Naruto Uzumaki's favorite dish. The story of the anime Naruto - all the characters

Uzumaki Naruto is the main character of the manga and anime, a resident of Konoha. The Nine-Tailed Demon Fox Kyuubi Namikaze Minato, the Quarter Hokage, was sealed into it.

Naruto dreams of becoming Hokage so that everyone will respect him. To fulfill his cherished dream, he works tirelessly. Several years after the Fourth Shinobi World War, Naruto becomes the seventh Hokage.

His distinctive feature is the phrase "Dattebayo" and his incredible faith in the goodness of people.

Naruto Uzumaki
Name: Naruto Uzumaki
Kana: うずまき・ナルト
Reading: うずまき・ナルト
Rōmaji: Uzumaki Naruto
Meaning: No
Other: "Yogen no Ko" (予言の子, "Child of Prophecy")
"Kono Yo no Kyūseishu" (この世の救世主, "Savior of this World");
"Konohagakure no Eiyū" (木ノ葉隠れの英雄, "Hero of the Hidden Leaf");
"Konoha no Orenji Hokage" (木ノ葉のオレンジ火影, "Orange Hokage of Konoha");
"Nanadaime Hokage" (七代目火影, "Shadow of Fire of the Seventh Generation");
Status: Alive
Classification: jinchūriki
Ninja-ID: 102607
Age: 12-17 years old
13 years
15-16 years old
Floor: Male
Date of Birth: October 10, 12 d.
Weight: 40.1-50-9 kg
50.9 kg
Blood type: B
Rank: Hokage
Properties: Doton
In and Yo
Teams: Team Kakashi
Sasuke Search Team
Origin: Konoha
Clan: Uzumaki
Relatives: (wife)
First appearance
In the manga: Volume 1, chapter 1
In the anime:
Voiced by:


Naruto grew up an orphan, so he didn't know parental love. Residents shunned him and turned their children against him, because they saw him as a danger to themselves and their children. That's why Naruto felt lonely, desperate and furious. To get people to pay attention to him, he began to rebel and be insolent. His favorite word is Dattebayo! (だってばよ!), which he uses in moments of joy or sadness.

Naruto has habits that appeared in childhood: he loves Ramen and eats it with great pleasure, and also has a wallet in the shape of a frog, which he affectionately calls Gama-chan. In addition, he also has perverted inclinations, which is confirmed by his technique of Oiroke no Jutsu, or spying on women at hot springs.

Naruto sometimes does not understand the simplest and most obvious things, but at the same time, but at the same time he can be very smart, as was shown during training with the Rasengan.

At times, Naruto falls into melancholy, such as when he failed the Chunin exam and when his teacher Jiraiya died.

Plus, he is a man of convictions. While fighting Zabuza at Naruto's Big Bridge, he swore that he would never become a heartless shinobi, fighting only to complete a mission, without thinking about protecting his friends and the village. But after the death of his teacher and the battle with Pain, Naruto begins to doubt his own beliefs. He realizes that the shinobi world is a world of cruelty, revenge and hatred, but he does not kill Nagato in order to find out his motives. Their conversation helped him understand why he became so cruel.

Naruto's goal is the title of Hokage, and he is willing to do anything to get closer to this goal. This is proven to us by his action in the first season, when he steals the forbidden scroll, which, according to Mizuki, will help him become a genin.

Kakashi and Tsunade believe that Naruto has a special gift. All people develop trust in him after they communicate with him. The reason for this may be that Naruto himself has been quite unhappy in the past. Thanks to this gift, Naruto made many friends. As a child, he did not have them due to the fact that all adults were afraid of him because of the Kyuubi sealed in him, and children looked at their parents. Along with his desire to become Hokage, friendship is another of his driving forces.

Naruto can stand behind what he promises and is willing to risk his life to fight for his beliefs every time. This becomes clear when it comes to Sasuke and his return: his promise to Sakura to save Sasuke and return him to the village is a promise of a lifetime. Keeping his promises is his way of the ninja, in his own words. In the battle against Pain, he also risks his life for the life of the village and especially his friends. The people of Konoha respect Naruto as a shinobi and a villager.

Umino Iruka

Iruka was the first person to recognize Naruto. The reason is that their childhoods were very similar: both lost their parents and did stupid things to get attention. At first, Iruka avoided Naruto because the Kyuubi sealed in him killed Iruka's parents. Subsequently, brotherly relations began between them. Iruka often takes Naruto to Ichiraku Ramen where they discuss his progress. Iruka constantly helps him and shows him that he is not alone. Iruka was the person who helped Naruto survive Jiraiya's death. At Shimagama, Iruka lets Naruto go against the rules because he believes in him.

Haruno Sakura

Naruto is in love with Sakura, which he often shows in an obsessive and clumsy manner. At the Ninja Academy, Sakura treated Naruto like he was a talentless idiot who constantly got on her nerves. After both were placed on the same team, her attitude towards Naruto gradually began to change. During each meeting, Naruto shows his ninja skills, and little by little gains Sakura's respect and recognition. When Sasuke left Konoha, Sakura begged Naruto to return Sasuke, saying that Naruto was the only one who could do it; It was then that Naruto made his promise, which he keeps to this day. After Naruto defeats Pain, Sakura thanks him and hugs him. Sai later tells Sakura about Naruto's feelings. Intending to kill Sasuke herself, she confesses her love to Naruto and asks him not to look for the Uchiha, but the confession does not convince Naruto. Sometimes Sai directly says that Naruto and Sakura are suitable for each other, which infuriates the girl and she shuts him up in her own style.

Uchiha Sasuke

Despite the fact that there is a rivalry between Sasuke and Naruto, they are best friends, with Naruto considering Sasuke to be his brother. Sasuke also grew up without parents, which is why he understands Naruto’s loneliness like no one else. Sasuke's strength is an incentive for Naruto to improve. When they fought in Shumatsu no Tani, Naruto failed to stop his best friend from taking revenge. From that moment on, Naruto's main goal was to talk some sense into Sasuke and return him to Konoha. For this, he trains intensively and learns new techniques.

Naruto and Sasuke are the incarnations of the sons of Rikudo Sennin - Asura and Indra. Naruto's heart is influenced by love, which is the opposite of Sasuke's heart, which is filled with darkness and revenge. Naruto and Sasuke are the last generation of the eternal battle between two warriors with their different views, and they must end this battle once and for all. For this battle, Sasuke implants Itachi's eyes into himself, giving him the power to crush Naruto with the help of the eternal Mangekyou Sharingan. During the Fourth Shinobi World War, Naruto and Sasuke reconcile and fight side by side. However, Sasuke's desire to sow revolution in the shinobi world forces Naruto to decide on the last battle with him. During the battle, Sasuke realizes that he was wrong. At the end of the battle, he admits defeat and says that he sees Naruto as his older brother Itachi. Then they become best friends again.

Hatake Kakashi

There is a strong teacher-student bond between Naruto and Kakashi. Naruto deeply respects Kakashi, who in turn sees potential in Naruto since he is the son of his teacher. It is Kakashi who helps Naruto in training to introduce the chakra element into the Rasengan. Kakashi soon realizes that Naruto has surpassed him, and in the future he will surpass Jiraiya and Minato.

Hyuga Hinata

Hinata is the only girl in the series who truly loves Naruto since the beginning of the series. She considers Naruto to be a very strong ninja, admires his indestructible spirit and believes that she should become just like him. According to Hinata, when she looks at him, she feels full of courage so that she can stand up for herself, but at the same time, she is embarrassed by any word that Naruto says to her. Thanks to him, she gradually changes for the better, becoming a worthy ninja. During Pain's attack on Konoha, Hinata defended Naruto and confessed her love to him, after which she was severely injured. During the war, when Naruto's spirit almost breaks after the death of Neji, Hinata forbids him to give up and provides support.

Several years later, Naruto realizes that he loves Hinata and marries her. From her he has a son, Boruto, and a daughter, Himawari.


At first, Naruto avoided and to some extent despised Gaara for his cruelty. Naruto understands Gaara's feelings because both had no friends as children and were both jinchuuriki. He shows Gaara that living to protect his friends has deep meaning, and his fate lies only in the hands of Gaara himself. After this, Gaara changes his views and beliefs, and they become good friends.

Minato and Kushina

For a long time Naruto knew nothing about his parents. He met his father in his subconscious during the battle with Pain and was amazed that his father was the man he had admired all his life - the Yondaime Hokage. Minato has high hopes for Naruto, believing that the good in him can change the whole world.

Naruto met his mother during the battle with Kyuubi on Shimagama. From Kushina he inherited an active character. Naruto was glad that his mother was such a beauty, and was also proud that she and Minato were his parents.

Sarutobi Konohamaru

Konohamaru became Naruto's second friend after Iruka. At first, Konohamaru was contemptuous of Naruto, but when he began to show him his techniques, Konohamaru decided to become Naruto's student and his rival. Naruto himself considers Konohamaru his favorite student. They are, to some extent, rivals for the position of Hokage.


The acquaintance with Jiraiya occurred during Naruto's training with Yebisu before the start of the last stage of the Chūnin exam. Since Jiraiya is Naruto's godfather, he feels especially responsible for Naruto's upbringing. He teaches him various techniques such as Kuchiyose no Jutsu and Rasengan. After Sasuke left Konoha, Naruto and Jiraiya went on a two-year journey, in which Naruto trained hard. During this time they become very close. Jiraiya believes in Naruto and his desire to change the world. Shortly before his death, Jiraiya realizes that Naruto is the child from the prophecy.

In addition, the same traits can be seen in their personalities: both fall into the same trap during the task of the bells, both lost their best friends who decided to gain power. Jiraiya's attempt to stop Orochimaru failed in the same way as Naruto's attempt to reason with Sasuke. This similarity brings them together.


Kurama hated Naruto since his birth, as he was sealed within him. During their first meeting, Naruto demanded his power in exchange for him residing within him. In the future, Kurama repeatedly pushed Naruto to use his power and resort to hatred. He was very angry when Naruto stated his desire to control him completely. Naruto, after the battle with Kurama, began to sympathize with him and promised to remove the hatred from his heart. During the battle with Obito and his "Pain Rikudo", Kurama recognized Naruto and sided with him. He believes that Naruto is the connection between the tailed beast and humans and hopes that he will achieve peace.

Uzumaki Nagato

Thanks to Nagato, Naruto realized for the first time the depressing reality of being a shinobi: that in his much-respected shinobi world, hatred ruled, and he would have to watch his friends and loved ones die. From that moment on, his horizons expanded from the welfare of his friends to the welfare of all people in the shinobi world. In his battle with Pain, Nagato shows Naruto that shinobi fight only for their own interests and do not pay attention to others. This is how a vicious circle of hatred appears, which only generates revenge and even greater hatred. Naruto, however, did not share Nagato's idea of ​​bringing peace to people through pain, which would cleanse the world of war. After Naruto destroyed Tendo, he goes to Nagato, hoping to talk to him to find out his motives. During the conversation, it becomes clear that Naruto and Nagato are very similar. Like Naruto, in the past Nagato was convinced that peace could be brought to people without using violence. Both of them got this point of view from their common sensei, Jiraiya.

Uchiha Obito

Naruto and Obito are very similar: they both lived without parents, dreamed of becoming Hokage, to be recognized, lost loved ones, and they both tried to win the heart of their beloved girl, who did not feel the same for them. Obito was a student of Minato Namikaze, Naruto's father; He is also the one who was responsible for the fact that Naruto was left without parents and was despised by the people of Konoha, due to the fact that he became the jinchuuriki of the Kyuubi, whom Obito set on Konoha. Obito himself saw his younger self in Naruto, which is why he watched his reaction, trying to break him. During the Fourth Shinobi War, Naruto was able to enter Obito's mind, where he learned that they were very similar. Naruto tries to convince Obito, reminding him of his ideals, and asks him to go over to the side of the Shinobi Alliance, but Obito initially refuses, and then Naruto, in the guise of young Obito, explains to him that Rin would not even look at what he became, so how she wanted to take care of Uchiha Obito. After the revived Uchiha Madara pulled the Kyuubi out of Naruto, Obito gives Madara and saves Naruto by sealing Yin Kurama within him. Obito also has high hopes for Naruto, believing that he will correct all his mistakes.

As a child, Naruto got along well with Shikamaru, Choji and Kiba, with whom he often ran away from classes. Shikamaru was one of those who did not see Naruto as a threat, which is why he treated him like a normal person. Kiba, having lost to Naruto in Chunin Shiken, began to see him as a rival, after which he began to actively train to catch up with him. At first, Rock Lee did not see Naruto as a worthy opponent, but soon began to consider him one of his closest friends and saved him from Kimimaro. For a long time, there was enmity between Naruto and Neji, due to different views on life, but it was Naruto who was able to change Neji, defeating him in the final exam. All members of Konoha 11 respect Naruto.


As noted by Jiraiya, Naruto bears a striking resemblance to his father, Minato: also had Blue eyes and yellow, spiky, crew-cut hair. From his mother he inherited the shape of both eyes and face. During the Fourth Shinobi World War, Kato Dan thought that Naruto was Nawaki, since they were also completely similar in appearance. appearance. However, the most distinctive feature of Naruto's appearance is the presence of three stripes on his cheeks, similar to fox whiskers, which appeared due to the influence of the Kyuubi. He was also often criticized for his short height during the first part of the Anime and Manga. In two and a half years he has grown significantly.

In the first part, Naruto wore an orange tracksuit with blue accents on the shoulders and a white collar. On her feet are blue sandals. On the back and left shoulder is the sign of the Uzumaki clan, and on the left shoulder there is also a whistle. On his forehead is the blue Konoha protector that Naruto received from Iruka. Before receiving it, Naruto wore green glasses. Under the jacket she was wearing black T-shirt with a fire symbol. After training with Jiraiya, Naruto wore a black jacket with orange accents on the sides; orange pants with a kunai attachment on the right leg; black sandals. On the forehead is a black Konoha protector with long ties. During Pain's attack on Konoha, Naruto returns from Mount Myobokuzan. His attire is accompanied by a red cloak with a black fire pattern and a large scroll with the key to the Hakke no Fuin Shiki seal on his back. After final battle with Sasuke, Naruto lost his right forearm. Tsunade created a new one for him from Hashirama Senju's DNA.

Two years later, Naruto has shorter hair. Instead of a protector, he wears a headband with a sewn-in plate with the Konoha symbol. He wears a black jacket with an orange zipper and several buttons at the neck and waist. On his left arm he wears a red band with the symbol of Uzumaki Ichizoku. In his daily life, he wears an orange hooded sweater and black and orange pants with sandals. He has a scarf tied around his neck. Several years later, Naruto wears a red striped hoodie along with black pants, sandals, and the Hokage's cloak.

Naruto Changes

Naruto in
at 13 years old
at 16 years old
Naruto with
Kyuubi chakra
Naruto in
Sennin Modo
Naruto in
Kyuubi mode
Naruto in
Bijuu mode


Naruto was the son of Namikaze Minato and Uzumaki Kushina and was named after the main character from Jiraiya's book. Before Naruto's birth, the Sandaime Hokage feared that Kushina's birth would weaken the seal holding the Kyuubi within her, causing the birth to take place in secret. Despite all the precautions of the Konoha shinobi, the masked man found out about the birthplace and killed all the guards. He captured the newborn Naruto, threatening to kill him. He attached explosive seals to his blanket, forcing Minato to leave Kushina to protect his son. After extracting the Kyuubi from Kushina, she was rescued by Minato and brought to Naruto. while he himself went to fight the masked man.

After freeing the Kyuubi from the masked man's control, Minato split the Bijuu's chakra into two. Realizing that this was the only way, Minato and Kushina sealed Yang Chakra into Naruto. They told Naruto to follow the rules of shinobi and before he died they told him that they loved him. Minato also wanted everyone in the village to see Naruto as a hero for saving the village from the Kyuubi.

However, only a few followed his dying wish, and most despised Naruto for being the vessel of the Kyuubi that destroyed their homes. In light of these events, Hiruzen forbade anyone to tell the truth about Naruto, hoping that their children would no longer treat Naruto the way their parents did. He also hid the truth about Naruto's parentage to keep him safe.

Naruto, wanting to be noticed, began to perform various stupid antics. He did poorly at the Academy and everyone considered him a failure. In the Anime, InoShikaCho, Sakura, Naruto and Kiba found a boy named Yota and began to take care of him. When the Anbu kidnapped him, they tried to save Iota, but during the escape he "died" and erased their memory. The Anime also reveals that he became close to Iruka when he saved him from foreign Kunoichi. When Naruto first met Sasuke Uchiha at the Academy, he was excited that he might have the opportunity to win a spar and become as popular as him, but was easily defeated. When Iruka suggested they make peace with a special gesture of truce, they both refused. From that moment on, Naruto had a goal to defeat Sasuke. He wanted Sasuke to recognize him as his equal one day.



Naruto paints the Hokage's stone faces on the monument, but is soon caught by Iruka and taken to the Academy. During the Henge no Jutsu exam, Naruto demonstrates the Oiroke no Jutsu. After washing off their stone faces, he and Iruka go to Ichiraku Ramen, where Naruto confesses to his teacher that he dreams of becoming the strongest Hokage. However, Naruto is the only one who failed the final exam. Mizuki tricks him into bringing the Shodai Scroll to the Hokage. Iruka tries to save Naruto, but almost dies himself. However, Naruto, having learned a new technique, defeats Mizuki, and Iruka gives him his protector, saying that he passed the exam.

The next day, Naruto meets the Sandaime Hokage's grandson, Konohamaru, who also dreams of becoming Hokage. Naruto teaches him Oiroke no Jutsu and then defeats his teacher Ebisu with Harem no Jutsu. During the sorting into groups, Naruto, along with Uchiha Sasuke and Haruno Sakura, ends up in Team 7. Some time later, Naruto ties up Sasuke and turns into him in order to have a normal conversation with Sakura, but nothing comes of it.

Naruto, Sasuke and Sakura are assigned to Hatake Kakashi's team. He gives them a test: they must take the bell from him before the end of the day. Since there are only two bells, the loser who does not receive a bell will be left without lunch. Each of them acts independently and does not work as a team. Naruto falls into a trap and Kakashi gives all three another chance. Against Kakashi's orders, Sasuke and Sakura feed Naruto. Seeing this, Kakashi tells all three that they passed, because for a shinobi, the life of a comrade is important, and only then the outcome of the mission.

Land of Waves

Tired of the simplest rank D missions, Naruto asks the Sandaime Hokage for a rank C mission: they need to protect the carpenter Tazuna until they arrive at Nami no Kuni. Some time after leaving the village, Team 7 is attacked by the Onikyōdai. Frightened by an unforeseen threat, Naruto almost dies, but he is saved by Sasuke, and then Kakashi who appears. Determined to never fear his enemies again and to retreat to the very end, Naruto cuts the Onikyōdai poison out of his hand. Soon, Team 7's path is blocked by former member of the Seven Swordsmen of Kirigakure, Momochi Zabuza. Despite using the Sharingan, Kakashi falls into a trap, but through teamwork, Naruto and Sasuke manage to free the sensei. Zabuza loses the battle and is killed by a boy wearing an Oinin mask, taking his body with him. Team 7 visits Tazuna's house, where Kakashi deduces that Zabuza is still alive. There, Naruto meets Tazuna's grandson, Inari, who is disillusioned with people and believes that real heroes do not exist. Naruto decides to convince him. Team 7 soon begins training in tree walking, where the rivalry between Naruto and Sasuke continues.

The next day, Naruto's comrades go to protect Tazuna, while Naruto, who has not yet woken up, remains in the house. He soon comes to his senses and is about to leave, but notices some oddities and returns to Tazuna's house, where he defeats Gato's bodyguards and saves Inari, restoring his faith in heroes. Naruto then arrives at the bridge, where the members of Team 7 are fighting Zabuza and his assistant Haku. Sasuke and Naruto become prisoners of Hijutsu: Makyo Hyosho Haku. As a result, Sasuke sacrifices himself, covering Naruto with his body. An enraged Naruto uses the Kyuubi's chakra and defeats Haku. He sacrifices himself, covering Zabuza from Kakashi's Raikiri. Gato soon arrives on the bridge and breaks his contract with Zabuza. Naruto manages to awaken the goodness in him and he dies in battle with Gato's men, avenging his partner. Sasuke comes to his senses, and Naruto and Kakashi, together with the residents of Nami no Kuni, expel the bandits from the country. Team 7 returns home.

Chunin Exam

Kakashi recommends his students to take Chunin Shiken. All three agree to take part in the exam. Before this, they encounter the Suna no Sankyōdai led by Gaara. On the way to the first stage, another Konoha ninja, Rock Lee, challenges Sasuke to test his abilities. Naruto, angry that no one is taking him into account, also tries to participate in the duel, but quickly loses. As the members of Team 7 enter the auditorium, Naruto mockingly tells all the assembled ninja that he will not lose to any of them. During the first stage, Naruto fails to answer any of the questions on the written test. However, thanks to him, a large number of Genin remain when the time comes for the tenth question. In the anime, before the start of the second stage of the exam, Naruto gives an interview to Konohamaru and his friends. In the second stage, the goal of team 7 is to capture the enemy scroll. After a short skirmish with Oboro, Team 7 is attacked by a very strong enemy. Naruto swallows the snake, but he gets out and, using the Kyuubi's chakra, enters the battle. The enemy overpowers Naruto, blocking his seal, and then both Sasuke and they lose consciousness. Thanks to Sakura, Lee, InoShikaCho and the awakened Sasuke, Naruto comes to his senses. With a little help from Yakushi Kabuto, Team 7 manages to capture Team Oboro's scroll. They are met at the tower by Iruka, who says that they have been admitted to the third stage.

Due to the large number of remaining shinobi, the qualifying matches begin. During these fights, Naruto supports Sasuke and Sakura, and then engages Kiba. Despite the help of Akamaru, as well as Kiba's enhanced sense of smell, Naruto overpowers him with the help of Uzumaki Naruto Rendan. He later witnesses Hinata being beaten by his own brother Neji and vows to defeat him in the future. After completing the qualifying matches, Naruto turns to Kakashi to train him, but he, preferring to train Sasuke, sends him to Ebisu. He tries to teach Naruto to walk on water before Jiraiya becomes Naruto's new teacher. Naruto influences him with Oiroke no Jutsu. The same one teaches him Kuchiyose no Jutsu. It was then that Naruto met Gamabunta for the first time.

Some time later, Naruto and Shikamaru visit their comrades in the hospital, where they encounter Gaara, who is trying to kill Rock Lee. They stop him, after which he leaves. When the day of the finals arrives, Naruto arrives late to the arena. There he fights Neji, who is Konoha's strongest genin. With great difficulty, Naruto defeats him, at the same time changing Neji himself. Naruto waits until the very end for Sasuke, who is absent from the arena, and subsequently watches his duel with Gaara with caution.

Destruction of Konoha

During the duel between Gaara and Sasuke, Konoha Kuzushi begins. Sunagakure and Otogakure troops lay siege to the village. Thanks to Sakura, Naruto escapes from the enemy's Genjutsu. Together with Sakura, Shikamaru and Pakkun, Naruto goes to help Sasuke, who is pursuing the three from Suna. They are chased by Oto shinobi, but Shikamaru decides to distract them. When Naruto and Sakura finally reach the battlefield between Sasuke and Gaara, the latter prepares to kill their comrade. Sakura stands in front of him, but is captured. Naruto engages the Jinchuuriki of Sunagakure. As a result, he turns into Shukaku. Naruto summons Gamabunta. Thanks to him, Naruto manages to escape from Shukaku and also defeat Gaara. As a result, the troops of Otogakure and Sunagakure retreat, but during the invasion the Sandaime Hokage dies while fighting Orochimaru. Naruto and the other villagers attend his funeral.

Search for Tsunade

After Konoha is restored, Naruto and Jiraiya set out to find Tsunade, who is to become the Godaime Hokage. During this journey, Jiraiya intends to teach Naruto a powerful technique called Rasengan. While staying at the hotel, Naruto meets Sasuke's older brother Itachi and his partner Kisame. They are going to kidnap Naruto in order to possess the Kyuubi inside him. Nevertheless, Sasuke appears, driven by the lust to kill Itachi. He almost dies at the hands of his older brother, but then Jiraiya appears and the Akatsuki duo escapes. Naruto and Jiraiya continue their journey, in which Naruto masters two stages of the Rasengan. When they meet Tsunade, she refuses the position of Hokage and calls fools everyone who was them and everyone who dreams of it, thereby causing hatred from Naruto. He tries to defeat her, but loses. They make a deal: if Naruto masters the Rasengan in a week, Tsunade will give him her grandfather's necklace. A week later, Tsunade fights Orochimaru and Kabuto and is nearly killed, but is saved by Naruto, Jiraiya, and Shizune. With great difficulty, Naruto defeats Kabuto with his Rasengan. Tsunade saves him and accepts the position of Hokage. Together they return to Konoha.

Race in the Land of Tea

Naruto, Sakura and Kakashi help Morino Idate in the race between the Wasabi and Wagarashi clans. During the journey, it turns out that Naruto and Idate are very similar: they were both deceived by teachers who promised them to pass the exam. Despite Rokusho Aoi getting in their way, Naruto defeats him and helps Idate reach the finish line.

Finding Sasuke

Naruto comes to the hospital to see Sasuke, who lashes out at Sakura. In fact, he is jealous of Naruto's new strength, believing that he has become stronger than him. Sasuke challenges Naruto to a duel on the roof of the hospital. Sasuke does not recognize Naruto as an equal and a battle ensues between them. The two end up using the Rasengan and Chidori against each other, but Sakura comes between them. Kakashi manages to stop them before the techniques collide. Kakashi then talks to Sasuke, trying to reason with him. Sakura talks to Naruto about the changes in Sasuke, but he convinces him that soon everything will be as before. However, Sasuke leaves the village. Naruto learns about this from Shikamaru, who is entrusted with assembling a team to rescue Sasuke. In addition to themselves, it includes Choji, Neji, Kiba and Akamaru. On the way out of the village, Sakura begs Naruto to bring Sasuke back. Naruto swears on his life that he will bring their friend back.

The team sets out and soon encounters Otogakure no Shinobi Jonin Shu, with whom Sasuke left. Each team member fights one-on-one with Orochimaru's men, and Naruto ends up facing Kimimaro. Despite using multiple Kage Bunshin, as well as the Kyuubi's chakra, Naruto is unable to stop him. Meanwhile, Sasuke comes to his senses, but does not intend to return home. Rock Lee appears and allows Naruto to move on. Naruto catches up with Sasuke in Shumatsu no Tani. He says that he is going to Orochimaru to gain strength to fight Itachi. A fierce battle ensues between friends. Naruto almost dies from Sasuke's Chidori, but is saved by the Kyuubi's chakra. Sasuke uses the second level of Juin. As a result, the Chidori and Rasengan clash, and Naruto loses.

Despite everything, Sasuke does not kill Naruto, but goes to Orochimaru. Kakashi picks up Naruto and takes him to the hospital. He is later visited by Jiraiya, who invites him to go on a journey for 2 years in order to train Naruto to fight Akatsuki. Naruto agrees, promising to become stronger, and then leaves the village.


Two and a half years later, Naruto and Jiraiya return to the village. Tsunade wants to check the results of her and Sakura’s training, which is why the comrades need to fight Kakashi. They take the bells from him through cunning. Naruto then goes to Ichiraku Ramen with Iruka and learns that Gaara has become the Kazekage. Soon a message comes to the village from Suna that Gaara has been kidnapped by Akatsuki. Team Kakashi accepts this mission and travels to Sunagakure. There, Sakura heals the wounded Kankuro. Together with Chiyo, Team Kakashi goes in search of Akatsuki's lair. Soon Itachi gets in their way. WITH with great difficulty, but Naruto still kills him with his Odama Rasengan, but it immediately turns out that it was not Itachi.

Team Kakashi reaches Akatsuki's lair, where they are met by Team Guy. After entering the lair, Naruto sees Gaara dead. Deidara carries his body away, causing Naruto and Kakashi to follow him. Thanks to Kakashi's Mangekyou Sharingan, they shoot down Deidara. Naruto begins to form a second tail, but Kakashi neutralizes it. Deidara blows himself up, but everyone survives. Chiyo gives her life to save Gaara. Naruto greets the revived Kazekage, and peace breaks out between Konoha and Suna.

Long-awaited meeting

From information provided by Sasori regarding his spy for Orochimaru, Tsunade decides to send Team Kakashi to capture the spy. Naruto understands that through him he can reach Sasuke. He meets all his graduate friends, but they cannot go with him. Then he meets a mysterious young man who can bring his drawings to life. After a small battle, the young man escapes. It soon turns out that his name is Sai and that he, along with the team's temporary commander, Kakashi Yamato, are also members of the team. Sai turns out to be an unpleasant guy, always annoying Naruto and Sakura. Yamato, wielding Mokuton, plans to transform into Sasori to capture the spy. He meets him on Tenchikyo and learns that Sasori's spy is Kabuto. Soon Orochimaru himself arrives and says that Kabuto has been working for him all this time. In the battle against Orochimaru, Naruto loses control of the Kyuubi, which leads to the appearance of a fourth tail, the defeat of Orochimaru and serious consequences for Sakura, in particular, the fox's cover caused severe burn wounds that are difficult to repair.

Sai betrays Team Kakashi and leaves with Orochimaru. Naruto, Sakura and Yamato infiltrate the Sannin's lair and meet with Sai, after which they tie him up. Naruto tells Sai that Sasuke is like a brother to him and that he will definitely save him from the hands of Orochimaru. Sai, amazed by Naruto's devotion, betrays Kabuto and decides to help Kakashi's team. When they finally find Sasuke, they realize that he has changed a lot. A battle ensues between them, but Sasuke, Orochimaru and Kabuto eventually leave the shelter. Team Kakashi returns home.

The Story of Shugonin Junishi

Team Kakashi is given the mission to protect the Hi no Tera. There Naruto meets a novice named Sora with whom he begins a not very pleasant relationship. They are then trapped by enemy shinobi, where Naruto engages a woman named Fuka, who uses all five chakra properties. Naruto defeats her when she absorbs the Kyuubi's chakra and falls unconscious. Naruto, his comrades, and Sora return to Konoha, where he and Sora train with Asuma. That evening, Konoha is attacked by enemy shinobi, and Sora tries to kill Tsunade. Naruto then fights Fuka again and kills her, after which he discovers that Sora is the pseudo-Jinchuriki of the Kyuubi. Naruto manages to talk some sense into him, and his friends manage to repel the attack of enemy shinobi. Naruto and his comrades see off Sora as he sets off on a journey.

Immortal Ravagers

Kakashi intends to prepare Naruto for his next meeting with Sasuke, which is why he begins training with him to introduce the element into the Rasengan. Naruto learns that his chakra is related to Futon. Kakashi and Yamato help him in training, while not forgetting to restrain the Kyuubi's chakra, which tends to break out. Some time later, they learn that Asuma died in battle with Akatsuki. Kakashi decides to lead his team to fight Akatsuki and avenge his friend's death. Tsunade agrees to send Kakashi's team as reinforcements on the condition that Naruto finishes his new technique soon. Team Kakashi arrives in the nick of time, where Naruto uses his new technique called Futon: Rasen Shuriken against Kakuzu and kills him. However, Naruto severely injures his arm due to this technique, causing Tsunade to forbid him to use it.

Three-Tailed Turtle Monster

Jiraiya continues to train Naruto. The essence of the training is that Naruto needs to learn joint Ninjutsu with toads. To do this, Naruto calls upon the matured Gamakichi and Gamatatsu, but all their attempts are in vain. In addition, Naruto has a new task: he, Kakashi, Say and Shino need to protect the team of Kunoichi from Konoha who are sealing the Sanbi. During the mission, Naruto battles Shoton wielder Guren. Together they end up in the Sanbi's stomach. In order to get out of there, they have to unite. Subsequently, Naruto still manages to defeat Sanbi and drive him away with the help of Futon: Gamayu Endan.

Teacher's prediction and revenge

When rumors that Sasuke killed Orochimaru reach Konoha, Naruto and his comrades make another attempt to bring Sasuke back. To do this, they decide to capture his older brother Itachi. Thus, Team Kakashi teams up with Team Kurenai. Each member is allocated one Ninken. Naruto, Yamato and Hinata, meanwhile, meet Kabuto, who integrates Orochimaru's cells into himself. He gives them information about Akatsuki and then escapes. When Kiba detects Sasuke's scent, Naruto creates several Kage Bunshin. The real Naruto meets Itachi, who catches him in a genjutsu and asks why he so wants to bring Sasuke home. Naruto replies that he considers Sasuke his brother and will not allow him to fall into darkness. After these words, Itachi gives him his raven, saying that he transferred part of his power to him.

Soon Naruto catches up with his comrades and is about to continue the search for Sasuke, but Tobi blocks their path. Despite the team members' best efforts, all of their attacks pass through the Akatsuki member's body. After a short fight, Zetsu appears and says that Sasuke killed Itachi. Tobi goes to retrieve his body, as do the shinobi from Konoha. However, Akatsuki members are ahead of them and take the bodies of the Uchiha brothers.


1. Naruto Hiden: Rin no Sho: page 30-36
2. Naruto Hiden: Tō no Sho: page 28-35
3. Naruto Hiden: Sha no Sho: page 24-32
4. Naruto Hiden: Jin no Sho: page 28-35
5. Naruto Manga 32: Chapter 286
6. Naruto Manga 39: Chapter 39
7. Naruto Manga 19: Chapter 167
8. Naruto Manga 40: Chapter 367
9. Naruto Manga 59: Chapter 558
10. Naruto Manga 9: Chapter 9
11. Naruto Shippūden - Episode 313
12. Naruto Shippūden - Episode 315
13. Naruto Shippūden - Episode 178

The article was updated on May 20, 2015.

Uzumaki naruto

Uzumaki Naruto
うずまき ナルト

from the Hidden Leaf Village
Appearance Manga: Chapter 1
Anime: Episode 1
Voice actor Junko Takeuchi
Ema Kogure (for "Oiroke no Jutsu")
Nickname Nine-Tails, Little Fox, Konoha's most restless and unpredictable ninja
Race (species) Blonde, blue eyes, when using demon chakra they are red with a vertical pupil, when using senjutsu the eyes are yellow with a horizontal pupil, in hermit mode using demon chakra the pupils take the shape of a cross.
Floor Male
Blood type II
Age Part I: 12 years
Part II: 15-16 years old
Part III 16-17 years old
Height Part I: 147.5 cm
Part II: 166 cm
III part 168cm
Weight 50.9
Date of Birth October 10
Occupation ninja
Rank Part I - Genin;
Part II - Genin.
Formation Team No. 7(Kakashi, Naruto, Sasuke, Sakura)
Team Shikamaru(Shikamaru, Neji, Kiba, Choji, Naruto)
Team Kakashi(Kakashi, Naruto, Sakura)
Team Yamato(Yamato, Sakura, Naruto, Sai)
Relatives Minato Namikaze (father), Kushina Uzumaki (mother)

Initially, Naruto encounters many difficulties, but thanks to his stubbornness and willfulness, the help of teacher Iruka Umino, the first person who understood his suffering and recognized him, he manages to overcome various obstacles, graduate from the Ninja Academy, becoming a genin, and end up on the same team with his friend -Sasuke Uchiha's rival and lover - Sakura Haruno, under the command of the famous jounin Hatake Kakashi, the "Copy Ninja".

First awakening of the Nine-Tailed Fox

Naruto first used the power of the Nine-Tails when his team escorted one tight-fisted bridge builder, Tazuna, to his homeland in the Land of Waves. During the Battle of the Bridge, Sasuke and Naruto fought a ninja named Haku, who imprisoned them in a "house of ice mirrors". Naruto constantly used his favorite shadow clone technique ( Kage Bunshin no Jutsu) and overextended his strength, however, thanks to this, Sasuke was able to awaken his Sharingan for the first time and unravel the technique used by Haku. During another attack by shadow clones, Haku wounded Naruto, but Sasuke covered him with his body. At the thought that his friend had died (although it later turned out that this was not the case), the awakened Naruto went into a rage and thereby awakened the Nine-Tailed Fox, who had previously been restrained by the seal placed on Naruto in infancy, which weakened over time. The power of the Nine-Tails was so great that Naruto’s wounds instantly healed and he easily wounded Haku, although before that, together with Sasuke, they could not even scratch him. The anger was so strong that the Nine-Tails gave Naruto a lot of chakra, as a result of which he became practically invulnerable. Naruto's extraordinary ability is also his persistence in achieving his goals, as the fox's chakra increases his stamina.

Training at the Ninja Academy

Naruto is unrestrained, often slows down and is sometimes even rude to everyone. Such character traits did not at all contribute to successful training at the Ninja Academy, so he was always and everywhere the last. Although sometimes incredible inspiration came to him and then nothing could stop him from working and studying. For example, Naruto learned the jounin-level “Shadow Clone” technique in one night (level B) - although in the morning of the same day he could not create a regular clone, which is considered a much simpler task (level E) (This is explained by the fact that Naruto is very weak in techniques of illusions, to which ordinary cloning refers).

The first person to notice Naruto and appreciate his qualities was his teacher at the academy - Iruka Sensei.

Teamwork #7

Naruto's appearance when using the Naruto Kyuubi with one tail and the Rasengan technique

In the 367th chapter of the manga, in a conversation between Jiraiya and Tsunade, it is revealed that Naruto's father was the Fourth Hokage, and his mother was Kushina Uzumaki. According to them, Naruto is similar in appearance to his father, but in character and ninjutsu style he resembles his mother. Subsequently, he takes part, along with other shinobi, in a repeat mission to rescue Sasuke, and also develops (with the help of Kakashi and Yamato) unique technique the completed “rasengan” - “Rasengan-shuriken”, with the help of which it hits one of the Akatsuki members - Kakuzu. During a second rescue mission, Sasuke meets Itachi, who shares his strength with him so that if Sasuke attacks Konoha, Naruto can stop him.

After Naruto learned about the death of Jiraiya and realizing that the decoding of his message does not really tell how to defeat Pain, he decides to go train with Fukasaku to Mount Megobuzan in order to become stronger, where Jiraiya once trained, having learned all the techniques of the toad hermit. After returning, he demonstrates his enormously increased strength, easily destroying two of Payne's bodies, and several of the animals he summoned. The toads said that he had surpassed all previous generations.

Fourth Tail

The fourth tail first appears off-screen during training, when Jiraiya claims to have been severely injured by an out-of-control Naruto. He also adds that the appearance of the fourth tail has a very destructive effect on Naruto's body - the demon's chakra mixes with Naruto's blood, creating from him a creature similar to a miniature Nine-Tails, but only with four tails. The second time the fourth tail appears is in the battle with Orochimaru. After the mention of Sasuke and subsequent provocations, Naruto begins to get angry, which is why the power of the seal that binds the demon weakens, and Naruto appears three tails, and then, after a complete loss of self-control, a fourth. In this state, Naruto is invulnerable to Kusanagi's sword, his concentrated chakra attack nearly killing Orochimaru and destroying his Triple Demon Gate technique. Sakura, whom he hit with one of his tails, cannot heal her wounded shoulder for a long time. Subsequently, the battle ends, Yamato brings Naruto back to normal, but after Naruto returns to his normal appearance, numerous wounds are discovered (after the appearance of the fourth tail, the skin of the body is completely torn off). It is possible that it is no coincidence that it is the fourth tail that can cause so much harm. The number 4 is the Asian equivalent of our “unlucky” number 13. The number four is considered so unlucky that many hospitals in China and Japan do not have a floor or room with this number. Because 4 (し - si) sounds similar to the Japanese word for death.

Battle with Pain

When Naruto returned from Mount Myobokuzan to Konoha, it was already destroyed. Arriving at the village, he began a fight with Pain. In the battle with him, Naruto easily defeats the demon sphere and the sphere of hungry ghosts, as well as 3 creatures summoned by Pain, showing his new technique Toad Hermit Technique: Giant Rasengan . Then he destroys with a huge Rasengan-shuriken another sphere of people and a double Rasengan the sphere of animals, after which all summoned creatures disappear, after which he leaves the Sennin Mudo, without killing only 2 bodies: the body of Yahiko (sphere of God), Jiraiya’s student and another body (sphere hell). When the chakra runs out, Pain pierces both of Naruto's arms with his black sword, thus rendering him harmless. Ino's father guesses where the real Pain might be - on a mountain near the village, from where he can simply send and receive chakra signals. Pain talks to Naruto. It turns out that the justice that Pain sent to the village is equivalent to the one that Naruto wants to send to Pain. He talks about how great countries, with the participation of the Country of Fire and Konoha, used his country for battles, turning it into ruins, and they themselves strengthened and stabilized. This is one part of the endless cycle of hatred that rules the shinobi world. Payne talks about his goal to create a superweapon. Nagato's body is later shown. He is very emaciated and moves around in a strange chair on wheels. He also used too much chakra. Soon after, Hinata, having confessed her love to Naruto, attacks Yahiko's body but is defeated. Naruto is filled with the most terrible emotions he has ever felt, and they awaken a terrible power - Naruto's six tails are released. At the same time, the skeleton of the Fox begins to form from the Nine-Tails' chakra. Next, Naruto was about to break the seal completely, but he was stopped by the Fourth Hokage, who placed his image in Naruto's subconscious when he sealed the fox, so that if the seal was in danger of breaking, he could stop it. The fourth told Naruto that he was his father, that he sealed the fox in his son because he believed that he could use it, and also because on the day when the fox attacked Konoha, he saw the shinobi who controlled him. This shinobi is an Akatsuki member who wears a mask at all times. After this, Minato restored the seal, but said that this was the last time. After that, Pain saw the Fox disappear, and Naruto appeared in his place in hermit mode. He wants to find the real Nagato to talk to, so he pierces his shoulder with Pain's black sword and thus sees his real body. Having created 2 Rasen-Shuriken, Pain stops the first one with his Shinra Tensei technique, and he was able to simply dodge the second one. Naruto, rushing to deliver a fatal blow before Pain uses the Shinra Tensei technique again (the interval of this technique is 5 seconds), creates a Mass Shadow Clone, and attacks Pain with a whole heap, but he again performs Shinra Tensei and all the clones disappear, then Naruto creates a regular The Rasengan hits Pain with it. With this fatal attack, he kills Pain, and with the help of the chakra receivers in his body, Naruto learns Nagato's location and rushes there to talk to him. He finds Konan and Nagato in a tree-shaped hideout. Nagato shows Naruto how he killed Jiraiya, as well as his first pain he experienced in the world and the appearance of the Rinnegan. Then Naruto tells about how he met Konan and Yahiko. Nagato then waits for Naruto's answer and he replies that he will believe what Jiraiya believed in and he refuses to kill Nagato. Nagato believes Naruto and, at the cost of his life, performs a technique that revives all the people in Konoha whom he killed, including Kakashi.


Basic techniques studied at the Ninja Academy

  • Henge no Jutsu(Japanese: 変化の術 Transformation?) - E-level ninjutsu - the user temporarily transforms into a considered or well-learned living object of similar sizes. Apparently main source Naruto's hooligan antics at the Academy, since he knows it simply perfectly, and when recharged with chakra, the Demon Fox can hold on for quite a long time. This technique is very often used by Naruto in combination with the Kage Bunshin in reconnaissance operations.
  • Bunshin no Jutsu(Japanese: 分身の術 Cloning?) - level E genjutsu - one illusory clone is created, incapable of physical impact. Graduation technique at the Ninja Academy. At the beginning of the series, Naruto was not able to normally carry out even such simple technique, perhaps due to the lack of abilities for genjutsu, and after studying Kage Bunshin there was no need for it at all.
  • Kawarimi no Jutsu(Japanese: 変わり身の術 Body Swap?) - level E ninjutsu - the user quickly changes places with a suitable object of similar size in order to avoid an unexpected direct attack from the enemy. Thanks to the help of friends or the speed and endurance of the Demon Fox, Naruto rarely finds himself in such difficult situations.

Advanced Techniques

  • Oiroke no Jutsu(Japanese: おいろけの術 Seduction?) - ninjutsu - a technique that Naruto invented, slightly altering Henge. As a result, Naruto turns into a beautiful naked blonde girl with fox whisker markings on her cheeks, which demoralizes the male opponent, and works especially well on Jiraiya. Hetero-dependent options: female "Oiroke: Onna no Ko Dyoshi no Jutsu", male "Otoko no Ko Dyoshi no Jutsu".
  • Kai(Removal) is a technique for dispelling genjutsu. He first used it in an attempt to dispel Itachi's illusion technique.
  • Climbing trees - it is necessary to direct the flow of chakra to the legs, maintaining its stability. This allows you to walk on hard objects. A good exercise for developing chakra control.
  • Walking on water has the same meaning as walking on trees, however, since water is an unstable surface, you need to vary the rhythm of energy release. Is more challenging than tree climbing
  • A joint attack with Gamabunta with oil and an explosive tag that ignites the oil, creating a huge stream of fire (Katon: Gamayu Endan (Fire Element: Toad Cannon))
  • Tobidogu- Technique for sealing weapons in scrolls. First seen when TenTen attacked Temari during the chunin exams.

Special techniques

  • Kuchiyose no Jutsu (Japanese: 口寄せの術 Call?) - space-time ninjutsu - if a ninja has previously signed a contract with any type of totem animal, he can summon their representative using seals and a small amount of his own blood. Naruto, like his father, Minato Namikaze, signed a contract with the Gama toad clan.
  • Combi Henge no Jutsu(Japanese: コンビ変化の術 Combined transformation?) - ninjutsu - connects two beings into one - one is usually the source of chakra, the other makes the necessary seals. Naruto uses the technique together with Gamabunta to form an almost real Nine-Tailed Fox of decent size.
  • Kage Bunshin no Jutsu(Japanese: 影分身の術 Shadow cloning?) - level B ninjutsu - depending on the amount of chakra available, creates more or less shadow clones. The technique is considered dangerous (especially in the hands of the owner of limitless chakra), since the clones are non-illusory (have real bodies), are visually indistinguishable from the original and can transfer their experience to it, as well as use hand seals, although their endurance is not very great - the chakra is divided equally between all clones (and, probably, when the number of clones is reduced, it is not redistributed). Normally, ninjas below the rank of jounin cannot use this technique. If a clone is hit, it disappears.
  • Haremu no Jutsu(Japanese: ハーレムの術 Harem seduction?) - a killer combination of Taju Kage Bunshin and Oiroke, also invented by Naruto - first several shadow clones are created, then all simultaneously turn into girls and powerfully squeeze the male opponent, causing him damage with uncontrollable nosebleeds.
  • Taju Kage Bunshin no Jutsu(Japanese: 多重影分身の術 Shadow multiclone?) - level B or A ninjutsu (improved Kage Bunshin) - creates several thousand shadow clones. The technique is considered dangerous (especially in the hands of the owner of limitless chakra). Obviously, Naruto instinctively mastered it to perfection, since after creating them he practically does not get tired and easily controls how many of them should appear. Usually lower rank ninja

Naruto Uzumaki

Naruto Uzumaki character biography – Naruto Uzumaki

CHARACTER "Naruto Uzumaki appears in 1202 issues.

He tells them to meet at the training grounds the next day and not eat breakfast unless they want to quit. When the three students arrive, they are left waiting for several hours (again) before Kakashi arrives with two bells. He tells his students that they need to get the bells from him or they won't have lunch (the reason for not eating breakfast). He then orders the children to attack as if to kill, and when Sakura says that it will be dangerous, Kakashi calls Naruto a loser. Naruto gets offended and tries to attack him, but Kakashi appears behind him and places Naruto's weapon behind his head, holding him still. He then comments that they are listening to him and that they are starting to like him. Everyone then hides around Kakashi, but Naruto confronts him. He is quickly defeated

Declaring the three ninja to be hopeless, Kakashi reveals the point of the exercise, teamwork, and tells Sasuke and Sakura to eat lunch in front of Naruto because Naruto tried to eat without permission. He said that if they feed him, they all fail. Kakashi leaves and Sasuke offers some of his lunch to Naruto. Sakura then follows suit and Kakashi (who is hiding behind a tree) accuses them, but at the last second stops in front of them and declares his passing. Lunch eating was actually a test to see if they would share lunch. He explains that “those who break the rules are jerks, but those who forget their friends are less of them.” Naruto is touched by his words, and Kakashi states that Team 7's first mission will begin the next day. Kakashi, Sasuke and Sakura start to leave, but they forget about Naruto,

Assembly 7 is then followed by an unidentified figure. Naruto, Sasuke and Sakura then speak to capture it and Naruto pounces on the figure. It turns out that their target is the Fire Daimyo's wife's cat. After Team 7 returns for their pay, Naruto complains about how they feel no excitement in their missions. After some wear and tear, the Hokage gives Naruto a C-rank mission. The mission is to guard a bridge builder named Tazuna. Shortly after leaving the village, they are attacked by two ninjas. During the battle, Sasuke is held by the ninjas, but Naruto is frozen and cut by one of their claws.

After Kakashi subdues them, he looks at Naruto's wound and says that the claw was poisoned. Naruto panics and Kakashi tells him that he must bleed to remove the poison. Naruto then digs deep into the wound, vowing to never freeze and protect the old man. Kakashi then tells him that although he obtained the poison, he overdid it and could bleed out very soon. Naruto panics again, but when Kakashi observes the wound, he finds that the wound has already begun to heal. He then tells Naruto that he will be fine. (This is the result of the Kyuubi, the Nine Tailed Foxes.)

Tazuna then reveals that he was misleading Team 7 with the mission parameters. He is actually being hunted by a billionaire named Gato, who makes his money from shipping. The ninja they had just fought was sent by Gato to kill him. Tazuna was actually on Gato's bad side because he is building a bridge to the mainland that will allow non-sea transport to the mainland. This effectively makes the mission an A-rank mission instead of a C-rank one. Tazuna had to trick them because he couldn't afford the A-rank mission. Team 7 agrees to continue (reluctantly).

They then take a boat to the land of waves, and as they begin to walk, Naruto tries to outdo Sasuke, eventually stunning the rabbit with a projectile. Suddenly Kakashi calls for everyone to dodge and Sakura pushes Naruto down as a rapidly spinning sword flies overhead and into a tree with Zabuza Momochi appearing on the hilt.

Naruto sees Zabuza as a chance to prove himself and he tries to attack Zabuza, but Kakashi holds him back. He tells Naruto that Zabuza is out of his league and proceeds to open his Sharingan eye.

As the battle between Zabuza and Kakashi rages, Team 7 realizes that they may be in a more dangerous place than they predicted. With three of them in the lineup, they tried to protect Tazuna.

During the fight, Zabuza sent out the Blade of Light jutsu to kill Tazuna. Naruto and Sasuke's quick thinking barely saved them. Naruto attacked the psychotic killer with all his might and the Shadow Clones, while Sasuke came up with a deadly plan. With Kakashi captured, all the three could do was hope that they could save him with this plan or else they were dead meat. No one knew how dangerous Zabuza was. He captured Kakashi with his Water Prison jutsu and proceeded to make him sit down during the fight. However, with Sasuke's plan, they managed to get him out of prison and thus turn the tide of the battle. Help. They later encountered Zabuza on a bridge. Kakashi fought Zabuza, and Naruto and Sasuke barely managed to fight off Zabuza before he himself, his partner Haku and Gato were killed all at once.

Chunin Exams

The first test for the Chunying exams was the actual test. The idea was to cheat on every answer without getting hit. Naruto had a hard time deciding whether to stay or not to stay because if he was wrong, his entire team would fail and never get a second chance in the Chunin Exams. He decided to stay and was later shown to have not answered any questions. Everyone who decided to stay passed. During the second part of the test, each team had to retrieve one scroll from the other team in the Forest of Death. They had to scroll through the Earth and Heaven scrolls, but they couldn't read them. In the forest, they encountered and had to fight Orochimaru, one of the three legendary Sannin. They survived, but with a seal on Sasuke that gave him increased powers at a cost. He also tried to imprint Naruto's fox in him with a five-pronged seal.

During the last part of the second test, Naruto and Sakura decided to tamper with one of the scrolls. They were going to try to figure out what was in the other scroll by reading the scroll they had. Luckily, Kabuto Yakushi managed to stop them. Sasuke then returned and was disappointed. Kabuto then decided to help Naruto and his team. He told them about how to get another scroll. After the Rain ninja fight, they reached the tower where they will conduct the next part of the test.

After this, the preliminary test began, consisting of a tournament. When it was Naruto's turn, he encountered Kiba Inuzuka. Even though Kiba thought it would be easy, he was wrong and it turned out to be very difficult. With a fart that stunned Kiba, Naruto, with the help of Shadow Clones, used a new technique he called Naruto Uzumaki Naruto (a blatant break from Sasuke's Lion Castle to appear cool in front of Sakura) and won the match. When Hinata Hyuga was supposed to fight her cousin Neji, Naruto encourages and helps her tell her what Neji said about her being weak and useless and not deserving of being in the main route for lies. However, she failed.

Before Part II of the Chunin Exams

Before the finals, each ninja has one month to train and heal their match. Naruto is stuck with Ebbisu as a trainer and tries to somehow get out of it, but Kakashi says that he is too busy training Sasuke and being the only one who ever taught Naruto in Konoha, he is stuck with Ebbisu. For Ebisu's first training exercise, Naruto and he went to the spa to learn how to finally control his chakra to walk on water.

Jiraiya is here!

As an incentive, the water below him would be boiling, meaning he would almost have to stand on it to even make it out of here alive. Needless to say, Abbys had to catch Naruto many times before he finally got the concept almost halfway through, walking on the water before seeing a large man looking into the women's bath through a tiny hole in the wall, on the other side of the room. Seeing this, Ebisu became enraged and told the man that such a thing would not be tolerated in his training and that he would have to leave. Loading the man with a kunai, he quickly won as the man turned around, barely noticing him, the giant frog he was standing on doing all the work for him. Seeing that this guy was tons and tons stronger than Ebisu, the masterfully perverted instructor, he asked the new man to train him. He begged and pleaded, only to have him tell him that he was too busy to deal with a little boy like him and had more of his so called 'research' to do.

He finally said yes after Naruto did his Sexy Jutsu, with one condition being that he had to stay in that form the entire time they trained together. Naruto screamed no and went back, but the old perverted man, who introduced himself as the great "Toad Sage Jiraiya", told him that he was no ordinary pervert, that he was a "Mega First", and that Naruto should just leave him alone. Eventually, after petitioning, Jiraiya trained the young aspiring Hokage and taught him many things about chakra that Ebisu had never even sensed. After Naruto got close to hitting the water when Jiraiya thought he could for a day, he asked Naruto to use every last cup of his chakra and so he, beating himself up all day with his own shadow clones, They did this for many days , and Naruto often wondered about the purpose of such things, but Jiraiya only told him that he needed to expend his chakra every day so that he could see something. One day, Naruto's shirt was torn off and he noticed something about the seal on Naruto's stomach...even the numbered seal was covered with an odd number, making it impossible for Naruto to manipulate his chakra. It was surprising that he could do almost anything, but once Jiraiya released the seal, he was fine. And now that Naruto was fully capable of walking on water, he decided that he would teach him one more thing special art...the art of summoning, one of the most powerful jutsu to be created. and he noticed something about the seal on Naruto's stomach...even the numbered seal was covered with an odd number, making it impossible for Naruto to manipulate his chakra. It was surprising that he could do almost anything, but once Jiraiya released the seal, he was fine. And now that Naruto was fully capable of walking on water, he decided that he would teach him another special art... the art of summoning, one of the most powerful jutsu to be created. and he noticed something about the seal on Naruto's stomach...even the numbered seal was covered with an odd number, making it impossible for Naruto to manipulate his chakra. It was surprising that he could do almost anything, but once Jiraiya released the seal, he was fine. And now that Naruto was fully capable of walking on water, he decided that he would teach him another special art... the art of summoning, one of the most powerful jutsu to be created.

The Chunin Exams continued

In the finals, Naruto's opponent was Neji and was the first in the tournament. A perfect match since he was incredibly angry at him and would therefore be fueled by what Neji did to Hinata. Despite Neji saying that every person's fate is sealed, Naruto manages to beat him by using his Nine Tails chakra and tricking him, which opens Neji's eyes, who say that fate is not always sealed in stone.

When Sasuke's match is going on, everyone falls asleep due to a genjutsu from a secret sand ninja in the stands. Kakashi, Mogu Guy and Sakura use "chakra release" to protect themselves from this. Kakashi then tells Sakura to wake up Naruto and Shikamaru Nara to pursue Sasuke to prevent him from doing anything rash. Sakura learns that Shikamaru also cleared the genjutsu. They are then assigned to follow Sasuke and help him with the help of a ninja dog. Shikamaru tells them to go ahead so he can fight off the group of sound ninja that are coming after them.

When they get there, Gaara sticks Sakura up a tree after his battle with Sasuke. Naruto then jumps in to save Sasuke from Gaara. After a few minutes, Gaara transforms into his true form, One Tailed Shukaku. Naruto tries to summon the Chief Toad, but it's not the Chief Toad, it's Gamakichi. Then, after another attempt, he finally calls the chief toad of Gamabunta. The Toad Chief uses his sword to fight Shukaku, but he needs to hold it down. Naruto transforms them into the Nine Tailed Foxes! The Toad grabs Shukaku and Naruto jumps on him and fights Gaara. After they both disappear, Naruto attacks Gaara and after they fight for a few more seconds, they are both too tired to continue fighting.

Search for Tsunade

Naruto now travels with Jiraiya to find Tsunade, the last member of the Sannin, so they can offer her the role of Fifth Hokage. During this time, Jiraiya teaches Naruto the "Rasengan", which created the Futa Hokage. Later, Jiraiya and Naruto find Tsunade with his student Shizune.

Tsunade began to insult the Hokage, which angered Naruto and he challenged her to a fight. She stopped Naruto with one finger, in which she bets Naruto if he masters the "Rasengan" in a week, she will give him her "cursed" necklace. Closer to the deadline, Naruto still had not mastered the Rasengan, but later learned of Tsunade's meeting with Orochimaru and tried to stop her. He then masters the "Rasengan" during his battle with Kabuto, and after this he is knocked unconscious and injured. Tsunade gave him the necklace when she healed him.

Return of Sasuke

When Shikamaru is assigned to retrieve Sasuke from the Sound Four, Tsunade says that he must bring Naruto to him. Along with Hime, Neji, Choiji, Kiba and Akamaru are brought. When they find Sound Four, they become trapped with Jirobou's stone prison. Thanks to Shikamaru's instructions, Choyi was able to pull them out using the human boulder technique. They then leave Chōji to fight Yirobu in order to save Sasuke.

When Shikamaru is unable to act as Jirobu to get Sasuke, Kidomauru is left behind while the other two continue. Each person tries to attack Kidomaru, he breaks Naruto and his shadow clones and everyone else with his web. Kidomaru decides to shoot every shadow clone until he finds the real Naruto. He doesn't shoot the real one, leaving two clones to the left. He shoots them both, but they disappear. Naruto goes and attacks Kidomaru. This allows Neji to free himself and others. They leave Neji to fight Kidomaru and his Six Arms so they can go after the other two Sound Four.

As they fled, Naruto was able to force Sasuke and Akamaru to place bombs along the way. When Sound Four's Sakon is hit by a bomb, he starts chasing Akamaru and wraps him in a string. Kiba goes after him when a bomb explodes and Sakon, Akamaru and Kiba fall into the canyon. When Tayuya catches the new ninja, he appears and captures Sasuke's coffin. His name is Kimimaro, and he reveals himself to be the fifth member of the Sonic Ninja Four, now the Sonic Ninja Five. Kimimaro then leaves as Naruto follows him. After Naruto finally caught up with Kimimaro, he began to fight him with all his might. he even used several Shadow Clone Jutsu in Kyuubi form and still failed to defeat the man who fought with bones. In the middle of the fight, Naruto saw Sasuke come out of the strange box seal he was in when Naruto came for him. Naruto started asking Sasuke what he was really doing and was only answered with maniacal cackles. He began to pursue Sasuke as he jumped into the forest behind Kimimaro and headed to Orochimaru's lair, or at least where he thought he resided. Naruto began to pursue Sasuke, of course, only to be stopped in his tracks by Kimimaro.

Kimimaro was able to fight Naruto with ease. He could destroy many of his shadow clones at once with his dancing. Plus he could use his bones to fight. This fight would have been Naruto's last if Rock Lee had not come to save him. Rock Lee held off Kimimaro while Naruto pursued Sasuke again. Naruto then fights Sasuke with all his might, even using the power of the nine-tailed foxes, but Sasuke's curse mark eventually hits him. Kakashi then goes out and brings Naruto and the others to the hospital. After the fight, everyone turns out to be fine and Jiraiya tells Naruto that he is three years old, until Sasuke's body is obtained by Orochimaru and he is attacked by the Akatsuki, so Naruto goes with him.


For two and a half years, Naruto trained with Jiraiya. During this time, he learned to take on four tails, which almost kill Jiraiya. When he

Naruto after a period of time

meets Sakura again, she notices how much he has grown. Later, Kakashi forces them to take the bell test again. This time the goal is to actually get the bells, since there are only two people left since Sasuke went to train with Orochimaru. This time Kakashi uses his Sharingan, knowing that he is fighting.

Naruto and Sakura think of a plan to defeat Kakashi without putting in a fourth more effort once he manages to get hit a few times. Naruto thinks about good plan, then they go to Kakashi. Walking straight towards Naruto and Sakura Kakashi prepares to attack, but Naruto shouts that he knows the ending of one of the Kachashi Icha Icha (Makeout Makeout) series. Kakashi covers his ears, but since the Sharingan can read Naruto's lips. So he closes his eyes and when he opens them, Naruto and Sakura are standing over him with two bells. Naruto then says that he didn't even know the ending when he got bored reading the book and they both passed.

Naruto leaves to help retrieve Gaara who was captured by Akatsuki, traveling with him are Kakashi, Sakura and a ninja from a sand village named Chiyo who is connected to one of the Akatsuki who captured Gaara. As they approach Gaara's attackers, they are stopped by Itachi. Itachi successfully places Naruto under a genjutsu, but is able to escape with the help of Sakura and Chiyo. Kakashi and Itachi begin to fight and Kakashi manages to catch Itachi, allowing Naruto to stop fighting the Big God Rasengan. However, it turned out to be a fake Itachi that the real Itachi was controlling from somewhere else.

After he caught up with Akatsuki, he left Sakura and Chiyo to deal with Sasori in order to pursue Deidarui Gaara with Kakashi. Naruto is unable to reach Deidara's height, however Kakashi uses his new Mangekyou Sharingan technique, Kamui, to try to kill Deidara, but only manages to remove his arm. Naruto manages to attack Deidara's fallen head, but it turns out to be an Earth Clone and Naruto begins to sprout tails in anger. Kakashi quickly acts, using the seal Jiraiya gave him to suppress the Kyuubi's chakra. Guy and his team show up to help capture Deidara, however he manages to escape in an explosion which Kakashi uses his Kamui technique to protect everyone. They then meet up with Sakura and Chiyo with Gaara's body and Chiyo uses the technique with Naruto's help to revive the deceased Gaara, however it cost Chiyo her life and Naruto mourns. Gaara, Kankuro,

Because Kakashi expelled too much of his chakra, he was forced to recover in the hospital. During this time, Naruto goes to meet some of his other friends and attacks the mysterious new guy, however he quickly leaves after a shootout. Naruto and Sakura later met their temporary captain, Yamato, and they also met Sasuke's replacement, the one who had previously attacked Naruto and his friends. His name is Sai and he says that he just saw what Naruto was capable of. The apathetic Sai, however, quickly gets on Naruto and Sakura's bad side due to his ignorance of simple human emotions, forcing Yamato to play peacemaker.

They went on a mission, the mission was to meet with Sasori's spy, who has information about Orochimaru. But before that, Yamato goes over the details with Sakura, and Naruto, Sai, and Sakura try to work as a team to capture him. Naruto uses a clever trick by transforming his Shadow Clone to look like Sai while the real Sai fights Yamato, however Naruto accidentally gives away the trick by using his Shadow Clone to help the Rasengan and Yamato escape after tying Naruto up, Sai then leaves them and manages to capture Yamato on his own, enraging Naruto for not coming to his aid.

New Team Kakashi

The team then meets up with Sasori's spies, Sakura, Naruto and Sai are hiding in the distance while Yamato approaches the spy disguised as Sasori. The spy turns out to be Kabuto, and the meeting turns out to be an ambush to kill Sasori. Yamato and his teammates quickly jump into action and Naruto attacks Orochimaru in his 3-tailed form and quickly sprouts a 4th tail in response to Orochimaru's hunt and completely loses control of himself. Orochimaru seemed to be enjoying himself, although he mostly missed Naruto's attacks. Orochimaru attacks Naruto, but Naruto manages to cut Orochimaru in half... but he is tied up again and continues to fight. Naruto then attacks Orochimaru with a giant chakra blast, which Orochimaru tries to defend. The explosion seemed to leave Orochimaru some distance away, however Orochimaru appears underneath Naruto and attacks him with a Kusanagi, sending Naruto flying back from his comrades. Orochimaru's body begins to reject him, so he begins to leave, however he is stopped by Sai, who has orders to team up with Orochimaru. As this happens, Naruto attacks Sakura, who gets too close to him, and Yamato uses his ability to suppress the Kyuubi in Naruto. Kabuto then heals Sakura and leaves.

Naruto, Sakura and Yamato pursue Sai, Kabuto and Orochimaru. They arrive at Orochimaru's hideout and find Sai, who was kept in a spare room until Orochimaru felt he could be trusted. Kabuto comes to Sai's aid, believing he has been captured, but Sai subdues him and decides to help Naruto find Sasuke. They all split up and Sai finds Sasuke first... turns out his real mission is to kill Sasuke. Their subsequent fight alerts the others and they quickly come to Sai's aid. They learn that Sai was supposed to kill Sasuke, but he insists that he decided not to carry out his orders. Sasuke falls out after Naruto and suppresses the Kyuubi's chakra, he then goes to stab Naruto but is saved by Sai. Sakura attacks Sasuke, but is confused by Yamato, who tries to stop Sasuke's sword strike, but the sword cuts through Yamato's kunai and hits him in the shoulder. Yamato uses his Mokuton to pull the blade out of himself, and Sasuke uses his Chidori-tok to destroy everyone and retreat to higher ground. Yamato tells Sakura and Naruto that he doesn't want to hurt his friend, but he's not going to hold back anymore. Orochimaru then appears and stops Sasuke, saying that as long as the horse ninjas hunt the Akatsuki, they are temporary allies, and they leave.

Returning to the Leaf village, Naruto begins to study the elementary redistribution with Kakashi and Yamato. Kakashi explains that each chakra has a special elemental affinity, his own lightning, and Yamato has both water and earth thanks to his unique bloodline limit. It is clear that Naruto's affinity is wind, something very rare, and Kakashi advises Naruto to go see Asuma for some tips since Asuma also has an affinity for wind. Asuma explains that the wind has a special cutting property and shows this by charging his trench knife with wind chakra and throwing it straight through a tree. Naruto then returns to training. Kakashi inspires Naruto to use several dozen shadow clones to help him learn it faster, and Yamato uses his ability to suppress the Kyuubi's chakra so that Naruto can use an excess amount of chakra without sprouting tails.

Once Naruto learns how to use his wind chakra a few days later, Kakashi reveals that the Rasengan is actually an incomplete technique, as the 4th Hokage intended to combine the Rasengan with his own elemental affinity. Kakashi also reveals that he can use the Rasengan, and that the Chidori was created from a failed attempt to try and combine his affinity with the Rasengan... but he believes Naruto can succeed when he and Minato fail. Naruto then starts trying to combine the two. While this is happening, Asuma, Shikamaru and 3 other Lina ninjas decide to capture the Akatsuki members. They encounter Hidan and Kakuzu and attack, however Asuma is killed in the conflict.

Some time after preparation, Shikamaru, Chouji, Ino and Kakashi went to Asuma. Naruto and Yamato show up to save Kakashi, Ino and Chōji in their losing battle against Kakuzu, while Sakura and Sai go to aid Shikamaru against Hidan. Naruto insists on fighting Kakuzu himself, he uses his Shadow Clones to surround Kakuzu and tries to hit Kakuzu with his new Rasenshuriken while he is distracted... however, he fails and is saved from certain death by Yamato and Kakashi. Naruto tries again. Kakuzu does not believe that shadow clones have enough chakra to use such a high level technique, so he ignores them and only focuses on the original. Kakuzu manages to kill one of the Rasenshuriken users, but it turns out to be a shadow clone, and the real Naruto hits Kakuzu from behind with an attack. The technique destroyed two of Kakuzu's hearts and cut him off internally, severing his nerves, leaving him immobile. However, the technique is incomplete as it harms Naruto and Tsunade considers it a forbidden technique.

After Kakashi and Naruto were fully recovered, they set off with Sakura, Sai, Yamato, Kiba, Shino and Hinata to track down Sasuke, who had managed to defeat Orochimaru and went after Itachi. In their search, they first encounter Kabuto, who has grafted some of Orochimaru's remains onto himself and expressed that he is trying to stop Orochimaru from taking his body. He said that he was going to use Orochimaru's power and surpass him, and thanks Naruto for inspiring him to do so. He then gives them a book with all the information he has collected on Akatsuki and leaves.

Naruto uses his Shadow Clones and they go in different directions, one finds Itachi and they have a short exchange of words until Itachi leaves. The other finds Sasuke, but Sasuke destroys him, and Naruto and co. then close, but they are stopped by Tob i . Naruto races against Kakashi's advice and begins to lose his way. They are all trying to destroy this mysterious Akatsuki that wasn't in Kabuto's book, but he does little more than play with them until the Zets show up and reveal that Itachi died while fighting Sasuke. Tobi and Zetsu leave, and Naruto and co. rushing quickly, but both Sasuke and Itachi's bodies were gone by the time they got there.

Everyone returns home after a failed mission, and Naruto remembers what happened to Itachi. Itachi put Naruto under a genjutsu, where their conversation went much further. Naruto exclaimed that he was more of Sasuke's brother than Itachi. Itachi wondered what Naruto would do if Sasuke attacked Konoha and wondered if he could make a choice to kill Sasuke or let Konoha fall. Naruto insisted that he would find a way to subdue Sasuke and prevent anything from happening to Konoha... Itachi then gave Naruto the technique and hoped that he would never have to use it.

Naruto is then visited by Kakashi, Gamabunta and Gamakichi, who tell him that his toad, Fukasaku, wants to see him. Naruto goes to Tsunade's office where Fukasaku and the other toads are waiting. Fukasaku tells Naruto that Jiraiya was defeated by Pain, which Naruto blamed on Tsunade and stormed. He was later comforted by Iruka and Shikamaru. He then helped Shikamaru try to decipher Jiraiya's secret message. It turns out that these are page numbers from one of Jiraiya's books, but the code is a bit confusing; it can mean that "there is no real thing" or "the real thing does not exist." Fukasaku knows it's about Pain, but he doesn't know it matters. At the same time, Ibiki interrogates Rain, a ninja Jiraiya sent back, and Shizune performs an autopsy on Pain's body sent by Jiraiya to put all the pieces of the puzzle together. Naruto says that he is going to take revenge on Jiraiya, but Fukasaku says that only Jiraiya was able to defeat Pain and Naruto will surely die... unless he is trained in senyutsu like Jiraiya. Naruto asked if this could make him powerful enough to defeat Pain, but Fukasaku said that it was up to him. They then go to Mount Miuboku to train. Since it will take a month to get there and the path is like a labyrinth, two of them are facing there by Gamabunta. There, Fukasaku explains that senyutsu allows the user to become with nature and harness its power, turning it into chakra and enhancing taijutsu and genjutsu. Fukasaku then lifts up a statue much larger than himself. He says that the training is hard and that Naruto might die...

Although he is disturbed by the hint of death in order to become a sage, it is explained that Naruto may cease to exist as a human, but Naruto insists on pursuing his training. Fukasaku tells Naruto that it is difficult and takes quite a long time to find out, however Naruto pressed that he didn't have much time and asked if there was a faster way and so Fukasaku introduced Naruto to the Toads. Fukasaku explains that he will forcefully draw natural chakra into him and he will eventually be able to do it himself. Naruto immediately finds a catch using toad oil and he began to transform into a human frog as natural energy began to penetrate him, only Fukasaku's special wand is able to knock out the natural energy and return Naruto to normal.

The old frog explains that balance must be satisfied in order to make full use of natural energy and maintain one's current state at one's discretion. Naruto was good at balancing physical and spiritual chakra and now must bring natural energy into balance: too little will do nothing, but too much will turn you into a frog forever. Naruto learns that even Jiraiya could not use senjutsu without partially transforming into a toad, but Fukasaku expressed that balancing senjutsu was nearly impossible and hundreds had failed, making Jiraiya's achievement remarkable. Naruto decides not to be afraid of the concession and declares Jiraiya's ninja to be his own. Naruto decides to speed up his training with Shadow Clones in order to gain more experience, such as when learning Rasenshuriken,

Fukasaku informs Naruto that only gutted people like him and Jiraiya can sense natural energy, and only people with enormous chakra like him and Jiraiya can even hope to use senjutsu. This causes Naruto to catch fire and he jumps into the entire Toad Butter pond. After much training to balance his natural chakra, Naruto himself would turn partly into a toad, but could use senjutsu, and Fukasaku said that it was time for Naruto to learn how to do it without the toad's oil. But before that, he hands Naruto the first book written by Jiraiya and says that Naruto now holds Jiraiya's heart in his hands, and Naruto was moved to tears when he read it.

Naruto asked why he had to learn how to use senjutsu on his own and wondered if he could just bring Toad Oil into battle, but Fukasaku explained that the oil would quickly evaporate if it left Mount Myuboku. He subsequently continued his training with Fukasaku, who said that Naruto must remain motionless in order to use natural chakra, decided to have Naruto still remain on the platform set around the jagged spikes. Naruto initially had difficulty balancing and Fukasaku restrained Naruto with his tongue, but Naruto eventually came to maintain his balance and revealed that he can use senjutsu without transforming at all except for his eyes, which appear to be similar to lips. However, when the bird landed on Naruto's shoulder, he fell and crashed into the spikes, but he was unharmed as he was in Hermit mode.

While Fukasaku and Naruto train, Fukasaku brings up Hermit's time frame and his decision. Once Naruto absorbs natural energy, he will only be able to use Hermit Mode for a few minutes unless he stops absorbing more natural energy, which he cannot continue to do during the battle, so Fukasaku will sit on Naruto's shoulder and act as a guide, continuously draining natural energy from Naruto during battle. He revealed that Jiraiya used the same strategy during the battle.

Naruto and Fukasaku tried to team up, but couldn't because the fox demon rejected Fukasaku. Knowing he had no other choice, Naruto insisted that he perform the Hermit Mode activation by moving, to which Fukusaku protested. However, this was short-lived as Naruto later saw the same attempt. Naruto continued to make sure to run as he gathered natural energy, but was unable to maintain it. Fukasaku then said that to do this you will have to look left and right at the same time. Upon learning this, Naruto remembered the moment when Kakashi said this. Naruto and Fukasaku were later told by another frog that the toad envoy to Konoha had died. Fukasaku knew that Shima was near Konoha and sent a frog messenger to ask her to summon them there. Naruto is summoned with Fukasaku, Gamakichi, Gamaken, Gamasushi, and Gamabunta in the midst of destruction after the pain unleashed his final Shinra Tensei and Naruto discovered that most of his friends were injured and close to death. Tsunade was about to fight in his weakened state against Pain, who is attacked by the revived Asura Kingdom, which Naruto intervenes and destroys in one blow.

After defeating the Asura Kingdom, Naruto calls upon Gamakichi to order him to take Tsunade to safety when he arrives. Naruto asks Tsunade to leave Pain and ask the villagers to stay out of the way. She agrees, leaving Katsuya with Naruto to feed him the intelligence gained by the Konoha shinobi. Fukasaku and Shima, having arrived with Gamakichi, jump onto Naruto's scroll, intending to fight next to him. The question about Naruto is Tsunade's question about Kakashi's whereabouts, as he can't since his chakra along with the rest of the villagers, and accepts her silence as an answer. He asks Gamakichi to leave.

As Gamakichi takes Tsunade to safety, Animal Realm begins to attack Naruto. She summons her rhino, who accuses Naruto of crushing him or driving him away. Naruto can easily catch his horn, stopping the cold rhino before throwing it over his shoulder. The animal kingdom responds by summoning both one of her dogs and a bull. Fukasaku and Shima begin to act using the Sage: Frog Song technique, and Naruto throws them. Summoning a shadow clown to him, Naruto prepares a rassengan in each hand as he continues to move to the other Painces as he passes them to his clones. Using the Rasengan he created, each clown creates the Sage: Oodama Rasengan technique and detonates two summons. The challenge follows the same path as the rhinoceros flying into the waiting blades of Gamabunta and his toads.

As the next Hungry Ghost rushes forward towards Naruto, Katsuyu informs Naruto that the Nindustu are useless as this Pain is capable of consuming them all. Naruto takes the information in stride, confidently stating that he will simply use the Frog Kata. When Pain tries to hit him with the hidden blade, Naruto dodges, aiming for his face but doesn't connect. The other Pain is surprised when their comrade is blasted back, Divine Realm comments on how he seemed to deflect the blow.

It is revealed that the Frog Kata allows Naruto to use the Natural Energy around him to enhance the range of his attacks, manipulating it to his will. Naruto then stands alone with the rest of the Paines and prepares his new technique, ready to end the battle. Naruto creates two Shadow Clones, and with them creates his "Wind": "Rasenshuriken", now complete, and is confronted by Paines.

Pain finally realizes that Naruto is using the same Hermit Mode as Jiraiya and reveals that he too was Jiraiya's student. Naruto becomes furious that someone who trained under this man would become so cruel as to abandon his teachings and even kill his former teacher. Naruto then shocks his opponents by throwing his jutsu.

Although they initially shy away from it, Naruto dramatically expands his size to destroy the Human Path. The animal summons a bird to crash into Naruto but it misses, meanwhile Gamabunta and the other two deal with the dogs as they continue to breed. Shima uses Dust Cloud to blind all of the Pains while Naruto works in combination with Gamabunta to take down the Animal Path with a Double Rasengan inside Gamabunta's mouth. With the disappearance of the Animal, the breeding challenge of the dog dissipated.

But Naruto has finally exhausted enough nature chakra to withstand Hermit mode and returns to his exhausted normal state and bounces off of the Maiden, with the two trading blows in hand-to-hand combat. It was revealed that Naruto left the Shadow Clone to Mount Miuboku using Hermit Mode, and Fukasaku reverse summoned him to have Naruto use Hermit Mode again after finishing the jutsu.

Naruto broke Dawa's chakra and, once again in Hermit mode, threw the Maiden aside. Naruto then created another Rasenshuriken and threw it at the Maiden, but the Hungry Ghost reappeared and absorbed it, Naruto realized that Hell had revived him. Naruto then hit the ground with a Rasengan to create a cloud of mud and threw another Rasenshuriken, but he transformed into Naruto and tackled the Hungry Ghost, allowing the real Rasenshuriken to hit Deva, but its power finally returned and deflected it. Naruto placed his elbow on Hungry Ghost's face as a Shadow Clone dove into Hell with a Twin Rasengan.

The shadow clone plunges into Virgo as Naruto is about to crush the Hungry Ghost's voice, but Virgo pushes them away. Gamabunta, Gamaken and Hiro jump in to help, but Virgo pushes them away as well. During this time, Fukasaku tells Naruto to use genjutsu, which Naruto says he cannot do, so Fukasaku and Shima volunteer, but say they need time to gather enough energy to do so. Virgo then pulls Naruto towards him and the hungry ghost captures him and drains the natural energy from his body, returning him to normal. Shima and Fukasaku tell Naruto.

Being forced to remain motionless, Naruto begins to absorb natural energy, and the Hungry Spirit suffers "toad petrification" and is literally freed from its grip. Virgo sees Fukasaku and Shima preparing their genjutsu and pulls Fukasaku towards them and stabs him, then throws him at Naruto and then proceeds to slam Naruto into the ground and punch him. Pain continues to compare Naruto's path to his own image of the world. Pain Naruto is riddled with no life moments. This was supposed to stop him from moving. Hinata then starts jumping to protect Naruto from Pain. She finally confesses her love for Naruto. Pain brings Hinata out to push Naruto to levels he's never experienced before. He becomes absorbed by the Kyuubi's power and this time shows six tails and a skeletal frame forms around him. Payne is not afraid because he feels the pain hurts more. Naruto overcomes the seal placed on him by Yamato. He attacks Pain and is able to return his attacks to him. Naruto had to kill Pain with the fox's collected chakra from his mouth. Pain pushes Naruto to slightly deceive his attack. He runs away with Naruto, stubbornly pursuing his main goal. The pair leave the village as Pain prepares a secret attack. Pain uses Chibaku Tensei, a jutsu technique that creates a black sphere and pulls anything that has mass in its vicinity. The six-tailed fox is trapped inside a ball of earth. the nine-tailed fox controlled by Naruto and the seal placed by the 4th Hokai begins to become distorted and Naruto transforms into the eight-tailed fox. Just when Naruto is about to remove the seal, the 4th Hokage pulls in and reveals that Naruto is his son, Then Naro screams. The 4th Hokage brings Naruto to another place in his mind and Naruto punches him saying that he is not sure if he is angry or happy and asks the 4th Hokage why he sealed the nine tailed Narutos within himself. The Fourth Hokage then responds by saying that he did this because he thought that Naruto could control and use the fox's power since he was his son. He then reveals that there was a powerful ninja controlling the fox, a member of the Atsasuki wearing a mask, and that Naruto could not defeat him without much strength. The Fourth Hokage then reveals that he knows about Jiriya's death and that the pain was probably used by the masked guy. After this, the 4th Hokage says that he believes that Naruto can find the answers to the world on his own and he restores the corrupted seals, saying that this will be the last time and he is counting on Naruto before he disappears. After that, the fox disappeared and Naruto returned to normal.

Naruto is in sage mode and Chibaki begins to crack due to the chakra strain on Nagato. Virgo attacks Naruto with a lever, but Naruto interrupts the spike and removes Virgo. Naruto uses Rasenshuriken and throws a smoke bomb, Deva deflects it but then another Rasenshuriken comes and some rocks near Deva turn into Shadow Clones which try to hold Deva in place but Deva hits them and jumps out of the way. Suddenly, all the rocks around Virgo turn out to be Shadow Clones and they jump at Virgo, but they run out of time and Virgo pushes them all away. Naruto then forced the other Shadow Clones to throw him and he crashed into the Maiden with the Rasengan. Naruto then hit himself with one of Pain's peaks and traced the chakra signal to Nagato's location and walked towards him.

Naruto meets Nagato for the first time, face to face. Nagato and Naruto have an argument about peace, hatred and Jiraiya's belief. Naruto then asks Nagato how he ended up as Jiraiya's student. Nagato begins to talk about his past and his first pain, the death of his parents. Then telling Naruto about the events that happened after Jiraiya left them and how Yahiko died. Finally explaining his own pain and trying to save the world is his way. After learning Nagato's story, Naruto agrees and recognizes Nagato's pain. Naruto told Nagato that he would not kill him, but stated that he was determined to break the cycle of hatred and honor Jiraiya's wishes. Nagato surprises and impresses. And now he will also believe in Naruto, and will also bring back everyone he killed in Konoha. But it will cost Nagato his own life. Nagato dies.

Konan takes Nagato and Yahiko's body with him to return to Amegakure. Before returning, Konan tells Naruto that she has left Akatsuki and will help Naruto find peace in the world. Giving Naruto a bouquet of paper flowers to symbolize their union together. Kakashi later brings a tired Naruto back to Konoha. Back in Konoha, Kakashi and Naruto met with the entire city, praising Naruto as their hero.

Naruto was amazed as a hero after his victory, but he had no time to relax as the cloud ninjas Karui, Omoi and Samui came to Leaf village to do two things: invite the Hokage to a Kage summit and request permission to kill the rogue ninja Sasuke . Danzo, as the new Hokage with Tsunada's coma, gave the order and went to the top. Meanwhile, Naruto, Sakura and Sai overheard conversations about Sasuke and were confronted by Karui and Ohma, who demanded all the information they had about Sasuke, however Naruto reacted to the threat they posed and attacked. After a short fight, it was revealed that Sasuke had aligned with Akatsuki and had captured his teacher, Killer Bee. Naruto begged them not to kill Sasuke and offered to help save Killer Bee.

After this, Naruto, along with Kakashi and Yamato, went to the Kage Summit to ask Raikaj not to kill Sasuke. Naruto managed to find him, but was unable to convince him. Naruto later met Madara in his motel room, but Kakashi and Yamato came to Naruto's aid. Madara insisted that he only wanted to talk and tell them about Itachi and why Sasuke was on his current path. He also showed them true story the Uchiha and Senju clans and like Naruto like Hashirama and then he left. Afterwards, Gaara, Temari and Kankuro met with Naruto and told him that Sasuke attacked them at the Kage Summit and told Naruto that he had to make a choice.

Sakura, Sai, Lee and Kiba met with Naruto after they left Sain, secretly leaving the Clone-Mob, followed by Kakashi telling him that the others had come to the decision to do what was best for Konoha and the world and kill Sasuke. Kakashi and Sai went after Sakura's group while Yamato stayed behind to watch Naruto. Naruto, however, gives him the slip and goes after Kakashi and the others. Sakura ended up forcing her friends to sleep with a powerful sleeper bomb that she learned from Tsunade and went after Sasuke. Naruto eventually caught up with Sakura and Kakashi when they encountered Sasuke. Sakura almost killed Sasuke but hesitated when Sasuke was about to kill her Naruto rushed there and saved her. He and Sasuke talked for a bit, but Naruto couldn't reason with him, Karin returned to the Leaf village.

Naruto was about to eat at a ramen shop, but is summoned by Fukasaku to Mount Myuboku, where Shima has prepared lunch. There were two questions: the first was the Great Sage's prophecy, where Naruto trained with an octopus on an island and fought someone with great power in their eyes. After this, the question of Jiraiya's scroll went to Naruto, containing the key to the Kyuubi Seal. Naruto learns that the Kyuubi is a creature of pure hatred and when he relies on the Kyuubi's chakra, his willpower goes with him and tries to control Naruto, so in order to control the Kyuubi he must learn to draw only the Kyuubi's chakra and block it out mind.

The Kages agreed to a safe place for Naruto and Killer Bee, a treacherous island located in Cloud Village, which is used for the Kuluni exams in Cloud, the location makes it difficult to reach and has a barrier warning of intruders. Naruto travels to the island, accompanied by Yamato, Guy, Aoba, and several other Konoha ninja. The ships are attacked by a giant squid, which Killer Bee fights in his Bijuu form and encounters the Leaf Ninja. On the island they are met by the man in charge of the island, Motoi. On the way to where they were staying, it was revealed that Killer Bee had tamed the beasts on the island and they were safe with him, and it was on this island where Killer Bee learned to control the Hachibi. Once in his rooms, Naruto immediately went to Killer Bee's room to train, but Killer Bee refused to say that he was supposed to be on vacation for the first time in his life. Naruto tried to impress him and tried to rap, which Killer Bee loved, but Naruto accidentally insulted his glasses. Paninating, Naruto used his Harem Jutsu to convince Killer Bee, but he failed. Naruto then went to Motoi to complain about Killer Bee, pushing him away and Motoi decided to show Naruto where Killer Bee first started learning to control the Hachibi by sitting on a waterfall which shows your true self. Here Naruto encountered a dark version of himself. Naruto then went to Motoi to complain about Killer Bee, pushing him away and Motoi decided to show Naruto where Killer Bee first started learning to control the Hachibi by sitting on a waterfall which shows your true self. Here Naruto encountered a dark version of himself. Naruto then went to Motoi to complain about Killer Bee, pushing him away and Motoi decided to show Naruto where Killer Bee first started learning to control the Hachibi by sitting on a waterfall which shows your true self. Here Naruto encountered a dark version of himself.

Naruto couldn't win dark side himself, they were equally matched in every way, and Naruto was forced to leave the waterfall. He asked Motoi about what he knew that could help him, and after Killer Bee forgave Motoi for trying to kill him when they were younger, Naruto realized how to overcome his dark side... embrace it instead of resisting it to him. Killer Bee then brought Naruto to the temple where Naruto could confront the Kyuubi and if he lost the Kyuubi he would not be able to escape the temple. Naruto faces the Kyuubi and releases the seal and frees the Kyuubi and they begin to fight. Hachibi tries to hold back the Kyuubi but the Kyuubi fights it off, the Kyuubi then tries to blast Naruto but Hachibi catches him and wipes him out, however he is not in full control of Naruto and is no longer able to help after containing the explosion. Naruto activates Sage Mode and uses Gargantuan Rasengan, but Kyuubi blocks it and hits Naruto. The Kyuubi slams Naruto to the ground but is revealed to be a shadow clone and another Naruto throws the Kyuubi onto his back while the other Narutos throw Rasenshuriken at him. While the Kyuubi is weakened, Naruto tries to pull out the Kyuubi's chakra, however he begins to overpower him, but then Kushina suddenly appears.

Naruto initially believed that Kushina was the Kyuubi's true form or some kind of trick, but he realized that she was his mother because she acted like him. She then binds the Kyuubi in chains so that she and Naruto can speak, saying that Minato sealed both part of himself and her into Naruto to help Naruto control the Kyuubi as much as possible. Naruto was happy that she was content and wondered how he would look with red hair and then asked her how she and Minato fell in love. Kushina started telling Naruto about when she first moved to Konoha, she was a little short in the face and the boys made fun of her by calling her "Tomato" and she beat them all up, earning her a new nickname, "Bloody Habanero" " And when she first saw Minato, she thought he was just a scaly brat and looked down on him. That is, until the Cloud Village kidnapped her for her special chakra, she pulled out strands of her hair so she could be found, but only Minato noticed her and saved her, that's when she fell in love with him. She then asked Naruto what happens when you cross "Yellow Flash" with "Bloody Habanero" and Naruto replied "Orange Hokage" and gained a new resolve against the Kyuubi. He activated Sage Mode again and attacked Kyuubi with many Shadow Clones, each using Gargantuan Rasengan. Kyuubi managed to destroy many of them with his huge claw, but the rest were slammed into it with their Rasengans. Naruto then hit him with another Rasenshuriken and successfully gained control of the Kyuubi's chaka.

Kushina explains that she was chosen to be the host of the Kyuubi and that she came from the Land of Whirlpools to become the new host for the Kyuubi in the Scary Land. The "Eddie" village in the Land of Whirlpools had a strong relationship with Konoha due to their past leaders having distant blood relations with the Senju clan. Kushina explains that the Uzumaki clan of the "Eddie" village specializes in sealing techniques and phenomenal durability, which also explains the 4-element seal on Naruto's stomach and the whirlpool design on each Konoha jacket as a sign of friendship and good will with "Eddie", village and Konoha. Unfortunately, "Eddie" the village was feared around the world for their powerful methods sealing and constant wars, plaguing their village, ultimately led to their downfall. Luckily, Kushina and several of the "Eddie" villagers managed to survive and were scattered throughout the world. Before Kushina can become the vessel for the Kyuubi, she must be filled with the emotions of love in order to suppress the Kyuubi's rage and power. The previous Jinchuuriki, Mito Uzumaki Senyu, accomplishes exactly this for Kushina. Kushina updates Naruto on the masked killer who released the Kyuubi on the same night Naruto was born 16 years ago, and revealed that her seal on the Kyuubi is weakened the most during childbirth, as chakra is needed to power the seal and her body needs to be redirected to the child inside her. Meanwhile, Minato, Sarutobi, and Biwako prepare to prevent the Kyuubi from disintegrating during Kushina's birth. Biwako, leading Kushina from Konoha, took her to a secret hideout on the outskirts of Konoha to give birth to her child. While Biwako and Taji try to get Naruto out of Kushina during his birth, Minato struggles to keep the seal of destruction on the Kyuubi under the pressure of the Kyuubi's rage while trying to break free from Kushina. While outside, the masked killer has already killed the Black Ops ANBU while guarding the secret hideout. It quickly charges up, kills Biwako and Taji, and forcibly captures Naruto from their fights just as he is born. A disguised assassin holding a kunai to Naruto's throat tells Minato to move away from the Jinchūriki or his son will die at the ripe age of 1 minute.

Minato, in a burst of speed, grabs Naruto from the air as the masked killer throws Naruto's child into the air to stab him. When Minato catches Naruto, he notices that the cloth he wrapped is covered in explosive tags. Minato, using his Flying Thunder technique, teleports himself and Naruto's child to his safe. Unfortunately, this separates Minato from Kushina. From then on, the masked killer takes Kushina to a secluded area to remove the Kyuubi from her possession. Murder in Disguise takes out the fox and possesses it with the Sharingan!

As Kushina comes to his attention, the masked man looks for the fox on her. Luckily, Minato placed a seal on Kushina's seal, which allowed him to teleport to her location and save her. He takes her back to the safe to stay with Naruto's child while Minato himself carries out his duties as the 4th Hokage and protects the village.

The masked man sneaks into the village on the cover of the night and calls the fox to his place without warning. The villagers panic when they take action against the fox. Minato appears and the fox understands him while standing on Hokage Mountain. The fox fires one of his concentrated chakara blasts, but Minato uses a special seal to deliver the blast safely to the village. The masked man realizes Minato is a threat and tries to sneak up on Minato. Luckily, Minato is capable of defending himself. However, the disguised man takes himself and Minato somewhere outside the village. Minato then suspects that the masked man was indeed Madara, due to his plans to destroy the Leaf Village and its division and control of the fox. Of course, the masked man doesn't answer Minato, hence the two fights. During the fight, Minato analyzes how the human mask jutsu works. Throughout their battle, the masked man uses chains to try and restrain Minato, but to no avail. Minato and the masked man hurriedly rush at each, with a quick move, Minato forms a rather large Rasengan.

Minato tricks the disguised man by sending him a special kunai knife, which of course disappears right through him. The disguised man then grabbed Minato by the shoulder, only for Minato to teleport to a kunai that passed through the disguised man (who was still in the air) and slammed his Rasengan onto the man's back. The disguise can barely teleport to avoid most of the damage. Minato teleports to the person (via a seal/tag he strategically places on them during the fight) and performs a contract seal that causes the person to lose control of the fox. The man then states that Madara truly deserved his title and leaves. Minato's attention then turns to the fox in the village. The fox regains control of himself, but continues his rampage through the village. The Third Hokage and many ninja are fighting to get the fox back. The fox then launches another of his chakar blasts, but Minato arrives in the nick of time and uses Gamabunta to land on the fox and temporarily restrain him. Minato then teleports himself and the fox out of the village to allow the explosion to explode safely.

Minato teleports him near Kushina, where she uses her special chakara chains to contain it. She volunteers to reveal herself, but Minato decided to use Dead Demon Sacrifice to seal half of the fox's chakara into himself (since it was impossible to seal it all into one being) and the other half into Naruto. Minato saw Naruto as the "Child of Prophecy" that Jiraiya told him about. He said that Naruto would need a fox to defeat the evil Madara. Kushina is distraught, but Minato tells her that he believes because he is their son. Minato begins a sealing jutsu that takes up half of the fox's chakara, dramatically reducing its original size to the size we see inside Naruto (which is still quite large). Kushina' due to her weakening due to surviving the Kyuubi's prey (due to her clan's longevity) and the fox realizes that she wants to seal it inside Naruto. It uses this opportunity to try and kill Naruto's child. Minato and Kushina jump in front of their claw and barely stop it from reaching Naruto. With claws inside them they speak their own last words Naruto, especially Kushina. Minato summoned Gerotora and gave the scroll the key to Naruto's seal to send to Jiraiya. Minato then began by sealing the rest of the fox's chakara inside Naruto and, with his last breath, asked the Third Hokage (one of the three spectators of this event) that Naruto should not be seen as a monster. It uses this opportunity to try and kill Naruto's child. Minato and Kushina jump in front of their claw and barely stop it from reaching Naruto. With their claws inside them, they say their last words to Naruto, especially Kushina. Minato summoned Gerotora and gave the scroll the key to Naruto's seal to send to Jiraiya. Minato then began by sealing the rest of the fox's chakara inside Naruto and, with his last breath, asked the Third Hokage (one of the three spectators of this event) that Naruto should not be seen as a monster. It uses this opportunity to try and kill Naruto's child. Minato and Kushina jump in front of their claw and barely stop it from reaching Naruto. With their claws inside them, they say their last words to Naruto, especially Kushina. Minato summoned Gerotora and gave the scroll the key to Naruto's seal to send to Jiraiya. Minato then began by sealing the rest of the fox's chakara inside Naruto and, with his last breath, asked the Third Hokage (one of the three spectators of this event) that Naruto should not be seen as a monster.

We then return to the present in Naruto's mind. He thanks his mom and says that he loves his parents no matter what and gives his mom the final hug.

IN real world Naruto breaks out of his eyes as he cries. Killer Bee and Yamato ask Naruto what happened and he explains how he now controls the fox. He reaches deep and takes some of the fox's chakra that he separated from the fox in his area, represented as a white sphere. Naruto takes some of the chakra and transforms it. His new form allows him to sense evil thoughts and malice (like a fox) and says that B's new sword, Samehada, has Kisame inside of him. Kisame notices that even the best chakra sensors didn't know he was there and tries to run away. However, Naruto, in a yellow flash, slams his foot at Kisame at high speed, causing Kisame to cough up blood. Kisame is still running away as B runs after him as Yamato helps Naruto pull his leg out of the wall from the speed he crashed into Kisame.

Outside, Kisame runs into Might Guy, only to be slammed into Guy's mountain/cliff.

After the test with Kisame ended, Killer Bee resumed training with Naruto. After gaining control of the Kyuubi's chakra, Killer Bee wanted to force Naruto to learn how to use the Kyuubi's abilities and gave Naruto his first task of stacking blocks. It seemed difficult at first since Naruto had to learn how to pick them up without crushing them, but it eventually hung him.

Bee takes Naruto to another room where they learn the final level of their training. Bee then tells Naruto that he will have to transform into the Kyuubi and learn to use the "Chakra Bomb", which is compressed energy that you shoot out of your mouth. When Naruto tries and fails to transform, they decide to abandon learning the Chakra Bomb since you must be in Bijuu form to use it, and focus on using his other abilities in this form. Bee allows Hachibi to take over and tell Naruto about the dangers of using the Kyuubi's chakra; by relying on the Bijuu's chakra, the Bijuu also devours your chakra, so Naruto

cannot remain in its transformed state forever; because of this, Naruto is also unable to use Shadow Clones in his transformed state since they use up so much of Naruto's chakra. Afterwards, Naruto attempts to use the Rasengan using his chakra casing instead of the shadow clones, but using the Kyuubi's chakra proves difficult for Naruto. Seeing this, Killer Bee says that the Rasengan was almost identical to the "chakra bomb" edition and was impressed that it could even be used by humans. Now all Naruto has to do is use it when he is in Nine Tails Chakra Mode.

Since Naruto tried to perfect new version Rasengan, the war continued without him even noticing. However, the two resurrected ninjas, called the Gold and Silver Brothers, were famous for their skills and the fact that they each had a portion of the Nine-Tails' Chakra. Because of this, Naruto was able to realize that he was being held against his will.


Uzumaki naruto

  • Blood type:B
  • Highest rating: Hokage
  • Classification: Jinchuriki, Sage
  • Date of Birth: October 10 Zodiac sign: Scales
  • Age line: 12-16 Height: 145.3-166 cm Weight: 40.1-50.9 kg. Known Relatives: Uzumaki Kushina (mother, deceased), Minato Namikaze (father, deceased), Uzumaki Karin (famous survivor of the Uzumaki clan) Jiraiya [Godfather and Master]


Full list of jutsu:

  • All directions Shuriken Clone Jutsu
  • Shadow clone jutsu
  • Uzumaki
  • Multiple Shadow Clone Jutsu
  • A thousand years of death
  • Spring drop
  • Spiraling Super Large Group Spheres
  • Uzumaki
  • Naruto Uzumaki Combo
  • Naruto Uzumaki Two Thousand Comics
  • Bijuu Chakra Blast (after transformation)
  • Tailed Beast Guns
  • Tailed Beast Rasengan
  • Fuuma Shuriken Transformation
  • Gargantuan Rasengan
  • Harem jutsu
  • Oodama Rasengan
  • Rasengan
  • Wind: Rasengan
  • Wind release: Rasenshuriken
  • Big Ball Rasengan

  • Sage Art: Big Ball Rasengan
  • Sage Art: Super Big Ball Rasengan
  • Sage: Super Big Ball Rasen Tarengan
  • Sage Technique: Razenrengan
  • Sage Mode
  • Sexy jutsu
  • Frog Kata
  • Recruitment technique
  • Sage Art: Bijuu Dama Rasenshuriken
  • Sage Art: Lava Release Rasenshuriken
  • Sage Art: Rasenshuriken Magnet Release
  • Sage: Super Tail Beast Rasenshuriken
  • Boiling hole: unrivaled strength.
  • Reverse Harem Jutsu.

Jutsu process

At the beginning of the series, the only jutsu Naruto knows is the Sexy Jutsu, a transformation jutsu that turns him into a naked lady shrouded in smoke clouds. Even though he was unable to use cloning technology to begin with, he quickly learns the multiple shadow clone and shadow clone jutsu, a stronger clone jutsu that allows clones to become physical. This is jounin level jutus. Through the show and manga, this is his most commonly used jute.

With Shadow Clone Jutsu, he can use Rasengan, which is a spherical sphere of energy that he throws at the opponent. In Naruto: Shippuden (Part ll), he develops a stronger version called the Oodama Rasengan. When in one tailed fox larva form, he can perform a one-handed Rasengan using the fox demon chakra.

Jiraiya teaches him a toad summoning jutsu. Chakra and a small sacrifice of blood he can summon a toad. Due to his poor chakra control, he is unable to summon the toad he wants and will randomly summon Gamakichi, Gamatatsu, or the giant Gamabunta. Since toads have minds of their own, Naruto initially had difficulty controlling them.

In Naruto Part 11, the creator of the Wind Break: Rasenshuriken. He mixes his wind chakra along with the Rasengan, but he molds the wind chakra to form a four-pronged shuriken. Even though it looks like a shuriken, it cannot be thrown like one. It must be in the zero range to hit. When this is successful, the victim is trapped in a spiraling dome of wind and attacked by small blades that can strike at the cellular level.

Naruto has come quite far in his skills as a ninja, while still technically a Genin he has the "S" skill which ranks a ninja. He also has enough skill to pass on his knowledge and training to Konohamaru in the use of the Rasengan, as Jiraiya trained him.

Naruto's powers and abilities

During Naruto's two and a half years of training with Jiraiya, he inherited his master's traits and became slightly perverted and cunning.

Ninja technique

Naruto is a highly skilled hand to hand fighter and is more than capable of maintaining proper sword position even against the likes of Momoshiki Otsutsuki. His mastery of Bukijutsu allowed him to fight with Kunai, Shuriken, etc.


Naruto has very large chakra reserves and has much more access to the chakra of the Nine Tailed Foxes.

Shadow Clone Jutsu/Multiple Edge Clone Jutsu

This jutsu allows Naruto to create copies of himself. However, clones are solid and can touch or hit objects, unlike the cloning method. These clones usually disperse after sufficient damage. Naruto usually uses clones as bait to help him use jutsu or attack his opponent(s). The clones can focus and gather natural energy for Naruto in battle so he can enter sage mode. In Part 2, Naruto becomes more proficient with this technique, using it to push himself out of the path of an attack, turning himself into a weapon, learning his opponent's weaknesses and falling for traps in his place.

Summon Jutsu

Naruto can summon large or small toads to use in battle after he has signed a contract with the toads. At first he was unable to control the toads he summoned, but currently he seems to be able to control them in to a greater extent. He can summon Gamabunta, a large toad with a large sword.

Sage Mode

Perfect Sage Mode.

During Sage Mode, his strength, speed, and durability are enhanced. If Naruto has too much energy, he will turn into a frog, and if he can't control it, he will turn into a statue. His jutsu attacks also become much more powerful than before. However, he cannot stay in wise mode for too long. He can only maintain it for 5 minutes. Recently, he was able to use clones to gather natural energy while he fought. Once he ran out of the sage, he uses the summoning scroll to summon and dispel his clone to gain the sage chakra again.

Various forms of the Kyuubi's power chakra

Naruto has throughout the series shown an excellent display of being able to manipulate his chakra levels from the lowest to the highest levels, if not at will. One of the things that makes Naruto such a fighter is to be head and shoulders above the rest (in the continuity of Part II, at least not during the period when he was a child, since he failed in almost everything he tried to achieve) The Fourth Legend The Hokage, a nine-year-old fox, Kyuubi, is sealed inside him. The Kyuubi offers its powers to Naruto in a small amount at a time of need due to the fact that if Naruto dies, then he will die with him. Later in the series, Naruto is able (with his training as Jiraiya's master) to manipulate the fox's energy to some extent, making him an almost unbeatable opponent when he comes into battle.

Two different shapes chakra for Naruto's tail. The first stage that was shown is more mature stage than another form. In this form, Naruto's mustache became longer, darker, and more noticeable. His nails take longer to grow. His teeth begin to grow into fangs and become longer. His jaw is widened. All of his previous injuries were healed with remarkable speed. He also gains a boost in strength in this form. His speed, strength, agility, chakra, etc. all increase. Naruto's eyes also turn red and his pupils become smaller, like a fox. In this form, Naruto is completely under control, but is shown to be much more feral and animal-like. One day he usually travels on all fours. This chakra appears to be caused by rage, but can later be obtained when Naruto wants fox chakra. Another version is when Naruto actually goes to the Kyuubi in his body. Naruto demands that Kyuubi give him his chakra, which he calls "Rent" for the Kyuubi to reside in his body. Kyuubi gives Naruto his chakra out of respect for his courage to talk to him like that. Naruto's body doesn't change at all, but red chakra flows around his body like the Ki aura in Dragon Blast. He gets a powerful boost, but it hasn't been said which of these forms is more powerful. Naruto recently gained control of the Nine Tails chakra, which he uses but remains to be seen. t change at all, but red chakra flows around his body like Ki aura's in the Dragon Ball Franchise. He gets a powerful boost, but it hasn't been said which of these forms is more powerful. Naruto recently gained control of the Nine Tails chakra, which he uses but remains to be seen. t change at all, but red chakra flows around his body like Ki aura's in the Dragon Ball Franchise. He gets a powerful boost, but it hasn't been said which of these forms is more powerful. Naruto recently gained control of the Nine Tails chakra, which he uses but remains to be seen.

One tail shape

This is the shape after the tail shape. This form is more powerful than the previous form. Naruto has many of the qualities of the latest form, but this makes him look more like the Kyuubi and then the previous form. His body is absorbed by chakra, which takes the form of a fox. The chakra that absorbs him seems to protect him from damage. This may be true, but it also causes constant damage to Naruto's body. So he struggles, being constantly sick and constantly healing at the same time. He is capable of shooting chakra into his arm, which extends from the chakra that surrounds Naruto. He can also perform Rasengan using chakra. Naruto still controls this form.

Two tailed forms

In this form, Naruto has the same abilities as the latter. But, of course, it is more powerful. He seemed more monstrous before. His eyes widened and his eyes turned black. His teeth become sharper and longer. His mouth also turns black. He has two tails in this form. And Kyuubi is more prominent in this form. You see more similarities between them in this shape. Naruto still controls this form.

Three tailed forms

This form is more powerful than the last and Naruto has difficulty maintaining control. He could lose control at any time in this form. In this form, the chakra bubbles much more than the last ones. He can counter his opponent's attacks with a roar. In this form he has 3 tails.

Four tailed forms

In this form, Naruto's body is completely severed from his body, and the Kyuubi chakra acts as skin and mixes with Naruto's blood. This form stated that he was a miniature Kyuubi. Naruto has absolutely no control in this form. Naruto is able to use all the abilities he had in his previous two forms, but Naruto seems to have a harder time moving in this form. In this form

simply by waving his arm or simply roaring, he is capable of destroying the surrounding area. He was able to create a dense ball of chakra (Tailed Beast Ball), swallow it and ignite it with explosive effects. Not only is this form very powerful, it is also very dangerous to itself. Apparently this form can shorten Naruto's lifespan. Although in this form, each of Naruto's cells is destroyed. But more cells are created at the same time. Human body has a limit on the number of cells they can produce during their lifetime. If Naruto continues to pursue this form, his lifespan will be shortened.

It was insulted that Naruto only had the Yang (light) side of the Nine Tails' soul trapped within him. Yin (Dark) half of the Nine Tails

Six tail forms

After Pain almost killed Hinata, Naruto transforms into the six-tailed mini-Kyuubi. This is an even more powerful version than even the four-tailed Kyuubi. It is similar to the four-tailed Kyuubi, but it appears to have bones covering its body in some parts. Unlike other forms, this six year old Naruto can break the seal used in the First Hokage's necklace.

Eight tailed forms

The Eight Tails Transformation is the highest transformation Naruto can do so far. However, he lacks the fur, the ninth tale and the additional powers from the transformation above this. Naruto feels great pain during this transformation and will destroy anything that harms him.

His power is extremely unprecedented as it can break the pain of Chibaku Tensei. The image of his father, Minato Namikaze, appeared in his head to prevent him from losing complete control and stop the Kyuubi from escaping his mind. However, Minato said that he would close the seal again on Naruto one last time to stop the Kyuubi.

Kyuubi Chakra Mode

In this form, Naruto took control of the fox's chakra and separated it from

Naruto in his controlled form

fox, allowing him to access it at any time. Naruto looks like the Sage of the Six Paths in this form (marked by the fox and the image we saw of the Sage). His new seal also appears on his stomach. In this form, he increased his speed, strength, and durability. He was able to close the vast distance between him and Kisame (as Kisame tried to escape as quickly as possible) in a matter of seconds. Even Killer Bee, a very powerful ninja and Jinchuuriki, could not follow Naruto, only being able to see the yellow flash. Naruto was able to slam into Kisame, causing Kisame to cough up blood without any ill effects. His leg was stuck in the wall and he wasn't even in pain. It also releases life energy (given the fact that Yamato's wooden structures reacted to it and from Yamato's statement) and is capable of sensing ill will and malice, like a fox. This allows it to find people even the best chakara sensors/trackers cannot find.

Bijuu Mode

Kurama Mode

Naruto accepts full form kyuubi. Although the Kyuubi describes the form as imperfect and very similar to Naruto's controlled form, this form maintains the extent and size of the Kyuubi to a certain extent. It should be noted that this form resembles a chakra cloak.

In this enhanced form, Naruto has been shown to be able to deflect five Tail Beast bombs without effort and has even released himself to match those of Power 6. This form also gives Naruto greater speed, as shown when he rushed onto the battlefield , trying to deflect the beast's Tailed Bombs.

Bijuu Sage Mode

In this form, Naruto retains all of the abilities he previously had in Bijuu Mode and enhances it with Sage Mode for increased strength, speed, and durability. This form also provides immunity to the effects of the True True Ball (Gudu-dama).

Six Paths of Chakra Shape

Six Paths Sage (Without Cloak)

After receiving powers from Hagoromo Otsutsuki (Sage of the Six Paths), Naruto awakened a new enhanced form of Six Paths Senjutsu, similar to the ten-tailed "Jinchuriki", called Six Sears Mode.

it would also seem that he now has an even more effective healing factor. He was first shown when he saved Guy from losing his last piece of chakra and turning his body into ash (the consequences of using the eight gates). By simply touching it, Naruto was able to stabilize the chakra in his heart and stop the disintegration of his body, thus sparing him from a certain death. He later also showed the "creation" of a new look for Kakashi to replace the one Madara put out. Although Naruto himself can't seem to explain how he does it, and when asked, he simply comments that he feels like he "can do something."

Six Paths Sage

Additionally, the new abilities allow Naruto to tap into Madara's Truth seeking the orbs without being corrupted in the process. And when he used his "Ashura" form, he was able to summon and use his own True Truth Balls, as well as use figure manipulation to turn them into headquarters when attacking or defending, just like the previous 10 tailed Jinchuriki Obito and Madara can, though he had long ago lost this ability.

Naruto also has some chakra from all 9 tailed beasts within him, giving him the ability to use all chakra natures and combine them to create different rasengans with different properties. Such as "Magnet Release Rasengan", an embedded Rasengan with 1 tail chakra (Shukaku) that allows it to seal a target when hit (he used this against Madara's Limbo clone), "Lava Release Rasenshuriken", a Rasenshuriken created using 4 tails ( Son of Goku), which he used to cut Shinju, or the "Biju-dama (Tailed Beast Bomb) Rasenshuriken", a Rasengan created using the "Chakra" ("Nine Tails") chakra, which he used to destroy Madara Chibaku's meteorites - Tensei (note that these meteorites were large enough to eclipse several mountain ranges,

Six Paths Sage Mode Asura BijuuAvatar

While in Six Paths Mode, Naruto creates three Six Paths Kurama clones. One of the clones is then used to gather nature energy while the other two fuse with Naruto as the third clone releases all of the Senjutsu chakra into him and transfers it to the original. Once all chakras were stabilized, the three Bijuu avatars fused into one to create six armed avatars, capable of unleashing attacks on an even larger scale than before and fighting on par with Sasuke's Susano Sassu.

Alternate Versions of Naruto

Menma -

Tobi managed to transport Naruto and Sakura to an alternate reality where everything was different. In this world, Naruto was named Menma, Minato and Kushina are still alive, and Minato never became the 4th Hokage. Menma was also in a relationship with an aggressive, extroverted version of Hinata. In this world, unlike Naruto, Menma embraced his hatred, which allowed him to form a bond with his reality's Kurama and control it. Menma went missing for unknown reasons and wanted to both destroy Konoha and help Tony achieve Tobi's eye plan, which he sent to capture his peaceful Jinchuriki. He was later possessed by Tobi and gained Tobi's Sharingan in his right eye, but was eventually defeated by Naruto and freed from his hatred.

He had full access to Kurama's chakras and power, giving him the ability to enhance his physical abilities, create chakra shockwaves, sense negative emotions, and release Kurama completely. He also possessed his own dark versions of Naruto's other abilities, including Rasenringu, which was similar to Naruto's Rasenshuriken, and Dai Rasenringu, which could destroy a village, and he could perform them without assistance. He could also create 9 beings from Kurama chakra. Finally, he had the inexplicable ability to fly.

Naruto Uzumaki is the main character of the manga and anime series. He is a Genin from Konoha, a member of Team Kakashi, and the third and current jinchuriki of Kurama (Kyuubi or Nine-Tailed Demon Fox).

The main character of the manga and anime Naruto. Nine tailed fox(Kyuubi) was sealed into it during the attack on the village. Sealed by Minato - Naruto's father and fourth Hokage. For the sake of his dream, Naruto does a lot, he wants to become Hokage


As stated by Jiraiya, Naruto bears a striking resemblance to his father, and Minato also has blue eyes and blond, spiky hair. From his mother, Naruto inherited his eyes and face. During the Fourth Shinobi World War, Dan Koto initially mistakes him for Nawaki due to their resemblance. It's like he has a mustache on his face, this is Kurama's influence on him. From the first to the second season he grew significantly.

In the first part, Naruto's outfit consisted of an orange suit. He is very fond of the Konoha Protector and has often fought for it.

In the second part, Naruto's equipment is modified after his suit is torn to shreds during training with Jiraiya. The clothes are also orange. He started wearing black sandals instead of blue ones and the tread got bigger. During his battle with Payne, he wore a cape.

Childhood at the Academy

Naruto was born on the day the Nine-Tailed Demon attacked Konoha and his father decided to divide the demon's chakra into two, part into himself and the other into Naruto. His father and mother died that day.

No one wanted to be friends with him, let alone talk to him. He failed the exam three times, but still became a Genin.

Team 7

Naruto was teamed with Uchiha Sasuke and Sakura Haruno, under the command of Kakashi Hatake. Their first mission is to fight Momochi Zabuza. After that, they were allowed to take the Chuunin exam. He went through everything to the end, but still did not become a Chunnin, because Orochimaru attacked Konoha.

On the same day, Naruto fought with Gaara, a jinchuuriki like him. He manages to defeat him and prove that friends are an incentive in life. After this, Gaara becomes good and also wants to protect his village and become Kazekage.

Naruto and Jiraiya go in search of Tsunade to return her to the village and make her the fifth Hokage. Tsunade was impressed by Naruto's ideals, so she accepted the post and gave him the necklace. That's when he learned the Rasengan.

Sasuke later leaves Konoha to join Orochimaru in search of power to carry out his revenge. A fight ensues between Naruto and Sasuke, but Sasuke leaves. And Naruto will want him, no matter what, to return him and change him.

Naruto and Jiraiya leave Konoha for 2.5 years.


After returning, he, Kakashi and Sakura make Team 7 again. They complete the first mission safely, saving Gaara from Akatsuki.

Kakashi is resting in the hospital, and Naruto, Sakura, Yamato, in the role of captain, from the Anbu, and Sai go in search of Sasuke. A battle takes place between Naruto and Orochimaru. Naruto loses control over the demon and he gets 3, and then 4 Kyuubi tails, from which he loses his mind and destroys everything around him, from the bridge and the forest, to his friend Sakura, he injured her. But Orochimaru was able to escape.

After Naruto improves his Rasengan, the first modification, Rasengan: Rasen Shuriken, he showed in his battle with Kakuzu, killing him.

They go looking for Sasuke again, but he killed the sick Orochimaru and fled in search of Itachi.

Naruto leaves for Mount Myōboku, where Fukasaku teaches him Senjutsu. He didn't finish his training and was summoned to Konoha. There, Pain had already destroyed the entire village, and instead of Konoha there was one huge crater. Here Naruto is shown for the first time in the entire series enormous power and single-handedly defeats all six paths of Pain, something that all Konoha shinobi could not do. Then he finds Nagato, the one who controlled these bodies. But he does not kill him, but allows him to remember his ideals. As a sign of gratitude, and as a small correction for his guilt, he gives his life and resurrects everyone in Konoha whom he killed.

Madara Uchiha came to Naruto, told him about Itachi’s true life, about the fact that he has a connection with Rikudo Sennin and that a battle with Sasuke is inevitable.

By decision of the created alliance, the remaining jinchuuriki, Naruto and Killer Bee, were sent to turtle island. There, Killer B assists Naruto in suppressing and controlling the Kyuubi. Now he can take his chakra, learned the tailed bomb, became an excellent sensor and has the highest speed.

Naruto quickly sensed Kisame hidden within his Samehada by identifying his negative emotions. This surprised Kisame very much. As Kisame tried to run, Naruto used his incredible speed and quickly slammed Kisame into a wall with a powerful kick. After this, Kisame was able to escape and was caught by Guy. But they couldn't get information out of him, he killed himself with sharks.

Naruto didn't know the true motive for being on the island for a while, but since he became such a good sensor, he sensed all his friends on the battlefield, in the war. No one could stop him, so he went to war. He left the island with Killer B.

On the way, they were stopped by the Raikage, who tried to stop them, but it didn’t work. Tsunade also came here and she was on Naruto's side.

Soon their path was blocked by White Zetsu clones disguised as shinobi from the Alliance and Naruto quickly realized who they were and killed everyone with a new technique. After calling Gamahiro, he made clones and sent one to each battlefield. Killer B and Naruto then encountered Edo Tensei Nagato and Uchiha Itachi.

After talking with Nagato and Itachi, the battle began. At the end of the battle, Itachi escaped Kabuto's control and they killed Nagato again.

Itachi later told Naruto that he would help in the war on the Alliance's side while Naruto focused on fighting Tobi, but Naruto exclaimed that it was his duty to stop the war himself. However, Itachi states that even if Naruto has become stronger, he should not shoulder everything alone, lest he become arrogant like Madara. He also told Naruto if he has a dream of becoming Hokage like his father, he should not forget his friends. Naruto and Killer B go in one direction and Itachi in the other.

One of Naruto's clones arrived to help the fourth division in the fight against the resurrected Mu and the Third Raikage. After a difficult battle, Naruto defeated the Third Raikage.

Meanwhile, other Naruto clones arrived on other battlefields. Kabuto summoned Madara Uchiha as his trump card. He showed techniques with a huge range of action, for example, he lowered a meteorite onto everyone from the sky, which was so large that it covered the entire sky. But Ōnoki stopped him using the Lightweight Rock technique. But another such “pebble” fell from above and smashed everything to smithereens. Madara tried to summon the Kyuubi, but Naruto felt a burning sensation in his stomach and this failed call only angered Kurama. Rather than fall under Madara's manipulation, the Fox would rather remain sealed in Naruto, so he shared part of his chakra with the clone. Using chakra, Naruto's clone was able to create a large number of clones and counter Madara with a huge amount of Hyper Rasengan, against Madara's very powerful Mokuton technique. After this attack, the clone was left weakened to the point where he could feel like he could disappear at any moment. When Tsunade appeared, Naruto's clone asked her to heal him. However, she refused and Ōnoki explained to him that the war was to protect everyone, not only they wanted to protect him. Tsunade also said that the Five Kage will fight this Madara, and let the real one deal with Tobi. Elsewhere, the real Naruto received all the information from the clone who disappeared and promised to win. Naruto noticed Tobi approaching and immediately shook his head.

After they recoiled from the blow, Naruto was caught by Killer B, who told him to calm down. Naruto commented on the strength of Tobi's mask. The jinchuuriki of Edo Tensei showed one technique each against Naruto and Bee. Tobi ordered the jinchūriki to enter the early stages of their transformation into tailed beasts. Naruto tried to destroy the chakra receivers, but it didn't work, they entered the second stage.
Then Guy and Kakashi came to the rescue.

When the Four-Tails swallowed him, he saw him all in chains. He met him, his name is Son Goku. He said he wanted to help him. After that he released him. He also learned the name of the Nine-Tails, this is Kurama.

Then Kurama decided to help Naruto.

Naruto entered his new form. The Tailed Beasts were about to blast Guy and Kakashi with Tailed Beast Bombs, Naruto intervened and deflected the attacks with such speed that Kakashi mistook him for his former teacher. When the tailed beasts are ready to attack again, Naruto transforms into Kurama. Because this was their first transformation, Kurama said that it would last no more than five minutes, to which Naruto replied that that would be enough. There was a fight between the Tailed Ones. Then all the Bijuu created a huge joint Tailed Bomb, Naruto and Kurama made their own Tailed Bomb, and so that when these bombs touched, they would not kill everything and everyone around them, they released the Bijudam at certain angles, which allowed them to launch the Bombs far up. But the powerful explosion was enough to cause harm to everything around from the air.

While there were huge clouds of dust, Naruto and Kurama used their chakra hands and grabbed all the tailed beasts by the throat and pulled out all the rods from them. Suddenly Naruto found that his subconscious was pulled into space so that the rest of the beasts and their jinchuriki could talk to him. As Yagura tried to thank him, Naruto ended up crying, thinking that the Mizukage died young and never ate ramen or kissed a girl, for example. When Kurama jokingly reminded his master that Naruto himself had never kissed a girl, except that he kissed Sasuke at the academy. But Naruto looked at the rest of the tailed beasts and jinchuuriki, completely ignoring this reminder from Kurama. Both the jinchuriki and the tailed beasts then introduced themselves. In the real world, Naruto successfully managed to remove the chakra receivers from the tailed beast just before his time in his new form ran out. This caused Toby to push all the tailed creatures back into the Demon Statue. Toby remained incredulous about this turn of events, but remains convinced that nothing has changed yet. Naruto, however, disagreed, stating that he had just learned a bunch of difficult names at once, and teasing Tobi that he didn't know any of them.


Spirals and vortex patterns are a recurring theme in Naruto, especially in relation to the character of Naruto Uzumaki.

The word/name "Naruto" can mean "whirlpool" and is also short for "Narutomaki", a kind of Kamaboko with a pink whirlpool design in the center, which is used both for topping up ramen, which is Naruto's favorite food.

The surname "Uzumaki" is a pun on "spiral" (涡巻), as it refers to a three-dimensional spiral, like a whirlpool or vortex. "Uzumaki" can also mean "whirlpool", in reference to Naruto's Whirlpools (鳴門の渦潮), named after the city of Naruto. Additionally, Naruto's mother, Kushina Uzumaki, lived in the village of Whirlpool, who used spirals as a symbol for their village.

October 10, Naruto's birthday, was also Sports Day in Japan when his character was conceived. The holiday, however, later moved to the second Monday in October in 1999.

Naruto's favorite phrase: "A large portion of Miso-flavored meat Ramen!"

12 years before the main events of the anime begin, an ancient creature known as the Nine-Tailed Fox attacked Naruto's home village of Konoha. Then a lot of people died and the head of the village sacrificed his life to get rid of this demon, imprisoning his spirit in the body of his newborn son, Naruto Uzumaki.

Instead of appreciating the father's sacrifice and treating his son with respect, the ungrateful villagers decided that Naruto himself was now the embodiment of the evil Fox and treated him poorly, to put it mildly. They decided to forget about the Demon’s attack, and accordingly Naruto himself, before specific events, knew nothing about what lived inside him. Several years later, when Naruto is already learning the art of Ninjutsu, the missing-nin Mizuki involves him in a scam involving the theft of the Forbidden Scroll with secret techniques.

However, teacher Iruka Umino stops the young fighter from entering the criminal world in time, and he himself dies, but manages to reveal to Naruto the secret that was sealed 12 years ago - Naruto base! watch Naruto Uzumaki all episodes

Relationships with other characters

Naruto's best friends are Sasuke Uchiha(at the same time, Sasuke is Naruto’s main rival in martial arts) and Sakura Haruno(to which he is not indifferent). Instead, the three make up Team 7, trained by the strict sensei Kakashi Hatake.

Team No. 7, like any other ninja team in the Naruto world, carries out various tasks for the villagers, which range from agricultural work to quite serious military assignments. After Team 7 successfully completes a difficult mission to guard the bridge, Kakashi invites them to try a test that, if successful, will allow them to rise to a higher level in the ninja hierarchy and, as a result, gain access to more complex tasks.

While the young ninjas are training and passing their exams, the village is attacked by a criminal - Orochimaru. This scoundrel kills the Hokage of the Village. These events force one of the three Legendary Ninjas, Jiraiya, to begin searching for his former military colleague Tsunade, who is now destined to become the head of the Village Hidden in the Leaves. all characters

During his search, he learns that Orochimaru wants to recruit Sasuke, his best friend, into his team due to the fact that Sasuke has very good and necessary genetic inheritance. The naive Sasuke agrees, pursuing his own plans for revenge. Naruto tries to stop his comrade from such an unreasonable act, but he fails. However, he does not give up and decides to devote a couple of years to training under the guidance of Jiraiya. all characters

Dark Naruto

After Killer B refused to train Naruto, Motoi escorted the young ninja and Yamato to the Falls of Truth. It was at this waterfall that B was able, as a result of long training, to gain control over Gui-ki’s energy. Motoi explained to him that he should sit on the platform with his eyes closed, that is, meditate. Soon after Naruto was lost in contemplation of his own inner world, Dark Naruto appeared.

The dark essence is the embodiment of all the negative thoughts and emotions that lived in Naruto's soul. He began to tempt Naruto, reminding him of how quickly the inhabitants of his native village Konoha changed their mind about the young ninja. He tried to fight his dark essence, but soon realized that he was using all the same techniques and techniques as himself.

The fight ended in a draw, after which Naruto noted that if they had not stopped, it would have taken a long time to figure out who would win. The dark entity appeared once more, again at the Falls of Truth. This time, Naruto did not try to overcome his alter ego, but tried to convey to him a visual image of how he could not leave his signature as a shinobi of the Konoha village. all characters

This angered the Dark One and he tried to convince his "master" that the shinobi, just like the other villagers, had rejected him and made him suffer, that they were not trustworthy. However, the young ninja responded that he still trusted his fellow villagers and they were dear to him. He noted that he needed self-confidence in order to be able to prove to the people of Konoha that they could trust him. watch Naruto Uzumaki all episodes

Such humble and peaceful statements weakened the Dark One's power and forced him to question the very reason for his existence. Naruto realized at that moment that the Dark One was himself and thanked his opponent for helping him become who he is.

Naruto hugged his dark "twin" when he tried to attack him and said that everything was fine and he was not angry. Naryuto was able to let go of his anger, throw negative thoughts out of his head, and thereby made the Dark One disappear. all characters Later, Kurama was very surprised, as he could not discern in his soul there was no hint of hatred or anger. He asked the young ninja where he took the real Naruto and received the answer that the real one was now standing in front of him.

During the battle with Kurama, the fox living within Naruto implanted his own hatred into his chakras, causing the brief release of Dark Naruto. However, the spirit of Naruto's mother arrived in time and helped neutralize these dangerous manifestations.

Trouble came from where we didn't expect it

After Naruto finishes training, a new problem comes. The criminal group Akatsuki, it turns out, intends to enslave all nine tailed Demons, one of which, as we know, sits inside Naruto. all characters

Of course, the ninja from the Konoha village cannot leave this matter alone and begin to fight Akatsuki while continuing the search for Sasuke. They save another person who has a Demon trapped inside, but at this time Akatsuki has captured the other seven. Sasuke, meanwhile, betrays Orochimaru and exacts revenge, for which he joined him.

After this, the head of the Akatsuki group, Tobi White, informs Sasuke that it turns out that the person he just took revenge on was a mercenary of the Konoha village and the gullible Sasuke joins Akatsuki to defeat Uzumaki. all naruto characters

  • Spirals and vortices are a recurring stylistic theme throughout Naruto Uzumaki. The name Naruto can mean "whirlpool" and is short for the word "Narutomaki", which refers to one of the popular toppings for Ramen noodles (Naruto's favorite food), which also looks like a pink spiral. The surname "Uzumaki" is a pun on the word spiral within Japanese characters and refers to three-dimensional spirals such as a funnel or tornado. all characters
  • Among other things, Naruto's mother, Kushina Uzumaki, comes from the city of Uzushiogakure, in the Land of Whirlpools, and the symbol of this city is a spiral.
  • The first of October, Naruto's birthday, was a day of health and sports in Japan during the development of the cartoon. Now the holiday has been moved to the first Monday in October. all naruto characters
    Masashi Kishimoto noted in an interview that his childhood was somewhat similar to Naruto's.
  • Naruto has been in the first or second position in the Shonen Jump poll for many years. However, according to the results of the sixth survey, it took only fourth place.
  • In the latest poll, he again came first. The average results for all polls place Naruto in second place. In addition, Naruto is one of the four characters who have never left the top ten.
  • Despite the fact that Naruto is the main character, he sometimes disappears from the story for a long time, sometimes for several chapters.
  • In games Hurricane Chronicles Naruto: Ninja Heroes 3 and Hurricane Chronicles Naruto: Dragon Blade Chronicles Naruto is capable of using Fire, Water, Earth and Lightning techniques, although all of these elements are not his “specialty”.
  • Naruto's mother's nickname is "Hot-Blooded Red Habanero" and his father's nickname is "Yellow Flash". Naruto himself calls himself the "Orange Hokage of Konoha", referring to the fact that Orange color is the result of the fusion of red and yellow.
  • Naruto's hobbies are playing pranks and watering plants. all characters
  • Naruto passionately desires to defeat Sasuke Uchin and all members of the Akatsuki group.
  • Naruto's favorite foods are Ramen noodles and red bean soup. Naruto's least favorite food is fresh vegetables.
  • Naruto completed 16 official quests: 7 D class, 1 C class, 2 B class, 6 A class and no S class. all characters
  • Watch Naruto's favorite line is: "Please, a large portion of noodles with fried pork."