The power of the zodiac sign Scorpio. Magical abilities of people by zodiac sign

Planet Scorpio

Scorpio is ruled by Mars and Pluto. Scorpio is dominated by two qualities of Mars: eroticism and aggressiveness. Pluto, known in ancient Roman times as the god of the underworld, together with Mars, gives Scorpio enormous strength and a thirst for secret knowledge. The tandem of these planets gives a person purposefulness and insight.

Scorpios have a great sense of the mood of those around them. They are endowed with intuition, curiosity and are not afraid of anything in the world. And losing everything today is just a chance to win tomorrow.

Scorpio Element

Scorpio is a Water sign. Those born under the sign of Scorpio are emotional, but do not like to show it off. Scorpio's emotions are suppressed, hidden deep inside. These people are smart, receptive and always ready to communicate.

Scorpios' ability to see the essence of things sometimes becomes a curse for them: they are able to inflate an insignificant event to incredible proportions.

Distinctive feature of Scorpios- the ability to stoically withstand trials: physical pain, poverty, ridicule, etc., since they are deeply confident in their victory and ability to overcome everything. This is a heroic person. He despises death and danger.

(24.10 – 22.11)

The traits of the Detective, Controller, Gray Cardinal and Transformer archetypes help Scorpio turn disadvantages into advantages.


The Detective archetype is an irresistible desire to reveal secrets and solve riddles. His insight allows him to see the essence of things and events, instinct makes him penetrate into the depths of existence. Scorpio immediately sees what is hidden behind an attractive appearance, behind attempts to protect oneself or a desire to hide.

One of my friends says that she sees the hidden meaning of things as clearly as a detective sees fingerprints on a dusty surface. As soon as she enters a room, she mentally scans the emotional atmosphere and immediately notices if something is wrong there. loves to reveal other people's secrets.

Detective energy gives Scorpio extraordinary abilities for analysis and research. Nothing can escape his close attention - and the most inconspicuous details can lead him to great discoveries. He enjoys breaking concepts down into their component parts, examining them under a microscope to understand what's going on. His love for analysis is boundless: the Detective's curiosity and energy are evident in everything he does.

Too much passion for analysis can drive both Scorpio and his loved ones crazy. He analyzes himself, his problems, the world's problems - so enthusiastically that it turns into an obsession. He thinks about the problem again and again, trying to understand its cause and find a solution. Such obsession blocks the ability to be creative and prevents a person from opening up. If Scorpio realizes that he is thinking too much about some problem, he should try to change his approach to life, and the best thing to do is to let go of the problem. This is the last thing a Scorpio will do in his obsession, but he must try to do it. When Scorpio stops thinking about the same thing all the time, his way of thinking changes. Time and space separate his problem. Scorpio must learn to “fly” above the problem, and then he will be able to see it from above, instead of, as usual, looking at it under a microscope. Obsession prevents him from falling in love or even just thinking about other people, making him an irritable and unrestrained person.

Nothing piques Scorpio's interest more than "forbidden territory." He wants to discover what is beyond our understanding. He wants to know what is hidden, why it is hidden and what will happen if he lifts the veil of secrets - the secrets of the human soul or the secrets of existence.

If someone has a secret, Scorpio will use all of their Detective abilities to uncover it. If some side of a person is a mystery to everyone around him, he will be the first to try to solve it. When he hears about a taboo, the desire to break it awakens in him. Scorpio loves to discover new lands - not as a Discoverer (Sagittarius), but as an explorer - he wants to find something that no one has seen before.

The Detective's traits manifest themselves in his interactions with other people - he is constantly trying to figure out why they act the way they do. The first thing he thinks about when he meets a new person is what this other person needs from him and whether he can be trusted (usually Scorpio finds a way to check this). When this becomes clear to him, he tries to find out what this person is interested in, what motivates him, what power he has and, most curiously, what problems he has.

Knowledge of human psychology (and a sixth sense) allows Scorpio to see the true nature of people. He evaluates a person, trying to determine what his strengths are and what his weaknesses are. This makes Scorpios gifted psychologists and psychiatrists, detectives, and gives them abilities in marketing, politics and theatrical art - those professions that require knowledge of human psychology.

Scorpio must develop patience and honesty. He immediately sees where another person is weak, and he is tempted to use this knowledge to manipulate people or play on their feelings. Knowing the problems of another person, he can try to win him over to his side, force him to act in his own interests - even against his desire. As a result, this person may become confused, miss the main goals in life, and stop developing.

Most likely, Scorpio will try to use the Detective's abilities to protect himself - to show the shortcomings and problems of others, to reveal their secrets even before anyone solves himself. He is very secretive by nature and does not like people to know more about him than he would like. At the same time, he himself knows many other people's secrets. Scorpio knows how to extract information from others without revealing anything about themselves.

He likes to quietly sit up to someone and ask: “What happened?” At the same time, he portrays such understanding that it seems to his interlocutor that he already knows everything. Therefore, people share their secrets with him without much thought. In fact, Scorpio knows absolutely nothing about anyone's troubles and simply casts a bait, hoping that the other person will take the bait.

Scorpio strives to understand the causes of events, the motives of human actions. His persistence ensures that he will go further than others in his quest to solve the mystery. He will search, think, unravel hints - and enjoy every minute of the process, while everyone else has long given up.

Scorpio, thanks to the Detective's talents, can become an invaluable employee in any company. He finds out how resources are used and where problems exist. It determines why a task is delayed and why resources are overused. Moreover, he wants to be sure that each employee can be relied upon, that everyone is working for the team. If someone has secret plans, if someone is behaving dishonestly or is simply not smart enough, Scorpio immediately sees this and tells others about it. The exception is any information about oneself. He keeps all his plans secret, but does not hesitate to talk about other people's plans.

The detective helps Scorpio solve the most important riddle - the riddle of the meaning of life, and this is very important for the spiritual development of a person. He seeks to understand the secrets of our existence, to learn to distinguish lies from truth. The detective helps Scorpio to distinguish what really contributes to its development (Light) from the negative (Darkness). The detective makes Scorpio constantly search for the truth.


The Controller archetype is in Scorpio's desire to become the master of the Universe. He tries to gain absolute power, and strength for him is power. The more power he has, the more powerful he feels.

What exactly Scorpio wants to control depends on the personality of the individual. Power over himself, over loved ones, over the whole world - whatever it is, it is the thirst for power that underlies the reasons for all his actions.

People are part of the Scorpio Universe, he tries to control their actions and control their lives (and does not consider this unfair to them). The ability to control someone else's life gives him a sense of power, it intoxicates and excites him. He enjoys the knowledge that he can get what he needs from another person. He rejoices not in what he receives (like Taurus), but in the fact that he can control people. Scorpio needs to know that he can make another person do what he wants.

Scorpio needs to control everything around them to feel safe. He knows that as long as he controls events, nothing will escape his attention, no one will give him an unpleasant surprise, and his property is completely safe. He needs power over people in order to ensure their safety. It is clear to him as daylight that people create their own problems - and they need to be kept from making wrong actions or decisions. He tries to explain to other people what they are doing wrong and point them in the right direction. If this requires subjugating them to yourself, then so be it.

Scorpio must learn to fight his need to control other people, must learn to respect them, recognize their wisdom and right to choose.

This can be very difficult for Scorpio - especially when it comes to those he loves - his children. Scorpios love their children passionately and strive to control their lives (to protect them from pain and suffering). But one day this control may become unbearable. Scorpio is afraid that dangers await his child at every step - and when he is afraid of something, he perceives everything pessimistically. He must understand that his children (like all other people) have the right to learn from their own experience, from their mistakes.

Scorpio can simply tell a loved one that he is worried about him, tell him about the possible results of his actions, both negative and positive. When he helps his child see all the consequences of his decisions, he teaches him to think about the future and take responsibility for his actions. In this case, Scorpio gives his child the opportunity to learn from his own experience, does not dictate his decisions to him, but teaches him real wisdom, shows how he can achieve success in life.

The thirst for power originates in Scorpio's desire to protect the world from the bad and useless. Some Scorpios strive to change the social order - they strive to realize their idea of ​​​​the ideal structure of the world. If Scorpio is motivated by the greater good, he can become an excellent leader and achieve greater results than he himself expected. But if the source of his desire for power is the desire to impose his plans on others, he may lose his higher wisdom, his connection with a higher power. Scorpio tries to dictate to others how to live, tries to impose his will - instead of becoming an instrument of good.

Scorpio loves to make sure that everyone around them acts fairly and everyone gets what they deserve. If someone does wrong, Scorpio passes judgment - the guilty person must know what his fault is and how he can atone for it. Such a need can turn into vindictiveness (Scorpios are very susceptible to it). Revenge for him is the sweetest sight and the greatest temptation. He knows how to patiently wait for the moment when he can take revenge on the offender (and he knows exactly when this moment has come). One of the main mistakes of Scorpio is to consider revenge as their duty. He knows how to take revenge, but revenge brings evil and destruction - it is unlikely to be a good choice. Revenge creates many problems that can negatively affect a person's life. The best solution is to rely on God, and use your strength of character and creativity to forget about the offense and move on with your life.

Scorpio uses power to realize all the possibilities that he sees in a situation. He appoints himself as the main arbiter, believing that only he knows what is good for everyone. Some Scorpios don't even think about the common good, but simply do everything to achieve their goal.

People think that power is power. In fact, this is a serious addiction - the thirst for power cannot be completely quenched. The desire to control the lives of other people originates in our Lower Nature - we are afraid that the Universe will not give us what we want, and therefore we achieve it ourselves at the expense of other people. The feeling of strength that power gives a person is a very big temptation for Scorpio. And here lies one of his main lessons: he can achieve power, he loves power, so why is it always better to give up power?

Power kills a person’s capacity for Mercy. When Scorpio controls events and pulls secret strings, he slows down his spiritual development. He may think that spirituality is not for him at all, but it is not so. There is wisdom in the Universe that no one can understand. When Scorpio gives up control over everything that happens, he may find that everything works out for the best - better than he saw in his dreams. Sometimes Scorpio becomes a better person by giving up his intentions and desires. If he acts as life requires, and does not impose his desires on people, he will understand that perfection is in the natural course of events.

Scorpio must use his lust for power to learn to control himself. This does not mean that you need to suppress yourself, give up your desires, or ignore your needs. Scorpio must learn to renounce the manifestations of the Lower Nature (revenge, anger, lust, greed) for the sake of love, compassion, forgiveness, service (that in which a person develops spiritually). He can direct the energy of revenge to develop his best qualities, the energy of anger to forgive offenders and continue to live, transform the energy of his sexuality into creativity (rather than devoting all his energy and time to the realization of obsessions and fantasies).

Eminence grise

Most likely, Scorpio will strive for social, political, financial, sexual or spiritual power (which one depends on his personal astrological chart) - he is attracted to power in any form. Social power is the ability to dictate what other people should do. While other signs believe that people should do what they want, Scorpio is confident that they need to be controlled, subjugated. Thanks to his strategic abilities, he knows how to set a goal and draw up a plan of action, and his thirst for power gives him the strength to force others to do what he wants. Scorpio knows human psychology well and knows what springs need to be pressed in order to subjugate other people. That's why Scorpios make good bosses - they immediately see what another person is capable of and how to get the best out of him.

For other signs, status is important (especially for Leo and), for Scorpio the power that this status gives is important. The opportunity to influence other people interests them much more than the external trappings of power - and therefore, he usually avoids the spotlight. He likes to manage everything from behind the scenes, secretly achieving his goals. It makes no difference to him if someone else is considered in charge, as long as real power is in his own hands.

Scorpio (24.10 – 22.11)

Throughout our lives, we all try to understand the truth for which Scorpio is born: by connecting with the Higher Nature, a person can turn any shortcomings (both his own and the world around him) into advantages.

The main tool for such transformation is love. When strong emotions and a discerning mind obey the voice of a wise heart, Scorpio connects with supernatural power and acquires magical abilities, turning into a true wizard of Light. Thanks to this, he can achieve great success in any business. He gains the ability to see secret problems and hidden resources, to increase goodness and beauty in the world.

Scorpio has a lot of power and constantly asks himself how best to use it. He is constantly faced with a choice: to use his power to develop his best qualities and help others, or to create problems and destroy what others are doing. Scorpio knows full well that he has a lot of potential for destruction, and sometimes he asks himself - is he the darkest sign of the Zodiac? Scorpio has the ability to see the struggle between good and evil, light and dark, and this can teach him a lot.

When Scorpio chooses the path of good, he strengthens his connection with the Universe. He must learn to cope with his Lower Nature - and then he will become truly strong. The Lower Nature is the desire to manipulate people, the love of gossip, the unwillingness to listen to one’s surroundings. When he achieves his goals using such methods, his negative qualities develop in him. He must use his strength to find love and kindness within himself so that he can achieve results that will surprise him.

If Scorpio tries to see only good in everything, even while knowing about the existence of evil, Scorpio not only finds in himself endless reserves of strength, but also increases them - because good gives him a feeling of an inextricable connection with the Higher Powers.

Of course, Scorpio will have to go through times when his negative qualities will become the main thing for him. At times like these, he thinks so much about problems - real or imagined - that he sees only evil in everything. He becomes cynical and gloomy, begins to believe that there is nothing good in life. Scorpio must learn to use his most important advantage - the ability to change - this is his main karmic task, the ability to turn any disadvantage into an advantage, and then he will be able to rise to the occasion in any, even the most unpleasant situation. Love will help him change, and love should always live in him. The deeper he penetrates into the dark depths of his soul, the higher he rises to the Light!

Scorpio will learn to use their power when doing things that serve the greater good. When Scorpio thinks about everyone's needs and desires (including their own), they find unexpected and ingenious ways to solve problems. High goals elevate him and give him the opportunity to see and do what previously seemed inaccessible. It turns into a channel through which Light passes into our world, and thanks to this it can perform miracles. The stronger his connection with the Light becomes, the faster his attitude towards life changes.

One of the best ways to save yourself from emotional and intellectual darkness is to try to use your creativity to find a way to change the situation for the better. When Scorpio uses his insight and sharp mind to move from problem to solution, he can find advantage in any situation (no matter how hopeless it seems).

The main fear of Scorpio, which he must overcome in this life: the fear of being weak, unable to influence the situation. He wants to know that he can control the world - this gives him a sense of self-worth and security. Scorpio is afraid to show weakness in general or weakness in certain areas of life.

Scorpio is touchy - he instantly explodes and uses his sting. But he must be careful with his “lethal weapon” - everything we do comes back to us, and, in the end, his aggression can turn against him. It is possible that his actions will cause a serious problem that he will have to solve. Scorpio must constantly tell himself: “Don’t sting yourself.”

If Scorpio can overcome the limitations of his Lower nature, he can rise very high. But only if he can free himself from selfish desires and aspirations and can correctly (that is, neutrally) assess the situation, look at it from a bird's eye view.

Another task for Scorpio: he must learn to fight his need to control other people, must learn to respect them, recognize their wisdom and right to choose. This may be too difficult for Scorpio - especially when it comes to those he loves - his children.

The next task: to overcome the passion for power is a serious addiction for Scorpio; it is extremely difficult for him to overcome the thirst for power. The feeling of strength that power gives a person is the biggest temptation for Scorpio. And here lies one of his main lessons: he can achieve power, he loves power, so why should he give it up? Power kills a person’s capacity for Mercy, and when Scorpio controls events, he slows down his spiritual development. When Scorpio gives up control over everything that happens, he may find that everything works out for the best - better than he saw in his dreams.

Being a Scorpio means going through periods of darkness when life seems difficult and meaningless. Pain and depression remain with him long after overcoming difficulties. Those around you may think that Scorpio has coped with everything, that everything has worked out for him. In fact, when people make such an assumption, Scorpio wants to kill them - after all, if he could change his mood at will, he would have done it long ago.

The long journey through periods of depression is an important stage in personal and spiritual development. At this time, Scorpio feels that something is dying inside him, and this is true. His Ego dies, which does not allow him to connect with his True Self and God. He gradually gets rid of selfish desires, abandons negative thoughts and actions. Some Scorpios think a lot about their death, others even decide to commit suicide. Just as darkness thickens before dawn, thoughts of death come to Scorpio before spiritual awakening - this is the influence of Phoenix energy. Scorpio's subconscious wants his prejudices and ambitions to die - so that he is reborn.

Scorpio is reborn, emerging from darkness into the light of real knowledge. He understands who he is, sees the greatness of his Spirit and gradually learns what is truly important in life. Life takes on a new, deeper meaning, happiness returns, and Scorpio feels grateful for being alive. Usually it is love that brings him back to life from darkness. This is the main lesson for Scorpio: love is the main transformative force, it can change everything.

Scorpio's karma, the choices he makes, can put him in very difficult, almost unbearable conditions. But, instead of accepting failure, stubborn Scorpio continues to fight to the end. During the struggle, he lives life to the fullest, all his senses are heightened - even if he experiences excruciating pain. The harder the test, the stronger Scorpio seems. This can be called stubbornness - he refuses to be defeated. This can be called an irresistible passion. Scorpio has a spiritual strength that is higher than physical strength and intellectual strength, and thanks to which he survives difficult situations again and again. Scorpio's strength helps him win any confrontation or challenge.

Scorpio zodiac sign characteristics: Scorpio zodiac sign man,zodiac sign Scorpio woman, Scorpio child,health, amulets stones, Druid horoscope

Scorpios (October 24 – November 22) belong to the Water element. Only this is not a quiet lake. This is a stormy, rapid, unpredictable flow. This is an inexhaustible fountain of energy, a fiery river. Scorpios are warriors, because their heavenly ruler is Mars. And their colors are “Martian”: scarlet, dark red, crimson. Their metal is iron, steel. Talismans: sign of death, scorpion.

Characteristics of the zodiac sign Scorpio: passionate, emotional, persistent, sexy, strong-willed, nervous, observant, reserved. When negative qualities manifest themselves - hot-tempered, critical, vengeful, aggressive, vindictive, pessimistic, secretive.

Scorpio is the sign richest in diversity of characters: mystics and materialists, low people and humanists, people of unprecedented intelligence and colossal stupidity are born under it. These are bright individuals. With Scorpio it’s always dangerous, incredibly interesting, you won’t get bored, but you won’t relax either. Throughout their lives, Scorpios face many challenges that strengthen their ambition and will.

Scorpios are not interested in other people's opinions; they will express their own if no one asks. Independent in their views and judgments, it is often simply unrealistic to convince them. Hence their inability (and unwillingness) to compromise.

The favorite tactic of waiting bears fruit: Scorpios practically have no strong enemies, although there are more than enough ill-wishers around.

Scorpios are quite humane, you just need to encourage them in this.

There are 3 types of Scorpios:

* noble (Eagles, fair, reasonable, the most intelligent and least selfish of Scorpios);

* poisonous (vicious, greedy, vengeful, often victims of their own aggressiveness);

* “gray lizards” (they would be dangerous if they were not weak; they can only quietly hate, they are shy to the point of pain, they seem harmless, but they can bite even a friendly hand on occasion).

Scorpio zodiac sign man

He has an incredible will and independence, but is passionate and easily excitable. His aggressiveness gives rise to many enemies. Struggles for success with more energy than all other signs combined.

The Scorpio man has a unique, interesting, problematic character. It may seem either unexpectedly holy or the devil himself, being a platform for the struggle between soul and flesh. Distrustful and reserved. He does not know how to express himself correctly, he is secretive and tends to keep secrets and remain silent. He achieves goals without the desire to share plans, so his actions are not clear to anyone.

Scorpio zodiac sign man has strength and cunning, therefore he is invincible both in open battles and in behind-the-scenes fighting. Emotional, endowed with a sharp mind, trusts only himself, confident in the steadfastness of his rightness.

Zodiac sign Scorpio woman

The temperament is the sexiest: he loves, willingly admits his insatiability. The Scorpio woman is always attractive, especially in the sense of fullness of life: in any area of ​​life has inexhaustible energy.

He is proud of his body, takes care of it, and keeps it in great shape. Temperament does not weaken until old age.

The Scorpio woman is an excellent wife for a man who does not have a traditional view of family sex or marital fidelity: her connections are due to an excessive thirst for impressions, she knows how to separate love and sex.

These are just general characteristics of Scorpios, and not something specific for people of this sign, everything is individual

Scorpio animals:
Spiders: scorpion, karakurt, tarantula, tarantula, laceweed, eresus, cross, agriope, thyridion, jumper, centipede; water spider (silver spider);
Arachnids: mites.
Spiny-finned fish: perch, ruffe, pike perch, seahorse, pike, horse mackerel, sticky fish, tuna, flounder, monkfish.
Poisonous reptiles: cobra, viper, lizard - poisonous tooth.
Rodents: beaver, nutria.

Most animals of this sign prefer to live in water - in the native element of Scorpio, or underground - in the kingdom of Pluto - the planet that rules Scorpio. Both animals and people of this sign are drawn to the depths of the planet, to the depths of any phenomenon. Scorpio can become an excellent researcher in any field, for example in geology, but study not surface mineral deposits, but the structure of the Earth as a whole, down to the very core. Being a physicist or chemist, Scorpio will look deep into the atom. And so in any science, people of this sign are able to comprehend its depth.

If the animals of the first water sign, Cancer, lived on the coasts or in the upper layers of the earth, then most of the animals of the second water sign Scorpio - fish and spiders - live at great depths in reservoirs or dig deep holes in the ground. Cancer has just learned to “look at the root”, but Scorpio knows how to do this. He understands the deepest secrets of the universe. Everything unknown, closed from a person, Scorpio is able to understand and explain. Be it life on distant planets, the structure of the bowels of the Earth or the atom, the mysterious phenomena of parapsychology or dreams, the magical power of minerals or life after death.

People of this sign can comprehend the secret not only thanks to the abilities of the mind. It is easy for Scorpio to develop supernatural abilities - clairvoyance and clairaudience, learn to see the invisible and hear what is not heard by physical organs. It was for these purposes that the Mexican magician Don Juan used one of Scorpio’s animals, the gimlet lizard (which we know from the books of his student, Carlos Castaneda). Scorpios find it easier than anyone else to master the art of magic. And even without possessing unusual abilities, Scorpio can feel like a magician who understands the soul of every person. The mysterious inner strength gives Scorpio the opportunity to solve a person’s deepest problems, perhaps rooted in a past life. Often Scorpio feels the power within himself that allows him to control situations and people.

The sign of Scorpio personifies the wise and insidious serpent-tempter, who pushed a person onto the path of knowledge. And the spider, in the understanding of ancient people, was a symbol of earthly life, an eternal weaver of the web of illusions inherent in all material things. Just as the tempting serpent led a person to physical death by accelerating the wheel of Samsara - the wheel of birth and death, so the spider in ancient symbolism meant the one who monitors the “continuity of victims.” People of the Scorpio sign can have as much wisdom and as much cunning as a biblical snake or a spider weaver waiting in hiding for its prey. Perhaps, only another Scorpio can truly understand the depth of Scorpio’s character.

The serpent seduced the man, but opened the way for him to an interesting world. Scorpio people know how to seduce others, because this is their direct responsibility. It is under this sign that seductive “sex bombs” are born. However, by seducing others, they risk incurring God's punishment and losing many benefits. Just as the biblical serpent was cursed before all animals, just as in nature a large animal, having encountered a snake, tries to trample it, so Scorpios, who tempt others, will become outcasts in human society. Punishment may not come immediately, but may be postponed until the next life. “Whom the Lord loves, he punishes,” it is said in the parables of Solomon. And the more God loves a person, the sooner he gives him punishment, so that the person quickly understands his mistakes. If Scorpio is not indifferent to his fate, if he is looking for the meaning of existence and strives for light, for God, for happiness, then he must try not to tempt people with what can harm them.

In the art of temptation, Scorpio animals resort to various intricate tricks. For example, monkfish. For its unique ability in the animal world to lure prey, this fish is called the sea angler. A long “fishing rod” grows on her huge head, but not just any fishing rod, but with a fishing line and bait in the form of a worm that can move. This fish hides in the algae, putting its “fishing rod” out and moving it. A fish swims past, and it seems to her that it is a worm wiggling, and she falls into a trap. This is how cunning Scorpio animals are. And people of this sign can be much more cunning. They know who and what to seduce. But if Scorpio himself succumbs to temptation, he may lose the key to many secrets of the universe and turn from a wise serpent into a “mere mortal.” Many can be seduced by material gain, delicious food, but Scorpio must develop resistance to temptation if he wants to develop unusual abilities, be able to solve dreams, be an excellent researcher, and see the hidden nature of a person.

A common feature of all spiders is the number of legs - eight. Eight is also the serial number of the Scorpio sign. Eight in the esoteric tradition is associated with the phenomenon of transformation of matter into spirit, carnal desires into the desire for spiritual freedom. It is transformation that allows one to cope with the whims of the physical body. Scorpio can engage in yoga practice to transform the energy of the lower chakras, or you can make a transformation within yourself while doing everyday things. To do this, it is necessary to understand that any whim of the physical body is a consequence of the hunger of the soul. For example, if you constantly want sweets, perhaps a person does not receive enough joy from life. Instead of eating sweets, you can do what you love, creativity that brings joy. If you want stronger sensations, it means your soul is deeply exhausted. Fill it with impressions from contemplating objects of art or enjoying the sounds of musical instruments.

Scorpios, better than others, can learn to quench the thirst of the physical body with spiritual saturation, because it is they who have the most access to the method of transformation. If, while mastering new professions and comprehending different teachings, Scorpio notices that his body asks for pleasure less, it means he is on the right path, which means that the internal process of transformation and filling the soul is happening in him in the best possible way. A deep transformation of the energy of carnal desires into the desire to become spiritually richer will make Scorpio’s body healthy and prolong the active life of people of this sign.

But the phenomenon of transformation can also be used in another aspect, for example, in work. Transformation is a transition to a new quality. The transformation technique was used by alchemists who tried to give new properties to a substance. And Scorpios can use any object in a new capacity. Scorpio, who knows the secrets of birth and death, can give a second life or a new birth to old objects, forgotten customs, and old-fashioned styles. Everything old in the hands of Scorpio can sparkle with a new light. One Scorpio created sculptures and paintings from old children's toys. He collected toys from landfills, and then glued their parts together into his paintings and entire sculptural compositions. And his works never cease to please the eye and evoke a feeling of admiration.

Some animals of this sign have an amazing feature: they love to live at the expense of others. Many spiders, who do not want to build a home for themselves, drive their owners, wasps, out of their burrows. One of the most poisonous spiders, the karakurt, can even drive a gopher out of the house. And the underwater inhabitants, fish, are sticky, and do not miss the opportunity to “ride like a hare,” clinging to a large fish, a whale, or to the bottom of a ship. It cannot be said that spiders that occupy other people's houses are unable to dig their own burrow. They are great at doing this. Likewise, sticky fish swim well on their own. But they are simply too lazy to do it all themselves.

Scorpio people, like their animals, tend to want to live at the expense of others. It is Scorpios who like to borrow money and not pay it back, ask for an item for temporary use and keep it for good. Of course, not all Scorpios are like this, but this trait is most clearly expressed under this sign. However, anyone who has noticed such a tendency in themselves must remember that, according to the law of conservation of energy, sooner or later they will still have to pay it back, and even with interest for the statute of limitations or for depreciation costs. And if you don’t pay back what is due now, then you can lose much more later. So it is better to live on your own, as the hard-working beavers do, building their own houses, preparing their own favorite delicacy - aspen branches. (An amazing fact: according to the astrobotany system, aspen is a Scorpio tree, since it is a vampire tree, and the phenomenon of vampireism is associated with Scorpio. The beaver, obeying the law of attraction, fell in love with the tree of its sign).

But it’s time, perhaps, to move on to the scorpion spider itself. He, like his relatives - other spiders, lizards, and snakes, and many fish of this sign, is poisonous. What kind of poison does Scorpio keep in itself and will all people born under this sign become owners of this most dangerous substance? Poison serves as an excellent weapon, but not all representatives of animals of this sign have it, for example, the beaver and nutria do not have it. This means that not all Scorpio people have some kind of poison.

To understand the hidden nature of Scorpio's venom, you can turn to popular beliefs. In the habitats of one of the most dangerous spiders, the karakurt, there is a legend that the souls of offended people move into the karakurt to take revenge on the offenders. Resentment as an emotion relates to the Moon, the ruler of the water element. It is grievances that give rise to poison in Scorpio people. Carrying the poison of resentment within yourself is very dangerous, because you can poison yourself, so from time to time the poison spills out. Touchy Scorpios can carry the poison of insults within themselves for a long time, but one day they sting painfully those who once offended them.

With a harsh word or an unpleasant deed, Scorpios sting their offender when he has weakened and lost his vigilance. It’s good that Scorpios don’t sting everyone, but only the one who once offended them. Comparing an offended person with a poisonous karakurt, people say: “I’ll go into a hundred tents and bite the one who must suffer.” Apparently, spiders in nature do not sting just anyone, but only those who have accumulated grievances within themselves, who sting others painfully with unpleasant words.

Not all Scorpios accumulate poison for a long time. In animals of this sign, poison can be contained at the base of the teeth in the poisonous gland, in the temporal part of the head, as in lizards and snakes, or at the end of the body - in the abdomen or in the fins, as in the scorpion spider and fish. (It is interesting that the poisonous spiny-finned fish are fish from the order called scorpion-shaped by biologists). The poison in Scorpio animals can be at the beginning of the body or at the end. It’s the same with Scorpio people: some keep poison in distant reservoirs of their soul, which means they carry a grudge for a long time, digest it for a long time, others keep the poison close to their head and quickly tell the offender everything they think about him. Animals that store poison in their heads have more advantages; it is easier for them to poison the enemy.

The number one enemy of a spider in nature is not some predatory animal that produces an antidote, but another spider. The same can be said about Scorpio people. The most dangerous mistake for a Scorpio is to sting another Scorpio. For the sake of self-preservation, Scorpio needs to try not to offend another person of this sign.

Under the sign of Scorpio there are many fish with spiny fins. But neither the water element of this sign, nor Pluto, its ruler, could supply the animals of Scorpio with thorns. So where are they from? Mars gave thorns to animals. This planet is exalted (brightly manifested) in Scorpio. Mars is from the family of the fire element, he gave thorns to animals and sharp tools to people. Mars gives an impetus to action, stimulates active work. The thorns can prick painfully even under water, but fire does not burn under water, so in Scorpio people, hot Mars produces flashes of desires that quickly go out. People of this sign often only have enough impulse to make a decision, and may not have enough enthusiasm left to implement the decision. Scorpios need to try to finish what they start and stimulate themselves to actively create.

It is interesting that under the sign of Scorpio there is often a clear discrepancy in the sizes of the male and female. Female spiders are usually much larger than males. This is due to the fact that Scorpio is a feminine sign. He is more characterized by internal experiences, reflections, the desire to know himself - that is, an inward focus, than by the order of the Sun to change the world around him. Feminine traits may predominate in the character of Scorpio; it is useful for him to develop and strengthen masculine qualities in himself - fearlessness, courage, determination, willpower.

Those born under the sign of Scorpio have enormous talents within them, but in order to take advantage of all their talents, Scorpios should control the whims of the physical body, filling their soul with impressions and knowledge, and not accumulate grievances. Having fulfilled these conditions, Scorpio will become a strong magician who understands the soul of everyone, he will know about the meaning of life, how to achieve any heights. Everything secret will become clear to him.


Forgive the traitors, and you yourself will not be betrayed,
Forgive the offenders, and forgive yourself.

Don't cause suffering around you
And you yourself will never suffer.

Desires to taste, savor, enjoy
They make slaves out of rulers.

Your fate is in your hands,
In strong desire there is ascension and fall.

The desire to forgive those who offended you -
The beginning of your liberation.