, anchors. They are interesting for any age category.

Marine Aquarium Museum

The oldest aquarium in the world is located in Sevastopol, where inhabitants of the Black and Indian Seas live, as well as inhabitants of the underwater world of the Atlantic Ocean. A visit to the museum will give unforgettable emotions to adults and children.
Representatives of underwater fauna live in 4 spacious halls in the clear water of aquariums. In the first room you can admire coral reefs and invertebrates. In the second, exotic fish swim in 12 aquariums. All conditions have been created for them, the temperature regime is observed and special aquatic plants have been selected.
The third hall has become a home for turtles and reptiles, and in the fourth hall visitors will encounter freshwater fish.
A walk through the Marine Aquarium-Museum will help you see in reality many inhabitants of the seas hidden under the water in their natural environment.

National Art Gallery named after Aivazovsky

There is a unique museum in Feodosia, which was founded by a famous native of the city - artist Konstantin Aivazovsky. At first, he introduced fans to the works of his creativity in his own home, and when interest in them increased unspeakably, he decided to build a separate gallery. It became the only institution at that time where the paintings of one master brush were exhibited.
Today, the National Art Gallery, which was bequeathed by Aivazovsky to his hometown, stores 417 paintings painted by the marine painter. Art connoisseurs from all over the world come to see them. At the entrance, guests of Feodosia are greeted by a monument to a famous artist.

Museum of Floristry and Sculpture "Glade of Fairy Tales"

In the open air on the outskirts of Yalta, the unique Glade of Fairy Tales museum awaits visitors. It was founded by a simple forester, Pavel Bezrukov, who came to improve his health. He was so fascinated by carving fairy-tale characters from trees and branches that thousands of adults and children began to come to see dozens of sculptures by the folk craftsman.
In 1970, the Glade of Fairy Tales was given the status of a museum. Today, there are more than 200 characters from your favorite cartoons and fairy tales on its territory. The exhibition is constantly updated with new items.