Combination of pink and chocolate. Unusual chocolate color in the interior of the kitchen

Dried apricots + dark chocolate

Dried apricots in dark chocolate are amazingly light, moderately sweet, elegant sweets that you can easily make yourself. If you like sweeter desserts, then swap out the dark chocolate for milk or white.

The procedure for making chocolate dried apricots is extremely simple, writes melt the chocolate, dip dried apricots into it and place it on a parchment sheet. If desired, sprinkle sweets with chopped almonds and refrigerate for 10 minutes.

Candied fruit + milk chocolate

The sweetness of milk chocolate balances the sour taste of candied fruits. There are several options for turning ordinary candied fruits into a chocolate treat. The easiest way is to dip candied orange or lemon zest into melted chocolate. More complex - in tempered chocolate, mix pieces of candied fruits with pretzels, sprinkle all this richness with coconut and chopped nuts.

Cranberry + white chocolate

dried cranberries or fresh berries? In white chocolate, both options will be delicious. Just remember that fresh chocolate cranberries store much less than dried ones.

Coffee beans + dark chocolate

Melt dark chocolate in a water bath, throw roasted coffee beans into it, mix. Then scoop out the beans from the liquid chocolate with a spoon and place them on parchment paper.

Chocolate coffee beans will set for approximately 6-8 hours at room temperature. If you immediately want to try this coffee lover's dream, then put the beans in the refrigerator for about half an hour. Chocolate covered coffee beans can be stored in any airtight container for at least a month.

Nuts + milk chocolate

In milk chocolate, all nuts are good. Roasted hazelnuts, almonds, cashews, peanuts, pecans, generously sprinkled with glaze can delight every chocolate lover.

When preparing chocolate nuts, add a few drops of orange essential oil or grated citrus peel to the melted chocolate. So the nuts will be even tastier!

Marshmallow + milk chocolate

Marshmallows in milk chocolate have an amazing property: as soon as you open a box with these sweets, you immediately return to your childhood, bright, carefree chocolate ... Sweets bought in a store are one thing, and completely different - made by yourself. Melt the chocolate and dip the marshmallow on a skewer into it. Additional bonus happiness is also done simply: wrap chocolate marshmallow in beautiful paper and place in a gift box. dilemma give or keep decide yourself.

Chocolate shade at first glance may seem conservative and enough dark color. Young girls, unfortunately, sometimes classify chocolate in clothes as old-fashioned. There is some truth in this, but the main thing is to learn how to competently and tastefully combine and choose the right one for yourself, this truly noble tone.

Whatever combination of colors in clothes you would not choose. Follow the links and get acquainted.

Traditional chocolate in clothes

Shades from the dark brown palette are usually associated with traditional values ​​and customs. Wherein chocolate- the most aristocratic of all shades. With all its apparent simplicity, it gives firmness and peace to your appearance. Wearing chocolate in your outfits for every day will help you avoid potential communication obstacles than if you were wearing black.

In addition to everyday outfits, shades of chocolate will perfectly complement meetings after six. Evening Dress chocolate tone in tandem with decorations from precious stones and gold looks amazing and is associated with wealth and success.

Chocolate duets

Chocolate palette belongs to neutral tones. It complements almost all colors perfectly. Combining juicy and light tones with chocolate, we get fancy chiaroscuro. Creating an image and using dark shades, the main thing is to dose the tone so as not to overload your image with a gloomy darkness palette.

Light colors in combination with chocolate are perfect for any event. Combining with white, sky blue, light green, beige, you will create beautiful image for formal meetings (pictured). Using a combination color palette, the fashionista looks not only formally businesslike, but also open to a constructive dialogue.

The right combination of colors is also important when creating makeup. Learn how to make up your eyes with blue shadows.

Chocolate is consonant with both cold colors and warm ones. The optimal combination of shades for going out on business, for walks in the park, meeting with friends. Moreover, chocolate can play the main violin in the set, or complement the main outfit with bright accessories with elements of brown tones.

color classic

Out of competition, casual outfit for the cool season in chocolate tone, looks perfect and feminine with shades blue, green or red colors. It is enough to throw on a light stole or a white cardigan.

Romantic date

Choosing an outfit in chocolate tones for a romantic evening, you will give the impression of a rather conservative person. You can bring romance and fragility into your image with the help of airy shades of mint, white or tea rose, which visually make the figure more elegant.

Tandem chocolate with orange hues

Chocolate shades with orange, give along, warmth and make them light. A fairly sunny combination is obtained when mixed with yellow, and its any shades from bright yellow to dark ocher. Milk chocolate is always in trend. Let's add some dark to it. We end up with excellent results. In such a bow you can appear at any celebration - light shade in the outfit should prevail, and adds elegance and airiness to the image. Replacing the palette beige colour, to snow-white, you can easily change your look to a classic one.

Chocolate is a rich, seductive and elegant color that, with a skillful approach, can greatly diversify your wardrobe. The online magazine site will tell you how to wear chocolate color correctly and how to make images with it as fashionable and winning as possible.

Chocolate color in clothes - the basics

Chocolate color in clothes is a rather conservative choice that young girls do not always make. But in fact, bypass it - big mistake, because for all its severity, this color is universal, comfortable and even seductive. After all, what could be sexier than a melted piece of dark chocolate?

In addition, the chocolate color (that is, dark brown), like green, is very natural, and therefore has soothing properties, which is important in modern life with a frantic pace. Due to its versatility and discreetness, it is quite easy to combine a chocolate shade with other colors.

For many centuries, the color of chocolate has appeared before fashionistas in the form outerwear. This rich shade is chosen by many and bought from season to season. leather jackets, drape coats, quilted down jackets, fur coats, sheepskin coats.

it a good choice, chocolate at any time of the year looks stylish and dignified and at the same time it does not catch the eye and does not quickly get dirty.

Chocolate color and light shades

The undisputed leader in combination with chocolate will be creamy and creamy shades - for obvious reasons. The uniformity of these scales and their unambiguous connection will doom your outfit, made in these colors, to success.

A deep, viscous, tart chocolate color combined with a soft, delicate creamy color or a sweet, viscous caramel color will not only look very attractive and stylish, but will also make you feel confident. Such harmonious combinations can be adjusted for any occasion - for a cool summer evening, for workdays, and for a festive celebration.

Chocolate and colors in clothes look a little more neutral, but just as excellent and feminine. The snow-white color, coupled with chocolate, will look completely different. Chocolate will emphasize the radiant whiteness of white, and it, in turn, will refresh, make the chocolate color more frivolous.

Chocolate color and pastel shades

A romantic bow can be created using pale pink and chocolate flowers. In this role, the color of chocolate will not be so conservative and will play in a new way.

Of course, dresses in this range will be very useful, but casual looks in a pink and chocolate frame will look great. For example, chocolate-colored cropped trousers and a matching blazer, pink top and black accessories - nothing complicated, but such a bow is very stylish.

A similar effect can be achieved by replacing it with a sky blue color. This gentle cold shade will “cool” the chocolate, making it cooler as well. The chocolate color goes very well with the pale yellow color, when the latter is not very much in the image. It slightly refreshes and gives zest to the whole outfit.

The color chocolate will look stylish in combination with lilac.

Chocolate color and bright colors

Chocolate + blue

Chocolate and colors in clothes are combined well due to the fact that both of them are very neutral, calm, rather dark shades. Of course, such an outfit will not distinguish you from the crowd, but it will definitely look stylish, restrained and noble on you.

To revive such an image, it is enough to add unusual accessories or bright jewelry, then it will become more playful.

Chocolate color + red

Chocolate is one of the few colors that pairs perfectly with. It is with that bright red, scarlet tint, which often looks vulgar and clumsy.

Against a background of dark brown deep color red, without losing its bright nature, still looks more sedate and noble. And thanks to him, the chocolate color becomes brighter and more attractive.

Chocolate + green

Chocolate and colors in clothes are combined no worse than the two previous options. bright green color, which we usually try to avoid due to its brightness and exactingness, looks perfect in combination with chocolate.

Such organicity is connected, of course, with the naturalness of both colors - earth and plants. With muted and darker shades of green, chocolate runs the risk of becoming overly gloomy, so it is better to dilute such unions with something cheerful and light - White color, yellow, a brighter shade of green, bright accessories will help diversify the outfit.

Chocolate + orange

So it turns out that the color of chocolate makes it possible for many colors to show themselves from a new side, which on their own seem to us either too bright or simply tasteless. This is also the case with orange.

It is difficult to find a really good shade of it and bring it into the image, but chocolate and colors in clothes work wonders together. Such images combine solidity and playfulness.

Chocolate color and achromatic colors

Chocolate + black

It is hardly worth getting carried away with a combination of black and chocolate colors, the company turns out to be painfully gloomy.

However, in principle, these colors are compatible, and if you add a third bright color to them, something worthwhile and fashionable can come out.

Chocolate + gray

Chocolate and colors are a dubious idea, because usually of these two neutral colors - dark brown and gray - only one is chosen for one outfit. This combination runs the risk of being too gloomy, uninteresting and dull.

We hope that now you will pay more attention to the color of chocolate and will actively use it in creating your images. After all, this is a real find for a solid stylish wardrobe!

Chocolate is a heavily darkened version. It got its name from its resemblance to the color of dark chocolate bars. Fashionistas, especially young ones, tend to bypass this shade, considering it too conservative. In their own way, they are right, but they also have many advantages. Let's find out which ones!

chocolate color impression

Dark brown gamma is associated in people with traditionalism. But, in addition, - one of the most noble shades. It gives the impression of simplicity, confidence and tranquility. does not create a visual barrier to communication, unlike black, therefore it is one of the recommended colors for things for every day.

In addition to everyday, chocolate color is great for evening bows. A dress of this tone in combination with precious metals, stones or pearls looks truly luxurious, evokes associations with well-being and stability.

Combinations with chocolate color in clothes

Chocolate color belongs to the category of neutral shades. It is able to be combined literally with any paints. Bright and light tones chocolate sets off. It also looks great with dark ones, but in this case you need to make sure that the image does not turn out to be gloomy.

Variants of additions to chocolate differing in lightness will be appropriate for different occasions. So combinations with, blue, pale, beige are most often used for a formal look, look at the photo. Such a solution, combined with classic styles, allows a woman to look strict, competent, but at the same time open to dialogue.

Chocolate looks equally harmonious with warm and cold bright colors. Such combinations are good for everyday comfortable going out on business, walking, meeting with friends. Moreover, chocolate with equal success can act both as the main color of clothes, and be present only in accessories.

chocolate and

Chocolate with dark shades, or - a classic of the genre for everyday bows for the cold season. Don't forget to add 1-2 light-colored things: a scarf, or a trench coat, as in the following examples.

To be honest, chocolate is too conservative for a date. To correct this moment will allow the presence of a romantic ornament on things or a combination with soft delicate colors: mint, white or.

For an evening look, as already mentioned, you will need jewelry. This nuance becomes especially critical if you take a chocolate dress to the floor, which can look heavy. In this case, do not make an intricate hairstyle, opt for a light, neat styling, complete the set with an original clutch. It should be noted that such a set would still be more appropriate for a woman over 30 years old, young ladies will certainly prefer a more dynamic option.

Designers very often began to use chocolate color in the interior of the kitchen, because this color gives the room a “delicacy” and a “delicious” look. And since the chocolate color itself includes a whole palette of related shades, you can use them to create an incredibly delicate and beautiful interior.

Brown-chocolate color symbolizes stability and prosperity, which makes it especially popular. It combines very well and harmoniously with many colors, which allows you to make extraordinary beauty compositions that will cause the owners of the chocolate kitchen only positive emotions, good mood create a friendly and welcoming atmosphere.

The combination of chocolate cuisine with other colors

Chocolate cuisine will look best in combination with the colors listed below:

  • Lactic. So that the chocolate kitchen does not seem very dark to you, dilute it with a milky color. This will make the room more gentle and neutral.
  • White. This color will be in perfect harmony with chocolate, because such a contrast of colors will be like Yin Yang. White color against a chocolate shade will give the kitchen freshness and visual volume. Also, the chocolate-white design of the kitchen is suitable for many. modern designs interior. Some people do not like the chocolate-white kitchen design, because it seems to them too contrasting and harsh.

In this case, the white color can be replaced with softer shades (gentle apricot, golden, beige, milky, vanilla).

  • Beige. Furniture of this color will stand out significantly against the background of chocolate-colored walls. And vice versa - light walls can highlight a chocolate-colored kitchen set. If the first and second options seem boring and mundane to you, then feel free to add bright and rich interior details (tablecloth, chair covers, curtains) in yellow, orange, red or green to the kitchen design in chocolate tones.
  • Yellow. In combination with this color, a chocolate-colored kitchen will look catchy and provocatively.
  • Pink color will give the "delicious" chocolate interior of the kitchen a special home comfort. But in such color combination it is important to observe the dosage - an excess Pink colour can quickly tire your eyes and make you irritated.

Using chocolate color in the interior of the kitchen as a background is not entirely necessary. It can only be used for some interior details or accessories. For example, curtains, a vase and a table top can be chocolate-colored, and the rest of the kitchen can be decorated in any color you like, which, of course, will complement this shade. By the way, curtains can be bright colors, and neutral gentle shades. For creating a lung interior in the chocolate kitchen, use curtains of your favorite color made of light fabric.

To make a chocolate-colored kitchen play with colors, add natural natural shades of red (for example, gently salmon), green (you can use a mint shade) or yellow (pale orange works well) to its design.

Chocolate color belongs to neutral tones, so it can be combined with both related shades and with contrasting colors. Almost all colors, except for the ones listed below, go well with a chocolate interior:

  • Black
  • Grey
  • Brown.

The chocolate color is very pretty, but don't use too much of it because the interior will take on a dirty dark look.

In a small kitchen, it is better to use a chocolate color for furniture, and it is better to decorate the walls in colors that are a tone or several shades lighter than the furniture palette. This will visually make a small kitchen more spacious.

It is very important to provide a chocolate-colored kitchen with sufficient lighting, because its lack of it will make such an interior seem gloomy and dull. If organizing sufficient lighting in the kitchen is not possible, make the ceiling white. The room will immediately become brighter and lighter. The floors in the chocolate kitchen are best designed in light colors. So the interior will not become heavy and rough.

Coffee beans depicted on the wallpaper or furniture will give a special interior to the chocolate kitchen. It may even sometimes seem to you that such a print brings a coffee smell into the kitchen.

Materials that are best for chocolate color

A chocolate-colored kitchen will look as natural as possible if you purchase furniture made of wood, leather, fabric, ceramics, stone or wicker for it. It is not necessary that, for example, natural wood furniture be completely in chocolate color. Only some chocolate inserts (pens, etc.) can be used. Even a very small amount of chocolate accessories or inserts will have their magical and calming effect. This effect is especially important for the kitchen.

Accessories made of wicker or straw will give the interior of the chocolate kitchen a special friendliness, coziness and warm atmosphere.

Fur and silk combined with chocolate kitchen interior, will give the room luxury and wealth. Crystal and gold can also be safely used for chocolate cuisine to make it rich. Such shiny accents can act as furniture handles, dishes, faucets, paintings, etc.

Disadvantages of chocolate cuisine

If there is always a lot of daylight in the kitchen, then over time the chocolate color can fade. For such kitchens, it is better to use shades that are as close as possible to brown. By the way, it doesn't get as dirty as the chocolate color.

The chocolate color for the kitchen is good not only because it can be combined with many colors and shades - it is quite easy to care for furniture and walls, because small dirt is not visible on the chocolate-colored surface.