Which family does Tolstoy think is ideal? An ideal family in the understanding of L.N.

1. Complex epic canvas.
2. Ideal family and relationships.
3. Disadvantages of other families.
4. Family as the highest embodiment of human happiness.

Life gives a person, at best, one single unique moment, and the secret of happiness is to repeat this moment as often as possible.
O. Wilde

L. N. Tolstoy’s novel “War and Peace” is a complex epic canvas that combines bright, lively pictures of private life and scenes of battles. The novel arouses genuine interest among readers. It is difficult to find another work that could compare with the novel of this writer.

Often, readers are attracted to the work not only by battle scenes and historical realities, but by the everyday life of a noble family. In fact, it is impossible not to admire the strength of the Rostov family ties. We see how much attention and care they showed the children. It is impossible not to admire Natasha, in whom the writer embodied his moral ideal of a woman.

The image of Natasha is not static. She grows and develops. At the beginning of the novel she is a child, and at the end she is an adult woman whose whole life is focused on children. The Rostov family are exceptional people. They are smart, educated, intelligent. Their life is easy and serene. It seems like it will always be like this. However, the war changes everything. And the Rostovs face many trials and sorrows. Tolstoy tried to show an ideal family. And he succeeded.

The Rostovs have a surprisingly touching attitude towards each other. They are lenient towards the weaknesses of loved ones and do not demand too much from their relatives. And they give each other genuine love, sincere care. Any problems and troubles do not affect the family atmosphere; mutual understanding still reigns in their home. The Rostov family are exceptional people. They are smart, educated, intelligent. Their life is easy and serene. It seems like it will always be like this. However, the war changes everything. And the Rostovs face many trials and sorrows. At the same time, it is impossible not to admire their decision to give carts for the wounded. At the same time, the Rostovs cannot help but understand that they will be ruined, because they were going to take out their own property on carts. Before his death, the count, “sobbing, asked for forgiveness from his wife and in absentia from his son for the ruin of his estate - the main guilt that he felt for himself.”

The way Natasha takes care of her mother after Petya’s death deserves close attention. The death of her son overnight turned a blooming woman into an old woman. The Countess practically went crazy. Natasha does not leave her mother's side. “She alone could keep her mother from insane despair. For three weeks Natasha lived hopelessly with her mother, slept in a chair in her room, gave her water, fed her and talked to her incessantly - she talked because her gentle, caressing voice alone calmed the countess.” It was very difficult for Natasha herself during this period. After all, she had the opportunity to care for the dying Bolkonsky, which was not an easy test for a young girl. The death of his brother was another blow. But the need to take care of her mother makes Natasha stronger. “Love has awakened, and life has awakened.” The girl willingly sacrifices herself to help her mother.

At the end of the novel, Tolstoy showed his ideal of a wife and mother of a family, embodying it in Natasha. She is completely immersed in her family, living in the interests of her husband and children. Natasha may no longer have external beauty and charm, but she has boundless love for her own family. Natasha is alien to the desire for entertainment, idleness, and fun. She only thinks about the well-being of the children. “The subject into which Natasha was completely immersed was the family, that is, the husband, who had to be kept so that he inseparably belonged to her, to the house, and children, who had to be carried, given birth, fed, raised. And the more she delved, not with her mind, but with her whole soul, with her whole being, into the object that occupied her, the more this object grew under her attention, and the weaker and more insignificant her powers seemed to her, so that she concentrated them all on one thing and the same thing, and still didn’t have time to do everything she thought she needed.” According to Tolstoy, true human happiness is love and mutual understanding of the family. And everything else seems unnecessary. That is why Natasha, at the end of the novel, “did not like society at all, but she especially valued the company of her relatives - Countess Marya, brother, mother and Sonya.”

In the novel, in addition to the Rostov family, there are images of other families. However, their relationship is completely different. For example, a strict and cold atmosphere reigned in the Bolkonsky family, which could not but affect Marya’s character. It’s hard for the girl in her father’s house, she lives with her heart, which did not meet with understanding from her father. Old man Bolkonsky lives the “life of the mind”; there is no warmth or kindness in him. He is very despotic, which even affects his relationship with his own children.

In the Kuragin family, only external decency is observed. The prince has no true feelings towards his own children. Each member of the Kuragin family is accustomed to loneliness and does not feel the need for support from loved ones. Relations in the Kuragin family are false and hypocritical. The author's true attitude towards them is obvious. Relations in the Kuragin family cannot be compared with relations in the Rostov family.

The Berg family, according to the writer, is far from ideal. Tolstoy emphasizes that Berg is a real bourgeois with all the negative qualities. He tries to use the war for his own needs, to strive to gain as much benefit as possible. Bergs strive to conform to the canons accepted in society. It is no coincidence that the Bergs’ evening is very similar “to any other evening with conversations, tea and lit candles.” Faith, brought up in the traditions of the family, from youth seems unpleasant, because it is indifferent, selfish and arrogant.

Anna Mikhailovna Drubetskaya and her son always strived for material well-being. In the Drubetsky family, financial interests were put in first place; any action was used for the sake of profit. Boris does not resist his mother’s will and adopts her style of behavior. The Drubetskys are not capable of sincere feelings, of true friendship.

The strength of family ties for Tolstoy is determined primarily by his attitude towards children. It is no coincidence that Marya Bolkonskaya and Natasha Rostova become much happier after the birth of children. Their images are harmonious, unlike the secular beauty Helen. She refuses motherhood and dies, useless to anyone. The Kuragin family ends with her.

Unique moments of life that give happiness must be repeated. And for some people this is exactly what happens. Reading Tolstoy's novel War and Peace, it is impossible not to think about this. In the finale, the writer depicts truly happy people. These are Pierre and Natasha, as well as Nikolai Rostov and Marya Bolkonskaya.


Leo Tolstoy is one of the greatest prose writers of the 19th century, the “golden age” of Russian literature. His works have been read all over the world for two centuries now, because these amazingly lively and vibrant verbal canvases not only entertain the reader, but make them think about many important questions for humans - and provide answers to some of them. A striking example of this is the pinnacle of the writer’s creativity, the epic novel “War and Peace,” in which Tolstoy touches on topics that are pressing for every thinking person. The theme of family in Tolstoy’s novel “War and Peace” is very important, as well as for the author himself. This is why Tolstoy’s heroes are almost never alone.

The text most fully reveals the structure and relationships of three completely different families: the Rostovs, the Bolkonskys and the Kuragins - of which the first two mostly correspond to the author’s own opinion on this issue.

Rostovs, or the great power of love

The head of the large Rostov family, Ilya Andreevich is a Moscow nobleman, a very kind, generous and trusting person, adores his wife and children. Due to his extreme spiritual simplicity, he does not know how to run a household at all, so the family is on the verge of ruin. But Rostov Sr. cannot deny anything to his household: he leads a luxurious life, pays off his son’s debts.

The Rostovs are very kind, always ready to help, sincere and sympathetic, so they have many friends. It is not surprising that it was in this family that a true patriot of the Motherland, Petya Rostov, grew up. The Rostov family is not at all characterized by authoritarianism: here children respect their parents, and parents respect their children. That is why Natasha was able to persuade her parents to take out not valuables from besieged Moscow, but wounded soldiers. The Rostovs chose to remain penniless rather than violate the laws of honor, conscience and compassion. In the images of the Rostov family, Tolstoy embodied his own ideas about the ideal family nest, about the unbreakable connection of a real Russian family. Isn't this the best illustration that can show how great the role of the family is in War and Peace?

The “fruit” of such love, such a highly moral upbringing is beautiful - this is Natasha Rostova. She absorbed the best qualities of her parents: from her father she took kindness and breadth of nature, the desire to make the whole world happy, and from her mother she took caring and thriftiness. One of Natasha’s most important qualities is naturalness. She is not able to play a role, live according to secular laws, her behavior does not depend on the opinions of others. This is a girl with an open soul, an extrovert, capable of completely and completely surrendering to love for all people in general and for her soulmate. She is the ideal woman from Tolstoy's point of view. And this ideal was brought up by an ideal family.

Another representative of the younger generation of the Rostov family, Nikolai, is not distinguished by either the depth of his mind or the breadth of his soul, but he is a simple, honest and decent young man.

The “ugly duckling” of the Rostov family, Vera, chose a completely different path for herself - the path of selfishness. Having married Berg, she created a family that was not like either the Rostovs or the Bolkonskys. This unit of society is based on external gloss and a thirst for enrichment. Such a family, according to Tolstoy, cannot become the foundation of society. Why? Because there is nothing spiritual in such relationships. This is the path of separation and degradation that leads to nowhere.

Bolkonsky: duty, honor and reason

The Bolkonsky family, serving nobles, is somewhat different. Each of the members of this family is a remarkable personality, talented, integral and spiritual. This is a family of strong people. The head of the family, Prince Nikolai, is a man of an extremely harsh and quarrelsome character, but not cruel. Therefore, even his own children respect and fear him. Most of all, the old prince values ​​smart and active people, and therefore tries to instill such qualities in his daughter. Andrei Bolkonsky inherited nobility, sharpness of mind, pride and independence from his father. Son and father Bolkonsky are well-rounded, intelligent and strong-willed people. Andrei is one of the most complex characters in the novel. From the first chapters of the epic until the end of his life, this person goes through a complex spiritual evolution, trying to comprehend the meaning of life and find his calling. The theme of family in “War and Peace” is revealed in its entirety at the end of Andrei’s life, when he finally understands that only a family man surrounded by people dear to his heart can become happy.

Andrei's sister, Princess Marya Bolkonskaya, is shown in the novel as an absolutely intact person physically, psychologically and morally. A girl who is not distinguished by physical beauty lives in constant anticipation of quiet family happiness. This is a boat filled with love and care, waiting for a patient and skillful captain. This smart, romantic and extremely religious girl obediently endures all her father’s rudeness, never for a moment ceasing to love him deeply and sincerely.

Thus, the younger generation of the Bolkonsky family inherited all the best qualities of the old prince, leaving only his rudeness, imperiousness and intolerance unnoticed. Therefore, Andrei and Marya are able to truly love people, which means they are able to develop as individuals, climb the spiritual ladder - to the ideal, to the light, to God. That is why the war and peace of the Bolkonsky family are so difficult for most of their contemporaries to understand, which is why neither Maria nor Andrei like social life.

Kuragins, or the abomination of empty egoism

The Kuragin family is directly opposite to the two previous families. The head of the family, Prince Vasily, hides behind an external gloss the rotten nature of a greedy, thoroughly false brute. For him, the main thing is money and social status. His children, Helen, Anatole and Hippolyte, are in no way inferior to their father: outwardly attractive, superficially intelligent and socially successful young people are in fact empty, albeit beautiful, vessels. Behind their own egoism and thirst for profit, they do not see the spiritual world - or do not want to see. In general, the Kuragin family are vile toads, dressed in lace and hung with jewelry; they sit in a dirty swamp and croak contentedly, not seeing the beautiful endless sky above their heads. For Tolstoy, this family is the personification of the world of the “secular rabble,” which the author himself despised with all his soul.


Concluding the essay “The Theme of Family in the Novel War and Peace,” I want to note that this theme is one of the main ones in the text. This thread runs through the fates of almost all the characters in the work. The reader can observe in action the cause-and-effect relationship between upbringing, the atmosphere in the parental home, the future fate of a matured person - and his influence on the world.

Work test

Teacher of Russian language and literature MBOU “Secondary school No. 48 named after. R.M. Kamenev" Kursk.

The purpose of the lesson: show that L.N. Tolstoy, in his epic novel War and Peace, affirms eternal values ​​- the patriarchal family with relationships built on “goodness and truth” - as the basis of human life.


– based on the novel by L.N. Tolstoy’s “War and Peace” to reveal the theme “The author’s ideal of family in the novel”, using elements of analysis of the means of creating images of heroes; through a comparative description of two generations, to identify the author’s view on the topic of family;

– develop students’ research skills: the ability to analyze, highlight the main points, compare, pose and solve problems.

– to form students’ own family ideal.

Equipment: portrait of L.N. Tolstoy, the text of the epic novel “War and Peace”, video fragments of the film adaptation of the novel “War and Peace”, multimedia presentation, cards depicting the heroes of the novel, family tree template.

Educational technology used: pedagogical workshop.

Epigraph to the lesson:“What does it take to be happy? Quiet family life... with the opportunity to do good to people” (L.N. Tolstoy).

During the classes

Stage 1 – induction . introductionteachers.

Good afternoon Today we have gathered here to go to a creative workshop on the pages of one of the novels of Russian literature and to write a psychological portrait of the heroes of this novel.

Since ancient times, a separate tree has been especially perceived in the popular consciousness. To our distant ancestors, the tree resembled a person. Its trunk seemed like a body, its roots like its legs, its crown like its head, its branches like its arms. Like a person, it grew and matured, grew old and died.

A particular perception of wood can be found in the Bible. On its very first pages, two trees of the Garden of Eden are mentioned: the tree of life and the tree of the knowledge of good and evil. “And the Lord God made from the ground every tree that is pleasant to the sight and good for food, and the tree of life in the midst of the garden, and the tree of the knowledge of good and evil.” The fruits of the first give immortality; the tree here means faith. The second tree is called upon to test this faith. It reminds us that a person can choose both the path of good and the path of evil in his life. This is what a believer thinks about when he sees an image of a tree on an icon.

Let us also recall the family tree of the Russian tsars; their lives are a story that has its roots in the distant past, but allows us to give our assessment of the time and events of which they were the personification.

Reflection of actions, their assessment can be found not only in history, but also in literature. Literature, like a mirror, reflects history, but only refracted through the prism of spirituality.

I ask you to turn your attention to the screen, where an episode of a novel of Russian literature will be presented, which, in my opinion, is one of the roots of Russian national culture.

Screen adaptation of the episode “Natasha Rostova’s First Ball.”

2nd stage little publicity.

1. Tell me, what episode of a literary work was presented on the screen?

(novel “War and Peace”, episode “Natasha Rostova’s First Ball”).

2.Who are these heroes? (Natasha Rostova and Andrei Bolkonsky)

Teacher's word.

The choice of this episode is not accidental - it brings to life heroes who personify honor, love for the Fatherland, duty to the Fatherland - on the one hand, hospitality, cordiality, openness - on the other. It is these qualities that form the basis of the author’s ideal of family.

Each family in the novel has its own history, is proud of its family and traditions.

I would like to note that this is not only a portrait of a hero, where his features are depicted beautifully or not, but this is also that inner world, those values ​​that go from father to son, those moral standards that go from generation to generation, are absorbed with mother’s milk .

– You recognized the work we will work with and saw the students’ work. Tell me, what do you think the task is? What will be the result of the workshop? (compiling a family tree)

– Compiling a family tree is not an end in itself; it is more important to understand the moral character of the family, those moral qualities that form the basis of the author’s ideal of the family?

Stage 4 – socio-construction (at this stage, cards with illustrations of the heroes of the novel are distributed).

Teacher's word. L.N. Tolstoy, a subtle researcher of the human soul, said: “People are like rivers: each has its own channel, its own source.” This source is the home, family, its traditions, way of life. The world of family is the most important component of the novel.

In order to achieve the goal of our educational lesson, we will go to a creative workshop to study the novel “War and Peace”.

So, we go to the family estate of the Bolkonsky family - Bald Mountains.

When working with the text of the novel, you will receive cards that will form the basis of the family tree at the next stage of our lesson, in order to record the knowledge gained, you fill out the worksheets, lying on your tables.

A story about the family tree in the dining room of the Bolkonsky house.

Bolkonsky family.

Work on the episode “On the Bolkonsky estate Bald Mountains” (vol. I, part 1, chapters 22-25).

Conversation on questions:

1.Which of the novel’s heroes can be represented among the fruits of this tree?

2. Find “portraits” of Marya Bolkonskaya, Andrei, the old prince. What makes Tolstoy stand out in the appearance of his characters and their behavior? (short stature, “dry” features, amazing eyes – “radiant”, like Marya’s, “beautiful”, like Prince Andrei’s, “smart”, like the old prince’s. Restraint, respect in behavior and attitude towards each other)

- ON THE. Bolkonsky;

– Princess Marya;

– Andrey Bolkonsky;

– Little Princess Lisa Bolkonskaya (working with the card: comparative analysis);

- Nikolenka Bolkonsky;

– Nikolay Rostov;

– Children of Marya Bolkonskaya and Nikolai Rostov.

3. In your opinion, the most striking details are in the depiction of the internal and external appearance of the Bolkonskys (the scene of farewell to their son, farewell to their sister, Marya and Burien).

4. How will Princess Marya embody her father’s ideal of a family?

Conclusion: The distinctive features of the Bolkonskys are spirituality, intelligence, independence, nobility, high ideas of honor and duty. The old prince, formerly a nobleman of Catherine, a friend of Kutuzov, is a statesman. He, serving Catherine, served Russia. Nikolai Andreevich, proud of his son’s intelligence and his daughter’s spiritual world, knows that in their family between Marya and Andrey there is not only complete mutual understanding, but also sincere friendship based on unity of views and thoughts. Relationships in this family are not built on the principle of equality, but they are full of care and love, only hidden. The Bolkonskys are all very reserved. This is an example of a genuine family. They are characterized by high spirituality, true beauty, pride, sacrifice and respect for other people's feelings.

Working with a table (correlating the hero and character traits).

To consolidate the material covered, I propose to once again repeat the moral qualities of the Bolkonsky family.

The 5th stage of the workshop is socialization.

Teacher's word. Now you will have to make a family tree of the Bolkonsky family from the cards, using the knowledge you have acquired.

(Students perform group creative work based on the accumulated material. They independently build their visual image, formed during this lesson, using cards with illustrations received at the previous stage.
Thus, the studied material is consolidated through activities associated with creativity).

Stage 6 – big publicity. Hanging “works” - creative works of students in the classroom and familiarizing with them.

Stage 7 – soft correction stage . The teacher shares his work, shows students his vision of the topic and ideas of the lesson - presents the creative work as an example.

8th stage master's project. The projects of students and teachers are compared, similarities and differences are noted (erroneous judgments and conclusions are gently corrected).

Stage 9 – break. This is the internal awareness by the participants of the workshop of the incompleteness or inconsistency of their old knowledge with the new, this is an internal emotional conflict that encourages them to deepen the problem, search for answers, and compare new knowledge with literary sources.

– Tell me, what other noble families are represented in the novel?

– How are the houses of the Bolkonskys and Rostovs similar?

Teacher's word. Against the background of the characteristics of the Rostovs and Bolkonskys, the relationships in the Kuragin family will sound in contrast.

Now I suggest you turn your attention to the screen (working with the Rostov and Kuragin tree).

Actually, the Bolkonskys and Rostovs are more than families, they are entire ways of life, each of which is covered in its own poetry. Simple and so deep for the author of “War and Peace” family happiness, the same one that the Rostovs and Bolkonskys know, it is natural and familiar to them. This family happiness will not be given to the Kuragin family, where an atmosphere of general calculation and lack of spirituality reigns. The immorality allowed in the Kuragin family becomes the norm of their life. There is no place for sincerity and decency in this house.
Pierre said very accurately about the false Kuragin family: “Oh, vile, heartless breed!”

The last stage is reflection. Reflection of feelings, sensations, associations that arose among the workshop participants during the work. There is a joint discussion of the results of the lesson and the mood that remains after it.



Final words from the teacher.

Student worksheet

The name of the hero of the novel L.N. Tolstoy

"War and Peace"

Moral qualities of heroes

Prince Nikolai Andreevich Bolkonsky

Andrey Bolkonsky

Princess Marya Bolkonskaya

Little Princess Lisa Bolkonskaya

Nikolenka Bolkonsky

Nikolay Rostov

Eldest son Andryusha

Three-year-old Natasha

Son Mitya

Sections: Literature

Target: consider the role of the family in Tolstoy’s understanding and at the modern level.

Know: Tolstoy’s ideal (patriarchal family: care of the elders for the younger, the younger for the elders, the ability of everyone to give more than to take, relationships built on mutual understanding, respect, on “good” and “truth”). Family traits at the present stage.

Be able to: reason, draw conclusions, generalizations, speak on behalf of the hero, retell close to the text.

Equipment, visibility: portrait of the writer, epigraph, drawings by students, illustrations for the novel, “advice from a psychologist”

Homework: written answer to a question, preparation for an essay.

During the classes

What does a person need to be happy?
Quiet family life...with the opportunity to do good to people

I.Organizational moment.(The group is divided into “small” subgroups representing the Rostov, Bolkonsky, and Kuragin families.)

II. The teacher's word.

– Today the lesson will be as close to life as possible. After all, its topic concerns each of us and cannot leave anyone indifferent. (Recording the topic.)

– We will look at the family relationships of the characters in the novel from Tolstoy’s point of view and talk about the modern understanding of family. A psychology teacher will help us. The main idea in Tolstoy’s novel “War and Peace,” along with “folk thought,” was “family thought.” The writer believes that the family is the basis of the entire society, and the processes that occur in society are reflected in it. The baby comes into the new world neither good nor bad, looking like a white sheet of paper.
– What do you think it depends on, what it should be like?
(He will be the way his parents raise him.)
– Remember the heroes of literary works, the formation of which was influenced by the family atmosphere. (Oblomov was not born apathetic and lazy, life in Oblomovka made him so; Judushka Golovlev and the entire family died under the influence of a deadening, soul-corroding family environment).
– The sages said: “A person can have three troubles: bad health, bad children and bad old age.” A person is not guaranteed against the first disaster, but there is a guarantee against bad children and bad old age if you raise your children correctly. The great Tolstoy is sure that goodness needs to be nurtured and created in the family. “People are like rivers: each has its own source, its own channel. This source is home, family, traditions and ways of life.”
– How do Tolstoy the philosopher express his thoughts about family? (In his diaries, the writer writes: “If a person does not have hostile inclinations, then it is clear that good and evil depend on education, it is clear that science in general and philosophy in particular are not only not useless, but even necessary, and not only for Socrates , but for everyone.”)

Entry: “The desire to learn and the curiosity of children must be encouraged at an early age; it is necessary to teach a child in the family as early as possible to be content with little, to make the principle of “giving more than taking” the norm of life.

– Do you agree with these thoughts of Tolstoy? What do you think about it?
– The novel “War and Peace” is a reflection of the breadth of the writer’s worldview, because we find many similar features in Tolstoy’s favorite heroes, the prototypes of which were members of the writer’s family and his wife Sofia Andreevna. These heroes go through a certain path of ideological and spiritual development; through trial and error, they try to find their place in life and realize their purpose. They are shown against the backdrop of family relationships. Following the traditions of realism, Tolstoy wanted to compare with each other the various families that were typical of his era. Using the antithesis technique, some families were shown to be developing, others – frozen.
– Name the families that are described in the novel. Which of the heroes bears any traits of the Tolstoy family?
– All families in the novel are subjected to basic tests: social life, love, war. Which families does Tolstoy sympathize with and why? (Favorite heroes emerge from them.)
– Why does he like the Rostov family? Read out the portrait characteristics of the characters from the text or the author’s commentary. Let me introduce you to the Rostov family: Ilya Andreevich Rostov, Countess, Nikolai Rostov, Petya, Sonya, Natasha. Marya Dmitrievna Akhrosimova joined them. Let's listen to the head of the family.

Count Rostov: We are simple people, we don’t know how to save or increase. I am always glad to have guests. My wife even complains sometimes: they say the visitors tortured me. And I love everyone, everyone is cute. We have a big, friendly family, I have always dreamed of one like this, with all my heart I am attached to my wife and children. In our family, it is not customary to hide feelings: if we are sad, we cry, if we are happy, we laugh. If you want to dance, please.

Countess Rostova: I want to add to my husband’s words that in our family there is one main feature that binds everyone together - love. Love and trust, because “only the heart is vigilant.” We are all attentive to each other.


(Natasha runs into the room.)

Count (jumped up, spreading his arms wide): Here she is, the birthday girl! Ma Cher, birthday girl, gunpowder girl!

Countess (condemning): Honey, there is time for everything. (To the Count) You're spoiling her.

Marya Dmitrievna: Ma Cher, my dear, congratulations to you. What a lovely child! (gives earrings, Natasha spins around and tries them on).

Natasha (runs up to her mother, shows the doll): See, the doll... Mimi... See...

(Natasha laughs loudly.)

Countess: Well, go, go! Sit down, Natasha, calm down.

Natasha: Can I say that too? Mama and I have the same names. We all love her very much, she is our moral ideal. Our parents were able to instill sincerity and naturalness in us. I am very grateful to them for the fact that they are always ready to understand, forgive, and help in the most difficult moments of life. And there will be many more such situations. Mommy is my best friend, I can’t sleep until I tell her all my secrets and worries.

Teacher: Guys, what difficult situations is Natasha talking about? (Passion for Anatole Kuragin. Anatole is a symbol of freedom for Natasha from the restrictions of the patriarchal world, from the boundaries of what is permitted. She is open, sincerely mistaking passion for love.)

– Why then didn’t Tolstoy connect Natusha and Andrei? (The straightforward and proud Bolkonskys are not at all like the cozy and homely Rostovs. They are not able to connect their lives: after all, even when they loved, they could not fully understand each other. Therefore, according to Tolstoy, the unity of these two families is possible only between the most uncharacteristic representatives families.)

Nikolai: Even now I am ashamed to remember that act. I lost 40 thousand rubles to Dolokhov. It was a complete ruin for the family, but I didn’t hear a word of reproach. We are always ready to support each other, especially when trouble comes to the house. It was especially hard for Mama after Petya’s death. Everyone suffered, but tried to warm each other with love.

Akhrosimova: Well, then I’ll tell you. I know this family well. They have the talent of life. They, like children, enjoy nature, dress up for Christmas, go on visits, and love music. Such sincerity in a noble landed family is rare. In my opinion, the main features of this family are honesty, decency, intuition and life of the heart.

Teacher: Let's write down in a notebook those main features of the Rostov family that have already been named.

Type of notebook entry:

Tolstoy about family A modern view of the family.
  1. Love
  2. confidence
  3. sincerity, openness
  4. moral core
  5. ability to forgive
  6. life of the heart


  1. high spirituality
  2. pride, courage
  3. honor, duty
  4. activity, mind
  5. strength of mind
  6. natural love, hidden under the mask of coldness


  1. lack of parental love
  2. material well-being
  3. lack of spiritual beauty
Modern family:
  1. desire to live independently
  2. material well-being
  3. desire to take more than to give
  4. preference to be loved
  5. desire to satisfy one's needs at the expense of others
  6. love, fidelity
  7. career
  8. external beauty prevails over spiritual
  9. understanding
  10. decline in morality

Teacher: Well, what does Tolstoy say about the Bolkonsky family? Read excerpts from the text. Introducing the Bolkonsky family: Nikolai Andreevich, Princess Marya, Prince Andrei.

Nikolai Andreevich Bolkonsky: I have firmly established views on the family. I went through a harsh military school and believe that there are two sources of human vices: idleness and superstition, and only two virtues: activity and intelligence. I was always involved in raising my daughter myself, in order to develop these virtues, I gave lessons in algebra and geometry. The main condition of life is order. I don’t deny that I am sometimes harsh, overly demanding, sometimes I arouse fear and respect, but how could it be otherwise? I served my homeland honestly and would not tolerate betrayal. And if it were my son, it would be doubly painful for me, an old man. I passed on patriotism and pride to my children.

Princess Marya: Of course, I am shy in front of my father and am a little afraid of him. I live mainly by reason. I never show my feelings. True, they say that my eyes betray excitement or love. This was especially noticeable after meeting Nikolai. In my opinion, what we have in common with the Rostovs is a common feeling of love for our homeland. In a moment of danger, we are ready to sacrifice everything. Nikolai and I will cultivate pride, courage, fortitude, as well as kindness and love in our children. I will be demanding of them, just as my father was demanding of me.

Prince Andrey: I tried not to let my father down. He managed to instill in me a high concept of honor and duty. I once dreamed of personal glory, but never achieved it. In the Battle of Shengraben, I looked at many things with different eyes. I was especially offended by the behavior of our command in relation to the real hero of the battle, Captain Tushin. After Austerlitz, he reconsidered his worldview and was disappointed in many ways. Natasha “breathed life” into me, but, unfortunately, I never managed to become her husband. If we had a family, I would instill in my children kindness, honesty, decency, and love for their homeland.

Teacher: Complete the table with information indicating the distinctive features of the Bolkonsky family. (High spirituality, pride, direct honor, natural, sincere love, hidden under the mask of coldness, honor, duty, activity, intelligence.)

Both father and son Bolkonsky passed the test of war, which required the greatest strain of spiritual strength. The Patriotic War revealed the main features of each family. The Kuragin family remained selfish, immoral, and selfish throughout the war.

– Let’s ask Prince Kuragin to tell us about his family.

Prince Vasily: I don’t have even an ounce of parental love, and I don’t need it. I think all this is unnecessary. The main thing is material well-being, position in the world. Didn't I try to make my children happy? Helen married the richest groom in Moscow, Count Pierre Bezukhov, assigned Hippolyte to the diplomatic corps, and almost married Anatole to Princess Marya. To achieve goals, all means are good.

Helen: I don’t understand your lofty words about love, honor, kindness at all. Anatoly, Ippolit, and I always lived in our pleasure. It is important to satisfy your desires and needs, even at the expense of others. Why should I be tormented by remorse if I managed to betray this mattress with Dolokhov? I am always right in everything.

– Do you agree with Helen and Prince Vasily? Which family do you find closest? Why, according to Tolstoy, does the Kuragin family have no right to exist? What is the fate of the family members? Do they have children?

(The external beauty of the Kuragins replaces the spiritual one. There are many human vices in this family. Helen ridicules Pierre’s desire to have children. Children, in her understanding, are a burden that interferes with life. According to Tolstoy, the worst thing for a woman is the absence of children. A woman’s purpose is to become good mother, wife.)

– What other families can the Kuragin family be compared with? (Vera and Berg, the Drubetskys. The Bergs imitate others. Their motto: like others. This family will be given children, but they will certainly be moral cripples.)

– Are there ideal families? (According to Tolstoy, the family of Natasha and Pierre is idyllic, this is the people’s ideal of a family, based on mutual trust and submission. Pierre did only what Natasha gave consent to. Natasha obeyed Pierre’s slightest desire. Natasha’s whole world is in the family, in the children, in husband. According to Tolstoy, she should have no other interests.)

– Do you agree with this opinion? What is your understanding of family at the modern level?

(A psychologist’s story about the psychology of family relationships, about love, statistics, questionnaires.)

Previously, essays were written by students, where they spoke about their future families “What kind of family do I imagine”

“My husband will be handsome, not necessarily rich, whatever I love. His position doesn't matter. I really want us to have a friendly family.”

“I want a simple, ordinary family, good friends, a loving husband and a job. I want to live with my mother-in-law so that she can teach me everything. I will respect and love her. I want to get married early,” etc.

- Let's finish filling out our sign. What features of a modern family can you identify?

Psychologist's advice for a happy family life.

  1. Rudeness is a malignant tumor that devours love. Be polite and gentle in your dealings with your husband.
  2. Flowers are the language of love. Do you want to maintain a happy family life?
  3. Show a little attention every day.
  4. There is no need to try to radically change your husband, remember: to succeed in a happy family life you need to be a suitable husband or wife.
  5. In no case do not find fault with trifles. Findings, attacks, reproaches, like cobra bites, always destroy and kill.
  6. Do not fruitlessly criticize your wife or husband, especially in the presence of others. One of the reasons for divorces is senseless criticism that breaks hearts into pieces.
  7. Never withhold sincere gratitude from your wife or husband.
    Remember: for a wife to find happiness in her husband, he must show his true devotion.

Teacher: True relationship is one of the needs to be satisfied in married life, but if that relationship is not okay, nothing else will be okay.

Consideration of the situation: “Young spouses. The couple breaks up. How will they behave at this moment?”

Many years have passed since the appearance of L.N. Tolstoy’s novel, but the main values ​​of the family: love, trust, mutual understanding, honor, decency, patriotism remain the main moral values. Rozhdestvensky said: “It all starts with love.” Dostoevsky said: “Man is not born for happiness and deserves it through suffering.”
Tolstoy, Lev Nikolaevich
Lev Tolstoy
in Yasnaya Polyana (1908).

Photographic portrait

works by S. M. Prokudin-Gorsky

Lev Nikolaevich Tolstoy (August 28, 1828, Yasnaya Polyana, Tula Governorate, Russian Empire - November 7, 1910, Astapovo station, Ryazan Governorate, Russian Empire) - count, one of the most widely known Russian writers and thinkers, revered as one of the world's greatest writers .

Leo Tolstoy had a strong influence on the evolution of European humanism, as well as on the development of realistic traditions in world literature.

The works of Leo Tolstoy have been filmed and staged many times in the USSR and abroad; his plays have been staged on stages all over the world.

The most famous works of Tolstoy are the novels “War and Peace”, “Anna Karenina”, “Resurrection”, the autobiographical trilogy “Childhood”, “Adolescence”, “Youth”, the stories “Cossacks”, “The Death of Ivan Ilyich”, “Kreutzerova” sonata”, “Hadji Murat”, a series of essays “Sevastopol Stories”, dramas “The Living Corpse” and “The Power of Darkness”, autobiographical religious and philosophical works “Confession” and “What is my faith?” and etc.

Tolstoy's views on family and family in Tolstoy's works

Leo Tolstoy, both in his personal life and in his work, assigned a central role to the family. According to the writer, the main institution of human life is not the state or the church, but the family.

L. N. Tolstoy tells a tale about a cucumber
grandchildren Ilyusha and Sonya, 1909, Krekshino,
photo by V. G. Chertkov.
Sofya Andreevna Tolstaya in the future - the last wife of Sergei Yesenin

From the very beginning of his creative activity, Tolstoy was absorbed in thoughts about his family and dedicated his first work, “Childhood,” to this. Three years later, in 1855, he wrote the story “Notes of a Marker,” where the writer’s craving for gambling and women can already be traced.

This is also reflected in his novel “Family Happiness,” in which the relationship between a man and a woman is strikingly similar to the marital relationship between Tolstoy himself and Sofia Andreevna.

During the period of happy family life (1860s), which created a stable atmosphere, spiritual and physical balance and became a source of poetic inspiration, two of the writer’s greatest works were written: “War and Peace” and “Anna Karenina”.

But if in “War and Peace” Tolstoy firmly defends the value of family life, being convinced of the fidelity of the ideal, then in “Anna Karenina” he already expresses doubts about its achievability. When relationships in his personal family life became more difficult, these aggravations were expressed in such works as “The Death of Ivan Ilyich”, “The Kreutzer Sonata”, “The Devil” and “Father Sergius”.

Lev Nikolaevich Tolstoy paid great attention to his family. His thoughts are not limited to the details of marital relations. In the trilogy “Childhood”, “Adolescence” and “Youth”, the author gave a vivid artistic description of the world of a child, in whose life the child’s love for his parents, and vice versa, the love he receives from them, plays an important role.

In War and Peace, Tolstoy already most fully revealed the different types of family relationships and love. And in “Family Happiness” and “Anna Karenina” various aspects of love in the family are simply lost behind the power of “eros”. The critic and philosopher N. N. Strakhov, after the release of the novel “War and Peace,” noted that all of Tolstoy’s previous works can be classified as preliminary studies that culminated in the creation of a “family chronicle.”