Makeup for green eyes is simple. Technique for drawing arrows. Arrows for different eye shapes

The color of the eyes, eyebrows, and the choice of shades are important points when performing daytime and evening makeup.

Various make-up options can create a unique and charming image, as well as emphasize advantages and hide minor flaws. One of the main elements of makeup is arrows. They create a sophisticated shape and give a certain flirty look.

Makeup for brown eyes in different colors

Eyeliners can give them special expressiveness. A combination of a certain type of arrow and a correctly selected color range will create a harmonious and fresh image.

  1. Natural expressiveness is achieved by using classic black eyeliner in combination with make-up in brown tones. This is a universal option.
  2. Silvery contrasts: black eyeliner against a background of shadows with a silvery sheen. For a more impressive look.
  3. Bright accent: brown eyes harmonize perfectly with dark blue and turquoise shades. Such an advantageous contrast especially transforms the look. In this case, colored arrows (blue, green) will be especially attractive.

The selection of style and makeup depends on factors such as eye shade, hair color, skin tone, and clothing colors.

Lilac makeup with arrow

Dark skin and dark brown eyes are emphasized by wide black arrows. Narrower arrows suit blondes. Makeup with arrows for brown-haired women can be done using emerald and turquoise tones.

Chocolate mix: smoky eye makeup combining dark and caramel shades of eyeshadow. Black shadows for brown eyes will create even more depth. Eyeliner makeup in black combined with black mascara is the most glamorous option.

Smoky eye makeup

Suitable for everyday use pastel colors(pale pink, ivory). In this case, arrows for the eyes are drawn with a brown pencil.

Thin line on the upper eyelid

Creation romantic image achieved by applying warm tones of purple. evening make-up Brown eyes make them expressive using electric shades of blue. Shades of gold will also give brown-eyed beauties more expressiveness in their gaze.

Everyday eye makeup

Drawing arrows step by step

Before you start drawing arrows, you need to complete the following steps: tinting, powdering, eyebrow makeup. Depending on the type of makeup (daytime, evening, holiday, catwalk), shadows are selected and applied to the eyes. The outline of the arrow is drawn using a special technique according to. Mascara is selected and applied in harmony with the hair color.

Arrows are drawn with the hand supported at the elbow. This guarantees a straight line. The eye should be half closed. When closed or, conversely, wide open eye, the process of drawing arrows cannot be performed successfully.

The arrow line should initially be narrow and thicken as necessary as the drawing progresses. The basic technique for applying contour is from the inner corner of the eye to its middle. Then from the middle to the outer corner. The arrows on both eyes should be perfectly even, the same width and length.

The lower eyelid should not be clearly drawn, and when applying a contour it is better to shade it. Vivid image achieved by simultaneous use of several colors of the same range. The pearlescent shine of the shadows will add radiance to the look.

Kate Beckinsale

As a conclusion

Different types of eyes require their own a separate type shooter This allows you not only to create a competent make-up, but also to emphasize your individual beauty.

Brown eyes are already quite expressive in themselves, and their owners do not need to put a lot of effort into creating spectacular makeup.

The procedure of applying makeup can be safely called a ritual, during which a woman tries on one or another image. And the most mysterious and attractive look can be created when arrows for the eyes are used in makeup.

Many people associate makeup with arrows with images of Egyptian beauties. It was they who began to draw with eyeliner the shape of the eyes, called cat-shaped or almond-shaped. The peak of popularity of such eyeliner occurred in the 50-60s and since then its popularity has remained stable. And if in the old days arrows were applied to the eyes only with black eyeliner, today it can be very varied different colors: green, blue, purple, sea green, red, orange and others. Modern stylists recommend not limiting yourself.

However, as with any other operations with decorative cosmetics, makeup with arrows requires that the color of the eyeliner and shadows match the skin tone and eye shade. For example, those made in red or bright green can create the effect of tired eyes on some young ladies.

Necessary tools for creating arrows on the eyes

When asked how to make eyeliner look beautiful, any makeup artist will answer that, first of all, you need to purchase high-quality cosmetics and accessories.

What's worth buying

      1. A pencil designed for eyeliner. It will help make neat arrows for those young ladies who do not have experience in applying them. A special feature of this tool is the great softness of the rod and resistance to spreading. There are varieties of pencils with powder lead, which create not very hard, smoky lines.
      2. The eyeliner is compact and allows you to create effective, but not very rich in tone, makeup with arrows.
      3. The eyeliner is liquid and gives a very thin and elegant line. To use this tool effectively, you need to have extensive experience working with it.
      4. A felt-tip pen for eyeliner is a simple, but not very durable tool. Like all markers, it dries quickly.
      5. Gel and cream eyeliners, not too easy to apply, are beloved by professional makeup artists. In addition to this eyeliner, you can choose a brush of your own choosing. This product is easy to apply and allows for quick adjustments.

How to know what eyeliner to use on your eyes

In order for makeup with arrows to look beautiful and correctly emphasize the advantages of your appearance, you need to choose shadows, pencils and liquid eyeliner that suit your type of appearance, skin and hair color. But the most important thing is to take into account the color of the eyes, so the makeup “arrows on the eyes” is created precisely with the aim of emphasizing their expressiveness.

  • Reddish shades of eyeliner are best suited to blue or blue eyes: orange, bronze, brown. You can also draw arrows with a plum and silver pencil.
  • For green eyes, purple and orange arrow eyeliners look impressive. A calmer option for green eyes is to make eyeliner and eyeliner with a brown pencil.
  • For brown eye color, it is correct to draw arrows with eyeliner in green, deep blue and purple colors.

How to correctly combine eyeliner color with eye shadow

As you know, shades of eye shadow are also chosen depending on their color. However, it may happen that either the shadows or the eyeliner are chosen incorrectly. If everything is done correctly, a situation may occur when the shadows and eyeliner create a bad ensemble.

  • For example, if the owner of green eyes makes the wings on her eyes purple and her eyelids are painted orange, the makeup may turn out to be too contrasting. Therefore, when using arrows, it would be correct to use shadows of calmer and more neutral shades.
  • The eyelids of the owner of green eyes can be painted with peach, bronze and gold. Beige and brown shades are also suitable for green eyes.
  • A calm option for brown eyes can be done light shades purple, yellow or chocolate flowers. It is also correct to paint brown eyes with gray shadows. Classic arrow eyeliner for brown eyes is done in black.
  • Blue-eyed girls can paint on their eyelids with shades of gray, milky, golden and shades. Arrows in in this case You can paint it thick black, which will make the image very memorable. Paint your eyelids gray eyes Can be in any calm shade.

When using arrows, you can be guided by the fact that both brown and green and blue eyes can do eye makeup with eyeshadow the color of the iris, but in less saturated shades.

How to apply eyeliner correctly depending on the shape and shape of the eyes

Eyeliner makeup should also take into account the structural features of the face. Exist different types eyeliner, which, when used skillfully, allows you to disguise imperfections in appearance, for example, too round or narrow eyes.

  • If you have an almond-shaped eye, what to do correctly classic look arrows. You need to draw such a line strictly along the natural line of eyelash growth. In cases where you need spectacular and beautiful arrows on the eyes, for example, for formal makeup, you can draw a longer line of the arrow.
  • Arrows for small eyes will help to visually enlarge them if you draw a white or beige line along the upper and lower eyelids. You should not draw your eyeliner too thick, so as not to ruin all your efforts and make your look heavy.
  • Many owners of round eyes dream of an almond-shaped cut. A shortened type of arrow, which is drawn from the middle of the eyelid and slightly beyond the natural cut, will help to create such an effect. In this case, you can paint the arrows quite thickly, creating an almond-shaped cut along its upper border.
  • At wide fit Eyes: correctly paint the arrows from the inner corner of the eyes and do not extend the line to the outer corner.
  • If it is narrow, you can draw arrows using the reverse technique.

How to make beautiful arrows

  1. Having decided to do winged eye makeup, first of all, you should apply foundation.
  2. Then a base coat is applied to the eyelid with shadows in neutral tones, the selection of which for brown, gray, green and blue eyes was discussed above.
  3. It is very important to carefully shade, distributing shadows at the outer corners of the eyebrows.
  4. At the very tip you can make a few strokes with shimmering products. You can paint the central part of the eyelid, where the crease is created, with more saturated shades of the selected eyeshadow color.
  5. Next you need to paint a line along the contour. The outline of the upper eyelid should be drawn as close to the natural eyelash line as possible.
  6. Now it’s worth familiarizing yourself with how to paint arrows correctly. Eyeliner starts from the inner corner or from the middle, in the case of a round eye shape, and is applied to the outer corner without lifting. Regardless of the type of arrow, you need to make the line as straight as possible. At wide view arrows, you first need to draw the outer kennel, and then paint over the resulting gap.
  7. After the work on the arrow is completed, shadows are applied to the lower eyelid.
  8. Next, the eyes are painted with mascara. It is applied only to the upper eyelashes.

When working on eye makeup, it is important to carefully monitor the symmetry of its application.

Video: drawing arrows on the eyes. Several popular types

Every girl can create large, expressive eyes with a beautiful almond shape, but many of them are afraid to use eyeliner for this. Any eye makeup, sophisticated, evening for a celebration or for every day, requires certain skills and abilities. Take advantage of valuable recommendations and secrets from cosmetologists and beauty bloggers.

Types of arrows for the eyes

Modern cosmetology is constantly developing in the field of decorative makeup. Any imperfections in appearance can be easily corrected with the help of cosmetics. The same applies to the eyelids: arrows on the eyes can visually enlarge them, make them brighter, and hide sagging skin and wrinkles. Makeup is performed in the following varieties:

  1. Cat shooters are the most common option. Using this technique, you can easily refresh your makeup, or complement it by adding sharpness to the lines.
  2. Colored. In this case, a thin black line is drawn along the eyelash edge, then a wider one is drawn on top - in a different color - as desired.
  3. Arrow to the middle of the eye. To do this, you need to draw a line along the lower eyelash edge up to half of the eyelid.
  4. Wide arrows will give your eyelashes additional volume and length. It is done using the cat's eye technique, but the lines need to be made thicker.
  5. Egyptian ones visually enlarge the eyes and emphasize their beauty. To do this, you need to extend the line on the lower eyelid, moving it down a little, and the upper one is extended upward to the eyebrows.
  6. A shaded liner will refresh the makeup and add languor to the look.
  7. Double arrows are more difficult to make than classic ones, but the effect is worth it: it seems that the ends of the lines are not connected.
  8. Thin is used in everyday makeup for both work and dating. Does not weigh down the eyelid, gives the look sophistication and romance.

How to draw arrows on the eyes

Regardless of the chosen type of makeup, the technique of applying it is based on the basic rules:

  1. To ensure that your makeup lasts all day and does not require adjustments, you must first apply an eyeshadow base to your eyelids.
  2. When drawing arrows, care must be taken to ensure that the elbows have a support in the form of a flat surface. The palm should rest against the cheek so that the hand is fixed and does not tremble.
  3. It is important to draw arrows on both eyes in parallel, starting with the one that turns out worse.
  4. It is important that when applying the arrows there are no gaps between the eyelashes, so first the interlash contour is emphasized, and then the main line is drawn.
  5. The tail of the arrow is the most important point, he needs to be given Special attention. To make it even, you can use a ruler or self-adhesive tape, gluing it at the desired angle.


Eye makeup with arrows using eyeliner is classical technique its execution. Many beginners find it difficult to draw a straight line; it can become smeared or have gaps. Makeup artists recommend first drawing the outline of the arrow with a pencil, and then boldly draw it with eyeliner. To create a deep and vibrant look, you should use rich black paint. For daytime or office makeup, gray, brown, dark blue are suitable.


Although drawing arrows with eyeliner is the most difficult and capricious technique, you can use it to make a perfectly straight line. Makeup step by step:

  1. If you find it difficult to draw an even line with liquid or gel eyeliner, you can first outline the outline with a thin brush with shadows and then draw an arrow.
  2. We carry out thin line along the eyelash edge, starting from the inner corner, moving to the outer.
  3. At the top you can draw a line continuing upper eyelid. Give it volume gradually.
  4. To soften a sharp line, you need to lightly walk along the upper border with a soft brush with shadows.

Felt-tip pen

A great makeup application tool for beginners. With the help of a felt-tip pen you will learn to draw straight lines. Thanks to the textured tip, you can color the interlash space and gaps well. How to correctly paint arrows on your eyes using a felt-tip pen:

  1. There is no need to try to immediately draw a solid line. Start with short strokes, then connect them.
  2. Create arrows from the middle of the eyelid, moving to the outer edge, then work on the inner corner.
  3. Observe the correct parameters: the arrow in the inner corner should not be too thick, it should widen closer to the outer edge.


For makeup, it is advisable to use a moisture-resistant wax-based pencil: it lends itself well to shading and does not imprint on the upper eyelid. It should be remembered that waterproof lead dries quickly, so immediately after drawing the line you need to shade it, and then move on to the other eye. Before creating an arrow with a pencil, you need to sharpen it well, then your drawing will be more even and clear.

by shadows

To create a romantic gentle image, use shadows to create arrows. They should be black, well pigmented, so that they do not have to be applied in several layers. Having collected shadows with a beveled flat brush, draw an arrow, applying it to the eyelid. The line should widen at the outer edge and narrow from the center.

Which arrows are for which eyes?

Each person is unique and has special facial features. This also applies to the shape of the eyelids. It should be remembered that eyeliner makeup must be applied using a technique designed for your type of appearance. Using this rule, you can visually add depth to your eyes and your eyelids. beautiful shape. Professional makeup artists always take into account the type and color of eyes in their work.

For round

Those with rounded eyes always try to lengthen them. Eyeliner can help visually lengthen the eyelid. How to draw an arrow on a round eye:

  1. The eyeliner line at the outer corner should be extended beyond the natural shape of the eyes, while sharply widening it.
  2. When working with the lower eyelid, you first need to paint over the inner half of it with dark shadows along the lash line. Draw the eyeliner upward to the outer corner, connecting to the top line.
  3. If the eyes are bulging, it is necessary to draw thicker arrows at the top and bottom to visually deepen them.

For narrow

This eye shape without makeup creates a slightly moody look. When applying eyeliner, you need to use a technique that will help visually widen and open your eyelids:

  • on the upper eyelid, start drawing a thin line along the eyelash edge;
  • moving towards the outer edge, it is necessary to widen the line, but not beyond the natural shape of the eyes;
  • The lower eyelid should be lined with dark shadows, shading them to give the eyes the necessary volume.

For almonds

For the lucky owners of this eyelid shape, any type of eyeliner is suitable. Almond-shaped eyes allow a girl to experiment with looks, try new things in makeup, thereby always remaining in fashion. To soften the shape of the eyes when creating an arrow, it is necessary to draw a line from the middle of the upper and lower eyelids, drawing it straight, without bending upwards, as in classic makeup.

For little ones

For small eyes, arrows of medium width are suitable: they should not be very thin or too wide. To visually enlarge the eyes, the tip should go towards the temple. Makeup for small eyes:

  1. The arrow should be drawn with a felt-tip pen or liner, starting from the inner corner. Moving to the outer edge with short stitches, fill the interlash space.
  2. The ponytail should continue the line of the lower eyelid and point towards the temple.
  3. To make the makeup look evening, you need to add arrows to the lower eyelid using a pencil. After applying the stroke, it should be slightly shaded.

Video tutorials: how to make beautiful arrows

The first video will be of interest to those who don’t know how to choose eyeliner for brown eyes. After watching it, you will gain confidence in your abilities and strength in your hands. In the second video tutorial you will see step by step instructions applying makeup, starting with contouring the face with foundation and ending with lining with eye shadow. In the last video you will learn how to make a festive version with liquid eyeliner.

Girls sometimes want to add a little zest to their everyday light makeup in order to attract the attention of others. In this case, makeup with arrows is perfect. It will help make the image more feminine and seductive, but will not look vulgar. This makeup looks great on brown, green, blue and gray eyes, because you can choose any color scheme. And eyeliner and red lips are generally immortal classics.

The beauty industry does not stand still and today the choice of cosmetics for emphasizing the shape of the eyes is incredibly large. There are all kinds of liners, highlighters and gel eyeliners to suit every budget and every skill level. We will present the most popular means below with a description.

  • Eyeliner or liner. This is the most common tool for highlighting the eyes. It is quite easy for beginners to use, as the soft and pliable texture allows you to draw a neat line and, if necessary, wipe out mistakes. The pencil can be easily shaded to create a smoky effect.
  • Compact eyeliner. Outwardly it resembles pressed powder, but dark color. It is applied to the eyes with a damp brush, making the makeup look natural and light. This product often has a waterproof formula, which is very helpful for everyday makeup.
  • Liquid texture. It looks like a tube with liquid and a brush inside. It can take a lot of time to learn how to use it carefully. It dries quickly and is quite difficult to wipe off. But if you have experience in this matter, then you can easily draw the thinnest arrows with a clear outline.
  • Felt pen. It is produced in a convenient format that looks like a felt-tip pen. They can easily make smooth and clear lines. However, the felt-tip pen dries out very quickly and cannot be revived. If you rarely use eyeliner, then this option should be perfect.
  • Cream or gel texture. Such products are difficult to use in practice, so they are mainly bought by makeup artists. The advantages of these eyeliners are that the color goes on very smoothly and hardens for a while, which allows you to eliminate errors. They are applied with a special brush with a beveled cut.

Choose what you need cosmetic product, based solely on your preferences. Perhaps you will prefer gentle daytime makeup with arrows made with shadows. Makeup artists also use shadows for this type of makeup. This gives them the opportunity to play with colors, because the palette of shadows can be much larger than the suggested eyeliners: blue, yellow, red, pink. You can choose the perfect shade for brown, blue, green or even gray eyes. The shadows are easily erased and shaded, which provides new opportunities for creativity.

Drawing technique

Makeup with eyeliner always begins with the application of shadows. The shadows serve as a base and will allow the liner to lie flat. To understand the technique of how to draw arrows, we give step by step instructions.

  1. Sit comfortably so that you can rest your elbow on the table. Without support, the line will be crooked and nothing will work. Opposite the face there should be a mirror and a light source.
  2. You need to start by drawing the interlash row. To do this, slightly lift the skin of the eyelid and paint the spaces between the eyelashes.
  3. Draw a thin line as close to the edge as possible to the end of the eyelid.
  4. Now mark with dots the place where the arrow will rise from the lower eyelid. The direction should follow the ascending growth line of the lower eyelashes. Carefully draw the rise of the required length.
  5. From the middle of the eye above the pupil, now lift the stroke from above and connect it with the already drawn line.
  6. Fill in the resulting void and expand the line if desired. Remember that for light everyday make-up, thin arrows of moderate length are more suitable.
  7. Check that the result is absolutely symmetrical. If necessary, add more paint or wipe off excess.

Makeup with arrows is completed by applying mascara with a curling effect. You can glue on false eyelashes or bunches for an evening option. Add light shadows under the arch of the eyebrow. Don't forget to paint your lips and apply blush. Remember: the darker the shadow, the lighter the lips.

Color solutions

Classic black eyeliner suits almost everyone, but may look too bright for light everyday makeup. Eyes of different colors, both brown and green, with the help of a colored liner will be incredibly beautiful and interesting. Eye makeup with arrows can be bright, it is only important to choose the right color.

  • Dark or black eyes. They can be lined with almost any color, including those with shimmering particles. Blue and blue will look most expressive purple shades. Smoky green and swamp liners suit dark brown eyes.
  • Gray and Blue eyes . You need to use a liner color derived from yellow: bronze, copper, brown, gold. It will be beautiful if you add a little emphasis green pencil along the lower eyelid.
  • Brown eyes. The pupils of this color are actually dark orange, and brown eyes can also have a red or golden tint. To highlight such a brown color, best choice there will be blue eyeliner. Plum and dark green liner will make your brown eyes captivating. In addition to these shades, turquoise, lilac and cobalt suit such eyes. If you cannot find eyeliner of the desired shade, you can use shadows for these purposes, the palette of which is significantly larger. Shadow strokes can also be shaded and get a very beautiful effect.
  • Green eyes. Contrasting color for green – red. Therefore, all shades derived from it are suitable for green eyes. Plum, lilac, violet, burgundy and wine liner will make these eyes much brighter. Gold, copper and amber pigments can also highlight them.

Tool for beginners

If your hand often trembles and your makeup with arrows turns out crooked, then stencils have already been invented for you (pictured). Their principle is very simple. The stencil is applied to the eyelid and a liner is applied into the resulting void. You can safely crawl beyond the edges of the stencil and not be afraid that it will turn out sloppy. When using stencils it turns out straight line with clear boundaries. Before applying the eyeliner, you need to make the base with matte shadows.

You can buy a stencil at a cosmetic store or make it yourself. To do this, cut out of cardboard the required form. It can be used several times. Watch video tutorials or pictures on the Internet to understand all the intricacies of this technique.

Makeup “black eyeliner and red lipstick”

The classic version of the make-up with arrows and red lips is preferred by confident women. It looks amazing with evening or formal wear. The most important thing in this case is to draw the correct shape and apply thick makeup on the eyelashes. Neutral shadows should be used as a base on the eyelids. Lips should be painted a rich red color.

To ensure that your lip makeup lasts as long as possible, we offer this step-by-step technique.

  1. Apply a thin layer of powder.
  2. Then use a red pencil to outline the contour of your lips, and you can slightly increase their size.
  3. Blend the pencil from edge to center and apply the first layer of red lipstick to your lips with a brush.
  4. Blot your lips with a tissue to remove excess.
  5. Now apply a second layer of red lipstick.
  6. To achieve a matte effect, powder the lipstick at the end.
  7. For a glossy effect, you can apply a little transparent gloss to your lips.

Evening option

Evening makeup without winged eyeliner will never be expressive enough. It is thanks to them that the look acquires mystery and sexuality. You can try drawing thick lines all over the upper eyelid. To do this, follow the step-by-step instructions that we described above. Don't forget to base your look with neutral shadows. It would be beautiful to add false eyelashes to this make-up. It is better to leave lipstick in a natural shade.

Another popular evening option is shaded arrows. They are drawn with a pencil and shaded upward. Dark shadows are applied over the pencil and also shaded. There should be no clear boundaries. This way your evening makeup will turn out smoky and mesmerizing.

About the fact that a woman's gaze has magical power, our great-great-ancestors knew long before the concept of makeup appeared, and already in those distant times they came up with all sorts of tricks to make their eyes larger, deeper and more expressive.

Egyptians are considered the founders of both cosmetics and cosmetology in the classical sense. It is on the frescoes Ancient Egypt we can see the first images of women with black arrows drawn in antimony. Since then, the history of makeup has undergone many changes, but makeup with beautiful arrows, as before, is beloved by women of all races and nationalities.

How to draw?

The times when arrows were drawn exclusively with a pencil remain in the twentieth century. Today cosmetics stores offer big choice beauty products that can help highlight your eyes:

  • liquid eyeliner with a brush;
  • eyeliner marker;
  • eyeliner with gel structure;
  • pencil;
  • shadows;
  • pigment.

The choice of product depends on the expected effect: if you want to give your look a dramatic look with a vintage touch, then it’s better to use eyeliner and create gentle makeup A pencil or shadow (pigment) applied with a thin brush will help. Pigmented eyeliners look equally good either solo or as an accent applied over black eyeliner.

On a note. Dry textures can also be used as liquid ones - for this you will need a special Duraline liquid from the Polish brand Inglot. One or two drops of it will be enough to transform the crumbly texture of cosmetics into liquid.

Tired of drawing arrows every day? Find out how it is done, its features, advantages and disadvantages.

How to draw?

Not everyone can pull off neat makeup with winged lines the first time. There is no need to be upset - in this matter, as in any other, it is important to train your hand. It’s better to start with a pencil - in this case it’s easier to correct flaws. Step by step description will tell you how to draw an arrow with minimal time and nerves:

  1. Before starting makeup, make sure your eyelids are clean and degrease them with an alcohol-free lotion.
  2. Apply eyelid makeup base.
  3. If you plan to use shadows, then the makeup sequence will be as follows: shadows, arrows, mascara.
  4. Covering your eye slightly, carefully draw a line. If it's not very smooth, correct it cotton swab and blend lightly.
  5. Adjust the shadows if necessary.
  6. Complete your makeup by applying eyelashes.

To avoid distortion and clearly see all the flaws, it is better to draw arrows in natural light or under a fluorescent lamp. For greater elbow stability working hand must be rested on a hard surface. Remember that the left and right halves of a person’s face are asymmetrical, and try to take this into account when doing makeup - the arrows should look the same. If at first it’s hard to objectively evaluate the result in the mirror, take a selfie and try to look at yourself from the outside.

Eye shape

In order for the arrows to look harmonious, highlight the eyes favorably and hide imperfections, their shape is selected in accordance with the shape of the eyes.

  • Almond-shaped

Almond-shaped eyes can be matched with arrows of any thickness and curve (within reason, of course), since this shape is impeccable, which means there is no need to correct anything about it.

For everyday makeup, just draw a line over the growth of the upper eyelashes, starting from the inner corner and ending with the outer edge. The line may gradually thicken towards the outer edge - this will further emphasize the exoticism of the almond-shaped cut.

Evening makeup involves more freedom– the arrows can be made thicker and extended beyond the edge, and also experimented with bending.

  • Round

The purpose of makeup for round eyes is to visually make them wider and slightly raise the outer corners, bringing the shape closer to almond-shaped.

To achieve this, it is better to use liquid or gel eyeliner. You need to start drawing the arrow from the very extreme point inner corner, gently moving it beyond the outer edge and lifting it. You can also paint the interlash space of the upper eyelid with a pencil of the appropriate color, and line the mucous membrane of the lower eyelid (water line) with a waterproof pencil.

Note. With a round shape, it is not recommended to completely outline the eye with one solid line - this will make it even rounder and make your gaze look surprised.

For girls who are not against experiments, a double arrow is suitable as a daytime and evening option. To draw it, you need to step back approximately 1/3 from the outer edge and draw another, shorter line.

  • Narrow

For women with narrow eyes, it is better to draw a wide line, which will visually make them more rounded. At the same time, it is important not to overdo it - too thick arrows will hang over the eyelashes and make the look heavy and oppressive. It is not recommended to make eyeliners for daytime makeup thicker than 2 mm. Also, do not paint over the space between the eyelashes, so as not to narrow your eyes even more. Emphasize the growth line of the lower eyelashes not with black, but with color (brown, gray, blue, green, purple).

You can further widen narrow eyes by drawing a water line with a white or flesh-colored pencil. Optimal choice for you - a slightly shaded arrow.

Individual characteristics

Arrows depending on eye shape

Shape is not the only indicator that needs to be taken into account when drawing arrows. Regardless of the cut, the eyes can be large or small, wide or close set, and also have more whole line characteristic features, which can be easily corrected if desired.

  • Deep landing

Signs of a deep landing: the brow ridges are very pronounced, the mobile upper eyelid is almost hidden under them. Therefore, the eyeliner should not have a massive thickening on the outer edge - such a shape can make the look gloomy.

You can help deep-set eyes sparkle with accents made with a white pencil. If you use it to emphasize the lower edge of the free end of the arrow that extends beyond the eyelid, this will create the effect of a sun glare and give the look lightness.

  • Protruding eyes

With a convex fit eyeball stands out strongly, the upper and lower eyelids are too voluminous. Due to this, the impression of bulging, puffiness and wateriness appears, which can be hidden by choosing the right arrows and shadows.

The same tricks that make-up artists use when making up round eyes will help hide imperfections - highlight the upper eyelid with eyeliner, the edge of which should extend beyond the outer corner, and shade the space between the eyelashes with a pencil. It is better to emphasize the lower eyelid with brown or gray pencil and shade it - this will hide the appearance of puffiness. Shadows in smoky and brown shades will help get rid of this effect on the upper eyelids.

  • drooping eyelid

A drooping (drooping) eyelid can be either a physiological or racial feature, or a result age-related changes(more details in the article). You can determine if you have this problem very simply: if you open eyes If the moving part of the fold of skin covering the eye is completely or partially hidden under the fixed part, then you are the owner of drooping eyelids.

This is one of the most difficult characteristics for makeup, especially in terms of drawing arrows, so many people prefer to abandon them altogether, limiting themselves to shadows and mascara.

  • too wide lines;
  • a bend in which the outer edge sharply goes up;
  • tip down.

It is also important to consider the degree of overhang. If the eyelid is drooping significantly, it is better to abandon the eyeliner and replace it with a pencil, painting the interlash line with it and slightly extending beyond its upper edge. In this case, the shape of the arrow should completely repeat the shape of the eye.

If only the central part of the fixed eyelid hangs over, and its outer edges are raised and leave the movable part open, this gives more space for maneuvers. In this case, you can also use liquid eyeliner, drawing it thinly and bringing the tip up so that when your eyes are open, the line does not look broken.

  • Dropped corners

The eyes themselves, in which the outer edge is lowered below the middle of the pupil, are not a defect. The owner of “sad” eyes is Britney Spears, Ann Hataway, and many others, and they all made their features the highlight of their appearance. Emphasizing such a cut or hiding it is the choice of every woman, but we hope that our advice will help those who want to reduce the effect of a sad look.

To do this, it is better to use eyeliner, which will help create a clearer and more pronounced line. You should start by stepping back from the inner corner of the eyelid a couple of millimeters. Starting from about the middle, begin to move the line upward, lifting its tip. The length of the tip depends on individual preferences, but making it too elongated is only worth it for going out.

If you are doing daytime makeup with arrows, limit yourself to small tips raised up by 3-4 mm - they will be quite enough to correct the shape. Then draw a line connecting the upper edge of the arrow with the outer corner of the eye and fill the middle with eyeliner. The lower eyelid can be gently emphasized with shaded pencil or shadows.

Makeup for daytime and going out

When choosing arrows for the eyes, consider their relevance to the time of day and the planned event

The main rule of any image is appropriateness. When going to work or school, it is better to do light makeup with arrows, focusing on the eyes. Very young girls can leave their lips unpainted, while older women can give preference to nude lipsticks and lip glosses.

The classics are perfect for any time of day - simple black arrows. As daytime tools as well as light summer makeup, it is recommended to choose a pencil or shadow.

To the exit

Like all other details, make-up should not fall out of context, because, you see, overly expressive eyeliner and red lips will not look entirely appropriate in the workplace or in a lecture hall, but for evening make-up this combination is quite acceptable.

The main differences between holiday makeup and daytime makeup:

  • the ability to use darker (brighter) colors;
  • you can use bunches of false eyelashes;
  • You can focus on both the eyes and the lips.

An evening classic is makeup with two arrows, one of which emphasizes the upper eyelid, and the second - the lower. To do it beautifully, the free edge of the bottom line extending beyond the corner of the eye must be drawn parallel to the top one or lowered slightly downwards. This technique will help visually lengthen the eyes and give them a cat-like shape.

If you are not a fan of predatory makeup, try another technique, which, by the way, was often used by Marilyn Monroe. Without bringing the line of the lower arrow to the edge of the eyelid, curl it down and blend it well - this way you will create the effect of thick and fluffy lower eyelashes and give your eyes a flirty fishtail shape.

Please note. Equally good for any time of day Makeup will do with colored arrows if it fits harmoniously into general image. But shiny eyeliner made with sparkling pigments is best left for the evening - in daylight such a makeup look can look grotesque.

Creative people and brave lovers of art makeup can experiment in the evening by drawing unusual arrows on their eyes, playing with colors, textures and shapes (try eye makeup -). Don’t be afraid to change, because the main rule of attractiveness is not makeup, but holding your head high and self-confidence.