Height is more than 2 meters. The tallest people on the planet

01/15/2016 at 16:24 · Johnny · 58 930

Top 10 tallest people in the world

The tallest people in the world have always been interesting to others and left their noticeable mark on history. Unfortunately, their high growth brought them not only fame, but also serious health problems due to the enormous load on the spine and cardiovascular system. Not all people whose height is over 2.40 meters were included in the list known to everyone.

Most often, the fact of their gigantic growth remained captured in images that have amazed and surprised contemporaries for several years, or in medical records. Introducing the top 10 tallest people in the world for 2019.

10. Bernard Coyne (USA) | 2.49 meters

In tenth place on the list of the tallest people in the world is Bernard Coyne; according to the official version, his height reached 249 centimeters, and according to unconfirmed facts it was 2.53 meters. Bernard continued to grow throughout his life and it is unknown how tall he could have reached, but Coyne passed away at a fairly young age. Such a long young man died at the age of 23 in the USA. The guy’s rapid growth was accompanied not only by problems with the spine, like most tall people, but also by a delay in his sexual development.

9. Don Koehler (USA) | 2.49 meters

The ninth place in our ranking is occupied by Don Koehler, who for quite a long time was the tallest man on the planet. Don was born in the USA; the growth abnormality began to appear when the boy was 10 years old. An interesting point in the Koehler family was that the anomaly did not affect his twin sister at all; she was of quite normal height. Köhler also reached 2 meters 49 centimeters, which caused him huge problems with the health of his spine.

8. Vikas Uppal (India) | 2.51 meters

This man became famous thanks to his own height of 251 centimeters and ranks eighth on the list. Vikas lived his entire life in India, although his height was not recorded by the Guinness Book of Records. Local health workers monitored him and he was recognized the highest in India. Vikas died at the age of 21 during an operation.

7. Sultan Kösen (Türkiye) | 2.51 meters

In seventh place on the list with a height of 251 centimeters is Sultan Kösen. Today, the Turk is the tallest person living on the planet. Successful treatment of the pituitary gland led to Sultan's growth stopping, which increases the chances of living a longer and healthier life than other representatives with similar anomalies who lived before. At the moment, Sultan is engaged in farming, and his main difficulty is finding clothes and shoes that need to be made to order.

6. Edouard Beaupré (Canada) | 2.51 meters

Sixth place in the ranking is taken by Edouard Beaupré from Canada. Compared to other people of abnormal height, Beaupre also had enormous strength, which is how he earned money by working in the circus. The strongman's height reached 251 centimeters. Despite his strength, Edward did not live long and died young at the age of 23 from tuberculosis, which was incurable in 1904. But even after his death, he continued to amaze, as his body was embalmed and served as an exhibit at the University of Montreal until 1990. After long legal battles, he was cremated and buried in his homeland.

5. Vaino Myllirinne (Finland) | 2.51 meters

The top five longest people in the world is opened by Vaino Myllirinne from Finland. The Finn also reached 2.51 meters in height only when he was about 40 years old. And at a young age, his height was not so outstanding: at 21 he was 2.22 meters. The Finn lived for 54 years and gained fame as the tallest man to serve in the army.

4. Leonid Stadnik (Ukraine) | 2.57 meters

In fourth place is Leonid Stadnik, who lives in Ukraine. The height of the tallest Ukrainian was 257 centimeters. At the age of 12, Leonid underwent brain surgery and his height began to increase abnormally. Stadnik worked as a veterinary surgeon and died at the age of 44 from a sudden cerebral hemorrhage. In recent years, Leonid suffered from problems with the musculoskeletal system and could not move without additional help.

3. John Carroll (USA) | 2.63 meters

The top three tallest people on the planet are John Carroll with an amazing height of 263 centimeters. Huge problems with his spine made it very difficult to measure John's height. John had his first leap in adolescence, then in just a few months he grew 17 centimeters. John lived for 37 years and died in 1967 in Buffalo.

2. Joe Rogan (USA) | 2.68 meters

The exact date of birth of the person occupying second place on our list is unknown. Joe Rogan was born into the family of a former slave and was the 12th child. The estimated date of his birth is 1865-1868. The approximate age of his first abnormal growth spurt was 13 years. The guy started making money by taking photographs and selling photos at stations and railway stations. By about 20 years old, the guy could only move with the help of crutches, the reason for this was ankylosis of the joints. Joe's height increased until his death (1905). To this day he is considered the tallest black man on the planet.

1. Robert Wadlow (USA) | 2.72 meters

The first place of one of the highest representatives is occupied by Robert Wadlow. The American was born in 1918 and became the main record holder with a height of 272 centimeters. The record itself was captured less than a month before Robert’s death. Despite his enormous height, Wadlow not only graduated from the university, but was also a Freemason, for whom the largest ring in the history of the lodge had to be created. During the funeral, 12 people carried the coffin. Robetre's parents were very worried that after their son's death his corpse would not be stolen, so Wadlow's grave was concreted.

+ Fedor Makhnov | 2.85 meters

It is impossible not to note another giant in world history. His height was not recorded in the Guinness Book, but, according to some information, it was Fyodor Makhnov who was tallest man on earth throughout history. According to unverified data, Fedor’s height was 285 centimeters. Fyodor's entire family was distinguished by unprecedented growth, although such giants as he were no longer seen. At one time he entered the circus arena, entertaining people, and when he got tired of traveling around the world, Fedor went home and got married. He died at the age of 34.

Readers' Choice:

At one time he was known all over the world, but now he is almost forgotten. This year he would have turned 135 years old. Weighing 182 kilograms, his height was... 285 centimeters!

Fyodor Andreevich Makhnov was born on June 6 (18th according to the new style) June 1878 in the village of Kostyuki, Staroselsky volost, Vitebsk district. He came from an ancient family, whose ancestors moved to Russia from the south, from Syria. Makhnov's parents, as well as his two sisters, were of quite normal height; his grandfather was very tall, but, in any case, not a giant.

The boy was born very large, and his mother died during childbirth. Fedya was raised by his grandfather, who loved him very much. The amazing child’s talents showed up early. At the age of 8, the child could lift an adult; his father taught him to play the harmonica.

At the age of 12, he took the “bar” of 2 meters. He could sleep for more than 24 hours straight.

Other children made fun of him because of his height. For this, he took off their hats and hung them on the ridge of the roof of a bathhouse or barn. Due to the growth of his son, Fyodor’s father had to rebuild the hut, raising the ceilings. As his height increased, so did the boy's strength. He could lift an adult man, independently pull a cart with hay, and helped in the construction of houses by lifting heavy logs.

The local landowner Korzhenevsky, having learned about the abilities of the young strongman, hired him to clear the nearby Zaronovka River from boulders that were interfering with the work of the water mill. Long-term work in very cold water played a very unfavorable role in Fedor’s life. He caught a cold, and the illnesses that followed subsequently made themselves felt for the rest of Makhnov’s life.

By the age of 14, the 2-meter young man could no longer fit into the house. Because of this, my father had to build up the walls by several crowns. A local blacksmith was ordered to make a custom bed, but he, overloaded with work, spent the whole summer making it. In the end it turned out that Fedya had outgrown this bed.

Dressing and putting shoes on a tall guy was problematic. Everything was made to special order. They had to earn money for clothes in Vitebsk at the Polotsk Bazaar. It was there that the unusual teenager was noticed by the German Otto Bilinder, who owned a traveling circus.

The enterprising German quickly realized what benefits could be derived from the boy’s growth and suggested that Fedya’s father let his son go to Germany to perform in the circus.

Poster of performances

It didn’t take long to persuade his father and the 14-year-old boy set off to conquer Europe with his abilities. Otto Bilinder took custody of Fedor. First, for the illiterate guy, he hired teachers to teach him German. Otto took over teaching circus art. Fedor’s training lasted almost two years. When he turned 16, a contract was signed with him to perform. This is how Fyodor Makhnov became a circus performer.

In Berlin, Otto Bilinder settled the guest at his home and taught him circus tricks. Fyodor broke bricks with the edge of his palm; unbent and bent horseshoes and thick nails; lying on his back, he lifted the platform with three musicians along with their instruments. But people came to the circus to see, first of all, the artist himself - the real Gulliver. And he grew by leaps and bounds. By the age of 25 he reached 2 m 85 cm.

His performances focused on power moves. The more than two and a half meter tall giant bent iron horseshoes with one hand, broke bricks with a blow of his hand, twisted metal rods into a spiral, and then straightened them again. Particularly successful were the performances when he, lying on his back, raised a wooden platform with an orchestra of three musicians. In those days, Greco-Roman (classical) wrestling tournaments were very popular in circuses. Famous strongmen and world-class wrestlers took part in them, including Russian titans Zaikin and Poddubny.

Fedor Makhnov also participated in similar tournaments. True, he did not become a great athlete due to the fact that the best world wrestlers always came up against him, and a chronic back disease did not allow him to fully demonstrate his talents. However, his mere appearance in the arena caused wild delight from the public.

Makhnov devoted nine years to working in the circus, after which he became a quite wealthy man. However, great growth also brought a lot of trouble to Fedor. It was difficult for him to travel, since all transport, hotels, and catering establishments were designed only for people of standard sizes. Because of this, Fedor returned home to his native Kostyuki at the very beginning of the twentieth century. For the money he earned in circus performances, he bought his land and house from the landowner Korzhenevsky, who had left for France. Makhnov rebuilt the estate to suit his height, furnished it with suitable furniture and renamed it Velikanovo. All the necessary building materials and furniture were sent to him from Germany by Otto Bidinder, with whom Fedor maintained close friendly contacts until the end of his life.

Having settled in a new place, Makhnov decided to get married. And although he was very kind by nature, and not deprived of finances, they found a bride for him with great difficulty. She became Efrosinya Lebedeva, who worked as a rural teacher. She was a tall girl, but still inferior to her fiancé by almost a meter. In 1903, the first daughter Maria appeared in the family, and the next year their son Nikolai was born.

To replenish the family budget, from time to time Fedor went to various wrestling tournaments, performed in circuses, demonstrating his capabilities in various cities of the Russian Empire.

Fedor in Europe

Archival information about the stay of the giant Makhnov in the German capital in 1904 has been preserved. The Germans were ready to fulfill any whims of the Belarusian Gulliver. In the middle of winter, Fedor wanted strawberries - they delivered them to him. In Holland, in Paris, he repeatedly violated the contract, once they wanted to imprison him for hooliganism, but the cells of the Parisian police did not accommodate people of such stature.

Fyodor with his wife Efrosinya

In 1905, the Makhnov family went on a tour abroad. Traveling throughout Western Europe, they visited France, Great Britain, Belgium, Holland, and Italy. They were granted an audience by the Pope himself. According to family legend, he took off his gold cross and gave it to the giant's daughter. The Makhnov couple also visited the USA. To do this, however, it was necessary to remodel the ship's cabin.

During these trips there were some oddities. At receptions in palaces, Fyodor lit cigarettes from candles from the upper tiers of chandeliers, thereby extinguishing them.

In Paris, he had a clash with several townspeople. The arriving police wanted to put the giant behind bars, but not finding a suitable cell, they limited themselves to just a conversation.

During lunch at the German Chancellor's, a huge tea set was placed in front of Makhnov, but Fyodor did not appreciate such a “joke”, demanding that it be replaced with an ordinary mug.

Fedor on a trip abroad

While in Germany, Fedor always wanted to return home. When he saved up enough money, he left for his native Kostyuki, despite the fact that the owner persuaded him to stay. His height did not allow him to live in his father's house. At this time, the landowner Krzhizhanovsky was just selling his estate. Makhnov bought it along with the land, rebuilt the house according to his parameters. Otto Bilinder sent him furniture from Germany. I've decided to get married. It turned out to be a difficult question! Girls of ordinary height did not dare to marry such a thug. Where can I find something to match it? Finally, the whole world found a bride - teacher Efrosinya Lebedeva. She was tall for a girl - 1 m 85 cm. She was two years younger than Fyodor, but outlived her husband by 35 years and died in 1947. They played a wedding. In 1903, their daughter Maria was born, and their son Nikolai in 1904. In 1911-12, the Makhnovs had three more children. Thus, the Makhnovs had five children in total. None of them grew above two meters. They lived together in love and harmony. Fedor was a kind man, loved his children, helped the peasants. And from Germany there were invitations to return to the circus again...

Together they traveled the world. Fyodor was at a reception with the German Chancellor, at an audience with the Pope, who liked Fyodor’s little daughter Maria so much that he took off a gold cross on a chain and gave it to the girl, at a reception with US President Theodore Roosevelt. So that Makhnov could cross the ocean, the cabin of the ship was remodeled for him. Euphrosyne liked this life, she even wanted to stay in Germany.

But when German doctors began to persuade her to sign a contract, according to which, after death, the giant’s corpse would be left for scientific research, she was afraid that something might suddenly happen to Fedor, and they went home.

In Paris, almost all members of the Anthropological Society showed great interest in the extraordinary physical characteristics of the giant. They wanted to examine it more thoroughly, but Makhnov refused to undress in front of doctors all his life, allowing them to measure only the length of his feet and palms - 51 cm and almost 35, respectively.

His ears were 15 cm long and his lips 10 cm wide, which must have made a certain impression on his wife, a woman of normal size, when they kissed. After a few days of rest he always became taller. This was caused by the extraordinary ability of his spine to shrink and contract under heavy loads.
He ate, like everyone else, four times a day, but his breakfast could feed an average family for two days. It is known from press materials how our giant ate. In the morning he ate 20 eggs, 8 round loaves of white bread with butter, and drank 2 liters of tea. For lunch - 2.5 kg of meat, 1 kg of potatoes, 3 liters of beer. In the evening - a bowl of fruit, 2.5 kg of meat, 3 loaves of bread and 2 liters of tea. And before going to bed, he could still swallow 15 eggs and a liter of milk.

As anthropologists rightly noted, this resident of Belarus is “just legs.” His boot, barely reaching the giant’s knee, reached the chest of a normal person, and a 12-year-old boy could fit headlong into it. If Fedor had been born without legs, he would hardly have reached average height. His head, which was unusually small for such a huge body, gave him an unusually ridiculous appearance, which he tried to hide by wearing a richly decorated Cossack uniform.

A long nomadic life undermined Makhnov’s already not very good health. Chronic joint disease, acquired in childhood in the cold water of Zaronovka, has worsened. It became increasingly difficult to walk. Otto Bilinder tried to help Fedor by sending a heavyweight horse from Germany. Unfortunately, the animal sent did not solve the problem, since with its nearly three-meter height, the giant’s legs still dragged along the ground when he sat astride it. And although Fedor became very attached to the horse, on trips he preferred to take a troika as his main means of transportation.

Traveling abroad brought a lot of new things into Fyodor Makhnov’s economic life. He was perhaps the first in the area to use agricultural machinery, which he purchased in Germany and kindly sent by Bilinder. For some time he even bred horses.

Unfortunately, Fyodor Makhnov did not live long. In 1912, chronic illnesses finally undermined the giant’s health, and he died at the age of 34, having, however, before that managed to rejoice at the birth of three more of his children: daughter Masha (1911) and twin sons Rodion (Radimir) and Gabriel (Galyun) , born just six months before his death. The exact reason for the early departure of Makhnov’s life was never determined. German doctors believed that Makhnov died from bone tuberculosis, which many giants suffered from. According to other sources, he caught a cold and got pneumonia. The possibility of poisoning by rivals on the wrestling mat cannot be ruled out either. According to his grandson, there is a version that Fyodor, having moved to the farm, did not give up performing in the circus. He often traveled to Germany with his family.

The Vitebsk giant was buried in a local cemetery near the village of Kostyuki. The Russian Sport magazine published an obituary announcing his death.

The growth of Fyodor Makhnov, even after his death, continued to surprise everyone. The undertaker, thinking that there was a mistake in the order for the coffin and fence, did the work for an ordinary person. When it turned out that he was mistaken, the coffin had to be urgently remade, but there was no time left to redo the fence, and it had to be abandoned.

On the surviving tombstone you can still read the inscription: “Fedor Andreevich Makhnov born - June 6, 1878 died. August 28, 1912, 36 years old The Biggest Man in the World Height was 3 arshins 9 vershoks.”

The story about Fyodor Makhnov can be supplemented by the fact that his height on the tombstone is indicated incorrectly. It was taken from the contract with Bilinder, signed by the giant at the age of 16. Since then, Fedor has grown another 30 cm.

The giant's wife subsequently wanted to correct the mistakes on the tombstone and redo the fence, but the outbreak of the First World War and the subsequent revolutionary events prevented her from doing this.

In 1934, Makhnov’s remains were exhumed for scientific purposes and sent to the Minsk Medical Institute for study. During the war, the giant's skeleton was lost, like much else. Only the photograph and description made by Professor D.M. have survived. Dove.

There is also this version of how this happened: in 1935, son Rodion studied at the Minsk Medical Institute, and at one of the lectures on giantism, the professor gave the example of Fyodor Makhnov. Imagine everyone’s amazement when Rodion stood up and said that it was his father. That's when they asked him to talk to the family about selling his father's skeleton. The mother agreed to sell it for 5 thousand rubles. After her husband's death, she married a second time and gave birth to three more children. Money was needed... Many people were present during the exhumation, including a widow and children. In 1936, Minsk professor D.M. Golub published an article about the skeleton of Acromegalic in the collection of works of the Psychoneurological Institute of the Belarusian Academy of Sciences. Acromegaly is characterized by hyperplastic changes in the skeletal system, soft parts and most internal organs. Simply put, all giants suffer from gigantism.

However, according to descendants, “ No one opened the grave, much less sold anything! The remains disappeared after the Second World War and were presumably taken to Germany because... Even before the revolution, the German Academy of Natural Sciences wanted to receive them

Today, the children of Fyodor and Efrosinya Makhnov are no longer alive. Everyone lived a difficult but worthy life. During the years of collectivization, they wanted to dispossess the Makhnov family and deport it, but the peasants interceded and left them alone. Nikolai and Gavrila were officers and went through repression. Rehabilitated. Rodion became a doctor and during the Great Patriotic War he was shot by the Nazis for his connection with the partisans. The eldest Maria worked all her life as a livestock specialist, and the youngest Masha worked as an accountant. All the children were more like their mother's height - 180 - 190 cm. Makhnov's descendants were scattered throughout the cities and villages of Belarus and Russia. On the site of the former estate, only a birch tree remained, perhaps planted by Fyodor Makhnov himself. And the names of the Giants Farm and the Giants' Forest remind local residents of the tallest man in the world who once lived in these places.

Man's height

Man's height or human body length- the distance from the apex of the head to the plane of the feet. In anthropology, height is one of the common anthropometric characteristics. Included in the list of indicators of human physical development.

Human height is influenced, among other things, by environmental factors, inheritance from parents, hereditary diseases, age, and gender. Also, height can be influenced by belonging to a particular race and nation. So, for example, the average height of Chinese city dwellers is 158 cm (for men) and 147 cm (for women), and the average height of the Dutch is 184.8 cm and 168.7 cm, respectively.

Growth process

Some dwarfs became famous in military affairs. King Gustav Adolf of Sweden, for example, maintained an entire regiment of dwarf soldiers in his army.

A big increase

In itself, high growth is not yet a sign of gigantism - a serious illness caused by excessive production of somatotropic hormone. Healthy people with gigantic height (200 cm or more) differ from people of average height only in their height. And people with gigantism also differ in proportions.

The tallest person for whom there is reliable evidence was Robert Pershing Wadlow, born in 1918 in Alton, pc. Illinois, USA. When his height was measured on June 27, 1940, he was 2.72 m with an arm span of 2.88 m. His maximum recorded weight reached 223 kg.

Generally accepted rubrication of human body length (height)

Height Man Woman
Dwarf below 150 cm below 140 cm
Very low 150-159.9 cm 140-149.9 cm
Short 160-169.9 cm 150-159.9 cm
Below the average 170-173.9 cm 158-162.9 cm
Average 174-176.9 cm 162-166.9 cm
Above average 177-179.9 cm 167-169.9 cm
High 180-189.9 cm 170-179.9 cm
Very tall 190-199.9 cm 180-186.9 cm
Giant from 200 cm and above from 187 cm and above

The average height of a man on the planet is 175 cm, and a woman is 162 cm.

Average age-related changes in height

Between the ages of 19 and 26, some men may gain 0.5 cm in height per year. Typically, those who have late sexual development grow up at this age. In women at this age, height gain is rare.

After age 26, people may also experience some increase in height - usually up to 2 cm.

On average, men grow to 18-25 years of age, and women - to 16-19 years of age.


  • Height- article from
  • Gigantism- article from the Great Soviet Encyclopedia



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You think basketball players are the tallest people on earth, but you are very mistaken. It is not paradoxical, but real “giants” do not play basketball; moreover, most of them prefer to avoid any physical activity, and due to serious health problems and congenital pathologies, they do not even live to be 30 years old. Meet the ten largest people on earth, whose height exceeded 2 meters 40 centimeters.

10. Bernard Coyne

Bernard Coyne is the only person in our ranking who suffered from eunuchoid gigantism (rapid growth is accompanied by delayed sexual development), who, according to official papers, had a height of 2 meters 49 centimeters. Bernard continued to grow until his death, according to some sources, at the end of his life, he was 2.53 meters tall and wore US size 25 shoes, which were made to order for him. He was born on July 27, 1897 in Iowa, USA and died in 1921 at the age of 23.

9. Don Koehler (Donald A. Koehler/Don Koehler)

Don Koehler held the title of the tallest man in the world from 1969 (when doctors began to closely monitor him) until 1981 (the year of his death), whose height was 2 meters 49 centimeters. Don began to grow abnormally fast at the age of 10, but the most interesting thing is that his twin sister was only 1.75 meters tall. They even got into the Guinness Book of Records as twins with the largest height difference of 74 centimeters. The giant was born in 1925 and died in 1981 at the age of 59 from acute heart failure.

8. Vikas Uppal

Vikas Uppal, or “Vic” as his friends called him, was 2 meters 51 centimeters tall and was the tallest man in India until his death. Unfortunately, representatives of the Guinness Book of Records have never measured his height, so you have to rely on the honesty of doctors and friends. Vic was born in 1986 and died in 2007 at the age of 21 during surgery to remove a brain tumor.

7. Sultan Kösen

Turk Sultan Kösen is the tallest living person in the world, whose height is 2 meters 51 centimeters. Thanks to successful treatment of pituitary overactivity, the abnormal rapid growth was stopped in 2012, the chances are high that he will live much longer than other people on our rating. Sultan Kösen was unable to obtain a high school diploma due to his very tall stature and was forced to take up farming. His main problem was buying clothes, because trousers with a trouser length of 113 cm, and shoes of US size 28, are sewn only to order.

6. Edouard Beaupré

In sixth place in the ranking of the world's largest people was the Canadian Edouard Beaupré, who at the end of his life had a height of 2 meters 51 centimeters. He suffered from increased hyperactivity of the pituitary gland, but unlike other “giants” he was a very strong man who earned money in the circus by lifting weights and wrestling in the ring. Edouard Beaupré was born in 1881 and died in 1904 at the age of 23 from tuberculosis, an incurable disease at that time. After Edouard Beaupré's death, his embalmed body became an exhibit at the Faculty of Medicine of the University of Montreal. Only in 1990, after numerous trials, the body was cremated and buried in the town of Willow Bunch in the giant’s homeland.

5. Väinö Myllyrinne

At 2 meters 51 centimeters, Finn Vaino Myllyrinne was the tallest man in the world from 1961 to 1963. The most interesting thing, unlike other people in our rating, his growth did not increase abruptly, but he grew slowly throughout his life. At the age of 21, he was only 222 centimeters tall and began to grow significantly only closer to 40 years old. By the way, Vaino Myllyrinn is the tallest man to ever serve in the army, and also became the man with the largest arm span in the world, reaching 4 meters. He lived for 54 years, being born in 1909 and dying in 1963.

4. Leonid Stadnik

Ukrainian Leonid Stadnik had a height of 2 meters 57 centimeters, but due to his reluctance to attract excessive attention to himself, he did not want to communicate with representatives of the Guinness Book of Records, who was added and removed several times as the largest man in the world. He began growing abnormally at the age of 12, after undergoing head surgery. Leonid died in 2014 at the age of 44 due to a cerebral hemorrhage. In recent years, the “giant” moved only with support and had big problems with clothes, which had to be sewn to order.

3. John Carroll

In third place was the American John Carroll, who was 2 meters 63 centimeters tall and, in addition to gigantism, suffered from severe curvature of the spine, which made it difficult to accurately measure his height. In a standing position, his height was 239 centimeters; if he could straighten up, he could be several centimeters taller. John began to grow rapidly in his teens, gaining 17 centimeters in height within a few months. The giant died in 1967 at the age of 37.

2. John Rogan

Joe Rogan, born between 1865 and 1868, was 2 meters 68 centimeters tall. His exact date of birth is unknown, because he was born into the family of a former slave, and he was also the 12th child in the family. He began to grow abnormally fast at the age of 13, earning his living by taking photographs with exotic lovers for money and selling portraits at railway stations. In 1882, he stood and moved only on crutches, due to ankylosis of the joints (the surface of the joints fused due to the destruction of the articular ends). Joe continued to grow until the end of his life, dying in 1905. By the way, he is still considered the tallest black man in the world.

1. Robert Wadlow

The title of the tallest man in the world is held by American Robert Wadlow, who was born in 1918 and had a height of 2 meters 72 centimeters. The record was set 22 days before his death on July 15, 1940 at the age of 22. The giant died from blood poisoning that began due to abrasions on his leg from crutches. Robert was a Mason; for the initiation rite, he had to make the largest ring in the entire history of the existence of the Masonic lodge. Despite health problems, the giant was able to enroll in law school. At the funeral procession, Robert Wadlow’s coffin was carried by 12 people, and the grave, at the request of his parents, was concreted so that the body would not be stolen.

The tallest people in the world have always been interesting to others and left their noticeable mark on history. Unfortunately, their high growth brought them not only fame, but also serious health problems due to the enormous load on the spine and cardiovascular system. Not all people whose height is over 2.40 meters were included in the well-known book of records. Most often, the fact of their gigantic growth remained captured in images that have amazed and surprised contemporaries for several years, or in medical records.

10 Bernard Coyne (USA) 2.49 meters

In tenth place on the list of the tallest people in the world is Bernard Coyne; according to the official version, his height reached 249 centimeters, and according to unconfirmed facts it was 2.53 meters. Bernard continued to grow throughout his life and it is unknown how tall he could have reached, but Coyne passed away at a fairly young age. A young man died at the age of 23 in the USA. The guy’s rapid growth was accompanied not only by problems with the spine, like most tall people, but also by a delay in his sexual development.

9 Don Koehler (USA)2.49 meters

The ninth place in our ranking is occupied by Don Koehler, who for quite a long time was the tallest man on the planet. Don was born in the USA; the growth abnormality began to appear when the boy was 10 years old. An interesting point in the Koehler family was that the anomaly did not affect his twin sister at all; she was of quite normal height. Köhler also reached 2 meters 49 centimeters, which caused him huge problems with the health of his spine.

8 Vikas Uppal (India)2.51 meters

This man became famous thanks to his own height of 251 centimeters and ranks eighth on the list. Vikas lived his entire life in India, although his height was not recorded by the Guinness Book of Records. Local health workers monitored it and it was recognized as the highest in India. Vikas died at the age of 21 during an operation.

7 Sultan Kösen (Türkiye)2.51 meters

In seventh place on the list with a height of 251 centimeters is Sultan Kösen. Today, the Turk is the tallest person living on the planet. Successful treatment of the pituitary gland led to Sultan's growth stopping, which increases the chances of living a longer and healthier life than other representatives with similar anomalies who lived before. At the moment, Sultan is engaged in farming, and his main difficulty is finding clothes and shoes that need to be made to order.

6 Edouard Beaupré (Canada)2.51 meters

Sixth place in the ranking is taken by Edouard Beaupré from Canada. Compared to other people of abnormal height, Beaupre also had enormous strength, which is how he earned money by working in the circus. The strongman's height reached 251 centimeters. Despite his strength, Edward did not live long and died young at the age of 23 from tuberculosis, which was incurable in 1904. But even after his death, he continued to amaze, as his body was embalmed and served as an exhibit at the University of Montreal until 1990. After long legal battles, he was cremated and buried in his homeland.

5 Vaino Myllirinne (Finland)2.51 meters

The top five tallest people in the world is opened by Vaino Myllirinne from Finland. The Finn also reached 2.51 meters in height only when he was about 40 years old. And at a young age, his height was not so outstanding: at 21 he was 2.22 meters. The Finn lived for 54 years and gained fame as the tallest man to serve in the army.

4 Leonid Stadnik (Ukraine)2.57 meters

In fourth place is Leonid Stadnik, who lives in Ukraine. The height of the tallest Ukrainian was 257 centimeters. At the age of 12, Leonid underwent brain surgery and his height began to increase abnormally. Stadnik worked as a veterinary surgeon and died at the age of 44 from a sudden cerebral hemorrhage. In recent years, Leonid suffered from problems with the musculoskeletal system and could not move without additional help.

3 John Carroll (USA)2.63 meters

The top three tallest people on the planet are John Carroll with an amazing height of 263 centimeters. Huge problems with his spine made it very difficult to measure John's height. John had his first leap in adolescence, then in just a few months he grew 17 centimeters. John lived for 37 years and died in 1967 in Buffalo.

2 Joe Rogan (USA)2.68 meters

The exact date of birth of the person occupying second place on our list is unknown. Joe Rogan was born into the family of a former slave and was the 12th child. The estimated date of his birth is 1865-1868. The approximate age of his first abnormal growth spurt was 13 years. The guy started making money by taking photographs and selling photos at stations and railway stations. By about 20 years old, the guy could only move with the help of crutches, the reason for this was ankylosis of the joints. Joe's height increased until his death (1905). To this day he is considered the tallest black man on the planet.

1 Robert Wadlow (USA)2.72 meters

The first place of one of the highest representatives is occupied by Robert Wadlow. The American was born in 1918 and became the main record holder with a height of 272 centimeters. The record itself was captured less than a month before Robert’s death. Despite his enormous height, Wadlow not only graduated from the university, but was also a Freemason, for whom the largest ring in the history of the lodge had to be created. During the funeral, 12 people carried the coffin. Robetre's parents were very worried that after their son's death his corpse would not be stolen, so Wadlow's grave was concreted.

Fedor Makhnov2.85 meters

It is impossible not to note another giant in world history. His height was not recorded in the Guinness Book, but, according to some sources, Fyodor Makhnov was the tallest man on Earth in history. According to unverified data, Fedor’s height was 285 centimeters. Fyodor's entire family was distinguished by unprecedented growth, although such giants as he were no longer seen. At one time he entered the circus arena, entertaining people, and when he got tired of traveling around the world, Fedor went home and got married. He died at the age of 34.